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Türkiye’nin Çok Yönlü Kürt Çıkmazları – Suriye, Irak ve Anavatanda; Nasıl Birbirleriyle Bağlantılıdır ve Ne Yöne Gidebilir

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 41 - 63, 01.07.2013


Kuzey Irak’ın Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimi’nin yarı-devlet olma yoluna girmesiyle, Türkiye ile arasında artan siyasi ve ekonomik ilişkilerle, ülkede özerk Kürt alanlar oluşmasına yol açan Suriye’deki karışıklıkla ve Türkiye’nin kendi Kürt sorununu çözmek için devam eden girişimleriyle, Ankara şimdi hiç olmadığı kadar daha sınırlar-arası, karmaşık, örtüşen ve birbirine bağlı bir “Kürt Sorunu” ile boğuşmaktadır. Bu çalışma Türkiye’nin Kürt çıkmazının çeşitli ve hızla gelişen boyutları arasındaki ilişkileri izlemektedir ve olası sonuçların kapsamı hakkında tahminlerde bulunmaktadır. Aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin Kürt politikalarını ve sorunlarını daha geniş bölgesel ve küresel dinamikler içinde saptamaya çalışmaktadır


  • “Ocalan calls Barzani the leader of all Kurds”, Kurdpress, 9 June 2013, ?Id=4718#Title=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Ocalan calls Barzani the leader of all Kurds%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09 %09.
  • “A PUK leader warns against Turkish ‘trap’,” Insight Kurdistan, 3 January 2013,
  • “Ahmet Turk blames Ankara government, warns the peace talks will fail”, Kurdpress, 11 June 2013, En/NSite/FullStory/News/?Id=4733#Title=%0A%09%09%09 %09%09%09%09%09Ahmet Turk blames Ankara government, warns the peace talks will fail%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09
  • “BDP hopeful of end to clashes with PKK”, Hurriyet Daily News, 5 June 2013, wsCatID=338,.
  • “Government needs to move on: PKK leader”, Hurriyet Daily News, 17 June 2013, 48932&NewsCatID=338..
  • “Iraqi Kurdistan gives Turkish company six oil exploration blocks”, Reuters, 18 June 2013, 18
  • “Kurdish conference ends with list of demands from gov’t”, Today’s Zaman, 17 June, 2013, news-318516-kurdish-conference-ends-with-list-of-demandsfrom-govt.html.
  • “Massoud Barzani says won’t allow PKK to operate from Iraqi Kurdistan,” 20 April 2012, misc2012/4/turkey3893.htm.
  • “PKK says Turkish police crackdown may hurt Kurdish peace process”, Reuters, 5 June 2013, 130605.
  • “Police to consider protestors in Istanbul’s Taksim Square terror organisation members: Minister”, Hurriyet Daily News, 16 June 2013, tID=338
  • “The Kurdish National Council in Syria,” Carnegie Middle East Center, 15 February 2012, publications/?fa=48502.
  • “Turkey defies Washington and Baghdad to pursue Iraqi Kurdistan energy ties” 19 February, 2013, articles/misc2013/2/turkey4532.htm.
  • “Turkey warned Iraqi Kurds that autonomy would not be applied in Syria: PM,”, Hurriyet Daily News, 2 November 2012, 2&NewsCatID=338.
  • “Turkey warns it would strike Kurdish PKK fighters inside Syrian Kurdistan,” turkey4047.htm, 26 July 2012.
  • “Turkey-Kurdistan oil pipeline to be completed September”, Kurdnet, 19 June 2013,
  • “Turkish-Kurdish peace process benefits Syrian Kurds”, reproduced in Al Monitor, 17 April 2013,
  • “US energy giant Chevron signs oil deal with Iraqi Kurdistan”, Kurdnet, 18 June 2013,
  • Akarcesme, Sevgi, “Ambassador Tan: U.S. rhetoric at times resembles that of Iran’s on the issue of Iraq,” Sundays Zaman, 8 January 2013.
  • Arango, Tim, “Rebel keeps Kurds’ guns close at hand in peace talks with Turkey”, New York Times, 11 April 2013, http://
  • Bobb, Scott, “Syrian conflict gives Kurds new freedom”, Voice of America News, 20 August 2012, http://www.voanews. com/content/syrian-conflict-gives-kurds-partial-control-ofnorth/1491341.html.
  • Bozkurt, Abdullah, “Turkey enlists northern Iraq’s help in countering threat of Syria-PKK alliance”, Today’s Zaman, 23 March 2012,, accessed 27 February 2013.
  • Bruneau, Eric, “Taking the fight to Syria: Kurdish rivalries play out over the border”, Niqash, 30 May 2013, http://www.niqash. org/articles/?id=3228.
  • Candar, Cengiz, ‘The Kurdish question: the reasons and fortunes of the ‘opening’, Insight Turkey, Vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 2009.
  • ___________, “Turkey claims Iran providing logistical support for PKK”, Al-Monitor, 30 December 2012.
  • Cizre,Umit, ‘The emergence of the government’s perspective on the Kurdish issue’, Insight Turkey, Vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 2009.
  • Coles, Isobel, “Iraqi Kurdistan president Massoud Barzani says Baghdad talks last chance”, Reuters, 3 June 2013, http://www.
  • Cordoba, Armando, “Maliki visit to Erbil results in joint committees to resolve disputes”, Rudaw, 9 June 2013, http://rudaw. net/english/kurdistan/090620132
  • Daloğlu, Tulin, “Erdogan’s many positions on the Kurdish issue”, Al Monitor, 23 April 2013, pulse/originals/2013/04/erdogan-kurdish-issue-flip-flop-turkey-peace.html.
  • Demirtas, Serkan, “Syria supporting PKK, says intelligence report”, Hurriyet Daily News, 23 March 2012.
  • _____________, “Turkey, U.S., to hold intensified Iraq talks, Hurriyet Daily News, 8 January, 2013. turkey-us-to-hold-intensifed-iraq-talks.aspx?pageID=238&nID= 38575&NewsCatID=338
  • Gursel, Kadri ,“Erdogan asks ‘wise people’ to make case for peace”, Al Monitor, 15 April 2013, pulse/originals/2013/04/erdogan-wise-people-commissionpeace-process.html.
  • International Crisis Group, Syria’s Kurds: a struggle within a struggle, Middle East Report no. 136, 22 January 2013.
  • _____________, Turkey: the PKK and a Kurdish settlement, Europe Report no. 219, 11 September 2012. http://www.crisisgroup. org/~/media/Files/europe/turkey-cyprus/turkey/219-turkeythe-pkk-and-a-kurdish-settlement.
  • International Crisis Group,“Iraq and the Kurds: the high stakes hydrocarbons gambit”, Middle East Report no.120, 19 April 2012.
  • Kirisci, Kemal and Gareth M. Winrow, The Kurdish question and Turkey: an example of a trans-state ethnic conflict, (London and Portland, Oregon; Frank Cass, 1997).
  • Krajeski, Jenna, “After the hunger strike”, The New Yorker, 29 November, 2012, newsdesk/2012/11/after-the-kurdish-hunger-strike-in-turkish-prisons.html.
  • Kucukkosum, Sevil, “PYD leader meets Turkish officials”, Hurriyet Daily News, 3 June 2013,, http://www.hurriyetdailynews. com/pyd-leader-meets-turkish-officials.aspx?pageID=238&nID =48066&NewsCatID=352.
  • Markey, Patrick and Isobel Coles, “Insight: Hopes, suspicions over peace in Kurdish rebel hideout”, Reuters, 27 March 2013.,
  • Mohammed, B., “Barzani’s foreign policy risks damaging Kurdistan’s interest,” Kurdish Aspect, 3 February 2013,
  • Natali, Denise, “PKK challenges Barzani in Iraqi Kurdistan”, Kurdnet, 10 May 2013, Natali, Denise, “Syria’s Kurdish Quagmire”, 3 May 2012, www.
  • Nykanen, Johanna, “Identity, narrative and frames: assessing Turkey’s Kurdish initiatives”, Insight Turkey, Vol. 15, No. 2, Spring 2013, pp.85-101.
  • Orhan, Oytun “Syria’s PKK game,” Today’s Zaman, 14 February 2012,
  • Ozcan, Nihat Ali and H.Erdem Gürkaynak, “Who are these armed people on the mountains?”, February 2012 http://www.tepav., accessed 17 May 2012.
  • Phillips, Christopher, Into the Quagmire: Turkey’s Frustrated Syria Policy, Chatham House Briefing Paper, December 2012.
  • Pollock, David, “Syrian Kurds unite against Assad, but not with opposition,” Policywatch 1967, The Washington Institute, 31 July 2012.
  • Statement Regarding Terrorist Attacks on Syrian Kurdish Town Sere Kaniye/Ras al-Ain, National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria, 20 January 2013,, accessed 22 January 2013.
  • Tezcur, Gunes Murat, “Prospect for resolution of the Kurdish question: a realist perspective”, Insight Turkey, Vol.15, No. 2, Spring 2013, pp.69-84.
  • van Wildenberg, Wladimir,“Danger of Kurdish civil war in Syrian Kurdistan,” Rudaw, 8 July 2012,
  • van Wildenburg, Wladimir, “Iranian Kurdish struggle linked to Turkey, Syria”, Al Monitor, 14 June 2013.
  • van Wildenburg, Wladirmir,“Border arrests reveal disunity, conflict among Syrian Kurds”, Al Monitor,21 May 2013.
  • Who Is the Syrian Kurdish Opposition?: The Development of Kurdish Parties, 1956-2011, Kurd Watch, Report 8, December 2011.
  • Yezdani, Ipek, “Syrian Kurds aim to establish ‘federal state’”, Hurriyet Daily News, 7 February 2012
  • Zaman, Amberin, “AKP report on Uludere airstrike condemned as ‘whitewash’”, Al Monitor, 2 May 2013,

Turkey’s Multiple Kurdish Dilemmas – Syria, Iraq and at Home; How They Are Related, and Where They Might Lead

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 41 - 63, 01.07.2013


With the emergence of the Kurdistan Regional Government of northern Iraq to quasi-statehood, the growing political and economic relationship between it and Turkey, the turmoil in Syria that has led to the establishment of self-governing Kurdish zones in the country, and Turkey’s continuing attempts to resolve its own Kurdish problem, Ankara is now grappling with a ‘Kurdish issue’ that is more transborder, complex, overlapping and interlinked than ever before. This paper traces the relationship between these various and fast-moving dimensions of Turkey’s Kurdish dilemmas, and speculates about the range of possible outcomes. It also seeks to locate Turkey’s Kurdish policies and problems within the context of wider regional and global dynamics


  • “Ocalan calls Barzani the leader of all Kurds”, Kurdpress, 9 June 2013, ?Id=4718#Title=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Ocalan calls Barzani the leader of all Kurds%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09 %09.
  • “A PUK leader warns against Turkish ‘trap’,” Insight Kurdistan, 3 January 2013,
  • “Ahmet Turk blames Ankara government, warns the peace talks will fail”, Kurdpress, 11 June 2013, En/NSite/FullStory/News/?Id=4733#Title=%0A%09%09%09 %09%09%09%09%09Ahmet Turk blames Ankara government, warns the peace talks will fail%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09
  • “BDP hopeful of end to clashes with PKK”, Hurriyet Daily News, 5 June 2013, wsCatID=338,.
  • “Government needs to move on: PKK leader”, Hurriyet Daily News, 17 June 2013, 48932&NewsCatID=338..
  • “Iraqi Kurdistan gives Turkish company six oil exploration blocks”, Reuters, 18 June 2013, 18
  • “Kurdish conference ends with list of demands from gov’t”, Today’s Zaman, 17 June, 2013, news-318516-kurdish-conference-ends-with-list-of-demandsfrom-govt.html.
  • “Massoud Barzani says won’t allow PKK to operate from Iraqi Kurdistan,” 20 April 2012, misc2012/4/turkey3893.htm.
  • “PKK says Turkish police crackdown may hurt Kurdish peace process”, Reuters, 5 June 2013, 130605.
  • “Police to consider protestors in Istanbul’s Taksim Square terror organisation members: Minister”, Hurriyet Daily News, 16 June 2013, tID=338
  • “The Kurdish National Council in Syria,” Carnegie Middle East Center, 15 February 2012, publications/?fa=48502.
  • “Turkey defies Washington and Baghdad to pursue Iraqi Kurdistan energy ties” 19 February, 2013, articles/misc2013/2/turkey4532.htm.
  • “Turkey warned Iraqi Kurds that autonomy would not be applied in Syria: PM,”, Hurriyet Daily News, 2 November 2012, 2&NewsCatID=338.
  • “Turkey warns it would strike Kurdish PKK fighters inside Syrian Kurdistan,” turkey4047.htm, 26 July 2012.
  • “Turkey-Kurdistan oil pipeline to be completed September”, Kurdnet, 19 June 2013,
  • “Turkish-Kurdish peace process benefits Syrian Kurds”, reproduced in Al Monitor, 17 April 2013,
  • “US energy giant Chevron signs oil deal with Iraqi Kurdistan”, Kurdnet, 18 June 2013,
  • Akarcesme, Sevgi, “Ambassador Tan: U.S. rhetoric at times resembles that of Iran’s on the issue of Iraq,” Sundays Zaman, 8 January 2013.
  • Arango, Tim, “Rebel keeps Kurds’ guns close at hand in peace talks with Turkey”, New York Times, 11 April 2013, http://
  • Bobb, Scott, “Syrian conflict gives Kurds new freedom”, Voice of America News, 20 August 2012, http://www.voanews. com/content/syrian-conflict-gives-kurds-partial-control-ofnorth/1491341.html.
  • Bozkurt, Abdullah, “Turkey enlists northern Iraq’s help in countering threat of Syria-PKK alliance”, Today’s Zaman, 23 March 2012,, accessed 27 February 2013.
  • Bruneau, Eric, “Taking the fight to Syria: Kurdish rivalries play out over the border”, Niqash, 30 May 2013, http://www.niqash. org/articles/?id=3228.
  • Candar, Cengiz, ‘The Kurdish question: the reasons and fortunes of the ‘opening’, Insight Turkey, Vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 2009.
  • ___________, “Turkey claims Iran providing logistical support for PKK”, Al-Monitor, 30 December 2012.
  • Cizre,Umit, ‘The emergence of the government’s perspective on the Kurdish issue’, Insight Turkey, Vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 2009.
  • Coles, Isobel, “Iraqi Kurdistan president Massoud Barzani says Baghdad talks last chance”, Reuters, 3 June 2013, http://www.
  • Cordoba, Armando, “Maliki visit to Erbil results in joint committees to resolve disputes”, Rudaw, 9 June 2013, http://rudaw. net/english/kurdistan/090620132
  • Daloğlu, Tulin, “Erdogan’s many positions on the Kurdish issue”, Al Monitor, 23 April 2013, pulse/originals/2013/04/erdogan-kurdish-issue-flip-flop-turkey-peace.html.
  • Demirtas, Serkan, “Syria supporting PKK, says intelligence report”, Hurriyet Daily News, 23 March 2012.
  • _____________, “Turkey, U.S., to hold intensified Iraq talks, Hurriyet Daily News, 8 January, 2013. turkey-us-to-hold-intensifed-iraq-talks.aspx?pageID=238&nID= 38575&NewsCatID=338
  • Gursel, Kadri ,“Erdogan asks ‘wise people’ to make case for peace”, Al Monitor, 15 April 2013, pulse/originals/2013/04/erdogan-wise-people-commissionpeace-process.html.
  • International Crisis Group, Syria’s Kurds: a struggle within a struggle, Middle East Report no. 136, 22 January 2013.
  • _____________, Turkey: the PKK and a Kurdish settlement, Europe Report no. 219, 11 September 2012. http://www.crisisgroup. org/~/media/Files/europe/turkey-cyprus/turkey/219-turkeythe-pkk-and-a-kurdish-settlement.
  • International Crisis Group,“Iraq and the Kurds: the high stakes hydrocarbons gambit”, Middle East Report no.120, 19 April 2012.
  • Kirisci, Kemal and Gareth M. Winrow, The Kurdish question and Turkey: an example of a trans-state ethnic conflict, (London and Portland, Oregon; Frank Cass, 1997).
  • Krajeski, Jenna, “After the hunger strike”, The New Yorker, 29 November, 2012, newsdesk/2012/11/after-the-kurdish-hunger-strike-in-turkish-prisons.html.
  • Kucukkosum, Sevil, “PYD leader meets Turkish officials”, Hurriyet Daily News, 3 June 2013,, http://www.hurriyetdailynews. com/pyd-leader-meets-turkish-officials.aspx?pageID=238&nID =48066&NewsCatID=352.
  • Markey, Patrick and Isobel Coles, “Insight: Hopes, suspicions over peace in Kurdish rebel hideout”, Reuters, 27 March 2013.,
  • Mohammed, B., “Barzani’s foreign policy risks damaging Kurdistan’s interest,” Kurdish Aspect, 3 February 2013,
  • Natali, Denise, “PKK challenges Barzani in Iraqi Kurdistan”, Kurdnet, 10 May 2013, Natali, Denise, “Syria’s Kurdish Quagmire”, 3 May 2012, www.
  • Nykanen, Johanna, “Identity, narrative and frames: assessing Turkey’s Kurdish initiatives”, Insight Turkey, Vol. 15, No. 2, Spring 2013, pp.85-101.
  • Orhan, Oytun “Syria’s PKK game,” Today’s Zaman, 14 February 2012,
  • Ozcan, Nihat Ali and H.Erdem Gürkaynak, “Who are these armed people on the mountains?”, February 2012 http://www.tepav., accessed 17 May 2012.
  • Phillips, Christopher, Into the Quagmire: Turkey’s Frustrated Syria Policy, Chatham House Briefing Paper, December 2012.
  • Pollock, David, “Syrian Kurds unite against Assad, but not with opposition,” Policywatch 1967, The Washington Institute, 31 July 2012.
  • Statement Regarding Terrorist Attacks on Syrian Kurdish Town Sere Kaniye/Ras al-Ain, National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria, 20 January 2013,, accessed 22 January 2013.
  • Tezcur, Gunes Murat, “Prospect for resolution of the Kurdish question: a realist perspective”, Insight Turkey, Vol.15, No. 2, Spring 2013, pp.69-84.
  • van Wildenberg, Wladimir,“Danger of Kurdish civil war in Syrian Kurdistan,” Rudaw, 8 July 2012,
  • van Wildenburg, Wladimir, “Iranian Kurdish struggle linked to Turkey, Syria”, Al Monitor, 14 June 2013.
  • van Wildenburg, Wladirmir,“Border arrests reveal disunity, conflict among Syrian Kurds”, Al Monitor,21 May 2013.
  • Who Is the Syrian Kurdish Opposition?: The Development of Kurdish Parties, 1956-2011, Kurd Watch, Report 8, December 2011.
  • Yezdani, Ipek, “Syrian Kurds aim to establish ‘federal state’”, Hurriyet Daily News, 7 February 2012
  • Zaman, Amberin, “AKP report on Uludere airstrike condemned as ‘whitewash’”, Al Monitor, 2 May 2013,
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Bill Park Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Park, Bill. “Turkey’s Multiple Kurdish Dilemmas – Syria, Iraq and at Home; How They Are Related, and Where They Might Lead”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 5, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2013): 41-63.

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