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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 48 - 65, 01.01.2016


As a result of long marathon of sanctions and discussions, a framework agreement between Iranian regime and 5+1 countries was reached on April 6, 2015. It deserves to be called as a historical deal since it will absolutely bring new dimensions to the 35 years relationship between Iranian regime and the West. This article attempts to analyze the framework deal from the theoretical background especially by using both realist and constructivist models. To that end, this article suggests that this is not only about the nuclear issue as a result of security concern; rather there are some other crucial factors such as values, identities, ideas, and discourses which have to be included into the subject in order to highlight the background of the deal in a historical context. After arguing Iran as a realist actor in the region, this article shows how the bilateral discourses and attitudes shaped and changed in the hands of the Presidents during the last decades


  • Baktiari, Bahman, “How Can Iran and the United States Normalize Their Relationship After 36 Years of Mutual Satanization?” The World Post, 05.04.2015. Available at: man-baktiari/unmaking-of-an- adversaria_b_7199432. html
  • Beinart, Peter, “The Real Achievement of the Iran Nuclear Deal”, The Atlan- tic, 03 April 2015. Available at: national/archive/2015/04/the-real-achievement-of-the-iran-nucle- ar-deal/389628/
  • Buchta, Wifried, Who Rules Iran: The Structure of Power in the Islamic Repub- lic, A Joint Publication of the Washinghton Institute for Near East Policy and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2000.
  • Clawson, Patrick, “Could Sanctions Work Against Tehran?” Middle East Quarterly, Vol. 14 (Winter 2007). Available at: http://www.mefo-
  • Crowley, Michael, “A Changed Iran? Obama aides divided”, Politico, 04.03.2015. Available at: obama-aides-doubt-iran-regime-116661.html
  • Dareini, Ali Akbar, “Iran’s President Rouhani Says Nuke Deal Depends On Lifting Sanctions”, The Huffington Post, 15.04.2015. Available at
  • “Iran Nuclear Plan: Tehran Reacts”, The Iran Primer, 02 April 2015. Available at: http://iranprimer.
  • sanctions_n_7069532.html
  • Edelman, Eric S., Andrew F. Krepinevich, and Evan Braden Montgomery, “The Dangers of a Nuclear Iran”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90 (1), 2011.
  • Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, “The Foreign Policy of Iran” in The Foreign Policies of Middle Eastern States, eds. Raymond Hinnebusch and Annoushi- ravan Ehteshami, (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2002).
  • Elson, Sara Belt and Alireza Nader, “What Do Iranians Think? A Survey of Attitudes on the United States, the Nuclear Program, and the Econ- omy”, RAND Corporation, Technical Report, 2011.
  • Entessar, Nader, “Iran’s Nuclear Decision-Making Calculus”, Middle East Policy, Vol.16, No.2 (Summer 2009). Available at: http://www. sion-making-calculus
  • Gordon, Philip, “The Myth of a ‘Better’ Iran Deal”, Politico Magazine, 11 May 2015. Available at: ry/2015/05/the-myth-of-a-better-iran-deal-117834.htm l#. VWt M-IuJjIX
  • Heradstveit, Daniel and G. Matthew Bonham, “What the Axis of Evil Met- aphor did to Iran”, Middle East Journal, Vol.61, No.3 (Summer 2007), pp.422-426.
  • Hoyt, Paul D., “The ‘Rogue State’ Image in American Foreign Policy”, Global Society, Vol. 14, No.2. (April 2000), p.297-310.
  • “Interview with Iran’s President Ahmadinejad: ‘We Are Determined’”, Der Spiegel, 30 May 2006.
  • “Iran Nuclear Plan: Tehran Reacts”, The Iran Primer, 02 April 2015. Avail- able at: ar-plan-tehran-reacts
  • Jones, Steve, “U.S. and Iran: Detente Possible?” About news, 24 September 2013. Available at: mies/a/U-s-And-Iran-Detente- Possible.htm
  • Juneau, Thomas, “Iran under Rouhani: Still Alone in the World”, Middle East Policy, Vol. 21, No.4 (winter 2014), pp.92-95.
  • Krastev, Nikola, “IAEA Chief: Iran’s Nuclear Program About Winning Rec- ognition, Prestige,” Radio Free Europe, November 5, 2009.
  • Lansy, Benjamin, “Zbigniew Brzezinski: Alternative to Iran deal ‘a policy of self- destruction”, Msnbc, 04/03/2015. Available at: http://www.msnbc. com/msnbc/zbigniew-brzezinski-alternative-iran-deal-policy-self- destruction
  • Lynch, Colum and John Hudson, “Iran, World Powers Strike Tentative Nu- clear Accord”, Foreign Policy, 02 April 2015. Available at: http:// iran-nuclear- talks/
  • Mearsheimer, John J. and Stephen M. Walt, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. For- eign Policy”, Middle East Policy, Vol.13, No.3 (Fall 2006), pp.60-61.
  • Muravchik, Joshua, “War with Iran is probably our best option”, The Washington Post, 13 March 2015. Available at: opinions/war-with-iran-is-probably-our-best-option/2015/03/13/ fb112eb0-c725-11e4-a199-6cb5e63819d2_story.html
  • Nia, Mahdi Mohammed, “Discourse and Identity in Iran’s Foreign Policy”, Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, Vol.3, No.3 (Fall 2012), p.33
  • Sagan, Scott D., “Why Do States build Weapons? Three Model in Search of a Bomb”, International Security, Vol.21, No.3 (Winter, 1996-1997).
  • Saghafi-Ameri, Nasser, “Iran-US Reconciliation: Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks”, Institute for Strategic Research Journal, 09 January 2013. Available at: ciliation-overcoming-challenges-and-setbacks.html , “Rouhani, Obama Meeting Significant for Iran-US Rapproche- ment”, Iran Review, 22 August 2013. Available at: http://www.iran- cant- for-Iran-US-Rapprochement.htm
  • Shanahan, Rodger, “Iranian foreign Policy under Rouhani”, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 11 February 2015. Available at: http://www. hani
  • Sherrill, Clifton W., “Why Iran wants the bomb and what it means for US policy”, Nonproliferation Review, Vol.19, No.1, March 2012, p.32.
  • “Statement by the President on the Framework to Prevent Iran from Obtain- ing a Nuclear Weapon”, The White House, 02 April 2015. Available at: ment-president-framework-prevent-iran-obtaining-nuclear-weapon
  • Takeyh, Ray, “Iran’s Nuclear Calculations”, World Policy Journal, Vol. 20, No.2 (Summer 2003), pp.21-28.
  • Takeyh, Ray and Suzanne Maloney, “The Self-Limiting Success of Iran Sanc- tions”, International Affairs, 87 (6), 2011, pp.1297-1312.
  • “The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran”, Iran Chamber Society. Avail- able at: http://www.iran
  • Trofimov, Yaroslav, “Saudi Arabia Considers Nuclear Weapons to offset Iran”, The Wall Street Journal, 07 May 2015. Available at: http://www. set-iran-1430999409
  • “U.S. Senate: Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Council on Foreign Relations, 09 March 2015. Available at: http://www.cfr. org/congresses-parliaments-national-legislatures/us-senate-open-let- ter-leaders-islamic-republic-iran/p36254
  • Walt, Stephen M., “International Relations: One World, Many Theories”, Foreign Policy, No.110 (Spring 1998), pp.29-46. , “Top Ten Media Failures in the Iran War Debate”, Foreign Policy, March 2011. Available at: top-ten-media-failures-in-the-iran-war-debate/?wp_login_redi- rect=0
  • Waltz, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics, (New York: Waveland Press, Inc.), 2000. ,“Why Iran Should Get the Bomb”, Foreign Affairs, July/August 2012. Available at: 2012-06-15/why-iran-should-get-bomb
  • Wendt, Alexander, “Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construc- tion of Power Politics”, International Organization, Vol. 46, No.2 (Spring 1992), pp.391-425. , “Constructing International Politics” International Security, Vol.20, No.1. (Summer 1995), pp.71-81.
  • Whyte, Christopher, “Why Israel Fears a Nuclear Iran: Realism, Constructiv- ism & Iran’s Dual-National Identity”, The Central European Jour- nal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS), Issue 5:3, 2011.
  • Zakaria, Fareed, “Is Iran rational?” The Washington Post, 09 April 2015. Avail- able at: 2015/04/09/3c2cc5a8-def5-11e4-a500-1c5bb1d8ff6a_story.html


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 48 - 65, 01.01.2016


Yaptırımlar ve tartışmalar ile dolu uzunca bir maratonun sonunda 6 Nisan 2015 tarihinde İran be 5+1 ülkeleri arasında prensip anlaşmasına varıldı. Bu anlaşma İran rejimi ve Batı arasındaki 35 yıllık ilişkiye yeni boyutlar getireceğinden tarihi bir anlaşma olarak nitelenmeyi hak etmektedir. Bu makale hem realist hem de inşacı modelleri kullanarak bu anlaşmayı teorik arka plandan hareketle analiz etmeye girişmektedir. Bu amaçla, makalenin iddiası şudur: konu sadece güvenlik kaygıları ile bağlantılı bir nükleer mesele değildir, dolayısıyla anlaşmanın arka planını aydınlatmak için değerlerin, kimliklerin, düşünceler ve söylemlerin tarihsel bağlamda konuya dâhil edilmesi gerekmektedir. İran bölgenin realist bir aktörü olarak tartışıldıktan sonra, makale karşılıklı geliştirilen söylem ve tutumların son on yıl boyunca devlet başkanlarının elinde nasıl şekillenip değiştiğini göstermektedir


  • Baktiari, Bahman, “How Can Iran and the United States Normalize Their Relationship After 36 Years of Mutual Satanization?” The World Post, 05.04.2015. Available at: man-baktiari/unmaking-of-an- adversaria_b_7199432. html
  • Beinart, Peter, “The Real Achievement of the Iran Nuclear Deal”, The Atlan- tic, 03 April 2015. Available at: national/archive/2015/04/the-real-achievement-of-the-iran-nucle- ar-deal/389628/
  • Buchta, Wifried, Who Rules Iran: The Structure of Power in the Islamic Repub- lic, A Joint Publication of the Washinghton Institute for Near East Policy and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2000.
  • Clawson, Patrick, “Could Sanctions Work Against Tehran?” Middle East Quarterly, Vol. 14 (Winter 2007). Available at: http://www.mefo-
  • Crowley, Michael, “A Changed Iran? Obama aides divided”, Politico, 04.03.2015. Available at: obama-aides-doubt-iran-regime-116661.html
  • Dareini, Ali Akbar, “Iran’s President Rouhani Says Nuke Deal Depends On Lifting Sanctions”, The Huffington Post, 15.04.2015. Available at
  • “Iran Nuclear Plan: Tehran Reacts”, The Iran Primer, 02 April 2015. Available at: http://iranprimer.
  • sanctions_n_7069532.html
  • Edelman, Eric S., Andrew F. Krepinevich, and Evan Braden Montgomery, “The Dangers of a Nuclear Iran”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90 (1), 2011.
  • Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, “The Foreign Policy of Iran” in The Foreign Policies of Middle Eastern States, eds. Raymond Hinnebusch and Annoushi- ravan Ehteshami, (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2002).
  • Elson, Sara Belt and Alireza Nader, “What Do Iranians Think? A Survey of Attitudes on the United States, the Nuclear Program, and the Econ- omy”, RAND Corporation, Technical Report, 2011.
  • Entessar, Nader, “Iran’s Nuclear Decision-Making Calculus”, Middle East Policy, Vol.16, No.2 (Summer 2009). Available at: http://www. sion-making-calculus
  • Gordon, Philip, “The Myth of a ‘Better’ Iran Deal”, Politico Magazine, 11 May 2015. Available at: ry/2015/05/the-myth-of-a-better-iran-deal-117834.htm l#. VWt M-IuJjIX
  • Heradstveit, Daniel and G. Matthew Bonham, “What the Axis of Evil Met- aphor did to Iran”, Middle East Journal, Vol.61, No.3 (Summer 2007), pp.422-426.
  • Hoyt, Paul D., “The ‘Rogue State’ Image in American Foreign Policy”, Global Society, Vol. 14, No.2. (April 2000), p.297-310.
  • “Interview with Iran’s President Ahmadinejad: ‘We Are Determined’”, Der Spiegel, 30 May 2006.
  • “Iran Nuclear Plan: Tehran Reacts”, The Iran Primer, 02 April 2015. Avail- able at: ar-plan-tehran-reacts
  • Jones, Steve, “U.S. and Iran: Detente Possible?” About news, 24 September 2013. Available at: mies/a/U-s-And-Iran-Detente- Possible.htm
  • Juneau, Thomas, “Iran under Rouhani: Still Alone in the World”, Middle East Policy, Vol. 21, No.4 (winter 2014), pp.92-95.
  • Krastev, Nikola, “IAEA Chief: Iran’s Nuclear Program About Winning Rec- ognition, Prestige,” Radio Free Europe, November 5, 2009.
  • Lansy, Benjamin, “Zbigniew Brzezinski: Alternative to Iran deal ‘a policy of self- destruction”, Msnbc, 04/03/2015. Available at: http://www.msnbc. com/msnbc/zbigniew-brzezinski-alternative-iran-deal-policy-self- destruction
  • Lynch, Colum and John Hudson, “Iran, World Powers Strike Tentative Nu- clear Accord”, Foreign Policy, 02 April 2015. Available at: http:// iran-nuclear- talks/
  • Mearsheimer, John J. and Stephen M. Walt, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. For- eign Policy”, Middle East Policy, Vol.13, No.3 (Fall 2006), pp.60-61.
  • Muravchik, Joshua, “War with Iran is probably our best option”, The Washington Post, 13 March 2015. Available at: opinions/war-with-iran-is-probably-our-best-option/2015/03/13/ fb112eb0-c725-11e4-a199-6cb5e63819d2_story.html
  • Nia, Mahdi Mohammed, “Discourse and Identity in Iran’s Foreign Policy”, Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, Vol.3, No.3 (Fall 2012), p.33
  • Sagan, Scott D., “Why Do States build Weapons? Three Model in Search of a Bomb”, International Security, Vol.21, No.3 (Winter, 1996-1997).
  • Saghafi-Ameri, Nasser, “Iran-US Reconciliation: Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks”, Institute for Strategic Research Journal, 09 January 2013. Available at: ciliation-overcoming-challenges-and-setbacks.html , “Rouhani, Obama Meeting Significant for Iran-US Rapproche- ment”, Iran Review, 22 August 2013. Available at: http://www.iran- cant- for-Iran-US-Rapprochement.htm
  • Shanahan, Rodger, “Iranian foreign Policy under Rouhani”, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 11 February 2015. Available at: http://www. hani
  • Sherrill, Clifton W., “Why Iran wants the bomb and what it means for US policy”, Nonproliferation Review, Vol.19, No.1, March 2012, p.32.
  • “Statement by the President on the Framework to Prevent Iran from Obtain- ing a Nuclear Weapon”, The White House, 02 April 2015. Available at: ment-president-framework-prevent-iran-obtaining-nuclear-weapon
  • Takeyh, Ray, “Iran’s Nuclear Calculations”, World Policy Journal, Vol. 20, No.2 (Summer 2003), pp.21-28.
  • Takeyh, Ray and Suzanne Maloney, “The Self-Limiting Success of Iran Sanc- tions”, International Affairs, 87 (6), 2011, pp.1297-1312.
  • “The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran”, Iran Chamber Society. Avail- able at: http://www.iran
  • Trofimov, Yaroslav, “Saudi Arabia Considers Nuclear Weapons to offset Iran”, The Wall Street Journal, 07 May 2015. Available at: http://www. set-iran-1430999409
  • “U.S. Senate: Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Council on Foreign Relations, 09 March 2015. Available at: http://www.cfr. org/congresses-parliaments-national-legislatures/us-senate-open-let- ter-leaders-islamic-republic-iran/p36254
  • Walt, Stephen M., “International Relations: One World, Many Theories”, Foreign Policy, No.110 (Spring 1998), pp.29-46. , “Top Ten Media Failures in the Iran War Debate”, Foreign Policy, March 2011. Available at: top-ten-media-failures-in-the-iran-war-debate/?wp_login_redi- rect=0
  • Waltz, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics, (New York: Waveland Press, Inc.), 2000. ,“Why Iran Should Get the Bomb”, Foreign Affairs, July/August 2012. Available at: 2012-06-15/why-iran-should-get-bomb
  • Wendt, Alexander, “Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construc- tion of Power Politics”, International Organization, Vol. 46, No.2 (Spring 1992), pp.391-425. , “Constructing International Politics” International Security, Vol.20, No.1. (Summer 1995), pp.71-81.
  • Whyte, Christopher, “Why Israel Fears a Nuclear Iran: Realism, Constructiv- ism & Iran’s Dual-National Identity”, The Central European Jour- nal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS), Issue 5:3, 2011.
  • Zakaria, Fareed, “Is Iran rational?” The Washington Post, 09 April 2015. Avail- able at: 2015/04/09/3c2cc5a8-def5-11e4-a500-1c5bb1d8ff6a_story.html
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Necmettin Özdin

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özdin, Necmettin. “NÜKLEER BİR İRAN? REALİST BİR AKTÖRÜN İNŞACI BAKIŞ AÇISINDAN TEORİK OLARAK İNCELENMESİ”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 7, sy. 2 (Ocak 2016): 48-65.

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