The Question of Palestine is the core of Middle East issues and the one of the root factors of peace in the Middle East. From the historical perspective, China’s position on this issue has always been clear, consistent and convergent with the international community, which is supporting the Palestinian just cause. But there are also some twists and turns between China on the one hand and Palestine and Israel on the other hand. It can be divided into the following periods: Friendly historical relations between China and the Jewish nation; ProArab and Anti-Israel ; Keep Balance between Arab and Israel ; Active Participation of Palestine-Israel Issue under Belt & Road Initiative. Although China’s position and recommendations on the Palestine-Israel issue are more easily accepted by both sides, the current Chinese Middle East policy is still trapped in the predicament of “morality” and “interest”. On the one hand, China has to support Arab countries’ just cause, but it is impossible to give up its friendly relations with Israel on the other hand. The Belt & Road Initiative will provide a great opportunity for China to actively engage in the hot issues in the Middle East
1. Andrew Scobell and Alireza Nader, China in the Middle East: The Wary Dragon, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif, 2016.
2. Chen Shuangqing, “Palestine Issue: China can play bigger role,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 12, 2015.
3. Gao Zugui, “China and the Middle East in the Context of Profound Changes,”Peace and Development, No. 1, 2014.
4. Hou Yuxiang, “China’s Role Adjustments on the Palestine-Israel Issue,” Arab World Studies, No. 1, 2014.
5. Lillian Craig Harris, China Considers the Middle East, London: I. B. Tauris, 1993.
6. Niu Xinchun, “An Analysis of China’s Interests and Influences in the Middle East,”Contemporary International Relations, No. 10, 2013.
7. Pan Guang, “On Historical Evolution of Sino-Israel Relations and Analysis on Present Situation,” Social Sciences, No. 12, 2009.
8. Roie Yellinek, “Chinese-Palestinian Relations: What’s Really Going On?”,BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 733, February 6, 2018.
9. She Gangzheng, “Historical Analyisi of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and China: An Interpretation of the Declassified Documents in the Israel State Archives,” West Aisa and North Africa, No. 3, 2017.
10. Sun Degang, “On the Dynamics of China’s Mediation Diplomacy in the Middle East,” Global Review, No. 6, 2012.
11. Wang Jinglie, “Palestine-Israel Conflict: Theory Construction and Prospect Analysis,” Arab World Studies, No.1, 201
12. Wang Yi, “Multilateralism, Shared Peace and Development,” The 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 28, 2018.
13. Wu Bingbing, “The Unbalance of Middle East Strategic Pattern and China’s Middle East Strategy,” Foreign Affairs Review, No.6, 2013.
14. Wu Sike, “Experience the Adjustment of China’s Middle East Diplomacy,” Contemporary World, No. 10, 2015.
15. Xiao Xian, “’The Belt and Road’ and China-Israel Relations,” West Aisa and North Africa, No. 2, 2016.
16. Xiao Xian,Contemporary China-Middle East Relations, Beijing: China Book Press, 2018.
17. Xu Xiangqun and Gong Shaopeng (eds.), Hisotry of Peace Negotiations in the Middle East (1913-1945), Chinese Social Sciences Press, 1998.
18. Yang Fuchang, “Retrospect and Prospect of Sino-Arab Relations,” Arab World Studies, No. 2, 2006.
19. Yang Fuchang, “Difficulties in the Solution to Palestine-Israel Conflict and Some Contemplation Concerned,”Arab World Studies, No. 3, 2008.
20. Yao Kuangyi,”China’s New Diplomacy on the Hotspot Issues in the Middle East,”China International Studies,No. 6, 2014.
21. Yao Kuangyi, “The New Trends of Middle East Hot-spot Issues and China’s Foreign Policy and Its Diplomacy Practice,”Arab World Studies, No. 1, 2008.
22. Yin Gang, “Restraint and Regret, Sixty-Year Relationship between China and Israel,” Journal of West Asia and North Africa, No. 4, 2010
23. Zhang Shiliang, “A Review of the Middle East,” Journal of Foreign Affairs College, No. 1, 2003
Çin’in Filistin-İsrail Meselesine Bakışı: Tarihsel Perspektif
Filistin Sorunu, Ortadoğu meselelerinin özü ve Ortadoğu’da barışın ana vesilelerinden biridir. Tarihsel açıdan bakıldığında, Çin’in bu konuda karşısındaki duruşu her zaman açık, tutarlı ve Filistin’in haklı davasını destekleyen uluslararası topluma yakın olmuştur. Ancak bir tarafta Çin diğer tarafta ise Filistin ile İsrail arasında bazı detaylar bulunmaktadır. Bunlar şu şekilde dönemlere ayrılabilir: Çin ile Yahudi milleti arasında dostane tarihsel ilişkiler; Arap yanlısı ve İsrail karşıtı ; Araplar ile İsrail Arasındaki Dengeyi Korumak ; Kuşak ve Yol Girişimi kapsamında Filistinİsrail Sorununun Aktif Katılımı. Her ne kadar Çin’in Filistin-İsrail konusundaki konumu ve önerileri her iki tarafça da daha kolay kabul görse de, Çin’in şu anki Ortadoğu politikası halen “ahlak” ve “çıkar” çıkmazında sıkışmış durumda. Bir yandan Çin, Arap ülkelerinin haklı davasını desteklemek zorunda, ancak diğer taraftan İsrail ile dostane ilişkilerinden vazgeçmesi de imkansız. Kuşak ve Yol Girişimi, Çin’in Ortadoğu’daki sıcak sorunlara aktif olarak katılması için harika bir fırsat sağlayacak
1. Andrew Scobell and Alireza Nader, China in the Middle East: The Wary Dragon, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif, 2016.
2. Chen Shuangqing, “Palestine Issue: China can play bigger role,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 12, 2015.
3. Gao Zugui, “China and the Middle East in the Context of Profound Changes,”Peace and Development, No. 1, 2014.
4. Hou Yuxiang, “China’s Role Adjustments on the Palestine-Israel Issue,” Arab World Studies, No. 1, 2014.
5. Lillian Craig Harris, China Considers the Middle East, London: I. B. Tauris, 1993.
6. Niu Xinchun, “An Analysis of China’s Interests and Influences in the Middle East,”Contemporary International Relations, No. 10, 2013.
7. Pan Guang, “On Historical Evolution of Sino-Israel Relations and Analysis on Present Situation,” Social Sciences, No. 12, 2009.
8. Roie Yellinek, “Chinese-Palestinian Relations: What’s Really Going On?”,BESA Center Perspectives Paper, No. 733, February 6, 2018.
9. She Gangzheng, “Historical Analyisi of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and China: An Interpretation of the Declassified Documents in the Israel State Archives,” West Aisa and North Africa, No. 3, 2017.
10. Sun Degang, “On the Dynamics of China’s Mediation Diplomacy in the Middle East,” Global Review, No. 6, 2012.
11. Wang Jinglie, “Palestine-Israel Conflict: Theory Construction and Prospect Analysis,” Arab World Studies, No.1, 201
12. Wang Yi, “Multilateralism, Shared Peace and Development,” The 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 28, 2018.
13. Wu Bingbing, “The Unbalance of Middle East Strategic Pattern and China’s Middle East Strategy,” Foreign Affairs Review, No.6, 2013.
14. Wu Sike, “Experience the Adjustment of China’s Middle East Diplomacy,” Contemporary World, No. 10, 2015.
15. Xiao Xian, “’The Belt and Road’ and China-Israel Relations,” West Aisa and North Africa, No. 2, 2016.
16. Xiao Xian,Contemporary China-Middle East Relations, Beijing: China Book Press, 2018.
17. Xu Xiangqun and Gong Shaopeng (eds.), Hisotry of Peace Negotiations in the Middle East (1913-1945), Chinese Social Sciences Press, 1998.
18. Yang Fuchang, “Retrospect and Prospect of Sino-Arab Relations,” Arab World Studies, No. 2, 2006.
19. Yang Fuchang, “Difficulties in the Solution to Palestine-Israel Conflict and Some Contemplation Concerned,”Arab World Studies, No. 3, 2008.
20. Yao Kuangyi,”China’s New Diplomacy on the Hotspot Issues in the Middle East,”China International Studies,No. 6, 2014.
21. Yao Kuangyi, “The New Trends of Middle East Hot-spot Issues and China’s Foreign Policy and Its Diplomacy Practice,”Arab World Studies, No. 1, 2008.
22. Yin Gang, “Restraint and Regret, Sixty-Year Relationship between China and Israel,” Journal of West Asia and North Africa, No. 4, 2010
23. Zhang Shiliang, “A Review of the Middle East,” Journal of Foreign Affairs College, No. 1, 2003