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Skin Microbiota and Effect on Wound Treatment

Yıl 2022, , 899 - 903, 28.11.2022


Today, microbiota is a community of microorganisms that are thought to have an effect on almost all vital functions in the human body. In the body, the intestinal microbiota is the region where microorganisms are most concentrated in terms of both amount and diversity. For this reason, most of the studies have been conducted on the intestinal microbiota. The skin microbiota is directly affected by the external environment as much as the gut, and plays an important role in the physical barrier function of the skin and skin immunity. The change in the microbiota due to various factors is called dysbiosis, and is thought to be associated with some diseases. A chronic wound has a poor response to treatment, as a result of which the healing process takes longer than expected, and the recovery is not always a success. Chronic wounds are a serious burden on the health system, and increase morbidity and mortality. Wound treatment is a part of healthcare, and it encumbers the patient and their next of kin as much as physicians, health workers and the health system both financially and emotionally. Research on effective treatment of chronic wounds has been continuing. In this treatment, various methods are used to accelerate the healing process and to promote the closure of the wound without intractability so that the chronicity of the wound can be prevented. Many studies discuss the curative role of treatments aimed at correcting dysbiosis. The applicability of the same treatment in relation to chronic wound is still a matter for debate. In this review, the skin microbiota, its function in wound healing and its role in chronic wound treatment have been evaluated in the light of current literature.


  • 1- Ursell LK., Metcalf JL., Parfrey LW., Knight R. Defining the Human Microbiome. Nutr Rev. 2012; 70(Suppl 1): 38–44.
  • 2- Dominguez-Bello MG, Godoy-Vitorino F, Knight R, Blaser MJ. Role of the microbiome in human development. Gut. 2019; 68(6):1108-114.
  • 3- Rampelli S, Candela M, Turroni S, Biagi E, Pflueger M, Wolters M, et al. Microbiota and lifestyle interactions through the lifespan. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2016; 57(2): 265-72.
  • 4- Dekaboruah F., Suryavanshi VM., Chettri D., Verma AK. Human microbiome: an academic update on human body site specific surveillance and its possible role. Archives of Microbiology. 2020; 202: 2147-67.
  • 5- Boxberger M., Cenizo V., Cassir N., La Scola B. Challenges in exploring and manipulating the human skin microbiome. Microbiome. 2021; 30;9(1):125.
  • 6- Grice EA, Kong HH, Conlan S, Deming CB, Davis J, Young AC, et al. Topographical and temporal diversity of the human skin microbiome. Science. 2009; 324: 1190–2.
  • 7- Cogen AL., Nizet V, Gallo RL. Skin microbiota: a source of disease or defence? Br J Dermatol. 2008; 158(3): 442–55.
  • 8- Barnard E., Li H. Shaping of cutaneous function by encounters with commensals. J Physiol. 2017; 15; 595(2): 437–50.
  • 9- O'Neill CA., Monteleone G., McLaughlin JT., Paus R. The gut-skin axis in health and disease: A paradigm with therapeutic implications. Bioessays. 2016; 38(11): 1167-76.
  • 10- Sen CK. Human Wounds and Its Burden: An Updated Compendium of Estimates. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2019; 1; 8(2): 39–48.
  • 11- Eming SA, Martin P, Tomic-Canic M. Wound repair and regeneration: mechanisms, signaling, and translation. Sci Transl Med. 2014; 3; 6(265): 265sr6.
  • 12- Tomic-Canic M., Burgess JL., O’Neill KE., Strbo N., Pastarcorresponding I. Skin Microbiota and its Interplay with Wound Healing. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2020; 21(Suppl 1): 36–43.
  • 13- Maheswary T., Nurul AA., Fauz MhB. The Insights of Microbes’ Roles in Wound Healing: A Comprehensive Review. Pharmaceutics.. 2021; 13(7): 981.
  • 14- Zhao G., Usui ML., Lippman SI., James GA., Stewart PS. and et al. Biofilms and Inflammation in Chronic Wounds. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2013; 2(7): 389–99.
  • 15- Verbanic S., Shen Y., Lee J., Deacon JM.,. Chen IA. Microbial predictors of healing and short-term effect of debridement on the microbiome of chronic wounds. Biofilms and Microbiomes. 2020; 6-21.
  • 16- Yu Y., Dunaway S., Champer J., Kim J., Alikhan A. Changing our microbiome: probiotics in dermatology. Br J Dermatol. 2020; 182(1): 39-46.
  • 17- Tsiouris CG, Kelesi M, Vasilopoulos G et al. The efficacy of probiotics as pharmacological treatment of cutaneous wounds: meta-analysis of animal studies. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017; 104: 230– 9.
  • 18- Peral MC, Martinez MA, Valdez JC. Bacteriotherapy with Lactobacillus plantarum in burns. Int Wound J. 2009; 6: 73– 81.
  • 19- Valdez JC, Peral MC, Rachid M et al. Interference of Lactobacillus plantarum with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in infected burns: the potential use of probiotics in wound treatment. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2005; 11: 472– 9.
  • 20- Fijan S., Frauwallner A., Langerholc T., Krebs B., Jessica A Ter Haar Née Younes. Efficacy of Using Probiotics with Antagonistic Activity against Pathogens of Wound Infections: An Integrative Review of Literature. Biomed Res Int. 2019; 12; 2019:7585486.
  • 21- Redel H., Gao Z., Li H., Alekseyenko AV., Zhou Y., Perez-Perez GI. Blaser1,4 Quantitation and Composition of Cutaneous Microbiota in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Men. J Infect Dis. 2013; 207(7): 1105–14.
  • 22- Mohseni S., Bayani M., Bahmani F., Tajabadi-Ebrahimi M., Bayani MA. and et al. The beneficial effects of probiotic administration on wound healing and metabolic status in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2018; 34(3).

Cilt Mikrobiyotası ve Yara Tedavisine Etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 899 - 903, 28.11.2022


Mikrobiyota, günümüzde insan vücudunda yaşamsal fonksiyonların hemen hemen tamamında etkisi olduğu düşünülen mikroorganizma topluluğudur. Vücutta bağırsak mikrobiyotası gerek sayısal olarak gerek ise çeşitlilik açısından mikroorganizmaların en yoğun bulunduğu bölgedir. Bu nedenle de çalışmaların büyük bir bölümü bağırsak mikrobiyotası üzerine yapılmıştır. Cilt mikrobiyotası da tıpkı bağırsak gibi dış çevreden direkt olarak etkilenmektedir. Derinin fiziksel bariyer fonksiyonunda ve deri immunitesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Mikrobiyotada çeşitli faktörlerin etkisiyle olan değişim disbiyozis olarak adlandırılmakta ve bazı hastalıklarla ilişkisi olduğu düşünülmektedir. Kronik yara, normal iyileşme fazları ve süresinde iyileşmeyen ve tedaviye yanıtı kötü olan yaradır. Kronik yaralar sisteme ciddi bir yük oluşturmakta, morbidite ve mortaliteyi arttırmaktadır. Yara tedavisi sağlık bakımının bir parçasıdır ve hasta, yakınları, hekim, sağlık çalışanları ve sağlık sistemini maddi ve manevi zorlamaktadır. Kronik yaraların etkin tedavisine yönelik arayışlar devam etmektedir. Tedavide yaranın kronikleşmesinin önüne geçilmesi için iyileşmeyi hızlandıracak ve komplikasyonsuz kapanmasına faydası olabilecek yöntemler kullanılmaktadır. Çok sayıda çalışmada disbiyozisin düzeltilmesini hedefleyen tedavilerin iyileştirici rolü tartışılmaktadır. Bu tartışmalar kronik yara tedavisiyle de ilişkili olarak sürmektedir. Bu derlemede cilt miktobiyotası, yara iyileşmesindeki fonksiyonu ve kronik yara tedavisindeki rolü güncel literatür ışığında değerlendirilmiştir.


  • 1- Ursell LK., Metcalf JL., Parfrey LW., Knight R. Defining the Human Microbiome. Nutr Rev. 2012; 70(Suppl 1): 38–44.
  • 2- Dominguez-Bello MG, Godoy-Vitorino F, Knight R, Blaser MJ. Role of the microbiome in human development. Gut. 2019; 68(6):1108-114.
  • 3- Rampelli S, Candela M, Turroni S, Biagi E, Pflueger M, Wolters M, et al. Microbiota and lifestyle interactions through the lifespan. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2016; 57(2): 265-72.
  • 4- Dekaboruah F., Suryavanshi VM., Chettri D., Verma AK. Human microbiome: an academic update on human body site specific surveillance and its possible role. Archives of Microbiology. 2020; 202: 2147-67.
  • 5- Boxberger M., Cenizo V., Cassir N., La Scola B. Challenges in exploring and manipulating the human skin microbiome. Microbiome. 2021; 30;9(1):125.
  • 6- Grice EA, Kong HH, Conlan S, Deming CB, Davis J, Young AC, et al. Topographical and temporal diversity of the human skin microbiome. Science. 2009; 324: 1190–2.
  • 7- Cogen AL., Nizet V, Gallo RL. Skin microbiota: a source of disease or defence? Br J Dermatol. 2008; 158(3): 442–55.
  • 8- Barnard E., Li H. Shaping of cutaneous function by encounters with commensals. J Physiol. 2017; 15; 595(2): 437–50.
  • 9- O'Neill CA., Monteleone G., McLaughlin JT., Paus R. The gut-skin axis in health and disease: A paradigm with therapeutic implications. Bioessays. 2016; 38(11): 1167-76.
  • 10- Sen CK. Human Wounds and Its Burden: An Updated Compendium of Estimates. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2019; 1; 8(2): 39–48.
  • 11- Eming SA, Martin P, Tomic-Canic M. Wound repair and regeneration: mechanisms, signaling, and translation. Sci Transl Med. 2014; 3; 6(265): 265sr6.
  • 12- Tomic-Canic M., Burgess JL., O’Neill KE., Strbo N., Pastarcorresponding I. Skin Microbiota and its Interplay with Wound Healing. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2020; 21(Suppl 1): 36–43.
  • 13- Maheswary T., Nurul AA., Fauz MhB. The Insights of Microbes’ Roles in Wound Healing: A Comprehensive Review. Pharmaceutics.. 2021; 13(7): 981.
  • 14- Zhao G., Usui ML., Lippman SI., James GA., Stewart PS. and et al. Biofilms and Inflammation in Chronic Wounds. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2013; 2(7): 389–99.
  • 15- Verbanic S., Shen Y., Lee J., Deacon JM.,. Chen IA. Microbial predictors of healing and short-term effect of debridement on the microbiome of chronic wounds. Biofilms and Microbiomes. 2020; 6-21.
  • 16- Yu Y., Dunaway S., Champer J., Kim J., Alikhan A. Changing our microbiome: probiotics in dermatology. Br J Dermatol. 2020; 182(1): 39-46.
  • 17- Tsiouris CG, Kelesi M, Vasilopoulos G et al. The efficacy of probiotics as pharmacological treatment of cutaneous wounds: meta-analysis of animal studies. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2017; 104: 230– 9.
  • 18- Peral MC, Martinez MA, Valdez JC. Bacteriotherapy with Lactobacillus plantarum in burns. Int Wound J. 2009; 6: 73– 81.
  • 19- Valdez JC, Peral MC, Rachid M et al. Interference of Lactobacillus plantarum with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in infected burns: the potential use of probiotics in wound treatment. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2005; 11: 472– 9.
  • 20- Fijan S., Frauwallner A., Langerholc T., Krebs B., Jessica A Ter Haar Née Younes. Efficacy of Using Probiotics with Antagonistic Activity against Pathogens of Wound Infections: An Integrative Review of Literature. Biomed Res Int. 2019; 12; 2019:7585486.
  • 21- Redel H., Gao Z., Li H., Alekseyenko AV., Zhou Y., Perez-Perez GI. Blaser1,4 Quantitation and Composition of Cutaneous Microbiota in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Men. J Infect Dis. 2013; 207(7): 1105–14.
  • 22- Mohseni S., Bayani M., Bahmani F., Tajabadi-Ebrahimi M., Bayani MA. and et al. The beneficial effects of probiotic administration on wound healing and metabolic status in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2018; 34(3).
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Pinar Yıldız 0000-0002-3625-9829

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yıldız P. Cilt Mikrobiyotası ve Yara Tedavisine Etkisi. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2022;44(6):899-903.

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