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Kemik Mineral Dansitesi ile Biyokimyasal Parametreler Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2022, , 517 - 524, 19.07.2022


Çalışmamızda, kemik mineral dansitesi ile bazı kan parametreleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kesitsel retrospektif dizaynda olan bu çalışmaya 2018-2020 tarihleri arasında Yoncalı Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Hastanesi’ne başvuran hastalar dahil edilmiştir. Kronik hastalık kaydı olmayan, mevcut kan tetkikleri ve kan mineral dansitometri sonucu olan 282 kişi çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların %56,4’ünde (n:159) osteoporoz, %27,6’sında (n:78) osteopeni mevcuttu ve geri kalan %16’sı (n:45) sağlıklı bireylerden oluşmaktaydı. Yaş ortalaması incelendiğinde osteoporotik grubun 66 yıl, osteopenik grubun 61 yıl ve kontrol grubunun 59 yıl idi. Mean platelet volume (MPV) ve MPV/Plt değerleri arasında her üç grupta da anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). Ayrıca üre, kreatin, Alanin transaminazın (ALT) osteoporoz (p<0,05) ile glukoz düzeylerinin osteopenik grup ile ilişkili olduğu saptandı. Aspartat transaminaz (AST), magnezyum (Mg), kalsiyum (Ca), fosfor (P), albümin, CRP, sedimentasyon, beyaz kan hücreleri (WBC), trombosit (Plt) sayılarının her üç grupta da anlamlı bir fark olmadığı saptandı (p>0,05). Ürik asit ve Trombosit Dağılım Genişliğinin (PDW) de kemik kitlesi ile ilişkili olduğu gözlendi. Kemik dansitesi yaşla ters orantılı olarak azalmaktaydı. Osteoporozun kadınlarda osteopeni ve kontrol grubuna kıyasla daha sık olduğu saptandı. D vitamininin de kemik kitlesiyle ilişkili olduğu saptandı. Kemik kitlesi azaldıkça Nötrofil Lenfosit Oranı (NLO) artmaktadır. Ancak MPV değerleri ile kemik kitlesi arasında herhangi bir ilişki saptanmadı.

Destekleyen Kurum

Herhangi bir kurum veya kişiden destek alınmamıştır.

Proje Numarası



Şuana kadar osteoporoz ve kan tetkikleri arasında birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. 2015'li yıllarda MPV ile hemen her hastalık arasında bir ilişki kurulmaya çalışılmış ve bu konu üzerinde de birçok çalışma yapılmıştır ve yapılmaktadır. Ama Noris ve ark.ları ve ilave olarak Eroğlu ve ark.larının yaptıkları çalışmalarda bizler MPV hakkında bilgilerimizi sorgulamaya itmiştir. Hatta Eroğlu ve ark.larının MPV ve osteoporoz arasında bir ilişki olmadığını saptamıştır. Ayrıca NLO değeri de artık tıp dünyasında ilgi çekmektedir. Bizim çalışmamızda farklı olarak NLO değerinin arttığını saptadık ama bu artışın patogenezi hakkında yeni yeni çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Bizlere özellikle saydığım bu 2 temel konu hakkında sesimizi duyurma fırsatı verdiğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim. İyi günler ve iyi bayramlar.


  • Armas LA, Recker RR. Pathophysiology of osteoporosis: new mechanistic insights. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2012;41(3):475-486. doi:10.1016/j.ecl.2012.04.006
  • Lane JM, Russell L, Khan SN. Osteoporosis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2000;(372):139-150. doi:10.1097/00003086-200003000-00016
  • Burge R, Dawson-Hughes B, Solomon DH, Wong JB, King A, Tosteson A. Incidence and economic burden of osteoporosis-related fractures in the United States, 2005-2025. J Bone Miner Res. 2007;22(3):465-475. doi:10.1359/jbmr.061113
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (27.10.2003). Musculoskeletal conditions affect millions, Erişim tarihi: 23.03.2021,,
  • Beeton CA, Bord S, Ireland D, Compston JE. Osteoclast formation and bone resorption are inhibited by megakaryocytes. Bone. 2006;39(5):985-990. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2006.06.004
  • Ciovacco WA, Cheng YH, Horowitz MC, Kacena MA. Immature and mature megakaryocytes enhance osteoblast proliferation and inhibit osteoclast formation. J Cell Biochem. 2010;109(4):774-781. doi:10.1002/jcb.22456
  • Watts NB, Bilezikian JP, Camacho PM, Greenspan SL, Harris ST, Hodgson SF, et al. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Endocr Pract. 2010;16 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):1-37. doi:10.4158/ep.16.s3.1
  • Holick MF. Vitamin D and bone health. J Nutr. 1996;126(4 Suppl):1159S-64S. doi:10.1093/jn/126.suppl_4.1159S
  • Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, Lewiecki EM, Tanner B, Randall S, et al. Clinician's Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis [published correction appears in Osteoporos Int. 2015 Jul;26(7):2045-7]. Osteoporos Int. 2014;25(10):2359-2381. doi:10.1007/s00198-014-2794-2
  • Akpolat V, Osteoporoz Tanısında Kullanılan Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Ölçüm Yöntemleri, Dicle Tıp Dergisi,2008;35(3): 216 - 220
  • Hernlund E, Svedbom A, Ivergård M, Compston J, Cooper C, Stenmark J, et al. Osteoporosis in the European Union: medical management, epidemiology and economic burden. A report prepared in collaboration with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA). Arch Osteoporos. 2013;8(1):136. doi:10.1007/s11657-013-0136-1
  • Aspray TJ, Hill TR. Osteoporosis and the Ageing Skeleton. Subcell Biochem. 2019;91:453-476. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-3681-2_16
  • Lane NE. Epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis of osteoporosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;194(2 Suppl):S3-S11. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2005.08.047
  • Garnero P, Sornay-Rendu E, Chapuy MC, Delmas PD. Increased bone turnover in late postmenopausal women is a major determinant of osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res. 1996;11(3):337-349. doi:10.1002/jbmr.5650110307
  • Riggs BL, Melton LJ 3rd. The prevention and treatment of osteoporosis [published correction appears in N Engl J Med. 1993 Jan 7;328(1):65; author reply 66]. N Engl J Med. 1992;327(9):620-627. doi:10.1056/NEJM199208273270908
  • Srivastava M, Deal C. Osteoporosis in elderly: prevention and treatment. Clin Geriatr Med. 2002;18(3):529-555. doi:10.1016/s0749-0690(02)00022-8
  • Akbal A, Gökmen F, Gencer M, Inceer BS, Kömürcü E. Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width can be related to bone mineralization. Osteoporos Int. 2014;25(9):2291-2295. doi:10.1007/s00198-014-2764-8
  • Li XS, Zhang JR, Meng SY, Li Y, Wang RT. Mean platelet volume is negatively associated with bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J Bone Miner Metab. 2012;30(6):660-665. doi:10.1007/s00774-012-0362-4
  • Aypak C, Türedi Ö, Bircan MA, Civelek GM, Araz M. Association between mean platelet volume and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016;28(6):1753-1758. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1753
  • Toplak H, Wascher TC. Influence of weight reduction on platelet volume: different effects of a hypocaloric diet and a very low calorie diet. Eur J Clin Invest. 1994;24(11):778-780. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2362.1994.tb01076.x
  • Cranney A, Horsley T, O'Donnell S, Weiler H, Puil L, Ooi D, et al. Effectiveness and safety of vitamin D in relation to bone health. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). 2007;(158):1-235.
  • Trautvetter U, Neef N, Leiterer M, Kiehntopf M, Kratzsch J, Jahreis G. Effect of calcium phosphate and vitamin D₃ supplementation on bone remodelling and metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Nutr J. 2014;13:6. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-13-6
  • Meier C, Woitge HW, Witte K, Lemmer B, Seibel MJ. Supplementation with oral vitamin D3 and calcium during winter prevents seasonal bone loss: a randomized controlled open-label prospective trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2004;19(8):1221-1230. doi:10.1359/JBMR.040511
  • Karakas EY, Yetisgin A, Cadirci D, Sezen H, Altunbas R, Kas F, et al. Usefulness of ceruloplasmin testing as a screening methodology for geriatric patients with osteoporosis. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016;28(1):235-239. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.235
  • Noris P, Melazzini F, Balduini CL. New roles for mean platelet volume measurement in the clinical practice?. Platelets. 2016;27(7):607-612. doi:10.1080/09537104.2016.1224828
  • Eroglu S, Karatas G. Platelet/lymphocyte ratio is an independent predictor for osteoporosis. Saudi Med J. 2019;40(4):360-366. doi:10.15537/smj.2019.4.24009
  • Boyraz İ, Çağlar H, Karakoyun A, Koç B, Gündüz R. Evaluation of Inflammation in Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis with Neutrophil Lymphocyte and Platelet-LymphocyteRatios; Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi 2015; 21 (3):159-160 doi: 10.4274/tod.046

The Relationship Between Bone Mineral Densityand Some Blood Parameters

Yıl 2022, , 517 - 524, 19.07.2022


The aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between bone mineral density and blood cell sand vitamin D levels. Hospital between 2018-2020 were included in this cross-sectional retrospective study. 282 people who did not have a chronic disease record and who had blood tests and blood mineral densitometry results were included in the study. 56.4% (n: 159) of the patients had osteoporosis, 27.6% (n: 78) had osteopenia, and the remaining 16% (n: 45) consisted of healthy individuals. When the mean age was examined, it was 66 years in the osteoporotic group, 61 years in the osteopenic group and 59 years in the control group. There was no significant difference between the mean platelet volume (MPV) and MPV / Plt values in all three groups (p> 0.05). In addition, it was found that urea, creatine, Alanine transaminase (ALT), osteoporosis (p <0.05) and glucose levels were associated with the osteopenic group. Aspartate transaminase (AST), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), albumin, CRP, sedimentation, white blood cells (WBC), platelet (Plt) counts were not found to be significantly different in all three groups (p > 0.05). It was observed that uric acid and Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) values were also associated with bone mass. Bone density decreased inversely with age. It was found that osteoporosis was more common in women (compared to osteopenia and control group). Vitamin D was also found to be associated with bone mass. As the bone mass decreases, the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) increases. However, no correlation was found between MPV values and bone mass.

Proje Numarası



  • Armas LA, Recker RR. Pathophysiology of osteoporosis: new mechanistic insights. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2012;41(3):475-486. doi:10.1016/j.ecl.2012.04.006
  • Lane JM, Russell L, Khan SN. Osteoporosis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2000;(372):139-150. doi:10.1097/00003086-200003000-00016
  • Burge R, Dawson-Hughes B, Solomon DH, Wong JB, King A, Tosteson A. Incidence and economic burden of osteoporosis-related fractures in the United States, 2005-2025. J Bone Miner Res. 2007;22(3):465-475. doi:10.1359/jbmr.061113
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (27.10.2003). Musculoskeletal conditions affect millions, Erişim tarihi: 23.03.2021,,
  • Beeton CA, Bord S, Ireland D, Compston JE. Osteoclast formation and bone resorption are inhibited by megakaryocytes. Bone. 2006;39(5):985-990. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2006.06.004
  • Ciovacco WA, Cheng YH, Horowitz MC, Kacena MA. Immature and mature megakaryocytes enhance osteoblast proliferation and inhibit osteoclast formation. J Cell Biochem. 2010;109(4):774-781. doi:10.1002/jcb.22456
  • Watts NB, Bilezikian JP, Camacho PM, Greenspan SL, Harris ST, Hodgson SF, et al. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Endocr Pract. 2010;16 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):1-37. doi:10.4158/ep.16.s3.1
  • Holick MF. Vitamin D and bone health. J Nutr. 1996;126(4 Suppl):1159S-64S. doi:10.1093/jn/126.suppl_4.1159S
  • Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, Lewiecki EM, Tanner B, Randall S, et al. Clinician's Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis [published correction appears in Osteoporos Int. 2015 Jul;26(7):2045-7]. Osteoporos Int. 2014;25(10):2359-2381. doi:10.1007/s00198-014-2794-2
  • Akpolat V, Osteoporoz Tanısında Kullanılan Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Ölçüm Yöntemleri, Dicle Tıp Dergisi,2008;35(3): 216 - 220
  • Hernlund E, Svedbom A, Ivergård M, Compston J, Cooper C, Stenmark J, et al. Osteoporosis in the European Union: medical management, epidemiology and economic burden. A report prepared in collaboration with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA). Arch Osteoporos. 2013;8(1):136. doi:10.1007/s11657-013-0136-1
  • Aspray TJ, Hill TR. Osteoporosis and the Ageing Skeleton. Subcell Biochem. 2019;91:453-476. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-3681-2_16
  • Lane NE. Epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis of osteoporosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;194(2 Suppl):S3-S11. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2005.08.047
  • Garnero P, Sornay-Rendu E, Chapuy MC, Delmas PD. Increased bone turnover in late postmenopausal women is a major determinant of osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res. 1996;11(3):337-349. doi:10.1002/jbmr.5650110307
  • Riggs BL, Melton LJ 3rd. The prevention and treatment of osteoporosis [published correction appears in N Engl J Med. 1993 Jan 7;328(1):65; author reply 66]. N Engl J Med. 1992;327(9):620-627. doi:10.1056/NEJM199208273270908
  • Srivastava M, Deal C. Osteoporosis in elderly: prevention and treatment. Clin Geriatr Med. 2002;18(3):529-555. doi:10.1016/s0749-0690(02)00022-8
  • Akbal A, Gökmen F, Gencer M, Inceer BS, Kömürcü E. Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width can be related to bone mineralization. Osteoporos Int. 2014;25(9):2291-2295. doi:10.1007/s00198-014-2764-8
  • Li XS, Zhang JR, Meng SY, Li Y, Wang RT. Mean platelet volume is negatively associated with bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J Bone Miner Metab. 2012;30(6):660-665. doi:10.1007/s00774-012-0362-4
  • Aypak C, Türedi Ö, Bircan MA, Civelek GM, Araz M. Association between mean platelet volume and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016;28(6):1753-1758. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1753
  • Toplak H, Wascher TC. Influence of weight reduction on platelet volume: different effects of a hypocaloric diet and a very low calorie diet. Eur J Clin Invest. 1994;24(11):778-780. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2362.1994.tb01076.x
  • Cranney A, Horsley T, O'Donnell S, Weiler H, Puil L, Ooi D, et al. Effectiveness and safety of vitamin D in relation to bone health. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). 2007;(158):1-235.
  • Trautvetter U, Neef N, Leiterer M, Kiehntopf M, Kratzsch J, Jahreis G. Effect of calcium phosphate and vitamin D₃ supplementation on bone remodelling and metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Nutr J. 2014;13:6. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-13-6
  • Meier C, Woitge HW, Witte K, Lemmer B, Seibel MJ. Supplementation with oral vitamin D3 and calcium during winter prevents seasonal bone loss: a randomized controlled open-label prospective trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2004;19(8):1221-1230. doi:10.1359/JBMR.040511
  • Karakas EY, Yetisgin A, Cadirci D, Sezen H, Altunbas R, Kas F, et al. Usefulness of ceruloplasmin testing as a screening methodology for geriatric patients with osteoporosis. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016;28(1):235-239. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.235
  • Noris P, Melazzini F, Balduini CL. New roles for mean platelet volume measurement in the clinical practice?. Platelets. 2016;27(7):607-612. doi:10.1080/09537104.2016.1224828
  • Eroglu S, Karatas G. Platelet/lymphocyte ratio is an independent predictor for osteoporosis. Saudi Med J. 2019;40(4):360-366. doi:10.15537/smj.2019.4.24009
  • Boyraz İ, Çağlar H, Karakoyun A, Koç B, Gündüz R. Evaluation of Inflammation in Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis with Neutrophil Lymphocyte and Platelet-LymphocyteRatios; Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi 2015; 21 (3):159-160 doi: 10.4274/tod.046
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Adem Durmaz 0000-0001-5890-3622

Çağla Özdemir 0000-0002-9766-1918

Proje Numarası yoktur
Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Durmaz A, Özdemir Ç. Kemik Mineral Dansitesi ile Biyokimyasal Parametreler Arasındaki İlişki. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2022;44(4):517-24.

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