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I nfektif Endokarditli Çocuklarda Klinik Ö zellikler, Tedavi Yaklaşımları ve Komplikasyonlar: Tu rkiye’den Tek Merkez Deneyimi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 2, 231 - 239, 17.03.2020


Bu çalışma ile 2010-2018 yılları
arasında kliniğimizde infektif endokardit tanısı almış hastalar altta yatan
risk faktörleri, klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları, tedavi yaklaşımları,
antikoagülan tedavi ile ilgili deneyimler ve izlemde ortaya çıkan
komplikasyonlar açısından geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. İnfektif endokardit tanısı alan 11
hastaya ulaşıldı. Komplikasyon meydana gelen, antibiyoterapiye ilave olarak
antikoagülan tedavi uygulanan, cerrahiye verilen ve mortal seyir gösteren
hastaların özellikleri saptandı.
En küçük hasta 7
aylık, en büyüğü 14 yaşındaydı
(7.5 ± 4.6 yıl). Olguların 10’unda infektif endokardit
için risk oluşturan konjenital kalp anomalisi mevcut olup, romatizmal kalp
hastalığına sahip olgu yoktu. Toplam sekiz olguda embolik bulgular saptandı. Dokuz
olguda ekokardiyografide vejetasyon izlendi. İki olguda antibiyoterapiye ilave
olarak antikoagülan tedavi uygulandı. Koagülaz negatif stafilakok, beş olgu ile
kan kültüründe en sık üreyen mikroorganizma idi. Beş olguya erken cerrahi
tedavi uygulandı. Bir olgu sistemik embolizasyona bağlı gelişen çoklu organ
yetmezliği, bir olgu ise izleminin birinci haftasında aniden gelişen
hemodinamik bozulma nedeniyle öldü. İnfektif endokardit hayatı tehdit eden
komplikasyonlar ile seyredebilen ciddi bir hastalıktır. Erişkinlerden farklı
olarak, çocuklarda altta yatan başlıca risk faktörü konjenital kalp
hastalıklarıdır. Tanı sonrasında, septik embolizasyon ve mortalitenin
önlenebilmesi için olabildiğince erken uygun
antibiyoterapi başlanmalıdır. Embolizmin
önlenmesi ve iskemik inme tedavisinde antikoagülasyonun yeri ise tartışmalı bir


  • References1. Bode-Thomas F, Ige OO, Yilgwan C. Childhood acquired heart diseases in Jos, north central Nigeria. Niger Med J. 2013 Jan;54(1):51-8.
  • 2. Singh Y, Ganjoo N. Infective endocarditis in children. Paediatrics and child health 2017 Februaray;27(2):68-74.
  • 3. Monteiro TS, Correia MG, Golebiovski WF, Barbosa GIF, Weksler C, Lamas CC. Asymptomatic and symptomatic embolic events in infective endocarditis: associated factors and clinical impact. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017;21(3):240-47.
  • 4. Lee SJ, Oh SS, Lim DS, Hong SK, Choi RK, Park JS. Usefulness of anticoagulant therapy in the prevention of embolic complications in patients with acute infective endocarditis. Biomed Res Int. 2014;254187. doi: 10.1155/2014/254187. Epub 2014 Jul 10.
  • 5. Preston A.H, Williams S, Archer J. A review of the role of anticoagulation for patients with infective endocarditis and embolic stroke. Clinical Case Reports 2016; 4(5):513–16.
  • 6. Thornhill M.H, Jones S, Prendergast B, et al. Quantifying infective endocarditis risk in patients with predisposing cardiac conditions. European Heart Journal 2018; 39:586–95.
  • 7. Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, Lockhart PB, Baddour LM, Levison M, et al. Prevention of infective endocarditis: guidelines from the American Heart Association: a guideline from the American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group. Circulation. 2007;116:1736–54.
  • 8. Ahmadi A, Daryushi H. Infective endocarditis in children: A 5 year experience from Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran. Adv Biomed Res. Published online 2014 Nov 29. doi: 10.4103/2277-9175.145715.
  • 9. Johnson A.J, Boyce G.T, Cetta F, Steckelberg M.J, Johnson N.J. Infective endocarditis in the pediatric patient:A 60-year single-institution review. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012;87(7):629-35.
  • 10. Tavlı V, Çevik B.Ş, Saritaş T, Meşe T. Gazi Tıp Dergisi. İnfektif endokardit saptanan çocuklarda klinik, laboratuvar ve ekokardiyografik parametrelerin retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. 2009;20(2):47-50.
  • 11. Hızlı S, Bilgic A. Evaluation of pediatric patients with infective endocarditis: an 11-year experience. Arch Turk Soc Cardiol 2005;33(3):141-48
  • 12. Şimşek-Yavuz S. İnfektif endokardit: güncel bilgiler. Klimik Dergisi 2015; 28(2): 46-67.
  • 13. Rushani D, Kaufman J.S, Ionescu-Ittu R, Mackie A.S, Pilote L, Therrien J, Marelli A.J. Infective Endocarditis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease
Cumulative Incidence and Predictors. Circulation. 2013;128:1412-19.
  • 14. Bizmark R.S, Chang R.R, Tsugawa Y, Zangwill K.M, Kawachi I. Impact of AHA's 2007 guideline change on incidence of infective endocarditis in infants and children. Am Heart J 2017;189:110-9.
  • 15. Pant S, Patel NJ, Deshmukh A, et al. Trends in infective endocarditis incidence, microbiology, and valve replacement in the United States from 2000 to 2011. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:2070-6.
  • 16. Thornhill MH, Dayer MJ, Forde JM, et al. Impact of the NICE guideline recommending cessation of antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of infective endocarditis: before and after study. Br Med J 2011;342: e2392-8.
  • 17. Dayer MJ, Jones S, Prendergast B, et al. Incidence of infective endocarditis in England, 2000-13: a secular trend, interrupted time-series analysis. Lancet 2015;385:1219-28.
  • 18. Topan A, Carstina D, Slavcovici A, Rancea R, Capalneanu R, Lupse M. Assesment of the duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis after twenty years. An analysis of 241 cases. Clujul Med. 2015;88(3):321-6.
  • 19. Jomaa W, Ben Ali I, Abid D, Hajri Ernez S, Abid L, Triki F, et al. Clinical features and prognosis of infective endocarditis in children: insights from a Tunisian multicentre registry. Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2017;110(12):676-81.
  • 20. Nishizaki Y, Yamagami S, Joki Y, Takahashi S, Sesoko M, Yamashita H, et al. Japanese features of native valve endocarditis caused by coagulase-negativestaphylococci: case reports and a literature review. Intern Med 2013;52:567-72.
  • 21. Eiland EH, Edwards JD, Hassoun A. Coagulase-negative staphylococci-associated native valve endocarditis: comparative findings within a large cohort study and a community hospital. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2008;48(4):438. doi:10.1331.JAPhA.2008.08022.
  • 22. García de la Mària C, Cervera C, Pericàs JM, Castañeda X, Armero Y, Soy D, et al. Epidemiology and prognosis of coagulase-negative staphylococcal endocarditis:impact of vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration. PLoS One 2015 May 11;10(5):e0125818. doi: 10.1371.
  • 23. Prendergast BD, Tornos P. Surgery for infective endocarditis: who and when? Circulation. 2010;121(9):1141-52.

Clinical Characteristics, Treatment Approaches, and Complications in Children with Infective Endocarditis: A Single Center Experience From Turkey

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 2, 231 - 239, 17.03.2020


In this
study, we retrospectively evaluated the underlying risk factors, clinical and
laboratory findings, treatment approaches, anticoagulation therapy experiences,
and the complications that arose during the follow-up of patients diagnosed
with infective endocarditis in our clinic between 2010–2018.
Eleven patients with infective endocarditis
were evaluated.
The relevant features of the patients whom developed complications, given
anticoagulant therapy in addition to antibiotherapy, underwent cardiac surgery,
and  showed a mortality course were
The youngest patient was 7 months old and the oldest was 14 years old (7.5
± 4.6 years). All of the cases had congenital heart anomalies and there were no
cases with rheumatic heart disease. A total of eight patients had embolic
findings. Echocardiography showed vegetation in nine patients. In addition to
antibiotherapy, anticoagulant treatment was applied to 2 patients. The most
common microorganism in the blood culture was coagulase negative staphylococci
with five cases. Five patients underwent early surgical treatment, one patient
died due to multiple organ failure caused by systemic embolization, and one
patient died due to sudden hemodynamic instability in the first week of
follow-up. Infective endocarditis is a serious disease with life-threatening
complications. In children, the main underlying risk factor is congenital heart
disease unlike with adults.
Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate antibiotherapy
should be initiated as soon as possible to prevent septic embolism and mortality.
The role of anticoagulation in the prevention of embolism and the treatment of
ischemic stroke remains controversial.


  • References1. Bode-Thomas F, Ige OO, Yilgwan C. Childhood acquired heart diseases in Jos, north central Nigeria. Niger Med J. 2013 Jan;54(1):51-8.
  • 2. Singh Y, Ganjoo N. Infective endocarditis in children. Paediatrics and child health 2017 Februaray;27(2):68-74.
  • 3. Monteiro TS, Correia MG, Golebiovski WF, Barbosa GIF, Weksler C, Lamas CC. Asymptomatic and symptomatic embolic events in infective endocarditis: associated factors and clinical impact. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017;21(3):240-47.
  • 4. Lee SJ, Oh SS, Lim DS, Hong SK, Choi RK, Park JS. Usefulness of anticoagulant therapy in the prevention of embolic complications in patients with acute infective endocarditis. Biomed Res Int. 2014;254187. doi: 10.1155/2014/254187. Epub 2014 Jul 10.
  • 5. Preston A.H, Williams S, Archer J. A review of the role of anticoagulation for patients with infective endocarditis and embolic stroke. Clinical Case Reports 2016; 4(5):513–16.
  • 6. Thornhill M.H, Jones S, Prendergast B, et al. Quantifying infective endocarditis risk in patients with predisposing cardiac conditions. European Heart Journal 2018; 39:586–95.
  • 7. Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, Lockhart PB, Baddour LM, Levison M, et al. Prevention of infective endocarditis: guidelines from the American Heart Association: a guideline from the American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group. Circulation. 2007;116:1736–54.
  • 8. Ahmadi A, Daryushi H. Infective endocarditis in children: A 5 year experience from Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran. Adv Biomed Res. Published online 2014 Nov 29. doi: 10.4103/2277-9175.145715.
  • 9. Johnson A.J, Boyce G.T, Cetta F, Steckelberg M.J, Johnson N.J. Infective endocarditis in the pediatric patient:A 60-year single-institution review. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012;87(7):629-35.
  • 10. Tavlı V, Çevik B.Ş, Saritaş T, Meşe T. Gazi Tıp Dergisi. İnfektif endokardit saptanan çocuklarda klinik, laboratuvar ve ekokardiyografik parametrelerin retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. 2009;20(2):47-50.
  • 11. Hızlı S, Bilgic A. Evaluation of pediatric patients with infective endocarditis: an 11-year experience. Arch Turk Soc Cardiol 2005;33(3):141-48
  • 12. Şimşek-Yavuz S. İnfektif endokardit: güncel bilgiler. Klimik Dergisi 2015; 28(2): 46-67.
  • 13. Rushani D, Kaufman J.S, Ionescu-Ittu R, Mackie A.S, Pilote L, Therrien J, Marelli A.J. Infective Endocarditis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease
Cumulative Incidence and Predictors. Circulation. 2013;128:1412-19.
  • 14. Bizmark R.S, Chang R.R, Tsugawa Y, Zangwill K.M, Kawachi I. Impact of AHA's 2007 guideline change on incidence of infective endocarditis in infants and children. Am Heart J 2017;189:110-9.
  • 15. Pant S, Patel NJ, Deshmukh A, et al. Trends in infective endocarditis incidence, microbiology, and valve replacement in the United States from 2000 to 2011. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:2070-6.
  • 16. Thornhill MH, Dayer MJ, Forde JM, et al. Impact of the NICE guideline recommending cessation of antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of infective endocarditis: before and after study. Br Med J 2011;342: e2392-8.
  • 17. Dayer MJ, Jones S, Prendergast B, et al. Incidence of infective endocarditis in England, 2000-13: a secular trend, interrupted time-series analysis. Lancet 2015;385:1219-28.
  • 18. Topan A, Carstina D, Slavcovici A, Rancea R, Capalneanu R, Lupse M. Assesment of the duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis after twenty years. An analysis of 241 cases. Clujul Med. 2015;88(3):321-6.
  • 19. Jomaa W, Ben Ali I, Abid D, Hajri Ernez S, Abid L, Triki F, et al. Clinical features and prognosis of infective endocarditis in children: insights from a Tunisian multicentre registry. Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2017;110(12):676-81.
  • 20. Nishizaki Y, Yamagami S, Joki Y, Takahashi S, Sesoko M, Yamashita H, et al. Japanese features of native valve endocarditis caused by coagulase-negativestaphylococci: case reports and a literature review. Intern Med 2013;52:567-72.
  • 21. Eiland EH, Edwards JD, Hassoun A. Coagulase-negative staphylococci-associated native valve endocarditis: comparative findings within a large cohort study and a community hospital. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2008;48(4):438. doi:10.1331.JAPhA.2008.08022.
  • 22. García de la Mària C, Cervera C, Pericàs JM, Castañeda X, Armero Y, Soy D, et al. Epidemiology and prognosis of coagulase-negative staphylococcal endocarditis:impact of vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration. PLoS One 2015 May 11;10(5):e0125818. doi: 10.1371.
  • 23. Prendergast BD, Tornos P. Surgery for infective endocarditis: who and when? Circulation. 2010;121(9):1141-52.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Pelin Kosger 0000-0002-3926-9002

Tugcem Keskin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1334-4457

Hikmet Kiztanir Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8422-4113

Birsen Ucar 0000-0002-7746-6058

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Kosger P, Keskin T, Kiztanir H, Ucar B. Clinical Characteristics, Treatment Approaches, and Complications in Children with Infective Endocarditis: A Single Center Experience From Turkey. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2020;42(2):231-9.

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