An Unusual Cause Of Acute Scrotum
Yıl 2020,
, 188 - 192, 31.03.2020
Zeliha Akış Yıldız
Aytekin Kaymakcı
Ebru İtır Zemheri
We aimed to present a seventeen years old boy with
right scrotal pain, redness and eudema for ten days.
- 1. Celigoj FA, Costabile RA. Surgery of the Scrotum and Seminal Vesicles. In: Wein AJ, ed. Campbell-Walsh Urology 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc; 2016: 3368-3398.
- 2. R Varma, S Baithun, S Alexander, B T Goh. Acute syphilitic interstitial orchitis mimicking testicular ma-lignancy in an HIV-1 infected man diagnosed by Treponemapallidum polymerase chain reaction. In-ternational Journal of STD & AIDS. 2009; 20: 65-66.
- 3. Celen MK, Ulug M, Ayaz C, Geyik MF, Hosoglu S. Brucellar epididymo-orchitis in southeastern part of Turkey: an 8 year experience. Braz J Infect Dis. 2010; 14(1): 109-115.
- 4. 4.Tanıdır Y, Gümrah A, Akbal C, Tarcan T. Brucel-la epididymoorchitis as the first presenting sign of brucellosis: A case report and review of the literatu-re. Marmara Medical Journal. 2008; 21(1); 56-60.
- 5. Nistal M, Paniagua R, González-Peramato P. Non-neoplastic diseases of the testis. In Bostwick DG, Cheng L. Urologic Surgical Pathology 3th ed Phila-delphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc; 2014: 560-735
- 6. Çetin Dinçel. Üroonkoloji, Meta Basım Matbaacılık Hizmetleri. 2. baskı. 2007: 745-754
- 7. Reisman EM, Colquitt LA, Childers J, Preminger GM. Brucella orchitis: a rare cause of testicular en-largement. J Urol. 1990; 143(4): 821-822.
- 8. Kocak I, Dundar M, Culhaci N, Unsal A. Relapse of brucellosis simulating testis tumor. Int J Urol. 2004; 11(8): 683-685.
- 9. Akinci E, Bodur H, Cevik MA et al. A complication of Brucellosis: Epididymo-orchitis. Int J Infect Dis. 2006; 10: 171-177.
- 10. Kahn RI, McAninch JW. Granulomatous disease of the testis. J Urol. 1980; 123:868.
Alışılmadık Bir Akut Skrotum Nedeni
Yıl 2020,
, 188 - 192, 31.03.2020
Zeliha Akış Yıldız
Aytekin Kaymakcı
Ebru İtır Zemheri
Çalışmamızda 10 gündür sağ skrotumda ağrı,
kızarıklık ve şişlik ile başvuran 17 yaşında erkek olguyu sunmayı amaçladık.
- 1. Celigoj FA, Costabile RA. Surgery of the Scrotum and Seminal Vesicles. In: Wein AJ, ed. Campbell-Walsh Urology 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc; 2016: 3368-3398.
- 2. R Varma, S Baithun, S Alexander, B T Goh. Acute syphilitic interstitial orchitis mimicking testicular ma-lignancy in an HIV-1 infected man diagnosed by Treponemapallidum polymerase chain reaction. In-ternational Journal of STD & AIDS. 2009; 20: 65-66.
- 3. Celen MK, Ulug M, Ayaz C, Geyik MF, Hosoglu S. Brucellar epididymo-orchitis in southeastern part of Turkey: an 8 year experience. Braz J Infect Dis. 2010; 14(1): 109-115.
- 4. 4.Tanıdır Y, Gümrah A, Akbal C, Tarcan T. Brucel-la epididymoorchitis as the first presenting sign of brucellosis: A case report and review of the literatu-re. Marmara Medical Journal. 2008; 21(1); 56-60.
- 5. Nistal M, Paniagua R, González-Peramato P. Non-neoplastic diseases of the testis. In Bostwick DG, Cheng L. Urologic Surgical Pathology 3th ed Phila-delphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc; 2014: 560-735
- 6. Çetin Dinçel. Üroonkoloji, Meta Basım Matbaacılık Hizmetleri. 2. baskı. 2007: 745-754
- 7. Reisman EM, Colquitt LA, Childers J, Preminger GM. Brucella orchitis: a rare cause of testicular en-largement. J Urol. 1990; 143(4): 821-822.
- 8. Kocak I, Dundar M, Culhaci N, Unsal A. Relapse of brucellosis simulating testis tumor. Int J Urol. 2004; 11(8): 683-685.
- 9. Akinci E, Bodur H, Cevik MA et al. A complication of Brucellosis: Epididymo-orchitis. Int J Infect Dis. 2006; 10: 171-177.
- 10. Kahn RI, McAninch JW. Granulomatous disease of the testis. J Urol. 1980; 123:868.