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The Effect of Telephone and Message Reminder on Donor Gain in Temporary Blood Deferrrals: Randomised Controlled Trial

Yıl 2020, , 117 - 126, 31.03.2020


Objective: Selecting the appropriate donor is important to protect the health of the recipient and the donor. However, temporary deferral blood in this process is one of the reasons for lowering blood donation rates. It was aimed to evaluate the effect of two different attempts on the donation of blood donors after temporary deferrals.
Materials and Meyhods: The single-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted in Mersin, between the dates of 16.10.2017-31.10.2018 with 366 people. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups of telephone, message and control. Blood donati-ons at 1, 3 and 6. months were evaluated in telephone, message and control group.
Results: 70.8% of the deferral donors were male and 37.9% were primary and lower education. The most common reason for defer-ral was low level of hemoglobin. The duration of deferral ranged from 8 hours to 27 days and the median was 6 days (2-9 days). There were no differences between the groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion: It was seen that the low cost applications and the reminder made by telephone provided an increase in blood dona-tion even though not statistically significant. In order to increase the donor gain in the future, it is recommended to conduct a larger sample survey using different phone calls and message contents via changing age groups and gender.


  • 1. Porto-ferreira FA, Almeida-neto C De, Murphy EL, et al. A randomized trial to evaluate the use of text messaging, letter and telephone call reminders to improve return of blood donors with reactive serologic tests. HHS Public Access. 2018;57(1):102-107.
  • 2. World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Blood Safety 2016.; 2017.
  • 3. Kan Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Kan Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Faaliyet Kitabı.; 2016.
  • 4. Khurram S, Borhany M, Anwar N, et al. Frequency and reasons of donor deferral prior to blood donation process: A single centre experience. Transfus Med. 2016;27:10-15.
  • 5. Gonzo M, Shuuveni A, Mukesi M, Chipare I, Moyo S. Assessment of donor deferral rates and deferral reasons at the Namibia blood transfusion services. Int J Blood Transfus Immunohematol. 2016;5:37-43.
  • 6. Kasraian L, Negarestani N. Rates and reasons for blood donor deferral, Shiraz, Iran. A retrospective study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2015;133(1):36-42.
  • 7. Khan S, Rehman N, Raziq F. Donor deferral: Evaluation of causes on pre donor screening. Gomal J Med Sci. 2012;10(1):23-26.
  • 8. Zou S, Musavi F, Edward P, Rios JA, Trouern-trend J. Donor deferral and resulting donor loss at the American Red Cross Blood Services, 2001 through 2006. Transfusion. 2008;48(December):2531-2539.
  • 9. Germain M, Godin G. The relative efficacy of telephone and email reminders to elicit blood donation. Vox Sang. 2016;110:278-281.
  • 10. Custer B, Schlumpf K, Wright D, et al. Donor return following temporary deferral. NIH Public Access. 2011;51(6):1188-1196.
  • 11. Halperin D, Newman B. The effect of short-term, temporary deferral on future blood donation. Transfusion. 1998;38(2):181-183.
  • 12. Al Shaer L, Sharma R, Abdulrahman M. Analysis of blood donor pre-donation deferral in Dubai: Characteristics and reasons. Dovepress. 2017;8:55-60.
  • 13. Müller-Steinhardt M, Weidmann C, Wiesneth M, et al. Donor deferral rates after the implementation of a new German blood Donor Questionnaire. Transfus Med Hemother. 2012;39:17-22.
  • 14. Gülen H, Tüzün F, Ayhan Y, Erbay A, Öztürk E, Vergin C. The evaluation of blood donor deferral causes. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2009;23:91-94.
  • 15. Arslan Ö. Whole blood donor deferral rate and characteristics of the Turkish population. Transfus Med. 2007;17:379-383.
  • 16. Ngoma A, Goto A, Sawamura Y, Nollet KE, Ohto H, Yasumura S. Transfusion and apheresis science analysis of blood donor deferral in Japan: Characteristics and reasons. Transfus Apher Sci. 2013;49(3):655-660.
  • 17. Smith G, Fisher S, Doree C, et al. Oral or parenteral iron supplementation to reduce deferral, iron deficiency and/or anaemia in blood donors. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;3(7):1-20.
  • 18. Thijsen A, Masser B. Vasovagal reactions in blood donors: Risks, prevention and management . Transfus Med. 2017;16:25-59.
  • 19. Morand C, Coudurier N, Rolland C, et al. Prevention of syncopal-type reactions after whole blood donation: A cluster-randomized trial assessing hydration and muscle tension exercise. Transfusion. 2016;56:2412-2411.
  • 20. Sinclair KS, Campbell TS, Carey PM, Langevin E, Bowser B, France CR. An adapted post-donation motivational interview enhances blood donor retention. NIH Public Access. 2011;50(8):1778-1786.
  • 21. Reich P, Roberts P, Laabs N, et al. A randomized trial of blood donor recruitment strategies. Transfusion. 2006;46(July):1090-1096.

Kısa Süreli Kan Bağışı Retlerinde Telefon ve Mesajla Yapılan Hatırlatmanın Bağışçı Kazanımına Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Deneysel Çalışma

Yıl 2020, , 117 - 126, 31.03.2020


Amaç: Uygun donör seçimi alıcının ve vericinin sağlığının ko-runması yönüyle önemlidir. Ancak bu süreçte geçici retler kan bağışı oranlarını düşüren nedenlerdendir. Araştırma iki farklı girişimle yapılan hatırlatmanın geçici ret sonrası kan bağışçısı kazanımına etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Materyal ve Metod: Tek kör, randomize kontrollü deneysel araş-tırma olarak planlanan çalışma, Mersin’de 16.10.2017-31.10.2018 tarihlerinde kısa süreli ret verilen 366 kişiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Randomizasyonla belirlenen telefon, mesaj ve kontrol gruplarında girişim sonrası 1, 3 ve 6. aylarda yapılan kan bağışları değerlendi-rilmiştir.
Bulgular: Kısa süreli reddedilen bağışçıların %70,8’i erkek, %37,9’u ilköğretim ve altı eğitime sahiptir. Geçici retlerin en yay-gın sebebi hemoglobin düzeyi düşüklüğüdür. Ret süreleri 8 saat ile 27 gün arasında değişmekte olup ortancası 6 gündür (2-9 gün). Kan bağışı için geri dönüşler, telefonla hatırlatmada %37,8, mesajla hatırlatmada %33,3, kontrol grubunda %29,5 olup, istatistiksel olarak gruplar arasında fark yoktur (p>0,05).
Sonuç: Düşük maliyetli uygulamalar olarak mesajla ve telefonla yapılan hatırlatmanın istatistiksel olarak önemli olmasa da kan bağışında artış sağladığı görülmüştür. Gelecekte donör kazanımını arttırmak amacıyla, yaş gruplarına ve cinsiyete gore değişen içerik-te telefon konuşması ve mesaj içeriklerinin kullanıldığı daha geniş örneklemli araştırmaların yapılması önerilir.


  • 1. Porto-ferreira FA, Almeida-neto C De, Murphy EL, et al. A randomized trial to evaluate the use of text messaging, letter and telephone call reminders to improve return of blood donors with reactive serologic tests. HHS Public Access. 2018;57(1):102-107.
  • 2. World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Blood Safety 2016.; 2017.
  • 3. Kan Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Kan Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Faaliyet Kitabı.; 2016.
  • 4. Khurram S, Borhany M, Anwar N, et al. Frequency and reasons of donor deferral prior to blood donation process: A single centre experience. Transfus Med. 2016;27:10-15.
  • 5. Gonzo M, Shuuveni A, Mukesi M, Chipare I, Moyo S. Assessment of donor deferral rates and deferral reasons at the Namibia blood transfusion services. Int J Blood Transfus Immunohematol. 2016;5:37-43.
  • 6. Kasraian L, Negarestani N. Rates and reasons for blood donor deferral, Shiraz, Iran. A retrospective study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2015;133(1):36-42.
  • 7. Khan S, Rehman N, Raziq F. Donor deferral: Evaluation of causes on pre donor screening. Gomal J Med Sci. 2012;10(1):23-26.
  • 8. Zou S, Musavi F, Edward P, Rios JA, Trouern-trend J. Donor deferral and resulting donor loss at the American Red Cross Blood Services, 2001 through 2006. Transfusion. 2008;48(December):2531-2539.
  • 9. Germain M, Godin G. The relative efficacy of telephone and email reminders to elicit blood donation. Vox Sang. 2016;110:278-281.
  • 10. Custer B, Schlumpf K, Wright D, et al. Donor return following temporary deferral. NIH Public Access. 2011;51(6):1188-1196.
  • 11. Halperin D, Newman B. The effect of short-term, temporary deferral on future blood donation. Transfusion. 1998;38(2):181-183.
  • 12. Al Shaer L, Sharma R, Abdulrahman M. Analysis of blood donor pre-donation deferral in Dubai: Characteristics and reasons. Dovepress. 2017;8:55-60.
  • 13. Müller-Steinhardt M, Weidmann C, Wiesneth M, et al. Donor deferral rates after the implementation of a new German blood Donor Questionnaire. Transfus Med Hemother. 2012;39:17-22.
  • 14. Gülen H, Tüzün F, Ayhan Y, Erbay A, Öztürk E, Vergin C. The evaluation of blood donor deferral causes. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2009;23:91-94.
  • 15. Arslan Ö. Whole blood donor deferral rate and characteristics of the Turkish population. Transfus Med. 2007;17:379-383.
  • 16. Ngoma A, Goto A, Sawamura Y, Nollet KE, Ohto H, Yasumura S. Transfusion and apheresis science analysis of blood donor deferral in Japan: Characteristics and reasons. Transfus Apher Sci. 2013;49(3):655-660.
  • 17. Smith G, Fisher S, Doree C, et al. Oral or parenteral iron supplementation to reduce deferral, iron deficiency and/or anaemia in blood donors. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;3(7):1-20.
  • 18. Thijsen A, Masser B. Vasovagal reactions in blood donors: Risks, prevention and management . Transfus Med. 2017;16:25-59.
  • 19. Morand C, Coudurier N, Rolland C, et al. Prevention of syncopal-type reactions after whole blood donation: A cluster-randomized trial assessing hydration and muscle tension exercise. Transfusion. 2016;56:2412-2411.
  • 20. Sinclair KS, Campbell TS, Carey PM, Langevin E, Bowser B, France CR. An adapted post-donation motivational interview enhances blood donor retention. NIH Public Access. 2011;50(8):1778-1786.
  • 21. Reich P, Roberts P, Laabs N, et al. A randomized trial of blood donor recruitment strategies. Transfusion. 2006;46(July):1090-1096.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Emine Öncü 0000-0001-6660-1640

Yıldız Karacaoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8179-3548

Sümbüle Köksoy Vayısoğlu 0000-0002-3302-037X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2019
Kabul Tarihi 12 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

AMA Öncü E, Karacaoğlu Y, Köksoy Vayısoğlu S. Kısa Süreli Kan Bağışı Retlerinde Telefon ve Mesajla Yapılan Hatırlatmanın Bağışçı Kazanımına Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Deneysel Çalışma. OTSBD. Mart 2020;5(1):117-126. doi:10.26453/otjhs.543845

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