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Domestic Violence Against Women: The Views and Practices of Medical Faculty Nurses

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 56 - 63, 18.04.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışma bir tıp fakültesi hastanesi hemşirelerinin kadına yönelik şiddete bakış açılarını ve bu konudaki uygulamalarını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.
Yöntem: Araştırma tanımlayıcı türdedir. Konya’da bir tıp fakültesinde çalışan 392 hemşire ile yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 36 soruluk bir veri toplama formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin özetlenmesinde sayı ve yüzdelikler, kategorik veriler arası ilişkilerin belirlenmesinde Ki-kare (χ2) testi kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel olarak p<0.05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların yarısından fazlası (%60.2) şiddet mağdurlarının sorunlarıyla başa çıkabilmek için eğitime ihtiyaç duyduklarını ve yaklaşık üçte biri (%30.6) şiddetle ilgili yapılandırılmış, profesyonel bir eğitim almak istediklerini belirtti. Hemşirelerin %44.1’i şüpheli bir şiddet olayıyla karşılaştıklarını ifade ederken; yalnız beşte biri (%20.9) şiddetin olası nedenleriyle ilgili soruya yanıt verdi ve düşük eğitim düzeyine sahip olma en sık kaydedilen yanıttı (n=31, %7.9). Vücutta morluk, şişlik ve yaralar (%66.8) ile kadınların açıklanamayan psikolojik yakınmaları (%52.8) katılımcılar için şiddet şüphesinin ana ipuçlarıydı. Ekonomik ve sözlü şiddet hemşireler tarafından en çok tanık olunan şiddet türleriydi (%36.7). Kadına yönelik şiddetten kuşku duyma 18-27 yaş grubunda diğer yaş gruplarına kıyasla daha düşüktü (p<0.001), evli hemşirelerde bekarlara kıyasla daha yüksekti (p=0.001) ve şiddetle ilgili bir seminere veya kursa katılmış hemşirelerde daha yüksekti (p=0.03)
Sonuç: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin beşte birinin kadına yönelik şiddet konusunda eğitim aldığı belirlenmiştir. Katılan hemşirelerin yarısı kariyeri boyunca şiddete maruz kalan en az bir kadınla karşılaştığını, beşte biri de tanıdığı bir kadının şiddet gördüğünü bildirmiştir. Genç ve bekar hemşirelerin şiddetten şüphe duyması, yaşça daha büyük ve evli hemşirelere göre düşük bulunmuştur.

Proje Numarası



  • Aduloju PO, Olagbuji NB, Olofinbiyi AB, Awoleke JO. (2015). Prevalence and predictors of intimate partner violence among women attending infertility clinic in south-western Nigeria. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 188, 66-69.
  • Bilgin Şahin B, Erbay Dündar P. (2017). Violence against women and life quality. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 18(3), 203-210.
  • Bozkurt ÖD, Daşıkan Z, Kavlak O, Şirin A. (2013). Determination of knowledge, opinions and professional attitudes of midwives on violence in pregnancy. Balıkesir Health Sciences Journal, 2, 99-107.
  • Brown H. (2004). Violence against vulnerable groups. Council of Europe Publishing, 1-69.
  • Dağlar G, Bilgiç D, Demirel G. (2017). Midwifery and Nursing Students' Attitudes towards Violence Against Women. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 10(4), 220-228.
  • Dişsiz M, Hotun Şahin N. (2008). A universal problem of women's health: violence against women. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 1, 50-58.
  • Duman Büyükkayacı N, Büyükgönenç L, Güngör T, Yılmazel G, Topuz Ş, Koçak Yüksel D. (2016). Perceptions of violence against women and factors affecting health care workers. The Journal of Gynecology- Obstetrics and Neonatalogy, 13(4), 154-159.
  • Ergöçmen BA, Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu İ, Jansen HA. (2013). Intimate partner violence and the relation between help-seeking behavior and the severity and frequency of physical violence among women in Turkey. Violence Against Women, 19(9), 1151-1174.
  • Faul F, Erdfelder E, Buchner A, Lang AG. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 1149-1160.
  • Garcia-Moreno C, Charlotte W. (2011). Violence against women: an urgent public health priority. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 89, 2-2.
  • Garcia-Moreno C, Hegarty K, d’Oliveira AFL, Koziol-McLain J, Colombini M, Feder G. (2015). The health-systems response to violence against women. Lancet, 385, 1567-1579.
  • Gömbül Ö, Buldukoğlu K. (1997). Opinions of nurses regarding women and women's equal violence. The Journal of Crisis, 5(2), 103-114.
  • Hıdıroğlu S, Topuzoğlu A, Ay P, Karavuş M. (2006). Assessing the factors affecting physical violence against women and children: A healthcare based study in Istanbul. New Symposium Journal, 44(4), 196-202.
  • Hotun Şahin N, Dişsiz M, Sömek A, Dinç H. (2008). Determining the healthcare workers’ experiences and attitudes towards domestic violence. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 2, 17-31.
  • Kanbay Y, Işık E, Yavuzaslan M, Keleş S. (2012). Determination of nursing students' views and attitudes about domestic violence against women. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2), 107-119.
  • Kandemirci D, Kağnıcı DY. (2014). Handling domestic violence against women: A multi-dimensional study. Turkish Psychological Articles, 17, 1-12.
  • Karaoğlu N, Çivi S, Kutlu R, Marakoğlu K. (2006). Evaluation of the socio-demographic characteristics of persecutors according to female victims: A community-based study in Konya. T Clin J Med Sci, 26, 522-526.
  • Kaynar Tuncel E, Dündar C, Peşken Y. (2007). Assessment of midwifery and nursing students ' knowledge and attitudes about domestic violence. General Medical Journal, 17(2), 105-110.
  • Kıyak S, Akın B. (2010). Knowledge and attitudes of nurses and midwives towards domestic violence against women. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 2, 5-16.
  • Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA, Zwi AB, Lozano R. (2002 a). World report on violence and health. World Health Organization Geneva.
  • Krug EG, Mercy JA, Dahlberg LL, Zwi AB. (2002 b). The world report on violence and health. Lancet, 360, 1083-1088.
  • Lundell IW, Eulau L, Bjarneby F, Westerbotn M. (2018). Women’s Experiences with Healthcare Professionals after Suffering from Gender-Based Violence: An Interview Study. J Clin Nurs, 27, 949-957.
  • National Health System (NHS). (2007). Common Informatıve Indıcators and Qualıty Crıterıa In Basıc Traınıng For Dealıng Wıth Gender Vıolence. NHS Interterritorial Council. Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2020.
  • Orhan AS, Gölbaşı Z. (2011). Opinions and practices of domestic violence against women for health care workers working in primary health care institutions. Turkish Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 2, 21-32.
  • Page AZ, İnce M. (2008). A Review on domestic violence. Turkish Psychological Articles, 11(22), 81-94.
  • Republic of Turkey (RT). (2009). Prime Ministry Directorate General on the status of women. Domestic violence research for women in Turkey. Apple Technical Publishing. Erişim tarihi: 15.05.2020.
  • Republic of Turkey (RT). (2015). Prime Ministry Directorate General on the status of women. Domestic violence against women in Turkey. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. Apple Technical Publishing. Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2020.
  • Sarıbıyık M. (2012). Violence experiences and attitudes and behavior levels of physicians, nurses and midwives working in Malatya central health centers. Inonu University, Health Sciences Institute, Public Health Departmant Master Programme.
  • The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT). (2015). Investigation of Victims of Women for The Determination of Precautions Required to be Recovered Report of The Instituted Parliament Research Committee. Ankara.
  • Watts C, Zimmermen C. (2002). Violence against women: Global scope and magnitude. Lancet, 359, 1232-1237.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2005). Multi-country study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women: summary report of initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women’s responses. Geneva. Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2020.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Violence against women. Intimate partner and sexual violence against women Fact sheet. Geneva. Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2020.

Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet: Tıp Fakültesi Hemşirelerinin Görüş ve Uygulamaları

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 56 - 63, 18.04.2021


Objective: This study aimed to determine the views and practices of a medical faculty nurses about violence against women.
Methods: The research is descriptive. It was conducted with 392 nurses working in a medical faculty in Konya. A 36-question data collection form was used in the study. Numbers and percentages were used to summarize the research data, and Chi-square (χ2) test was used to determine the relationships between categorical data.
Results: More than a half of participants (60.2%) noted their need for an education about how to manage problems of a violence victim and approximately one third (30.6%) specified a structured, professional education need about violence. Although 44.1% reported an suspicion of violence they experienced, interestingly, just one of five (20.9%) answered the questions asking the probable reasons of violence and low education level of violent was at the top of answers (n=31; 7.9%). Bruise, swelling, and wounds on the body (66.8%) and unexplained psychological complaints of women (52.8%) were the main cues for violence suspicion for participants. Economic and verbal violence were the types of violence nurses noted mostly (36.7%). Suspicion of violence against women was lower in the 18–27 age group than older age groups (p<0.001), it was higher in married than singles (p=0.001) and it was significantly higher in the nurses who went to a seminar or course on violence (p=0.03).
Conclusion: It was determined that one fifth of the nurses participating in the study received training on approach to violence against women. Half of the participating nurses reported that they encountered at least one woman who was subjected to violence during their career, and one fifth reported that a woman they knew experienced violence. The suspicion of violence by young and single nurses was found to be lower than older and married nurses.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



The authors thank all those who participated in this study.


  • Aduloju PO, Olagbuji NB, Olofinbiyi AB, Awoleke JO. (2015). Prevalence and predictors of intimate partner violence among women attending infertility clinic in south-western Nigeria. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 188, 66-69.
  • Bilgin Şahin B, Erbay Dündar P. (2017). Violence against women and life quality. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 18(3), 203-210.
  • Bozkurt ÖD, Daşıkan Z, Kavlak O, Şirin A. (2013). Determination of knowledge, opinions and professional attitudes of midwives on violence in pregnancy. Balıkesir Health Sciences Journal, 2, 99-107.
  • Brown H. (2004). Violence against vulnerable groups. Council of Europe Publishing, 1-69.
  • Dağlar G, Bilgiç D, Demirel G. (2017). Midwifery and Nursing Students' Attitudes towards Violence Against Women. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 10(4), 220-228.
  • Dişsiz M, Hotun Şahin N. (2008). A universal problem of women's health: violence against women. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 1, 50-58.
  • Duman Büyükkayacı N, Büyükgönenç L, Güngör T, Yılmazel G, Topuz Ş, Koçak Yüksel D. (2016). Perceptions of violence against women and factors affecting health care workers. The Journal of Gynecology- Obstetrics and Neonatalogy, 13(4), 154-159.
  • Ergöçmen BA, Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu İ, Jansen HA. (2013). Intimate partner violence and the relation between help-seeking behavior and the severity and frequency of physical violence among women in Turkey. Violence Against Women, 19(9), 1151-1174.
  • Faul F, Erdfelder E, Buchner A, Lang AG. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 1149-1160.
  • Garcia-Moreno C, Charlotte W. (2011). Violence against women: an urgent public health priority. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 89, 2-2.
  • Garcia-Moreno C, Hegarty K, d’Oliveira AFL, Koziol-McLain J, Colombini M, Feder G. (2015). The health-systems response to violence against women. Lancet, 385, 1567-1579.
  • Gömbül Ö, Buldukoğlu K. (1997). Opinions of nurses regarding women and women's equal violence. The Journal of Crisis, 5(2), 103-114.
  • Hıdıroğlu S, Topuzoğlu A, Ay P, Karavuş M. (2006). Assessing the factors affecting physical violence against women and children: A healthcare based study in Istanbul. New Symposium Journal, 44(4), 196-202.
  • Hotun Şahin N, Dişsiz M, Sömek A, Dinç H. (2008). Determining the healthcare workers’ experiences and attitudes towards domestic violence. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 2, 17-31.
  • Kanbay Y, Işık E, Yavuzaslan M, Keleş S. (2012). Determination of nursing students' views and attitudes about domestic violence against women. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2), 107-119.
  • Kandemirci D, Kağnıcı DY. (2014). Handling domestic violence against women: A multi-dimensional study. Turkish Psychological Articles, 17, 1-12.
  • Karaoğlu N, Çivi S, Kutlu R, Marakoğlu K. (2006). Evaluation of the socio-demographic characteristics of persecutors according to female victims: A community-based study in Konya. T Clin J Med Sci, 26, 522-526.
  • Kaynar Tuncel E, Dündar C, Peşken Y. (2007). Assessment of midwifery and nursing students ' knowledge and attitudes about domestic violence. General Medical Journal, 17(2), 105-110.
  • Kıyak S, Akın B. (2010). Knowledge and attitudes of nurses and midwives towards domestic violence against women. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 2, 5-16.
  • Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA, Zwi AB, Lozano R. (2002 a). World report on violence and health. World Health Organization Geneva.
  • Krug EG, Mercy JA, Dahlberg LL, Zwi AB. (2002 b). The world report on violence and health. Lancet, 360, 1083-1088.
  • Lundell IW, Eulau L, Bjarneby F, Westerbotn M. (2018). Women’s Experiences with Healthcare Professionals after Suffering from Gender-Based Violence: An Interview Study. J Clin Nurs, 27, 949-957.
  • National Health System (NHS). (2007). Common Informatıve Indıcators and Qualıty Crıterıa In Basıc Traınıng For Dealıng Wıth Gender Vıolence. NHS Interterritorial Council. Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2020.
  • Orhan AS, Gölbaşı Z. (2011). Opinions and practices of domestic violence against women for health care workers working in primary health care institutions. Turkish Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 2, 21-32.
  • Page AZ, İnce M. (2008). A Review on domestic violence. Turkish Psychological Articles, 11(22), 81-94.
  • Republic of Turkey (RT). (2009). Prime Ministry Directorate General on the status of women. Domestic violence research for women in Turkey. Apple Technical Publishing. Erişim tarihi: 15.05.2020.
  • Republic of Turkey (RT). (2015). Prime Ministry Directorate General on the status of women. Domestic violence against women in Turkey. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. Apple Technical Publishing. Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2020.
  • Sarıbıyık M. (2012). Violence experiences and attitudes and behavior levels of physicians, nurses and midwives working in Malatya central health centers. Inonu University, Health Sciences Institute, Public Health Departmant Master Programme.
  • The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT). (2015). Investigation of Victims of Women for The Determination of Precautions Required to be Recovered Report of The Instituted Parliament Research Committee. Ankara.
  • Watts C, Zimmermen C. (2002). Violence against women: Global scope and magnitude. Lancet, 359, 1232-1237.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2005). Multi-country study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women: summary report of initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women’s responses. Geneva. Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2020.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Violence against women. Intimate partner and sexual violence against women Fact sheet. Geneva. Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2020.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Araştırma

Yasemin Durduran 0000-0003-0455-0627

Berrin Okka 0000-0002-9442-4706

Nazan Karaoğlu 0000-0002-3057-2988

Elif Nur Yıldırım Öztürk 0000-0003-1447-9756

Proje Numarası yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Durduran, Y., Okka, B., Karaoğlu, N., Yıldırım Öztürk, E. N. (2021). Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet: Tıp Fakültesi Hemşirelerinin Görüş ve Uygulamaları. Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 56-63.

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Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi