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Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 193 - 202, 30.06.2017


betonarme kirişlerin kesmeden kırılmasını gevrek bir kırılma olduğu için
önlemeyi amaçlar. Bir betonarme kirişin tasarımı için kesme dayanımının doğru
tahmini önemlidir. Betonarme kirişlerin kesme dayanımını tahmin etmek için
çeşitli denklemler mevcuttur. Artan hesaplama gücü sayesinde, bu denklemlerin
yapabileceğinden daha doğru tahminler verecek nümerik modeller geliştirmek
mümkündür. Bu makalede, kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme
dayanımını tahmin etmek için geliştirilmiş bir yapay sinir ağ modeli
sunulmuştur. Modelin, beş tane yönetmelik denklemiyle ve farklı araştırmacılar
tarafından önerilmiş 14 denklemle karşılaştırmaları verilmiştir. Model, bu
çalışmada kullanılan kirişlerin kesme dayanımını tahmin etmekte ele alınan
denklemlerden daha iyi performans sergilemiştir. Geliştirilen model
kullanılarak çeşitli parametrelerin kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin
kesme dayanımı üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek için yapılan bir parametrik
çalışma da sunulmuştur. Bu parametrik çalışma sonucunda, kesme donatısız
betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımı üzerinde önemli bir boyut etkisi


  • ACI-ASCE Committee 426 “Shear strength of reinforced concrete members (ACI 426R-74) (Reapproved 1980)”. Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, 99(6), 1091-1187, 1973. ACI-ASCE Committee 445 “Recent approaches to shear design of structural concrete (ACI 445R-99) (Reapproved 2009)”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 124(12), 1375-1417, 1998. Oreta A. “Simulating size effect on shear strength of RC beams without stirrups using neural networks”. Engineering Structures, 26(5), 681-691, 2004. Cladera A, Mari A. “Shear design procedure for reinforced normal and high strength concrete beams using artificial neural networks. Part I: Beams without stirrups”. Engineering Structures, 26(7), 917-926, 2004. El-Chabib H, Nehdi M, Said A. “Predicting shear capacity of NSC and HSC slender beams without stirrups using artificial intelligence”. Computers and Concrete, An International Journal, 2(1), 79-96, 2005. Seleemah AA. “A neural network model for predicting maximum shear capacity of concrete beams without transverse reinforcement”. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32(4), 644-657, 2005. Jung S, Kim K. “Knowledge-based prediction of shear strength of concrete beams without shear reinforcement”. Engineering Structures, 30(6), 1515-1525, 2008. Mansour M, Dicleli M, Lee J. “Predicting the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams using artificial neural networks”. Engineering Structures, 26(6), 781-799, 2004. Cladera A, Mari A. “Shear design procedure for reinforced normal and high strength concrete beams using artificial neural networks. Part II: Beams with stirrups”. Engineering Structures, 26(7), 927-936, 2004. El-Chabib H, Nehdi M, Said A. “Predicting the effect of stirrups on shear strength of reinforced normal-strength concrete (NSC) and high-strength concrete (HSC) slender beams using artificial intelligence”. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(8), 933-944, 2006. Abdalla J, Elsanosi A, Abdelwahab A. “Modeling and simulation of shear resistance of R/C beams using artificial neural network”. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 344(5), 741-756, 2007. Goh A. “Prediction of ultimate shear strength of deep beams using neural networks”. ACI Structural Journal, 92(1), 28-32, 1995. Sanad A, Saka M. “Prediction of ultimate shear strength of reinforced concrete deep beams using neural networks”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 127(7), 818-828, 2001. Yavuz G. “Shear strength estimation of RC deep beams using the ANN and strut-and-tie approaches”. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 57(4), 657-680, 2016. Perera R, Barchin M, Arteaga A, Diego AD. “Prediction of the ultimate strength of reinforced concrete beams FRP-strengthened in shear using neural networks”. Composites Part B: Engineering, 41(4), 287-298, 2010. Tanarslan HM, Secer M, Kumanlioglu A. “An approach for estimating the capacity of RC beams strengthened in shear with FRP reinforcements using artificial neural networks”. Construction and Building Materials, 30, 556-568, 2012. Tanarslan HM, Kumanlioglu A, Sakar G. “An anticipated shear design method for reinforced concrete beams strengthened with anchoraged carbon fiber-reinforced polymer by using neural network”. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 24(1), 19-39, 2015. Cevik A, Ozturk S. “Neuro-fuzzy model for shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement”. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 26(3), 263-277, 2009. Choi KK, Sherif A, Taha M, Chung L. “Shear strength of slender reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement: A model using fuzzy set theory”. Engineering Structures, 31(3), 768-777, 2009. Amani J, Moeini R, “Prediction of shear strength of reinforced concrete beams using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and artificial neural network”. Scientia Iranica, 19(2), 242-248, 2012. Nasrollahzadeh K, Basiri MM. “Prediction of shear strength of FRP reinforced concrete beams using fuzzy inference system”. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(4), 1006-1020, 2014. Mohammadhassani M, Saleh AMD, Suhatril M, Safa M. “Fuzzy modelling approach for shear strength prediction of RC deep beams”. Smart Structures and Systems, 16(3), 497-519, 2015. Ashour A, Alvarez L, Toropov V. “Empirical modelling of shear strength of RC deep beams by genetic programming”. Computers & Structures, 81(5), 331-338, 2003. Perez J, Cladera A, Rabunal J, Martinez-Abella F. “Optimal adjustment of EC-2 shear formulation for concrete elements without web reinforcement using genetic programming”. Engineering Structures, 32(11), 3452-3466, 2010. Perez J, Cladera A, Rabunal J, Martinez-Abella F. “Optimization of existing equations using a new genetic programming algorithm: application to the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams”. Advances in Engineering Software, 50, 82-96, 2012. European Committee for Standardization. “Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures-Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings”. Brussels, Belgium, 2004. Gandomi AH, Yun GJ, Alavi AH. “An evolutionary approach for modeling of shear strength of RC deep beams”. Materials and Structures, 46(12), 2109-2119, 2013. Gandomi AH, Alavi AH, Shadmehri DM, Sahab MG. “An empirical model for shear capacity of RC deep beams using genetic-simulated annealing”. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 13(3), 354-369, 2013. Gandomi AH, Alavi AH, Kazemi S, Gandomi M. “Formulation of shear strength of slender RC beams using gene expression programming, part I: Without shear reinforcement”. Automation in Construction, 42, 112-121, 2014. Gandomi AH, Mohammadzadeh D, Pérez-Ordóñez JL, Alavi AH. “Linear genetic programming for shear strength prediction of reinforced concrete beams without stirrups”. Applied Soft Computing, 19, 112-120, 2014. Cheng MY, Cao MT. “Evolutionary multi variate adaptive regression splines for estimating shear strength in reinforced-concrete deep beams”. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 28, 86-96, 2014. Chou J, Ngo N, Pham A. "Shear strength prediction in reinforced concrete deep beams using nature-inspired metaheuristic support vector regression". ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(1), 2016. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000466 Fiore A, Quaranta G, Marano GC, Monti G. “Evolutionary polynomial regression–based statistical determination of the shear capacity equation for reinforced concrete beams without stirrups”. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(1), 2016. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000450 Hagan M, Demuth H, Beale M. Neural Network Design. Boston, MA, PWS Publishing Company, 1996. Beale M, Hagan M, Demuth H. MATLAB 2012a Neural Network Toolbox™ User’s Guide. Natick, MA, The MathWorks, Inc., 2012. Reineck KH, Kuchma D, Kim K, Marx S. “Shear database for reinforced concrete members without shear reinforcement” ACI Structural Journal, 100(2), 240-249, 2003. Collins M, Bentz E, Sherwood E. “Where is shear reinforcement required? Review of research results and design procedures”. ACI Structural Journal, 105(5), 590-600, 2008. Bohigas A. Shear Design of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Beams. PhD Thesis, The Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. Cho S. “Shear strength prediction by modified plasticity theory for short beams”. ACI Structural Journal, 100(1), 105-112, 2003. Garip E. Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups (in Turkish). MSc Thesis, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Hamrat M, Boulekbache B, Chemrouk M, Amziane S. “Shear behavior of RC beams without stirrups made of normal strength and high strength concretes”. Advances in Structural Engineering, 13(1), 29-42, 2010. Kwak YK, Eberhard M, Kim WS, Kim J. “Shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams without stirrups”. ACI Structural Journal, 99(4), 530-538, 2002. Lee JY, Choi IJ, Kim SW. “Shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams with high-strength stirrups”. ACI Structural Journal, 108(5), 620-629, 2011. Shah A, Ahmad S. “An experimental investigation into shear capacity of high strength concrete beams”. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), 8(5), 549-562, 2007. Slowik M, Nowicki T. “The analysis of diagonal crack propagation in concrete beams”. Computational Materials Science, 52, 261-267, 2012. Slowik M, Smarzewski P. “Study of the scale effect on diagonal crack propagation in concrete beams”. Computational Materials Science, 64, 216-220, 2012. Sneed L, Ramirez J. “Influence of effective depth on shear strength of concrete beams-experimental study”. ACI Structural Journal, 107(5), 554-562, 2010. Taylor R. “Some shear tests on reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement”. Magazine of Concrete Research, 12(36), 145-154, 1960. Taylor R, Brewer R. “The effect of the type of aggregate on the diagonal cracking of reinforced concrete beams”. Magazine of Concrete Research, 15(44), 87-92, 1963. Tompos E, Frosch R. “Influence of beam size, longitudinal reinforcement, and stirrup effectiveness on concrete shear strength”. ACI Structural Journal, 99(5), 559-567, 2002. Wafa F, Ashour S, Hasanain G. “Shear behavior of reinforced high strength concrete beams”. Engineering Journal of Qatar University, 7, 91-113, 1994. ACI Committee 318. “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-11) and Commentary”. Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 2011. Comité Euro-International du Béton. “CEB-FIP Model Code 2010”. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010. Turkish Standards Institute. “TS 500 Requirements for Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Structures”. Ankara, Turkey, 2000. Zsutty T. “Shear strength prediction for separate categories of simple beam tests”. ACI Journal Proceedings, 68(2), 138-143, 1971. Okamura H, Higai T. “Proposed design equation for shear strength of RC beams without web reinforcement”. Proceedings, Japan Society of Civil Engineering, 300, 131-141, 1980. Bazant Z, Sun HH. “Size effect in diagonal shear failure: influence of aggregate size and stirrups”. ACI Materials Journal, 84(4), 259-272, 1987. Kim JK, Park YD. “Prediction of shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement”. ACI Materials Journal, 93(3), 213-222, 1996. Collins M, Kuchma D. “How safe are our large, lightly reinforced concrete beams, slabs and footings?”. ACI Structural Journal, 96(4), 482-490, 1999. Rebeiz K. “Shear strength prediction for concrete members”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(3), 301-308, 1999. Khuntia M, Stojadinovic B. “Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without transverse reinforcement”. ACI Structural Journal, 98(5), 648-656, 2001. Zararis P, Papadakis G. “Diagonal shear failure and size effect in RC beams without web reinforcement”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 127(7), 733-742, 2001. Tureyen A, Frosch R. “Concrete shear strength: another perspective”. ACI Structural Journal, 100(5), 609-615, 2003. Arslan G. “Diagonal tension failure of RC beams without stirrups”. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18(2), 217-226, 2012.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 193 - 202, 30.06.2017



  • ACI-ASCE Committee 426 “Shear strength of reinforced concrete members (ACI 426R-74) (Reapproved 1980)”. Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, 99(6), 1091-1187, 1973. ACI-ASCE Committee 445 “Recent approaches to shear design of structural concrete (ACI 445R-99) (Reapproved 2009)”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 124(12), 1375-1417, 1998. Oreta A. “Simulating size effect on shear strength of RC beams without stirrups using neural networks”. Engineering Structures, 26(5), 681-691, 2004. Cladera A, Mari A. “Shear design procedure for reinforced normal and high strength concrete beams using artificial neural networks. Part I: Beams without stirrups”. Engineering Structures, 26(7), 917-926, 2004. El-Chabib H, Nehdi M, Said A. “Predicting shear capacity of NSC and HSC slender beams without stirrups using artificial intelligence”. Computers and Concrete, An International Journal, 2(1), 79-96, 2005. Seleemah AA. “A neural network model for predicting maximum shear capacity of concrete beams without transverse reinforcement”. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32(4), 644-657, 2005. Jung S, Kim K. “Knowledge-based prediction of shear strength of concrete beams without shear reinforcement”. Engineering Structures, 30(6), 1515-1525, 2008. Mansour M, Dicleli M, Lee J. “Predicting the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams using artificial neural networks”. Engineering Structures, 26(6), 781-799, 2004. Cladera A, Mari A. “Shear design procedure for reinforced normal and high strength concrete beams using artificial neural networks. Part II: Beams with stirrups”. Engineering Structures, 26(7), 927-936, 2004. El-Chabib H, Nehdi M, Said A. “Predicting the effect of stirrups on shear strength of reinforced normal-strength concrete (NSC) and high-strength concrete (HSC) slender beams using artificial intelligence”. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(8), 933-944, 2006. Abdalla J, Elsanosi A, Abdelwahab A. “Modeling and simulation of shear resistance of R/C beams using artificial neural network”. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 344(5), 741-756, 2007. Goh A. “Prediction of ultimate shear strength of deep beams using neural networks”. ACI Structural Journal, 92(1), 28-32, 1995. Sanad A, Saka M. “Prediction of ultimate shear strength of reinforced concrete deep beams using neural networks”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 127(7), 818-828, 2001. Yavuz G. “Shear strength estimation of RC deep beams using the ANN and strut-and-tie approaches”. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 57(4), 657-680, 2016. Perera R, Barchin M, Arteaga A, Diego AD. “Prediction of the ultimate strength of reinforced concrete beams FRP-strengthened in shear using neural networks”. Composites Part B: Engineering, 41(4), 287-298, 2010. Tanarslan HM, Secer M, Kumanlioglu A. “An approach for estimating the capacity of RC beams strengthened in shear with FRP reinforcements using artificial neural networks”. Construction and Building Materials, 30, 556-568, 2012. Tanarslan HM, Kumanlioglu A, Sakar G. “An anticipated shear design method for reinforced concrete beams strengthened with anchoraged carbon fiber-reinforced polymer by using neural network”. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 24(1), 19-39, 2015. Cevik A, Ozturk S. “Neuro-fuzzy model for shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement”. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 26(3), 263-277, 2009. Choi KK, Sherif A, Taha M, Chung L. “Shear strength of slender reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement: A model using fuzzy set theory”. Engineering Structures, 31(3), 768-777, 2009. Amani J, Moeini R, “Prediction of shear strength of reinforced concrete beams using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and artificial neural network”. Scientia Iranica, 19(2), 242-248, 2012. Nasrollahzadeh K, Basiri MM. “Prediction of shear strength of FRP reinforced concrete beams using fuzzy inference system”. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(4), 1006-1020, 2014. Mohammadhassani M, Saleh AMD, Suhatril M, Safa M. “Fuzzy modelling approach for shear strength prediction of RC deep beams”. Smart Structures and Systems, 16(3), 497-519, 2015. Ashour A, Alvarez L, Toropov V. “Empirical modelling of shear strength of RC deep beams by genetic programming”. Computers & Structures, 81(5), 331-338, 2003. Perez J, Cladera A, Rabunal J, Martinez-Abella F. “Optimal adjustment of EC-2 shear formulation for concrete elements without web reinforcement using genetic programming”. Engineering Structures, 32(11), 3452-3466, 2010. Perez J, Cladera A, Rabunal J, Martinez-Abella F. “Optimization of existing equations using a new genetic programming algorithm: application to the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams”. Advances in Engineering Software, 50, 82-96, 2012. European Committee for Standardization. “Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures-Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings”. Brussels, Belgium, 2004. Gandomi AH, Yun GJ, Alavi AH. “An evolutionary approach for modeling of shear strength of RC deep beams”. Materials and Structures, 46(12), 2109-2119, 2013. Gandomi AH, Alavi AH, Shadmehri DM, Sahab MG. “An empirical model for shear capacity of RC deep beams using genetic-simulated annealing”. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 13(3), 354-369, 2013. Gandomi AH, Alavi AH, Kazemi S, Gandomi M. “Formulation of shear strength of slender RC beams using gene expression programming, part I: Without shear reinforcement”. Automation in Construction, 42, 112-121, 2014. Gandomi AH, Mohammadzadeh D, Pérez-Ordóñez JL, Alavi AH. “Linear genetic programming for shear strength prediction of reinforced concrete beams without stirrups”. Applied Soft Computing, 19, 112-120, 2014. Cheng MY, Cao MT. “Evolutionary multi variate adaptive regression splines for estimating shear strength in reinforced-concrete deep beams”. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 28, 86-96, 2014. Chou J, Ngo N, Pham A. "Shear strength prediction in reinforced concrete deep beams using nature-inspired metaheuristic support vector regression". ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(1), 2016. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000466 Fiore A, Quaranta G, Marano GC, Monti G. “Evolutionary polynomial regression–based statistical determination of the shear capacity equation for reinforced concrete beams without stirrups”. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(1), 2016. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000450 Hagan M, Demuth H, Beale M. Neural Network Design. Boston, MA, PWS Publishing Company, 1996. Beale M, Hagan M, Demuth H. MATLAB 2012a Neural Network Toolbox™ User’s Guide. Natick, MA, The MathWorks, Inc., 2012. Reineck KH, Kuchma D, Kim K, Marx S. “Shear database for reinforced concrete members without shear reinforcement” ACI Structural Journal, 100(2), 240-249, 2003. Collins M, Bentz E, Sherwood E. “Where is shear reinforcement required? Review of research results and design procedures”. ACI Structural Journal, 105(5), 590-600, 2008. Bohigas A. Shear Design of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Beams. PhD Thesis, The Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. Cho S. “Shear strength prediction by modified plasticity theory for short beams”. ACI Structural Journal, 100(1), 105-112, 2003. Garip E. Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups (in Turkish). MSc Thesis, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Hamrat M, Boulekbache B, Chemrouk M, Amziane S. “Shear behavior of RC beams without stirrups made of normal strength and high strength concretes”. Advances in Structural Engineering, 13(1), 29-42, 2010. Kwak YK, Eberhard M, Kim WS, Kim J. “Shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams without stirrups”. ACI Structural Journal, 99(4), 530-538, 2002. Lee JY, Choi IJ, Kim SW. “Shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams with high-strength stirrups”. ACI Structural Journal, 108(5), 620-629, 2011. Shah A, Ahmad S. “An experimental investigation into shear capacity of high strength concrete beams”. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), 8(5), 549-562, 2007. Slowik M, Nowicki T. “The analysis of diagonal crack propagation in concrete beams”. Computational Materials Science, 52, 261-267, 2012. Slowik M, Smarzewski P. “Study of the scale effect on diagonal crack propagation in concrete beams”. Computational Materials Science, 64, 216-220, 2012. Sneed L, Ramirez J. “Influence of effective depth on shear strength of concrete beams-experimental study”. ACI Structural Journal, 107(5), 554-562, 2010. Taylor R. “Some shear tests on reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement”. Magazine of Concrete Research, 12(36), 145-154, 1960. Taylor R, Brewer R. “The effect of the type of aggregate on the diagonal cracking of reinforced concrete beams”. Magazine of Concrete Research, 15(44), 87-92, 1963. Tompos E, Frosch R. “Influence of beam size, longitudinal reinforcement, and stirrup effectiveness on concrete shear strength”. ACI Structural Journal, 99(5), 559-567, 2002. Wafa F, Ashour S, Hasanain G. “Shear behavior of reinforced high strength concrete beams”. Engineering Journal of Qatar University, 7, 91-113, 1994. ACI Committee 318. “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-11) and Commentary”. Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 2011. Comité Euro-International du Béton. “CEB-FIP Model Code 2010”. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010. Turkish Standards Institute. “TS 500 Requirements for Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Structures”. Ankara, Turkey, 2000. Zsutty T. “Shear strength prediction for separate categories of simple beam tests”. ACI Journal Proceedings, 68(2), 138-143, 1971. Okamura H, Higai T. “Proposed design equation for shear strength of RC beams without web reinforcement”. Proceedings, Japan Society of Civil Engineering, 300, 131-141, 1980. Bazant Z, Sun HH. “Size effect in diagonal shear failure: influence of aggregate size and stirrups”. ACI Materials Journal, 84(4), 259-272, 1987. Kim JK, Park YD. “Prediction of shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement”. ACI Materials Journal, 93(3), 213-222, 1996. Collins M, Kuchma D. “How safe are our large, lightly reinforced concrete beams, slabs and footings?”. ACI Structural Journal, 96(4), 482-490, 1999. Rebeiz K. “Shear strength prediction for concrete members”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(3), 301-308, 1999. Khuntia M, Stojadinovic B. “Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without transverse reinforcement”. ACI Structural Journal, 98(5), 648-656, 2001. Zararis P, Papadakis G. “Diagonal shear failure and size effect in RC beams without web reinforcement”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 127(7), 733-742, 2001. Tureyen A, Frosch R. “Concrete shear strength: another perspective”. ACI Structural Journal, 100(5), 609-615, 2003. Arslan G. “Diagonal tension failure of RC beams without stirrups”. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 18(2), 217-226, 2012.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makale

Rıza Secer Orkun Keskin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Keskin, R. S. O. (2017). Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(3), 193-202.
AMA Keskin RSO. Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Haziran 2017;23(3):193-202.
Chicago Keskin, Rıza Secer Orkun. “Kesme donatısız Betonarme Narin kirişlerin Kesme dayanımının Yapay Sinir ağları kullanılarak Tahmini”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23, sy. 3 (Haziran 2017): 193-202.
EndNote Keskin RSO (01 Haziran 2017) Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23 3 193–202.
IEEE R. S. O. Keskin, “Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 23, sy. 3, ss. 193–202, 2017.
ISNAD Keskin, Rıza Secer Orkun. “Kesme donatısız Betonarme Narin kirişlerin Kesme dayanımının Yapay Sinir ağları kullanılarak Tahmini”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23/3 (Haziran 2017), 193-202.
JAMA Keskin RSO. Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;23:193–202.
MLA Keskin, Rıza Secer Orkun. “Kesme donatısız Betonarme Narin kirişlerin Kesme dayanımının Yapay Sinir ağları kullanılarak Tahmini”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 23, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 193-02.
Vancouver Keskin RSO. Kesme donatısız betonarme narin kirişlerin kesme dayanımının yapay sinir ağları kullanılarak tahmini. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;23(3):193-202.

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