Elektrik direnç nokta kaynağı ile birleştirilen yüksek mukavemetli çeliklerin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 63 - 68, 27.02.2018
Sedat Aras
Rukiye Ertan
Hande Güler Özgül
çalışmada farklı kalınlıklardaki DP 800, Usibor 1500 ve Ductibor 500P olmak
üzere üç farklı yüksek mukavemetli çelik sac malzeme elektrik direnç nokta
kaynağı ile birleştirilmiştir. Kaynak işlemi elektrik akımı, basıncı ve süresi
gibi sabit parametreler altında farklı malzeme kombinasyonlarında yapılmıştır.
Aynı ve farklı malzeme çiftleri için bindirme şeklinde elektrik direnç nokta
kaynağı uygulanarak standartlara uygun çekme numuneleri hazırlanmıştır.
Bağlantıların mekanik özellikleri sertlik ve çekme-makaslama testleri ile
değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar Ductibor 500P malzemenin kaynak
sonrasında en yüksek mukavemet ve sertlik değerlerine sahip olduğunu
göstermiştir. Ayrıca farklı tür çelikler birbirileriyle kaynak edildiğinde
ulaşılan maksimum çekme-makaslama kuvveti ve uzama miktarı aynı tür malzemelere
göre daha yüksek değerlerde elde edilmiştir.
- Uthaisangsuk V, Prahl U, Bleck W. “Modelling of damage and failure in multiphase high strength DP and TRIP steels”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78(3), 469-486, 2011.
- Güler H, Ertan R, Özcan R. “Investigation of the hot ductility of a high-strength boron steel”. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 608(1), 90-94, 2014.
- Bihamta R, Bui QH, Guillot M, D’Amours G, Rahem A, Fafard M. “Application of a new procedure for the optimization of variable thickness drawing of aluminium tubes”. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5(2), 142-150, 2012.
- Sugimoto Y, Oda N, Higuchi T, Mineshita K. “Development of aluminium metal matrix composites disc brake rotor : (Mazda Motor Corporation)”. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Review, 17(4), 440-443, 1996.
- Wang W, Li M, He C, Wei X, Wang D, Du H. “Experimental study on high strain rate behavior of high strength 600–1000 MPa dual phase steels and 1200 MPa fully martensitic steels”. Materials & Design, 47, 510-521, 2013.
- Davies RG. “Influence of martensite composition and content on the properties of dualphase steels”. Metallurgical Transactions, 9(5), 671-679, 1978.
- Arıdağ K. Dual Fazlı Çeliklerde Mikroyapının Mekanik Özelliklere Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa, Türkiye, 2001.
- Çimenoğlu H, Kayalı ES. “Ticari çift fazlı çelik üretimi”. 4. Ulusal Metalurji Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, Ekim 1986.
- Koganti R, Elliott A. "Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process optimization of 1.0 mm Usibor® 1500 P steel to 1.5 mm uncoated dual phase 780 (DP780) steel joint for automotive body structural applications". SAE Technical Paper, 4, 485-500, 2009.
- Kim C, Kang MJ, Park YD. “Laser welding of Al-Si coated hot stamping steel”. Procedia Engineering, 10, 2226-2231, 2011.
- Hovanski Y, Santella ML, Grant GJ. “Friction stir spot welding of hot-stamped boron steel”. Scripta Materialia, 9, 873-876, 2007.
- Hsu C, Mumaw J. “Weldability of advanced high-strength steel drawn arc stud welding”. Welding journal, 90, 45-53, 2011.
- Naderi M. Hot Stamping of Ultra High Strength Steels. Doctoral Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2007.
- ArcelorMittal Automotive Worldwide. “Multi-thickness laser welded blanks: Tailored Blanks”. http://automotive.arcelormittal.com/europe/products/LWB/EN (11.09.2017).
- Spena PR, Maddis M, Lombardi F. “Mechanical strength and fracture of resistance spot welded advanced high strength steels”. Procedia Engineering, 109, 450–456, 2015.
- Wei ST, Lv D, Liu RD, Lin L, Xu RJ, Guo JY, Wang KQ. ”Similar and dissimilar resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels: welding and heat treatment procedures, structure and mechanical properties”. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 19(5), 427-435, 2014.
- Luo X, Ren J, Li D, Qin Y, Xu P. “Macro characteristics of dissimilar high strength steel resistance spot welding joint”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87(1-4), 1105-1113, 2016.
- Wei ST, Liu RD, Lv D, Lin L, Xu RJ, Guo JY, Wang KQ, Lu XF. “Weldability and mechanical properties of similar and dissimilar resistance spot welds of three-layer advanced high strength steels”. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 20(1), 20-26, 2015.
- Choi HS, Park GH, Lim WS, Kim BM. “Evaluation of weldability for resistance spot welded single-lap joint between GA780DP and hot-stamped 22MnB5 steel sheets”. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(6), 1543-1550, 2011.
- Zhang H, Wei A, Qiu X, Chen J. “Microstructure and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded dissimilar thickness DP780/DP600 dual-phase steel joints”. Materials & Design, 54, 443-449, 2014.
- Huin T, Dancette S, Fabrègue D, Dupuy T. "Investigation of the failure of advanced high strength steels heterogeneous spot welds". Metals, 6, 111-130, 2016.
- Jong YS, Lee YK, Kim DC, Kang MJ, Hwang IS, Lee WB. “Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded ultra high strength steel containing boron”. Materials Transactions, 52(6), 1330-1333, 2011.
- Güler H. “Investigation of usibor 1500 formability in a hot forming operation”. Materials Science, 19(2), 144-146, 2013.
- Múnera D, Pic A, Abou-Khalil D, Shmit F, Pinart F. "Innovative press hardened steel based laser welded blanks solutions for weight savings and crash safety ımprovements". Society of Automotive Engineers International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing., 1(1), 472-479, 2009.
- Farías D. Bake Hardening Response of DP800 and the Influence on the 'In Service Performance. Master Thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Department of Mechanical Engineering Division of Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Nederlands, 2006.
- International Organization for Standardization. “Resistance welding, Destructive testing of welds, Specimen dimensions and procedure for tensile shear testing resistance spot and embossed projection welds”, Dublin, International Institute of Welding, 2016.
- Girvin B, Peterson W, Gould J. “Development of Appropriate Spot Welding Practice for Advanced High-Strength Steels”. American Iron and Steel Institute, Pittsburgh, USA, Technical Report, 2004.
Investigation of mechanical properties of high strength steel welded by resistance spot welding
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 63 - 68, 27.02.2018
Sedat Aras
Rukiye Ertan
Hande Güler Özgül
this study, DP 800, Usibor 1500 and Ductibor 500P three different high strength
steel sheet materials with different thicknesses were joined with electrical
resistance spot welding. Welding process is carried out in different material
combinations under constant parameters such as electric current, pressure and
duration. Tensile specimens for the same and different material pairs welded by
resistance spot welding in the form of overlay were prepared according to the
standards. Mechanical properties of the welded specimens were evaluated by
hardness and tensile-shear tests. The results show that Ductibor 500P material
has the highest strength and hardness values. Furthermore, when different types
of steels are welded together, the maximum tensile-shear force and elongation
achieved are higher than those of the same type of materials.
- Uthaisangsuk V, Prahl U, Bleck W. “Modelling of damage and failure in multiphase high strength DP and TRIP steels”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78(3), 469-486, 2011.
- Güler H, Ertan R, Özcan R. “Investigation of the hot ductility of a high-strength boron steel”. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 608(1), 90-94, 2014.
- Bihamta R, Bui QH, Guillot M, D’Amours G, Rahem A, Fafard M. “Application of a new procedure for the optimization of variable thickness drawing of aluminium tubes”. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5(2), 142-150, 2012.
- Sugimoto Y, Oda N, Higuchi T, Mineshita K. “Development of aluminium metal matrix composites disc brake rotor : (Mazda Motor Corporation)”. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Review, 17(4), 440-443, 1996.
- Wang W, Li M, He C, Wei X, Wang D, Du H. “Experimental study on high strain rate behavior of high strength 600–1000 MPa dual phase steels and 1200 MPa fully martensitic steels”. Materials & Design, 47, 510-521, 2013.
- Davies RG. “Influence of martensite composition and content on the properties of dualphase steels”. Metallurgical Transactions, 9(5), 671-679, 1978.
- Arıdağ K. Dual Fazlı Çeliklerde Mikroyapının Mekanik Özelliklere Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa, Türkiye, 2001.
- Çimenoğlu H, Kayalı ES. “Ticari çift fazlı çelik üretimi”. 4. Ulusal Metalurji Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, Ekim 1986.
- Koganti R, Elliott A. "Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process optimization of 1.0 mm Usibor® 1500 P steel to 1.5 mm uncoated dual phase 780 (DP780) steel joint for automotive body structural applications". SAE Technical Paper, 4, 485-500, 2009.
- Kim C, Kang MJ, Park YD. “Laser welding of Al-Si coated hot stamping steel”. Procedia Engineering, 10, 2226-2231, 2011.
- Hovanski Y, Santella ML, Grant GJ. “Friction stir spot welding of hot-stamped boron steel”. Scripta Materialia, 9, 873-876, 2007.
- Hsu C, Mumaw J. “Weldability of advanced high-strength steel drawn arc stud welding”. Welding journal, 90, 45-53, 2011.
- Naderi M. Hot Stamping of Ultra High Strength Steels. Doctoral Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2007.
- ArcelorMittal Automotive Worldwide. “Multi-thickness laser welded blanks: Tailored Blanks”. http://automotive.arcelormittal.com/europe/products/LWB/EN (11.09.2017).
- Spena PR, Maddis M, Lombardi F. “Mechanical strength and fracture of resistance spot welded advanced high strength steels”. Procedia Engineering, 109, 450–456, 2015.
- Wei ST, Lv D, Liu RD, Lin L, Xu RJ, Guo JY, Wang KQ. ”Similar and dissimilar resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels: welding and heat treatment procedures, structure and mechanical properties”. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 19(5), 427-435, 2014.
- Luo X, Ren J, Li D, Qin Y, Xu P. “Macro characteristics of dissimilar high strength steel resistance spot welding joint”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87(1-4), 1105-1113, 2016.
- Wei ST, Liu RD, Lv D, Lin L, Xu RJ, Guo JY, Wang KQ, Lu XF. “Weldability and mechanical properties of similar and dissimilar resistance spot welds of three-layer advanced high strength steels”. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 20(1), 20-26, 2015.
- Choi HS, Park GH, Lim WS, Kim BM. “Evaluation of weldability for resistance spot welded single-lap joint between GA780DP and hot-stamped 22MnB5 steel sheets”. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(6), 1543-1550, 2011.
- Zhang H, Wei A, Qiu X, Chen J. “Microstructure and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded dissimilar thickness DP780/DP600 dual-phase steel joints”. Materials & Design, 54, 443-449, 2014.
- Huin T, Dancette S, Fabrègue D, Dupuy T. "Investigation of the failure of advanced high strength steels heterogeneous spot welds". Metals, 6, 111-130, 2016.
- Jong YS, Lee YK, Kim DC, Kang MJ, Hwang IS, Lee WB. “Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of resistance spot welded ultra high strength steel containing boron”. Materials Transactions, 52(6), 1330-1333, 2011.
- Güler H. “Investigation of usibor 1500 formability in a hot forming operation”. Materials Science, 19(2), 144-146, 2013.
- Múnera D, Pic A, Abou-Khalil D, Shmit F, Pinart F. "Innovative press hardened steel based laser welded blanks solutions for weight savings and crash safety ımprovements". Society of Automotive Engineers International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing., 1(1), 472-479, 2009.
- Farías D. Bake Hardening Response of DP800 and the Influence on the 'In Service Performance. Master Thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Department of Mechanical Engineering Division of Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Nederlands, 2006.
- International Organization for Standardization. “Resistance welding, Destructive testing of welds, Specimen dimensions and procedure for tensile shear testing resistance spot and embossed projection welds”, Dublin, International Institute of Welding, 2016.
- Girvin B, Peterson W, Gould J. “Development of Appropriate Spot Welding Practice for Advanced High-Strength Steels”. American Iron and Steel Institute, Pittsburgh, USA, Technical Report, 2004.