Sağlık hizmet süreçlerinin yalın düşünce aracılığıyla geliştirilmesi
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 4, 739 - 748, 17.08.2018
Nurcan Deniz
Feriştah Özçelik
Hastalar sağlık
hizmetlerindeki israf ve değişkenlik nedeniyle bakım süreçlerinde sorunlar
yaşamaktadır. Hastaların bu problemler nedeniyle yaşadıkları rahatsızlığa
rağmen, hizmet sağlayıcılar aşırı işyükü ve örgütsel kargaşa nedeniyle
şikayetler ile ivedilikle ilgilenememektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de
Eskişehir ilinde hizmet veren bir kamu hastanesinin Fizik Tedavi ve
Rehabilitasyon servisinde yaşanan operasyonel problemlerin çözümünde yalın
tekniklerin uygulanmasıdır. Süreç, yalın tüketim bağlamında hem hasta hem de
hizmet sağlayıcı bakış açısından eş zamanlı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Genchi
gembutsu, değer akış haritalama (DAH), bütünleşik tüketim ve tedarik haritası,
A3 ve heijunka bu çalışma kapsamında kullanılan yalın tekniklerdir. Sistemin
haritalandırılması örgütsel karmaşıklığın çözülmesi için fırsat sunmaktadır.
Sonuç olarak, heijunka uygulaması kapsamında tasarlanan günlük ve haftalık
atama algoritmaları ile hemşirelerin bilişsel yükü azaltılmıştır. Ayrıca
gerçekleştirilen iyileştirmeler sonucunda hasta akış süresinde %26.84, süreç
adımlarında ise %14.28 azalma kaydedilmiştir.
- Meredith JO, Grove AL, Walley P, Young F, Macintyre MB. “Are we operating effectively? A lean analysis of operating theatre changeovers”. Operation Management Research, 4, 89-98, 2011.
- Armstrong P. Lean Implementation Manual for Reducing Cost in Healthcare Through the Application of Lean Principles. PhD Thesis, California State University, USA, 2010.
- Womack JP, Jones DT. Yalin Dusunce [Lean Thinking]. Istanbul, Turkey, Optimist, 2010.
- Xie X, Lawley MA. “Operations research in healthcare”. International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7173-7176, 2015.
- Graban M. Yalin Hastane [Lean hospital]. Istanbul, Turkey, Optimist, 2011.
- Liker JK. The Toyota Way. New York, USA, Mc-Graw Hill. 2004.
- Hines P, Silvi R, Bartolini M. Lean Profit Potential. Cardiff, England, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, 2002.
- Burgess N, Radnor Z. “Evaluating lean in healthcare”. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26(3), 220-235, 2013.
- Mazzocato P, Savage C, Brommels M, Aronsson H, Thor J. “Lean thinking in healthcare: a realist review of the literature”. Quality & Safety Health Care, 19, 376-382, 2010.
- Yuksel H. Yalin Saglik [Lean Health], Istanbul, Turkey, Nobel, 2012.
- Lee SM, Olson DL, Lee SH, Hwang T, Shin MS. “Entrepreneurial applications of the lean approach to service industries”. The Service Industries Journal, 28(7), 973-987, 2008.
- Plytiuk CF, Pasqualine A, Gouvea da Costa SE, Pinheiro de Lima E. “Lean thinking in health care: An overview of the research characteristics, themes and knowledge groups (1998-2011)”. 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 19-23 May 2012 2012.
- Jasti NVK, Kodali R. “Lean production: literature review and trends”. International Journal of Production Research, 53(3), 867-885, 2015.
- Simon RW, Canacari EG. “Surgical scheduling: a lean approach to process improvement”. AORN Journal, 99(1), 147-159, 2014.
- Vliet EJV, Bredenhoff E, Sermeus WS, Kop LM, Sol JCA, Van Harten WH. “Exploring the relation between process design and efficiency in high-volume cataract pathways from a lean thinking perspective”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(1), 83-93, 2011.
- Jackson M, Mazur LM. “Exploring lean healthcare transformation using the theory of planned behavior”. Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, NV, USA, 21-25 May 2011.
- Simons FE, Aij KH, Widdershoven GAM, Visse M. “Patient safety in the operating theatre: How A3 thinking can help reduce door movement”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 26(4), 366-371, 2014.
- Moraros J, Lemstra M, Nwankwo C. “Lean interventions in healthcare: do they actually work? A systematic literature review”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 28(2), 150-165. (2016).
- Joosten T, Bongers I, Janssen R. “Application of lean thinking to health care: issues and observations”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(5), 341-347, 2009.
- Hasle P, Nielsen AP, Edwards K. “Application of lean manufacturing in hospitals-the need to consider maturity, complexity, and the value concept”. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 26(4), 430-442, 2016.
- Deniz N, Ozcelik F. “Integrated consumption and provision map implementation in healthcare sector”. Paper presented at the Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. 14-15 July 2016.
- Womack J, Jones DT. Yalin Cozumler [Lean solutions]. Istanbul, Turkey, Optimist, 2010-b.
- Casey JT, Brinton TS, Gonzalez CM. “Utilization of lean management principles in the ambulatory clinic setting”. Nature Clinical Practice Urology, 6(3), 146-153, 2009.
- Costa LBM, Filho MG. “Lean healthcare: review, classification and analysis of literature”. Production Planning & Control, 27(10), 823-836, 2016.
- Rother M, Shook J. Gormeyi ogrenmek [Learning to see]. Brookline, Lean Enterprise Institute, 1999.
- Monden, Y. Toyota Production System. US, Institute of Industrial Engineers and Taylor & Francis, 1998.
- Jones, DT. “Heijunka: leveling production”. Manufacturing Engineering, 137(2), 29-35, 2006.
- Young T, McClean S. “Some challenges facing Lean Thinking in healthcare”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(5), 309-310, 2009.
- Bard JF, Shu Z, Morrice DJ, Wang D, Poursani R, Leykum L. “Improving patient flow at a family health clinic”. Health Care Management Science, 19(2), 170-191, 2016.
- Schmidtke D, Heiser U, Hinrichsen O. “A simulation-enhanced value stream mapping approach for optimization of complex production environments”. International Journal of Production Research, 52(20), 6146-6160, 2014.
- Henrique DB, Rentes AF, Filho MG, Esposto KF. “A new value stream mapping approach for healthcare environments”. Production Planning & Control, 27(1), 24-48, 2016.
- Jarebrant C, Winkel J, Hanse JJ, Mathiassen SE, Ojmertz B. “ErgoVSM: A tool for ıntegrating value stream mapping and ergonomics in manufacturing”. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 26(2), 191-204, 2016.
Improving healthcare service processes by lean thinking
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 24 Sayı: 4, 739 - 748, 17.08.2018
Nurcan Deniz
Feriştah Özçelik
Patients are getting in trouble with care
processes due to waste and diversity in health care services. Although patients
feel uncomfortable with these problems, service providers do not deal with
their complaints promptly due to excessive workload and organizational
disorder. The aim of this study is to implement lean techniques to solve the
operational problems of a public hospital physical therapy and rehabilitation
service in Eskisehir, Turkey. The process is analyzed both from the patient and
service provider perspectives simultaneously in lean consumption context.
Genchi gembutsu, value stream mapping (VSM), integrated consumption and
provision map, A3 and heijunka were the lean techniques used. Mapping of the
system gives the opportunity to relax the organizational complexity.
Consequently, cognitive load of nurses is decreased with daily and weekly
assignment algorithms designed as part of heijunka implementation. Also 26.84%
of patient flow time and 14.28% of process step reduction are recorded as a result
of realized improvements.
- Meredith JO, Grove AL, Walley P, Young F, Macintyre MB. “Are we operating effectively? A lean analysis of operating theatre changeovers”. Operation Management Research, 4, 89-98, 2011.
- Armstrong P. Lean Implementation Manual for Reducing Cost in Healthcare Through the Application of Lean Principles. PhD Thesis, California State University, USA, 2010.
- Womack JP, Jones DT. Yalin Dusunce [Lean Thinking]. Istanbul, Turkey, Optimist, 2010.
- Xie X, Lawley MA. “Operations research in healthcare”. International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7173-7176, 2015.
- Graban M. Yalin Hastane [Lean hospital]. Istanbul, Turkey, Optimist, 2011.
- Liker JK. The Toyota Way. New York, USA, Mc-Graw Hill. 2004.
- Hines P, Silvi R, Bartolini M. Lean Profit Potential. Cardiff, England, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, 2002.
- Burgess N, Radnor Z. “Evaluating lean in healthcare”. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26(3), 220-235, 2013.
- Mazzocato P, Savage C, Brommels M, Aronsson H, Thor J. “Lean thinking in healthcare: a realist review of the literature”. Quality & Safety Health Care, 19, 376-382, 2010.
- Yuksel H. Yalin Saglik [Lean Health], Istanbul, Turkey, Nobel, 2012.
- Lee SM, Olson DL, Lee SH, Hwang T, Shin MS. “Entrepreneurial applications of the lean approach to service industries”. The Service Industries Journal, 28(7), 973-987, 2008.
- Plytiuk CF, Pasqualine A, Gouvea da Costa SE, Pinheiro de Lima E. “Lean thinking in health care: An overview of the research characteristics, themes and knowledge groups (1998-2011)”. 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 19-23 May 2012 2012.
- Jasti NVK, Kodali R. “Lean production: literature review and trends”. International Journal of Production Research, 53(3), 867-885, 2015.
- Simon RW, Canacari EG. “Surgical scheduling: a lean approach to process improvement”. AORN Journal, 99(1), 147-159, 2014.
- Vliet EJV, Bredenhoff E, Sermeus WS, Kop LM, Sol JCA, Van Harten WH. “Exploring the relation between process design and efficiency in high-volume cataract pathways from a lean thinking perspective”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(1), 83-93, 2011.
- Jackson M, Mazur LM. “Exploring lean healthcare transformation using the theory of planned behavior”. Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, NV, USA, 21-25 May 2011.
- Simons FE, Aij KH, Widdershoven GAM, Visse M. “Patient safety in the operating theatre: How A3 thinking can help reduce door movement”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 26(4), 366-371, 2014.
- Moraros J, Lemstra M, Nwankwo C. “Lean interventions in healthcare: do they actually work? A systematic literature review”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 28(2), 150-165. (2016).
- Joosten T, Bongers I, Janssen R. “Application of lean thinking to health care: issues and observations”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(5), 341-347, 2009.
- Hasle P, Nielsen AP, Edwards K. “Application of lean manufacturing in hospitals-the need to consider maturity, complexity, and the value concept”. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 26(4), 430-442, 2016.
- Deniz N, Ozcelik F. “Integrated consumption and provision map implementation in healthcare sector”. Paper presented at the Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. 14-15 July 2016.
- Womack J, Jones DT. Yalin Cozumler [Lean solutions]. Istanbul, Turkey, Optimist, 2010-b.
- Casey JT, Brinton TS, Gonzalez CM. “Utilization of lean management principles in the ambulatory clinic setting”. Nature Clinical Practice Urology, 6(3), 146-153, 2009.
- Costa LBM, Filho MG. “Lean healthcare: review, classification and analysis of literature”. Production Planning & Control, 27(10), 823-836, 2016.
- Rother M, Shook J. Gormeyi ogrenmek [Learning to see]. Brookline, Lean Enterprise Institute, 1999.
- Monden, Y. Toyota Production System. US, Institute of Industrial Engineers and Taylor & Francis, 1998.
- Jones, DT. “Heijunka: leveling production”. Manufacturing Engineering, 137(2), 29-35, 2006.
- Young T, McClean S. “Some challenges facing Lean Thinking in healthcare”. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(5), 309-310, 2009.
- Bard JF, Shu Z, Morrice DJ, Wang D, Poursani R, Leykum L. “Improving patient flow at a family health clinic”. Health Care Management Science, 19(2), 170-191, 2016.
- Schmidtke D, Heiser U, Hinrichsen O. “A simulation-enhanced value stream mapping approach for optimization of complex production environments”. International Journal of Production Research, 52(20), 6146-6160, 2014.
- Henrique DB, Rentes AF, Filho MG, Esposto KF. “A new value stream mapping approach for healthcare environments”. Production Planning & Control, 27(1), 24-48, 2016.
- Jarebrant C, Winkel J, Hanse JJ, Mathiassen SE, Ojmertz B. “ErgoVSM: A tool for ıntegrating value stream mapping and ergonomics in manufacturing”. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 26(2), 191-204, 2016.