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Tedarik zinciri risklerinin yapısal eşitlik modeli ve bulanık analitik hiyerarşi süreci ile analizi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 117 - 127, 28.02.2022


Tedarik zinciri risk yönetimi faaliyetleri, işletmelerin tedarik zinciri faaliyetleri kapsamında karşılaştıkları veya karşılaşabilecekleri riskleri ortadan kaldırmaya veya en aza indirmeye çalışır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı tedarik zinciri risk faktörlerini tanımlamak ve önceliklendirmektir. Çalışmanın içeriğinde ilk olarak literatürden tedarik zinciri riskleri elde edilmiş, daha sonra elde edilen riskler gruplandırılmış ve birleştirilmiş ve çalışmada dikkate alınacak bir özet risk tablosu oluşturulmuştur. İkinci olarak, oluşturulan risk tablosundaki riskleri değerlendirmek için bir anket oluşturulmuş ve 391 kullanıcıdan değerlendirmeler alınmıştır. Toplanan sonuçlara göre temel riskler, Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) yardımıyla istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş ve model sonuçlarına göre Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (Bulanık AHP) yöntemi ile alt riskler önceliklendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçların yardımıyla, tedarik zincirindeki bireyler ve/veya işletmeler için öncelikli riskler konusunda eylem planı önerileri geliştirilmiştir. Eylem planına dahil edilecek ana riskler ve alt risklerden hangilerinin barındırdığını belirlemek için Pareto Analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, en önemli ana risk olarak arz ve talep riskleri olarak belirlenirken; satın alma maliyeti; materyal dizayn değişiklikleri; düzensiz talep tahminleri; tedarikçi kaynaklı riskler; transit zaman değişkenliği; müşteriden kaynaklı riskler; kısıtlı teslimat zamanları ve ürün yaşam döngüsü riskleri eylem planında en önemli alt riskler olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • [1] Erdal H. "Supply Chain Risk Management: Conceptual Framework and a Supply-Side Literature Review". Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(4), 764-796, 2018.
  • [2] Avci MG. "Effectiveness of dynamic pricing strategy in presence of supply chain disruptions". Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26(4), 789-798, 2020.
  • [3] Shahbaz MS, Rasi RZRM, Ahmad MF Bin, Rehman F. "What is supply chain risk management? A review". Advanced Science Letters, 23(9), 9233-9238, 2017.
  • [4] Wagner SM, Bode C. "An empirical examination of supply chain performance along several dimensions of risk". Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), 307-325, 2008.
  • [5] Needham PM, Evers PT. "The influence of individual cost factors on the use of emergency transshipments". Logistics and Transportation Review, 34(2), 149-160, 1998.
  • [6] Chopra S, Sodhi MS. "Managing risk to avoid supply-chain breakdown". MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(1), 53-61, 2004.
  • [7] Kleindorfer PR, Saad GH. "Managing disruption risks in supply chains". Production and Operations Management, 14(1), 53-68, 2005.
  • [8] Gaudenzi, B., & Borghesi, A. (2006).” Managing risks in the supply chain using the AHP method”. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 17(1), 114-136, 2006.
  • [9] Wu T, Blackhurst J, Chidambaram V. "A model for inbound supply risk analysis". Computers in industry, 57(4), 350-365, 2006.
  • [10] Manuj I, Mentzer JT. "Global supply chain risk management strategies". International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 38, 192-223, 2008.
  • [11] Schoenherr T, Rao Tummala VM, Harrison TP. "Assessing supply chain risks with the analytic hierarchy process: Providing decision support for the offshoring decision by a US manufacturing company". Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 14(2), 100-111, 2008.
  • [12] Tsai C-Y. "On supply chain cash flow risks". Decision Support Systems, 44(1), 1031-1042, 2008.
  • [13] Tuncel G, Alpan G. "Risk assessment and management for supply chain networks: A case study". Computers in industry, 61(3), 250-2599, 2010.
  • [14] Wagner SM, Neshat N. "Assessing the vulnerability of supply chains using graph theory". International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), 121-129, 2010.
  • [15] Tummala VMR, Schoenherr T. "An implementation decision framework for Supply Chain Management: A case study". International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 8(2), 198-213, 2011.
  • [16] Samvedi A, Jain V, Chan FTS. "Quantifying risks in a supply chain through integration of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS". International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2433-2442, 2013.
  • [17] Mangla SK, Kumar P, Barua MK. "Risk analysis in green supply chain using fuzzy AHP approach: A case study". Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104, 375-390, 2015.
  • [18] Ivanov D, Pavlov A, Sokolov B. "Exact and heuristic methods for integrated supply chain design reliability analysis". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 10(2), 206-224, 2016.
  • [19] Sokolov B, Ivanov D, Dolgui A, Pavlov "A. Structural quantification of the ripple effect in the supply chain". International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 152-169, 2016.
  • [20] Ivanov D. "Simulation-based single vs. dual sourcing analysis in the supply chain with consideration of capacity disruptions, big data and demand patterns". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 11(1), 24-43, 2017.
  • [21] Dolgui A, Ivanov D, Sokolov B. "Ripple effect in the supply chain: an analysis and recent literature". International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 414-430, 2018.
  • [22] Pournader M, Kach A, Talluri S. "A review of the existing and emerging topics in the supply chain risk management literature". Decision Sciences, 51, 867-919, 2020.
  • [23] Sawik T. "Supply Chain Disruption Management". 2nd ed. Newyork, USA Springer, 2020.
  • [24] Ivanov D, Dolgui A. "Viability of intertwined supply networks: extending the supply chain resilience angles towards survivability. A position paper motivated by COVID-19 outbreak". International Journal of Production Research, 58(10), 2904-2915, 2020.
  • [25] Gupta V, Ivanov D, Choi TM. "Competitive pricing of substitute products under supply disruption". Omega (United Kingdom), 2020.
  • [26] Dolgui A, Ivanov D, Rozhkov M. "Does the ripple effect influence the bullwhip effect? An integrated analysis of structural and operational dynamics in the supply chain". International Journal of Production Research, 58, 1285-1301, 2020.
  • [27] Dolgui A, Ivanov D, Sokolov B. "Reconfigurable supply chain: the X-network". International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 4138-4163, 2020.
  • [28] Ivanov D. "Viable supply chain model: integrating agility, resilience and sustainability perspectives-lessons from and thinking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic". Annals of Operations Research, 2020.
  • [29] Ivanov D, Das A. "Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) and supply chain resilience: A research note". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 13(1), 90-102, 2020.
  • [30] Ivanov D, Tang CS, Dolgui A, Battini D, Das A. "Researchers’ perspectives on Industry 4.0: multi-disciplinary analysis and opportunities for operations management". International Journal of Production Research,59(7), 2055- 2078, 2021.
  • [31] Bailey K. Methods of Social Research. The 4th ed. New York, USA, The Free Press, 2008.
  • [32] Young PV. Bilimsel Sosyal Incelemeler ve Araştırma. (Çev. G. Bingöl ve N. İşçil). Ankara, Türkiye, Ege Matbaası, 1968.
  • [33] Kurtuluş K. Pazarlama Araştırmaları. 6. Baskı. İstanbul, Türkiye, Avcıol Basım-Yayın, 1998.
  • [34] Saaty T. "The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resources Allocation". New York, USA, McGrawhill, 1980.
  • [35] Chhabile SB, Dalu RS. "Supplier Selection Using AHP and FAHP Approach: A Case Study". International Journal of Science and Journal of Engineering Research and Education, 3(5), 1910-1914, 2012.
  • [36] Zadeh LA. "Fuzzy sets". Information and Control, 8(3), 338-853, 1965.
  • [37] Ayhan MB. "A fuzzy ahp approach for supplier selection problem: a case study in a gearmotor company". International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chain, 4(3), 11-23, 2013.
  • [38] Zhou Y, Maumbe K, Deng J, Selin SW. "Resource-based destination competitiveness evaluation using a hybrid analytic hierarchy process (AHP): The case study of West Virginia". Journal Tourism Management Perspectives, 15, 72-80, 2015.
  • [39] Dalalah D, Al-Oqla F, Hayajneh M. “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Selection of Cranes". Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 4(5), 567-578, 2010.
  • [40] Petkovic J, Sevarac Z, Jaksic ML, Marinkovic S. "Application of fuzzy AHP method for choosing a technology within service company". Technics Technologies Education Management, 7(1), 332-341, 2012
  • [41] Buckley JJ, Uppuluri V. “Fuzzy hierarchical analysis”. Uncertainty in Risk Assessment. Risk Management and Decision Making Advances in Risk Analysis, 4, 389-401, 1987.
  • [42] Bagozzi RP, Fornell C. "Theoretical concepts, measurements, and meaning”. A Second Generation of Multivariate Analysis, 2(2), 5-23, 1982.
  • [43] Anderson JC, Gerbing DW. "Structural equation modeling in practice: a review and recommended two-step approach". Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-23., 1988.
  • [44] Tüfekçi N, Tüfekçi K. "Bankacılık sektöründe farklı olma üstünlüğünün ve müşterı̇ sadakatı̇nı̇n yarattiği değer: Isparta ı̇li̇nde bı̇r uygulama". Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(4), 170-183, 2006.
  • [45] Huchting K, Lac A, LaBrie JW. "An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to sorority alcohol consumption". Addictive Behaviors, 33(4), 538-551, 2008.
  • [46] Shin, Hyun Song, Kwanho Shin. “Procyclicality and monetary aggregates”. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 16836, 2011.
  • [47] Jöreskog K, Sörbom D. "LISREL 8: User’s Reference Guide". Chicago, USA, Scientific Software International Inc., 1996.
  • [48] Bentler PM, Bonett DG. "Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures". Psychological Bbulletin, 88(3), 588-606, 1980.
  • [49] Xie C, Anumba CJ, Lee T, Tummala R, Schoenherr T. "Assessing and managing risks using the supply chain risk management process (SCRMP)". Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(6), 474-483, 2011.

Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 117 - 127, 28.02.2022


Supply chain risk management activities attempt to eliminate or minimize the effects of risks that businesses face or may encounter within the scope of supply chain activities. The main aim of this study is to define, decide, and prioritize the supply chain risk factors. In the content of the study, first, supply chain risks from the literature were gathered and then the obtained risks were grouped and combined and a summary risk table to be considered in the study was created. Second, a questionnaire was created to evaluate the risks in the created risk table, and evaluations were received from 391 users. According to the collected results, the main risks were evaluated statistically with the help of the Structural Equation Model (SEM), and then sub-risks were prioritized by the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) method according to the model results. With the help of obtained results, action plan suggestions were developed for individuals and/or businesses in the supply chain over prioritized risks. Pareto Analysis was used to determine which of the sub-risks hosted by the main risks and the sub-risks will be included in the action plan. According to the results of the study, supply and demand risks are obtained as the most important main risks; procurement cost; frequency of material design changes, inaccurate demand forecasts, risks arising from supplier, risks arising from the costumer, transit time variability risks are identified as the most important sub-risks in the action plan.


  • [1] Erdal H. "Supply Chain Risk Management: Conceptual Framework and a Supply-Side Literature Review". Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(4), 764-796, 2018.
  • [2] Avci MG. "Effectiveness of dynamic pricing strategy in presence of supply chain disruptions". Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26(4), 789-798, 2020.
  • [3] Shahbaz MS, Rasi RZRM, Ahmad MF Bin, Rehman F. "What is supply chain risk management? A review". Advanced Science Letters, 23(9), 9233-9238, 2017.
  • [4] Wagner SM, Bode C. "An empirical examination of supply chain performance along several dimensions of risk". Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), 307-325, 2008.
  • [5] Needham PM, Evers PT. "The influence of individual cost factors on the use of emergency transshipments". Logistics and Transportation Review, 34(2), 149-160, 1998.
  • [6] Chopra S, Sodhi MS. "Managing risk to avoid supply-chain breakdown". MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(1), 53-61, 2004.
  • [7] Kleindorfer PR, Saad GH. "Managing disruption risks in supply chains". Production and Operations Management, 14(1), 53-68, 2005.
  • [8] Gaudenzi, B., & Borghesi, A. (2006).” Managing risks in the supply chain using the AHP method”. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 17(1), 114-136, 2006.
  • [9] Wu T, Blackhurst J, Chidambaram V. "A model for inbound supply risk analysis". Computers in industry, 57(4), 350-365, 2006.
  • [10] Manuj I, Mentzer JT. "Global supply chain risk management strategies". International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 38, 192-223, 2008.
  • [11] Schoenherr T, Rao Tummala VM, Harrison TP. "Assessing supply chain risks with the analytic hierarchy process: Providing decision support for the offshoring decision by a US manufacturing company". Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 14(2), 100-111, 2008.
  • [12] Tsai C-Y. "On supply chain cash flow risks". Decision Support Systems, 44(1), 1031-1042, 2008.
  • [13] Tuncel G, Alpan G. "Risk assessment and management for supply chain networks: A case study". Computers in industry, 61(3), 250-2599, 2010.
  • [14] Wagner SM, Neshat N. "Assessing the vulnerability of supply chains using graph theory". International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), 121-129, 2010.
  • [15] Tummala VMR, Schoenherr T. "An implementation decision framework for Supply Chain Management: A case study". International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 8(2), 198-213, 2011.
  • [16] Samvedi A, Jain V, Chan FTS. "Quantifying risks in a supply chain through integration of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS". International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2433-2442, 2013.
  • [17] Mangla SK, Kumar P, Barua MK. "Risk analysis in green supply chain using fuzzy AHP approach: A case study". Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104, 375-390, 2015.
  • [18] Ivanov D, Pavlov A, Sokolov B. "Exact and heuristic methods for integrated supply chain design reliability analysis". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 10(2), 206-224, 2016.
  • [19] Sokolov B, Ivanov D, Dolgui A, Pavlov "A. Structural quantification of the ripple effect in the supply chain". International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 152-169, 2016.
  • [20] Ivanov D. "Simulation-based single vs. dual sourcing analysis in the supply chain with consideration of capacity disruptions, big data and demand patterns". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 11(1), 24-43, 2017.
  • [21] Dolgui A, Ivanov D, Sokolov B. "Ripple effect in the supply chain: an analysis and recent literature". International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 414-430, 2018.
  • [22] Pournader M, Kach A, Talluri S. "A review of the existing and emerging topics in the supply chain risk management literature". Decision Sciences, 51, 867-919, 2020.
  • [23] Sawik T. "Supply Chain Disruption Management". 2nd ed. Newyork, USA Springer, 2020.
  • [24] Ivanov D, Dolgui A. "Viability of intertwined supply networks: extending the supply chain resilience angles towards survivability. A position paper motivated by COVID-19 outbreak". International Journal of Production Research, 58(10), 2904-2915, 2020.
  • [25] Gupta V, Ivanov D, Choi TM. "Competitive pricing of substitute products under supply disruption". Omega (United Kingdom), 2020.
  • [26] Dolgui A, Ivanov D, Rozhkov M. "Does the ripple effect influence the bullwhip effect? An integrated analysis of structural and operational dynamics in the supply chain". International Journal of Production Research, 58, 1285-1301, 2020.
  • [27] Dolgui A, Ivanov D, Sokolov B. "Reconfigurable supply chain: the X-network". International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 4138-4163, 2020.
  • [28] Ivanov D. "Viable supply chain model: integrating agility, resilience and sustainability perspectives-lessons from and thinking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic". Annals of Operations Research, 2020.
  • [29] Ivanov D, Das A. "Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) and supply chain resilience: A research note". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 13(1), 90-102, 2020.
  • [30] Ivanov D, Tang CS, Dolgui A, Battini D, Das A. "Researchers’ perspectives on Industry 4.0: multi-disciplinary analysis and opportunities for operations management". International Journal of Production Research,59(7), 2055- 2078, 2021.
  • [31] Bailey K. Methods of Social Research. The 4th ed. New York, USA, The Free Press, 2008.
  • [32] Young PV. Bilimsel Sosyal Incelemeler ve Araştırma. (Çev. G. Bingöl ve N. İşçil). Ankara, Türkiye, Ege Matbaası, 1968.
  • [33] Kurtuluş K. Pazarlama Araştırmaları. 6. Baskı. İstanbul, Türkiye, Avcıol Basım-Yayın, 1998.
  • [34] Saaty T. "The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resources Allocation". New York, USA, McGrawhill, 1980.
  • [35] Chhabile SB, Dalu RS. "Supplier Selection Using AHP and FAHP Approach: A Case Study". International Journal of Science and Journal of Engineering Research and Education, 3(5), 1910-1914, 2012.
  • [36] Zadeh LA. "Fuzzy sets". Information and Control, 8(3), 338-853, 1965.
  • [37] Ayhan MB. "A fuzzy ahp approach for supplier selection problem: a case study in a gearmotor company". International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chain, 4(3), 11-23, 2013.
  • [38] Zhou Y, Maumbe K, Deng J, Selin SW. "Resource-based destination competitiveness evaluation using a hybrid analytic hierarchy process (AHP): The case study of West Virginia". Journal Tourism Management Perspectives, 15, 72-80, 2015.
  • [39] Dalalah D, Al-Oqla F, Hayajneh M. “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Selection of Cranes". Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 4(5), 567-578, 2010.
  • [40] Petkovic J, Sevarac Z, Jaksic ML, Marinkovic S. "Application of fuzzy AHP method for choosing a technology within service company". Technics Technologies Education Management, 7(1), 332-341, 2012
  • [41] Buckley JJ, Uppuluri V. “Fuzzy hierarchical analysis”. Uncertainty in Risk Assessment. Risk Management and Decision Making Advances in Risk Analysis, 4, 389-401, 1987.
  • [42] Bagozzi RP, Fornell C. "Theoretical concepts, measurements, and meaning”. A Second Generation of Multivariate Analysis, 2(2), 5-23, 1982.
  • [43] Anderson JC, Gerbing DW. "Structural equation modeling in practice: a review and recommended two-step approach". Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-23., 1988.
  • [44] Tüfekçi N, Tüfekçi K. "Bankacılık sektöründe farklı olma üstünlüğünün ve müşterı̇ sadakatı̇nı̇n yarattiği değer: Isparta ı̇li̇nde bı̇r uygulama". Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(4), 170-183, 2006.
  • [45] Huchting K, Lac A, LaBrie JW. "An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to sorority alcohol consumption". Addictive Behaviors, 33(4), 538-551, 2008.
  • [46] Shin, Hyun Song, Kwanho Shin. “Procyclicality and monetary aggregates”. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 16836, 2011.
  • [47] Jöreskog K, Sörbom D. "LISREL 8: User’s Reference Guide". Chicago, USA, Scientific Software International Inc., 1996.
  • [48] Bentler PM, Bonett DG. "Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures". Psychological Bbulletin, 88(3), 588-606, 1980.
  • [49] Xie C, Anumba CJ, Lee T, Tummala R, Schoenherr T. "Assessing and managing risks using the supply chain risk management process (SCRMP)". Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(6), 474-483, 2011.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Murat Oturakçı Bu kişi benim

Rabia Sultan Yıldırım Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Oturakçı, M., & Yıldırım, R. S. (2022). Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(1), 117-127.
AMA Oturakçı M, Yıldırım RS. Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Şubat 2022;28(1):117-127.
Chicago Oturakçı, Murat, ve Rabia Sultan Yıldırım. “Analysis of Supply Chain Risks by Structural Equation Model and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 28, sy. 1 (Şubat 2022): 117-27.
EndNote Oturakçı M, Yıldırım RS (01 Şubat 2022) Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 28 1 117–127.
IEEE M. Oturakçı ve R. S. Yıldırım, “Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 1, ss. 117–127, 2022.
ISNAD Oturakçı, Murat - Yıldırım, Rabia Sultan. “Analysis of Supply Chain Risks by Structural Equation Model and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 28/1 (Şubat 2022), 117-127.
JAMA Oturakçı M, Yıldırım RS. Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;28:117–127.
MLA Oturakçı, Murat ve Rabia Sultan Yıldırım. “Analysis of Supply Chain Risks by Structural Equation Model and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 117-2.
Vancouver Oturakçı M, Yıldırım RS. Analysis of supply chain risks by structural equation model and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;28(1):117-2.

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