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Evaluation of testicular torsion in rats by using the Superb Microvascular Imaging Ultrasound technique comparison with Power Doppler Ultrasound and Color Doppler Ultrasound techniques

Yıl 2021, , 854 - 861, 01.10.2021


Aim: Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency. This study aims to evaluate the superiorities of Power Doppler Imaging, Color Doppler Imaging, and Superb Microvascular Imaging to each other in the diagnosis of testicular torsion in rats.
Methods: This study included thirty pubertal, 26-30 days old Wistar-Albino male rats weighing 210-262 g. Rats were randomized to 5 groups, including group A-sham, group B-orchiectomy after one hour of torsion, group C-orchiectomy after two hours of torsion, group D-orchiectomy after three hours of torsion, group E-orchiectomy after four hours of torsion. All the rats were followed with Power Doppler Imaging, Color Doppler Imaging, and Superb Microvascular Imaging before torsion, but also group B was done the three ultrasound techniques after torsion's first hour, group C was done ultrasound after torsion's first and second hours, group D was done ultrasound after the first, second and third hours of torsion, group E was done ultrasound after the first, second,third and fourth hours of torsion. Ultrasound scanning was performed for all rats by the same doctor using a 7-18 MHz linear probe. The images were assessed with regard to the degree of vascularity and the presence of artifacts. Histologic examination was performed at the designated conclusion of each hour.
Results: Superb Microvascular Imaging had higher staging scores in the torsioned testicles compared to Color Doppler Imaging and Power Doppler Imaging, without a statistical significant difference. After 4-hour ischemia, all three methods gave the same scores. When looking at histopathological staging, a significant difference was found between 1-hour ischemia and 2, 3, and 4-hours ischemia durations. No significant difference was found in histopathological staging performed after 2, 3, and 4-hour ischemia. All three devices were found to be compatible with each other for each hour.
Conclusions: Comparing Superb Microvascular Imaging used to detect testicular torsion, with Power Doppler Imaging and Color Doppler Imaging; all three techniques were found as effective and safe diagnostic methods.


  • 1. Knight, P.J. and L.E.J.A.o.s. Vassy, The diagnosis and treatment of the acute scrotum in children and adolescents. 1984. 200(5): p. 664.
  • 2. Başaklar, A.C.J.B., Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Bebek ve çocukların cerrahi ve ürolojik hastalıkları. 2006: p. 1753-64.
  • 3. Liang, T., et al., Retrospective review of diagnosis and treatment in children presenting to the pediatric department with acute scrotum. 2013. 200(5): p. W444-W449.
  • 4. Atallah, M.W., A.F. Mazzarino, and B.F.J.T.J.o.u. Horton, Testicular scan, diagnosis and followup for torsion of testis. 1977. 118(1 Part 1): p. 120-121.
  • 5. Jefferson, R.H., L.M. Perez, and D.B.J.T.J.o.u. Joseph, Critical analysis of the clinical presentation of acute scrotum: a 9-year experience at a single institution. 1997. 158(3): p. 1198-1200.
  • 6. Kapoor, S.J.I.j.o.c.p., Testicular torsion: a race against time. 2008. 62(5): p. 821-827.
  • 7. Hayn, M.H., et al., Intermittent torsion of the spermatic cord portends an increased risk of acute testicular infarction. 2008. 180(4): p. 1729-1732.
  • 8. Vasdev, N., D. Chadwick, and D.J.C.u. Thomas, The acute pediatric scrotum: presentation, differential diagnosis and management. 2012. 6(2): p. 57-61.
  • 9. Burks, D.D., et al., Suspected testicular torsion and ischemia: evaluation with color Doppler sonography. 1990. 175(3): p. 815-821.
  • 10. Atkinson Jr, G., et al., The normal and abnormal scrotum in children: evaluation with color Doppler sonography. 1992. 158(3): p. 613-617.
  • 11. Liu, C.C., et al., Clinical presentation of acute scrotum in young males. 2007. 23(6): p. 281-286.
  • 12. Lee, Y.S., et al., Superb microvascular imaging for the detection of parenchymal perfusion in normal and undescended testes in young children. 2016. 85(3): p. 649-656.
  • 13. Zhan, J., et al., Superb microvascular imaging—a new vascular detecting ultrasonographic technique for avascular breast masses: a preliminary study. 2016. 85(5): p. 915-921.
  • 14. Geiger, J., M. Epelman, and K.J.J.o.U.i.M. Darge, The fountain sign: a novel color Doppler sonographic finding for the diagnosis of acute idiopathic scrotal edema. 2010. 29(8): p. 1233-1237.
  • 15. Cosentino, M.J., et al., Histological changes occurring in the contralateral testes of prepubertal rats subjected to various durations of unilateral spermatic cord torsion. 1985. 133(5): p. 906-911.
  • 16. Bonacchi, G., M. Becciolini, and M.J.J.o.u. Seghieri, Superb microvascular imaging: a potential tool in the detection of FNH. 2017. 20(2): p. 179-180.
  • 17. Karaca, L., et al., Comparison of the superb microvascular imaging technique and the color Doppler techniques for evaluating children’s testicular blood flow. 2016. 20(10): p. 1947-1953.
  • 18. Ohno, Y., T. Fujimoto, and Y.J.E.J.o.P.S. Shibata, A new era in diagnostic ultrasound, superb microvascular imaging: preliminary results in pediatric hepato-gastrointestinal disorders. 2017. 27(01): p. 020-025.
  • 19. Boettcher, M., et al., Clinical and sonographic features predict testicular torsion in children: a prospective study. 2013. 112(8): p. 1201-1206.
  • 20. Heindel, R.M., et al., The effect of various degrees of unilateral spermatic cord torsion on fertility in the rat. 1990. 144(2 Part 1): p. 366-369.
  • 21. Puri, P., D. Barton, and B.J.J.o.p.s. O'Donnell, Prepubertal testicular torsion: subsequent fertility. 1985. 20(6): p. 598-601. doi: 10.1016/s0022-3468(85)80006-3
  • 20. Heindel, R.M., et al., The effect of various degrees of unilateral spermatic cord torsion on fertility in the rat. 1990. 144(2 Part 1): p. 366-369.

Sıçanlarda testis torsiyonu tanısında kullanılan Power Doppler Ultrason ve Renkli Doppler Ultrason tekniğinin Süperb Mikrovasküler Imaging Ultrason tekniği ile karşılaştırılması.

Yıl 2021, , 854 - 861, 01.10.2021


Amaç: Testis torsiyonu cerrahi bir acildir. Bu çalışmada sıçanlarda testis torsiyonu tanısında Power Doppler Ultrason, Renkli Doppler Ultrason ve Superb Mikrovasküler Imaging Ultrason tekniklerinin birbirlerine üstünlüklerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Yöntem: Bu çalışma 210-262 gr ağırlığında, 26-30 günlük, 30 pubertal Wistar-Albino erkek sıçanı deneye dahil edildi. Sıçanlar, grup A-sham, bir saatlik torsiyondan sonra grup B-orşiektomi, iki saatlik torsiyondan sonra grup C-orşiektomi, üç saatlik torsiyondan sonra grup D-orşiektomi, dört saat sonra grup E-orşiektomi grubu olmak üzere 5 gruba randomize olarak ayrıldı. Tüm sıçanlar torsiyondan önce Power Doppler Görüntüleme, Renkli Doppler Görüntüleme ve Süper Mikrovasküler Görüntüleme ile takip edildi, ancak torsiyonun birinci saatinden sonra B grubuna üç ultrason tekniği, torsiyonun birinci ve ikinci saatlerinden sonra grup C'ye üç ultrason tekniği ile, grup D torsiyonun birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü saatlerinden sonra her üç ultrason tekniği ile, grup E'ye ise torsiyonun birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü saatlerinden sonra her üç ultrason tekniği ile ultrason yapıldı. Tüm sıçanlara aynı doktor tarafından 7-18 MHz lineer prob kullanılarak ultrason taraması yapıldı. Görüntüler, damarlanma derecesi ve artefaktların varlığı açısından değerlendirildi. Her grubun torsiyon süresi sonunda orşiektomi yapılması ile histopatolojik değerlendirme yapıldı.

Bulgular: Superb Mikrovasküler Imaging Ultrason, torsiyonlu testislerde Renkli Doppler Ultrason ve Power Doppler Ultrasona göre kıyasla istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmaksızın daha yüksek evreleme puanlarına sahipti. 4 saatlik iskemiden sonra, her üç yönteme de aynı puanları verdi. Histopatolojik evrelemeye bakıldığında 1 saatlik iskemi ile 2, 3 ve 4 saatlik iskemi süreleri arasında anlamlı fark bulundu. 2, 3 ve 4 saatlik iskemiden sonra yapılan histopatolojik evrelemede anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Her üç cihazın da her saat için birbiriyle uyumlu olduğu görüldü.

Sonuç: Testis torsiyonunu saptamak için kullanılan Superb Mikrovasküler Imaging Ultrason, Power Doppler Ultrason ve Renkli Doppler Ultrason ile karşılaştırılmasında her üç teknik de etkili ve güvenli tanı yöntemleri olarak bulundu.


  • 1. Knight, P.J. and L.E.J.A.o.s. Vassy, The diagnosis and treatment of the acute scrotum in children and adolescents. 1984. 200(5): p. 664.
  • 2. Başaklar, A.C.J.B., Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Bebek ve çocukların cerrahi ve ürolojik hastalıkları. 2006: p. 1753-64.
  • 3. Liang, T., et al., Retrospective review of diagnosis and treatment in children presenting to the pediatric department with acute scrotum. 2013. 200(5): p. W444-W449.
  • 4. Atallah, M.W., A.F. Mazzarino, and B.F.J.T.J.o.u. Horton, Testicular scan, diagnosis and followup for torsion of testis. 1977. 118(1 Part 1): p. 120-121.
  • 5. Jefferson, R.H., L.M. Perez, and D.B.J.T.J.o.u. Joseph, Critical analysis of the clinical presentation of acute scrotum: a 9-year experience at a single institution. 1997. 158(3): p. 1198-1200.
  • 6. Kapoor, S.J.I.j.o.c.p., Testicular torsion: a race against time. 2008. 62(5): p. 821-827.
  • 7. Hayn, M.H., et al., Intermittent torsion of the spermatic cord portends an increased risk of acute testicular infarction. 2008. 180(4): p. 1729-1732.
  • 8. Vasdev, N., D. Chadwick, and D.J.C.u. Thomas, The acute pediatric scrotum: presentation, differential diagnosis and management. 2012. 6(2): p. 57-61.
  • 9. Burks, D.D., et al., Suspected testicular torsion and ischemia: evaluation with color Doppler sonography. 1990. 175(3): p. 815-821.
  • 10. Atkinson Jr, G., et al., The normal and abnormal scrotum in children: evaluation with color Doppler sonography. 1992. 158(3): p. 613-617.
  • 11. Liu, C.C., et al., Clinical presentation of acute scrotum in young males. 2007. 23(6): p. 281-286.
  • 12. Lee, Y.S., et al., Superb microvascular imaging for the detection of parenchymal perfusion in normal and undescended testes in young children. 2016. 85(3): p. 649-656.
  • 13. Zhan, J., et al., Superb microvascular imaging—a new vascular detecting ultrasonographic technique for avascular breast masses: a preliminary study. 2016. 85(5): p. 915-921.
  • 14. Geiger, J., M. Epelman, and K.J.J.o.U.i.M. Darge, The fountain sign: a novel color Doppler sonographic finding for the diagnosis of acute idiopathic scrotal edema. 2010. 29(8): p. 1233-1237.
  • 15. Cosentino, M.J., et al., Histological changes occurring in the contralateral testes of prepubertal rats subjected to various durations of unilateral spermatic cord torsion. 1985. 133(5): p. 906-911.
  • 16. Bonacchi, G., M. Becciolini, and M.J.J.o.u. Seghieri, Superb microvascular imaging: a potential tool in the detection of FNH. 2017. 20(2): p. 179-180.
  • 17. Karaca, L., et al., Comparison of the superb microvascular imaging technique and the color Doppler techniques for evaluating children’s testicular blood flow. 2016. 20(10): p. 1947-1953.
  • 18. Ohno, Y., T. Fujimoto, and Y.J.E.J.o.P.S. Shibata, A new era in diagnostic ultrasound, superb microvascular imaging: preliminary results in pediatric hepato-gastrointestinal disorders. 2017. 27(01): p. 020-025.
  • 19. Boettcher, M., et al., Clinical and sonographic features predict testicular torsion in children: a prospective study. 2013. 112(8): p. 1201-1206.
  • 20. Heindel, R.M., et al., The effect of various degrees of unilateral spermatic cord torsion on fertility in the rat. 1990. 144(2 Part 1): p. 366-369.
  • 21. Puri, P., D. Barton, and B.J.J.o.p.s. O'Donnell, Prepubertal testicular torsion: subsequent fertility. 1985. 20(6): p. 598-601. doi: 10.1016/s0022-3468(85)80006-3
  • 20. Heindel, R.M., et al., The effect of various degrees of unilateral spermatic cord torsion on fertility in the rat. 1990. 144(2 Part 1): p. 366-369.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, Üroloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

İncinur Genişol 0000-0003-3843-5942

Ökkaş Karkıner Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1504-2628

Sinan Genç Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0516-1028

Malik Ergin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1927-9609

Soner Duman 0000-0002-7232-9660

Akgün Oral 0000-0002-5250-7335

Münevver Hoşgör 0000-0002-9078-187X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Nisan 2021
Kabul Tarihi 27 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

AMA Genişol İ, Karkıner Ö, Genç S, Ergin M, Duman S, Oral A, Hoşgör M. Evaluation of testicular torsion in rats by using the Superb Microvascular Imaging Ultrasound technique comparison with Power Doppler Ultrasound and Color Doppler Ultrasound techniques. Pam Tıp Derg. Ekim 2021;14(4):854-861. doi:10.31362/patd.907776
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