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The Impact of Mass on Action-Reaction Forces During a Collision: Using A Conceptual Change Text or Traditional Expository Text To Overcome Misconception

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 51, 65 - 91, 14.01.2021


When two bodies collide, the body with the larger mass exerts the greater force is a widely known but still common misconception. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of a conceptual change text and a traditional expository text to overcome this target misconception. Then to reveal the effect of students' readiness on this situation. For this, a case study was conducted with 92 students (ninth grade) from two different types of schools. One of these schools accepts students by a nationwide central placement exam, and the other does not need the exam. The students in the second type of school are generally very low in academic achievement. A focus group consists of 24 students examined in detail. The students in the focus group selected with a maximum variety of sampling based on the achievement. Multiple-choice questions in different contexts and simulation-assisted-interviews were used for data collection. It is seen that the type of text did not cause any difference in the school that students with high academic achievement. Conversely, a difference was found in favor of the conceptual change text in the second school. The results of the research point to the fact that the conceptual change text was more effective than the traditional expository text in the student group low in academic achievement.


  • Akpınar, M., & Tan, M. (2011). Context Based Multiple Choice Tests for Measuring Students’ Achievement. In Z. Kaya, & U. Demiray (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications Papers, Antalya (pp. 1239-1242). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Atasoy, Ş., & Akdeniz, A. R. (2005, September). Newton’un Hareket Kanunları ile İlgili Öğretmen Adaylarının Sahip Oldukları Kavram Yanılgıları [The Conceptual Misconceptions of Prospective Teachers Related to Newton's Laws of Motion]. XIV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi [XIVth National Educational Sciences Congress], Denizli, Turkey.
  • Ateşman, E. (1997). Türkçede okunabilirliğin ölçülmesi. Dil Dergisi, 58, 71-74.
  • Bahar, M. (2003). Misconceptions in biology education and conceptual change strategies. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 3(1), 55-64.
  • Bao, L., & Redish, F. (2001). Concentration analysis: A quantitative assessment of students states. American Journal of Physics, 69(7), 45-53.
  • Bao, L., Hogg, K., & Zollman, D. (2002). Model analysis of fine structures of student models: an example with Newton’s third law. American Journal of Physics, 70(7), 766-778.
  • Baser, M., & Geban, Ö. (2007a). Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on understanding of heat and temperature concepts. Research in Science and Technological Education, 25(1), 115–133.
  • Başer, M., & Geban, Ö. (2007b). Effect of instruction based on conceptual change activities on students’ understanding of static electricity concepts. Research in Science and Technological Education, 25(2), 243–267.
  • Bayraktar, S. (2009). Misconceptions of Turkish pre-service teachers about force and motion. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(2), 273-291.
  • Beerenwinkel, A., Parchmann, I., & Gräsel, C. (2010). Conceptual change texts in chemistry teaching: a study on the particle model of matter. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(5), 1235-1259.
  • Brown, D. E., & Clement, J. (1987). Overcoming misconceptions in mechanics: a comparison of two example-based teaching strategies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 2-35.
  • Bryce, T., & MacMillan, K. (2005). Encouraging conceptual change: The use of bridging analogies in the teaching of action–reaction forces and the ‘at rest’ condition in physics. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 737–763.
  • Çalik, M., Okur, M., & Taylor, N. (2011). A comparison of different conceptual change pedagogies employed within the topic of ‘‘sound propagation’’. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20, 729-742.
  • Camp, C. W., & Clement, J. (1994). Preconceptions in mechanics: Lessons dealing with students' conceptual difficulties. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
  • Chambers, S. K., & Andre, T. (1995). Are conceptual change approaches to learning science effective for everyone? gender, prior subject, matter interest, and learning about electricity. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20, 377-391.
  • Chambers, S. K., & Andre, T. (1997). Gender, prior knowledge, interest, and experience in electricity and conceptual change text manipulations in learning about direct current. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(2), 107–123.
  • Cil, E., & Cepni, S. (2012). The effectiveness of the conceptual change approach, explicit reflective approach, and course book by the ministry of education on the views of the nature of science and conceptual change in light unit. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(2), 1107-1113.
  • Clement, J. J. (1998). Expert novice similarities and instruction using analogies. International Journal of Science Education, 20(10), 1271-1286.
  • Dilber, R., Karaman, I., & Duzgun, B. (2009). High school students’ understanding of projectile motion concepts. Educational Research and Evaluation, 15(3), 203–222.
  • Durmuş, J., & Bayraktar, Ş. (2010). Effects of conceptual change texts and laboratory experiments on fourth grade students’ understanding of matter and change concepts. Journal of Science Education Technology, 19, 498–504.
  • Etkina, E. (2010). Pedagogical content knowledge and preparation of high school physics teachers. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 6, 020110-1-26.
  • Fast, G. R. (1997). Using analogies to overcome student teachers' probability misconceptions. The Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 16(4), 325-344.
  • Fensham, P. J., Gunstone, R. F., & White, R. T. (1994). The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its Teaching and Learning. London: The Falmer Press, 24.
  • Finegold, M., & Gorsky, P. (1988). Learning about forces: Simulating the outcomes of pupils’ misconceptions. Instructional Science, 17, 251-261.
  • Hellingman, C. (1992). Newton's third law revisited. Physics Education, 27(2), 112-115.
  • Hestenes, D., Wells, M., & Swackhamer, G. (1992). Force concept inventory. The Physics Teacher, 30(3), 141-158.
  • Hewson, P. W., & Hewson, M. G. B. (1984). The role of conceptual conflict in conceptual change and the design of science instruction. Instructional Science, 13(1), 1-13.
  • İpek, H., & Çalık, M. (2008). Combining different conceptual change methods within four-step constructivist teaching model: A sample teaching of series and parallel circuits. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 3(3), 143-153.
  • Jimoyiannis, A., & Komis, V. (2003). Investigating Greek students' ideas about forces and motion. Research in Science Education, 33(3), 375-392.
  • Kara, İ. (2007). Revelation of general knowledge and misconceptions about Newton’s laws of motion by drawing method. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2, 770-778.
  • Kariotoglou, P., Spyrtou, A., & Tselfes, V. (2009). How student teachers understand distance force interactions in different contexts. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(5), 851-873.
  • Klammer, J. (1998). An Overview of Techniques for Identifying, Acknowledging and Overcoming Alternate Conceptions in Physics Education. Klingenstein Project Paper, Teachers College, Columbia University.
  • Maloney, D. P. (1984). Rule-governed approaches to physics-Newton's third law. Physics Education, 19(1), 37-42.
  • Maloney, D. P., & Siegler, R. S. (1993). Conceptual competition in physics learning. International Journal of Science Education, 15(3), 283-295.
  • Maries, A., & Singh, C. (2016). Teaching assistants’ performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties in mechanics revealed by the force concept inventory. Physical Review-Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010131-1-26.
  • Mildenhall, P. T., & Williams, J. S. (2001). Instability in students' use of intuitive and Newtonian models to predict motion: The Critical Effect of The Parameters Involved. International Journal of Science Education, 23(6), 643-660
  • Montanero, M., Perez, A. L., & Suero, M. I. (1995). A survey of students' understanding of colliding bodies. Physics Education, 30(5), 277.
  • Mortimer, E. F. (1995). Conceptual change or conceptual profile change? Science and Education, 4(3), 267-285.
  • Özkan, G., & Selçuk, G. S. (2013). The use of conceptual change texts as class material in the teaching of “sound” in physics. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 14(1), 1-22.
  • Özkan, G., & Selcuk, G. S. (2015). The effectiveness of conceptual change texts and context-based learning on students’ conceptual achievement. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(6), 753-763.
  • Özkan, G., & Selcuk, G. S. (2016). Facilitating conceptual change in students’ understanding of concepts related to pressure. European Journal of Physics, 37(5), 1-20.
  • Palmer, D. H. (2001). Investigating the relationship between students' multiple conceptions of action and reaction in cases of static equilibrium. Research in Science & Technological Education, 19(2), 193-204.
  • Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
  • Qian, G., & Alvermann, D. (1995). Role of epistemological beliefs and learned helplessness in secondary school students’ learning science concepts from text. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 282-292.
  • Rennie, L. J., & Parker, L. H. (1998). Equitable measurement of achievement in physics: High school students’ responses to assessment tasks in different formats and contexts. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 4, 113-127.
  • Roth, K. J. (1985, April). Conceptual change learning and students' processing of science text. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago.
  • Sadanand, N., & Kess, J. (1990). Concepts in force and motion. The Physics Teacher, 28(8), 530-533.
  • Şahin, Ç., İpek, H., & Çepni, S. (2010). Computer supported conceptual change text: Fluid pressure. Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2, 922–927.
  • Sari, B. P., Feranie, S., & Winarno, N. (2017). The use of conceptual change text toward students’ argumentation skills in learning sound. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 895(1), 1-5.
  • Savinainen, A., & Scott, P. (2002). Using the force concept inventory to monitor student learning and to plan teaching. Physics Education, 37(1), 53-58.
  • Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4-14.
  • Spyrtou, A., Hatzikraniotis, E., & Kariotoglou, P. (2009). Educational software for improving learning aspects of Newton’s third law for student teachers. Education and Information Technologies, 14(2), 163-187.
  • Tao, P. K., & Gunstone, R. F. (1999). The process of conceptual change in force and motion during computer‐supported physics instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(7), 859-882
  • Taşlıdere, E., & Eryılmaz, A. (2009). Alternative to traditional physics instruction: Effectiveness of conceptual physics approach. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 35, 109-128.
  • Wang, T., & Andre, T. (1991). Conceptual change text versus traditional text and application questions versus no questions in learning electricity. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 16(2), 103-116.
  • White, R., & Gunstone, R. (1992). Probing Understanding. London: The Falmer Press.
  • Yilmaz, S., Eryilmaz, A., & Geban, Ö. (2006). Assessing the impact of bridging analogies in mechanics. School Science and Mathematics, 106(6), 220-230.
  • Yip, D. Y., Chung, C. M., & Mak, S. Y. (1998). The subject matter knowledge in physics related topics of Hong Kong junior secondary science teachers. Journal of science Education and Technology, 7(4), 319-328.
  • Yılmaz, S., & Eryılmaz, A. (2009). The development of anchoring analogy diagnostic test. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 37, 243-256.
  • Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2012). Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics1(3th edition), Addison-Wesley: Pearson, 120.
  • Yürük, N., & Eroğlu, P. (2016). The effect of conceptual change texts enriched with metaconceptual processes on preservice science teachers' conceptual understanding of heat and temperature. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15(6), 693-705
  • Zhou, S., Wang, Y., & Zhang, C. (2016). Pre-service science teachers' PCK: Inconsistency of pre-service teachers' predictions and student learning difficulties in Newton's third law. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(3), 373-385.
  • Zhou, S., Zhang, C. & Xiao, H. (2015). Students' understanding on Newton's third law in identifying the reaction force in gravity interactions. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 11(3), 589-599.

Bir Çarpışmada Kütlenin Etki-Tepki Kuvvetlerine Etkisi: Kavram Yanılgısını Ortadan Kaldırmada Kavramsal Değişim Metni ya da Geleneksel Açıklayıcı Metin

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 51, 65 - 91, 14.01.2021


İki cisim çarpıştığında, büyük kütleli olanın küçük kütleli olana daha fazla kuvvet uyguladığı yaygın olarak bilinmesine rağmen hala yaygın olmaya devam eden bir kavram yanılgısıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bu hedef kavram yanılgısının üstesinde gelebilmek için bir kavramsal değişim metni ile bir geleneksel açıklayıcı metnin etkililiğini karşılaştırmaktır. Aynı zamanda öğrencilerin hazırbulunuşluklarının bu durum üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bunun için iki farklı okul türünden 92 öğrenci (dokuzuncu sınıf) ile bir örnek olay çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu okullardan biri ülke çapındaki merkezi yerleştirme sınavı ile öğrenci alırken, diğeri buna gerek duymamaktadır. İkinci tip okuldaki öğrencilerin genellikle akademik başarıları çok düşüktür. Başarıya göre maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme ile belirlenen 24 öğrenciden oluşan odak grup ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Veri toplamak için farklı bağlamlarda çoktan seçmeli sorular ve simülasyon destekli görüşme kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan metin türünün yüksek akademik başarılı öğrencilerin olduğu okulda bir farklılığa sebep olmadığı bulunmuştur. İkinci okulda ise tersi bir durum oluşmuş ve kavramsal değişim metni lehine bir durumla karşılaşılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucu, kavramsal değişim metninin akademik başarısı düşük olan öğrenci grubunda geleneksel açıklayıcı metinden daha etkili olduğunu göstermektedir


  • Akpınar, M., & Tan, M. (2011). Context Based Multiple Choice Tests for Measuring Students’ Achievement. In Z. Kaya, & U. Demiray (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications Papers, Antalya (pp. 1239-1242). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Atasoy, Ş., & Akdeniz, A. R. (2005, September). Newton’un Hareket Kanunları ile İlgili Öğretmen Adaylarının Sahip Oldukları Kavram Yanılgıları [The Conceptual Misconceptions of Prospective Teachers Related to Newton's Laws of Motion]. XIV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi [XIVth National Educational Sciences Congress], Denizli, Turkey.
  • Ateşman, E. (1997). Türkçede okunabilirliğin ölçülmesi. Dil Dergisi, 58, 71-74.
  • Bahar, M. (2003). Misconceptions in biology education and conceptual change strategies. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 3(1), 55-64.
  • Bao, L., & Redish, F. (2001). Concentration analysis: A quantitative assessment of students states. American Journal of Physics, 69(7), 45-53.
  • Bao, L., Hogg, K., & Zollman, D. (2002). Model analysis of fine structures of student models: an example with Newton’s third law. American Journal of Physics, 70(7), 766-778.
  • Baser, M., & Geban, Ö. (2007a). Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on understanding of heat and temperature concepts. Research in Science and Technological Education, 25(1), 115–133.
  • Başer, M., & Geban, Ö. (2007b). Effect of instruction based on conceptual change activities on students’ understanding of static electricity concepts. Research in Science and Technological Education, 25(2), 243–267.
  • Bayraktar, S. (2009). Misconceptions of Turkish pre-service teachers about force and motion. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(2), 273-291.
  • Beerenwinkel, A., Parchmann, I., & Gräsel, C. (2010). Conceptual change texts in chemistry teaching: a study on the particle model of matter. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(5), 1235-1259.
  • Brown, D. E., & Clement, J. (1987). Overcoming misconceptions in mechanics: a comparison of two example-based teaching strategies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 2-35.
  • Bryce, T., & MacMillan, K. (2005). Encouraging conceptual change: The use of bridging analogies in the teaching of action–reaction forces and the ‘at rest’ condition in physics. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 737–763.
  • Çalik, M., Okur, M., & Taylor, N. (2011). A comparison of different conceptual change pedagogies employed within the topic of ‘‘sound propagation’’. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20, 729-742.
  • Camp, C. W., & Clement, J. (1994). Preconceptions in mechanics: Lessons dealing with students' conceptual difficulties. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
  • Chambers, S. K., & Andre, T. (1995). Are conceptual change approaches to learning science effective for everyone? gender, prior subject, matter interest, and learning about electricity. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20, 377-391.
  • Chambers, S. K., & Andre, T. (1997). Gender, prior knowledge, interest, and experience in electricity and conceptual change text manipulations in learning about direct current. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(2), 107–123.
  • Cil, E., & Cepni, S. (2012). The effectiveness of the conceptual change approach, explicit reflective approach, and course book by the ministry of education on the views of the nature of science and conceptual change in light unit. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(2), 1107-1113.
  • Clement, J. J. (1998). Expert novice similarities and instruction using analogies. International Journal of Science Education, 20(10), 1271-1286.
  • Dilber, R., Karaman, I., & Duzgun, B. (2009). High school students’ understanding of projectile motion concepts. Educational Research and Evaluation, 15(3), 203–222.
  • Durmuş, J., & Bayraktar, Ş. (2010). Effects of conceptual change texts and laboratory experiments on fourth grade students’ understanding of matter and change concepts. Journal of Science Education Technology, 19, 498–504.
  • Etkina, E. (2010). Pedagogical content knowledge and preparation of high school physics teachers. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 6, 020110-1-26.
  • Fast, G. R. (1997). Using analogies to overcome student teachers' probability misconceptions. The Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 16(4), 325-344.
  • Fensham, P. J., Gunstone, R. F., & White, R. T. (1994). The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its Teaching and Learning. London: The Falmer Press, 24.
  • Finegold, M., & Gorsky, P. (1988). Learning about forces: Simulating the outcomes of pupils’ misconceptions. Instructional Science, 17, 251-261.
  • Hellingman, C. (1992). Newton's third law revisited. Physics Education, 27(2), 112-115.
  • Hestenes, D., Wells, M., & Swackhamer, G. (1992). Force concept inventory. The Physics Teacher, 30(3), 141-158.
  • Hewson, P. W., & Hewson, M. G. B. (1984). The role of conceptual conflict in conceptual change and the design of science instruction. Instructional Science, 13(1), 1-13.
  • İpek, H., & Çalık, M. (2008). Combining different conceptual change methods within four-step constructivist teaching model: A sample teaching of series and parallel circuits. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 3(3), 143-153.
  • Jimoyiannis, A., & Komis, V. (2003). Investigating Greek students' ideas about forces and motion. Research in Science Education, 33(3), 375-392.
  • Kara, İ. (2007). Revelation of general knowledge and misconceptions about Newton’s laws of motion by drawing method. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2, 770-778.
  • Kariotoglou, P., Spyrtou, A., & Tselfes, V. (2009). How student teachers understand distance force interactions in different contexts. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(5), 851-873.
  • Klammer, J. (1998). An Overview of Techniques for Identifying, Acknowledging and Overcoming Alternate Conceptions in Physics Education. Klingenstein Project Paper, Teachers College, Columbia University.
  • Maloney, D. P. (1984). Rule-governed approaches to physics-Newton's third law. Physics Education, 19(1), 37-42.
  • Maloney, D. P., & Siegler, R. S. (1993). Conceptual competition in physics learning. International Journal of Science Education, 15(3), 283-295.
  • Maries, A., & Singh, C. (2016). Teaching assistants’ performance at identifying common introductory student difficulties in mechanics revealed by the force concept inventory. Physical Review-Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010131-1-26.
  • Mildenhall, P. T., & Williams, J. S. (2001). Instability in students' use of intuitive and Newtonian models to predict motion: The Critical Effect of The Parameters Involved. International Journal of Science Education, 23(6), 643-660
  • Montanero, M., Perez, A. L., & Suero, M. I. (1995). A survey of students' understanding of colliding bodies. Physics Education, 30(5), 277.
  • Mortimer, E. F. (1995). Conceptual change or conceptual profile change? Science and Education, 4(3), 267-285.
  • Özkan, G., & Selçuk, G. S. (2013). The use of conceptual change texts as class material in the teaching of “sound” in physics. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 14(1), 1-22.
  • Özkan, G., & Selcuk, G. S. (2015). The effectiveness of conceptual change texts and context-based learning on students’ conceptual achievement. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(6), 753-763.
  • Özkan, G., & Selcuk, G. S. (2016). Facilitating conceptual change in students’ understanding of concepts related to pressure. European Journal of Physics, 37(5), 1-20.
  • Palmer, D. H. (2001). Investigating the relationship between students' multiple conceptions of action and reaction in cases of static equilibrium. Research in Science & Technological Education, 19(2), 193-204.
  • Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
  • Qian, G., & Alvermann, D. (1995). Role of epistemological beliefs and learned helplessness in secondary school students’ learning science concepts from text. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 282-292.
  • Rennie, L. J., & Parker, L. H. (1998). Equitable measurement of achievement in physics: High school students’ responses to assessment tasks in different formats and contexts. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 4, 113-127.
  • Roth, K. J. (1985, April). Conceptual change learning and students' processing of science text. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago.
  • Sadanand, N., & Kess, J. (1990). Concepts in force and motion. The Physics Teacher, 28(8), 530-533.
  • Şahin, Ç., İpek, H., & Çepni, S. (2010). Computer supported conceptual change text: Fluid pressure. Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2, 922–927.
  • Sari, B. P., Feranie, S., & Winarno, N. (2017). The use of conceptual change text toward students’ argumentation skills in learning sound. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 895(1), 1-5.
  • Savinainen, A., & Scott, P. (2002). Using the force concept inventory to monitor student learning and to plan teaching. Physics Education, 37(1), 53-58.
  • Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4-14.
  • Spyrtou, A., Hatzikraniotis, E., & Kariotoglou, P. (2009). Educational software for improving learning aspects of Newton’s third law for student teachers. Education and Information Technologies, 14(2), 163-187.
  • Tao, P. K., & Gunstone, R. F. (1999). The process of conceptual change in force and motion during computer‐supported physics instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(7), 859-882
  • Taşlıdere, E., & Eryılmaz, A. (2009). Alternative to traditional physics instruction: Effectiveness of conceptual physics approach. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 35, 109-128.
  • Wang, T., & Andre, T. (1991). Conceptual change text versus traditional text and application questions versus no questions in learning electricity. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 16(2), 103-116.
  • White, R., & Gunstone, R. (1992). Probing Understanding. London: The Falmer Press.
  • Yilmaz, S., Eryilmaz, A., & Geban, Ö. (2006). Assessing the impact of bridging analogies in mechanics. School Science and Mathematics, 106(6), 220-230.
  • Yip, D. Y., Chung, C. M., & Mak, S. Y. (1998). The subject matter knowledge in physics related topics of Hong Kong junior secondary science teachers. Journal of science Education and Technology, 7(4), 319-328.
  • Yılmaz, S., & Eryılmaz, A. (2009). The development of anchoring analogy diagnostic test. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 37, 243-256.
  • Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2012). Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics1(3th edition), Addison-Wesley: Pearson, 120.
  • Yürük, N., & Eroğlu, P. (2016). The effect of conceptual change texts enriched with metaconceptual processes on preservice science teachers' conceptual understanding of heat and temperature. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15(6), 693-705
  • Zhou, S., Wang, Y., & Zhang, C. (2016). Pre-service science teachers' PCK: Inconsistency of pre-service teachers' predictions and student learning difficulties in Newton's third law. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(3), 373-385.
  • Zhou, S., Zhang, C. & Xiao, H. (2015). Students' understanding on Newton's third law in identifying the reaction force in gravity interactions. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 11(3), 589-599.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Müge Aygün 0000-0002-5268-2205

Mustafa Tan Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5550-0801

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ocak 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Şubat 2020
Kabul Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 51

Kaynak Göster

APA Aygün, M., & Tan, M. (2021). The Impact of Mass on Action-Reaction Forces During a Collision: Using A Conceptual Change Text or Traditional Expository Text To Overcome Misconception. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(51), 65-91.