Yıl 2023,
, 59 - 80, 18.07.2023
Ayşe İrmiş
Ayten Demirel
Mehmet Ali Mengüloğlu
Porter has developed three generic competitive strategies known as the cost leadership strategy, the differentiation strategy, and the focus strategy. According to Porter, firms should choose only one of these strategies in their respective market. Porter suggests that the implementation of multiple strategies will cause companies to be “stuck in the middle”. However, contrary to Porter's thinking, there are various companies that are implementing multiple strategies simultaneously and developing a competitive advantage over their competitors. The aim of this study is to investigate the competitive strategies of two chain markets operating in the retail sector in Turkey. This research has conducted a case study to analyze the competitive strategies of the chain markets of Migros and BIM, by evaluating their respective 2020 annual reports. As a result of the analysis, it has been concluded that Migros as well as BIM have implemented both cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy in their products and processes.
- Acquaah, M. and Yasai-Ardekani, M. (2008). “Does the Implementation of a Combination Competitive Strategy Yield Incremental Performance Benefits? A New Perspective from a Transition Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of Business Research, 61/4, 346-354.
- Akan, O., Allen, R. S., Helms, M. M. and Spralls, S. A. (2006). “Critical Tactics for Implementing Porter's Generic Strategies”, Journal of Business Strategy, 27/1, 43-53.
- Akmermer, B. ve Ayyıldız, H. (2016). “Kuyumculuk Sektörünün Porter’ın Beş Güç Modeli ile Rekabetçilik Analizi: Trabzon İli Örneği”, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6/11, 47-68.
- Alekseeva, N., Stronganova O. and Vasilenok V. (2019), “Identifying Trends in the Development of Marketing in the Digital Age”, Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences,1, 13-16.
- Allen R. S. (2006). ‘‘Linking Strategic Practices and Organizational Performance to Porter’s Generic Strategies’’, Business Process Management Journal, 12/4, 433-454.
- Andriotis K. (2004), ‘‘Revising Porter’s Five Forces Model for Application in the Travel and Tourism Industry’’, Tourism Today, 131-145.
- Ayaga D. and Nnabuko J. O. (2019). ‘‘Competitive Strategies and Customer Satisfaction in The Telecommunications Industry in Nigeria’’, International Journal of Business and Management Review, 7/1, 63-73.
- Aydın O. T. (2017). ‘‘Assessing the Environmental Conditions of Higher Education: In a Theoretical Approach Using Porter’s Five Forces Model’’, Journal of Higher Education and Science, 7/2, 378-391.
- Aydoğdu, Ü. R., Karamustafaoğlu, O. ve Bülbül, M. Ş. (2017). “Akademik Araştırmalarda Araştırma Yöntemleri ile Örneklem İlişkisi: Doğrulayıcı Doküman Analizi Örneği”, Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty, 30, 556-565.
- Awade P. R. (2014). ‘‘Implementation of Combination Strtaegy Based on Porter’s Model: Succes Built on Lost Opportunity in Industrial Lubricants’’, Asian Journal of Management Research, 4/4, 699-710.
- Banerjee Mohua, Mishra Manit (2017), “Retail supply chain management practices in India: A business intelligence perspective”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 37, pp. 248-259.
- Beckers J., Weekx S., Beutels P. and Verhetles A. (2021), “Covid-19 and Retail: The catalyst for e-commerce in Belgium?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 102645.
- BİM Tarihçe,, (28. 01. 2022).
- BİM Hakkımızda,, (14. 01. 2022).
- Bordean, O. N., Borza, A. and Glaser-Segura, D. (2011). “A Comparative Approach of the Generic Strategies within the Hotel Industry: Romania vs. USA”, Management & Marketing, 6/4, 501-514.
- Bülbül, H., Topal, A. ve Çağlın, C. (2016). “Raf Yönetimi, Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Tekrar Satın Alma Arasındaki İlişki”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9/3, 249-265.
- Collins, M. K. and Winrow, B. (2010). “Porter's Generic Strategies as Applied Toward E‐Tailers Post‐Leegin”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19/4, 306-311.
- Creswell, J.W. (2021), Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Beş Yaklaşıma Göre Nitel Araştırma ve Araştırma Deseni, 3. Baskıdan Çeviri, (Çeviri Editörleri: M. Bütün, S.B. Demir), Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Cronshaw, M., Davis, E. and Kay, J. (1994). “On Being Stuck in The Middle or Good Food Costs Less at Sainsbury's”, British Journal of Management, 5 (1), 19-32.
- Dess G. G. and Davis P. S. (1984). ‘‘Porter’s (1980) Generic Strategies as Determinants of Strategic Group Membership and Organazitional Performance’’, Academy of Management Journal, 27/3, 467-488.
- Dostaler I., Flouris T. (2006), “Stuck in the Middle Revisited: The Case of the Airline Industry”, Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 15/2, 33-45.
- Firoz Suleman, M., Rashidirad, M. and Firoz Suleman, S. (2019). “The Applicability of Porter's Generic Strategies in Pure Online Firms: A Case Study Approach”, Strategic Change, 28/3, 167-176.
- Gilbert, X. and Strebel, P. (1988). “Developing Competitive Advantage”, The Strategvprocess; Concepts, Contexts, and Cases, (Ed: J.B. Quim, H. Mintzberg and R.M. James), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- González‐Benito, J. and Suárez‐González, I. (2010). “A Study of the Role Played by Manufacturing Strategic Objectives and Capabilities in Understanding the Relationship between Porter's Generic Strategies and Business Performance”, British Journal of Management, 21/4, 1027-1043.
- Gorondutse A. H. and Hilman H., (2014). ‘‘Competitive Strategies Issues on Performance of Manufacturing Industries: Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach’’, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 8/14, 1673-1683.
Grundy T. (2006). ‘‘Rethinking and Reinventing Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model’’, Published Online in Wiley InterScience, 15, 213-229.
- Güngören M. ve Orhan F. (2013). ‘‘Sağlık Hizmetleri Sektörünün Rekabetçilik Analizi: 5 Güç Modeli Çerçevesinde Ankara İlinde Bir Uygulama’’, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10/1, 201-218.
- Gyampah K. A. and Acquaah M. (2007) ‘‘Manufacturing Strategy, Competitive Strategy and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in a Developing Economy Environment’’, International Journal of Production Economics, 111/2, 575-592.
- Indiatsy, C. M., Mucheru, S. M., Mandere, E. N., Bichanga, J. M. and Gongera, E. G. (2014). “The Application of Porter’s Five Forces Model on Organization Performance: A Case of Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd”, European Journal of Business and Management, 6/16, 75-85.
- Ishmuratova D. (2012). ‘‘Porter's Five Forces in Practice: Templates for Firm and Case Analysis’’, Academia, 10/1, 22-33.
- Islami, X., Mustafa, N. and Latkovikj, M. T. (2020). Linking Porter’s Generic Strategies to Firm Performance”, Future Business Journal, 6/1, 1-15.
- Karagiannopoulos, G. D., Georgopoulos, N. and Nikolopoulos, K. (2005). “Fathoming Porter's Five Forces Model in the Internet Era” Info, 7/6, 66-76.
- Kılıç, B. ve Uslu, T. (2019). “Porter'in Rekabet Modelinin İstanbul'daki Zincir Otel İşletmelerinde İncelenmesi”, Uluslararası Global Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3/2, 83-98.
- Kim, E., Nam, D. I. and Stimpert, J. L. (2004). “The Applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Digital Age: Assumptions, Conjectures, and Suggestions”, Journal of Management, 30/5, 569-589.
- Kinyuira, D. (2014). “Effects of Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies on the Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos) in Murang’a County, Kenya”, Journal of Business and Management, 16/6, 93-105.
- Kisaka, S. N. and Okibo, D. W. B. (2014). “Effect of Porter’s Generic Strategies on Expansion of Academic Programmes for Competitive Advantage in Kenya”, International Journal of Research in Management, 1/1, 93-97.
- Koçoğlu, D. ve Kantar, M. (2016). “Türkiye Madencilik Sektörünün Beş Güç Modeli ile Değerlendirilmesi”, Pamukkale İşletme ve Bilişim Yönetimi Dergisi, 1, 1-10.
- Kuzmanovic, M., Panic, B. and Martic, M. (2011). “Identification of Key Positioning Factors in the Retail Sector: A Conjoint Analysis Approach”, African Journal of Business Management, 5/26, 10376-10386.
- Migros Kurumsal (2020)., (26. 01. 2022).
- Moon, H. C., Hur, Y. K., Yin, W. and Helm, C. (2014). “Extending Porter’s Generic Strategies: From Three to Eight”, European Journal of International Management, 8/2, 205-225.
- Morschett, D., Swoboda, B. and Schramm-Klein, H. (2006). “Competitive Strategies in Retailing—an Investigation of the Applicability of Porter's Framework for Food Retailers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13/4, 275-287.
- Nandakumar M. K., Ghobadian A. and O’Regan N. (2011). ‘‘Generic Strategies and Performance – Evidence From Manufacturing Firms’’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60/3, 222-251.
- Omsa, S., Abdullah, I. H. and Jamali, H. (2017). “Five Competitive Forces Model and the Implementation of Porter’s Generic Strategies to Gain Firm Performances”, Science Journal of Business and Management, 5/1, 9-16.
- Özdemir, E. D. ve Çırağ, K. (2018). “Gıda Perakende Sektöründe Yerel Rekabet Dinamiklerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Antalya İli Örneği”, Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6, 263-270.
- Pawar S. and Hole Y. (2019). ‘‘Porter's Five Forces Model: Gives You a Competitive Advantage’’, International Journal of Physics, 11/4, 1436-1448.
- Peker A. A., Özdemir Ş., Kerse G. ve Arsu T. (2016). ‘‘Porter’ın Jenerik Rekabet Stratejileri ve Performans İlişkisi; Aksaray İli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Örneği’’, MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5/5, 12-22.
- Pettigrew, A. and Whipp, R. (1991). “Managing Change for Competitive Success”, Blackwell: Oxford.
- Plazibat I. and Dadić M. (2017), Contemporary Issues in Retail Industry, Journal of Corporate Governance, Insurance, and Risk Management (JCGIRM), 4/2, 44-53.
- Porter M. (1979). ‘‘The Structure Within Industries and Companies' Performance’’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 61/2, 214-227.
- Porter M. (1980). ‘‘Competitive Strategy’’, Measuring Business Excellence, 1/2, 12-17.
- Porter, M. E. (1985). “Technology and Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Business Strategy, 5/3, 60-78.
- Porter M. (2007). ‘‘Understanding Industry Structure’’, Harvard Business School, 13, 1-16.
- Porter M. E. (2008). ‘‘The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy on Competition”, Harvard Business Review, 24-41.
- Pringle J. and Huisman J. (2011), ‘‘Understanding Universities in Ontario, Canada: An Industry Analysis Using Porter’s Five Forces Framework’’, Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 41/3, 36-58.
- Pulaj, E., Kume, V. and Cipi, A. (2015). “The Impact of Generic Competitive Strategies on Organizational Performance. The Evidence from Albanian Context”, European Scientific Journal, 11/28, 273-284.
- Sedex/Smeta, Sosyal Etik Denetimi,, (21. 01. 2022).
- Sharp B., (1991), ‘‘Competitive Marketing Strategy: Porter Revisited’’, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 9/1, 4-10.
Sığrı Ü. (2021). Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Güncellenmiş 2. Baskı, Beta, İstanbul.
- Tallon, P.P. (2008), “Stuck in the Middle: Overcoming Strategic Complexity through IT Flexibility”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 9/4, 1-9.
- Tansey, P., Spillane, J. P. and Meng, X. (2014). “Linking Response Strategies Adopted by Construction Firms during the 2007 Economic Recession to Porter’s Generic Strategies”, Construction Management and Economics, 32/7-8, 705-724.
- Tarakçı Erdoğan İ., Baş M. (2018), “When ‘Stuck in the Middle’ is Not a Danger?”, Internet Applications and Management, 9/2, 49-63.
- Türkiye Hızlı Tüketim Malları Perakendeciliği Sektör İncelemesi Ön Raporu (2021), Rekabet Kurumu, Ankara,
-, (14.01.2022).
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Yıl 2023,
, 59 - 80, 18.07.2023
Ayşe İrmiş
Ayten Demirel
Mehmet Ali Mengüloğlu
Rekabetin hızla arttığı perakende sektöründe zincir marketlerin varlıklarını devam ettirebilmeleri, rekabet stratejilerini kullanma yeteneklerine bağlıdır. Porter, maliyet liderliği stratejisi, farklılaştırma stratejisi ve odaklanma strateji olmak üzere üç jenerik rekabet stratejisi geliştirmiştir. Porter’a göre firmalar bulundukları pazarda sadece bir stratejiyi tercih etmelidir. Stratejilerin eş zamanlı uygulaması firmaların “ortada sıkışıp kalması”na sebep olacaktır. Ancak Porter’ın düşüncesinin aksine günümüzde, stratejileri birlikte uygulayan ve rakiplerine karşı rekabet avantajı sağlayan firmalar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de perakende sektöründe faaliyet gösteren iki zincir marketin sektörde uyguladıkları rekabet stratejilerini araştırmaktır. Araştırmada Migros ve BİM zincir marketlerinin 2020 faaliyet raporları dikkate alınarak rekabet stratejilerinin analiz edilmesi için durum çalışması araştırması yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda her iki firmanın da ürün ve süreçlerinde hem maliyet liderliği stratejisi hem de farklılaştırma stratejisi uyguladıkları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
- Acquaah, M. and Yasai-Ardekani, M. (2008). “Does the Implementation of a Combination Competitive Strategy Yield Incremental Performance Benefits? A New Perspective from a Transition Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of Business Research, 61/4, 346-354.
- Akan, O., Allen, R. S., Helms, M. M. and Spralls, S. A. (2006). “Critical Tactics for Implementing Porter's Generic Strategies”, Journal of Business Strategy, 27/1, 43-53.
- Akmermer, B. ve Ayyıldız, H. (2016). “Kuyumculuk Sektörünün Porter’ın Beş Güç Modeli ile Rekabetçilik Analizi: Trabzon İli Örneği”, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6/11, 47-68.
- Alekseeva, N., Stronganova O. and Vasilenok V. (2019), “Identifying Trends in the Development of Marketing in the Digital Age”, Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences,1, 13-16.
- Allen R. S. (2006). ‘‘Linking Strategic Practices and Organizational Performance to Porter’s Generic Strategies’’, Business Process Management Journal, 12/4, 433-454.
- Andriotis K. (2004), ‘‘Revising Porter’s Five Forces Model for Application in the Travel and Tourism Industry’’, Tourism Today, 131-145.
- Ayaga D. and Nnabuko J. O. (2019). ‘‘Competitive Strategies and Customer Satisfaction in The Telecommunications Industry in Nigeria’’, International Journal of Business and Management Review, 7/1, 63-73.
- Aydın O. T. (2017). ‘‘Assessing the Environmental Conditions of Higher Education: In a Theoretical Approach Using Porter’s Five Forces Model’’, Journal of Higher Education and Science, 7/2, 378-391.
- Aydoğdu, Ü. R., Karamustafaoğlu, O. ve Bülbül, M. Ş. (2017). “Akademik Araştırmalarda Araştırma Yöntemleri ile Örneklem İlişkisi: Doğrulayıcı Doküman Analizi Örneği”, Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gokalp Education Faculty, 30, 556-565.
- Awade P. R. (2014). ‘‘Implementation of Combination Strtaegy Based on Porter’s Model: Succes Built on Lost Opportunity in Industrial Lubricants’’, Asian Journal of Management Research, 4/4, 699-710.
- Banerjee Mohua, Mishra Manit (2017), “Retail supply chain management practices in India: A business intelligence perspective”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 37, pp. 248-259.
- Beckers J., Weekx S., Beutels P. and Verhetles A. (2021), “Covid-19 and Retail: The catalyst for e-commerce in Belgium?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 102645.
- BİM Tarihçe,, (28. 01. 2022).
- BİM Hakkımızda,, (14. 01. 2022).
- Bordean, O. N., Borza, A. and Glaser-Segura, D. (2011). “A Comparative Approach of the Generic Strategies within the Hotel Industry: Romania vs. USA”, Management & Marketing, 6/4, 501-514.
- Bülbül, H., Topal, A. ve Çağlın, C. (2016). “Raf Yönetimi, Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Tekrar Satın Alma Arasındaki İlişki”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9/3, 249-265.
- Collins, M. K. and Winrow, B. (2010). “Porter's Generic Strategies as Applied Toward E‐Tailers Post‐Leegin”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19/4, 306-311.
- Creswell, J.W. (2021), Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Beş Yaklaşıma Göre Nitel Araştırma ve Araştırma Deseni, 3. Baskıdan Çeviri, (Çeviri Editörleri: M. Bütün, S.B. Demir), Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Cronshaw, M., Davis, E. and Kay, J. (1994). “On Being Stuck in The Middle or Good Food Costs Less at Sainsbury's”, British Journal of Management, 5 (1), 19-32.
- Dess G. G. and Davis P. S. (1984). ‘‘Porter’s (1980) Generic Strategies as Determinants of Strategic Group Membership and Organazitional Performance’’, Academy of Management Journal, 27/3, 467-488.
- Dostaler I., Flouris T. (2006), “Stuck in the Middle Revisited: The Case of the Airline Industry”, Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 15/2, 33-45.
- Firoz Suleman, M., Rashidirad, M. and Firoz Suleman, S. (2019). “The Applicability of Porter's Generic Strategies in Pure Online Firms: A Case Study Approach”, Strategic Change, 28/3, 167-176.
- Gilbert, X. and Strebel, P. (1988). “Developing Competitive Advantage”, The Strategvprocess; Concepts, Contexts, and Cases, (Ed: J.B. Quim, H. Mintzberg and R.M. James), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- González‐Benito, J. and Suárez‐González, I. (2010). “A Study of the Role Played by Manufacturing Strategic Objectives and Capabilities in Understanding the Relationship between Porter's Generic Strategies and Business Performance”, British Journal of Management, 21/4, 1027-1043.
- Gorondutse A. H. and Hilman H., (2014). ‘‘Competitive Strategies Issues on Performance of Manufacturing Industries: Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach’’, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 8/14, 1673-1683.
Grundy T. (2006). ‘‘Rethinking and Reinventing Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model’’, Published Online in Wiley InterScience, 15, 213-229.
- Güngören M. ve Orhan F. (2013). ‘‘Sağlık Hizmetleri Sektörünün Rekabetçilik Analizi: 5 Güç Modeli Çerçevesinde Ankara İlinde Bir Uygulama’’, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10/1, 201-218.
- Gyampah K. A. and Acquaah M. (2007) ‘‘Manufacturing Strategy, Competitive Strategy and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in a Developing Economy Environment’’, International Journal of Production Economics, 111/2, 575-592.
- Indiatsy, C. M., Mucheru, S. M., Mandere, E. N., Bichanga, J. M. and Gongera, E. G. (2014). “The Application of Porter’s Five Forces Model on Organization Performance: A Case of Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd”, European Journal of Business and Management, 6/16, 75-85.
- Ishmuratova D. (2012). ‘‘Porter's Five Forces in Practice: Templates for Firm and Case Analysis’’, Academia, 10/1, 22-33.
- Islami, X., Mustafa, N. and Latkovikj, M. T. (2020). Linking Porter’s Generic Strategies to Firm Performance”, Future Business Journal, 6/1, 1-15.
- Karagiannopoulos, G. D., Georgopoulos, N. and Nikolopoulos, K. (2005). “Fathoming Porter's Five Forces Model in the Internet Era” Info, 7/6, 66-76.
- Kılıç, B. ve Uslu, T. (2019). “Porter'in Rekabet Modelinin İstanbul'daki Zincir Otel İşletmelerinde İncelenmesi”, Uluslararası Global Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3/2, 83-98.
- Kim, E., Nam, D. I. and Stimpert, J. L. (2004). “The Applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Digital Age: Assumptions, Conjectures, and Suggestions”, Journal of Management, 30/5, 569-589.
- Kinyuira, D. (2014). “Effects of Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies on the Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos) in Murang’a County, Kenya”, Journal of Business and Management, 16/6, 93-105.
- Kisaka, S. N. and Okibo, D. W. B. (2014). “Effect of Porter’s Generic Strategies on Expansion of Academic Programmes for Competitive Advantage in Kenya”, International Journal of Research in Management, 1/1, 93-97.
- Koçoğlu, D. ve Kantar, M. (2016). “Türkiye Madencilik Sektörünün Beş Güç Modeli ile Değerlendirilmesi”, Pamukkale İşletme ve Bilişim Yönetimi Dergisi, 1, 1-10.
- Kuzmanovic, M., Panic, B. and Martic, M. (2011). “Identification of Key Positioning Factors in the Retail Sector: A Conjoint Analysis Approach”, African Journal of Business Management, 5/26, 10376-10386.
- Migros Kurumsal (2020)., (26. 01. 2022).
- Moon, H. C., Hur, Y. K., Yin, W. and Helm, C. (2014). “Extending Porter’s Generic Strategies: From Three to Eight”, European Journal of International Management, 8/2, 205-225.
- Morschett, D., Swoboda, B. and Schramm-Klein, H. (2006). “Competitive Strategies in Retailing—an Investigation of the Applicability of Porter's Framework for Food Retailers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13/4, 275-287.
- Nandakumar M. K., Ghobadian A. and O’Regan N. (2011). ‘‘Generic Strategies and Performance – Evidence From Manufacturing Firms’’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60/3, 222-251.
- Omsa, S., Abdullah, I. H. and Jamali, H. (2017). “Five Competitive Forces Model and the Implementation of Porter’s Generic Strategies to Gain Firm Performances”, Science Journal of Business and Management, 5/1, 9-16.
- Özdemir, E. D. ve Çırağ, K. (2018). “Gıda Perakende Sektöründe Yerel Rekabet Dinamiklerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Antalya İli Örneği”, Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6, 263-270.
- Pawar S. and Hole Y. (2019). ‘‘Porter's Five Forces Model: Gives You a Competitive Advantage’’, International Journal of Physics, 11/4, 1436-1448.
- Peker A. A., Özdemir Ş., Kerse G. ve Arsu T. (2016). ‘‘Porter’ın Jenerik Rekabet Stratejileri ve Performans İlişkisi; Aksaray İli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Örneği’’, MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5/5, 12-22.
- Pettigrew, A. and Whipp, R. (1991). “Managing Change for Competitive Success”, Blackwell: Oxford.
- Plazibat I. and Dadić M. (2017), Contemporary Issues in Retail Industry, Journal of Corporate Governance, Insurance, and Risk Management (JCGIRM), 4/2, 44-53.
- Porter M. (1979). ‘‘The Structure Within Industries and Companies' Performance’’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 61/2, 214-227.
- Porter M. (1980). ‘‘Competitive Strategy’’, Measuring Business Excellence, 1/2, 12-17.
- Porter, M. E. (1985). “Technology and Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Business Strategy, 5/3, 60-78.
- Porter M. (2007). ‘‘Understanding Industry Structure’’, Harvard Business School, 13, 1-16.
- Porter M. E. (2008). ‘‘The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy on Competition”, Harvard Business Review, 24-41.
- Pringle J. and Huisman J. (2011), ‘‘Understanding Universities in Ontario, Canada: An Industry Analysis Using Porter’s Five Forces Framework’’, Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 41/3, 36-58.
- Pulaj, E., Kume, V. and Cipi, A. (2015). “The Impact of Generic Competitive Strategies on Organizational Performance. The Evidence from Albanian Context”, European Scientific Journal, 11/28, 273-284.
- Sedex/Smeta, Sosyal Etik Denetimi,, (21. 01. 2022).
- Sharp B., (1991), ‘‘Competitive Marketing Strategy: Porter Revisited’’, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 9/1, 4-10.
Sığrı Ü. (2021). Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Güncellenmiş 2. Baskı, Beta, İstanbul.
- Tallon, P.P. (2008), “Stuck in the Middle: Overcoming Strategic Complexity through IT Flexibility”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 9/4, 1-9.
- Tansey, P., Spillane, J. P. and Meng, X. (2014). “Linking Response Strategies Adopted by Construction Firms during the 2007 Economic Recession to Porter’s Generic Strategies”, Construction Management and Economics, 32/7-8, 705-724.
- Tarakçı Erdoğan İ., Baş M. (2018), “When ‘Stuck in the Middle’ is Not a Danger?”, Internet Applications and Management, 9/2, 49-63.
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