Yıl 2023,
, 95 - 107, 18.07.2023
Çağdaş Gündüz
- Abeysekera, I. (2008). “Intellectual capital practices of firms and the commodification of labour”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 21 (1), 36-48.
- Aceituno, J. V., Ariza, R.L. ve Sánchez, G. I. M. (2014). “Explanatory Factors Of Integrated Sustainability And Financial Reporting”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 23 (1), 56-72.
- Adegboyegun, A. E., Alade, M. E., E. Ben-Caleb, A. O. Ademola, D. F. Eluyela ve O. A. Oladipo. (2020). “Integrated reporting and corporate performance in Nigeria: Evidence from the banking industry”, Cogent Business & Management, 7 (1), 1-12.
- Akins, B. (2018). “Financial reporting quality and uncertainty about credit risk among ratings agencies”. The Accounting Review, 93 (4), 1-22.
- Akisik, O. ve Gal, G. (2020). “Integrated reports, external assurance and financial performance: An empirical analysis on North American firms”, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11 (2), 317-350. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-02-2019-0072.
- Akyüz, F. ve Yangıbayev, B. (2020). “Entegre raporlama ile finansal performans arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik akademik çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi”. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 41–65.
- Alfraih, M. M. (2016), “Have financial statements lost their relevance? Empirical evidence from the frontier market of Kuwait”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 13 (2), 225-239.
- Al-Tuwaijiri, S. A., Christensen, T. E. ve Hughes, K. E. (2004). “The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance and economic performance: a simultaneous equations approach”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 29, 447-471.
- Anto, R., Pangestusti, I.R.D. ve Purwandari, E.N. (2021). “Determinants of bank efficiency in ASEAN5: size as a control variable”, Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (4), 542-547.
- Arellano, M. (1987). “Computing robust standart errors for within groups estimators”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 49 (4), 431-434.
- Artiach, T., Lee, D., Nelson, D. ve Walker, J. (2010). “The determinants of corporate sustainability performance”, Accounting and Finance, 50 (1), 31-51.
- Baltagi B., H. ve Wu, P. X. (1999). “Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances”, Econometric Theory, 15, 814-823.
- Barth, M. E., Cahan, S. F., Chen, L. ve Venter, E. R. (2016). The Economic Consequences Associated With Integrated Integrated Reportquality: Early Evidence From A Mandatory Setting. (23.02.2023), https://www.en.iuc.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/arw/paper_arw-marybarth_09_05_16.pdf.
- Bernardi, C. ve Stark, A. W. (2018). “Environmental, Socialand Governance Disclosure, Integrated Reporting, And The Accuracy Of Analyst Forecasts”, The British Accounting Review, 50 (1), 16-31.
- Berthelot, S., Coulmont, M. ve Serret, V. (2012). “Do Investors Value Sustainability Reports? A Canadian Study”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19, 355-363.
- Bhargava, A., Franzni, L. ve Narendranathan, W. (1982). “Serial correlation and fixed effect models”, The Review of Economic Studies, 49, 533-549.
- BİST. (2022). Şirketler İçin Entegre Raporlama Rehberi. (1.12.2022), https://www.borsaistanbul.com/files/sirketler-Icin-Entegre-raporlama-rehberi.pdf.
- Breusch, T.ve Pagan, A. (1980). “The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics”, Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239-253.
- Brown, M., B. ve Forsythe, A., B. (1974). “The small sample behavior of some statistics which test the equality of several means”, Technometrics, 16, 126-132.
- Buallay, A., Fadel, S.M., Al-Ajmi, J.Y. ve Saudagaran, S. (2020). “Sustainability reporting and performance of MENA banks: is there a trade-off?”, Measuring Business Excellence, 24 (2), 197-221.
- Buallay, A., Al Hawaj, A. A. ve Hamdan, A. (2021). “Integrated reporting and performance: a crosscountry comparison of GCC Islamic and conventional banks”. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12 (8), 1619-1636.
- Chouaibi, S., Chouaibi, Y. ve Zouari, G. (2022a). “Board characteristics and integrated reporting quality: evidence from ESG European companies”, EuroMed Journal of Business,17 (4), 425-447.
- Chouaibi, Y., Belhouchet, S., Chouaibi, S. and Chouaibi, J. (2022b). “The integrated reporting quality, cost of equity and financial performance in Islamic banks”, Journal of Global Responsibility, 13 (4), 450-471. https://doi.org/10.1108/JGR-11-2021-0099.
- Churet, C. ve Eccles, R. G. (2014). “Integrated Reporting, Quality Of Management, And Financial Performance”. Journal Of Applied Corporate Finance, 26 (1), 56-64.
- Closs, D. J., Speier C. ve Meacham, N. (2011). “Sustainability to Support End- To-End Value Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Academic Marketing Science, 19 (1), 101-116.
- Dahlsrud, A. (2008). “How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15 (1), 1-13.
- Dam, L. ve Scholtens, B. (2015). “Toward a theory of responsible investing: on the economic foundations of corporate social responsibility”, Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 103-121.
- Düzer, M. ve Önce, S. (2018). “Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlaması Ve Finansal Performans: BİST’te İşlem Gören İşletmeler İçin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz”, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2 (2), 637-648.
- Eccles, R.G., Ioannou, I. ve Serafeim, G. (2014). “The impact of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance”, Management Science, 60 (11), 2835-2857.
- Eicker, F. (1967). Limit theorems for regressions with unequal and dependent errors, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Ed, Lecam L. and Neyman J., 59-82. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Ellili, N.O.D. ve Nobanee, H. (2017). “Corporate risk disclosure of Islamic and conventional banks”, Banks and Bank Systems, 12 (3), 247-256.
- Elliott, B.W., Jackson, K.E., Peecher, M.E. ve White, B.J. (2014). “The unintended effect of corporate social responsibility performance on investors’ estimates of fundamental value”, The Accounting Review, 89 (1), 275-302.
- Friedman, M. (1937). “The Use of Ranks to Avoid the Assumption of Normality Implicit in the Analysis of Variance”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32 (200), 675-701.
- Froot, K., A. (1989). Consistent covariance matrix estimation eith cross-sectional dependence and heteroskedasticity in financial data. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 24, 333-355.
- Griffin, P.A., Lont, D.H. ve Sun, E. Y. (2017). “The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (2), 1265-1297.
- Horasan, E., ve Tazegül, S. (2021). Entegre raporlamanın şirketlerin finansal performansları üzerindeki etkisi. “İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi”, 6 (1), 141-163.
- Huber, P., J. (1967). The behavior of maximum likelihood estimates under non standart conditions, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium in Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 221-233. Berkeley, Ca: University of California Press.
- IIRC. (2013). Uluslararası <ER> Çerçevesi. (28.12.2022). https://www.integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/13-12-08-THE-INTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK-Turkish.pdf.
- Kılıç, M. ve Kuzey, C. (2018). “Determinants of forward-looking disclosures in integrated reporting”. Managerial Auditing Journal, 33 (1), 115-144.
- King, A. ve Lenox, M. (2002). “Exploring the locus of profitable pollution reduction”, Management Science, 48 (2), 289-299.
- Küçükgergerli, N. (2016). Entegre Raporlama Endeksi Bir Model Önerisi, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
- Lee, K. W. ve Yeo, G. H. H. (2016). “The Association Between Integrated Reporting And Firm Valuation”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (4), 1221-1250.
- Levene, H. (1960). Robust tests for equality of variances in Olkin I., Ghurye G., Hoeffding W., Madow W. G. and
Mann H. B. (eds.), Contributions to Probability and Statistics: Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 278-292.
Marrewijk, M. V. (2003). “Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion”. Journal of Business Ethics, 44 (2), 95-105.
- Nurkumalasari, I. S., Restuningdiah, N., ve Sidharta, E. A. (2019). “Integrated reporting disclosure and its impact on firm value: Evidence in Asia”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (5), 99–108.
- Özdemir, K. (2022). “Entegre Rapor Yayınlayan Bankaların Finansal Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Ölçülmesi: Türkiye Örneği”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (3), 1767-1780.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics No 0435.
- Plumlee, M., Brown, D., Hayes, R.M. ve Marshall, R.S. (2015). “Voluntary environmental disclosure quality and firm value: further evidence”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 34 (4), 336-361.
- Roca, L. C. ve Searcy, C. (2012). “An analysis of indicators disclosed in corporate sustainability reports”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 20, 103-118.
- Rogers, W., H. (1993). Regression standart errors in clustered samples, Stata Technical Bulletin 13: 19-23. in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, 3, 88-94, College Station, Tx: Stata Press.
- Servaes, H. ve Tamayo, A. (2013). “The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm value: the role of customer awareness”, Management Science, 59 (5), 1045-1061.
- Tabash, M. (2019). “An empirical investigation on the relation between disclosure and financial performance of Islamic banks in the United Arab Emirates”, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (4), 27-35.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2016). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi, 3. Baskı, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Turturea, M. (2015). “Integrated Reportıng Into Practice-A Ten Year Experience”, SEA: Practical Application Of Science, 3 (1), 565-572.
- Vena, L., Sciascia, S. ve Cortesi, A. (2020). “Integrated reporting and cost of capital: the moderating role of cultural dimensions”, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 31 (2), 191-214.
- Wang, M. ve Hussainey, K. (2013). “Voluntary forward-looking statements driven by corporate governance and their value relevance”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32 (3), 26-49.
- White, H. (1980) A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity. Econometrica, 48, 817-838.
- Wen, L. P., Kiew Heong, A. Y., ve Chee Hooi, S. L. (2017). Integrated Reporting and Financial Performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Management and Accounting Review, 16 (2), 101–130.
- Yüksel, F. (2018). “Entegre Raporlama ve Finansal Performans İlişkisi: Türkiye ve Güney Afrika Katılım Bankaları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 1689-1699.
Yıl 2023,
, 95 - 107, 18.07.2023
Çağdaş Gündüz
- Abeysekera, I. (2008). “Intellectual capital practices of firms and the commodification of labour”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 21 (1), 36-48.
- Aceituno, J. V., Ariza, R.L. ve Sánchez, G. I. M. (2014). “Explanatory Factors Of Integrated Sustainability And Financial Reporting”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 23 (1), 56-72.
- Adegboyegun, A. E., Alade, M. E., E. Ben-Caleb, A. O. Ademola, D. F. Eluyela ve O. A. Oladipo. (2020). “Integrated reporting and corporate performance in Nigeria: Evidence from the banking industry”, Cogent Business & Management, 7 (1), 1-12.
- Akins, B. (2018). “Financial reporting quality and uncertainty about credit risk among ratings agencies”. The Accounting Review, 93 (4), 1-22.
- Akisik, O. ve Gal, G. (2020). “Integrated reports, external assurance and financial performance: An empirical analysis on North American firms”, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11 (2), 317-350. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-02-2019-0072.
- Akyüz, F. ve Yangıbayev, B. (2020). “Entegre raporlama ile finansal performans arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik akademik çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi”. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 41–65.
- Alfraih, M. M. (2016), “Have financial statements lost their relevance? Empirical evidence from the frontier market of Kuwait”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 13 (2), 225-239.
- Al-Tuwaijiri, S. A., Christensen, T. E. ve Hughes, K. E. (2004). “The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance and economic performance: a simultaneous equations approach”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 29, 447-471.
- Anto, R., Pangestusti, I.R.D. ve Purwandari, E.N. (2021). “Determinants of bank efficiency in ASEAN5: size as a control variable”, Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (4), 542-547.
- Arellano, M. (1987). “Computing robust standart errors for within groups estimators”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 49 (4), 431-434.
- Artiach, T., Lee, D., Nelson, D. ve Walker, J. (2010). “The determinants of corporate sustainability performance”, Accounting and Finance, 50 (1), 31-51.
- Baltagi B., H. ve Wu, P. X. (1999). “Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances”, Econometric Theory, 15, 814-823.
- Barth, M. E., Cahan, S. F., Chen, L. ve Venter, E. R. (2016). The Economic Consequences Associated With Integrated Integrated Reportquality: Early Evidence From A Mandatory Setting. (23.02.2023), https://www.en.iuc.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/arw/paper_arw-marybarth_09_05_16.pdf.
- Bernardi, C. ve Stark, A. W. (2018). “Environmental, Socialand Governance Disclosure, Integrated Reporting, And The Accuracy Of Analyst Forecasts”, The British Accounting Review, 50 (1), 16-31.
- Berthelot, S., Coulmont, M. ve Serret, V. (2012). “Do Investors Value Sustainability Reports? A Canadian Study”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19, 355-363.
- Bhargava, A., Franzni, L. ve Narendranathan, W. (1982). “Serial correlation and fixed effect models”, The Review of Economic Studies, 49, 533-549.
- BİST. (2022). Şirketler İçin Entegre Raporlama Rehberi. (1.12.2022), https://www.borsaistanbul.com/files/sirketler-Icin-Entegre-raporlama-rehberi.pdf.
- Breusch, T.ve Pagan, A. (1980). “The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics”, Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239-253.
- Brown, M., B. ve Forsythe, A., B. (1974). “The small sample behavior of some statistics which test the equality of several means”, Technometrics, 16, 126-132.
- Buallay, A., Fadel, S.M., Al-Ajmi, J.Y. ve Saudagaran, S. (2020). “Sustainability reporting and performance of MENA banks: is there a trade-off?”, Measuring Business Excellence, 24 (2), 197-221.
- Buallay, A., Al Hawaj, A. A. ve Hamdan, A. (2021). “Integrated reporting and performance: a crosscountry comparison of GCC Islamic and conventional banks”. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12 (8), 1619-1636.
- Chouaibi, S., Chouaibi, Y. ve Zouari, G. (2022a). “Board characteristics and integrated reporting quality: evidence from ESG European companies”, EuroMed Journal of Business,17 (4), 425-447.
- Chouaibi, Y., Belhouchet, S., Chouaibi, S. and Chouaibi, J. (2022b). “The integrated reporting quality, cost of equity and financial performance in Islamic banks”, Journal of Global Responsibility, 13 (4), 450-471. https://doi.org/10.1108/JGR-11-2021-0099.
- Churet, C. ve Eccles, R. G. (2014). “Integrated Reporting, Quality Of Management, And Financial Performance”. Journal Of Applied Corporate Finance, 26 (1), 56-64.
- Closs, D. J., Speier C. ve Meacham, N. (2011). “Sustainability to Support End- To-End Value Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Academic Marketing Science, 19 (1), 101-116.
- Dahlsrud, A. (2008). “How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15 (1), 1-13.
- Dam, L. ve Scholtens, B. (2015). “Toward a theory of responsible investing: on the economic foundations of corporate social responsibility”, Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 103-121.
- Düzer, M. ve Önce, S. (2018). “Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlaması Ve Finansal Performans: BİST’te İşlem Gören İşletmeler İçin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz”, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2 (2), 637-648.
- Eccles, R.G., Ioannou, I. ve Serafeim, G. (2014). “The impact of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance”, Management Science, 60 (11), 2835-2857.
- Eicker, F. (1967). Limit theorems for regressions with unequal and dependent errors, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Ed, Lecam L. and Neyman J., 59-82. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Ellili, N.O.D. ve Nobanee, H. (2017). “Corporate risk disclosure of Islamic and conventional banks”, Banks and Bank Systems, 12 (3), 247-256.
- Elliott, B.W., Jackson, K.E., Peecher, M.E. ve White, B.J. (2014). “The unintended effect of corporate social responsibility performance on investors’ estimates of fundamental value”, The Accounting Review, 89 (1), 275-302.
- Friedman, M. (1937). “The Use of Ranks to Avoid the Assumption of Normality Implicit in the Analysis of Variance”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32 (200), 675-701.
- Froot, K., A. (1989). Consistent covariance matrix estimation eith cross-sectional dependence and heteroskedasticity in financial data. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 24, 333-355.
- Griffin, P.A., Lont, D.H. ve Sun, E. Y. (2017). “The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (2), 1265-1297.
- Horasan, E., ve Tazegül, S. (2021). Entegre raporlamanın şirketlerin finansal performansları üzerindeki etkisi. “İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi”, 6 (1), 141-163.
- Huber, P., J. (1967). The behavior of maximum likelihood estimates under non standart conditions, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium in Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 221-233. Berkeley, Ca: University of California Press.
- IIRC. (2013). Uluslararası <ER> Çerçevesi. (28.12.2022). https://www.integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/13-12-08-THE-INTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK-Turkish.pdf.
- Kılıç, M. ve Kuzey, C. (2018). “Determinants of forward-looking disclosures in integrated reporting”. Managerial Auditing Journal, 33 (1), 115-144.
- King, A. ve Lenox, M. (2002). “Exploring the locus of profitable pollution reduction”, Management Science, 48 (2), 289-299.
- Küçükgergerli, N. (2016). Entegre Raporlama Endeksi Bir Model Önerisi, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
- Lee, K. W. ve Yeo, G. H. H. (2016). “The Association Between Integrated Reporting And Firm Valuation”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (4), 1221-1250.
- Levene, H. (1960). Robust tests for equality of variances in Olkin I., Ghurye G., Hoeffding W., Madow W. G. and
Mann H. B. (eds.), Contributions to Probability and Statistics: Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 278-292.
Marrewijk, M. V. (2003). “Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion”. Journal of Business Ethics, 44 (2), 95-105.
- Nurkumalasari, I. S., Restuningdiah, N., ve Sidharta, E. A. (2019). “Integrated reporting disclosure and its impact on firm value: Evidence in Asia”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (5), 99–108.
- Özdemir, K. (2022). “Entegre Rapor Yayınlayan Bankaların Finansal Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Ölçülmesi: Türkiye Örneği”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (3), 1767-1780.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics No 0435.
- Plumlee, M., Brown, D., Hayes, R.M. ve Marshall, R.S. (2015). “Voluntary environmental disclosure quality and firm value: further evidence”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 34 (4), 336-361.
- Roca, L. C. ve Searcy, C. (2012). “An analysis of indicators disclosed in corporate sustainability reports”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 20, 103-118.
- Rogers, W., H. (1993). Regression standart errors in clustered samples, Stata Technical Bulletin 13: 19-23. in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, 3, 88-94, College Station, Tx: Stata Press.
- Servaes, H. ve Tamayo, A. (2013). “The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm value: the role of customer awareness”, Management Science, 59 (5), 1045-1061.
- Tabash, M. (2019). “An empirical investigation on the relation between disclosure and financial performance of Islamic banks in the United Arab Emirates”, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (4), 27-35.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2016). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi, 3. Baskı, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Turturea, M. (2015). “Integrated Reportıng Into Practice-A Ten Year Experience”, SEA: Practical Application Of Science, 3 (1), 565-572.
- Vena, L., Sciascia, S. ve Cortesi, A. (2020). “Integrated reporting and cost of capital: the moderating role of cultural dimensions”, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 31 (2), 191-214.
- Wang, M. ve Hussainey, K. (2013). “Voluntary forward-looking statements driven by corporate governance and their value relevance”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32 (3), 26-49.
- White, H. (1980) A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity. Econometrica, 48, 817-838.
- Wen, L. P., Kiew Heong, A. Y., ve Chee Hooi, S. L. (2017). Integrated Reporting and Financial Performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Management and Accounting Review, 16 (2), 101–130.
- Yüksel, F. (2018). “Entegre Raporlama ve Finansal Performans İlişkisi: Türkiye ve Güney Afrika Katılım Bankaları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 1689-1699.
Yıl 2023,
, 95 - 107, 18.07.2023
Çağdaş Gündüz
Çevresel, sosyal ve ekonomik açıdan yaşanan dönüşüm paydaş beklentilerini değiştirmektedir. Artık, işletmeler çok daha sorumlu ve talepkâr bir paydaş grubu ile muhatap olmaktadır. Değişen beklentileri karşılamak için de birçok yenilikçi uygulama geliştirmektedir. Entegre raporlama yeni nesil raporlama aracı olarak bu yenilikler arasında yerini almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, entegre raporların raporlamayı yapan işletmelerin finansal performansına etkisinin olup olmadığının analiz edilmesidir. İnceleme kapsamına BİST Banka endeksinde işlem gören işletmeler alınmıştır. Yöntem olarak Panel Veri Analizi tercih edilmiştir. Finansal performans göstergesi olarak aktif kârlılığı ve öz sermaye kârlılığı kullanılmıştır. 2015-2021 yılları için yapılan analizler sonucunda, entegre raporlamanın finansal performans üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi bulunamamıştır.
- Abeysekera, I. (2008). “Intellectual capital practices of firms and the commodification of labour”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 21 (1), 36-48.
- Aceituno, J. V., Ariza, R.L. ve Sánchez, G. I. M. (2014). “Explanatory Factors Of Integrated Sustainability And Financial Reporting”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 23 (1), 56-72.
- Adegboyegun, A. E., Alade, M. E., E. Ben-Caleb, A. O. Ademola, D. F. Eluyela ve O. A. Oladipo. (2020). “Integrated reporting and corporate performance in Nigeria: Evidence from the banking industry”, Cogent Business & Management, 7 (1), 1-12.
- Akins, B. (2018). “Financial reporting quality and uncertainty about credit risk among ratings agencies”. The Accounting Review, 93 (4), 1-22.
- Akisik, O. ve Gal, G. (2020). “Integrated reports, external assurance and financial performance: An empirical analysis on North American firms”, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11 (2), 317-350. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-02-2019-0072.
- Akyüz, F. ve Yangıbayev, B. (2020). “Entegre raporlama ile finansal performans arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik akademik çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi”. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 41–65.
- Alfraih, M. M. (2016), “Have financial statements lost their relevance? Empirical evidence from the frontier market of Kuwait”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 13 (2), 225-239.
- Al-Tuwaijiri, S. A., Christensen, T. E. ve Hughes, K. E. (2004). “The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance and economic performance: a simultaneous equations approach”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 29, 447-471.
- Anto, R., Pangestusti, I.R.D. ve Purwandari, E.N. (2021). “Determinants of bank efficiency in ASEAN5: size as a control variable”, Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (4), 542-547.
- Arellano, M. (1987). “Computing robust standart errors for within groups estimators”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 49 (4), 431-434.
- Artiach, T., Lee, D., Nelson, D. ve Walker, J. (2010). “The determinants of corporate sustainability performance”, Accounting and Finance, 50 (1), 31-51.
- Baltagi B., H. ve Wu, P. X. (1999). “Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances”, Econometric Theory, 15, 814-823.
- Barth, M. E., Cahan, S. F., Chen, L. ve Venter, E. R. (2016). The Economic Consequences Associated With Integrated Integrated Reportquality: Early Evidence From A Mandatory Setting. (23.02.2023), https://www.en.iuc.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/arw/paper_arw-marybarth_09_05_16.pdf.
- Bernardi, C. ve Stark, A. W. (2018). “Environmental, Socialand Governance Disclosure, Integrated Reporting, And The Accuracy Of Analyst Forecasts”, The British Accounting Review, 50 (1), 16-31.
- Berthelot, S., Coulmont, M. ve Serret, V. (2012). “Do Investors Value Sustainability Reports? A Canadian Study”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19, 355-363.
- Bhargava, A., Franzni, L. ve Narendranathan, W. (1982). “Serial correlation and fixed effect models”, The Review of Economic Studies, 49, 533-549.
- BİST. (2022). Şirketler İçin Entegre Raporlama Rehberi. (1.12.2022), https://www.borsaistanbul.com/files/sirketler-Icin-Entegre-raporlama-rehberi.pdf.
- Breusch, T.ve Pagan, A. (1980). “The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics”, Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239-253.
- Brown, M., B. ve Forsythe, A., B. (1974). “The small sample behavior of some statistics which test the equality of several means”, Technometrics, 16, 126-132.
- Buallay, A., Fadel, S.M., Al-Ajmi, J.Y. ve Saudagaran, S. (2020). “Sustainability reporting and performance of MENA banks: is there a trade-off?”, Measuring Business Excellence, 24 (2), 197-221.
- Buallay, A., Al Hawaj, A. A. ve Hamdan, A. (2021). “Integrated reporting and performance: a crosscountry comparison of GCC Islamic and conventional banks”. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12 (8), 1619-1636.
- Chouaibi, S., Chouaibi, Y. ve Zouari, G. (2022a). “Board characteristics and integrated reporting quality: evidence from ESG European companies”, EuroMed Journal of Business,17 (4), 425-447.
- Chouaibi, Y., Belhouchet, S., Chouaibi, S. and Chouaibi, J. (2022b). “The integrated reporting quality, cost of equity and financial performance in Islamic banks”, Journal of Global Responsibility, 13 (4), 450-471. https://doi.org/10.1108/JGR-11-2021-0099.
- Churet, C. ve Eccles, R. G. (2014). “Integrated Reporting, Quality Of Management, And Financial Performance”. Journal Of Applied Corporate Finance, 26 (1), 56-64.
- Closs, D. J., Speier C. ve Meacham, N. (2011). “Sustainability to Support End- To-End Value Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Academic Marketing Science, 19 (1), 101-116.
- Dahlsrud, A. (2008). “How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15 (1), 1-13.
- Dam, L. ve Scholtens, B. (2015). “Toward a theory of responsible investing: on the economic foundations of corporate social responsibility”, Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 103-121.
- Düzer, M. ve Önce, S. (2018). “Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlaması Ve Finansal Performans: BİST’te İşlem Gören İşletmeler İçin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz”, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2 (2), 637-648.
- Eccles, R.G., Ioannou, I. ve Serafeim, G. (2014). “The impact of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance”, Management Science, 60 (11), 2835-2857.
- Eicker, F. (1967). Limit theorems for regressions with unequal and dependent errors, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Ed, Lecam L. and Neyman J., 59-82. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Ellili, N.O.D. ve Nobanee, H. (2017). “Corporate risk disclosure of Islamic and conventional banks”, Banks and Bank Systems, 12 (3), 247-256.
- Elliott, B.W., Jackson, K.E., Peecher, M.E. ve White, B.J. (2014). “The unintended effect of corporate social responsibility performance on investors’ estimates of fundamental value”, The Accounting Review, 89 (1), 275-302.
- Friedman, M. (1937). “The Use of Ranks to Avoid the Assumption of Normality Implicit in the Analysis of Variance”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32 (200), 675-701.
- Froot, K., A. (1989). Consistent covariance matrix estimation eith cross-sectional dependence and heteroskedasticity in financial data. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 24, 333-355.
- Griffin, P.A., Lont, D.H. ve Sun, E. Y. (2017). “The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (2), 1265-1297.
- Horasan, E., ve Tazegül, S. (2021). Entegre raporlamanın şirketlerin finansal performansları üzerindeki etkisi. “İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi”, 6 (1), 141-163.
- Huber, P., J. (1967). The behavior of maximum likelihood estimates under non standart conditions, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium in Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 221-233. Berkeley, Ca: University of California Press.
- IIRC. (2013). Uluslararası <ER> Çerçevesi. (28.12.2022). https://www.integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/13-12-08-THE-INTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK-Turkish.pdf.
- Kılıç, M. ve Kuzey, C. (2018). “Determinants of forward-looking disclosures in integrated reporting”. Managerial Auditing Journal, 33 (1), 115-144.
- King, A. ve Lenox, M. (2002). “Exploring the locus of profitable pollution reduction”, Management Science, 48 (2), 289-299.
- Küçükgergerli, N. (2016). Entegre Raporlama Endeksi Bir Model Önerisi, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
- Lee, K. W. ve Yeo, G. H. H. (2016). “The Association Between Integrated Reporting And Firm Valuation”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (4), 1221-1250.
- Levene, H. (1960). Robust tests for equality of variances in Olkin I., Ghurye G., Hoeffding W., Madow W. G. and
Mann H. B. (eds.), Contributions to Probability and Statistics: Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 278-292.
Marrewijk, M. V. (2003). “Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion”. Journal of Business Ethics, 44 (2), 95-105.
- Nurkumalasari, I. S., Restuningdiah, N., ve Sidharta, E. A. (2019). “Integrated reporting disclosure and its impact on firm value: Evidence in Asia”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (5), 99–108.
- Özdemir, K. (2022). “Entegre Rapor Yayınlayan Bankaların Finansal Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Ölçülmesi: Türkiye Örneği”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (3), 1767-1780.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics No 0435.
- Plumlee, M., Brown, D., Hayes, R.M. ve Marshall, R.S. (2015). “Voluntary environmental disclosure quality and firm value: further evidence”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 34 (4), 336-361.
- Roca, L. C. ve Searcy, C. (2012). “An analysis of indicators disclosed in corporate sustainability reports”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 20, 103-118.
- Rogers, W., H. (1993). Regression standart errors in clustered samples, Stata Technical Bulletin 13: 19-23. in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, 3, 88-94, College Station, Tx: Stata Press.
- Servaes, H. ve Tamayo, A. (2013). “The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm value: the role of customer awareness”, Management Science, 59 (5), 1045-1061.
- Tabash, M. (2019). “An empirical investigation on the relation between disclosure and financial performance of Islamic banks in the United Arab Emirates”, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (4), 27-35.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2016). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi, 3. Baskı, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Turturea, M. (2015). “Integrated Reportıng Into Practice-A Ten Year Experience”, SEA: Practical Application Of Science, 3 (1), 565-572.
- Vena, L., Sciascia, S. ve Cortesi, A. (2020). “Integrated reporting and cost of capital: the moderating role of cultural dimensions”, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 31 (2), 191-214.
- Wang, M. ve Hussainey, K. (2013). “Voluntary forward-looking statements driven by corporate governance and their value relevance”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32 (3), 26-49.
- White, H. (1980) A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity. Econometrica, 48, 817-838.
- Wen, L. P., Kiew Heong, A. Y., ve Chee Hooi, S. L. (2017). Integrated Reporting and Financial Performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Management and Accounting Review, 16 (2), 101–130.
- Yüksel, F. (2018). “Entegre Raporlama ve Finansal Performans İlişkisi: Türkiye ve Güney Afrika Katılım Bankaları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 1689-1699.
Yıl 2023,
, 95 - 107, 18.07.2023
Çağdaş Gündüz
Environmental, social and economic transformation changes stakeholder expectations. Now, companies are dealing with a much more responsible and demanding stakeholder group. Companies also develop many innovative applications to meet changing expectations. Integrated reporting as a new generation reporting tool is among these innovations. The goal of this study is to analyze whether integrated reports have an impact on the financial performance of reporting companies. Companies listed in BIST Bank index are included in the scope of the review. Panel Data Analysis is preferred as a method. Return on assets and return on equity are used as financial performance indicators. As a result of the analysis made for the years 2015-2021, there is no effect of integrated reporting on financial performance.
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- Barth, M. E., Cahan, S. F., Chen, L. ve Venter, E. R. (2016). The Economic Consequences Associated With Integrated Integrated Reportquality: Early Evidence From A Mandatory Setting. (23.02.2023), https://www.en.iuc.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/arw/paper_arw-marybarth_09_05_16.pdf.
- Bernardi, C. ve Stark, A. W. (2018). “Environmental, Socialand Governance Disclosure, Integrated Reporting, And The Accuracy Of Analyst Forecasts”, The British Accounting Review, 50 (1), 16-31.
- Berthelot, S., Coulmont, M. ve Serret, V. (2012). “Do Investors Value Sustainability Reports? A Canadian Study”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19, 355-363.
- Bhargava, A., Franzni, L. ve Narendranathan, W. (1982). “Serial correlation and fixed effect models”, The Review of Economic Studies, 49, 533-549.
- BİST. (2022). Şirketler İçin Entegre Raporlama Rehberi. (1.12.2022), https://www.borsaistanbul.com/files/sirketler-Icin-Entegre-raporlama-rehberi.pdf.
- Breusch, T.ve Pagan, A. (1980). “The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics”, Review of Economic Studies, 47, 239-253.
- Brown, M., B. ve Forsythe, A., B. (1974). “The small sample behavior of some statistics which test the equality of several means”, Technometrics, 16, 126-132.
- Buallay, A., Fadel, S.M., Al-Ajmi, J.Y. ve Saudagaran, S. (2020). “Sustainability reporting and performance of MENA banks: is there a trade-off?”, Measuring Business Excellence, 24 (2), 197-221.
- Buallay, A., Al Hawaj, A. A. ve Hamdan, A. (2021). “Integrated reporting and performance: a crosscountry comparison of GCC Islamic and conventional banks”. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12 (8), 1619-1636.
- Chouaibi, S., Chouaibi, Y. ve Zouari, G. (2022a). “Board characteristics and integrated reporting quality: evidence from ESG European companies”, EuroMed Journal of Business,17 (4), 425-447.
- Chouaibi, Y., Belhouchet, S., Chouaibi, S. and Chouaibi, J. (2022b). “The integrated reporting quality, cost of equity and financial performance in Islamic banks”, Journal of Global Responsibility, 13 (4), 450-471. https://doi.org/10.1108/JGR-11-2021-0099.
- Churet, C. ve Eccles, R. G. (2014). “Integrated Reporting, Quality Of Management, And Financial Performance”. Journal Of Applied Corporate Finance, 26 (1), 56-64.
- Closs, D. J., Speier C. ve Meacham, N. (2011). “Sustainability to Support End- To-End Value Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Academic Marketing Science, 19 (1), 101-116.
- Dahlsrud, A. (2008). “How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15 (1), 1-13.
- Dam, L. ve Scholtens, B. (2015). “Toward a theory of responsible investing: on the economic foundations of corporate social responsibility”, Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 103-121.
- Düzer, M. ve Önce, S. (2018). “Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlaması Ve Finansal Performans: BİST’te İşlem Gören İşletmeler İçin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz”, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2 (2), 637-648.
- Eccles, R.G., Ioannou, I. ve Serafeim, G. (2014). “The impact of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance”, Management Science, 60 (11), 2835-2857.
- Eicker, F. (1967). Limit theorems for regressions with unequal and dependent errors, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Ed, Lecam L. and Neyman J., 59-82. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Ellili, N.O.D. ve Nobanee, H. (2017). “Corporate risk disclosure of Islamic and conventional banks”, Banks and Bank Systems, 12 (3), 247-256.
- Elliott, B.W., Jackson, K.E., Peecher, M.E. ve White, B.J. (2014). “The unintended effect of corporate social responsibility performance on investors’ estimates of fundamental value”, The Accounting Review, 89 (1), 275-302.
- Friedman, M. (1937). “The Use of Ranks to Avoid the Assumption of Normality Implicit in the Analysis of Variance”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32 (200), 675-701.
- Froot, K., A. (1989). Consistent covariance matrix estimation eith cross-sectional dependence and heteroskedasticity in financial data. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 24, 333-355.
- Griffin, P.A., Lont, D.H. ve Sun, E. Y. (2017). “The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (2), 1265-1297.
- Horasan, E., ve Tazegül, S. (2021). Entegre raporlamanın şirketlerin finansal performansları üzerindeki etkisi. “İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi”, 6 (1), 141-163.
- Huber, P., J. (1967). The behavior of maximum likelihood estimates under non standart conditions, in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Symposium in Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 221-233. Berkeley, Ca: University of California Press.
- IIRC. (2013). Uluslararası <ER> Çerçevesi. (28.12.2022). https://www.integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/13-12-08-THE-INTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK-Turkish.pdf.
- Kılıç, M. ve Kuzey, C. (2018). “Determinants of forward-looking disclosures in integrated reporting”. Managerial Auditing Journal, 33 (1), 115-144.
- King, A. ve Lenox, M. (2002). “Exploring the locus of profitable pollution reduction”, Management Science, 48 (2), 289-299.
- Küçükgergerli, N. (2016). Entegre Raporlama Endeksi Bir Model Önerisi, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
- Lee, K. W. ve Yeo, G. H. H. (2016). “The Association Between Integrated Reporting And Firm Valuation”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (4), 1221-1250.
- Levene, H. (1960). Robust tests for equality of variances in Olkin I., Ghurye G., Hoeffding W., Madow W. G. and
Mann H. B. (eds.), Contributions to Probability and Statistics: Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 278-292.
Marrewijk, M. V. (2003). “Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion”. Journal of Business Ethics, 44 (2), 95-105.
- Nurkumalasari, I. S., Restuningdiah, N., ve Sidharta, E. A. (2019). “Integrated reporting disclosure and its impact on firm value: Evidence in Asia”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (5), 99–108.
- Özdemir, K. (2022). “Entegre Rapor Yayınlayan Bankaların Finansal Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Ölçülmesi: Türkiye Örneği”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (3), 1767-1780.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics No 0435.
- Plumlee, M., Brown, D., Hayes, R.M. ve Marshall, R.S. (2015). “Voluntary environmental disclosure quality and firm value: further evidence”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 34 (4), 336-361.
- Roca, L. C. ve Searcy, C. (2012). “An analysis of indicators disclosed in corporate sustainability reports”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 20, 103-118.
- Rogers, W., H. (1993). Regression standart errors in clustered samples, Stata Technical Bulletin 13: 19-23. in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, 3, 88-94, College Station, Tx: Stata Press.
- Servaes, H. ve Tamayo, A. (2013). “The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm value: the role of customer awareness”, Management Science, 59 (5), 1045-1061.
- Tabash, M. (2019). “An empirical investigation on the relation between disclosure and financial performance of Islamic banks in the United Arab Emirates”, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6 (4), 27-35.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2016). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi, 3. Baskı, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Turturea, M. (2015). “Integrated Reportıng Into Practice-A Ten Year Experience”, SEA: Practical Application Of Science, 3 (1), 565-572.
- Vena, L., Sciascia, S. ve Cortesi, A. (2020). “Integrated reporting and cost of capital: the moderating role of cultural dimensions”, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 31 (2), 191-214.
- Wang, M. ve Hussainey, K. (2013). “Voluntary forward-looking statements driven by corporate governance and their value relevance”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32 (3), 26-49.
- White, H. (1980) A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity. Econometrica, 48, 817-838.
- Wen, L. P., Kiew Heong, A. Y., ve Chee Hooi, S. L. (2017). Integrated Reporting and Financial Performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Management and Accounting Review, 16 (2), 101–130.
- Yüksel, F. (2018). “Entegre Raporlama ve Finansal Performans İlişkisi: Türkiye ve Güney Afrika Katılım Bankaları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (2), 1689-1699.