Yıl 2020,
, 239 - 253, 14.04.2020
Seçkin Barış Gülmez
Eda Cebeci
- Adelman, K. L. (1980). “Speaking of America: Public Diplomacy in Our Time”, Foreign Affairs, 59/4/5, 913-936.
- Alexander, C. (2014). “Sub-state public diplomacy in Africa: The case of the Scottish government’s engagement with Malawi”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy,10/1, 70–86.
- Amerson, R. (1995). How democracy triumphed over dictatorship: public diplomacy in Venezuela, Washington D.C., American University Press.
- Ayhan, K. J. (2018). “The Boundaries of Public Diplomacy and Nonstate Actors: A Taxonomy of Perspectives”, International Studies Perspectives, 20/1, 63–83.
- Berridge, G. R. (2010). Diplomacy Theory and Practice, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Birch, A. H. (1984). “Another Liberal Theory of Secession”, Political Studies, 32, 596-602.
- Borgen, C. J. (2009). “The Language of Law and the Practice of Politics: Great Powers and the Rhetoric of Self- Determination in the Cases of Kosovo and South Ossetia”, Chicago Journal of International Law, 10/1, 1-33.
- Buchanan, A. (1997). “Theories of Secession”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 26/1, 30-61.
- Buhari Gülmez, D. (2016). “Autonomy, Self-determination and Agency in a Global Context”, ProtoSociology, 33, 155-157.
- Catalan News (2014). FC Barcelona publicly supports Catalonia’s self-determination, following leading Catalan sportsmen. (04.01.2020)
- Catalan News (2017a). Catalonia celebrates St Jordi's Day with books, roses and signatures for the referendum. (04.01.2020)
- Catalan News (2017b). Two Japanese universities debate self-determination in Catalonia. (04.01.2020)
- Catalan News (2019). Scandinavian countries to vote on 'promoting dialogue' in Catalonia. (04.01.2020)
- Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió (2014). (04.01.2020)
- Chadwick, S. (2017). FC Barcelona and the Catalan struggle for independence. (04.01.2020)
- Cherribi, S. (2009). “US public diplomacy in the Arab world: Responses to Al-Jazeera's interview with Karen Hughes”, American Behavioral Scientist, 52/5, 755-771.
- Christensen, T. J (2011). “The advantages of an assertive China: responding to Beijing's abrasive diplomacy”, Foreign Affairs, March/April.
- Cornago, N. (2010). “On the Normalization of Sub-State Diplomacy”, Regional Sub-State Diplomacy Today (Ed: D. Criekemans), Antwerp, BRILL.
- Cornago, N. (2018). “Paradiplomacy and Protodiplomacy”, The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, (Ed: G. Martel), Oxford, Wiley.
- Criekemans, D. (2010). “Regional sub-state diplomacy from a comparative perspective: Quebec, Scotland, Bavaria, Catalonia, Wallonia and Flanders”, Regional Sub-State Diplomacy Today (Ed: D. Criekemans), Antwerp, BRILL.
- Criekemans, D. (2018). “The Diplomatic Activities of Regional Sub-state Entities: Towards a Multilevel Diplomacy?”, Borders and Margins: Federalism, Devolution and Multi-Level Governance, (Ed: G. Lachapelle ve P. Onate), Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers.
- Criekemans, D. ve Duran, M (2010). “Small State Diplomacy Compared to Sub-State Diplomacy: More of the Same or Different?”, Small States in Europe Challenges and Opportunities, (Ed: R. Steinmetz ve A. Wivel), Farnham, Ashgate.
- Cull, N. J. (2008). “Public Diplomacy: Taxonomies and Histories”, The Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science, 616/31, 31-54.
- Cull, N. J. (2009). “Public diplomacy before Gullion: The evolution of a phrase”, The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, (Ed: N. Snow ve P. Taylor), Londra, Routledge.
- Cull, N. J.(2010a). “Speeding the Strange Death of American Public Diplomacy: The George H.W. Bush Administration and the US Information Agency”, Diplomatic History, 34/1, 47-69.
- Cull, N. J. (2010b). “Public diplomacy: Seven lessons for its future from its past”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6/1, 11-17.
- Dasgupta, S. (2017). Total Footballer, Total Rebel: Johan Cruyff and The Resurgence of Catalonian Pride. 04.01.2020
- D'Hooghe, I. (2015). China's public diplomacy, Leiden, BRILL.
- Dutta-Bergman, M. J. (2006). “US public diplomacy in the Middle East: A critical cultural approach”, Journal of Communication Inquiry, 30/2, 102-124.
- FC Barcelona (2014). FC Barcelona sign Catalan National Pact for Self-Determination. 04.01.2020
- France 24 (2019). Catalan separatists' trial a 'test for Spanish democracy', says Puigdemont. 04.01.2020
- Gonzalez, M. (2019). Catalan exiles Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí appear at Venice Biennale. 04.01.2020
- Gregory, B. (2008). “Public Diplomacy: Sunrise Of An Academic Field”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616/1, 274-286.
- Hayward, B. (2017). Behind the Barcelona Chaos. 04.01.2020
- Huijgh, E. (2010). “The public diplomacy of federated entities: Examining the Quebec model”, Regional Sub-State Diplomacy Today, (Ed: D. Criekemans), Antwerp, BRILL.
- Huijgh, E. (2016). “Public Diplomacy”, The Sage Handbook Of Diplomacy, (Ed: C. M. Constantinou, P. Kerr ve P. Sharp), Londra, SAGE.
- Jiménez, A. Q. (2014). The Catalan Question and the Spanish Constitutional Court. 04.01.2020
- Kelley, J. R. (2009). “Between ‘Take-Offs’ and ‘Crash Landings’: Situational Aspects of Public Diplomacy”, The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, (Ed: N. Snow ve P. Taylor), Londra, Routledge.
- Ker-Lindsay, J. (2012). The Foreign Policy of Counter Secession: Preventing the Recognition of Contested States, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Kunczik, M. ve Weber, U. (1994). “Public Diplomacy and Public Relations: Advertisements ot foreign countries in Germany: results of a content analysis”, Journal of International Communication, 1/2, 18-40.
- Kuper, S. (2014). Futbol Asla Sadece Futbol Değildir, (Çev: S. Gürtunca). 5. Baskı, İthaki Yayınları, İstanbul.
- Lasalas, M. (2018). Puigdemont in Copenhagen: "In Catalonia, democracy in the whole of Europe is at stake. 04.01.2020
- Manheim, J. B. (1994). “Strategic public diplomacy: Managing Kuwait's image during the Gulf conflict”, Taken by the storm: The media, public opinion and U.S. foreign policy in the Gulf War, (Ed: W. L. Bennet ve D. L. Paletz), Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- McConnell, F., Moreau, T. ve Dittmer, J. (2012). “Mimicking state diplomacy: The legitimizing strategies of unofficial diplomacies”, Geoforum, 43/4, 804-814.
- Melissen, J. (2005). “The New Public Diplomacy: Between Theory and Practice”, The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, (Ed: J. Melissen), New York, Palgrave.
- Milliyet (2019). Barcelona'dan Gelen Selam Barça Köyünü Mutlu Etti. 04.01.2020
- Moffett, M. (2019). In Far-Flung Corners of the World, Catalan Secessionists Push for Support for Independence From Spain. 04.01.2020
- Nelles, W. (2004). “American public diplomacy as pseudo-education: A problematic national security and counter-terrorism instrument”, International Politics, 41/1, 65–93.
- Porte, T. (2012). “The Impact of 'Intermestic' Non-State Actors on the Conceptual Framework of Public Diplomacy”, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 7/4, 441-458.
- Rofe, J. S. (2014). “It is a squad game: Manchester United as a diplomatic non-state actor in international affairs”, Sport in Society, 17/9, 1136-1154.
- Roth, L. W. (1984). “Public diplomacy and the past: the search for an American style propaganda (1952-1977)”, Fletcher Forum Of World Affairs, 8/21, 353-396.
- San Eugenio, J. ve Xifra, J. (2015). “International representation strategies for stateless nations: The case of Catalonia’s cultural diplomacy”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 11/1, 83–96.
- San Eugenio, J., Ginesta, X. ve Xifra, J (2017). “Catalonia’s public diplomacy and media relations strategy: A case study of the Eugeni Xammar Programme of International Communication and Public Relations”, International Public Relations: Perspectives from deeply divided societies, (Ed: I. Somerville, O. Hargie, M. Taylor ve M. Toledano), New York, Routledge.
- Segura, C. G. (2017). “Sub-state Diplomacy: Catalonia’s External Action amidst the Quest for State Sovereignty”, International Negotiation, 22, 344–373.
- Sevin, E. (2017). Public Diplomacy and the Implementation of Foreign Policy in the US, Sweden and Turkey, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Snow, N. (2009). “Rethinking Public Diplomacy”, The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, (Ed: N. Snow ve P. Taylor), Londra, Routledge.
- The Guardian (2017). Pep Guardiola joins call for referendum on Catalan independence. 04.01.2020
- The Institut Ramon Llull (2019a). The American anthropologist Kathryn Woolard to be awarded the 26th Ramon Llull International Prize. 04.01.2020
- The Institut Ramon Llull (2019b). The linguist Jon Landaburu will receive the XXVII Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Linguistics and Linguistic Diversity. 04.01.2020
- The Institut Ramon Llull (2019c). Professor and translator Ko Tazawa, winner of the 29th Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Studies and Cultural Diversity. 04.01.2020
- Torras-Vila, J. ve Fernandez-Cavia, J. (2018). “DIPLOCAT’s public diplomacy role and the perceptions towards Catalonia among international correspondents”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 14/3, 213–222.
- Tuch, H. N. (1990). Communicating With the World: U.S. Public Policy Overseas, New York, St. Martin’s Press.
- University of Vaasa (2018). Professor Christer Laurén will receive the 28th Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Linguistics and Linguistic Diversity. 04.01.2020
- Wang, J. (2011). Soft power in China: Public diplomacy through communication, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Webster, D. (2007/2008). “History, Nation and Narrative in East Timor's Truth Commission Report”, Pacific Affairs, 80/4, 581-591.
- Wittenberg, D. (2019). Puigdemont to visit London, Berlin and Ljubljana during EU election campaign. 04.01.2020
- Xifra, J. (2009). “Catalan public diplomacy, soft power, and noopolitik: A public relations approach to Catalonia’s governance”, Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 1/1, 67-85.
- Xifra, J. ve Mckie, D. (2012). “From realpolitik to noopolitik: The public relations of (stateless) nations in an information age”, Public Relations Review, 38, 819-824.
- Zaharna, R. S. (2010). Battles to Bridges: US Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy after 9/11, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Zhao, K. (2015). “The motivation behind China's public diplomacy”, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 8/2, 167–196.
- Zhu, Z. (2016). China's new diplomacy: Rationale, strategies and significance, London, Routledge.
Yıl 2020,
, 239 - 253, 14.04.2020
Seçkin Barış Gülmez
Eda Cebeci
Bu çalışma self-determinasyon hareketlerinde kamu diplomasisinin nasıl uygulandığını ve bu uygulamaların bağımsızlık sürecine ne derece etki ettiğini incelemektedir. Bu soruya geçerli bir yanıt bulmak amacıyla, çalışma güncel self-determinasyon vakası olan Katalonya mercek altına alınacaktır. Bu amaçla, İlk bölümde akademik literatürdeki kamu diplomasisi çalışmaları üzerine kapsamlı bir inceleme yapılacak, özellikle kamu diplomasisi literatürünün self-determinasyon bağlamında gözden kaçırdıkları detaylıca tartışılacaktır. İkinci bölümde referandum sürecinde bağımsızlık yanlısı Katalanların yaptığı kapsamlı kamu diplomasisi faaliyetlerine odaklanılacaktır. Katalanların self-determinasyon amaçlı sürdürdükleri kamu diplomasisi faaliyetleri resmi kanallar ve popüler kanallar olmak üzere iki temel kategoriye ayrılmaktadır. Her iki kategoride de hem bireyler hem de kurumlae önemli birer kamu diplomasisi aktörü olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Sonuç bölümünde de Katalonya örneğinden yola çıkılarak self-determinasyon bağlamında uygulanan kamu diplomasisi stratejilerinin ne derece etkili olduğu sorusuna yanıt aranacaktır.
- Adelman, K. L. (1980). “Speaking of America: Public Diplomacy in Our Time”, Foreign Affairs, 59/4/5, 913-936.
- Alexander, C. (2014). “Sub-state public diplomacy in Africa: The case of the Scottish government’s engagement with Malawi”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy,10/1, 70–86.
- Amerson, R. (1995). How democracy triumphed over dictatorship: public diplomacy in Venezuela, Washington D.C., American University Press.
- Ayhan, K. J. (2018). “The Boundaries of Public Diplomacy and Nonstate Actors: A Taxonomy of Perspectives”, International Studies Perspectives, 20/1, 63–83.
- Berridge, G. R. (2010). Diplomacy Theory and Practice, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Birch, A. H. (1984). “Another Liberal Theory of Secession”, Political Studies, 32, 596-602.
- Borgen, C. J. (2009). “The Language of Law and the Practice of Politics: Great Powers and the Rhetoric of Self- Determination in the Cases of Kosovo and South Ossetia”, Chicago Journal of International Law, 10/1, 1-33.
- Buchanan, A. (1997). “Theories of Secession”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 26/1, 30-61.
- Buhari Gülmez, D. (2016). “Autonomy, Self-determination and Agency in a Global Context”, ProtoSociology, 33, 155-157.
- Catalan News (2014). FC Barcelona publicly supports Catalonia’s self-determination, following leading Catalan sportsmen. (04.01.2020)
- Catalan News (2017a). Catalonia celebrates St Jordi's Day with books, roses and signatures for the referendum. (04.01.2020)
- Catalan News (2017b). Two Japanese universities debate self-determination in Catalonia. (04.01.2020)
- Catalan News (2019). Scandinavian countries to vote on 'promoting dialogue' in Catalonia. (04.01.2020)
- Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió (2014). (04.01.2020)
- Chadwick, S. (2017). FC Barcelona and the Catalan struggle for independence. (04.01.2020)
- Cherribi, S. (2009). “US public diplomacy in the Arab world: Responses to Al-Jazeera's interview with Karen Hughes”, American Behavioral Scientist, 52/5, 755-771.
- Christensen, T. J (2011). “The advantages of an assertive China: responding to Beijing's abrasive diplomacy”, Foreign Affairs, March/April.
- Cornago, N. (2010). “On the Normalization of Sub-State Diplomacy”, Regional Sub-State Diplomacy Today (Ed: D. Criekemans), Antwerp, BRILL.
- Cornago, N. (2018). “Paradiplomacy and Protodiplomacy”, The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, (Ed: G. Martel), Oxford, Wiley.
- Criekemans, D. (2010). “Regional sub-state diplomacy from a comparative perspective: Quebec, Scotland, Bavaria, Catalonia, Wallonia and Flanders”, Regional Sub-State Diplomacy Today (Ed: D. Criekemans), Antwerp, BRILL.
- Criekemans, D. (2018). “The Diplomatic Activities of Regional Sub-state Entities: Towards a Multilevel Diplomacy?”, Borders and Margins: Federalism, Devolution and Multi-Level Governance, (Ed: G. Lachapelle ve P. Onate), Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers.
- Criekemans, D. ve Duran, M (2010). “Small State Diplomacy Compared to Sub-State Diplomacy: More of the Same or Different?”, Small States in Europe Challenges and Opportunities, (Ed: R. Steinmetz ve A. Wivel), Farnham, Ashgate.
- Cull, N. J. (2008). “Public Diplomacy: Taxonomies and Histories”, The Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science, 616/31, 31-54.
- Cull, N. J. (2009). “Public diplomacy before Gullion: The evolution of a phrase”, The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, (Ed: N. Snow ve P. Taylor), Londra, Routledge.
- Cull, N. J.(2010a). “Speeding the Strange Death of American Public Diplomacy: The George H.W. Bush Administration and the US Information Agency”, Diplomatic History, 34/1, 47-69.
- Cull, N. J. (2010b). “Public diplomacy: Seven lessons for its future from its past”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6/1, 11-17.
- Dasgupta, S. (2017). Total Footballer, Total Rebel: Johan Cruyff and The Resurgence of Catalonian Pride. 04.01.2020
- D'Hooghe, I. (2015). China's public diplomacy, Leiden, BRILL.
- Dutta-Bergman, M. J. (2006). “US public diplomacy in the Middle East: A critical cultural approach”, Journal of Communication Inquiry, 30/2, 102-124.
- FC Barcelona (2014). FC Barcelona sign Catalan National Pact for Self-Determination. 04.01.2020
- France 24 (2019). Catalan separatists' trial a 'test for Spanish democracy', says Puigdemont. 04.01.2020
- Gonzalez, M. (2019). Catalan exiles Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí appear at Venice Biennale. 04.01.2020
- Gregory, B. (2008). “Public Diplomacy: Sunrise Of An Academic Field”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616/1, 274-286.
- Hayward, B. (2017). Behind the Barcelona Chaos. 04.01.2020
- Huijgh, E. (2010). “The public diplomacy of federated entities: Examining the Quebec model”, Regional Sub-State Diplomacy Today, (Ed: D. Criekemans), Antwerp, BRILL.
- Huijgh, E. (2016). “Public Diplomacy”, The Sage Handbook Of Diplomacy, (Ed: C. M. Constantinou, P. Kerr ve P. Sharp), Londra, SAGE.
- Jiménez, A. Q. (2014). The Catalan Question and the Spanish Constitutional Court. 04.01.2020
- Kelley, J. R. (2009). “Between ‘Take-Offs’ and ‘Crash Landings’: Situational Aspects of Public Diplomacy”, The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, (Ed: N. Snow ve P. Taylor), Londra, Routledge.
- Ker-Lindsay, J. (2012). The Foreign Policy of Counter Secession: Preventing the Recognition of Contested States, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Kunczik, M. ve Weber, U. (1994). “Public Diplomacy and Public Relations: Advertisements ot foreign countries in Germany: results of a content analysis”, Journal of International Communication, 1/2, 18-40.
- Kuper, S. (2014). Futbol Asla Sadece Futbol Değildir, (Çev: S. Gürtunca). 5. Baskı, İthaki Yayınları, İstanbul.
- Lasalas, M. (2018). Puigdemont in Copenhagen: "In Catalonia, democracy in the whole of Europe is at stake. 04.01.2020
- Manheim, J. B. (1994). “Strategic public diplomacy: Managing Kuwait's image during the Gulf conflict”, Taken by the storm: The media, public opinion and U.S. foreign policy in the Gulf War, (Ed: W. L. Bennet ve D. L. Paletz), Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- McConnell, F., Moreau, T. ve Dittmer, J. (2012). “Mimicking state diplomacy: The legitimizing strategies of unofficial diplomacies”, Geoforum, 43/4, 804-814.
- Melissen, J. (2005). “The New Public Diplomacy: Between Theory and Practice”, The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, (Ed: J. Melissen), New York, Palgrave.
- Milliyet (2019). Barcelona'dan Gelen Selam Barça Köyünü Mutlu Etti. 04.01.2020
- Moffett, M. (2019). In Far-Flung Corners of the World, Catalan Secessionists Push for Support for Independence From Spain. 04.01.2020
- Nelles, W. (2004). “American public diplomacy as pseudo-education: A problematic national security and counter-terrorism instrument”, International Politics, 41/1, 65–93.
- Porte, T. (2012). “The Impact of 'Intermestic' Non-State Actors on the Conceptual Framework of Public Diplomacy”, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 7/4, 441-458.
- Rofe, J. S. (2014). “It is a squad game: Manchester United as a diplomatic non-state actor in international affairs”, Sport in Society, 17/9, 1136-1154.
- Roth, L. W. (1984). “Public diplomacy and the past: the search for an American style propaganda (1952-1977)”, Fletcher Forum Of World Affairs, 8/21, 353-396.
- San Eugenio, J. ve Xifra, J. (2015). “International representation strategies for stateless nations: The case of Catalonia’s cultural diplomacy”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 11/1, 83–96.
- San Eugenio, J., Ginesta, X. ve Xifra, J (2017). “Catalonia’s public diplomacy and media relations strategy: A case study of the Eugeni Xammar Programme of International Communication and Public Relations”, International Public Relations: Perspectives from deeply divided societies, (Ed: I. Somerville, O. Hargie, M. Taylor ve M. Toledano), New York, Routledge.
- Segura, C. G. (2017). “Sub-state Diplomacy: Catalonia’s External Action amidst the Quest for State Sovereignty”, International Negotiation, 22, 344–373.
- Sevin, E. (2017). Public Diplomacy and the Implementation of Foreign Policy in the US, Sweden and Turkey, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Snow, N. (2009). “Rethinking Public Diplomacy”, The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, (Ed: N. Snow ve P. Taylor), Londra, Routledge.
- The Guardian (2017). Pep Guardiola joins call for referendum on Catalan independence. 04.01.2020
- The Institut Ramon Llull (2019a). The American anthropologist Kathryn Woolard to be awarded the 26th Ramon Llull International Prize. 04.01.2020
- The Institut Ramon Llull (2019b). The linguist Jon Landaburu will receive the XXVII Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Linguistics and Linguistic Diversity. 04.01.2020
- The Institut Ramon Llull (2019c). Professor and translator Ko Tazawa, winner of the 29th Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Studies and Cultural Diversity. 04.01.2020
- Torras-Vila, J. ve Fernandez-Cavia, J. (2018). “DIPLOCAT’s public diplomacy role and the perceptions towards Catalonia among international correspondents”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 14/3, 213–222.
- Tuch, H. N. (1990). Communicating With the World: U.S. Public Policy Overseas, New York, St. Martin’s Press.
- University of Vaasa (2018). Professor Christer Laurén will receive the 28th Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Linguistics and Linguistic Diversity. 04.01.2020
- Wang, J. (2011). Soft power in China: Public diplomacy through communication, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Webster, D. (2007/2008). “History, Nation and Narrative in East Timor's Truth Commission Report”, Pacific Affairs, 80/4, 581-591.
- Wittenberg, D. (2019). Puigdemont to visit London, Berlin and Ljubljana during EU election campaign. 04.01.2020
- Xifra, J. (2009). “Catalan public diplomacy, soft power, and noopolitik: A public relations approach to Catalonia’s governance”, Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 1/1, 67-85.
- Xifra, J. ve Mckie, D. (2012). “From realpolitik to noopolitik: The public relations of (stateless) nations in an information age”, Public Relations Review, 38, 819-824.
- Zaharna, R. S. (2010). Battles to Bridges: US Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy after 9/11, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Zhao, K. (2015). “The motivation behind China's public diplomacy”, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 8/2, 167–196.
- Zhu, Z. (2016). China's new diplomacy: Rationale, strategies and significance, London, Routledge.