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Yıl 2024, Sayı: 64, 339 - 352, 20.09.2024


Egyptian revolution, which started with great optimism regarding country’s future, after toppling 30 years long Mubarak regime and experiencing disappointments with first civil administration under Muslim brotherhood government, ended up with the restoration of authoritarianism as a result of a military coup. In this article when delving into the reasons of revolution’s failures, orientalist and elitist theories argued that main issues of failure revolved around the immutable power of the army and political elites over resurrecting masses and lack of general faith in the country regarding the creation of a liberal democratic order. What was missing is, from a Gramscian background, important role that neoliberalism and its destructiveness over social and political life in the last four decades of Egypt, played. In here my basic idea is that after 2011 uprising, revolutionary groups could not settle accounts with neoliberal past and its institutions. Then, on that misconstrued basis, they tried to build a new order. While the Muslim brotherhood government criticized the establishment in terms of religion and cultural values, secular opposition missed the determining role of the army within the economic affairs of the country. Due to these reasons, El-Sisi, seems like an ordinary officer, was able to ensure the restoration of authoritarian rule in Egypt.


  • Abul-Magd,Z.(2020) Army,Business and Revolution in Egypt,in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Aboulenein, A. (2013) ‘Labour strikes and protests double under Morsi’, Daily News, 28 April, at:
  • Al-Annani,K. (2021) Ten years Later: Reflections on Egypt’s 2011 Uprising. Arab Center Wahington DC Policy Analysis
  • Alashwal,N. (2020) Egypt’s Transition, in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Alexander, A. and Bassiouny, M. (2014) Bread, Freedom, Social Justice: Workers and the Egyptian Revolution London: Zed Press.
  • Amin,G. (2013) Whatever Happened to the Egyptian Revolution? Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.
  • Ayubi, N. H. (1995), Over-stating the Arab State: Politics and Society in the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Aziz,S. (2020) Egypt’s Transition, in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Beinin, J. (2001).Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East. The Contemporary Middle East). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Beinin, J. (1998). Egypt: society and economy, 1923–1952. The Cambridge History of Egypt, 2, 309-333.
  • Beinin, J. (2012) The Rise of Egypt’s Workers. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).
  • Blaydes, L. (2010). Elections and distributive politics in Mubarak’s Egypt. London: Cambridge University Press .
  • Cox, R.W. (1993). Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method. In S. Gill (Ed.), Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (pp.49-67). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • El-Naggar, A. (2009) ‘Economic policy: From state control to decay and corruption’, in R. El-Mahdi and P. Marfleet (eds), Egypt – the Moment of Change . London: Zed.
  • El Tarouty, S. (2016). Businessmen, clientelism and authoritarianism in Egypt. New York: Springer.
  • Fishere,E. (2020) Egypt’s transition. in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Gramsci, A., & Hoare, Q. (1973). Selections from the prison notebooks (Vol. 294). London: Lawrence and Wishart.
  • Hamid,S. (2020) Egypt’s transition. in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Hanna,M. (2020) Egypt’s transition. in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Hansen, S. (2012) ‘The economic vision of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood millionaires’, Business Week, 19 April. Hinnebusch, R.A. (1981). Egypt under Sadat: Elites, Power Structure, and Political Change in a Post-Populist State. Social Problems, 442-464. London: CambridgeUniversity Press.
  • Hourani, A. (2013). A history of the Arab peoples: Updated edition. NewYork: Faber & Faber.
  • Ikram, K. (2006), The Egyptian Economy, 1952–2000: Performance, Policies, Issues. London: Routledge.
  • Khlebnikov,A. (2016) Why did the 2011 Egyptian Revolution Fail, Central European Journal of International Studies.Vol 10 no 3. Syf 88-117.
  • Koehler, K and Holger Albrecht. (2019) ‘Revolutions and the Military: Endgame Coups, Instability, and Prospects for Democracy’, Armed Forces and Society 47 (1), syf 148–176
  • Kurtz, S. (2011) ‘Is there an Arab spring?’, National Review Online, 21 March, at:
  • Lengyel, P. (1974). An Egyptian view of dependency and development. Studies in Comparative International Development, 9(1), syf 121-125.
  • Lewis, B. (2006) ‘Freedom and justice in Islam’, Imprimis (September) 35 (9).
  • Maher.S(2011) Political economy of the Egyptian Uprising.Monthly review, 63(6),s32.
  • Marfleet, P. (2016). Egypt: contested revolution. London: Pluto Press.
  • Milner, A. (2002 [1892]) England in Egypt (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press).
  • Mitchell, T. (1999). Dreamland: The neo-liberalism of your desires. Middle East Report, 210, 28-33.
  • Muslim Brotherhood (2011) ‘FJP 2011 Program on Social Justice’, Ikhwanweb, 4 December, at:
  • Hoare, Q., & Nowell-Smith, G. (2005). Selections from prison notebooks. New York: Lawrence & Wishart. 216-276. +
  • Roccu,P.(2013). The Political Economy of the Egyptian Revolution: Mubarak, Economic Reforms and Failed Hegemony. London: Palgrave
  • Sanyal, P. (2016). Parliamentary elections in Egypt, 2015. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 3(4), 445-454.
  • Seth, R. (1966) Russell Pasha. London: William Kimber.
  • Springboard,R. (2022) Follow the Money to the Truth about Al-Sisi’s Egypt,Pomed
  • Üşenmez.Ö.(2016) Arab Socialism. In Z. Cope & I. Ness (Eds.). The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism. (pp. 812-817). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Üşenmez,Ö, Levent Duman (2022) Egypt: Persisting Authoritarianism and Arab Spring in (eds) Ertuğrul Cevheri ve Levent Duman, Persisting Authoritarianism in the Arab World : Internal and External Dimensions. (pp 79-118) Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • World Bank (1993), Arab Republic of Egypt – An Agricultural Strategy for the 1990s, Washington, DC: World bank
  • Yetiş, M. (2015) Hegemonya. içinde (Gökhan A,Atilla A,ed) Siyaset Bilimi: Kavramlar, İdeolojiler, Disiplinler arası İlişkiler (pp. 87-99). İstanbul: Yordam Yayınları.
  • Zubaida, S. (2009). Islam, the people and the state: Political ideas and Movements in the Middle east, London : I. B Tauris.


Yıl 2024, Sayı: 64, 339 - 352, 20.09.2024


Mısır Devrimi, Ocak 2011’de büyük umutlarla başlayıp 30 yıllık otoriter Mübarek yönetimini devirmiştir. Sonrasında ise Müslüman Kardeşler idaresi altında ilk sivil yönetim denemesinin hayal kırıklığı ve 2013 Temmuz’da El-Sisi önderliğindeki ordu darbesi ile daha despotik bir rejimle sonuçlanmıştır. Bu makalede, devrimin başarısızlık sebepleri irdelenirken oryantalist ve elitist teoriler, ordunun ve Mısır siyasi elitinin devrimci gruplar karşısında çok güçlü olması ve başkaldıranların liberal demokrasiyi hedeflememeleri gibi eksikliklerden bahsedilmiştir. Gözden kaçan durum ise Gramscici bir teorik arka planla, son kırk yıllık Mısır tarihinin evriminde neo-liberalizmin ve onun yarattığı toplumsal ve siyasi yıkımın devrimin başarısızlığındaki önemli rolüdür. Burada iddia odur ki 2011 sonrası gelişen süreçte devrimci gruplar, Mısır’daki neo-liberal geçmiş ve kurumlarla yeterince hesaplaşamamış ve bu iktisadi, sosyal temel üzerine yeni bir toplum inşa etmeye kalkmışlardır. Müslüman Kardeşler Hükûmeti İslami ve kültürel düzen eleştirisini öne çıkarırken seküler muhaliflerse ordunun iktisadi hayattaki belirleyici rolünü ıskalamışlardır. İşte bu sebeplerle aslında sıradan bir subay sayılabilecek El-Sisi otoriter yönetimin restorasyonunu sağlayabilmiştir.


  • Abul-Magd,Z.(2020) Army,Business and Revolution in Egypt,in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Aboulenein, A. (2013) ‘Labour strikes and protests double under Morsi’, Daily News, 28 April, at:
  • Al-Annani,K. (2021) Ten years Later: Reflections on Egypt’s 2011 Uprising. Arab Center Wahington DC Policy Analysis
  • Alashwal,N. (2020) Egypt’s Transition, in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Alexander, A. and Bassiouny, M. (2014) Bread, Freedom, Social Justice: Workers and the Egyptian Revolution London: Zed Press.
  • Amin,G. (2013) Whatever Happened to the Egyptian Revolution? Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.
  • Ayubi, N. H. (1995), Over-stating the Arab State: Politics and Society in the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Aziz,S. (2020) Egypt’s Transition, in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Beinin, J. (2001).Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East. The Contemporary Middle East). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Beinin, J. (1998). Egypt: society and economy, 1923–1952. The Cambridge History of Egypt, 2, 309-333.
  • Beinin, J. (2012) The Rise of Egypt’s Workers. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).
  • Blaydes, L. (2010). Elections and distributive politics in Mubarak’s Egypt. London: Cambridge University Press .
  • Cox, R.W. (1993). Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method. In S. Gill (Ed.), Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (pp.49-67). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • El-Naggar, A. (2009) ‘Economic policy: From state control to decay and corruption’, in R. El-Mahdi and P. Marfleet (eds), Egypt – the Moment of Change . London: Zed.
  • El Tarouty, S. (2016). Businessmen, clientelism and authoritarianism in Egypt. New York: Springer.
  • Fishere,E. (2020) Egypt’s transition. in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Gramsci, A., & Hoare, Q. (1973). Selections from the prison notebooks (Vol. 294). London: Lawrence and Wishart.
  • Hamid,S. (2020) Egypt’s transition. in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Hanna,M. (2020) Egypt’s transition. in Why Did Egyptian Democratization Failed? AmyHawtorne & Andrew Miller,POMED publication
  • Hansen, S. (2012) ‘The economic vision of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood millionaires’, Business Week, 19 April. Hinnebusch, R.A. (1981). Egypt under Sadat: Elites, Power Structure, and Political Change in a Post-Populist State. Social Problems, 442-464. London: CambridgeUniversity Press.
  • Hourani, A. (2013). A history of the Arab peoples: Updated edition. NewYork: Faber & Faber.
  • Ikram, K. (2006), The Egyptian Economy, 1952–2000: Performance, Policies, Issues. London: Routledge.
  • Khlebnikov,A. (2016) Why did the 2011 Egyptian Revolution Fail, Central European Journal of International Studies.Vol 10 no 3. Syf 88-117.
  • Koehler, K and Holger Albrecht. (2019) ‘Revolutions and the Military: Endgame Coups, Instability, and Prospects for Democracy’, Armed Forces and Society 47 (1), syf 148–176
  • Kurtz, S. (2011) ‘Is there an Arab spring?’, National Review Online, 21 March, at:
  • Lengyel, P. (1974). An Egyptian view of dependency and development. Studies in Comparative International Development, 9(1), syf 121-125.
  • Lewis, B. (2006) ‘Freedom and justice in Islam’, Imprimis (September) 35 (9).
  • Maher.S(2011) Political economy of the Egyptian Uprising.Monthly review, 63(6),s32.
  • Marfleet, P. (2016). Egypt: contested revolution. London: Pluto Press.
  • Milner, A. (2002 [1892]) England in Egypt (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press).
  • Mitchell, T. (1999). Dreamland: The neo-liberalism of your desires. Middle East Report, 210, 28-33.
  • Muslim Brotherhood (2011) ‘FJP 2011 Program on Social Justice’, Ikhwanweb, 4 December, at:
  • Hoare, Q., & Nowell-Smith, G. (2005). Selections from prison notebooks. New York: Lawrence & Wishart. 216-276. +
  • Roccu,P.(2013). The Political Economy of the Egyptian Revolution: Mubarak, Economic Reforms and Failed Hegemony. London: Palgrave
  • Sanyal, P. (2016). Parliamentary elections in Egypt, 2015. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 3(4), 445-454.
  • Seth, R. (1966) Russell Pasha. London: William Kimber.
  • Springboard,R. (2022) Follow the Money to the Truth about Al-Sisi’s Egypt,Pomed
  • Üşenmez.Ö.(2016) Arab Socialism. In Z. Cope & I. Ness (Eds.). The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism. (pp. 812-817). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Üşenmez,Ö, Levent Duman (2022) Egypt: Persisting Authoritarianism and Arab Spring in (eds) Ertuğrul Cevheri ve Levent Duman, Persisting Authoritarianism in the Arab World : Internal and External Dimensions. (pp 79-118) Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • World Bank (1993), Arab Republic of Egypt – An Agricultural Strategy for the 1990s, Washington, DC: World bank
  • Yetiş, M. (2015) Hegemonya. içinde (Gökhan A,Atilla A,ed) Siyaset Bilimi: Kavramlar, İdeolojiler, Disiplinler arası İlişkiler (pp. 87-99). İstanbul: Yordam Yayınları.
  • Zubaida, S. (2009). Islam, the people and the state: Political ideas and Movements in the Middle east, London : I. B Tauris.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası Siyaset
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Özgür Üşenmez 0000-0002-7420-5426

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 20 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 64

Kaynak Göster

APA Üşenmez, Ö. (2024). TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(64), 339-352.
AMA Üşenmez Ö. TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?. PAUSBED. Eylül 2024;(64):339-352. doi:10.30794/pausbed.1477109
Chicago Üşenmez, Özgür. “TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sy. 64 (Eylül 2024): 339-52.
EndNote Üşenmez Ö (01 Eylül 2024) TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 64 339–352.
IEEE Ö. Üşenmez, “TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?”, PAUSBED, sy. 64, ss. 339–352, Eylül 2024, doi: 10.30794/pausbed.1477109.
ISNAD Üşenmez, Özgür. “TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 64 (Eylül 2024), 339-352.
MLA Üşenmez, Özgür. “TAHRİR’DEN EL-SİSİ’YE: MISIR DEVRİMİ NEDEN BAŞARISIZ OLDU?”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sy. 64, 2024, ss. 339-52, doi:10.30794/pausbed.1477109.