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Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 6 - 14, 01.03.2004


Aktive T-hücreleri ve ürünleri, psöriasis ve atopik dermatit AD gibi birçok cilt hastalığının patogenezinde önemli bir rol oynarlar. Aktivasyonu takiben, periferik kandaki T hücrelerinin derideki selektif yerleşimi ve efektör işlevleri, patogenezdeki immunolojik olaylar dizinini temsil eder. Kutanöz lenfositle ilişkili antijen CLA , bellek/efektör T hücresinin deriye migrasyonunda rol oynayan bir yerleşim reseptörüdür. CLA, farklılaşma sürecinde Th1 hücreleri üzerinde belirir ve Th2 hücreleri üzerinde de bakteriyel super antigen ve/veya IL-12 uyarısıyla indüklenebilir. Muhtemelen, deriye özgü yerle- şim, işlevsel ve fenotipik T hücre subsetleri ile sı- nırlı değildir. Bazı T hücre reseptörlerinde değişken β zinciri ekspresyonu veya IL-12Rβ ekspresyonu ile karakterize IL-12 ve/veya süperantijen yanıtı, T hücreleri üzerindeki CLA ekspresyonunu kontrol eden faktörlerdir. CLA taşıyan CD4 ve CD8 T hücreleri, AD hastalarının periferik kanındaki aktive bellek/efektör T hücre subsetlerini temsil eder. Bunlar, IgE’yi IL-13 aracılığıyla uyarırlar ve eosinofil ya- şam süresini de IL-5 aracılığıyla uzatırlar. Atopik hastalıklardaki periferik Th2 yanıtının bir mekanizması olarak, dolaşımdaki aktive bellek/efektör Th1 hücreleri selektif olarak aktivasyon ile indüklenen hücre ölümüne uğrayarak, immün yanıtı hayatta kalan Th2 hücrelerinden yana kaydırır. Atopik dermatitde, T hücreleri, dendritik hücreler ve keratinositlerden oluşan bir kemokin ağı, inflamatuvar hücrelerin deriye infiltrasyonunu kontrol eder. Aktive olan bu T hücreleri, Fas bağımlı bir yol ile keratinosit apoptozisini indükler ki bu spongiosis ve ekzematöz lezyonların oluşumunda önemli bir patogenetik faktördür.


  • 1. CA Akdis, M Akdis, A Trautmann, & K Blaser. Immune regulation in atopic dermatitis. Curr Opin Immunol 2000; 12: 641-46.
  • 2. JD Bos & ML Kapsenberg. The skin immune system: Progress in cutaneous biology. Immunol Today 1993; 14: 75-9.
  • 3. DYM Leung, AK Bhan, EE Schneeberger, & RS Geha. Characterization of the mononuclear cell infiltrate in atopic dermatitis using monoclonal antibodies. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 71: 47-55.
  • 4. LJ Picker, SA Michie, LS Rott, & EC Butcher. A Unique phenotype of skin associated lymphocytes in humans: preferential expression of the HECA-452 epitope by benign and malignant T-cells at cutaneous sites. Am J Pathol 1990; 136: 1053-61.
  • 5. K Sasaki, K Kurata, K Funayama, M Nagata, E Watanabe, S Ohta, N Hanai, & T Nishi. Expression cloning of a novel a1,3-fucosyltransferase that is involved in biosynthesis of the sialyl lewis X carbohydrate determinants in leukocytes. J Biol Chem 1994; 269: 14730-37.
  • 6. RC Fuhlbrigge, JD Kieffer, D Armerding, & TS Kupper. Cu taneous lymphocyte antigen is a specialized form of PSGL-1 expressed on skin homing T cells. Nature 1997; 389: 978-81.
  • 7. LJ Picker, TK Kishimoto, CW Smith, RA Warnock, & EC Butcher. ELAM-1 is an adhesion molecule for skin homing T cells. Nature 1991; 349: 796-99.
  • 8. H Rossiter, GC Mudde, F van Reijsen, F Kalthoff, CAFM Bruijnzeel-Komen, LJ Picker, & TS Kupper. Disease-related T cells from atopic skin express cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and sialyl Lewis X determinants, and bind to both E- selectin and P- selectin. Eur J Immunol 1994; 24: 205-10.
  • 9. LF Santamaria Babi, R Moser, MT Perez Soler, LJ Picker, K Blaser, & C Hauser. The migration of skin- homing T cells across cytokine-activated human endothelial cell layers involves interaction of the cutaneous lymphocyteassociated antigen (CLA), the very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) and the lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA- 1). J Immunol 1995; 154: 1543-50.
  • 10. LJ Picker, JR Treer, B Ferguson-Darnell, PA Collins, PR Bergstresser, & LWMM Terstappen. Control of lymphocyte recirculation in man. III. Differential regulation of the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen, a tissue selective homing receptor for skin-homing T cells . J Immunol 1993; 150: 1122-36.
  • 11. DYM Leung, M Gately, A Trumble, B Ferguson-Darnell, PM Schlievert, & LJ Picker. Bacterial superantigens induce T cell expression of the skin-selective homing receptor, the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen, via stimulation of interleukin 12 production. J Exp Med 1995; 181: 747-53.
  • 12. Y-C Lim, L Henault, AJ Wagers, GS Kansas, FW Luscinskas, & AH Lichtman. Expression of functional selectin ligands on Th cells is differentially regulated by IL-12 and IL-4. J Immunol 1999; 162: 3193-201.
  • 13. AJ Wagers, CM Waters, LM Stoolman, & GS Kansas. Interleukin 12 and interleukin 4 control T cell adhesion to endothelial selectins through opposite effects on a1,3-fucosyltransferase VII gene expression. J Exp Med 1998; 188: 2225-31.
  • 14. JM Blander, I Visintin, CA Janeway Jr., & R Medzhitov. a(1,3)-Fucosyltrasferase VII and a(2,3)-sialyltransferase IV are up-regulated in activated CD4 T cells and maintained after their differentiation into Th1 and migration into inflammatory sites. J Immunol 1999; 163: 3746-52.
  • 15. JE Leyden, RR Marpies, & AM Kligman. Staphylococcus aureus in the lesions of atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 1974; 90: 525-30.
  • 16. U Herz, N Schnoy, S Borelli, L Weigl, U Käsbohrer, A Daser, U Wahn, R Köttgen, & H Renz. A hu-SCID mouse model for allergic immune responses: Bacterial superantigen enhances skin inflammation and supresses IgE production. J Invest Dermatol 1998; 110: 224-31.
  • 17. AH Rook, K Kang, M Kubin, M Cassin, G Trinchieri, SR Lessin, & KD Cooper. Interleukin 12 mRNA and protein production by epidermal Langerhans cells. ClinRes 1994; 42: 231.
  • 18. DYM Leung, RS Cotran, & JS Pober. Expression of an endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule (ELAM-1) in elicited late phase allergic skin reactions. J Clin Invest 1991; 87: 1805-10.
  • 19. PW Heald, SL Yan, RL Edelson, R Tigelaar, & LJ Picker. Skin-selective lymphocyte homing mechanisms in the pathogenesis of leukemic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. J Invest Dermatol 1993; 101: 222-26.
  • 20. DH Adams, SG Hubscher, NC Fisher, A Williams, & M Robinson. Expression of E-selectin and E-selectin ligands in human liver inflammation. Hepatology 1996; 24: 533-38.
  • 21. SM Jones, J Dixey, ND Hall, & NJ McHugh. Expression of cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and its counter-receptor E-selectin in the skin and joints of patients with psoriatic arthritis. Br J Rheumatol 1997; 36: 748-57.
  • 22. LF Santamaria Babi, LJ Picker, MT Perez Soler, K Drzimalla, P Flohr, K Blaser, & C Hauser. Circulating allergenreactive T cells from patients with atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis express the skin-selective homing receptor, the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen. J Exp Med 1995; 181: 1935-40.
  • 23. M Akdis, CA Akdis, L Weigl, R Disch, & K Blaser. Skin-homing, CLA+ memory T cells are activated in atopic dermatitis and regulate IgE by an IL-13-dominated cytokine pattern. IgG4 counter-regulation by CLA- memory T cells. J Immunol 1997; 159: 4611-19.
  • 24. M Akdis, H-U Simon, L Weigl, O Kreyden, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. Skin homing (Cutaneous Lymphocyte-Associated Antigen-positive) CD8+ T cells respond to superantigen and contribute to eosinophilia and IgE production in atopic dermatitis. J Immunol 1999; 163: 466-75.
  • 25. CA Akdis, M Akdis, D Simon, B Dibbert, M Weber, S Gratzl, O Kreyden, R Disch, B Wüthrich, K Blaser, & H-U Simon. T cells and T cell-derived cytokines as pathogenic factors in the nonallergic form of atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol 1999; 113: 628-34.
  • 26. J Grewe, K Gyufko, K Schöpf, & J Krutmann. Lesional expression of interferon-g in atopic eczema. Lancet 1994; 343: 25-6.
  • 27. Q Hamid, M Boguniewicz, & DYM Leung. Differential in situ cytokine gene expression in acute versus chronic atopic dermatitis. J Clin Invest 1994; 94: 870-76.
  • 28. T Thepen, EG Langeveld-Wildschut, IC Bihari, DF van Vichen, FC Van Reijsen, GC Mudde, & CAFM BruijnzeelKoomen. Biphasic response against aeroallergen in atopic dermatitis showing a switch from an initial Th2 response to a Th1 response in situ: An immunohistochemical study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996; 97: 828-37.
  • 29. TR Mosmann & S Sad. The expanding universe of T-cell subsets: Th1, Th2 and more. Immunol Today 1996; 17: 142- 46.
  • 30. F Sallusto, CR Mackay, & A Lanzavecchia. Selective expression of the eotaxin receptor CCR3 by human T helper 2 cells. Science 1997; 277: 2005-7.
  • 31. K Conlon, J Osborne, C Morimoto, JR Ortaldo, & HA Young. Comparison of lymphokine secretion and mRNA expression in the CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ subsets of human peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 1995; 25: 644-8.
  • 32. DM Kemeny, A Noble, BJ Holmes, & D Diaz Sanches. Immune regulation: a new role for CD8+ T cell. Immunol Today 1994; 15: 107-10.
  • 33. M Akdis, S Klunker, M Schliz, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. Expression of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen on human CD4+ and CD8+ Th2 cells. Eur J Immunol 2000; 30: 3533-41.
  • 34. S Wilson & DJ Bergsma. Orphan G-protein-coupled receptors: novel drug targets for the pharmeceutical industry. Drug Des Discov 2000; 17: 105-14.
  • 35. G Milligan, R Bond, & M Lee. Inverse agonism: pharmacological curiosity or potential therapeutic strategy? Trends Pharmacol Sci, 16: 10-13, 1995.
  • 36. R Leurs, MK Church, & M Taglialatela. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin Exp Allergy 2002; 32: 489-98.
  • 37. ME Rothenberg, JA MacLean, E Pearlman, AD Luster, & P Leder. Targeted disruption of the chemokine eotaxin partially reduces antigen-induced tissue eosinophilia. J Exp Med 1997; 185: 785-90.
  • 38. JA Gonzalo, CM Lloyd, D Wen, JP Albar, TN Wells, A Proudfoot, AC Martinez, M Dorf, T Bjerke, AJ Coyle, & JC Gutierrez-Ramos. The coordinated action of CC chemokines in the lung orchestrates allergic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. J Exp Med 1998; 188: 157-67.
  • 39. J Morales, B Horney, AP Vicari, S Hudak, E Oldham, J Hedrick, R Orosco, NG Copeland, NA Jenkins, L McEvoy, & A Zlotnik. CTACK, a skin-associated chemokine that preferentially attracts skin-homing memory T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999; 96: 14470-75.
  • 40. B Horney, W Wang, H Soto, ME Buchanan, A Wiesenborn, D Catron, A Müller, TK McClanahan, M-C Dieu-Nosjean, R Orozco, T Ruzicka, P Lehmann, E Oldham, & A Zlotnik. The orphan chemokine receptor G protein-coupled receptor-2 (CRP-2,CCR10) binds the skin-associated chemokine CCL27 (CTACK/ALP/ILC). J Immunol 2000; 164: 3465-70.
  • 41. C Vestergaard, H Yoneyama, M Murai, K Nakamura, K Tamaki, Y Terashima, T Imai, O Yoshie, T Irimura, H Mizutani, & K Matsushima. Overproduction of Th2-specific chemokines in NC/Nga mice exhibiting atopic dermatitis-like lesions. J Clin Invest 1999; 104: 1097-105.
  • 42. S Laberge, O Ghaffar, M Boguniewicz, A Luster, & QA Hamid. Association of increased CD4+ T cell infiltration with increased IL-16 gene expression in atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 102: 645-50.
  • 43. S Klunker, A Trautmann, M Akdis, J Verhagen, P SchmidGrendelmeier, K Blaser, & AC Akdis. A second step of chemotaxis after transendothelial migration: Keratinocytes undergoing apoptosis release IP-10, Mig and iTac for T cell chemotaxis towards epidermis in atopic dermatitis. J Immunol 2003; 171: 1078-84.
  • 44. JM Hanifin & G Rajka. Diagnostic features of atopic dermatitis. Acta DermVenerol 1980; 92: 44-7.
  • 45. B Wüthrich. Serum IgE in atopic dermatitis. Clinical Allergy 1978; 8: 241-48.
  • 46. H-U Simon & K Blaser. Inhibition of programmed eosinophil death: A key pathogenic event for eosinophilia. Immunol Today 1995; 16: 53-5.
  • 47. M Akdis, A Trautmann, S Klunker, I Daigle, UC Kücüksezer, W Deglmann, R Disch, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. T helper (Th) 2 predominance in atopic disease is due to preferential apoptosis of circulating memory/effector Th1 cells. Faseb J 2003; 17: 1026-35.
  • 48. A Trautmann, M Akdis, D Kleeman, F Altznauer, H-U Simon, T Graeve, M Noll, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. T cellmediated Fas-induced keratinocyte apoptosis plays a key pathogenetic role in eczematous dermatitis. J Clin Invest 2000; 106: 25-35.
  • 49. A Trautmann, P Schmid-Grendelmeier, K Krüger, R Crameri, M Akdis, A Akkaya, E-B Bröcker, K Blaser, & AC Akdis. T cells and eosinophils cooperate in the induction of bronchial epithelial apoptosis in asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109: 329-37.
  • 50. CB Thompson. Apoptosis in the pathogenesis and treatment of disease. Science 1995; 267: 1456-62.
  • 51. DR Green & DW Scott. Activation-induced apoptosis in lymphocytes. Curr Opin Immunol 1994; 6: 476-87.
  • 52. H-U Simon, S Yousefi, C Schranz, A Schapowal, C Bachert, & K Blaser. Direct demonstration of delayed eosinophil apoptosis as a mechanism causing tissue eosinophilia. J Immunol 1997; 158: 3902-08.
  • 53. E Rouslahti & MD Pierschbacher. New perspectives in cell adhesion: RDG and integrins. Science 1987; 238: 491- 7.
  • 54. EA Clöark & SJ Brugge. Integrins and signal transduction pathways: The road taken. Science 1995; 268: 233-38.
  • 55. C Scaffidi, S Kirchhof, PH Krammer, & ME Peter. Apoptosis signaling in lymphocytes. Curr Opin Immunol 1999; 11: 277-285.
  • 56. WC Li, A Ima, Y Li, XX Zheng, TR Malek, & TB Strom. Blocking the common g-chain of cytokine receptors induces T cell apoptosis and long term islet allograft survival. J Immunol 2000; 164: 1193-99.
  • 57. A Trautmann, F Altznauer, M Akdis, H-U Simon, R Disch, E-B Bröcker, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. The differential fate of cadherins during T cell-induced keratinocyte apoptosis leads to spongiosis in eczematous dermatitis. J Invest Derm 2001; 117: 927-34.
  • 58. A Trautmann, M Akdis, P Schmid-Grendelmeier, R Disch, E-B Bröcker, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. Targeting keratinocyte apoptosis in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 108: 839-46.
  • 59. A Trautmann, M Akdis, EB Brocker, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. New insights into the role of T cells in atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Trends Immunol 2001; 22: 530-2.
Yıl 2004, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 6 - 14, 01.03.2004



  • 1. CA Akdis, M Akdis, A Trautmann, & K Blaser. Immune regulation in atopic dermatitis. Curr Opin Immunol 2000; 12: 641-46.
  • 2. JD Bos & ML Kapsenberg. The skin immune system: Progress in cutaneous biology. Immunol Today 1993; 14: 75-9.
  • 3. DYM Leung, AK Bhan, EE Schneeberger, & RS Geha. Characterization of the mononuclear cell infiltrate in atopic dermatitis using monoclonal antibodies. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 71: 47-55.
  • 4. LJ Picker, SA Michie, LS Rott, & EC Butcher. A Unique phenotype of skin associated lymphocytes in humans: preferential expression of the HECA-452 epitope by benign and malignant T-cells at cutaneous sites. Am J Pathol 1990; 136: 1053-61.
  • 5. K Sasaki, K Kurata, K Funayama, M Nagata, E Watanabe, S Ohta, N Hanai, & T Nishi. Expression cloning of a novel a1,3-fucosyltransferase that is involved in biosynthesis of the sialyl lewis X carbohydrate determinants in leukocytes. J Biol Chem 1994; 269: 14730-37.
  • 6. RC Fuhlbrigge, JD Kieffer, D Armerding, & TS Kupper. Cu taneous lymphocyte antigen is a specialized form of PSGL-1 expressed on skin homing T cells. Nature 1997; 389: 978-81.
  • 7. LJ Picker, TK Kishimoto, CW Smith, RA Warnock, & EC Butcher. ELAM-1 is an adhesion molecule for skin homing T cells. Nature 1991; 349: 796-99.
  • 8. H Rossiter, GC Mudde, F van Reijsen, F Kalthoff, CAFM Bruijnzeel-Komen, LJ Picker, & TS Kupper. Disease-related T cells from atopic skin express cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and sialyl Lewis X determinants, and bind to both E- selectin and P- selectin. Eur J Immunol 1994; 24: 205-10.
  • 9. LF Santamaria Babi, R Moser, MT Perez Soler, LJ Picker, K Blaser, & C Hauser. The migration of skin- homing T cells across cytokine-activated human endothelial cell layers involves interaction of the cutaneous lymphocyteassociated antigen (CLA), the very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) and the lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA- 1). J Immunol 1995; 154: 1543-50.
  • 10. LJ Picker, JR Treer, B Ferguson-Darnell, PA Collins, PR Bergstresser, & LWMM Terstappen. Control of lymphocyte recirculation in man. III. Differential regulation of the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen, a tissue selective homing receptor for skin-homing T cells . J Immunol 1993; 150: 1122-36.
  • 11. DYM Leung, M Gately, A Trumble, B Ferguson-Darnell, PM Schlievert, & LJ Picker. Bacterial superantigens induce T cell expression of the skin-selective homing receptor, the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen, via stimulation of interleukin 12 production. J Exp Med 1995; 181: 747-53.
  • 12. Y-C Lim, L Henault, AJ Wagers, GS Kansas, FW Luscinskas, & AH Lichtman. Expression of functional selectin ligands on Th cells is differentially regulated by IL-12 and IL-4. J Immunol 1999; 162: 3193-201.
  • 13. AJ Wagers, CM Waters, LM Stoolman, & GS Kansas. Interleukin 12 and interleukin 4 control T cell adhesion to endothelial selectins through opposite effects on a1,3-fucosyltransferase VII gene expression. J Exp Med 1998; 188: 2225-31.
  • 14. JM Blander, I Visintin, CA Janeway Jr., & R Medzhitov. a(1,3)-Fucosyltrasferase VII and a(2,3)-sialyltransferase IV are up-regulated in activated CD4 T cells and maintained after their differentiation into Th1 and migration into inflammatory sites. J Immunol 1999; 163: 3746-52.
  • 15. JE Leyden, RR Marpies, & AM Kligman. Staphylococcus aureus in the lesions of atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 1974; 90: 525-30.
  • 16. U Herz, N Schnoy, S Borelli, L Weigl, U Käsbohrer, A Daser, U Wahn, R Köttgen, & H Renz. A hu-SCID mouse model for allergic immune responses: Bacterial superantigen enhances skin inflammation and supresses IgE production. J Invest Dermatol 1998; 110: 224-31.
  • 17. AH Rook, K Kang, M Kubin, M Cassin, G Trinchieri, SR Lessin, & KD Cooper. Interleukin 12 mRNA and protein production by epidermal Langerhans cells. ClinRes 1994; 42: 231.
  • 18. DYM Leung, RS Cotran, & JS Pober. Expression of an endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule (ELAM-1) in elicited late phase allergic skin reactions. J Clin Invest 1991; 87: 1805-10.
  • 19. PW Heald, SL Yan, RL Edelson, R Tigelaar, & LJ Picker. Skin-selective lymphocyte homing mechanisms in the pathogenesis of leukemic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. J Invest Dermatol 1993; 101: 222-26.
  • 20. DH Adams, SG Hubscher, NC Fisher, A Williams, & M Robinson. Expression of E-selectin and E-selectin ligands in human liver inflammation. Hepatology 1996; 24: 533-38.
  • 21. SM Jones, J Dixey, ND Hall, & NJ McHugh. Expression of cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and its counter-receptor E-selectin in the skin and joints of patients with psoriatic arthritis. Br J Rheumatol 1997; 36: 748-57.
  • 22. LF Santamaria Babi, LJ Picker, MT Perez Soler, K Drzimalla, P Flohr, K Blaser, & C Hauser. Circulating allergenreactive T cells from patients with atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis express the skin-selective homing receptor, the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen. J Exp Med 1995; 181: 1935-40.
  • 23. M Akdis, CA Akdis, L Weigl, R Disch, & K Blaser. Skin-homing, CLA+ memory T cells are activated in atopic dermatitis and regulate IgE by an IL-13-dominated cytokine pattern. IgG4 counter-regulation by CLA- memory T cells. J Immunol 1997; 159: 4611-19.
  • 24. M Akdis, H-U Simon, L Weigl, O Kreyden, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. Skin homing (Cutaneous Lymphocyte-Associated Antigen-positive) CD8+ T cells respond to superantigen and contribute to eosinophilia and IgE production in atopic dermatitis. J Immunol 1999; 163: 466-75.
  • 25. CA Akdis, M Akdis, D Simon, B Dibbert, M Weber, S Gratzl, O Kreyden, R Disch, B Wüthrich, K Blaser, & H-U Simon. T cells and T cell-derived cytokines as pathogenic factors in the nonallergic form of atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol 1999; 113: 628-34.
  • 26. J Grewe, K Gyufko, K Schöpf, & J Krutmann. Lesional expression of interferon-g in atopic eczema. Lancet 1994; 343: 25-6.
  • 27. Q Hamid, M Boguniewicz, & DYM Leung. Differential in situ cytokine gene expression in acute versus chronic atopic dermatitis. J Clin Invest 1994; 94: 870-76.
  • 28. T Thepen, EG Langeveld-Wildschut, IC Bihari, DF van Vichen, FC Van Reijsen, GC Mudde, & CAFM BruijnzeelKoomen. Biphasic response against aeroallergen in atopic dermatitis showing a switch from an initial Th2 response to a Th1 response in situ: An immunohistochemical study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996; 97: 828-37.
  • 29. TR Mosmann & S Sad. The expanding universe of T-cell subsets: Th1, Th2 and more. Immunol Today 1996; 17: 142- 46.
  • 30. F Sallusto, CR Mackay, & A Lanzavecchia. Selective expression of the eotaxin receptor CCR3 by human T helper 2 cells. Science 1997; 277: 2005-7.
  • 31. K Conlon, J Osborne, C Morimoto, JR Ortaldo, & HA Young. Comparison of lymphokine secretion and mRNA expression in the CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ subsets of human peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 1995; 25: 644-8.
  • 32. DM Kemeny, A Noble, BJ Holmes, & D Diaz Sanches. Immune regulation: a new role for CD8+ T cell. Immunol Today 1994; 15: 107-10.
  • 33. M Akdis, S Klunker, M Schliz, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. Expression of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen on human CD4+ and CD8+ Th2 cells. Eur J Immunol 2000; 30: 3533-41.
  • 34. S Wilson & DJ Bergsma. Orphan G-protein-coupled receptors: novel drug targets for the pharmeceutical industry. Drug Des Discov 2000; 17: 105-14.
  • 35. G Milligan, R Bond, & M Lee. Inverse agonism: pharmacological curiosity or potential therapeutic strategy? Trends Pharmacol Sci, 16: 10-13, 1995.
  • 36. R Leurs, MK Church, & M Taglialatela. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin Exp Allergy 2002; 32: 489-98.
  • 37. ME Rothenberg, JA MacLean, E Pearlman, AD Luster, & P Leder. Targeted disruption of the chemokine eotaxin partially reduces antigen-induced tissue eosinophilia. J Exp Med 1997; 185: 785-90.
  • 38. JA Gonzalo, CM Lloyd, D Wen, JP Albar, TN Wells, A Proudfoot, AC Martinez, M Dorf, T Bjerke, AJ Coyle, & JC Gutierrez-Ramos. The coordinated action of CC chemokines in the lung orchestrates allergic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. J Exp Med 1998; 188: 157-67.
  • 39. J Morales, B Horney, AP Vicari, S Hudak, E Oldham, J Hedrick, R Orosco, NG Copeland, NA Jenkins, L McEvoy, & A Zlotnik. CTACK, a skin-associated chemokine that preferentially attracts skin-homing memory T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999; 96: 14470-75.
  • 40. B Horney, W Wang, H Soto, ME Buchanan, A Wiesenborn, D Catron, A Müller, TK McClanahan, M-C Dieu-Nosjean, R Orozco, T Ruzicka, P Lehmann, E Oldham, & A Zlotnik. The orphan chemokine receptor G protein-coupled receptor-2 (CRP-2,CCR10) binds the skin-associated chemokine CCL27 (CTACK/ALP/ILC). J Immunol 2000; 164: 3465-70.
  • 41. C Vestergaard, H Yoneyama, M Murai, K Nakamura, K Tamaki, Y Terashima, T Imai, O Yoshie, T Irimura, H Mizutani, & K Matsushima. Overproduction of Th2-specific chemokines in NC/Nga mice exhibiting atopic dermatitis-like lesions. J Clin Invest 1999; 104: 1097-105.
  • 42. S Laberge, O Ghaffar, M Boguniewicz, A Luster, & QA Hamid. Association of increased CD4+ T cell infiltration with increased IL-16 gene expression in atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 102: 645-50.
  • 43. S Klunker, A Trautmann, M Akdis, J Verhagen, P SchmidGrendelmeier, K Blaser, & AC Akdis. A second step of chemotaxis after transendothelial migration: Keratinocytes undergoing apoptosis release IP-10, Mig and iTac for T cell chemotaxis towards epidermis in atopic dermatitis. J Immunol 2003; 171: 1078-84.
  • 44. JM Hanifin & G Rajka. Diagnostic features of atopic dermatitis. Acta DermVenerol 1980; 92: 44-7.
  • 45. B Wüthrich. Serum IgE in atopic dermatitis. Clinical Allergy 1978; 8: 241-48.
  • 46. H-U Simon & K Blaser. Inhibition of programmed eosinophil death: A key pathogenic event for eosinophilia. Immunol Today 1995; 16: 53-5.
  • 47. M Akdis, A Trautmann, S Klunker, I Daigle, UC Kücüksezer, W Deglmann, R Disch, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. T helper (Th) 2 predominance in atopic disease is due to preferential apoptosis of circulating memory/effector Th1 cells. Faseb J 2003; 17: 1026-35.
  • 48. A Trautmann, M Akdis, D Kleeman, F Altznauer, H-U Simon, T Graeve, M Noll, K Blaser, & CA Akdis. T cellmediated Fas-induced keratinocyte apoptosis plays a key pathogenetic role in eczematous dermatitis. J Clin Invest 2000; 106: 25-35.
  • 49. A Trautmann, P Schmid-Grendelmeier, K Krüger, R Crameri, M Akdis, A Akkaya, E-B Bröcker, K Blaser, & AC Akdis. T cells and eosinophils cooperate in the induction of bronchial epithelial apoptosis in asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109: 329-37.
  • 50. CB Thompson. Apoptosis in the pathogenesis and treatment of disease. Science 1995; 267: 1456-62.
  • 51. DR Green & DW Scott. Activation-induced apoptosis in lymphocytes. Curr Opin Immunol 1994; 6: 476-87.
  • 52. H-U Simon, S Yousefi, C Schranz, A Schapowal, C Bachert, & K Blaser. Direct demonstration of delayed eosinophil apoptosis as a mechanism causing tissue eosinophilia. J Immunol 1997; 158: 3902-08.
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Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mübeccel Akdiş Bu kişi benim

Cezmi A.akdiş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akdiş, M., & A.akdiş, C. (2004). Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar. Güncel Pediatri, 2(1), 6-14.
AMA Akdiş M, A.akdiş C. Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar. Güncel Pediatri. Mart 2004;2(1):6-14.
Chicago Akdiş, Mübeccel, ve Cezmi A.akdiş. “Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar”. Güncel Pediatri 2, sy. 1 (Mart 2004): 6-14.
EndNote Akdiş M, A.akdiş C (01 Mart 2004) Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar. Güncel Pediatri 2 1 6–14.
IEEE M. Akdiş ve C. A.akdiş, “Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar”, Güncel Pediatri, c. 2, sy. 1, ss. 6–14, 2004.
ISNAD Akdiş, Mübeccel - A.akdiş, Cezmi. “Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar”. Güncel Pediatri 2/1 (Mart 2004), 6-14.
JAMA Akdiş M, A.akdiş C. Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar. Güncel Pediatri. 2004;2:6–14.
MLA Akdiş, Mübeccel ve Cezmi A.akdiş. “Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar”. Güncel Pediatri, c. 2, sy. 1, 2004, ss. 6-14.
Vancouver Akdiş M, A.akdiş C. Atopik Dermatit’in Patogenezinde İmmunolojik Mekanizmalar. Güncel Pediatri. 2004;2(1):6-14.