1. Molnar D, Taitz LS, Urwin OM, Wales JK. Anorectal manometry results in defecation disorders. Arch Dis Child 1983; 58:257-61.
2. Roy CC, Silverman A, Allagille D. Constipation, fecal incontinence, and proctologic conditions. In: Roy CC, Silverman A Allagille D (eds). Pediatric Clinical Gastroenterology. St Louis. Mosby-Year Book Inc., 1995:494-521.
3. Bacer SS, Liptak GS, Coletti RB et al. Constipation in infants and children: evaluation and treatment. A medical statement of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999;29(5):612-26.
4. Di Lorenzo C, Benninga MA. Pathophysiology of pediatric fecal incontinence. Gastroenterology. 2004 Jan;126(1 Suppl 2):S33-40.
5. Sökücü S. Çocuklarda kabızlık, enkopresis. III.Ulusal Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji ve Beslenme Kongresi. Özet kitabı, konferans 3, 6-8 May›s 1998, Ankara.
7. Yağcı RV. Çocukluk çağında konstipasyon. XXXVIII. Türk Pediatri Kongresi. Özet kitab›, s:203-8, 10-14 Haziran 2002, istanbul.
8. Benninga MA, Voskuijl WP, Akkerhuis GW, Taminiau JA, Buller HA. Colonic transit times and behaviour profiles in children with defecation disorders. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Jan;89(1):13-6.
9. Di Lorenzo C. Pediatric Anorectal Disorders. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2001; 30(1):269-87.
10. Bianch C, Cataldo F et al. Bowel frequency in healthy children. Acta Pediatr Scand1987; 78:682-4.
11. Hyams JS, Treem WR, Etienne NL, et al. Effect of infant formula on stool characteristics of young infants. Pediatrics 1995; 95:50-4.
12. Weaver LT, Steiner H. The bowel habits of young children. Arch Dis Child 1983; 59:649-52.
13. Loening-Baucke V. Encopresis and soiling. Pediatr Clin North Am 1996;43:279-89.
14. Levine MD. Encopresis: Its potentiation, evaluation and alleviation. Pediatr Clin North Am 1982;29:315.
15. Loening-Baucke V. Factors determining outcome in children with chronic constipation and fecal soiling. Gut 1989; 30:999.
16. Aydoğdu S, Selimoğlu MA, Ünal F, Alım HÇ, Yağcı RV. Çocukluk yaş grubunda konstipasyon ve yönetimi. XXXV. Ulusal Pediatri Kongresi. 19-23 Mayıs 1999, Ankara. P-126.
17. Reding R, de Ville de Goyet J, Gosseye S, et al. Hirschsprung's disease: A 20 year experience. J Pediatr Surg 1997; 32:1221-5.
18. Russell MB, Russell CA, Niebuhr E. An epidemiological study of Hirschsprung's disease and additional anomalies. Acta Paediatr 1994; 83:68-71.
19. Clark DA. Times of first void and first stool in 500 newborns. Pediatrics 1977; 60:457-9.
20. Klein MD, Phillippart AL. Hirschsprung's disease: Three decades experience at a single institution. J Pediatr Surg 1993; 28:1291-4.
21. Swenson O, Sherman JO, Fisher JH. Diagnosis of congeni tal megacolon: An analysis of 501 patients. J Pediatr Surg 1973; 8:587-94.
22. Rosemberg AJ, Vela AR. A new simplified technique for pediatric anorectal manometry. Pediatrics 1983; 71:240-5.
23. Taxman TL, Yulish BS, Rothstein FC. How useful is the barium enema in the diagnosis of infantile Hirschsprung's disease? AJDC Am J Dis Child 1986; 140:881-4.
24. Partin JC, Hamill SK, Fischel JE, Partin JS. Painful defecation and fecal soiling in children. Pediatrics 1992; 89:1007- 9.
26. Rockney, RM, McQuade WH, Days AL. The plain abdominal roentgenogram in the management of encopresis. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995; 149:623-7.
27. Papadopoulou A, Clayden GS, Booth IW. The clinical value of solid marker transit studies in childhood constipation and soiling. Eur J Pediatr 1994;153:560-4.
28. Tolia V, Lin CH, Elitsur Y. A prospective randomized study with mineral oil and oral lavage solution for treatment of faecal impaction in children. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1993; 7:523-9.
29. Gleghorn EE, Heyman MB, Rudolph CD. No-enema therapy for idiopathic constipation and encopresis. Clin Pediatrics 1991; 30:667-72.
30. Ingebo KB, Heyman MB. Polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution for intestinal clearance in children with refractory encopresis: A safe and effective therapeutic program. AJDC Am J Dis Child 1988; 142:340-2.
31. Nurko SS, Garcia-Aranda JA, Guerrero VY, Woroma LB. Treatment of intractable constipation in children: Experience with cisapride. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1996; 22:38-44.
32.Weisman LE, Merenstein GB, Digirol M, Collins J, Frank G, Hudgins C. The effect of early meconium evacuation on early-onset hyperbilirubinemia. Am J Dis Child 1983; 137:666-8.
33. Nolan T, Debelle G, Oberklaid F, Coffey C. Randomized trial of laxatives in treatment of childhood encopresis. Lancet 1991; 338:523-27.
34. Staiano A, Andreotti MR, Greco L, Basile P, Auricchio S. Long term follow up of children with chronic idiopathic constipation. Dig Dis Sci 1994; 39:561-4.
35. Murray RD, Li UK, McClung HJ, Heitlinger L, Rehm D. Cisapride for intractable constipation in children: Observation from an open trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1990; 11:503-8.
36. Loening-Baucke VA, Younoszai MK. Effect of treatment on rectal and sigmoid motility in chronically constipated children. Pediatrics 1984; 73:199-205.
37. Loening-Baucke V. Modulation of abnormal defecation dynamics by biofeedback treatment in chronically constipated children with encopresis. J Pediatr 1990; 116:214-22.
38. Rappaport LA, Levine MD. The prevention of constipation and encopresis: A developmental model and approach. Pediatr Clin North Am 1986; 33:859-69.
39. Lowery SP, Srour JW, Whitehead WE, Schuster NM. Habit training as treatment of encopresis secondary to chronic constipation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1985; 4:397-401.
40.Howe AC, Walker CE. Behavioral management of toilet training, enuresis and encopresis. Pediatr Clin North Am 1992; 39:413-32.
Çocuklarda Kronik Konstipasyona Yaklaşım, Tedavi ve İzlem
Konstipasyon kabızlık çocuk hekimlerinin oldukça sık karşılaştığı sorunlardan biridir. Genel pediatri polikliniklerine başvuranların %3’ünü, Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji konsültasyonlarının %25’ini dışkılama defekasyon bozuklukları oluşturur 1,2 .
1. Molnar D, Taitz LS, Urwin OM, Wales JK. Anorectal manometry results in defecation disorders. Arch Dis Child 1983; 58:257-61.
2. Roy CC, Silverman A, Allagille D. Constipation, fecal incontinence, and proctologic conditions. In: Roy CC, Silverman A Allagille D (eds). Pediatric Clinical Gastroenterology. St Louis. Mosby-Year Book Inc., 1995:494-521.
3. Bacer SS, Liptak GS, Coletti RB et al. Constipation in infants and children: evaluation and treatment. A medical statement of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999;29(5):612-26.
4. Di Lorenzo C, Benninga MA. Pathophysiology of pediatric fecal incontinence. Gastroenterology. 2004 Jan;126(1 Suppl 2):S33-40.
5. Sökücü S. Çocuklarda kabızlık, enkopresis. III.Ulusal Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji ve Beslenme Kongresi. Özet kitabı, konferans 3, 6-8 May›s 1998, Ankara.
7. Yağcı RV. Çocukluk çağında konstipasyon. XXXVIII. Türk Pediatri Kongresi. Özet kitab›, s:203-8, 10-14 Haziran 2002, istanbul.
8. Benninga MA, Voskuijl WP, Akkerhuis GW, Taminiau JA, Buller HA. Colonic transit times and behaviour profiles in children with defecation disorders. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Jan;89(1):13-6.
9. Di Lorenzo C. Pediatric Anorectal Disorders. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2001; 30(1):269-87.
10. Bianch C, Cataldo F et al. Bowel frequency in healthy children. Acta Pediatr Scand1987; 78:682-4.
11. Hyams JS, Treem WR, Etienne NL, et al. Effect of infant formula on stool characteristics of young infants. Pediatrics 1995; 95:50-4.
12. Weaver LT, Steiner H. The bowel habits of young children. Arch Dis Child 1983; 59:649-52.
13. Loening-Baucke V. Encopresis and soiling. Pediatr Clin North Am 1996;43:279-89.
14. Levine MD. Encopresis: Its potentiation, evaluation and alleviation. Pediatr Clin North Am 1982;29:315.
15. Loening-Baucke V. Factors determining outcome in children with chronic constipation and fecal soiling. Gut 1989; 30:999.
16. Aydoğdu S, Selimoğlu MA, Ünal F, Alım HÇ, Yağcı RV. Çocukluk yaş grubunda konstipasyon ve yönetimi. XXXV. Ulusal Pediatri Kongresi. 19-23 Mayıs 1999, Ankara. P-126.
17. Reding R, de Ville de Goyet J, Gosseye S, et al. Hirschsprung's disease: A 20 year experience. J Pediatr Surg 1997; 32:1221-5.
18. Russell MB, Russell CA, Niebuhr E. An epidemiological study of Hirschsprung's disease and additional anomalies. Acta Paediatr 1994; 83:68-71.
19. Clark DA. Times of first void and first stool in 500 newborns. Pediatrics 1977; 60:457-9.
20. Klein MD, Phillippart AL. Hirschsprung's disease: Three decades experience at a single institution. J Pediatr Surg 1993; 28:1291-4.
21. Swenson O, Sherman JO, Fisher JH. Diagnosis of congeni tal megacolon: An analysis of 501 patients. J Pediatr Surg 1973; 8:587-94.
22. Rosemberg AJ, Vela AR. A new simplified technique for pediatric anorectal manometry. Pediatrics 1983; 71:240-5.
23. Taxman TL, Yulish BS, Rothstein FC. How useful is the barium enema in the diagnosis of infantile Hirschsprung's disease? AJDC Am J Dis Child 1986; 140:881-4.
24. Partin JC, Hamill SK, Fischel JE, Partin JS. Painful defecation and fecal soiling in children. Pediatrics 1992; 89:1007- 9.
26. Rockney, RM, McQuade WH, Days AL. The plain abdominal roentgenogram in the management of encopresis. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995; 149:623-7.
27. Papadopoulou A, Clayden GS, Booth IW. The clinical value of solid marker transit studies in childhood constipation and soiling. Eur J Pediatr 1994;153:560-4.
28. Tolia V, Lin CH, Elitsur Y. A prospective randomized study with mineral oil and oral lavage solution for treatment of faecal impaction in children. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1993; 7:523-9.
29. Gleghorn EE, Heyman MB, Rudolph CD. No-enema therapy for idiopathic constipation and encopresis. Clin Pediatrics 1991; 30:667-72.
30. Ingebo KB, Heyman MB. Polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution for intestinal clearance in children with refractory encopresis: A safe and effective therapeutic program. AJDC Am J Dis Child 1988; 142:340-2.
31. Nurko SS, Garcia-Aranda JA, Guerrero VY, Woroma LB. Treatment of intractable constipation in children: Experience with cisapride. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1996; 22:38-44.
32.Weisman LE, Merenstein GB, Digirol M, Collins J, Frank G, Hudgins C. The effect of early meconium evacuation on early-onset hyperbilirubinemia. Am J Dis Child 1983; 137:666-8.
33. Nolan T, Debelle G, Oberklaid F, Coffey C. Randomized trial of laxatives in treatment of childhood encopresis. Lancet 1991; 338:523-27.
34. Staiano A, Andreotti MR, Greco L, Basile P, Auricchio S. Long term follow up of children with chronic idiopathic constipation. Dig Dis Sci 1994; 39:561-4.
35. Murray RD, Li UK, McClung HJ, Heitlinger L, Rehm D. Cisapride for intractable constipation in children: Observation from an open trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1990; 11:503-8.
36. Loening-Baucke VA, Younoszai MK. Effect of treatment on rectal and sigmoid motility in chronically constipated children. Pediatrics 1984; 73:199-205.
37. Loening-Baucke V. Modulation of abnormal defecation dynamics by biofeedback treatment in chronically constipated children with encopresis. J Pediatr 1990; 116:214-22.
38. Rappaport LA, Levine MD. The prevention of constipation and encopresis: A developmental model and approach. Pediatr Clin North Am 1986; 33:859-69.
39. Lowery SP, Srour JW, Whitehead WE, Schuster NM. Habit training as treatment of encopresis secondary to chronic constipation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1985; 4:397-401.
40.Howe AC, Walker CE. Behavioral management of toilet training, enuresis and encopresis. Pediatr Clin North Am 1992; 39:413-32.
Tanju B. Özkan
Bu kişi benim
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Çocuk Gastroenteroloji, Hepatoloji ve Beslenme Bilim Dalı
Turgut Özeke
Bu kişi benim
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Çocuk Gastroenteroloji, Hepatoloji ve Beslenme Bilim Dalı