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Refah Devleti Polanyi'nin Karşı Hareketinin Artçısı Sayılabilir mi?

Yıl 2022, , 167 - 184, 29.06.2022


İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra özellikle Batılı kapitalist ülkelerde refah devleti ortaya çıktı. Bu bağlamda, korumacı, müdahaleci politikalar egemen oldu ve düzenlenmiş piyasa serbest piyasanın yerini alırken, müdahaleci devlet liberal devletin yerini aldı. Polanyi’ye göre karşı hareket refah devletini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Polanyi, karşı hareketi serbest piyasanın toplum üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerine karşı spontane gelişen toplumsal reaksiyon olarak tanımlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada amacım karşı hareketin refah devletinin ortaya çıkışını yeterli şekilde açıklayıp açıklayamadığını tartışmaktır. Bu tartışmayı üç farklı tartışma üzerinden gerçekleştirdim. İlk olarak, refah devletinin ortaya çıkışını karşı hareketin sonucu olarak açıklamak toplumsal sınıfların önemini gözden kaçırmaktadır çünkü karşı hareket bir sınıf hareketi değildir, bu hareket farklı toplumsal kesimlerden gelen insanları içermektedir. Bu bağlamda Sosyal Demokratik ve Güç Kaynağı Teorilerine referansta bulundum. İkinci olarak karşı hareket toplumun kendini piyasa sisteminin yıkıcı etkilerine karşı korumasını amaçlarken, refah devleti toplumun korunması için değildir. Refah devleti işçi sınıfına önemli kazanımlar sağlamış olsa da refah devleti kapitalist sermaye birikiminin uzun vadede sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamak için ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu bağlamda, toplumsal kontrol ve kriz yönetiminin krizi tezlerine referansta bulundum. Üçüncü olarak, karşı hareket toplumun korunması için ekonominin toplumun içine yeniden yerleştirilmesini amaçlarken, refah devleti piyasanın toplumun içine yeniden yerleştirilmesini sağlamamıştır.


  • Berend, I. T. (2003, March). The Welfare State; Crisis and Solutions. The Europa Institut Budapest. Retrieved from
  • Bernard, M. (1979). Ecology, Political Economy, and the Counter-Movement: Karl Polanyi and the Second Great Transformation. In S. Gill & J. Mittelman (Eds), Innovation and Transformation in International Studies (1997). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Devine, P. (2007). The 1970s and After: The Political Economy of Inflation and the Crisis of Social Democracy. In A. Buğra & K. Ağartan (Eds.), Reading Karl Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century (1 ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ebner, A. (2008). Polanyi’s Theory of Public Policy: Embeddedness, Commodification and the Institutional Dynamism of the Welfare State. In Governance und Public Policy. Retrieved from
  • Ginsburg, N. (1979). Class, Capital and Social Policy. London: Macmillan.
  • Gough, I. (1979). The Political Economy of the Welfare State. London: Macmillan.
  • Korpi, W. (1989). Power, Politics, and State Autonomy in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social Rights During Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries Since 1930. American Sociological Rewiev, 54(3), 309-28.
  • Lacher, H. (1999a). Embedded Liberalism, Disembedded Markets: Reconceptualising the Pax Americana. New Political Economy, 4(3), 343-360. Retrieved from
  • Lacher, H. (1999b). The Politics of the Market: Re‐reading Karl Polanyi. Global Society, 13(3), 313-326. Retrieved from
  • Marcuse, H. (1972). One Dimensional Man. London: Sphere.
  • Munck, R. (2006). Globalization and Contestation: A Polanyian Problematic. Globalizations, 3(2), 175–186. Retrieved from
  • Pierson, C. (1998). Beyond The Welfare State (2 ed.). Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Pierson, P. (2000). Three Worlds of Welfare State Research. Comparative Political Studies, 33(6/7), 791-821. Retrieved from
  • Polanyi, K. (1944). The Great Transformation. The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. (3rd ed.). Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Polanyi, K. (1977). The Livelihood of Man. New York: Academic Press.
  • Steinberg, M. W. (n.d.). Retelling Polanyi’s the Great Transformation. MIT-Sloan Organizational Studies Group. Retrieved from
  • Vancura, M. (2011). Polanyi’s Great Transformation and the Concept of the Embedded Economy. IES Occasional Paper, 2/2011. IES FSV. Charles University. Retrieved from

Is Welfare State the Rearguard of the Polanyi’s Counter Movement?

Yıl 2022, , 167 - 184, 29.06.2022


After the Second World War, welfare states developed especially in the Western capitalist countries. In that regard, protectionist, interventionist policies became dominant and while the regulated market ousted the free market, the interventionist state replaced the laissez-faire state. According to Polanyi, counter-movement paved the way to the emergence of the welfare state. He defined counter-movement as a spontaneous societal reaction to the destructive effects of the self-regulating market on the society. In this paper, I aimed to argue whether the notion of “counter-movement” can explain the development of welfare state sufficiently on the basis of three discussions. Firstly, explaining the emergence of the welfare state as a result of the counter-movement ignores the importance of the social classes in this process because the counter-movement is not a class movement; this movement includes people from different economic and social strata. In this regard, I referred to the Social Democratic and Power Resource Theories. Secondly, while the counter-movement aims to protect the society from the destructive impact of the market system, the welfare state did not emerge for the protection of the society. Even if it provided important benefits to the working class, welfare state emerged in order to secure the capital accumulation in the long run. In this respect, I gave reference to the social control thesis and the crisis of crisis management thesis. Thirdly, while the objective of counter-movement is re-embedding the economy in order to protect society, the welfare state did not bring about a re-embedding of the economy.


  • Berend, I. T. (2003, March). The Welfare State; Crisis and Solutions. The Europa Institut Budapest. Retrieved from
  • Bernard, M. (1979). Ecology, Political Economy, and the Counter-Movement: Karl Polanyi and the Second Great Transformation. In S. Gill & J. Mittelman (Eds), Innovation and Transformation in International Studies (1997). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Devine, P. (2007). The 1970s and After: The Political Economy of Inflation and the Crisis of Social Democracy. In A. Buğra & K. Ağartan (Eds.), Reading Karl Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century (1 ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ebner, A. (2008). Polanyi’s Theory of Public Policy: Embeddedness, Commodification and the Institutional Dynamism of the Welfare State. In Governance und Public Policy. Retrieved from
  • Ginsburg, N. (1979). Class, Capital and Social Policy. London: Macmillan.
  • Gough, I. (1979). The Political Economy of the Welfare State. London: Macmillan.
  • Korpi, W. (1989). Power, Politics, and State Autonomy in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social Rights During Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries Since 1930. American Sociological Rewiev, 54(3), 309-28.
  • Lacher, H. (1999a). Embedded Liberalism, Disembedded Markets: Reconceptualising the Pax Americana. New Political Economy, 4(3), 343-360. Retrieved from
  • Lacher, H. (1999b). The Politics of the Market: Re‐reading Karl Polanyi. Global Society, 13(3), 313-326. Retrieved from
  • Marcuse, H. (1972). One Dimensional Man. London: Sphere.
  • Munck, R. (2006). Globalization and Contestation: A Polanyian Problematic. Globalizations, 3(2), 175–186. Retrieved from
  • Pierson, C. (1998). Beyond The Welfare State (2 ed.). Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Pierson, P. (2000). Three Worlds of Welfare State Research. Comparative Political Studies, 33(6/7), 791-821. Retrieved from
  • Polanyi, K. (1944). The Great Transformation. The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. (3rd ed.). Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Polanyi, K. (1977). The Livelihood of Man. New York: Academic Press.
  • Steinberg, M. W. (n.d.). Retelling Polanyi’s the Great Transformation. MIT-Sloan Organizational Studies Group. Retrieved from
  • Vancura, M. (2011). Polanyi’s Great Transformation and the Concept of the Embedded Economy. IES Occasional Paper, 2/2011. IES FSV. Charles University. Retrieved from
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kamu Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Merve Kayaduvar 0000-0001-6110-5533

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayaduvar, M. (2022). Is Welfare State the Rearguard of the Polanyi’s Counter Movement?. Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 6(1), 167-184.

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