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BRICS-T Ülkelerinde Politik Riskin Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisi: Kantil-Kantil Regresyon Yaklaşımı

Yıl 2024, , 479 - 491, 23.06.2024


Politik risk, politik, sosyal ve ekonomik ortamda ortaya çıkan ilişkilerdeki belirsizliklerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu belirsizlikler, ülkelerin ekonomik yapılarını doğrudan etkilemektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, BRICS-T (Brezilya, Rusya, Hindistan, Çin, Güney Afrika ve Türkiye) ülkelerinin politik riskleri ile ekonomik büyüme oranları arasındaki ilişkiyi Quantile On Quantile Regression yaklaşımı ile ayrıntılı bir şekilde ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre BRICS-T ülkeleri için politik risk endeksi, genellikle ülkelerin ekonomik büyüme oranlarını zayıflatmaktadır. Ekonomik büyümenin küçük değerlerinde politik riskin ekonomik büyüme üzerinde olumsuz etkiye sahip olduğu, ekonomik büyümenin büyük değerlerinde ise politik riskin küçük değerlerinin olumsuz etkisi görülmezken politik riskin yüksek olduğu bölgelerde ekonomik büyümenin zayıf etkilendiği görülmektedir.

Etik Beyan


Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Aisen, A., and Veiga, F. J. (2006). Does political instability lead to higher inflation? A panel data analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1379-1389.
  • Aisen, A., and Veiga, F. J. (2013). How does political instability affect economic growth? European Journal of Political Economy, 29, 151-167, doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2012.11.001.
  • Alesina, A., and Perotti, R. (1996). Income distribution, political instability and investment. European Economic Review, 40(6), 1203-1228, doi: 10.1016/0014-2921(95)00030-5.
  • Alesina, A., and Rodrik, D. (1994). Distributive politics and economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(2), 465-490, doi: 10.2307/2118470.
  • Alesina, A., Özler, S., Roubini, N., and Swagel, P. (1996). Political instability and economic growth. Journal of Economic Growth, 1(2), 189-211.
  • Arif, I., and Khan, L. (2019). Relationship between oil price and white precious metals return: New evidence from quantile-on-qauntile regression. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 13(2), 515-528.
  • Asteriou, D., and Price, S. (2001). Political instability and economic growth: UK time series evidence. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 48(4), 383-399, doi: 10.1111/1467-9485.00205.
  • Asteriou, D., and Siriopoulos, C. (2000). The role of political instability in stock market development and economic growth: the case of Greece. Economic Notes, 29(3), 355-374, doi: 10.1111/1468-0300.00037.
  • Barro, R. J. (1991). Economic growth in a cross section of countries. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(2), 407-443, doi: 10.2307/2937943.
  • Bloom, N. (2009). The impact of uncertainty shocks. Econometrica, 77(3), 623-685.
  • Bouoiyour, J., Selmi, R., Shahzad, S.J.H., and Shahbaz, M. (2017). Response of stock returns to oil price shocks: evidence from oil importing and exporting countries. J. Econ. Integr. 32(4), 954–977.
  • Bussiere, M., and Mulder, C. (2000). Political instability and economic vulnerability. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 5(4), 309-330, doi: 10.1111/1467-9485.00205.
  • Caggiano, G., Castelnuovo, E., and Groshenny, N. (2014). Uncertainty shocks and unemployment dynamics in us recessions. Journal of Monetary Economics, 67, 78-92, doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2014.07.006.
  • Campos, N., and Nugent, G. (2002). Who is afraid of political ınstability? Journal of development economics, 67(1), 157-172.
  • Carmignani, F. (2003). Political instability, uncertainty and economics. Journal of Economic Surveys, 17(1), 1-54, doi: 10.1111/1467-6419.00187.
  • Chen, B., and Feng, Y. (1996). Some political determinants of economic growth: theory and empirical implications. European Journal of Political Economy, 12(4), 609-627, doi: 10.1016/s0176-2680(96)00019-5.
  • Collier, P. (1999). On The economic consequences of civil war. Oxford Economic Papers, 51(1), 168-183, doi: 10.1093/oep/51.1.168.
  • Dalyop, G. T. (2019). Political instability and economic growth in Africa. International journal of economic policy studies, 13(1), 217-257, doi: 10.1007/s42495-018-0008-1.
  • Devereux, M.B., and Wen, J.F. (1998). Political instability, capital taxation, and growth. European Economic Review, 42(9), 1635-1651, doi: 10.1016/s0014-2921(97)00100-1.
  • Dotsey, M., and Sarte, P.D. (2000). Inflation uncertainty and growth in a cash-in-advance economy. Journal of Monetary Economics, 45(3), 631-655, doi: 10.1016/s0304-3932(00)00005-2.
  • Easterly, W., and Levine, R. (1997). Africa's growth tragedy: policies and ethnic divisions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4), 1203-1250, doi: 10.1162/003355300555466.
  • Fosu, A. K. (1992). Political instability and economic growth: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40(4), 829-841.
  • Fountas, S., and Karanasos, M. (2007). Inflation, output growth, and nominal and real uncertainty: Empirical evidence for the g7. Journal of ınternational money and finance, 26(2), 229-250, doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2006.10.006.
  • Gerring, J., Bond, P., Barndt, W. T., and Moreno, C. (2005). Democracy and economic growth: A historical perspective. World Politics, 57(3), 323-364.
  • Gurgul, H., and Lach, Ł. (2013). Political instability and economic growth: evidence from two decades of transition in CEE. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 46(2), 189-202, doi: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2013.03.008.
  • Isham, J., Kaufmann, D., and Pritchett, L. H. (1997). Civil liberties, democracy, and the performance of government projects. The World Bank Economic Review, 11(2), 219-242, doi: 10.1093/wber/11.2.219.
  • Jong-A-Pin, R. (2009). On The measurement of political instability and its impact on economic growth. European Journal of Political Economy, 25(1),15-29, doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2008.09.010.
  • Kang, S., and Meernik, J. (2005). Civil war destruction and the prospects for economic growth. The Journal of Politics, 67(1), 88-109.
  • Kartal, G., and Öztürk, S. (2017). Türkiye’de politik istikrarsızlık ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi dergisi, 10(4), 250-270, doi: 10.25287/ohuiibf.329424.
  • Klomp, J., and De Haan, J. (2009). Political institutions and economic volatility. European Journal of Political Economy, 25(3), 311-326, doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2009.02.006.
  • Knack, S., and Keefer, P. (1995). Institutions and Economic Performance: Cross‐Country Tests Using Alternative İnstitutional Measures. Economics & Politics, 7(3), 207-227, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0343.1995.tb00111.x.
  • Kormendi, R.C., and Meguire, P. G. (1985). Macroeconomic determinants of growth: cross-country evidence. Journal of Monetary Economics, 16(2), 141-163, doi: 10.1016/0304-3932(85)90027-3.
  • Krifa-Schneider, H., and Matei, I. (2010). Business climate, political risk and fdı in developing countries: evidence from panel data. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(5), 54-65.
  • Kurzman, C., Werum, R., and Burkhart, R. E. (2002). Democracy’s effect on economic growth: a pooled time-series analysis 1951–1980. Studies İn Comparative İnternational Development, 37(1), 3-33.
  • Landau, D. (1986). Government and economic growth in the less developed countries: an empirical study for 1960-1980. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 35(1), 35-75.
  • Leahy, J.V., and Whited, T.M. (1995). The effect of uncertainty on investment: some stylized facts (no. w4986). National Bureau of Economic Research, doi: 10.3386/w4986.
  • Lheem, H. G., and Guo, S. (2004). Political economy of FDI and economic growth in China: A longitudinal test at provincial level. Journal of Chinese political science, 9(1), 43-62.
  • Lin, B., and Su, T. (2020). The linkages between oil market uncertainty and islamic stock markets: evidence from quantile-on-quantile approach. Energy Economics, 88, 104759, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104759.
  • Mallick, H., Padhan, H., and Mahalik, M.K. (2019). Does skewed pattern of income distribution matter for the environmental quality? Evidence from selected BRICS economies with an application of quantile-on-qauntile regression (QQR) approach. Energy Pol., 129, 120–131, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.02.021.
  • Mauro, P. (1995). Corruption and growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(3), 681-712.
  • Meyer, D. F., and Habanabakize, T. (2018). An analysis of the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), political risk and economic growth in South Africa. Business and Economic Horizons, 14(4), 777-788, doi: 10.15208/beh.2018.54
  • Mishra, S., Sharif, A., Khuntia, S., Meo, S. A., and Khan, S. A. R. (2019). Does oil price impede islamic stock indices? Fresh insights from wavelet-based quantile-on-quantile approach. Resources Policy, 62, 292–304, doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2019.04.005.
  • Prokopenko, A. (2024). Is the Kremlin overconfident about Russia’s economic stability?
  • Raval, S., and Salvi, P. (2017). Political stability and economic growth: reflections on Indian economy. MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management, 4(1), 65-81, doi: 10.17492/manthan.v4i01.9606.
  • Rawat, A. S., and Arif, I. (2018). Does geopolitical risk drive equity price returns of brıc economies? Evidence from quantile on quantile estimations. Journal of Finance and Economics Research, 3(2), 24–36, doi: 10.20547/jfer1803202.
  • Raza, S. A., Zaighum, I., and Shah, N. (2018). Economic policy uncertainty, equity premium and dependence between their quantiles: evidence from quantile-onquantile approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and İts Applications, 429, 2079–2091, doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2017.11.125.
  • Scotti, C. (2016). Surprise and uncertainty indexes: real-time aggregation of real-activity macro-surprises. Journal of Monetary Economics, 82, 1-19, doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2016.06.002.
  • Shahbaz, M., Zakaria, M., Shahzad, S.J.H., and Mahalik, M.K. (2018). The energy consumption and economic growth nexus in top ten energy-consuming countries: fresh evidence from using the quantile-on-quantile approach. Energy Econ., 71, 282–301, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.02.023.
  • Shahzad, S.J.H., Shahbaz, M., Ferrer, R., and Kumar, R.R. (2017). Tourism-led growth hypothesis in the top ten tourist destinations: new evidence using the quantile-on-quantile approach. Tourism Management, 60, 223-232, doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.12.006.
  • Sharif, A., Afshan, S., and Qureshi, M. A. (2019). Idolization and ramification between globalization and ecological footprints: evidence from quantile-on-quantile approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-21, doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-04351-7.
  • Sim, N., and Zhou, H. (2015). Oil Prices, US stock return, and the dependence between their quantiles. Journal of Banking & Finance. 55, 1–8, doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2015.01.013.
  • Şanlısoy, S., and Kök, R. (2013). Politik istikrarsizlik-ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Türkiye örneği (1987–2006). Dokuz eylül üniversitesi iktisadi idari bilimler fakültesi dergisi, 25(1).
  • Uddin, M. A., Ali, M. H., and Masih, M. (2017). Political stability and growth: an application of dynamic GMM and quantile regression. Economic Modelling, 64, 610-625, doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2017.04.028.
  • Yu, J., and Wang, C. (2013). Political risk and economic development: A case study of China. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 26(2), 35-50, doi: 10.1080/1331677X.2013.11517605.

The Impact of Political Risk On Economic Growth in BRICS-T Countries: Quantile On Quantile Approach

Yıl 2024, , 479 - 491, 23.06.2024


Political risk arises from uncertainties in relations arising in the political, social, and economic environment. These uncertainties directly affect the economic structures of countries. The aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between the political risks of BRICS-T (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Turkey) countries and their economic growth rates in detail using the quantile-on-quantile regression approach. According to the findings of the study, the political risk index for BRICS-T countries usually weakens the economic growth rates of countries. It is seen that political risk has a negative effect on economic growth in small values of economic growth. In high values of economic growth, while small values of political risk do not have a negative effect on economic growth, it is seen that economic growth is weakly affected in regions where political risk is high.

Proje Numarası



  • Aisen, A., and Veiga, F. J. (2006). Does political instability lead to higher inflation? A panel data analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1379-1389.
  • Aisen, A., and Veiga, F. J. (2013). How does political instability affect economic growth? European Journal of Political Economy, 29, 151-167, doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2012.11.001.
  • Alesina, A., and Perotti, R. (1996). Income distribution, political instability and investment. European Economic Review, 40(6), 1203-1228, doi: 10.1016/0014-2921(95)00030-5.
  • Alesina, A., and Rodrik, D. (1994). Distributive politics and economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(2), 465-490, doi: 10.2307/2118470.
  • Alesina, A., Özler, S., Roubini, N., and Swagel, P. (1996). Political instability and economic growth. Journal of Economic Growth, 1(2), 189-211.
  • Arif, I., and Khan, L. (2019). Relationship between oil price and white precious metals return: New evidence from quantile-on-qauntile regression. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 13(2), 515-528.
  • Asteriou, D., and Price, S. (2001). Political instability and economic growth: UK time series evidence. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 48(4), 383-399, doi: 10.1111/1467-9485.00205.
  • Asteriou, D., and Siriopoulos, C. (2000). The role of political instability in stock market development and economic growth: the case of Greece. Economic Notes, 29(3), 355-374, doi: 10.1111/1468-0300.00037.
  • Barro, R. J. (1991). Economic growth in a cross section of countries. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(2), 407-443, doi: 10.2307/2937943.
  • Bloom, N. (2009). The impact of uncertainty shocks. Econometrica, 77(3), 623-685.
  • Bouoiyour, J., Selmi, R., Shahzad, S.J.H., and Shahbaz, M. (2017). Response of stock returns to oil price shocks: evidence from oil importing and exporting countries. J. Econ. Integr. 32(4), 954–977.
  • Bussiere, M., and Mulder, C. (2000). Political instability and economic vulnerability. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 5(4), 309-330, doi: 10.1111/1467-9485.00205.
  • Caggiano, G., Castelnuovo, E., and Groshenny, N. (2014). Uncertainty shocks and unemployment dynamics in us recessions. Journal of Monetary Economics, 67, 78-92, doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2014.07.006.
  • Campos, N., and Nugent, G. (2002). Who is afraid of political ınstability? Journal of development economics, 67(1), 157-172.
  • Carmignani, F. (2003). Political instability, uncertainty and economics. Journal of Economic Surveys, 17(1), 1-54, doi: 10.1111/1467-6419.00187.
  • Chen, B., and Feng, Y. (1996). Some political determinants of economic growth: theory and empirical implications. European Journal of Political Economy, 12(4), 609-627, doi: 10.1016/s0176-2680(96)00019-5.
  • Collier, P. (1999). On The economic consequences of civil war. Oxford Economic Papers, 51(1), 168-183, doi: 10.1093/oep/51.1.168.
  • Dalyop, G. T. (2019). Political instability and economic growth in Africa. International journal of economic policy studies, 13(1), 217-257, doi: 10.1007/s42495-018-0008-1.
  • Devereux, M.B., and Wen, J.F. (1998). Political instability, capital taxation, and growth. European Economic Review, 42(9), 1635-1651, doi: 10.1016/s0014-2921(97)00100-1.
  • Dotsey, M., and Sarte, P.D. (2000). Inflation uncertainty and growth in a cash-in-advance economy. Journal of Monetary Economics, 45(3), 631-655, doi: 10.1016/s0304-3932(00)00005-2.
  • Easterly, W., and Levine, R. (1997). Africa's growth tragedy: policies and ethnic divisions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4), 1203-1250, doi: 10.1162/003355300555466.
  • Fosu, A. K. (1992). Political instability and economic growth: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40(4), 829-841.
  • Fountas, S., and Karanasos, M. (2007). Inflation, output growth, and nominal and real uncertainty: Empirical evidence for the g7. Journal of ınternational money and finance, 26(2), 229-250, doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2006.10.006.
  • Gerring, J., Bond, P., Barndt, W. T., and Moreno, C. (2005). Democracy and economic growth: A historical perspective. World Politics, 57(3), 323-364.
  • Gurgul, H., and Lach, Ł. (2013). Political instability and economic growth: evidence from two decades of transition in CEE. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 46(2), 189-202, doi: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2013.03.008.
  • Isham, J., Kaufmann, D., and Pritchett, L. H. (1997). Civil liberties, democracy, and the performance of government projects. The World Bank Economic Review, 11(2), 219-242, doi: 10.1093/wber/11.2.219.
  • Jong-A-Pin, R. (2009). On The measurement of political instability and its impact on economic growth. European Journal of Political Economy, 25(1),15-29, doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2008.09.010.
  • Kang, S., and Meernik, J. (2005). Civil war destruction and the prospects for economic growth. The Journal of Politics, 67(1), 88-109.
  • Kartal, G., and Öztürk, S. (2017). Türkiye’de politik istikrarsızlık ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi dergisi, 10(4), 250-270, doi: 10.25287/ohuiibf.329424.
  • Klomp, J., and De Haan, J. (2009). Political institutions and economic volatility. European Journal of Political Economy, 25(3), 311-326, doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2009.02.006.
  • Knack, S., and Keefer, P. (1995). Institutions and Economic Performance: Cross‐Country Tests Using Alternative İnstitutional Measures. Economics & Politics, 7(3), 207-227, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0343.1995.tb00111.x.
  • Kormendi, R.C., and Meguire, P. G. (1985). Macroeconomic determinants of growth: cross-country evidence. Journal of Monetary Economics, 16(2), 141-163, doi: 10.1016/0304-3932(85)90027-3.
  • Krifa-Schneider, H., and Matei, I. (2010). Business climate, political risk and fdı in developing countries: evidence from panel data. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(5), 54-65.
  • Kurzman, C., Werum, R., and Burkhart, R. E. (2002). Democracy’s effect on economic growth: a pooled time-series analysis 1951–1980. Studies İn Comparative İnternational Development, 37(1), 3-33.
  • Landau, D. (1986). Government and economic growth in the less developed countries: an empirical study for 1960-1980. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 35(1), 35-75.
  • Leahy, J.V., and Whited, T.M. (1995). The effect of uncertainty on investment: some stylized facts (no. w4986). National Bureau of Economic Research, doi: 10.3386/w4986.
  • Lheem, H. G., and Guo, S. (2004). Political economy of FDI and economic growth in China: A longitudinal test at provincial level. Journal of Chinese political science, 9(1), 43-62.
  • Lin, B., and Su, T. (2020). The linkages between oil market uncertainty and islamic stock markets: evidence from quantile-on-quantile approach. Energy Economics, 88, 104759, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104759.
  • Mallick, H., Padhan, H., and Mahalik, M.K. (2019). Does skewed pattern of income distribution matter for the environmental quality? Evidence from selected BRICS economies with an application of quantile-on-qauntile regression (QQR) approach. Energy Pol., 129, 120–131, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.02.021.
  • Mauro, P. (1995). Corruption and growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(3), 681-712.
  • Meyer, D. F., and Habanabakize, T. (2018). An analysis of the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), political risk and economic growth in South Africa. Business and Economic Horizons, 14(4), 777-788, doi: 10.15208/beh.2018.54
  • Mishra, S., Sharif, A., Khuntia, S., Meo, S. A., and Khan, S. A. R. (2019). Does oil price impede islamic stock indices? Fresh insights from wavelet-based quantile-on-quantile approach. Resources Policy, 62, 292–304, doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2019.04.005.
  • Prokopenko, A. (2024). Is the Kremlin overconfident about Russia’s economic stability?
  • Raval, S., and Salvi, P. (2017). Political stability and economic growth: reflections on Indian economy. MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management, 4(1), 65-81, doi: 10.17492/manthan.v4i01.9606.
  • Rawat, A. S., and Arif, I. (2018). Does geopolitical risk drive equity price returns of brıc economies? Evidence from quantile on quantile estimations. Journal of Finance and Economics Research, 3(2), 24–36, doi: 10.20547/jfer1803202.
  • Raza, S. A., Zaighum, I., and Shah, N. (2018). Economic policy uncertainty, equity premium and dependence between their quantiles: evidence from quantile-onquantile approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and İts Applications, 429, 2079–2091, doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2017.11.125.
  • Scotti, C. (2016). Surprise and uncertainty indexes: real-time aggregation of real-activity macro-surprises. Journal of Monetary Economics, 82, 1-19, doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2016.06.002.
  • Shahbaz, M., Zakaria, M., Shahzad, S.J.H., and Mahalik, M.K. (2018). The energy consumption and economic growth nexus in top ten energy-consuming countries: fresh evidence from using the quantile-on-quantile approach. Energy Econ., 71, 282–301, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.02.023.
  • Shahzad, S.J.H., Shahbaz, M., Ferrer, R., and Kumar, R.R. (2017). Tourism-led growth hypothesis in the top ten tourist destinations: new evidence using the quantile-on-quantile approach. Tourism Management, 60, 223-232, doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.12.006.
  • Sharif, A., Afshan, S., and Qureshi, M. A. (2019). Idolization and ramification between globalization and ecological footprints: evidence from quantile-on-quantile approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-21, doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-04351-7.
  • Sim, N., and Zhou, H. (2015). Oil Prices, US stock return, and the dependence between their quantiles. Journal of Banking & Finance. 55, 1–8, doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2015.01.013.
  • Şanlısoy, S., and Kök, R. (2013). Politik istikrarsizlik-ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Türkiye örneği (1987–2006). Dokuz eylül üniversitesi iktisadi idari bilimler fakültesi dergisi, 25(1).
  • Uddin, M. A., Ali, M. H., and Masih, M. (2017). Political stability and growth: an application of dynamic GMM and quantile regression. Economic Modelling, 64, 610-625, doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2017.04.028.
  • Yu, J., and Wang, C. (2013). Political risk and economic development: A case study of China. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 26(2), 35-50, doi: 10.1080/1331677X.2013.11517605.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonometrik ve İstatistiksel Yöntemler, Uygulamalı Ekonomi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Safa Hoş 0000-0002-9555-1782

Buğra Bağcı 0000-0002-3268-3702

Özgür Emre Koç 0000-0003-2788-8049

Proje Numarası yoktur
Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 19 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Hoş, S., Bağcı, B., & Koç, Ö. E. (2024). The Impact of Political Risk On Economic Growth in BRICS-T Countries: Quantile On Quantile Approach. Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 8(2), 479-491.

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