Year 2014,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 106 - 132, 01.12.2014
Janet Mcıntyre-mills
Gladys Mokwena Kedibone
Akwasi Arko-achemfuor
Pinkie Mabunda
Esther Njiro
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Participatory Approach to Education: an Action Learning Approach at the University of South Africa
Year 2014,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 106 - 132, 01.12.2014
Janet Mcıntyre-mills
Gladys Mokwena Kedibone
Akwasi Arko-achemfuor
Pinkie Mabunda
Esther Njiro
The paper discusses a
critical systemic thinking and practice approach to building capacity,
enhancing development and addressing public policy and governance concerns
through holding in mind many variables and considering the areas of concern of
the facilitator and the participants. Inspiration for the approach to
learning drew on a range of sources including Bateson on ‘the ecology of mind’
(1972), Paulo Freire (1982, 2007) on action learning and Checkland and Scholes
(1990) for soft systems mapping to address an area of concern with a small
group of researchers who are dedicated to working outside the boundaries of a
contained discipline or organization in the service of a broad learning
community. The participants raised the following as research concerns: unemployment, recognition of prior learning
and the need to enhance pathways for adults and young people in learning
organisations and learning communities that are responsive to the complex needs
of South Africans and those within the wider region. An open approach to education and respecting
diverse ways of knowing is a starting point for people’s education and
community development. The struggle in South Africa for transformation was
typified by student protests during Apartheid for the right to a free and equal
education system. At UNISA we are
reminded of the need to use education as a means to empower and this means
beginning with the lived experiences of people.
- Aarhus Convention (1998). ‘On access to information. Public participation and access to justice in environmental matters’, Denmark,25June.
- Akomfrah, J. (2013). ‘The Stuart Hall Project. Documentary’, produced by David Lawson & Lina Gopaul and directed by John Akomfrah.
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