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COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Yaşanan Korkunun Merhemi: Öz-Şefkat

Yıl 2022, , 400 - 406, 30.09.2022


COVID-19, insan sağlığı üzerinde hayati fizyolojik etkiler oluşturmasının yanı sıra ciddi ruhsal etkiler de ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Artan ölüm sayıları, ortaya çıkan yeni varyantlar ve hala pandemi süreci ile ilgili olan belirsizlikler insanların korku duymasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu dönemde bireysel koruyucu faktörlerinin arttırılması pandemi gibi olumsuz bir süreçte dahi korkunun ortaya çıkmasına engel olacaktır. Buna bağlı olarak, COVID-19’un olumsuz etkilerinden toplumu korumada yardımcı olabilecek potansiyel kavramlardan birinin öz-şefkat olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu zorlu zamanlardan geçerken bireyin kendisine göstereceği öz-şefkat bu dönemde yaşadığı COVID-19 korkusunun ve yol açtığı ruhsal sorunların merhemi olabilir. Bu doğrultuda; bu derlemede COVID-19 korkusu ile öz-şefkat kavramları arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Google Scholar veri tabanları taranmış ve COVID-19 korkusu ile öz-şefkat kavramını birlikte inceleyen altı çalışmaya ulaşılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar incelendiğinde, öz-şefkat düzeyi yüksek olan bireylerin COVID-19 korkusunu daha az yaşadıkları ve COVID-19 korkusuna bağlı ortaya çıkan depresyon, anksiyete bozukluğu gibi ruhsal sorunları da azalttığı bildirilmektedir. Bu derlemenin sonuçları, öz-şefkati odak alan müdahale çalışmalarının hem klinik ortamda hastalara hem de koruyucu ruh sağlığı açısından topluma uygulanması gerektiği konusunda ruh sağlığı profesyonellerine farkındalık kazandıracaktır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Aksoy YE, Koçak V (2020) Psychological effects of nurses and midwives due to COVID19 outbreak: the case of Turkey. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 34:427-433.
  • Aktaş B, Daştan NB (2021) Covid-19 pandemisinde üniversite öğrencilerindeki oyun bağımlılığı düzeyleri ve pandeminin dijital oyun oynama durumlarına etkisi. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 22:129-138.
  • Alpago H, Oduncu Alpago D (2020) Korona virüs ve sosyoekonomik sonuçlar. IBAD Sos Bilim Derg, 8:99–114.
  • Altın Z (2020) Covid-19 pandemisinde yaşlılar. Tepecik Eğit ve Araşt Hast Dergisi, 30:49-57.
  • Armitage R, Nellums LB (2020) COVID-19 and the consequences of isolating the elderly. Lancet Public Health, 5: e256.
  • Atalay Z (2019) Şefkat: Zorlayıcı duygu ve durumlarla yaşayabilme sanatı. (Ed. G İşeri): 33-68. İnkılap Kitabevi Yayın Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, İstanbul.
  • Banerjee D (2020) The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on elderly mental health. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry.
  • Choi EPH, Hui BPH, Wan EYF (2020) Depression and anxiety in Hong Kong during Covid-19. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17:3740.
  • Deniz ME, Sümer AS (2010) Farklı özanlayış düzeylerine sahip üniversite öğrencilerinde depresyon, anksiyete ve stresin değerlendirilmesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 35:115-127.
  • Doğan MM, Düzel B (2020) Covid-19 özelinde korku-kaygı düzeyleri. Turkish Studies, 15:739-752.
  • Engin Deniz (2021) Self-compassion, intolerance of uncertainty, fear of COVID-19, and well-being: A serial mediation investigation. Pers Individ Dif, 177:110824.
  • Ferreira C, Pinto-Gouveia J, Duarte C (2013) Self-compassion in the face of shame and body image dissatisfaction: Implications for eating disorders. Eat Behav, 14:207–210.
  • Gerber Z, Tolmacz R, Doron Y (2015) Self-compassion and forms of concern for others. Pers Individ Dif, 86:394–400.
  • Goyal P, Choi JJ, Pinheiro LC, Schenck EJ, Chen R, Jabri A et al. (2020) Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in New York City. N Engl J Med, 382:2372-2374.
  • Göksu Ö, Kumcağız H (2020). Covid-19 salgınında bireylerde algılanan stres düzeyi ve kaygı düzeyleri. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15:463-479.
  • Hao Q, Wang D, Xie M, Tang Y, Dou Y, Zhu L et al. (2021) Prevalence and risk factors of mental health problems among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Psychiatry, 12:567381.
  • İlbasmış Ç, Aksoy AT, Cihanyurdu İ, Ünver H, Arman AR (2021) COVID-19 salgınının çocukların ruh sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri. Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health, 28:1-3.
  • Jansen P (2020) Self-compassion and repetitive thinking in relation to depressive mood and fear of the future; An investigation during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in semiprofessional football players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51:232-236.
  • Jansen P, Siebertz M, Hofmann P, Zayed K, Zayed D, Abdelfattah F et al. (2021) Does self-compassion relate to the fear of the future during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic? A cross-cultural study. Cogent Psycho, 8.
  • Karadem FB (2020) Sağlık Çalışanlarında Covid korkusunu belirleyen psikiyatrik değişkenlerin incelenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi, Isparta.
  • Kardaş Ö (2020) COVID-19 pandemisinde madde kullanım bozukluğu olan ergenler. Turkish J Clinical Psychiatry, 23:103-104.
  • Khan G, Sheek-Hussein M, Al Suwaidi A, Idris K, Abu-Zidan F (2020) Novel coronavirus pandemic: A global health threat. Turk J Emerg Med, 20:55–62.
  • Lee PI, Hu YL, Chen PY, Huang YC, Hsueh PR (2020) Are children less susceptible to COVID-19?. J Microbiol Immunol Infect, 53:371-372.
  • Liss M, Erchull MJ (2015) Not hating what you see: Self-compassion may protect against negative mental health variables connected to self-objectification in college women. Body Image, 14:5–12.
  • Malay DS (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing. J Foot Ankle Surg, 59:447–448.
  • Mamun MA, Griffiths MD (2020) First COVID-19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: Possible suicide prevention strategies. Asian J Psychiatr, 51:102073.
  • Mohammadpour M, Ghorbani V, Khoramnia S, Ahmadi SM, Ghvami M, Maleki M (2020) Anxiety, self-compassion, gender differences and covıd-19: predicting self-care behaviors and fear of COVID-19 based on anxiety and self-compassion with an emphasis on gender differences. Iran J Psychiatry, 15:213–219.
  • Neff KD (2003) Self-Compassion: an alternative conceptualization of a healthy attitude toward oneself. Self and Identity. 2:85-101.
  • Neff KD (2009) Self-Compassion. (Eds MR Leary, RH Hoyle):561-573. Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Neff KD (2011) Self-compasion, self-esteem and well-being. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 5:1-12.
  • Nguyen TM, Le GNH (2021) The influence of COVID-19 stress on psychological well-being among vietnamese adults: The role of self-compassion and gratitude. Traumatology, 27:86–97.
  • Pablo GS, Vaquerizo-Serrano J, Catalan A, Arango C, Moreno C, Ferre F et al. (2020) Impact of coronavirus syndromes on physical and mental health of health care workers: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 275:48-57.
  • Ren X, Huang W, Pan H, Huang T, Wang X, Ma Y (2020) Mental health during the Covid-19 outbreak in China: A meta-analysis. Psychiatr Q, 91:1033–1045.
  • Reznik A, Gritsenko V, Konstantinov V, Khamenka N, Isralowitz R (2020) COVID-19 Fear in Eastern Europe: Validation of the fear of COVID-19 Scale. Int J Ment Health Addict, 1-6.
  • Sakib N, Akter T, Zohra T, Bhuiyan AKM, Mamu AM, Griffiths MD (2021) Fear of COVID-19 and depression: A comparative study among the general population and healthcare professionals during COVID-19 pandemic crisis in Bangladesh. Int J Ment Health Addiction,
  • Saracoglu KT, Simsek T, Kahraman S, Bombaci E, Sezen Ö, Saracoglu A et al. (2020) The psychological impact of Covid-19 disease is more severe on intensive care unit healthcare providers: A cross-sectional study. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 18:607-615.
  • Satici B, Gocet-Tekin E, Deniz ME, Satici SA (2020) Adaptation of the fear of COVID-19 Scale: Its association with psychological distress and life satisfaction in Turkey. Int J Ment Health Addict, 1–9.
  • Sirois FM (2015) A self-regulation resource model of self-compassion and health behavior intentions in emerging adults. Prev Med Rep, 2:218–222.
  • Strauss C, Taylor BL, Gu J, Kuyken W, Baer R, Jones F et al. (2016) What is compassion and how can we measure it? A review of definitions and measures. Clin Psychol Rev, 47:15-27.
  • Sun P, Wang M, Song T, Wu Y, Luo Y, Chen L et al. (2021) The psychological ımpact of covıd-19 pandemic on health care workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Psychol, 12:626547.
  • Şimşir Z, Koç H, Seki T, Griffiths MD (2021) The relationship between fear of COVID-19 and mental health problems: A meta-analysis. Death Stud, 1–9.
  • Taubman Ben-Ari O, Chasson M, Abu-Sharkia S (2020) Childbirth anxieties in the shadow of COVID-19: Self-compassion and social support among Jewish and Arab pregnant women in Israel. Health Soc Care Community.
  • Talevi D, Socci V, Carai M, Carnaghi G, Faleri S, Trebbi E et al. (2020) Mental health outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic. Riv Psichiatr, 55:137–144.
  • Tsamakis K, Rizos E, Manolis A, Chaidou S, Kympouropoulos S, Spartalis E et al. (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals. Exp Ther Med, 19:3451.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK) (2021) Türk Dil Kurumu Sözlükleri (06.10.2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Türk Psikiyatri Derneği (TPD) (2020) COVID-19 ve çocuklar (06.10.2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Wang C, Pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS et al. (2020) Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic among the general population in China. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17:1729.
  • Warren AM, Zolfaghari K, Fresnedo M, Bennett M, Pogue J, Waddimba A et al. (2021) Anxiety sensitivity, COVID-19 fear, and mental health: results from a United States population sample. Cogn Behav Ther, 50:204–216.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2021) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) dashboard. (11.01.2022’de ulaşıldı).
  • Wu T, Jia X, Shi H, Niu J, Yin X, Xie J et al. (2021) Prevalence of mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 281:91-98.
  • Zoralioğlu M (2020) COVID-19 tanısı ile interne edilen 30-50 yaş arası hastalarda cinsiyetin prognoz üzerine etkisi ve bunu etkileyen diğer faktörler. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Ümraniye Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi, İstanbul.

Cure for Fear During the COVID-19 Pandemic Process: Self-Compassion

Yıl 2022, , 400 - 406, 30.09.2022


COVID-19 not only creates vital physiological effects on human health, but also creates serious mental effects. Increasing death numbers, emerging new variants and uncertainties about the pandemic process cause people to fear. Increasing the individual protective factors during this period will prevent the emergence of fear even in a negative process such as a pandemic. Accordingly, one of the potential concepts that can help protect individuals from the negative effects of COVID-19 is thought to be self-compassion. The self-compassion that an individual will show to himself while going through these difficult times can be the salve for the fear of COVID-19 and the mental problems it causes during this period. In this direction; In this review, it is aimed to reveal the relationship between the fear of COVID-19 and the concepts of self-compassion. PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Google Scholar databases were searched and six studies were found that examined the fear of COVID-19 and the concept of self-compassion together. When studies are examined, it is reported that individuals with high self-compassion levels experience less fear of COVID-19 and reduce mental problems such as depression and anxiety disorder due to fear of COVID-19. The results of this review will raise awareness of mental health professionals that intervention studies focusing on self-compassion should be applied both to patients in clinical settings and to society in terms of preventive mental health.

Proje Numarası



  • Aksoy YE, Koçak V (2020) Psychological effects of nurses and midwives due to COVID19 outbreak: the case of Turkey. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 34:427-433.
  • Aktaş B, Daştan NB (2021) Covid-19 pandemisinde üniversite öğrencilerindeki oyun bağımlılığı düzeyleri ve pandeminin dijital oyun oynama durumlarına etkisi. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 22:129-138.
  • Alpago H, Oduncu Alpago D (2020) Korona virüs ve sosyoekonomik sonuçlar. IBAD Sos Bilim Derg, 8:99–114.
  • Altın Z (2020) Covid-19 pandemisinde yaşlılar. Tepecik Eğit ve Araşt Hast Dergisi, 30:49-57.
  • Armitage R, Nellums LB (2020) COVID-19 and the consequences of isolating the elderly. Lancet Public Health, 5: e256.
  • Atalay Z (2019) Şefkat: Zorlayıcı duygu ve durumlarla yaşayabilme sanatı. (Ed. G İşeri): 33-68. İnkılap Kitabevi Yayın Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, İstanbul.
  • Banerjee D (2020) The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on elderly mental health. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry.
  • Choi EPH, Hui BPH, Wan EYF (2020) Depression and anxiety in Hong Kong during Covid-19. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17:3740.
  • Deniz ME, Sümer AS (2010) Farklı özanlayış düzeylerine sahip üniversite öğrencilerinde depresyon, anksiyete ve stresin değerlendirilmesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 35:115-127.
  • Doğan MM, Düzel B (2020) Covid-19 özelinde korku-kaygı düzeyleri. Turkish Studies, 15:739-752.
  • Engin Deniz (2021) Self-compassion, intolerance of uncertainty, fear of COVID-19, and well-being: A serial mediation investigation. Pers Individ Dif, 177:110824.
  • Ferreira C, Pinto-Gouveia J, Duarte C (2013) Self-compassion in the face of shame and body image dissatisfaction: Implications for eating disorders. Eat Behav, 14:207–210.
  • Gerber Z, Tolmacz R, Doron Y (2015) Self-compassion and forms of concern for others. Pers Individ Dif, 86:394–400.
  • Goyal P, Choi JJ, Pinheiro LC, Schenck EJ, Chen R, Jabri A et al. (2020) Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in New York City. N Engl J Med, 382:2372-2374.
  • Göksu Ö, Kumcağız H (2020). Covid-19 salgınında bireylerde algılanan stres düzeyi ve kaygı düzeyleri. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15:463-479.
  • Hao Q, Wang D, Xie M, Tang Y, Dou Y, Zhu L et al. (2021) Prevalence and risk factors of mental health problems among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Psychiatry, 12:567381.
  • İlbasmış Ç, Aksoy AT, Cihanyurdu İ, Ünver H, Arman AR (2021) COVID-19 salgınının çocukların ruh sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri. Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health, 28:1-3.
  • Jansen P (2020) Self-compassion and repetitive thinking in relation to depressive mood and fear of the future; An investigation during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in semiprofessional football players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51:232-236.
  • Jansen P, Siebertz M, Hofmann P, Zayed K, Zayed D, Abdelfattah F et al. (2021) Does self-compassion relate to the fear of the future during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic? A cross-cultural study. Cogent Psycho, 8.
  • Karadem FB (2020) Sağlık Çalışanlarında Covid korkusunu belirleyen psikiyatrik değişkenlerin incelenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi, Isparta.
  • Kardaş Ö (2020) COVID-19 pandemisinde madde kullanım bozukluğu olan ergenler. Turkish J Clinical Psychiatry, 23:103-104.
  • Khan G, Sheek-Hussein M, Al Suwaidi A, Idris K, Abu-Zidan F (2020) Novel coronavirus pandemic: A global health threat. Turk J Emerg Med, 20:55–62.
  • Lee PI, Hu YL, Chen PY, Huang YC, Hsueh PR (2020) Are children less susceptible to COVID-19?. J Microbiol Immunol Infect, 53:371-372.
  • Liss M, Erchull MJ (2015) Not hating what you see: Self-compassion may protect against negative mental health variables connected to self-objectification in college women. Body Image, 14:5–12.
  • Malay DS (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing. J Foot Ankle Surg, 59:447–448.
  • Mamun MA, Griffiths MD (2020) First COVID-19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: Possible suicide prevention strategies. Asian J Psychiatr, 51:102073.
  • Mohammadpour M, Ghorbani V, Khoramnia S, Ahmadi SM, Ghvami M, Maleki M (2020) Anxiety, self-compassion, gender differences and covıd-19: predicting self-care behaviors and fear of COVID-19 based on anxiety and self-compassion with an emphasis on gender differences. Iran J Psychiatry, 15:213–219.
  • Neff KD (2003) Self-Compassion: an alternative conceptualization of a healthy attitude toward oneself. Self and Identity. 2:85-101.
  • Neff KD (2009) Self-Compassion. (Eds MR Leary, RH Hoyle):561-573. Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Neff KD (2011) Self-compasion, self-esteem and well-being. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 5:1-12.
  • Nguyen TM, Le GNH (2021) The influence of COVID-19 stress on psychological well-being among vietnamese adults: The role of self-compassion and gratitude. Traumatology, 27:86–97.
  • Pablo GS, Vaquerizo-Serrano J, Catalan A, Arango C, Moreno C, Ferre F et al. (2020) Impact of coronavirus syndromes on physical and mental health of health care workers: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 275:48-57.
  • Ren X, Huang W, Pan H, Huang T, Wang X, Ma Y (2020) Mental health during the Covid-19 outbreak in China: A meta-analysis. Psychiatr Q, 91:1033–1045.
  • Reznik A, Gritsenko V, Konstantinov V, Khamenka N, Isralowitz R (2020) COVID-19 Fear in Eastern Europe: Validation of the fear of COVID-19 Scale. Int J Ment Health Addict, 1-6.
  • Sakib N, Akter T, Zohra T, Bhuiyan AKM, Mamu AM, Griffiths MD (2021) Fear of COVID-19 and depression: A comparative study among the general population and healthcare professionals during COVID-19 pandemic crisis in Bangladesh. Int J Ment Health Addiction,
  • Saracoglu KT, Simsek T, Kahraman S, Bombaci E, Sezen Ö, Saracoglu A et al. (2020) The psychological impact of Covid-19 disease is more severe on intensive care unit healthcare providers: A cross-sectional study. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 18:607-615.
  • Satici B, Gocet-Tekin E, Deniz ME, Satici SA (2020) Adaptation of the fear of COVID-19 Scale: Its association with psychological distress and life satisfaction in Turkey. Int J Ment Health Addict, 1–9.
  • Sirois FM (2015) A self-regulation resource model of self-compassion and health behavior intentions in emerging adults. Prev Med Rep, 2:218–222.
  • Strauss C, Taylor BL, Gu J, Kuyken W, Baer R, Jones F et al. (2016) What is compassion and how can we measure it? A review of definitions and measures. Clin Psychol Rev, 47:15-27.
  • Sun P, Wang M, Song T, Wu Y, Luo Y, Chen L et al. (2021) The psychological ımpact of covıd-19 pandemic on health care workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Psychol, 12:626547.
  • Şimşir Z, Koç H, Seki T, Griffiths MD (2021) The relationship between fear of COVID-19 and mental health problems: A meta-analysis. Death Stud, 1–9.
  • Taubman Ben-Ari O, Chasson M, Abu-Sharkia S (2020) Childbirth anxieties in the shadow of COVID-19: Self-compassion and social support among Jewish and Arab pregnant women in Israel. Health Soc Care Community.
  • Talevi D, Socci V, Carai M, Carnaghi G, Faleri S, Trebbi E et al. (2020) Mental health outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic. Riv Psichiatr, 55:137–144.
  • Tsamakis K, Rizos E, Manolis A, Chaidou S, Kympouropoulos S, Spartalis E et al. (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals. Exp Ther Med, 19:3451.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK) (2021) Türk Dil Kurumu Sözlükleri (06.10.2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Türk Psikiyatri Derneği (TPD) (2020) COVID-19 ve çocuklar (06.10.2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Wang C, Pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS et al. (2020) Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic among the general population in China. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17:1729.
  • Warren AM, Zolfaghari K, Fresnedo M, Bennett M, Pogue J, Waddimba A et al. (2021) Anxiety sensitivity, COVID-19 fear, and mental health: results from a United States population sample. Cogn Behav Ther, 50:204–216.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2021) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) dashboard. (11.01.2022’de ulaşıldı).
  • Wu T, Jia X, Shi H, Niu J, Yin X, Xie J et al. (2021) Prevalence of mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 281:91-98.
  • Zoralioğlu M (2020) COVID-19 tanısı ile interne edilen 30-50 yaş arası hastalarda cinsiyetin prognoz üzerine etkisi ve bunu etkileyen diğer faktörler. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Ümraniye Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi, İstanbul.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikiyatri
Bölüm Derleme

Duygu Özer 0000-0001-5800-5099

Özlem Şahin Altun 0000-0001-6727-6480

Proje Numarası YOKTUR
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Kabul Tarihi 18 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

AMA Özer D, Şahin Altun Ö. COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Yaşanan Korkunun Merhemi: Öz-Şefkat. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2022;14(3):400-406. doi:10.18863/pgy.1007829

Creative Commons Lisansı
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.