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Ebeveyn Eğitimine Odaklanan Bir Oyun Terapisi Modeli: Çocuk-Ebeveyn İlişki Terapisi

Yıl 2023, , 220 - 229, 30.06.2023


Çocuk-Ebeveyn İlişki Terapisi oyun terapisi ve aile terapisini birleştiren bir yaklaşımdır. Ebeveynlere yapılandırma, empatik dinleme, çocuk merkezli hayali oyun ve sınır koyma becerilerinin öğretilip çocuklarının oyun terapisti olmalarını sağlama düşüncesini temel alır. Genel amacı çocuk-ebeveyn ilişkisini güçlendirmektir. 3-10 yaş arası çocuğu olan ebeveynler için yapılandırılmış, 10 haftalık, grup formatında bir eğitimdir. Ebeveynlere 3 hafta eğitim verildikten sonra eğitim oturumlarına paralel olarak çocuklarıyla 7 hafta sürecek özel oyun seansları başlar. Bu seanslar, ebeveynlere çocuklarının duygularını fark etmeyi, etkin dinlemeyi, öz saygı oluşturmayı ve terapötik olarak sınırlar koymayı öğretirken eğitime katılan ailelerin de ebeveynlik becerilerinin gelişmesini sağlar. Bu derlemede, Çocuk-Ebeveyn İlişki Terapisinin tarihçesi, amaçları, ebeveyn-çocuk iletişimi ve eğitim boyutları, oyun odası ve oyuncak seçimi, eğitim seanslarının içerikleri ve yaklaşımın etkililiği üzerine yapılan çalışmalar yer almaktadır. Model değerlendirildiğinde ebeveyn stresini ve çocukların davranış problemlerini azaltmada, ebeveyn kabulünü ve empati düzeylerini ise geliştirmede etkili bir yaklaşım olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Amy Wickstrom MFT (2009) The process of systemic change in filial therapy: A phenomenological study of parent experience. Contemp Fam Ther, 31:193-208.
  • Beckloff DR (1997) Filial therapy with children with spectrum pervasive development disorders. (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Bavin-Hoffman R, Jennings G, Landreth G (1996) Filial therapy: Parental perceptions of the process. International Journal of Play Therapy, 5:45-58.
  • Bratton SC, Landreth GL (2019) Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual: An Evidence-Based 10-Session Filial Therapy Model. New York, Routledge.
  • Bratton SC, Landreth GL, Lin YWD (2010) Child Parent Relationship Therapy: A Review of Controlled-Outcome Research. Child-Centered Play Therapy Research: The Evidence Base for Effective Practice. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bratton SC, Landreth GL, Kellam T, Blackard SR (2006) Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual: A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model for Training Parents. New York, Routledge.
  • Bratton SC, Ray D, Rhine T, Jones L (2005) The efficacy of play therapy with children: A meta-analytic review of treatment outcomes. Prof Psychol Res Pr, 36:376-390.
  • Bratton S, Landreth G (1995) Filial therapy with single parents: Effects on parental acceptance, empathy, and stress. International Journal of Play Therapy, 4:61-80.
  • Candan S (2017) 3-10 yaş arası gelişimsel problemleri olan çocuklarda Çocuk Merkezli Oyun Terapisinin etkisinin incelenmesi (Uzmanlık tezi). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Carnes‐Holt K, Bratton SC (2014) The efficacy of child parent relationship therapy for adopted children with attachment disruptions. J Couns Dev, 92:328-337.
  • Ceballos P (2008) School-based child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) with low income first generation immigrant Hispanic parents: Effects on child behavior and parent-child relationship stress. (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Chau IYF, Landreth GL (1997) Filial therapy with Chinese parents: Effects on parental empathic interactons, parental acceptance of child and parental stress. International Journal of Play Therapy, 6:75-92.
  • Cornett N, Bratton SC (2014) Examining the impact of child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) on family functioning. J Marital Fam Ther, 40:302-318.
  • Costas M, Landreth G (1999) Filial therapy with nonoffending parents of children who have been sexually abused. International Journal of Play Therapy, 8:43-66.
  • Dillman Taylor D, Purswell K, Lindo N, Jayne K, Fernando D (2011) The impact of child parent relationship therapy on child behavior and parent-child relationships: An examination of parental divorce. International Journal of Play Therapy, 20:124-137. Gençer AA, Aksoy AB (2016) Anne çocuk etkileşiminde farklı bir yaklaşım: Theraplay oyun terapisi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 8:244-254.
  • Glazer-Waldman HR, Zimmerman JE, Landreth GL, Norton D (1992) Filial therapy: An intervention for parents of children with chronic illness. International Journal of Play Therapy, 1:31-42.
  • Glover GJ, Landreth GL (2000) Filial therapy with Native Americans on the Flathead reservation. International Journal of Play Therapy, 9:57-80.
  • Grskovic JA, Goetze H (2008) Short-term filial therapy with German mothers: Findings from a controlled study. International Journal of Play Therapy, 17:39-51.
  • Guerney Jr B (1964) Filial therapy: Description and rationale. J Consult Psychol, 28:304-310.
  • Guerney L, Ryan V (2013) Group Filial Therapy: The Complete Guide to Teaching Parents to Play Therapeutically with Their Children. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Hacker CC (2009) Child Parent Relationship Therapy: Hope for Disrupted Attachment. (PhD thesis). Tennessee, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
  • Harris ZL, Landreth GL (1997) Filial therapy with incarcerated mothers: A five week model. International Journal of Play Therapy, 6:53-73.
  • Holt K (2011) Child-parent relationship therapy with adoptive children and their parents: Effects on child behavior, parent-child relationship stress and parent empathy. Diss Abstr Int, 71:6224.
  • Jang M (2000) Effectiveness of filial therapy for Korean parents. International Journal of Play Therapy, 9:39-56.
  • Johnson-Clark KA (1996) The effect of filial therapy on child conduct behavior problems and the quality of the parent-child relationship (PhD thesis). San Diego, California School of Professional Psychology.
  • Kale AL, Landreth GL (1999) Filial therapy with parents of children experiencing learning difficulties. International Journal of Play Therapy, 8:35-56.
  • Kidron M, Landreth G (2010) Intensive child parent relationship therapy with Israeli parents in Israel. International Journal of Play Therapy, 19:64-78.
  • Koçkaya S, Siyez DM (2017) Okul öncesi çocuklarının çekingenlik davranışları üzerine oyun terapisi uygulamalarının etkisi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 9:31-44.
  • Lahti SL (1992) An ethnographic study of the filial therapy process (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Landreth GL (1991) Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship. Indiana, Accelerated Development Inc.
  • Landreth GL (2012) Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship, 3rd ed. New York, Routledge.
  • Landreth GL, Bratton SC (2006) Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT): A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model. New York, Routledge.
  • Landreth GL, Lobaugh AF (1998) Filial therapy with incarcerated fathers: Effects on parental acceptance of child, parental stress, and child adjustment. J Couns Dev, 76:157-165.
  • Lee MK, Landret, GL (2003) Filial therapy with immigrant Korean parents in the United States. International Journal of Play Therapy, 12:67-85.
  • Murat G, Tolan Ö (2021) Okul öncesi dönemde sık görülen psikolojik ve gelişimsel bozukluklarda oyun terapisi uygulamaları. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 13:207-231.
  • Opiola KK, Bratton SC (2018) The efficacy of child parent relationship therapy for adoptive families: A replication study. J Couns Dev, 96:155-166.
  • O'Sullivan L, Ryan V (2009) Therapeutic limits from an attachment perspective. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, 14:215-235.
  • Özkaya BT (2015) Ebeveyn-çocuk ilişkisi üzerine odaklanan bir oyun terapisi yaklaşımı: Filial terapi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 7:208-220.
  • Öztekin GG (2021) Tek ebeveynli çocuklar ve ebeveynleri üzerinde Çocuk-Ebeveyn İlişki Terapisi odaklı psikoeğitim programının etkisi (Doktora tezi). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Öztekin GG, Gülbahçe A (2019) 3-10 yaş arası gelişimsel problemleri olan çocuklarda ve ebeveynlerinde filial terapinin etkisinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 8:2322-2340.
  • Ray DE (1995) The effect of filial therapy on parental acceptance and child adjustment (Master thesis). Kansas, Emporia State University.
  • Solis CM, Meyers J, Varjas KM (2004) A qualitative case study of the process and impact of filial therapy with an African American parent. International Journal of Play Therapy, 13:99-118.
  • Sheely-Moore AI, Bratton SC (2010) A strengths-based parenting intervention with low-income African American families. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, 13:175-183.
  • Smith DM, Landreth GL (2004) Filial therapy with teachers of deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. International Journal of Play Therapy, 13:13-33.
  • Smith NR (2000) A comparative analysis of intensive filial therapy with intensive individual play therapy and intensive sibling group play therapy with child witnesses of domestic violence. (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Smith N, Landreth G (2003) Intensive filial therapy with child witnesses of domestic violence: A comparison with individual and sibling group play therapy. International Journal of Play Therapy, 12:67-88.
  • Tal R, Tal K, Green O (2018) Child-parent relationship therapy with extra-familial abused children. J Child Sex Abus, 27:386-402.
  • Tew K, Landreth, GL, Joiner KD, Solt MD (2002) Filial therapy with parents of chronically ill children. International Journal of Play Therapy, 11:79-100.
  • VanFleet R (2014) Filial Therapy: Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships Through Play, 3rd ed. Florida, Professional Resource Press.
  • Villarreal CE (2008) School-based child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) with Hispanic parents. (PhD thesis). Virginia, Regent University.
  • Yanıt E (2019) Selektif mutizm vakasının yönlendirilmemiş oyun terapisi teknikleri ile sağaltımı (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi, 2:68-76.
  • Yuen T, Landreth G, Baggerly J (2002) Filial therapy with immigrant Chinese families. International Journal of Play Therapy, 11:63-90.

A Play Therapy Model Focusing on Parent Training: Child-Parent Relationship Therapy

Yıl 2023, , 220 - 229, 30.06.2023


Child-Parent Relationship Therapy is an approach that combines play therapy and family therapy. It is based on the idea of teaching parents the skills of structuring, emphatic listening, imaginary play and limit-setting and enabling their children to become play therapists. The overall aim is to strengthen the child-parent relationship. It is a structured, 10-week, group format training for parents with children aged 3-10. After 3 week-parent training, special play sessions with their children for 7 weeks begin in parallel with the training sessions. These sessions teach parents to recognize their children's emotions, listen effectively, build self-esteem, and set boundaries therapeutically, while helping parents develop parenting skills. In this review, the history of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy, its aims, parent-child interaction and training dimensions, playroom and toy selection, content of training sessions and research studies on its effectiveness are explained. Evaluating the model, it was seen that CPRT was an effective approach in reducing parental stress and behavioral problems of children, and improving parental acceptance and empathy levels.


  • Amy Wickstrom MFT (2009) The process of systemic change in filial therapy: A phenomenological study of parent experience. Contemp Fam Ther, 31:193-208.
  • Beckloff DR (1997) Filial therapy with children with spectrum pervasive development disorders. (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Bavin-Hoffman R, Jennings G, Landreth G (1996) Filial therapy: Parental perceptions of the process. International Journal of Play Therapy, 5:45-58.
  • Bratton SC, Landreth GL (2019) Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual: An Evidence-Based 10-Session Filial Therapy Model. New York, Routledge.
  • Bratton SC, Landreth GL, Lin YWD (2010) Child Parent Relationship Therapy: A Review of Controlled-Outcome Research. Child-Centered Play Therapy Research: The Evidence Base for Effective Practice. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bratton SC, Landreth GL, Kellam T, Blackard SR (2006) Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual: A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model for Training Parents. New York, Routledge.
  • Bratton SC, Ray D, Rhine T, Jones L (2005) The efficacy of play therapy with children: A meta-analytic review of treatment outcomes. Prof Psychol Res Pr, 36:376-390.
  • Bratton S, Landreth G (1995) Filial therapy with single parents: Effects on parental acceptance, empathy, and stress. International Journal of Play Therapy, 4:61-80.
  • Candan S (2017) 3-10 yaş arası gelişimsel problemleri olan çocuklarda Çocuk Merkezli Oyun Terapisinin etkisinin incelenmesi (Uzmanlık tezi). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Carnes‐Holt K, Bratton SC (2014) The efficacy of child parent relationship therapy for adopted children with attachment disruptions. J Couns Dev, 92:328-337.
  • Ceballos P (2008) School-based child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) with low income first generation immigrant Hispanic parents: Effects on child behavior and parent-child relationship stress. (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Chau IYF, Landreth GL (1997) Filial therapy with Chinese parents: Effects on parental empathic interactons, parental acceptance of child and parental stress. International Journal of Play Therapy, 6:75-92.
  • Cornett N, Bratton SC (2014) Examining the impact of child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) on family functioning. J Marital Fam Ther, 40:302-318.
  • Costas M, Landreth G (1999) Filial therapy with nonoffending parents of children who have been sexually abused. International Journal of Play Therapy, 8:43-66.
  • Dillman Taylor D, Purswell K, Lindo N, Jayne K, Fernando D (2011) The impact of child parent relationship therapy on child behavior and parent-child relationships: An examination of parental divorce. International Journal of Play Therapy, 20:124-137. Gençer AA, Aksoy AB (2016) Anne çocuk etkileşiminde farklı bir yaklaşım: Theraplay oyun terapisi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 8:244-254.
  • Glazer-Waldman HR, Zimmerman JE, Landreth GL, Norton D (1992) Filial therapy: An intervention for parents of children with chronic illness. International Journal of Play Therapy, 1:31-42.
  • Glover GJ, Landreth GL (2000) Filial therapy with Native Americans on the Flathead reservation. International Journal of Play Therapy, 9:57-80.
  • Grskovic JA, Goetze H (2008) Short-term filial therapy with German mothers: Findings from a controlled study. International Journal of Play Therapy, 17:39-51.
  • Guerney Jr B (1964) Filial therapy: Description and rationale. J Consult Psychol, 28:304-310.
  • Guerney L, Ryan V (2013) Group Filial Therapy: The Complete Guide to Teaching Parents to Play Therapeutically with Their Children. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Hacker CC (2009) Child Parent Relationship Therapy: Hope for Disrupted Attachment. (PhD thesis). Tennessee, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
  • Harris ZL, Landreth GL (1997) Filial therapy with incarcerated mothers: A five week model. International Journal of Play Therapy, 6:53-73.
  • Holt K (2011) Child-parent relationship therapy with adoptive children and their parents: Effects on child behavior, parent-child relationship stress and parent empathy. Diss Abstr Int, 71:6224.
  • Jang M (2000) Effectiveness of filial therapy for Korean parents. International Journal of Play Therapy, 9:39-56.
  • Johnson-Clark KA (1996) The effect of filial therapy on child conduct behavior problems and the quality of the parent-child relationship (PhD thesis). San Diego, California School of Professional Psychology.
  • Kale AL, Landreth GL (1999) Filial therapy with parents of children experiencing learning difficulties. International Journal of Play Therapy, 8:35-56.
  • Kidron M, Landreth G (2010) Intensive child parent relationship therapy with Israeli parents in Israel. International Journal of Play Therapy, 19:64-78.
  • Koçkaya S, Siyez DM (2017) Okul öncesi çocuklarının çekingenlik davranışları üzerine oyun terapisi uygulamalarının etkisi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 9:31-44.
  • Lahti SL (1992) An ethnographic study of the filial therapy process (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Landreth GL (1991) Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship. Indiana, Accelerated Development Inc.
  • Landreth GL (2012) Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship, 3rd ed. New York, Routledge.
  • Landreth GL, Bratton SC (2006) Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT): A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model. New York, Routledge.
  • Landreth GL, Lobaugh AF (1998) Filial therapy with incarcerated fathers: Effects on parental acceptance of child, parental stress, and child adjustment. J Couns Dev, 76:157-165.
  • Lee MK, Landret, GL (2003) Filial therapy with immigrant Korean parents in the United States. International Journal of Play Therapy, 12:67-85.
  • Murat G, Tolan Ö (2021) Okul öncesi dönemde sık görülen psikolojik ve gelişimsel bozukluklarda oyun terapisi uygulamaları. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 13:207-231.
  • Opiola KK, Bratton SC (2018) The efficacy of child parent relationship therapy for adoptive families: A replication study. J Couns Dev, 96:155-166.
  • O'Sullivan L, Ryan V (2009) Therapeutic limits from an attachment perspective. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, 14:215-235.
  • Özkaya BT (2015) Ebeveyn-çocuk ilişkisi üzerine odaklanan bir oyun terapisi yaklaşımı: Filial terapi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 7:208-220.
  • Öztekin GG (2021) Tek ebeveynli çocuklar ve ebeveynleri üzerinde Çocuk-Ebeveyn İlişki Terapisi odaklı psikoeğitim programının etkisi (Doktora tezi). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Öztekin GG, Gülbahçe A (2019) 3-10 yaş arası gelişimsel problemleri olan çocuklarda ve ebeveynlerinde filial terapinin etkisinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 8:2322-2340.
  • Ray DE (1995) The effect of filial therapy on parental acceptance and child adjustment (Master thesis). Kansas, Emporia State University.
  • Solis CM, Meyers J, Varjas KM (2004) A qualitative case study of the process and impact of filial therapy with an African American parent. International Journal of Play Therapy, 13:99-118.
  • Sheely-Moore AI, Bratton SC (2010) A strengths-based parenting intervention with low-income African American families. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, 13:175-183.
  • Smith DM, Landreth GL (2004) Filial therapy with teachers of deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. International Journal of Play Therapy, 13:13-33.
  • Smith NR (2000) A comparative analysis of intensive filial therapy with intensive individual play therapy and intensive sibling group play therapy with child witnesses of domestic violence. (PhD thesis). Texas, University of North Texas.
  • Smith N, Landreth G (2003) Intensive filial therapy with child witnesses of domestic violence: A comparison with individual and sibling group play therapy. International Journal of Play Therapy, 12:67-88.
  • Tal R, Tal K, Green O (2018) Child-parent relationship therapy with extra-familial abused children. J Child Sex Abus, 27:386-402.
  • Tew K, Landreth, GL, Joiner KD, Solt MD (2002) Filial therapy with parents of chronically ill children. International Journal of Play Therapy, 11:79-100.
  • VanFleet R (2014) Filial Therapy: Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships Through Play, 3rd ed. Florida, Professional Resource Press.
  • Villarreal CE (2008) School-based child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) with Hispanic parents. (PhD thesis). Virginia, Regent University.
  • Yanıt E (2019) Selektif mutizm vakasının yönlendirilmemiş oyun terapisi teknikleri ile sağaltımı (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi, 2:68-76.
  • Yuen T, Landreth G, Baggerly J (2002) Filial therapy with immigrant Chinese families. International Journal of Play Therapy, 11:63-90.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Derleme

Gülçin Güler Öztekin 0000-0001-6205-642X

Başaran Gençdoğan 0000-0001-9647-438X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2023
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

AMA Öztekin GG, Gençdoğan B. A Play Therapy Model Focusing on Parent Training: Child-Parent Relationship Therapy. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Haziran 2023;15(2):220-229. doi:10.18863/pgy.1116140

Creative Commons Lisansı
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.