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İleriye Yönelik ve Geriye Dönük Zamanlama Süreçleri: Teoriler ve Yöntemler

Yıl 2023, , 613 - 621, 25.12.2023


ÖZ Gündelik hayatta bir zaman akışı tecrübe etmekteyiz. Ancak, modern fiziğe göre zamanın akışı söz konusu değildir. Bir akış yanılsaması dışında zaman nedir sorusuna yanıt bulabilmek ve zaman algısı ile ilişkili süreçleri anlamak için psikoloji ve sinirbilim literatüründe çeşitli modeller ve açıklamalar geliştirilmiştir. Zamansal bilginin nasıl işlediğini anlamak ve bu modellerin doğruluğunu test etmek için de çeşitli prosedürler benimsenmiştir. İnsanlar, zamanı örtük (implicit) ve açık (explicit) olmak üzere 2 şekilde işlemektedir. Zaman aralığının uzunluğuna yönelik tahmin yürütüldüğünde açık (explicit) zamanlamadan bahsetmekteyiz. Zaman algısı paradigmalarında ölçüm yöntemine göre diğer bir ayrımsa ileriye yönelik (prospektif) ve geriye dönük (retrospektif) zaman tahminleridir. Bu iki yöntemin benzer bilişsel süreçleri içerdiğini iddia eden teorisyenler olsa da, zaman algısı ileriye yönelik ve geriye dönük zaman tahmini yöntemlerinden hangisi ile ölçüldüğüne göre farklı bilişsel süreçlerin deneyimlenen ve hatırlanan süreye hizmet ettiği düşünülmektedir. Bu da yöntem bağımlı farklı kısıtlar ve avantajları akla getirmektedir. Diğer tüm algı çalışmalarında olduğu gibi zaman algısı araştırmalarında da prosedürün seçimi araştırmanın sorusuna uygun olmalıdır. Bu derleme zaman algısı üzerine çalışma yapmayı planlayan bir araştırmacının çalışma sorusuna uygun yöntemi seçmesini kolaylaştırmak üzere zaman algısı araştırmalarının seçici bir incelemesini sunmaktadır. Zaman algısının süreçleri ve bunlara ilişkin kanıtlar ileriye yönelik ve geriye dönük zaman tahmini ölçüm yöntemlerine göre gözden geçirilmiştir. Ancak bu incelemede tartışılan zaman algısı modellerinin ve yönteminin alanın yalnızca bir bölümünü temsil ettiğini, alanın oldukça geniş olduğunu belirtmek gerekmektedir.
Anahtar sözcükler:


  • Alaşhan D, Ayhan İ (2021) Zaman algısının nöral ve psikolojik modelleri bağlamında öznel zamanın görsel mekanizmalarına dair bir kuram. Nesne Dergisi, 9:396-417.
  • Allman MJ, Teki S, Griffiths TD, Meck, WH (2014) Properties of the internal clock: first-and second-order principles of subjective time. Annu Rev Psychol, 65:743-771.
  • Ayhan I, Bruno A, Nishida SY, Johnston A (2011) Effect of the luminance signal on adaptation-based time compression. J Vis, 11:1-17.
  • Barsalou LW (2008) Grounded-cognition. Annu Rev Psychol, 59:617-645.
  • Basgol H, Ayhan I, Ugur E (2021) Time perception: A review on psychological, computational and robotic models. IEEE Trans Cogn Dev Syst, 3:1-15.
  • Bindra D, Waksberg H (1956) Methods and terminology in studies of time estimation. Psychol Bull, 53:155-159.
  • Bisson N, Grondin S (2013) Time estimates of Internet surfing and video gaming. Timing Time Percept, 1:39-64.
  • Bisson N, Grondin S (2020) A new perspective on the relationships between individual factors and time estimates. Timing Time Percept, 8:25-54.
  • Block RA, Grondin S, Zakay D (2018) Prospective and retrospective timing processes: Theories, methods, and findings. In Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications (Eds A Vatakis, F Balcı, M Di Luca, Á Correa):32-51. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill.
  • Block RA, Grondin S, (2014) Timing and time perception: A selective review and commentary on recent reviews. Front Psychol, 5:648.
  • Block RA, Gruber RP (2014) Time perception, attention, and memory: a selective review. Acta Psychol (Amst), 149:129-133.
  • Block RA, Hancock PA, Zakay D (2000) Sex differences in duration judgments: A meta-analytic review. Mem Cognit, 28:1333-1346.
  • Block RA, Hancock PA, Zakay D (2010) How cognitive load affects duration judgments: A meta-analytic review. Acta Psychol (Amst), 134:330-343.
  • Block RA, Reed MA (1978) Remembered duration: Evidence for a contextual change hypothesis. J Exp Psychol Hum Learn, 4:656-665.
  • Block RA, Zakay D (1997) Prospective and retrospective duration judgments: a meta-analytic review. Psychon Bull Rev, 4:184-197.
  • Boltz MG (1998) Task predictability and remembered duration. Percept Psychophys, 60:768-784.
  • Boroditsky L, Ramscar M (2002) The roles of body and mind in abstract thought. Psychol Sci, 13:185-189.
  • Brown SW (1985) Time perception and attention: the effects of prospective versus retrospective paradigms and task demands on perceived duration. Percept Psychophys, 38:115-124.
  • Brown SW, Stubbs DA (1992) Attention and interference in prospective and retrospective timing. Perception, 21:545-557.
  • Bueti D, Bahrami B, Walsh V (2008) Sensory and association cortex in time perception. J Cogn Neurosci, 20:1054-1062.
  • Buhusi CV, WH Meck (2005) What makes us stick? Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing. Nat Rev Neurosci, 6:755-765.
  • Crick F, Koch C (2003) A framework for consciousness. Nat Neurosci, 6:119-126.
  • Eichenbaum H (2014) Time cells in the hippocampus: A new dimension for mapping memories. Nat Rev Neurosci, 15:732-744.
  • Eikmeier V, Alex-Ruf S, Maienborn C, Ulrich R (2015) How strongly linked are mental time and space along the left–right axis? J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 41:1878-1883.
  • El Haj M, Moroni C, Samson S, Fasotti L, Allain P (2013) Prospective and retrospective time perception are related to mental time travel: Evidence from Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Cogn, 83:45-51.
  • Grondin S (2010) Timing and time perception: a review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical directions. Atten Percept Psychophys, 72:561-582.
  • Grondin S, Mendoza-Duran E, Rioux P (2020) Pandemic, quarantine, and psychological time. Front Psychol, 11:581036.
  • Grondin S (2010) Timing and time perception: A review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical direction. Atten Percept Psychophys, 72:561-582.
  • Guay M, Salmoni AW (1988) Human time estimation: Procedural effects. Bull Psychon Soc, 26:19-22.
  • Harrington DL, Haaland, KY, Knight, RT (1998) Cortical networks underlying mechanisms of time perception. J Neurosci, 18:1085-1095.
  • Hancock PA, Block RA (2012) The psychology of time: a view backward and forward. Am J Psychol, 125:267-274.
  • Hellström A, Rammsayer TH (2015) Time-order errors and standard-position effects in duration discrimination: An experimental study and an analysis by the sensation-weighting model. Atten Percept Psychophys, 77:2409-2423.
  • Hirsh IJ, Sherrick, CE (1961) Perceived order in different sense modalities. J Exp Psychol, 62:423-432.
  • Ivry RB, Spencer RM (2004) The neural representation of time. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 14:225-232.
  • James W (1890) The Principles of Psychology. New York, NY-Henry Holt.
  • Johnson LW, MacKay DG (2019) Relations between emotion, memory encoding, and time perception. Cogn Emot, 33:185-196.
  • Joris P, Yin, TC (2007) A matter of time: internal delays in binaural processing. Trends Neurosci, 30:70-78.
  • Kravitz DJ, Saleem KS, Baker CI, Mishkin M (2011) A new neural framework for visuospatial processing. Nat Rev Neurosci, 12:217-230.
  • Lewis PA, Miall, RC (2003) Distinct systems for automatic and cognitively controlled time measurement: Evidence from neuroimaging. Curr Opin Neurobiol,13:250-255.
  • Lewis PA, Miall, RC (2006) Remembering the time: A continuous clock. Trends Cogn Sci, 10:401-406.
  • Macar F, Coull J, Vidal F (2006) The supplementary motor area in motor and perceptual time processing: fMRI studies. Cogn Process, 7:89-94.
  • MacDonald CJ, Meck WH, Sakata S, Fortin NJ (2014) Retrospective and prospective views on the role of the hippocampus in interval timing and memory for elapsed time. Timing Time Percept, 2:51-61.
  • Mioni G (2018) Methodological issues in the study of prospective timing. In Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications (Eds A Vatakis, F Balcı, M Di Luca, Á Correa):79-97. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill.
  • Mioni G, Laflamme V, Grassi M, Grondin S (2018) The effect of emotional spoken words on time perception depends on the gender of the speaker. Timing Time Percept, 6:1-13.
  • Moore RY, Eichler, VB (1972) Loss of a circadian adrenal corticosterone rhythm following suprachiasmatic lesions in the rat. Brain Res, 42:201-206.
  • Moser EI, Moser M-B, McNaughton BL (2017) Spatial representation in the hippocampal formation: a history. Nat Neurosci, 20:1448-1464.
  • Ono F, Kawahara JI (2007) The subjective size of visual stimuli affect the perceived duration of their presentation. Percept Psychophys, 69:952-957.
  • Pariyadath V, Eagleman D (2007) The effect of predictability on subjective duration. PloS One, 2:e1264.
  • Ramscar M, Matlock T, Boroditsky L (2009) Time, motion, and meaning: The experiential basis of abstract thought. The Spatial Foundations of Language and Cognition, 17:66-82.
  • Richards W (1973) Time reproductions by H.M. Acta Psychol (Amst), 37:279-282.
  • Saj A, Fuhrman O, Vuilleumier P, Boroditsky L (2014) Patients with left spatial neglect also neglect the “left side” of time. Psychol Sci, 25:207-214.
  • Spencer RM, Zelaznik HN, Diedrichsen J, Ivry RB (2003) Disrupted timing of discontinuous but not continuous movements by cerebellar lesions. Science, 300:1437-1439.
  • Stocker K (2012) The time machine in our mind. Cogn Sci, 36:385-420.
  • ten Hoopen G, Miyauchi R, Nakajima Y (2008) Time-based Illusions in the Auditory Mode: Psychology of Time. Bingley, U.K, Emerald Publishing.
  • Terao M, Watanabe J, Yagi A, Nishida S (2008) Reduction of stimulus visibility compresses apparent time intervals. Nat Neurosci, 11:541-542.
  • Treisman M (1963) Temporal discrimination and the indifference interval: implications for a model of the “internal clock.” Psychol Monogr, 77:1-31.
  • Tulving E (2002) Episodic memory: From mind to brain. Annu Rev Psychol, 53:1-25.
  • Vanneste S, Pouthas V (1995) Prospective and retrospective time estimation in elderly people: Comparison with young adults. Psychol Bull, 48:539-543.
  • Vicario CM (2011) Perceiving numbers affect the subjective temporal midpoint. Perception, 40:23-29.
  • Wager TD, Smith EE (2003) Neuroimaging studies of working memory. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 3:255-274.
  • Wearden JH, Edwards H, Fakhri M, Percival A (1998) Why "sounds are judged longer than lights": Application of a model of the internal clock in humans. Q J Exp Psychol B, 51:97-120.
  • Winter B, Marghetis T, Matlock T (2015) Of magnitudes and metaphors: Explaining cognitive interactions between space, time, and number. Cortex, 64:209-224.
  • Winkler I, Fischer K, Kliesow K, Rudolph T, Thiel C, Sedlmeier P (2017) Has it really been that long? Why time seems to speed up with age. Timing Time Percept, 5:168-189.
  • Ivry RB, Keele SW (1989) Timing functions of the cerebellum. J Cogn Neurosci., 1:136-151.
  • Zakay D, Block RA (1997) Temporal cognition. Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 6:12-16.
  • Zakay D, Block RA (2004) Prospective and retrospective duration judgments: An executive-control perspective. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars), 64:319-328.
  • Zakay D (1993) Relative and absolute duration judgments under prospective and retrospective paradigms. Percept Psychophys, 54:656-664.

Prospective and Retrospective Timing Processes: Theories and Methods

Yıl 2023, , 613 - 621, 25.12.2023


We experience a flow of time in everyday life. However, according to modern physics, time does not flow. In the psychology and neuroscience literature, different models and explanations have been made to try to answer the question of what time is besides an illusion of flow and to figure out how time is perceived. Different methods have also been used to learn how time is handled and to test how accurate these models are. People process time in two ways: implicitly and explicitly. We are talking about explicit timing when estimating the time interval length. Another distinction, according to the measurement method of time perception paradigms, is between prospective and retrospective time estimations. Although there are theorists who claim that these two methods involve similar cognitive processes, it is thought that different cognitive processes serve to experience and remember a time, depending on whether time perception is measured by the prospective or retrospective time estimation methods. This brings to mind different method-dependent constraints and advantages. As with any other kind of perception study, the method chosen for time perception research should fit the question being asked. This review presents a selective review of time perception studies to make it easier for a researcher planning to study time perception to choose the appropriate method for the study question. The time perception processes and related evidence were examined using prospective and retrospective time estimation measurement methods. But it's important to note that the time perception models and methods talked about in this review are only a small part of a very large field.


  • Alaşhan D, Ayhan İ (2021) Zaman algısının nöral ve psikolojik modelleri bağlamında öznel zamanın görsel mekanizmalarına dair bir kuram. Nesne Dergisi, 9:396-417.
  • Allman MJ, Teki S, Griffiths TD, Meck, WH (2014) Properties of the internal clock: first-and second-order principles of subjective time. Annu Rev Psychol, 65:743-771.
  • Ayhan I, Bruno A, Nishida SY, Johnston A (2011) Effect of the luminance signal on adaptation-based time compression. J Vis, 11:1-17.
  • Barsalou LW (2008) Grounded-cognition. Annu Rev Psychol, 59:617-645.
  • Basgol H, Ayhan I, Ugur E (2021) Time perception: A review on psychological, computational and robotic models. IEEE Trans Cogn Dev Syst, 3:1-15.
  • Bindra D, Waksberg H (1956) Methods and terminology in studies of time estimation. Psychol Bull, 53:155-159.
  • Bisson N, Grondin S (2013) Time estimates of Internet surfing and video gaming. Timing Time Percept, 1:39-64.
  • Bisson N, Grondin S (2020) A new perspective on the relationships between individual factors and time estimates. Timing Time Percept, 8:25-54.
  • Block RA, Grondin S, Zakay D (2018) Prospective and retrospective timing processes: Theories, methods, and findings. In Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications (Eds A Vatakis, F Balcı, M Di Luca, Á Correa):32-51. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill.
  • Block RA, Grondin S, (2014) Timing and time perception: A selective review and commentary on recent reviews. Front Psychol, 5:648.
  • Block RA, Gruber RP (2014) Time perception, attention, and memory: a selective review. Acta Psychol (Amst), 149:129-133.
  • Block RA, Hancock PA, Zakay D (2000) Sex differences in duration judgments: A meta-analytic review. Mem Cognit, 28:1333-1346.
  • Block RA, Hancock PA, Zakay D (2010) How cognitive load affects duration judgments: A meta-analytic review. Acta Psychol (Amst), 134:330-343.
  • Block RA, Reed MA (1978) Remembered duration: Evidence for a contextual change hypothesis. J Exp Psychol Hum Learn, 4:656-665.
  • Block RA, Zakay D (1997) Prospective and retrospective duration judgments: a meta-analytic review. Psychon Bull Rev, 4:184-197.
  • Boltz MG (1998) Task predictability and remembered duration. Percept Psychophys, 60:768-784.
  • Boroditsky L, Ramscar M (2002) The roles of body and mind in abstract thought. Psychol Sci, 13:185-189.
  • Brown SW (1985) Time perception and attention: the effects of prospective versus retrospective paradigms and task demands on perceived duration. Percept Psychophys, 38:115-124.
  • Brown SW, Stubbs DA (1992) Attention and interference in prospective and retrospective timing. Perception, 21:545-557.
  • Bueti D, Bahrami B, Walsh V (2008) Sensory and association cortex in time perception. J Cogn Neurosci, 20:1054-1062.
  • Buhusi CV, WH Meck (2005) What makes us stick? Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing. Nat Rev Neurosci, 6:755-765.
  • Crick F, Koch C (2003) A framework for consciousness. Nat Neurosci, 6:119-126.
  • Eichenbaum H (2014) Time cells in the hippocampus: A new dimension for mapping memories. Nat Rev Neurosci, 15:732-744.
  • Eikmeier V, Alex-Ruf S, Maienborn C, Ulrich R (2015) How strongly linked are mental time and space along the left–right axis? J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 41:1878-1883.
  • El Haj M, Moroni C, Samson S, Fasotti L, Allain P (2013) Prospective and retrospective time perception are related to mental time travel: Evidence from Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Cogn, 83:45-51.
  • Grondin S (2010) Timing and time perception: a review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical directions. Atten Percept Psychophys, 72:561-582.
  • Grondin S, Mendoza-Duran E, Rioux P (2020) Pandemic, quarantine, and psychological time. Front Psychol, 11:581036.
  • Grondin S (2010) Timing and time perception: A review of recent behavioral and neuroscience findings and theoretical direction. Atten Percept Psychophys, 72:561-582.
  • Guay M, Salmoni AW (1988) Human time estimation: Procedural effects. Bull Psychon Soc, 26:19-22.
  • Harrington DL, Haaland, KY, Knight, RT (1998) Cortical networks underlying mechanisms of time perception. J Neurosci, 18:1085-1095.
  • Hancock PA, Block RA (2012) The psychology of time: a view backward and forward. Am J Psychol, 125:267-274.
  • Hellström A, Rammsayer TH (2015) Time-order errors and standard-position effects in duration discrimination: An experimental study and an analysis by the sensation-weighting model. Atten Percept Psychophys, 77:2409-2423.
  • Hirsh IJ, Sherrick, CE (1961) Perceived order in different sense modalities. J Exp Psychol, 62:423-432.
  • Ivry RB, Spencer RM (2004) The neural representation of time. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 14:225-232.
  • James W (1890) The Principles of Psychology. New York, NY-Henry Holt.
  • Johnson LW, MacKay DG (2019) Relations between emotion, memory encoding, and time perception. Cogn Emot, 33:185-196.
  • Joris P, Yin, TC (2007) A matter of time: internal delays in binaural processing. Trends Neurosci, 30:70-78.
  • Kravitz DJ, Saleem KS, Baker CI, Mishkin M (2011) A new neural framework for visuospatial processing. Nat Rev Neurosci, 12:217-230.
  • Lewis PA, Miall, RC (2003) Distinct systems for automatic and cognitively controlled time measurement: Evidence from neuroimaging. Curr Opin Neurobiol,13:250-255.
  • Lewis PA, Miall, RC (2006) Remembering the time: A continuous clock. Trends Cogn Sci, 10:401-406.
  • Macar F, Coull J, Vidal F (2006) The supplementary motor area in motor and perceptual time processing: fMRI studies. Cogn Process, 7:89-94.
  • MacDonald CJ, Meck WH, Sakata S, Fortin NJ (2014) Retrospective and prospective views on the role of the hippocampus in interval timing and memory for elapsed time. Timing Time Percept, 2:51-61.
  • Mioni G (2018) Methodological issues in the study of prospective timing. In Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications (Eds A Vatakis, F Balcı, M Di Luca, Á Correa):79-97. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill.
  • Mioni G, Laflamme V, Grassi M, Grondin S (2018) The effect of emotional spoken words on time perception depends on the gender of the speaker. Timing Time Percept, 6:1-13.
  • Moore RY, Eichler, VB (1972) Loss of a circadian adrenal corticosterone rhythm following suprachiasmatic lesions in the rat. Brain Res, 42:201-206.
  • Moser EI, Moser M-B, McNaughton BL (2017) Spatial representation in the hippocampal formation: a history. Nat Neurosci, 20:1448-1464.
  • Ono F, Kawahara JI (2007) The subjective size of visual stimuli affect the perceived duration of their presentation. Percept Psychophys, 69:952-957.
  • Pariyadath V, Eagleman D (2007) The effect of predictability on subjective duration. PloS One, 2:e1264.
  • Ramscar M, Matlock T, Boroditsky L (2009) Time, motion, and meaning: The experiential basis of abstract thought. The Spatial Foundations of Language and Cognition, 17:66-82.
  • Richards W (1973) Time reproductions by H.M. Acta Psychol (Amst), 37:279-282.
  • Saj A, Fuhrman O, Vuilleumier P, Boroditsky L (2014) Patients with left spatial neglect also neglect the “left side” of time. Psychol Sci, 25:207-214.
  • Spencer RM, Zelaznik HN, Diedrichsen J, Ivry RB (2003) Disrupted timing of discontinuous but not continuous movements by cerebellar lesions. Science, 300:1437-1439.
  • Stocker K (2012) The time machine in our mind. Cogn Sci, 36:385-420.
  • ten Hoopen G, Miyauchi R, Nakajima Y (2008) Time-based Illusions in the Auditory Mode: Psychology of Time. Bingley, U.K, Emerald Publishing.
  • Terao M, Watanabe J, Yagi A, Nishida S (2008) Reduction of stimulus visibility compresses apparent time intervals. Nat Neurosci, 11:541-542.
  • Treisman M (1963) Temporal discrimination and the indifference interval: implications for a model of the “internal clock.” Psychol Monogr, 77:1-31.
  • Tulving E (2002) Episodic memory: From mind to brain. Annu Rev Psychol, 53:1-25.
  • Vanneste S, Pouthas V (1995) Prospective and retrospective time estimation in elderly people: Comparison with young adults. Psychol Bull, 48:539-543.
  • Vicario CM (2011) Perceiving numbers affect the subjective temporal midpoint. Perception, 40:23-29.
  • Wager TD, Smith EE (2003) Neuroimaging studies of working memory. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 3:255-274.
  • Wearden JH, Edwards H, Fakhri M, Percival A (1998) Why "sounds are judged longer than lights": Application of a model of the internal clock in humans. Q J Exp Psychol B, 51:97-120.
  • Winter B, Marghetis T, Matlock T (2015) Of magnitudes and metaphors: Explaining cognitive interactions between space, time, and number. Cortex, 64:209-224.
  • Winkler I, Fischer K, Kliesow K, Rudolph T, Thiel C, Sedlmeier P (2017) Has it really been that long? Why time seems to speed up with age. Timing Time Percept, 5:168-189.
  • Ivry RB, Keele SW (1989) Timing functions of the cerebellum. J Cogn Neurosci., 1:136-151.
  • Zakay D, Block RA (1997) Temporal cognition. Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 6:12-16.
  • Zakay D, Block RA (2004) Prospective and retrospective duration judgments: An executive-control perspective. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars), 64:319-328.
  • Zakay D (1993) Relative and absolute duration judgments under prospective and retrospective paradigms. Percept Psychophys, 54:656-664.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Derleme

Reyhan Ünver 0000-0002-0332-4057

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

AMA Ünver R. Prospective and Retrospective Timing Processes: Theories and Methods. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Aralık 2023;15(4):613-621. doi:10.18863/pgy.1184137

Creative Commons Lisansı
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.