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Impact of Violence Exposure on Resilience, Emotional Regulation, and Life Satisfaction in Women

Yıl 2023, , 236 - 251, 29.12.2023


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between psychological resilience, cognitive emotion regulation and life satisfaction variables of women who have and have not been exposed to violence. The sample of the study consists of 411 women between the ages of 18-60 living in Turkey with at least literacy level. Sociodemographic data of all participants were collected. Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were used to compare the psychological resilience, cognitive emotion regulation and life satisfaction scores of women who were exposed to violence and those who were not. The scores of the women who were exposed to violence from the Resilience Scale for Adults and the sub-dimension of family adjustment in the scale were lower than those who were not exposed to violence. The scores of the women who were exposed to violence in the sub-dimension of self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing and blaming others were found to be higher than those who did not experience violence, and the scores of the positive reappraisal sub-dimension of the women who were exposed to violence were found to be lower. The Satisfaction With Life Scale scores of the women exposed to violence are significantly lower than the women who are not exposed to violence. It is important to define the sociodemographic characteristics of women who have been subjected to violence, the characteristics of the violence they have experienced, the risk factors and protective factors against violence.


  • Abolghasemi A, Varaniyab ST (2010) Resilience and perceived stress: predictors of life satisfaction in the students of success and failure. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 5:748-752.
  • Akbari B, Sadeghi S, Jahedi ZS (2017) Comparing levels of domestic abuse and emotional regulation of normal women and women exposed to violence. Razavi International Journal of Medicine, 5:e61402.
  • Al-Badayneh DM (2012) Violence against women in Jordan. J Fam Violence, 27:369–379.
  • Arabacı LB, Dikeç G, Buyukbayram A, Uzunoğlu G, Ozan E (2018) Traumatic growth and psychological resilience status of female victims of violence inpatients in a district psychiatric hospital. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 32:568–573.
  • Babu BV, Kar SK (2009) Domestic violence against women in eastern India: a population-based study on prevalence and related issues. BMC Public Health, 9:129.
  • Balci YG, Ayranci U (2005) Physical violence against women: evaluation of women assaulted by spouses. J Clin Forensic Med, 12:258-263.
  • Basar F, Demirci N (2018) Domestic violence against women in Turkey. Pak J Med Sci, 34:660-665.
  • Basile KC, Jones K, Smith SG (2021) Relationships and safety. Emotional and verbal abuse | Office on Women's Health ( (accessed Jan 25)
  • Basım HN, Çetin F (2011) The reliability and validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults-Turkish version. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 22:104-14.
  • Bozyel P (2019) Şiddet görüp görmeme durumuna göre evli kadınların evlilik doyumu ve psikolojik dayanıklılık düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması (Yüksek lisans tezi). Mersin, Toros Üniversitesi.
  • Chen Y, Ullman SE (2010) Women's reporting of sexual and physical assaults to police in the National Violence Against Women Survey. Violence Against Women, 16:262-279.
  • Choudhary E, Coben JH, Bossarte RM (2008) Gender and time differences in the associations between sexual violence victimization, health outcomes, and risk behaviors. Am J Mens Health, 2:254-259.
  • Çivi S, Kutlu R, Marakoğlu K (2008) The frequency of violence against women and the factors affecting this: A study on women who applied to two primary health care centers. Gülhane Medical Journal, 50:110-116.
  • Coker AL, McKeown RE, Sanderson M, Davis KE, Valois RF, Huebner ES (2000) Severe dating violence and quality of life among South Carolina high school students. Am J Prev Med, 19:220-227.
  • Crawford E, Liebling-Kalifani H, Hill V (2009) Women's understanding of the effects of domestic abuse: the impact on their identity, sense of self and resilience. A grounded theory approach. J Int Womens Stud, 11:63-82.
  • Dağlı A, Baysal N (2016) Yaşam doyumu ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(59):1250-1262.
  • Davis RE (2002) "The strongest women": exploration of the inner resources of abused women. Qual Health Res, 12:1248-1263.o
  • Diener E (2009) The Science Of Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener. Dordrecht, Spirnger.
  • Ellsberg M, Jansen HA, Heise L, Watts CH, Garcia-Moreno C (2008) WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women study team. Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: an observational study. Lancet, 371:1165-1172.
  • Ergöçmen BA, Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu İ, Jansen HA (2013) Intimate partner violence and the relation between help-seeking behavior and the severity and frequency of physical violence among women in Turkey. Violence Against Women, 19:1151-1174.
  • Extremera N, Salguero JM, Fernández-Berrocal P (2011) Trait meta-mood and subjective happiness: A 7-week prospective study. J Happiness Stud, 12:509–517.
  • Fanslow J, Robinson E (2004) Violence against women in New Zealand: prevalence and health consequences. N Z Med J, 117:U1173.
  • Fredrickson BL, Cohn MA, Coffey KA, Pek J, Finkel SM (2008) Open hearts build lives: positive emotions, induced through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources. J Pers Soc Psychol, 95:1045-1062.
  • Friborg O, Barlaug D, Martinussen M, Rosenvinge JH, Hjemdal O (2005) Resilience in relation to personality and intelligence. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 14:29-42.
  • Friborg O, Hjemdal O, Rosenvinge JH, Martinussen M (2003) A new rating scale for adult resilience: what are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment? Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 12:65-76.
  • Fugate M, Landis L, Riordan K, Naureckas S, Engel B (2005) Barriers to domestic violence help seeking: implications for intervention. Violence Against Women, 11:290-310.
  • Garcia-Moreno C, Jansen HAFM, Ellsberg M, Heise L, Watts CH (2005) WHO Multi-Country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women. Initial Results on Prevalence, Health Outcomes and Women's Responses. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • Garnefski N, Kraaij V, Spinhoven P (2002) Manual for the Use of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The Netherlands: DATEC, Leiderdorp.
  • Gokdemir O, Tahsin E (2014) Factors that influence the life satisfaction of women living in the Northern Cyprus. Soc Indic Res, 115:1071–1085.
  • Gökmen D (2009) Kadın sığınma evinde yaşayan şiddet görmüş kadınlar ile eşiyle birlikte yaşayan şiddet görmüş kadınlar arasındaki psikolojik dayanıklılık ve bağlanma durumlarının karşılaştırılması (Yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul, Maltepe Üniversitesi.
  • Gopal N, Nunlall R (2017) Interrogating the resilience of women affected by violence. Agenda, 31:63-73.
  • Graber R, Pichon F, Carabine E (2015) Psychological resilience. State of knowledge and future research agendas. Working Paper 425. London, Overseas Development Institute.
  • Haddadi P, Besharat MA (2010) Resilience, vulnerability and mental health. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 5:639-642.
  • Hui V, Constantino RE (2021) The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV)-2007 behavioral risk factor surveillance system. BMC Public Health, 21:641.
  • Hussain H, Hussain S, Zahra S, Hussain T (2020) Prevalence and risk factors of domestic violence and its impacts on women's mental health in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci, 36:627-631.
  • Jain D (2015) Emotional intelligence and its relationship with life satisfaction.
  • Jayasinghe M, Selvanathan EA, Selvanathan S (2021) Are effects of violence on life satisfaction gendered? A case study of Indigenous Australians. J Happiness Stud, 22:71-94.
  • Kavak F, Aktürk Ü, Özdemir A, Gültekin A (2018) The relationship between domestic violence against women and suicide risk. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 32:574-579.
  • Kayha Y, Taskale N (2019) Difficulties in emotion regulation, separation anxiety, and impulsivity as predictors of women’s intimate partner violence experiences. Dusunen Adam, 32:101–112.
  • Koole SL (2009) The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Cogn Emot, 23:4–41.
  • Kotan Z, Kotan VO, Yalvaç HD, Demir S (2020) Association of domestic violence against women with sociodemographic factors, clinical features, and dissociative symptoms in patients who receive services from psychiatric outpatient units in Turkey. J Interpers Violence, 35:2711-2731.
  • Krantz G, Garcia-Moreno C (2005) Violence against women. J Epidemiol Community Health, 59:818-821.
  • Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA, Lozano R, Zwi AB (2002) World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • Kumar A, Haque Nizamie S, Srivastava NK (2013) Violence against women and mental health. Ment Health Prev, 1: 4–10.
  • Leite FMC, Amorim MHC, Wehrmeister FC, Gigante DP (2017) Violence against women, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Rev Saude Publica, 51:33.
  • Liu Y, Wang Z, Li Z (2012) Affective mediators of the influence of neuroticism and resilience on life satisfaction. Pers Individ Dif, 52:833-838.
  • Machisa MT, Christofides N, Jewkes R (2018) Social support factors associated with psychological resilience among women survivors of intimate partner violence in Gauteng, South Africa. Glob Health Action, 11:1491114.
  • Masson VL, Benoudji C, Reyes SS, Bernard G (2019) How violence against women and girls undermines resilience to climate risks in Chad. Disasters, 43:245-270.
  • Michaud Y (1991) Şiddet (Çeviri Ed. C Muhtaroğlu). İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Navarro-Mantas L, de Lemus S, Megías JL (2021) Mental health consequences of intimate partner violence against women in El Salvador. Violence Against Women, 27:2927-2944.
  • Naved RT, Azim S, Bhuiya A, Persson LA (2006) Physical violence by husbands: magnitude, disclosure and help-seeking behavior of women in Bangladesh. Soc Sci Med, 62:2917-299.
  • Nerøien AI, Schei B (2008) Partner violence and health: results from the first national study on violence against women in Norway. Scand J Public Health, 36:161-168.
  • Nguyen DV, Ostergren PO, Krantz G (2008) Intimate partner violence against women in rural Vietnam--different socio-demographic factors are associated with different forms of violence: need for new intervention guidelines? BMC Public Health, 8:55.
  • Onat O, Otrar M (2010) Bilişsel duygu düzenleme ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 31:123–143.
  • Oosthuizen CMT, Wissing MP (2005) Prevalence of violence against women: distress, coping and psychological well-being. Surviving the fire? S Afr J Psychol, 35:637-656.
  • Orozco-Vargas AE, Venebra-Muñoz A, Aguilera-Reyes U, García-López GI (2021) The mediating role of emotion regulation strategies in the relationship between family of origin violence and intimate partner violence. Psicol Reflex Crit, 34:23.
  • Öz F, Bahadır Yılmaz E (2009) Ruh sağlığının korunmasında önemli bir kavram: psikolojik sağlamlık. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 16:82-89.
  • Palmer B, Donaldson C, Stough C (2002) Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Pers Individ Dif, 33:1091–1100.
  • Pavot W, Diener E (2008) The Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Emerging Construct of Life Satisfaction. J Posit Psychol, 3:137-152
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Kadınlarda Şiddete Maruz Kalmanın Psikolojik Dayanıklılık, Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme ve Yaşam Doyumu Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2023, , 236 - 251, 29.12.2023


Bu çalışmada, şiddet gören ve görmeyen kadınların; şiddet gören ve görmeyen kadınların psikolojik dayanıklılık, bilişsel duygu düzenleme ve yaşam doyumu değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemi, Türkiye’de yaşayan 18-60 yaş arası en az okur-yazarlık seviyesinde olan 411 kadından oluşmaktadır. Çalışmaya katılan tüm kadınların sosyodemografik verileri toplanmıştır. Şiddet gören ve görmeyen kadınların psikolojik dayanıklılık, bilişsel duygu düzenleme ve yaşam doyumu puanlarını karşılaştırmak için Yetişkinler İçin Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Ölçeği (YPDÖ), Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği (BDDÖ) ve Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeğinden (YDÖ) yararlanılmıştır. Şiddet gören kadınların Yetişkinler için Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Ölçeği genelinden ve ölçekte yer alan aile uyumu alt boyutundan aldıkları puanların şiddet görmeyenlere göre daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Şiddet gören kadınların kendi suçlama, düşünceye odaklanma, yıkım ve diğerlerini suçlama alt boyutundan aldıkları puanlar şiddet görmeyenlere göre yüksek, pozitif yeniden gözden geçirme alt boyutu puanları ise düşük bulunmuştur. Şiddet gören kadınların Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği puanları ise, şiddet görmeyen kadınlara göre anlamlı düzeyde düşüktür. Şiddet gören kadınların sosyodemografik özelliklerinin, gördükleri şiddete ait özelliklerin, şiddete karşı risk faktörlerinin ve koruyucu faktörlerin tanımlanması önemlidir.


  • Abolghasemi A, Varaniyab ST (2010) Resilience and perceived stress: predictors of life satisfaction in the students of success and failure. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 5:748-752.
  • Akbari B, Sadeghi S, Jahedi ZS (2017) Comparing levels of domestic abuse and emotional regulation of normal women and women exposed to violence. Razavi International Journal of Medicine, 5:e61402.
  • Al-Badayneh DM (2012) Violence against women in Jordan. J Fam Violence, 27:369–379.
  • Arabacı LB, Dikeç G, Buyukbayram A, Uzunoğlu G, Ozan E (2018) Traumatic growth and psychological resilience status of female victims of violence inpatients in a district psychiatric hospital. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 32:568–573.
  • Babu BV, Kar SK (2009) Domestic violence against women in eastern India: a population-based study on prevalence and related issues. BMC Public Health, 9:129.
  • Balci YG, Ayranci U (2005) Physical violence against women: evaluation of women assaulted by spouses. J Clin Forensic Med, 12:258-263.
  • Basar F, Demirci N (2018) Domestic violence against women in Turkey. Pak J Med Sci, 34:660-665.
  • Basile KC, Jones K, Smith SG (2021) Relationships and safety. Emotional and verbal abuse | Office on Women's Health ( (accessed Jan 25)
  • Basım HN, Çetin F (2011) The reliability and validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults-Turkish version. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 22:104-14.
  • Bozyel P (2019) Şiddet görüp görmeme durumuna göre evli kadınların evlilik doyumu ve psikolojik dayanıklılık düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması (Yüksek lisans tezi). Mersin, Toros Üniversitesi.
  • Chen Y, Ullman SE (2010) Women's reporting of sexual and physical assaults to police in the National Violence Against Women Survey. Violence Against Women, 16:262-279.
  • Choudhary E, Coben JH, Bossarte RM (2008) Gender and time differences in the associations between sexual violence victimization, health outcomes, and risk behaviors. Am J Mens Health, 2:254-259.
  • Çivi S, Kutlu R, Marakoğlu K (2008) The frequency of violence against women and the factors affecting this: A study on women who applied to two primary health care centers. Gülhane Medical Journal, 50:110-116.
  • Coker AL, McKeown RE, Sanderson M, Davis KE, Valois RF, Huebner ES (2000) Severe dating violence and quality of life among South Carolina high school students. Am J Prev Med, 19:220-227.
  • Crawford E, Liebling-Kalifani H, Hill V (2009) Women's understanding of the effects of domestic abuse: the impact on their identity, sense of self and resilience. A grounded theory approach. J Int Womens Stud, 11:63-82.
  • Dağlı A, Baysal N (2016) Yaşam doyumu ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(59):1250-1262.
  • Davis RE (2002) "The strongest women": exploration of the inner resources of abused women. Qual Health Res, 12:1248-1263.o
  • Diener E (2009) The Science Of Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener. Dordrecht, Spirnger.
  • Ellsberg M, Jansen HA, Heise L, Watts CH, Garcia-Moreno C (2008) WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women study team. Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: an observational study. Lancet, 371:1165-1172.
  • Ergöçmen BA, Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu İ, Jansen HA (2013) Intimate partner violence and the relation between help-seeking behavior and the severity and frequency of physical violence among women in Turkey. Violence Against Women, 19:1151-1174.
  • Extremera N, Salguero JM, Fernández-Berrocal P (2011) Trait meta-mood and subjective happiness: A 7-week prospective study. J Happiness Stud, 12:509–517.
  • Fanslow J, Robinson E (2004) Violence against women in New Zealand: prevalence and health consequences. N Z Med J, 117:U1173.
  • Fredrickson BL, Cohn MA, Coffey KA, Pek J, Finkel SM (2008) Open hearts build lives: positive emotions, induced through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources. J Pers Soc Psychol, 95:1045-1062.
  • Friborg O, Barlaug D, Martinussen M, Rosenvinge JH, Hjemdal O (2005) Resilience in relation to personality and intelligence. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 14:29-42.
  • Friborg O, Hjemdal O, Rosenvinge JH, Martinussen M (2003) A new rating scale for adult resilience: what are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment? Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 12:65-76.
  • Fugate M, Landis L, Riordan K, Naureckas S, Engel B (2005) Barriers to domestic violence help seeking: implications for intervention. Violence Against Women, 11:290-310.
  • Garcia-Moreno C, Jansen HAFM, Ellsberg M, Heise L, Watts CH (2005) WHO Multi-Country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women. Initial Results on Prevalence, Health Outcomes and Women's Responses. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • Garnefski N, Kraaij V, Spinhoven P (2002) Manual for the Use of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The Netherlands: DATEC, Leiderdorp.
  • Gokdemir O, Tahsin E (2014) Factors that influence the life satisfaction of women living in the Northern Cyprus. Soc Indic Res, 115:1071–1085.
  • Gökmen D (2009) Kadın sığınma evinde yaşayan şiddet görmüş kadınlar ile eşiyle birlikte yaşayan şiddet görmüş kadınlar arasındaki psikolojik dayanıklılık ve bağlanma durumlarının karşılaştırılması (Yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul, Maltepe Üniversitesi.
  • Gopal N, Nunlall R (2017) Interrogating the resilience of women affected by violence. Agenda, 31:63-73.
  • Graber R, Pichon F, Carabine E (2015) Psychological resilience. State of knowledge and future research agendas. Working Paper 425. London, Overseas Development Institute.
  • Haddadi P, Besharat MA (2010) Resilience, vulnerability and mental health. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 5:639-642.
  • Hui V, Constantino RE (2021) The association between life satisfaction, emotional support, and perceived health among women who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV)-2007 behavioral risk factor surveillance system. BMC Public Health, 21:641.
  • Hussain H, Hussain S, Zahra S, Hussain T (2020) Prevalence and risk factors of domestic violence and its impacts on women's mental health in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci, 36:627-631.
  • Jain D (2015) Emotional intelligence and its relationship with life satisfaction.
  • Jayasinghe M, Selvanathan EA, Selvanathan S (2021) Are effects of violence on life satisfaction gendered? A case study of Indigenous Australians. J Happiness Stud, 22:71-94.
  • Kavak F, Aktürk Ü, Özdemir A, Gültekin A (2018) The relationship between domestic violence against women and suicide risk. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 32:574-579.
  • Kayha Y, Taskale N (2019) Difficulties in emotion regulation, separation anxiety, and impulsivity as predictors of women’s intimate partner violence experiences. Dusunen Adam, 32:101–112.
  • Koole SL (2009) The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Cogn Emot, 23:4–41.
  • Kotan Z, Kotan VO, Yalvaç HD, Demir S (2020) Association of domestic violence against women with sociodemographic factors, clinical features, and dissociative symptoms in patients who receive services from psychiatric outpatient units in Turkey. J Interpers Violence, 35:2711-2731.
  • Krantz G, Garcia-Moreno C (2005) Violence against women. J Epidemiol Community Health, 59:818-821.
  • Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA, Lozano R, Zwi AB (2002) World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • Kumar A, Haque Nizamie S, Srivastava NK (2013) Violence against women and mental health. Ment Health Prev, 1: 4–10.
  • Leite FMC, Amorim MHC, Wehrmeister FC, Gigante DP (2017) Violence against women, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Rev Saude Publica, 51:33.
  • Liu Y, Wang Z, Li Z (2012) Affective mediators of the influence of neuroticism and resilience on life satisfaction. Pers Individ Dif, 52:833-838.
  • Machisa MT, Christofides N, Jewkes R (2018) Social support factors associated with psychological resilience among women survivors of intimate partner violence in Gauteng, South Africa. Glob Health Action, 11:1491114.
  • Masson VL, Benoudji C, Reyes SS, Bernard G (2019) How violence against women and girls undermines resilience to climate risks in Chad. Disasters, 43:245-270.
  • Michaud Y (1991) Şiddet (Çeviri Ed. C Muhtaroğlu). İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Navarro-Mantas L, de Lemus S, Megías JL (2021) Mental health consequences of intimate partner violence against women in El Salvador. Violence Against Women, 27:2927-2944.
  • Naved RT, Azim S, Bhuiya A, Persson LA (2006) Physical violence by husbands: magnitude, disclosure and help-seeking behavior of women in Bangladesh. Soc Sci Med, 62:2917-299.
  • Nerøien AI, Schei B (2008) Partner violence and health: results from the first national study on violence against women in Norway. Scand J Public Health, 36:161-168.
  • Nguyen DV, Ostergren PO, Krantz G (2008) Intimate partner violence against women in rural Vietnam--different socio-demographic factors are associated with different forms of violence: need for new intervention guidelines? BMC Public Health, 8:55.
  • Onat O, Otrar M (2010) Bilişsel duygu düzenleme ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 31:123–143.
  • Oosthuizen CMT, Wissing MP (2005) Prevalence of violence against women: distress, coping and psychological well-being. Surviving the fire? S Afr J Psychol, 35:637-656.
  • Orozco-Vargas AE, Venebra-Muñoz A, Aguilera-Reyes U, García-López GI (2021) The mediating role of emotion regulation strategies in the relationship between family of origin violence and intimate partner violence. Psicol Reflex Crit, 34:23.
  • Öz F, Bahadır Yılmaz E (2009) Ruh sağlığının korunmasında önemli bir kavram: psikolojik sağlamlık. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 16:82-89.
  • Palmer B, Donaldson C, Stough C (2002) Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Pers Individ Dif, 33:1091–1100.
  • Pavot W, Diener E (2008) The Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Emerging Construct of Life Satisfaction. J Posit Psychol, 3:137-152
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Araştırma

Nuray Kolbaşı 0000-0002-8461-5592

Hande Söyler 0000-0001-6735-1321

Derya Gök 0000-0003-0494-4669

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 2 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

AMA Kolbaşı N, Söyler H, Gök D. Impact of Violence Exposure on Resilience, Emotional Regulation, and Life Satisfaction in Women. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Aralık 2023;15(Supplement 1):236-251. doi:10.18863/pgy.1260948

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.