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Neuroimaging in Antisocial Personality Disorder

Yıl 2015, , 98 - 108, 01.03.2015


Neuroimaging has been used in antisocial personality disorder since the invention of computed tomography and new modalities are introduced as technology advances. Magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging and radionuclide imaging are such techniques that are currently used in neuroimaging. Although neuroimaging is an indispensible tool for psychiatric reseach, its clinical utility is questionable until new modalities become more accessible and regularly used in clinical practice. The aim of this paper is to provide clinicians with an introductory knowledge on neuroimaging in antisocial personality disorder including basic physics principles, current contributions to general understanding of pathophysiology in antisocial personality disorder and possible future applications of neuroimaging.


  • Aharoni E, Funk C, Sinnott-Amstrong W, Gazzaniga M (2008) Can neurological evidence help courts assess criminal responsibility? Lessons from law and neuroscience. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1124:145-160.
  • American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Bassarath L (2001) Neuroimaging studies of antisocial behavior. Can J Psychiatry, 46: 728-732.
  • Benning TB (2003) Neuroimaging psychopathy: lessons from lombroso. Br J Psychiatry, 183:563-564.
  • Bjork JM, Chen G, Hommer DW (2012) Psychopathic tendencies and mesolimbic recruitment by cues for instrumental and passively-obtained reward. Biol Psychol, 89:408-415.
  • Blair RJR (2007) The amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in morality and psychopathy. Trends Cogn Sci, 11:387-392.
  • Blair RJR (2008) The amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex: functional contributions and dysfunction in psychopathy. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 363:2557-2565.
  • Blair RJR (2010) Neuroimaging of psychopathy and antisocial behavior: a targeted review. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 12:76-82.
  • Boes AD, Tranel D, Anderson SW, Nopoulos P (2008) Right anterior cinulate cortex volume is a neuroanatomical correlate of agression and defiance in boys. Behav Neurosci, 122:677-684.
  • Bushong SC (2003) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical and Biological Principles, 3rd ed. St.Louis, Mosby.
  • Crowe SL, Blair RJR (2008) The development of antisoial behavior: what can we learn from functional neuroimaging studies? Dev Psychopathol, 20: 1145-1159.
  • De Brito SA, Mechelli A, Wilke M, Laurens KR, Jones AP, Barker JG et al. (2009) Size matters: increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. Brain,132: 843-852.
  • Deeley Q, Daly E, Surguladze S, Tunstall N, Mezey G, Beer D et al. (2010) Facial emotion processing in criminal psychopathy: preliminary functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Br J Psychiatry, 189:533-539.
  • Fairchild G, Hagan CC, Nicholas DW, Luca P, Calder AJ, Goodyer IM (2013) Brain structure abnormalities in adolescent girls with conduct disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 54:86-95.
  • Finger CE, Marsh A, Blair SK, Majestic K, Evangelou I, Gupta K et al. (2012) Impaired functional but preserved structural connectivity in limbic white matter tracts in youth with conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder plus psychopathic traits. Psychiatry Res, 202:239-244.
  • Finger EC, Marsh AA, Blair KS, Reid EM, Sims C, Ng P et al. (2011) Disrupted reinforcement signling in orbital frontal cortex and caudate in youths with conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder and high psychopathic traits. Am J Psychiatry, 168:152- 162.
  • Fullam RS, McKie S, Dolan MC (2009) Psychopathic traits and deception: functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Br J Psychiatry, 194:229-235.
  • Gelder M, Harrison P, Cowen P (2006) Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th ed. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Gleen AL, Raine A, Yralian PS, Yang Y (2010) Increased volume of the striatum in psychopathic individuals. Biol Psychiatry, 67:52- 58.
  • Gleen AL, Yang Y, Raine A, Coletti P (2010) No volumetric diffirences in the anterior cingulate of psychopathic individuals. Psychiatry Res, 183:140-143.
  • Glenn AL, Raine A (2008) The neurobiology of psychopathy. Psychiatr Clin North Am, 31:463-475.
  • Gregory S, ffytche D, Simmons A, Kumari A, Howard M, Hodgins S et al. (2012) The antisocial brain: psychopathy matters. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 69:962-972.
  • Grossman RI, Yousem DM (2009) Neuroloradiology: The Requisites, 2nd ed. India, Mosby.
  • Hucker S, Langevin R, Dickey R, Handy L, Chambers J, Wright S et al. (1988) Cerebral damage and dysfunction in sexually agressive men. Sex Abuse, 1: 33-47.
  • Hucker S, Langevin R, Wortzman G, Bain J, Handy L, Chambers J et al. (1986) Neuropsychological impairment in pedophiles. Can J Behav Sci, 18: 440-448.
  • Intarator J, Hare R, Stritzke P, Brichtswein K, Dorfman D, Harpur T (1997) A brain imaging SPECT study of semantic and affective processing in psychopaths. Biol Psychiatry, 42:96-103.
  • Langevin R, Ben-Aron M, Wortzman G, Dickey R, Handy L (1987) Brain damage diagnosis and substance abuse among violent offenders. Behav Sci Law, 5:77-94.
  • Langevin R, Wortzman G, Dickey R, Wright P, Handy L (1988) Neuropsycological impairment in incest offenders. Sex Abuse, 1:401-415.
  • Langevin R, Lang R, Wortzman G, Frenzel R, Wright P (1989a) An examination of brain damage and dysfunction in genital exhibitionists. Sex Abuse, 2:77-87.
  • Langevin R, Wortzman G, Wright P, Handy L (1989b) Studies of brain damage and dysfunction in sex offenders. Sex Abuse, 2:163- 179.
  • Lee TM, Chan SC, Raine A (2008) Strong limbic and weak frontal activation to aggressive stimuli in spouse abusers. Mol Psychiatry, 13:655-656.
  • Marsh A, Finger CE, Fowler KA, Jurkowitz ITN, Schechter JC, Yu HH et al. (2011) Reduced amygdala-orbitofrontal connectivity during moral judgments in youths with disruptive behavior disorders and psychopathic traits. Psychiatry Res, 194:279-286.
  • Motzkin JC, Newman JP, Kiehl KA, Koenigs M (2011) Reduced prefrontal connectivity in psychopathy. J Neurosci, 48:17348-17357.
  • Rubia K, Smith AB, Halari R, Matsukura F, Mohammad M, Taylor E et al.(2009) Disorder-spesific dissociation oforbitofrontl dysfunction in boys with pure conduct disorder during reward and ventrolateral prefrontal dysfunction in boys with pure ADHD during sustained attention. Am J Psychiatry, 166:83-94.
  • Sheng T, Gheytanchi A, Aziz-Zadeh L (2010) Default network deactivations are correlated with psychopathic personality traits. PLoS One, 5:e12611.
  • Soderstrom H, Hultin L, Tullberg M, Wikkelso C, Ekholm S, Forsman A (2002) Reduced frontotemporal perfusion in psychopathic personality. Psychiatry Res, 1142:81-94.
  • Strenziok M, Krueger F, Pulaski SJ, Openshaw AW, Zamboni G, van der Meer E et al. (2010) Lower lateral orbitofrontal cortex density associated with more frequent exposure to television and movie violence in male adolescents. J Adolesc Health, 46:607-609.
  • Taymur İ, Türkçapar M (2012) Kişilik: tanımı, sınıflaması ve değerlendirmesi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 4:154-177.
  • Texada JC, Singh S (2010) Magnetic resonance ımaging. In Radiology Specialty Board Review (Ed CL Canon):149–159. New York, McGraw Hill.
  • Tonkogony J (1991) Violence and temporal lobe lesion: head CT and MRI data. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 3:189-196.
  • Tuncel E (2008) Klinik Radyoloji, 2nd ed. İstanbul, Nobel.
  • Verona E, Patrick CJ, Joiner TE (2001) Psychopathy, antisocial personality, and suicide risk. J Abnorm Psychol, 110:462-470.
  • Wallace GL, Shaw P, Lee RN, Clasen LS, Raznahan A, Lenroot RK et al. (2012) Distinct cortical correlates of autistic versus antisocial traits in a longitudinal sample of typically developing youth. J Neurosci, 32:4856-4860.
  • Wright P, Nobrega J, Langevin R, Wortzman G (1990) Brain density and symmetry in pedophilic and sexually agressive offenders. Sex Abuse, 3:319-328.
  • Yang Y, Raine A, Coletti P, Toga WA, Narr LK (2011) Abnormal structural correlates of response perseveration in indivudals with psychopathy. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 23:107-110.
  • Yang Y, Raine A, Narr LK, Coletti P, Toga WA (2009) Localization of deformations within the amygdala in individuals with psychopaty. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 66:986-994.
  • Yang Y, Raine A (2009) Prefrontal structurel and functional brain imaging findings in antisocial, violent and psychopathic individuals: a meta-analysis. Psychiatry Res, 174:81-88.

Antisosyal Kişilik Bozukluğunda Nörogörüntüleme

Yıl 2015, , 98 - 108, 01.03.2015


Antisosyal kişilik bozuklukluğu olan olgularda nörogörüntüleme, bilgisayarlı tomografinin uygulamaya girmesinden bu yana gündemde olan bir konudur. Teknolojinin ilerlemesi ile birlikte daha yeni görüntüleme modaliteleri kullanıma sunulmuş olup magnetik rezonans görüntüleme, magnetik rezonans spektroskopi, difüzyon tensör görüntüleme, fonksiyonel magnetic rezonans görüntüleme ve radyonüklid görüntüleme konunun araştırılmasında kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Psikiyatrik araştırmalarda nörogörüntüleme eşsiz bir araç olmakla birlikte, yeni modaliteler daha kolay ulaşılabilir ve elde edilen veriler daha kolay yorumlanabilir ve tedaviyi yönlendirebilecek nitelikte olana dek klinik pratikte kullanım alanı bulma ihtimali azdır. Bu yazının amacı klinisyene antisosyal kişilik bozukluğunda kullanılan görüntüleme yöntemlerinin temel fizik prensipleri, bu olgulardaki patofizyolojinin anlaşılmasına mevcut katkıları ve gelecekte olası kullanım alanlarından oluşan nörogörüntülemeye giriş seviyesinde bilgiler sunmaktır.


  • Aharoni E, Funk C, Sinnott-Amstrong W, Gazzaniga M (2008) Can neurological evidence help courts assess criminal responsibility? Lessons from law and neuroscience. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1124:145-160.
  • American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Bassarath L (2001) Neuroimaging studies of antisocial behavior. Can J Psychiatry, 46: 728-732.
  • Benning TB (2003) Neuroimaging psychopathy: lessons from lombroso. Br J Psychiatry, 183:563-564.
  • Bjork JM, Chen G, Hommer DW (2012) Psychopathic tendencies and mesolimbic recruitment by cues for instrumental and passively-obtained reward. Biol Psychol, 89:408-415.
  • Blair RJR (2007) The amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in morality and psychopathy. Trends Cogn Sci, 11:387-392.
  • Blair RJR (2008) The amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex: functional contributions and dysfunction in psychopathy. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 363:2557-2565.
  • Blair RJR (2010) Neuroimaging of psychopathy and antisocial behavior: a targeted review. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 12:76-82.
  • Boes AD, Tranel D, Anderson SW, Nopoulos P (2008) Right anterior cinulate cortex volume is a neuroanatomical correlate of agression and defiance in boys. Behav Neurosci, 122:677-684.
  • Bushong SC (2003) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical and Biological Principles, 3rd ed. St.Louis, Mosby.
  • Crowe SL, Blair RJR (2008) The development of antisoial behavior: what can we learn from functional neuroimaging studies? Dev Psychopathol, 20: 1145-1159.
  • De Brito SA, Mechelli A, Wilke M, Laurens KR, Jones AP, Barker JG et al. (2009) Size matters: increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. Brain,132: 843-852.
  • Deeley Q, Daly E, Surguladze S, Tunstall N, Mezey G, Beer D et al. (2010) Facial emotion processing in criminal psychopathy: preliminary functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Br J Psychiatry, 189:533-539.
  • Fairchild G, Hagan CC, Nicholas DW, Luca P, Calder AJ, Goodyer IM (2013) Brain structure abnormalities in adolescent girls with conduct disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 54:86-95.
  • Finger CE, Marsh A, Blair SK, Majestic K, Evangelou I, Gupta K et al. (2012) Impaired functional but preserved structural connectivity in limbic white matter tracts in youth with conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder plus psychopathic traits. Psychiatry Res, 202:239-244.
  • Finger EC, Marsh AA, Blair KS, Reid EM, Sims C, Ng P et al. (2011) Disrupted reinforcement signling in orbital frontal cortex and caudate in youths with conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder and high psychopathic traits. Am J Psychiatry, 168:152- 162.
  • Fullam RS, McKie S, Dolan MC (2009) Psychopathic traits and deception: functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Br J Psychiatry, 194:229-235.
  • Gelder M, Harrison P, Cowen P (2006) Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th ed. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Gleen AL, Raine A, Yralian PS, Yang Y (2010) Increased volume of the striatum in psychopathic individuals. Biol Psychiatry, 67:52- 58.
  • Gleen AL, Yang Y, Raine A, Coletti P (2010) No volumetric diffirences in the anterior cingulate of psychopathic individuals. Psychiatry Res, 183:140-143.
  • Glenn AL, Raine A (2008) The neurobiology of psychopathy. Psychiatr Clin North Am, 31:463-475.
  • Gregory S, ffytche D, Simmons A, Kumari A, Howard M, Hodgins S et al. (2012) The antisocial brain: psychopathy matters. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 69:962-972.
  • Grossman RI, Yousem DM (2009) Neuroloradiology: The Requisites, 2nd ed. India, Mosby.
  • Hucker S, Langevin R, Dickey R, Handy L, Chambers J, Wright S et al. (1988) Cerebral damage and dysfunction in sexually agressive men. Sex Abuse, 1: 33-47.
  • Hucker S, Langevin R, Wortzman G, Bain J, Handy L, Chambers J et al. (1986) Neuropsychological impairment in pedophiles. Can J Behav Sci, 18: 440-448.
  • Intarator J, Hare R, Stritzke P, Brichtswein K, Dorfman D, Harpur T (1997) A brain imaging SPECT study of semantic and affective processing in psychopaths. Biol Psychiatry, 42:96-103.
  • Langevin R, Ben-Aron M, Wortzman G, Dickey R, Handy L (1987) Brain damage diagnosis and substance abuse among violent offenders. Behav Sci Law, 5:77-94.
  • Langevin R, Wortzman G, Dickey R, Wright P, Handy L (1988) Neuropsycological impairment in incest offenders. Sex Abuse, 1:401-415.
  • Langevin R, Lang R, Wortzman G, Frenzel R, Wright P (1989a) An examination of brain damage and dysfunction in genital exhibitionists. Sex Abuse, 2:77-87.
  • Langevin R, Wortzman G, Wright P, Handy L (1989b) Studies of brain damage and dysfunction in sex offenders. Sex Abuse, 2:163- 179.
  • Lee TM, Chan SC, Raine A (2008) Strong limbic and weak frontal activation to aggressive stimuli in spouse abusers. Mol Psychiatry, 13:655-656.
  • Marsh A, Finger CE, Fowler KA, Jurkowitz ITN, Schechter JC, Yu HH et al. (2011) Reduced amygdala-orbitofrontal connectivity during moral judgments in youths with disruptive behavior disorders and psychopathic traits. Psychiatry Res, 194:279-286.
  • Motzkin JC, Newman JP, Kiehl KA, Koenigs M (2011) Reduced prefrontal connectivity in psychopathy. J Neurosci, 48:17348-17357.
  • Rubia K, Smith AB, Halari R, Matsukura F, Mohammad M, Taylor E et al.(2009) Disorder-spesific dissociation oforbitofrontl dysfunction in boys with pure conduct disorder during reward and ventrolateral prefrontal dysfunction in boys with pure ADHD during sustained attention. Am J Psychiatry, 166:83-94.
  • Sheng T, Gheytanchi A, Aziz-Zadeh L (2010) Default network deactivations are correlated with psychopathic personality traits. PLoS One, 5:e12611.
  • Soderstrom H, Hultin L, Tullberg M, Wikkelso C, Ekholm S, Forsman A (2002) Reduced frontotemporal perfusion in psychopathic personality. Psychiatry Res, 1142:81-94.
  • Strenziok M, Krueger F, Pulaski SJ, Openshaw AW, Zamboni G, van der Meer E et al. (2010) Lower lateral orbitofrontal cortex density associated with more frequent exposure to television and movie violence in male adolescents. J Adolesc Health, 46:607-609.
  • Taymur İ, Türkçapar M (2012) Kişilik: tanımı, sınıflaması ve değerlendirmesi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 4:154-177.
  • Texada JC, Singh S (2010) Magnetic resonance ımaging. In Radiology Specialty Board Review (Ed CL Canon):149–159. New York, McGraw Hill.
  • Tonkogony J (1991) Violence and temporal lobe lesion: head CT and MRI data. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 3:189-196.
  • Tuncel E (2008) Klinik Radyoloji, 2nd ed. İstanbul, Nobel.
  • Verona E, Patrick CJ, Joiner TE (2001) Psychopathy, antisocial personality, and suicide risk. J Abnorm Psychol, 110:462-470.
  • Wallace GL, Shaw P, Lee RN, Clasen LS, Raznahan A, Lenroot RK et al. (2012) Distinct cortical correlates of autistic versus antisocial traits in a longitudinal sample of typically developing youth. J Neurosci, 32:4856-4860.
  • Wright P, Nobrega J, Langevin R, Wortzman G (1990) Brain density and symmetry in pedophilic and sexually agressive offenders. Sex Abuse, 3:319-328.
  • Yang Y, Raine A, Coletti P, Toga WA, Narr LK (2011) Abnormal structural correlates of response perseveration in indivudals with psychopathy. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 23:107-110.
  • Yang Y, Raine A, Narr LK, Coletti P, Toga WA (2009) Localization of deformations within the amygdala in individuals with psychopaty. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 66:986-994.
  • Yang Y, Raine A (2009) Prefrontal structurel and functional brain imaging findings in antisocial, violent and psychopathic individuals: a meta-analysis. Psychiatry Res, 174:81-88.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

Abdullah Yıldırım

Derya Türeli Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

AMA Yıldırım A, Türeli D. Antisosyal Kişilik Bozukluğunda Nörogörüntüleme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Mart 2015;7(1):98-108. doi:10.5455/cap.20140607062145

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.