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Interventions for Remarried Families

Yıl 2024, , 494 - 504, 30.09.2024


Remarried families become widespread as a type of family that differs from first marriages both developmentally and structurally. Due to its developmental and structural differences, both the quality and continuity of this families emerge as areas that need to be studied. To offer effective interventions to remarried families, researchers and practitioners in the field of mental health should have access to knowledge on this subject. The literature on remarried families emphasizes biological, non-biological and co-parenting related issues. The expectations, knowledge and perceptions of both the married couple, the children and the surrounding social environment of the remarried family is another important issue. Communication, problem solving, and conflict management can be an important tool in strengthening relationships and preventing negative experiences for families established through remarriage. It is seen that the interventions that deal with the mentioned characteristics of families formed through remarriage are given in the form of group practices, adopting a preventive approach, supported by practices that point to skill acquisition in addition to providing information. Programs offered for families formed through remarriage share commonalities such as remarried family development, parenting skills, communication and problem-solving skills. The effectiveness of interventions for remarriage has been tested by various studies conducted since the late 1970s. While testing the effectiveness of such interventions, it is seen that different outcome variables such as family integrity, dyadic satisfaction, relationship quality, marital continuity, conflict level, stress level and behavioral disorders experienced by family members are considered. Research findings show that interventions for remarriage are effective.


  • Adler-Baeder F (2001) Smart Steps: For Adults and Children in Stepfamilies. Lincoln, NE: Stepfamily Association of America.
  • Adler‐Baeder F, Higginbotham B (2004) Implications of remarriage and stepfamily formation for marriage education. Fam Relat, 53:448-458.
  • Adler‐Baeder F, Higginbotham B, Lamke L (2004) Putting empirical knowledge to work: Linking research and programming on marital quality. Fam Relat, 53:537-546.
  • Adler-Baeder F, Robertson A, Schramm DG (2010) Conceptual framework for marriage education programs for stepfamily couples with considerations for socioeconomic context. Marriage Fam Rev, 46:300-322.
  • Ahrons C (2004) What grown children say about their parents' divorce. Child Leg Rights J, 24:48-51.
  • Bernstein AC (2000) Remarriage: redesigning couplehood. Couples on the Fault Line: New Directions for Therapists (Ed P Papp):284-311. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Bielenberg LT (1991) A task-centered preventive group approach to create cohesion in the new stepfamily: A preliminary evaluation. Res Soc Work Pract, 1:416-433.
  • Bosch G, Gebeke DR, Meske CM (1992) Stepping Together. Fargo, North Dakota State University Extension Service.
  • Bradbury TN, Fincham FD, Beach SR (2000) Research on the nature and determinants of marital satisfaction: A decade in review. J Marriage Fam, 62:964-980.
  • Bradbury TN, Karney BR (2004) Understanding and altering the longitudinal course of marriage. J Marriage Fam, 66:862-879.
  • Brady CA, Ambler J (1982) Therapy with remarriage families: X. Use of group educational techniques with remarried couples. Family Therapy Collections , 2:145-157.
  • Bramlett MD, Mosher WD (2001) First marriage dissolution, divorce, and remarriage: United States. Advanced Data, 323:1-20.
  • Bramlett MD, Mosher WD (2002) Cohabitation, marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the United States. Vital Health Stat 23, 22:1-93.
  • Bray JH, Kelly J (1998) Stepfamilies: Love, Marriage, and Parenting in the First Decade. New York, Broadway Books.
  • Bumpass LL, Sweet JA (1972) Differentials in marital instability: 1970. Am Sociol Rev, 37:754-766.
  • Bumpass L, Sweet J, Martin TC (1990) Changing patterns of remarriage. J Marriage Fam, 52:747-756.
  • Canel AN (2011) Evlilik ve Aile Hayatı. Ankara, Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı.
  • Chidwick A (1994) New Beginnings: A Remarriage Preparation Program Manual [Facilitator’s guide]. King City, Ontario, Family Life Education Services.
  • Cihan FG (2020) Aile yaşam döngüsü. Konuralp Medical Journal, 12:313-315.
  • Clarke SC, Wilson BF (1994) The relative stability of remarriages: A cohort approach using vital statistics. Fam Relat, 305-310.
  • Cohen JD, Fowers BJ (2004) Blood, sweat, and tears: Biological ties and self-investment as sources of positive illusions about children and stepchildren. J Divorce Remarriage, 42:39-59.
  • Coleman M, Ganong LH, Goodwin C (1994) The presentation of stepfamilies in marriage and family textbooks: A reexamination. Fam Relat, 289-297.
  • Coleman M, Ganong L, Fine MA (2000) Reinvestigating remarriage: Another decade of progress. J Marriage Fam, 62:1288–1307.
  • Cuddeby GW (1984) The effects of stepparent education on perceived family cohesion, organization, and conflict. (Doctoral dissertation). Tempei, AZ, Arizona State University.
  • Currier C (1982) Learning to Step Together: A Course for Stepfamily Adults. Palo Alto, CA, Stepfamily Association of America.
  • Çamur-Duyan G (2003) Aile yaşam döngüsü ve gelişimsel farklılıklar. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 14:33-41.
  • Çobanoğlu A ve Tek S (2021) Türkiye’de yeniden evlenme olgusu: Cinsiyet ve psikososyal değişkenler bağlamında bir değerlendirme. OPUS International Journal of Society Research, 18:8092-8118.
  • Dallos R (1991) Family Belief Systems, Therapy and Change: A Constructional Approach. Maidenhead, UK, Open University Press.
  • De Graaf PM, Kalmijn M (2003) Alternative routes in the remarriage market: Competing-risk analyses of union formation after divorce. Soc Forces, 81:1459-1498.
  • Demirci SM (2015) Toplumsal cinsiyet açısından yeniden evlenmeler: kadınlar ve erkekler gözünden niteliksel bir inceleme. (Yüksek lisans tezi). Ankara, Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Dewilde C, Uunk W (2008) Remarriage as a way to overcome the financial consequences of divorce—A test of the economic need hypothesis for European women. Eur Sociol Rev, 24:393-407.
  • Duncan SF, Brown G (1992) RENEW: A program for building remarried family strengths. Fam Soc, 73:149-158.
  • Ellis AJ (1984) Second time around: A preventive intervention for remarried couples. Aust J Sex Marriage And Fam, 5:139-146.
  • Falke SI, Larson JH (2007) Premarital predictors of remarital quality: Implications for clinicians. Contemp Fam Ther, 29:9-23.
  • Fausel DF (1995) Stress inoculation training for stepcouples. Marriage Fam Rev, 21:137-155.
  • Forgatch MS, DeGarmo DS, Beldavs ZG (2005) An efficacious theory-based intervention for stepfamilies. Behav Ther, 36:357-365.
  • Ganong L, Coleman M, Fine M, Martin P (1999) Stepparents' affinity-seeking and affinity-maintaining strategies with stepchildren. J Fam Issues, 20:299-327.
  • Ganong LH, Coleman M (2004) Stepfamily Relationships. Development, Dynamics, and Interventions. New York, Springer.
  • Gibbard S (1998) The effectiveness of an eightweek psychoeducational seminar on family environment and marital satisfaction in stepfamilies.(Doctoral dissertation). Oxford, Mississippi, University of Mississippi,
  • Golish TD (2003) Stepfamily communication strengths: Understanding the ties that bind. Hum Commun Res, 29:41-80.
  • Gottman JM, Levenson RW (2000) The timing of divorce: Predicting when a couple will divorce over a 14‐year period. J Marriage Fam, 62:737-745.
  • Güler D, Ulutak N (1992) Aile kavramının tarihsel gelişimi ve Türk toplum yaşantısında aile. Kurgu Dergisi, 11:51-76.
  • Halford WK, Markman HJ, Kline GH, Stanley SM (2003) Best practice in couple relationship education. J Marital Fam Ther, 29:385–406.
  • Halford K, Nicholson J, Sanders M (2007) Couple communication in stepfamilies. Fam Process, 46:471-483.
  • Henderson H (2001) Impact of a court-ordered psychoeducational course on stepfamily adaptability and cohesion. (Doctoral dissertation). Terre Haute, IN, Indiana State University,
  • Hetherington EM, Kelly J (2002). For Better or For Worse. New York, Norton.
  • Higbie D (1994) Empowering stepfamilies: Evaluation of an educational curriculum for stepfamily couples. (Doctoral dissertation). Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette University,
  • Kreider RM (2005) Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2001. Report Number P70-97. Washington DC, US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau
  • Kreider RM, Fields JM (2002) Number, timing, and duration of marriages and divorces: 1996. (No. 80). Washington DC, US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau.
  • Lawton JM, Sanders MR (1994) Designing effective behavioral family interventions for stepfamilies. Clin Psychol Rev, 14:463-496.
  • Leon K, Angst E (2005) Portrayals of stepfamilies in film: Using media images in remarriage education. Fam Relat, 54:3-23.
  • Levant RF, Nelson W (1984) Skills Training for Stepparents. A Personal Developmental Approach [Leader’s guide]. Boston, Boston University.
  • Lucier‐Greer M, Adler‐Baeder F, Harcourt KT, Gregson KD (2014) Relationship education for stepcouples reporting relationship instability—Evaluation of the Smart Steps: Embrace the Journey curriculum. J Marital Fam Ther, 40:454-469.
  • Mavili-Aktaş A (2002) Aile terapisinin gelişimi ve ruh sağlığı alanındaki yeri. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 13:116-122.
  • Mandell D, Birenzweig E (1990) Stepfamilies: A model for group work with remarried couples and their children. J Divorce Remarriage, 14:29-42.
  • Messinger L, Walker KN, Freeman SJ (1978) Preparation for remarriage following divorce: the use of group techniques. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 48:263.
  • Michaels ML (2006) Factors that contribute to stepfamily success: A qualitative analysis. J Divorce Remarriage, 44:53-66.
  • Moore KA, Jekielek SM, Bronte-Tinkew J, Guzman L, Ryan S, Redd Z (2004) What is a “healthy marriage”? Defining the concept. Child Trends Research Brief, 16:1-8.
  • Nadler JH (1983) Effecting change in stepfamilies: A psychodynamic/behavioral group approach. Am J Psychother, 37:100–112.
  • Nelson WP, Levant RF (1991) An evaluation of a skills training program for parents in stepfamilies. Fam Relat, 40:291-296.
  • Nicholson JM, Sanders MR (1999) Randomized controlled trial of behavioral family intervention for the treatment of child behavior problems in stepfamilies. J Divorce Remarriage, 30:1-23.
  • Olsen C (1997) Stepping stones for stepfamilies [Training guide]. Manhattan, Kansas State University.
  • Papernow PL (2008) A clinician’s view of “stepfamily architecture”: Strategies for meeting the challenges. In The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clinical Environments (Ed J Pryor): 423–454. New York, Wiley.
  • Papernow P (2017) Clinical guidelines for working with stepfamilies: What family, couple, individual and child therapists need to know. Fam Process. 57:25-51.
  • Pasley K, Lee M (2010) Stress and coping within the context of stepfamily life. In Families and Change: Coping with Stressful Events and Transitions, 4th edition (Eds SJ Price. CA Price, PC McKenry):235-261. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
  • Pill CJ (1981) A family life education group for working with stepparents. Soc Casework, 62:159-166.
  • Prado LM, Markman HJ (1999) Unearthing the seeds of marital distress: What we have learned from married and remarried couples. In Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences (Eds MJ Cox, J Brooks-Gunn):51-85. Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Schramm DG, Marshall JP, Harris VW, Lee TR (2012) Religiosity, homogamy, and marital adjustment: An examination of newlyweds in first marriages and remarriages. J Fam Issues, 33:246-268.
  • Stanton GW (1986) Preventive intervention with stepfamilies. Soc Work, 31:201-206.
  • Stroup M (1982) A preliminary study comparing two structured group treatments for stepfamilies: Couple/family treatment and family treatment. (Doctoral dissertation). Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University,
  • Sullivan-Schoppe SJ, Schermerhorn CA, Cummings ME (2007) Marital conflict and children’s adjustment. J Marriage Fam, 69:1118-1134.
  • Sülü-Akgül C (2020) Yeniden yapılanan ailelerde ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik aile danışmanlığı bağlamında yeni bir model önerisi. (Doktora tezi). Yalova, Yalova Üniversitesi.
  • Sülü-Akgül C, Yıldız R (2022) Yeniden yapılanan ailelerin tanınması ve yaşanılan başlıca güçlük alanlarının belirlenmesi. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 15:449-476.
  • Taylor C, Taylor G (2003) Designing Dynamic Stepfamilies: Bringing the Pieces to Peace [Comprehensive study guide]. Enumclaw, WA, WinePress
  • Trone CL (2002) The effect of normative stepfamily information on level of perceived stepfamily adjustment. Terre Haute, IN, Indiana State University.
  • Turgut F (2017) Tarihsel süreçte aile kurumunun dönüşümü ve geleceğine yönelik çıkarımlar. Medeniyet ve Toplum Dergisi, 1:93-117.
  • van Eeden-Moorefield B, Pasley BK (2013) Remarriage and stepfamily life. In Handbook of Marriage and the Family (Eds GW Peterson, KR Bush):517-546. Boston, MA, Springer US.
  • Visher EB, Visher JS (1997) Stepping Together: Creating Strong Stepfamilies [Leader’s Manual]. Lincoln, NE, Stepfamily Association of America
  • Visher EB, Visher JS, Pasley K (2003) Remarriage families and stepparenting. In Normal Family Processes: Growing Diversity and Complexity 3rd ed. (Ed F Walsh):153-175. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Walsh WM (1992) Twenty major issues in remarriage families. J Couns Devel, 70:709-715.
  • Webber RP, Sharpley CF, Rowley GL (1988) Living in a stepfamily. Aust J Sex Marriage Fam, 9:21-29.
  • White LK, Booth A (1985) The quality and stability of remarriages: The role of stepchildren. Am Sociol Rev, 689-698.
  • Whitton SW, Nicholson JM, Markman HJ (2008) Research on interventions for stepfamily couples: The state of the field. The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clinical Environments (Ed J Pryor):455–484. New York, Wiley.

Yeniden Evlilikler Yoluyla Oluşan Ailelere Yönelik Müdahaleler

Yıl 2024, , 494 - 504, 30.09.2024


Yeniden evlilik yoluyla oluşan aileler, gerek gelişimsel gerekse yapısal olarak ilk evliliklerden farklılaşan bir aile türü olarak yaygınlaşmaktadır. Gelişimsel ve yapısal farklılıklarından dolayı ailenin gerek nitelik gerekse süreklilik özellikleri çalışılması gereken alanlar olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yeniden evlilikler yoluyla oluşan ailelere etkili müdahaleler sunabilmek için ruh sağlığı alanlarındaki araştırmacı ve uygulamacıların bu konuda bilgi birikimine ulaşımı önem taşımaktadır. Yeniden evlilikler yoluyla oluşan ailelere ilişkin literatüre bakıldığında; biyolojik olan, biyolojik olmayan ve ortak ebeveynlikle ilgili konuların vurgulandığı görülmektedir. Hem evlenen çift, hem çocuklar, hem de içinde bulunulan sosyal çevrenin yeniden evlilik yoluyla oluşan aileye ilişkin beklenti, bilgi ve algıları bir diğer önemli konu olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. İletişim, problem çözme, çatışma yönetimi gibi genel beceriler yeniden evlilik yoluyla kurulan aileler için ilişkilerin güçlendirilmesinde ve olumsuz deneyimlerin önlenmesinde önemli bir araç olabilmektedir. Yeniden evlilikler yoluyla oluşan ailelerin söz konusu özelliklerinin ele alındığı müdahalelerin önleyici bir yaklaşım benimsenerek, bilgi sunulmasına ek olarak beceri kazanımına işaret eden uygulamalarla desteklenerek, grupla yapılan uygulamalar şeklinde verildiği görülmektedir. Yeniden evlilik yoluyla oluşan ailelere yönelik olarak sunulan programların; yeniden evlilik yoluyla oluşan aile gelişimi, ebeveynlik becerileri, iletişim ve problem çözme becerileri gibi ortaklıkları paylaştığı görülmektedir. 1970lerin sonlarından itibaren yürütülen çeşitli araştırmalar ile yeniden evliliklere yönelik müdahalelerin etkililiği test edilmektedir. Bu tür müdahalelerin etkililiği test edilirken aile bütünlüğü, çift doyumu, ilişki kalitesi, evliliğin sürekliliği, çatışma düzeyi, aile üyelerinin yaşadığı stres düzeyi ve davranış bozuklukları gibi farklı sonuç değişkenlerinin ele alındığı görülmektedir. Araştırma bulguları, yeniden evliliklere yönelik müdahalelerin etkili olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Adler-Baeder F (2001) Smart Steps: For Adults and Children in Stepfamilies. Lincoln, NE: Stepfamily Association of America.
  • Adler‐Baeder F, Higginbotham B (2004) Implications of remarriage and stepfamily formation for marriage education. Fam Relat, 53:448-458.
  • Adler‐Baeder F, Higginbotham B, Lamke L (2004) Putting empirical knowledge to work: Linking research and programming on marital quality. Fam Relat, 53:537-546.
  • Adler-Baeder F, Robertson A, Schramm DG (2010) Conceptual framework for marriage education programs for stepfamily couples with considerations for socioeconomic context. Marriage Fam Rev, 46:300-322.
  • Ahrons C (2004) What grown children say about their parents' divorce. Child Leg Rights J, 24:48-51.
  • Bernstein AC (2000) Remarriage: redesigning couplehood. Couples on the Fault Line: New Directions for Therapists (Ed P Papp):284-311. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Bielenberg LT (1991) A task-centered preventive group approach to create cohesion in the new stepfamily: A preliminary evaluation. Res Soc Work Pract, 1:416-433.
  • Bosch G, Gebeke DR, Meske CM (1992) Stepping Together. Fargo, North Dakota State University Extension Service.
  • Bradbury TN, Fincham FD, Beach SR (2000) Research on the nature and determinants of marital satisfaction: A decade in review. J Marriage Fam, 62:964-980.
  • Bradbury TN, Karney BR (2004) Understanding and altering the longitudinal course of marriage. J Marriage Fam, 66:862-879.
  • Brady CA, Ambler J (1982) Therapy with remarriage families: X. Use of group educational techniques with remarried couples. Family Therapy Collections , 2:145-157.
  • Bramlett MD, Mosher WD (2001) First marriage dissolution, divorce, and remarriage: United States. Advanced Data, 323:1-20.
  • Bramlett MD, Mosher WD (2002) Cohabitation, marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the United States. Vital Health Stat 23, 22:1-93.
  • Bray JH, Kelly J (1998) Stepfamilies: Love, Marriage, and Parenting in the First Decade. New York, Broadway Books.
  • Bumpass LL, Sweet JA (1972) Differentials in marital instability: 1970. Am Sociol Rev, 37:754-766.
  • Bumpass L, Sweet J, Martin TC (1990) Changing patterns of remarriage. J Marriage Fam, 52:747-756.
  • Canel AN (2011) Evlilik ve Aile Hayatı. Ankara, Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı.
  • Chidwick A (1994) New Beginnings: A Remarriage Preparation Program Manual [Facilitator’s guide]. King City, Ontario, Family Life Education Services.
  • Cihan FG (2020) Aile yaşam döngüsü. Konuralp Medical Journal, 12:313-315.
  • Clarke SC, Wilson BF (1994) The relative stability of remarriages: A cohort approach using vital statistics. Fam Relat, 305-310.
  • Cohen JD, Fowers BJ (2004) Blood, sweat, and tears: Biological ties and self-investment as sources of positive illusions about children and stepchildren. J Divorce Remarriage, 42:39-59.
  • Coleman M, Ganong LH, Goodwin C (1994) The presentation of stepfamilies in marriage and family textbooks: A reexamination. Fam Relat, 289-297.
  • Coleman M, Ganong L, Fine MA (2000) Reinvestigating remarriage: Another decade of progress. J Marriage Fam, 62:1288–1307.
  • Cuddeby GW (1984) The effects of stepparent education on perceived family cohesion, organization, and conflict. (Doctoral dissertation). Tempei, AZ, Arizona State University.
  • Currier C (1982) Learning to Step Together: A Course for Stepfamily Adults. Palo Alto, CA, Stepfamily Association of America.
  • Çamur-Duyan G (2003) Aile yaşam döngüsü ve gelişimsel farklılıklar. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 14:33-41.
  • Çobanoğlu A ve Tek S (2021) Türkiye’de yeniden evlenme olgusu: Cinsiyet ve psikososyal değişkenler bağlamında bir değerlendirme. OPUS International Journal of Society Research, 18:8092-8118.
  • Dallos R (1991) Family Belief Systems, Therapy and Change: A Constructional Approach. Maidenhead, UK, Open University Press.
  • De Graaf PM, Kalmijn M (2003) Alternative routes in the remarriage market: Competing-risk analyses of union formation after divorce. Soc Forces, 81:1459-1498.
  • Demirci SM (2015) Toplumsal cinsiyet açısından yeniden evlenmeler: kadınlar ve erkekler gözünden niteliksel bir inceleme. (Yüksek lisans tezi). Ankara, Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Dewilde C, Uunk W (2008) Remarriage as a way to overcome the financial consequences of divorce—A test of the economic need hypothesis for European women. Eur Sociol Rev, 24:393-407.
  • Duncan SF, Brown G (1992) RENEW: A program for building remarried family strengths. Fam Soc, 73:149-158.
  • Ellis AJ (1984) Second time around: A preventive intervention for remarried couples. Aust J Sex Marriage And Fam, 5:139-146.
  • Falke SI, Larson JH (2007) Premarital predictors of remarital quality: Implications for clinicians. Contemp Fam Ther, 29:9-23.
  • Fausel DF (1995) Stress inoculation training for stepcouples. Marriage Fam Rev, 21:137-155.
  • Forgatch MS, DeGarmo DS, Beldavs ZG (2005) An efficacious theory-based intervention for stepfamilies. Behav Ther, 36:357-365.
  • Ganong L, Coleman M, Fine M, Martin P (1999) Stepparents' affinity-seeking and affinity-maintaining strategies with stepchildren. J Fam Issues, 20:299-327.
  • Ganong LH, Coleman M (2004) Stepfamily Relationships. Development, Dynamics, and Interventions. New York, Springer.
  • Gibbard S (1998) The effectiveness of an eightweek psychoeducational seminar on family environment and marital satisfaction in stepfamilies.(Doctoral dissertation). Oxford, Mississippi, University of Mississippi,
  • Golish TD (2003) Stepfamily communication strengths: Understanding the ties that bind. Hum Commun Res, 29:41-80.
  • Gottman JM, Levenson RW (2000) The timing of divorce: Predicting when a couple will divorce over a 14‐year period. J Marriage Fam, 62:737-745.
  • Güler D, Ulutak N (1992) Aile kavramının tarihsel gelişimi ve Türk toplum yaşantısında aile. Kurgu Dergisi, 11:51-76.
  • Halford WK, Markman HJ, Kline GH, Stanley SM (2003) Best practice in couple relationship education. J Marital Fam Ther, 29:385–406.
  • Halford K, Nicholson J, Sanders M (2007) Couple communication in stepfamilies. Fam Process, 46:471-483.
  • Henderson H (2001) Impact of a court-ordered psychoeducational course on stepfamily adaptability and cohesion. (Doctoral dissertation). Terre Haute, IN, Indiana State University,
  • Hetherington EM, Kelly J (2002). For Better or For Worse. New York, Norton.
  • Higbie D (1994) Empowering stepfamilies: Evaluation of an educational curriculum for stepfamily couples. (Doctoral dissertation). Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette University,
  • Kreider RM (2005) Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2001. Report Number P70-97. Washington DC, US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau
  • Kreider RM, Fields JM (2002) Number, timing, and duration of marriages and divorces: 1996. (No. 80). Washington DC, US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau.
  • Lawton JM, Sanders MR (1994) Designing effective behavioral family interventions for stepfamilies. Clin Psychol Rev, 14:463-496.
  • Leon K, Angst E (2005) Portrayals of stepfamilies in film: Using media images in remarriage education. Fam Relat, 54:3-23.
  • Levant RF, Nelson W (1984) Skills Training for Stepparents. A Personal Developmental Approach [Leader’s guide]. Boston, Boston University.
  • Lucier‐Greer M, Adler‐Baeder F, Harcourt KT, Gregson KD (2014) Relationship education for stepcouples reporting relationship instability—Evaluation of the Smart Steps: Embrace the Journey curriculum. J Marital Fam Ther, 40:454-469.
  • Mavili-Aktaş A (2002) Aile terapisinin gelişimi ve ruh sağlığı alanındaki yeri. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 13:116-122.
  • Mandell D, Birenzweig E (1990) Stepfamilies: A model for group work with remarried couples and their children. J Divorce Remarriage, 14:29-42.
  • Messinger L, Walker KN, Freeman SJ (1978) Preparation for remarriage following divorce: the use of group techniques. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 48:263.
  • Michaels ML (2006) Factors that contribute to stepfamily success: A qualitative analysis. J Divorce Remarriage, 44:53-66.
  • Moore KA, Jekielek SM, Bronte-Tinkew J, Guzman L, Ryan S, Redd Z (2004) What is a “healthy marriage”? Defining the concept. Child Trends Research Brief, 16:1-8.
  • Nadler JH (1983) Effecting change in stepfamilies: A psychodynamic/behavioral group approach. Am J Psychother, 37:100–112.
  • Nelson WP, Levant RF (1991) An evaluation of a skills training program for parents in stepfamilies. Fam Relat, 40:291-296.
  • Nicholson JM, Sanders MR (1999) Randomized controlled trial of behavioral family intervention for the treatment of child behavior problems in stepfamilies. J Divorce Remarriage, 30:1-23.
  • Olsen C (1997) Stepping stones for stepfamilies [Training guide]. Manhattan, Kansas State University.
  • Papernow PL (2008) A clinician’s view of “stepfamily architecture”: Strategies for meeting the challenges. In The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clinical Environments (Ed J Pryor): 423–454. New York, Wiley.
  • Papernow P (2017) Clinical guidelines for working with stepfamilies: What family, couple, individual and child therapists need to know. Fam Process. 57:25-51.
  • Pasley K, Lee M (2010) Stress and coping within the context of stepfamily life. In Families and Change: Coping with Stressful Events and Transitions, 4th edition (Eds SJ Price. CA Price, PC McKenry):235-261. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
  • Pill CJ (1981) A family life education group for working with stepparents. Soc Casework, 62:159-166.
  • Prado LM, Markman HJ (1999) Unearthing the seeds of marital distress: What we have learned from married and remarried couples. In Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences (Eds MJ Cox, J Brooks-Gunn):51-85. Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Schramm DG, Marshall JP, Harris VW, Lee TR (2012) Religiosity, homogamy, and marital adjustment: An examination of newlyweds in first marriages and remarriages. J Fam Issues, 33:246-268.
  • Stanton GW (1986) Preventive intervention with stepfamilies. Soc Work, 31:201-206.
  • Stroup M (1982) A preliminary study comparing two structured group treatments for stepfamilies: Couple/family treatment and family treatment. (Doctoral dissertation). Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University,
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Toplam 83 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Aile Psikolojisi
Bölüm Derleme

Ayşegül Sayan Karahan 0000-0002-5580-0617

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Sayan Karahan A. Interventions for Remarried Families. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2024;16(3):494-504. doi:10.18863/pgy.1340773

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