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Teknoloji Destekli Çocuk İstismarını ve İhmalini Önleme Programları: Sistematik Derleme

Yıl 2024, , 466 - 484, 30.09.2024


Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali yaygın bir toplumsal problemdir. Bu problemin yaygınlığı çocukların bugününü ve yarınını tehdit altında bırakmaktadır. Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali sorununa çözüm olması adına alanyazında çeşitli önleme programları önerilmekle birlikte, son zamanlarda teknolojik uygulamaların istismara ve ihmale yönelik önleme ve müdahale çalışmalarında giderek daha fazla kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, çocuk istismar ve ihmalinin önlenmesine yönelik teknolojik destekli programlara ilişkin mevcut literatürü gözden geçirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Uygun çalışmaları belirlemek için Sistematik İncelemeler ve Meta-Analizler için Tercih Edilen Raporlama Öğeleri (PRISMA) kılavuzu kullanılmıştır. İncelemeye ön test-son test kontrollü olan kanıta dayalı 22 çalışma dahil edilmiştir. İncelenen programlar, ebeveynler, çocuklar ve çeşitli profesyonelleri uygun ebeveynlik becerileri ve çocuk istismarı ve ihmali konusunda eğitmek üzere yapılandırılmıştır. İncelenen çalışmalarda en fazla web/internet tabanlı uygulamalar kullanılmış ve daha çok ebeveynler üzerinde etkililiği değerlendirme çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Bir çalışma dışında, programlar, istismar ve ihmale yönelik müdahaleler sonrası etkili bulunmuş ve ebeveynler, çocuklar ve diğer profesyonellerde bilişsel ve davranışsal gelişmeler kaydedilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, teknoloji destekli önleme programlarının çocuk istismarı ve ihmaline yönelik kabul gören uygulamalar olduğu söylenebilir. Bununla birlikte bugüne kadar bu tür çalışmaların önleyici uygulamalarda ve stratejilerde kullanımını destekleyen az sayıda veri bulunmaktadır. Teknolojik uygulamaların çocuk ve ergenler arasında istismarı önlemedeki etkinliklerini test etmek için daha fazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.


  • Al‐Dabaan R, Asimakopoulou K, Newton JT (2016) Effectiveness of a web‐based child protection training programme designed for dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia: a pre and post‐test study. Eur J Dent Educ, 20:45-54.
  • Badillo Urquiola K, Harpin S, Wisniewski P (2017) Abandoned but not forgotten: Providing access while protecting foster youth from online risks. Conference of Interaction Design and Children, June 27-30 2017, Stanford, California, USA. Congress Book pp:17-26.
  • Baggett K, Davis B, Feil E, Sheeber L, Landry S, Leve C et al. (2017) A randomized controlled trial examination of a remote parenting intervention: engagement and effects on parenting behavior and child abuse potential. Child Maltreat, 22:315-323.
  • Bentovim A (2002) Preventing sexually abused young people from becoming abusers, and treating the victimization experiences of young people who offend sexually. Child Abuse Negl, 26:661-678.
  • Bigelow KM, Carta JJ, Burke Lefever J (2008) Txt u ltr: using cellular phone technology to enhance a parenting intervention for families at risk for neglect. Child Maltreat, 13:362-367.
  • Breitenstein SM, Brager J, Ocampo EV, Fogg L (2017) Engagement and adherence with ez PARENT, an mHealth parent-training program promoting child well being. Child Maltreat, 22:295-304.
  • Calam R, Sanders MR, Miller C, Sadhnani V, Carmont SA (2008) Can technology and the media help reduce dysfunctional parenting and increase engagement with preventative parenting interventions? Child Maltreat, 13:347-361.
  • Chen M, Chan KL (2016) Effects of parenting programs on child maltreatment prevention: a meta-analysis. Trauma Violence Abuse, 17:88-104.
  • Cronin C, Sood S, Thomas D (2017) From innovation to transcreation: adapting digital technologies to address violence against children. Child Abuse Rev, 26:215-229
  • Delaney R, Nelson C, Pacifici C, White L, Smalley BK (2012) Web-enhanced pre-service training for prospective resource parents: a randomized trial of effectiveness and user satisfaction. J Soc Serv Res, 38:503-514.
  • Dias A, Mooren T, Kleber RJ (2018) Public health actions to mitigate long-term consequences of child maltreatment. J Public Health Policy, 39:294-303.
  • Dimitropoulos G, Lindenbach D, Devoe DJ, Gunn E, Cullen O, Bhattarai A et al. (2022) Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients. Child Abuse Negl, 124:105448.
  • Feil EG, Baggett KM, Davis B, Sheeber L, Landry S, Carta JJ et al. (2008) Expanding the reach of preventive interventions: development of an internet-based training for parents of infants. Child Maltreat, 13:334-346.
  • Fogarty A, Savopoulos P, Seymour M, Cox A, Williams K, Petrie S et al. (2022) Providing therapeutic services to women and children who have experienced intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and learnings. Child Abuse Negl, 130:105365.
  • Fujiwara T, Isumi A, Sampei M, Yamada F, Miyazaki Y (2020) Effectiveness of using an educational video simulating the anatomical mechanism of shaking and smothering in a home-visit program to prevent self-reported infant abuse: a population based quasi-experimental study in Japan. Child Abuse Negl, 101:104359.
  • Gaskin EH, Lutzker JR, Crimmins DB, Robinson L (2012) Using a digital frame and pictorial information to enhance the SafeCare® parent-infant interactions modüle with a mother with intellectual disabilities: results of a pilot study. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil, 5:187-202.
  • Guastaferro KM, Lutzker JR, Graham ML (2016) Using a technological augmentation to enhance parent-infant interactions with parents at risk. Child Fam Behav Ther, 38:15 31.
  • Gülırmak K, Orak OS (2021) Effectiveness of web‐based distance education for parents in the prevention of emotional neglect and abuse: a randomized controlled study. Perspect Psychiatr Care, 57:573-582.
  • Hamilton Giachritsis C, Banakou D, Quiroga MG, Giachritsis C, Slater M (2018) Reducing risk and improving maternal perspective-taking and empathy using virtual embodiment. Sci Rep, 8:2975.
  • Howe TR, Knox M, Altafim ERP, Linhares MBM, Nishizawa N, Fu TJ et al. (2017) International child abuse prevention: insights from ACT Raising Safe Kids. Child Adolesc Ment Health, 22:194-200.
  • Kang SR, Kim SJ, Kang KA (2022) Effects of child sexual abuse prevention education program using hybrid application (CSAPE-H) on fifth-grade students in South Korea. J Sch Nurs, 38:368-379.
  • Kemmis Riggs J, Dickes A, McAloon J (2018) Program components of psychosocial interventions in foster and kinship care: a systematic review. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 21:13-40.
  • Kenny MC (2007) Web-based training in child maltreatment for future mandated reporters. Child Abuse Negl, 31:671-678.
  • Keser N, Odabaş E, Elibüyük S (2010) Ana-babaların çocuk istismarı ve ihmali konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi.
  • Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 4:150-157.
  • Koçtürk N (2020) Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali. In Kriz Danışmanlığı. (Eds. ÖE Baker, T Doğan):333-360. Ankara, Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Lamberton L, Devaney J, Bunting L (2016) New challenges in family support: the use of digital technology in supporting parents. Child Abuse Rev, 25:359-372.
  • Lefever JEB, Bigelow KM, Carta JJ, Borkowski JG, Grandfield E, McCune L et al. (2017) Long-term impact of a cell phone–enhanced parenting intervention. Child Maltreat, 22:305-314.
  • Malamsha MP, Sauli E, Luhanga ET (2021) Development and validation of a mobile game for culturally sensitive child sexual abuse prevention education in Tanzania: mixed methods study. JMIR Serious Games, 9:e30350.
  • Mast JE, Antonini TN, Raj SP, Oberjohn KS, Cassedy A, Makoroff KL et al. (2014) Web based parenting skills to reduce behavior problems following abusive head trauma: a pilot study. Child Abuse Negl, 38:1487-1495.
  • Moon KJ, Park KM, Sung Y (2017) Sexual abuse prevention mobile application (SAP_MobAPP) for primary school children in Korea. J Child Sex Abus, 26:573-589.
  • Müller AR, Röder M, Fingerle M (2014) Child sexual abuse prevention goes online: introducing “Cool and Safe” and its effects. Comput Educ, 78:60-65.
  • Nieuwboer CC, Fukkink RG, Hermanns JM (2013) Peer and professional parenting support on the Internet: a systematic review. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 16:518-528.
  • Offidani C, Villani A, Reale A, Marchili MR, Aufiero LR, Moras P et al. (2022) Early recognition of child abuse through screening indicators at the emergency department: experience of a tertiary urban pediatric hospital. Ital J Pediatr, 48:32.
  • Ondersma SJ, Martin J, Fortson B, Whitaker DJ, Self-Brown S, Beatty J et al. (2017) Technology to augment early home visitation for child maltreatment prevention: a pragmatic randomized trial. Child Maltreat, 22:334-343.
  • Othman A, Yahaya WAJW (2015) Application of persuasive multimedia to raise children’s awareness of child sexual abuse among primary school students. Proceedings of INTCESS15- 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. 2-4 February Istanbul, Turkey. pp:355-361
  • Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD et al. (2021) Updating guidance for reporting systematic reviews: development of the PRISMA 2020 statement. J Clin Epidemiol, 134:103-112.
  • Pasha SA, Ali S, Jeljeli R (2022) Artificial intelligence implementation to counteract cybercrimes against children in Pakistan. Human Arenas, doi: 10.1007/s42087-022-00312-8.
  • Raflesia SP, Lestarini D (2017) Geofencing based technology towards child abuse prevention. 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 22 – 23 August, 2017 Palembang, Indonesia. Conference Book page:160-162.
  • Rantanen H, Nieminen I, Kaunonen M, Jouet E, Zabłocka Żytka L, Viganò G et al. (2022) Family needs checklist: development of a mobile application for parents with children to assess the risk for child maltreatment. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19:9810.
  • Reeves J, Drew I, Shemmings D, Ferguson H (2015) Rosie 2’a child protection simulation: perspectives on neglect and the ‘unconscious at work. Child Abuse Rev, 24:346-364.
  • Rheingold AA, Zajac K, Chapman JE, Patton M, de Arellano M, Saunders B et al. (2015) Child sexual abuse prevention training for childcare professionals: An independent multi-site randomized controlled trial of stewards of children. Prev Sci, 16:374-385.
  • Ridings LE, Beasley LO, Silovsky JF (2017) Consideration of risk and protective factors for families at risk for child maltreatment: an intervention approach. J Fam Violence, 32:179-188.
  • Schein SS, Roben CK, Costello AH, Dozier M (2023) Assessing changes in parent sensitivity in telehealth and hybrid implementation of Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child Maltreat, 28:24-33.
  • Self-Brown S, Reuben K, Perry EW, Bullinger LR, Osborne MC, Bielecki J et al. (2020)The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of an evidence-based child maltreatment prevention program: Understanding the perspectives of SafeCare® providers. J Fam Violence,1-11.
  • Singh RD (2018) Mapping online child safety in Asia and the Pacific. Asia Pac Policy Stud, 5:651-664.
  • Stewart RW, Orengo Aguayo R, Wallace M, Metzger IW, Rheingold AA (2021) Leveraging technology and cultural adaptations to increase access and engagement among trauma exposed African American youth: exploratory study of school-based telehealth delivery of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. J Interpers Violence, 36:7090-7109.
  • Şenol FB, Üstündağ A (2021) The effect of child neglect and abuse information studies on parents' awareness levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child Youth Serv Rev, 131:106271.
  • van Rosmalen Nooijens K, Lo Fo Wong S, Prins J, Lagro Janssen T (2017) Young people, adult worries: Randomized controlled trial and feasibility study of the internet-based self support method “Feel the ViBe” for adolescents and young adults exposed to family violence. J Med Internet Res, 19:e204.
  • WHO (2022) Child maltreatment. sheets/detail/child maltreatment. (Accessed 22.01.2023).
  • Wu SS, Ma CX, Carter RL, Ariet M, Feaver EA, Resnick MB et al. (2004) Risk factors for infant maltreatment: a population-based study. Child Abuse Negl, 28:1253-1264.
  • Yurdakök K (2010) Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali, tanım ve risk faktörleri. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, 32:423-434.
  • Zhao R, Shelton CR, Hetzel Riggin MD, LaRiccia J, Louchart G, Meanor A et al. (2019) Knowledge assessment: game for assessment of symptom of child physical abuse. 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. 26-30 August 2019, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. pp:1-7

Technology-Based Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Programs: A Systematic Review

Yıl 2024, , 466 - 484, 30.09.2024


Child abuse and neglect is a widespread social problem. The prevalence of this problem threatens the present and future of children. Although various prevention programs have been proposed in the literature as a solution to the problem of child abuse and neglect, recently, technological applications have been increasingly used in prevention and intervention studies for abuse and neglect. This study aims to review the current literature on technologically assisted programs for preventing child abuse and neglect. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline was used to identify eligible studies. 22 evidence-based studies with pretest-posttest control were included in the review. The reviewed programs were structured to educate parents, children, and various professionals on appropriate parenting skills and child abuse and neglect. In the studies reviewed, web/internet-based applications were mostly used and effectiveness evaluation studies were mainly conducted on parents. With the exception of one study, the programs were found to be effective following interventions for abuse and neglect, and cognitive and behavioral improvements were noted in parents, children, and other professionals. As a result, it can be said that technology-based prevention programs are accepted practices for child abuse and neglect. To date, however, there is little data to support the use of such studies in preventive practices and strategies. More studies are needed to test the effectiveness of technological applications in preventing abuse among children and adolescents.


  • Al‐Dabaan R, Asimakopoulou K, Newton JT (2016) Effectiveness of a web‐based child protection training programme designed for dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia: a pre and post‐test study. Eur J Dent Educ, 20:45-54.
  • Badillo Urquiola K, Harpin S, Wisniewski P (2017) Abandoned but not forgotten: Providing access while protecting foster youth from online risks. Conference of Interaction Design and Children, June 27-30 2017, Stanford, California, USA. Congress Book pp:17-26.
  • Baggett K, Davis B, Feil E, Sheeber L, Landry S, Leve C et al. (2017) A randomized controlled trial examination of a remote parenting intervention: engagement and effects on parenting behavior and child abuse potential. Child Maltreat, 22:315-323.
  • Bentovim A (2002) Preventing sexually abused young people from becoming abusers, and treating the victimization experiences of young people who offend sexually. Child Abuse Negl, 26:661-678.
  • Bigelow KM, Carta JJ, Burke Lefever J (2008) Txt u ltr: using cellular phone technology to enhance a parenting intervention for families at risk for neglect. Child Maltreat, 13:362-367.
  • Breitenstein SM, Brager J, Ocampo EV, Fogg L (2017) Engagement and adherence with ez PARENT, an mHealth parent-training program promoting child well being. Child Maltreat, 22:295-304.
  • Calam R, Sanders MR, Miller C, Sadhnani V, Carmont SA (2008) Can technology and the media help reduce dysfunctional parenting and increase engagement with preventative parenting interventions? Child Maltreat, 13:347-361.
  • Chen M, Chan KL (2016) Effects of parenting programs on child maltreatment prevention: a meta-analysis. Trauma Violence Abuse, 17:88-104.
  • Cronin C, Sood S, Thomas D (2017) From innovation to transcreation: adapting digital technologies to address violence against children. Child Abuse Rev, 26:215-229
  • Delaney R, Nelson C, Pacifici C, White L, Smalley BK (2012) Web-enhanced pre-service training for prospective resource parents: a randomized trial of effectiveness and user satisfaction. J Soc Serv Res, 38:503-514.
  • Dias A, Mooren T, Kleber RJ (2018) Public health actions to mitigate long-term consequences of child maltreatment. J Public Health Policy, 39:294-303.
  • Dimitropoulos G, Lindenbach D, Devoe DJ, Gunn E, Cullen O, Bhattarai A et al. (2022) Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients. Child Abuse Negl, 124:105448.
  • Feil EG, Baggett KM, Davis B, Sheeber L, Landry S, Carta JJ et al. (2008) Expanding the reach of preventive interventions: development of an internet-based training for parents of infants. Child Maltreat, 13:334-346.
  • Fogarty A, Savopoulos P, Seymour M, Cox A, Williams K, Petrie S et al. (2022) Providing therapeutic services to women and children who have experienced intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and learnings. Child Abuse Negl, 130:105365.
  • Fujiwara T, Isumi A, Sampei M, Yamada F, Miyazaki Y (2020) Effectiveness of using an educational video simulating the anatomical mechanism of shaking and smothering in a home-visit program to prevent self-reported infant abuse: a population based quasi-experimental study in Japan. Child Abuse Negl, 101:104359.
  • Gaskin EH, Lutzker JR, Crimmins DB, Robinson L (2012) Using a digital frame and pictorial information to enhance the SafeCare® parent-infant interactions modüle with a mother with intellectual disabilities: results of a pilot study. J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil, 5:187-202.
  • Guastaferro KM, Lutzker JR, Graham ML (2016) Using a technological augmentation to enhance parent-infant interactions with parents at risk. Child Fam Behav Ther, 38:15 31.
  • Gülırmak K, Orak OS (2021) Effectiveness of web‐based distance education for parents in the prevention of emotional neglect and abuse: a randomized controlled study. Perspect Psychiatr Care, 57:573-582.
  • Hamilton Giachritsis C, Banakou D, Quiroga MG, Giachritsis C, Slater M (2018) Reducing risk and improving maternal perspective-taking and empathy using virtual embodiment. Sci Rep, 8:2975.
  • Howe TR, Knox M, Altafim ERP, Linhares MBM, Nishizawa N, Fu TJ et al. (2017) International child abuse prevention: insights from ACT Raising Safe Kids. Child Adolesc Ment Health, 22:194-200.
  • Kang SR, Kim SJ, Kang KA (2022) Effects of child sexual abuse prevention education program using hybrid application (CSAPE-H) on fifth-grade students in South Korea. J Sch Nurs, 38:368-379.
  • Kemmis Riggs J, Dickes A, McAloon J (2018) Program components of psychosocial interventions in foster and kinship care: a systematic review. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 21:13-40.
  • Kenny MC (2007) Web-based training in child maltreatment for future mandated reporters. Child Abuse Negl, 31:671-678.
  • Keser N, Odabaş E, Elibüyük S (2010) Ana-babaların çocuk istismarı ve ihmali konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi.
  • Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 4:150-157.
  • Koçtürk N (2020) Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali. In Kriz Danışmanlığı. (Eds. ÖE Baker, T Doğan):333-360. Ankara, Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Lamberton L, Devaney J, Bunting L (2016) New challenges in family support: the use of digital technology in supporting parents. Child Abuse Rev, 25:359-372.
  • Lefever JEB, Bigelow KM, Carta JJ, Borkowski JG, Grandfield E, McCune L et al. (2017) Long-term impact of a cell phone–enhanced parenting intervention. Child Maltreat, 22:305-314.
  • Malamsha MP, Sauli E, Luhanga ET (2021) Development and validation of a mobile game for culturally sensitive child sexual abuse prevention education in Tanzania: mixed methods study. JMIR Serious Games, 9:e30350.
  • Mast JE, Antonini TN, Raj SP, Oberjohn KS, Cassedy A, Makoroff KL et al. (2014) Web based parenting skills to reduce behavior problems following abusive head trauma: a pilot study. Child Abuse Negl, 38:1487-1495.
  • Moon KJ, Park KM, Sung Y (2017) Sexual abuse prevention mobile application (SAP_MobAPP) for primary school children in Korea. J Child Sex Abus, 26:573-589.
  • Müller AR, Röder M, Fingerle M (2014) Child sexual abuse prevention goes online: introducing “Cool and Safe” and its effects. Comput Educ, 78:60-65.
  • Nieuwboer CC, Fukkink RG, Hermanns JM (2013) Peer and professional parenting support on the Internet: a systematic review. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 16:518-528.
  • Offidani C, Villani A, Reale A, Marchili MR, Aufiero LR, Moras P et al. (2022) Early recognition of child abuse through screening indicators at the emergency department: experience of a tertiary urban pediatric hospital. Ital J Pediatr, 48:32.
  • Ondersma SJ, Martin J, Fortson B, Whitaker DJ, Self-Brown S, Beatty J et al. (2017) Technology to augment early home visitation for child maltreatment prevention: a pragmatic randomized trial. Child Maltreat, 22:334-343.
  • Othman A, Yahaya WAJW (2015) Application of persuasive multimedia to raise children’s awareness of child sexual abuse among primary school students. Proceedings of INTCESS15- 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. 2-4 February Istanbul, Turkey. pp:355-361
  • Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD et al. (2021) Updating guidance for reporting systematic reviews: development of the PRISMA 2020 statement. J Clin Epidemiol, 134:103-112.
  • Pasha SA, Ali S, Jeljeli R (2022) Artificial intelligence implementation to counteract cybercrimes against children in Pakistan. Human Arenas, doi: 10.1007/s42087-022-00312-8.
  • Raflesia SP, Lestarini D (2017) Geofencing based technology towards child abuse prevention. 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 22 – 23 August, 2017 Palembang, Indonesia. Conference Book page:160-162.
  • Rantanen H, Nieminen I, Kaunonen M, Jouet E, Zabłocka Żytka L, Viganò G et al. (2022) Family needs checklist: development of a mobile application for parents with children to assess the risk for child maltreatment. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19:9810.
  • Reeves J, Drew I, Shemmings D, Ferguson H (2015) Rosie 2’a child protection simulation: perspectives on neglect and the ‘unconscious at work. Child Abuse Rev, 24:346-364.
  • Rheingold AA, Zajac K, Chapman JE, Patton M, de Arellano M, Saunders B et al. (2015) Child sexual abuse prevention training for childcare professionals: An independent multi-site randomized controlled trial of stewards of children. Prev Sci, 16:374-385.
  • Ridings LE, Beasley LO, Silovsky JF (2017) Consideration of risk and protective factors for families at risk for child maltreatment: an intervention approach. J Fam Violence, 32:179-188.
  • Schein SS, Roben CK, Costello AH, Dozier M (2023) Assessing changes in parent sensitivity in telehealth and hybrid implementation of Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child Maltreat, 28:24-33.
  • Self-Brown S, Reuben K, Perry EW, Bullinger LR, Osborne MC, Bielecki J et al. (2020)The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of an evidence-based child maltreatment prevention program: Understanding the perspectives of SafeCare® providers. J Fam Violence,1-11.
  • Singh RD (2018) Mapping online child safety in Asia and the Pacific. Asia Pac Policy Stud, 5:651-664.
  • Stewart RW, Orengo Aguayo R, Wallace M, Metzger IW, Rheingold AA (2021) Leveraging technology and cultural adaptations to increase access and engagement among trauma exposed African American youth: exploratory study of school-based telehealth delivery of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. J Interpers Violence, 36:7090-7109.
  • Şenol FB, Üstündağ A (2021) The effect of child neglect and abuse information studies on parents' awareness levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child Youth Serv Rev, 131:106271.
  • van Rosmalen Nooijens K, Lo Fo Wong S, Prins J, Lagro Janssen T (2017) Young people, adult worries: Randomized controlled trial and feasibility study of the internet-based self support method “Feel the ViBe” for adolescents and young adults exposed to family violence. J Med Internet Res, 19:e204.
  • WHO (2022) Child maltreatment. sheets/detail/child maltreatment. (Accessed 22.01.2023).
  • Wu SS, Ma CX, Carter RL, Ariet M, Feaver EA, Resnick MB et al. (2004) Risk factors for infant maltreatment: a population-based study. Child Abuse Negl, 28:1253-1264.
  • Yurdakök K (2010) Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali, tanım ve risk faktörleri. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, 32:423-434.
  • Zhao R, Shelton CR, Hetzel Riggin MD, LaRiccia J, Louchart G, Meanor A et al. (2019) Knowledge assessment: game for assessment of symptom of child physical abuse. 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. 26-30 August 2019, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. pp:1-7
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikolojik danışmanlık, Travma Psikolojisi
Bölüm Derleme

Neslihan Altunpul 0000-0001-7133-9878

Nilüfer Koçtürk 0000-0001-6124-1842

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Altunpul N, Koçtürk N. Technology-Based Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Programs: A Systematic Review. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2024;16(3):466-484. doi:10.18863/pgy.1340938

Creative Commons Lisansı
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.