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Investigation of the Risk of Social Media Addiction and Individual-Social Problems in Adolescents

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 10, 29.12.2024


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between social media addiction and individual as well as social problems in adolescents.
Method: A cross-sectional, relational design was employed from October 2020 to October 2021, involving 1007 students. Data were collected using the Participant Information Form (PIF), Social Media Addiction Scale for Adolescents (SMASA), and Multidimensional Adolescent Rating Scale (MARS).
Results: The findings revealed no direct relationship between social media addiction risk and individual or social problems in adolescents. However, social media addiction scores significantly varied based on the duration and frequency of social media use. Additionally, the study identified associations between the duration of social media use and factors such as depression, school and family problems, confusion, and intrusive thoughts among adolescents.
Conclusion: The results indicate that both the duration and frequency of social media use influence adolescents' social media addiction levels and their psychological well-being.


  • Alonzo R, Hussain J, Stranges S, Anderson K (2020) Interplay between social media use. sleep quality. and mental health in youth: A systematic review. Sleep Med Rev, 56:101414.
  • APA (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:, 5nd ed. DSM-5. Washington DC. American Psychiatric Association.
  • Andreassen CS, Pallesen S (2014) Social network site addiction: an overview. Curr Pharm Des, 20:4053–61.
  • Bányai F, Zsila A, Király O, Maraz A, Elekes Z, Griffiths MD (2017) Problematic social media use: results from a large-scale nationally representative adolescent sample. PLoS One, 12:e0169839.
  • Beeres DT, Andersson F, Vossen HGM, Galanti MR (2020) Social media and mental health among early adolescents in sweden: a longitudinal study with 2-year follow-up (KUPOL Study). J Adolesc Health, 68:953-960.
  • Ceyhan E, Ceyhan AA, Gürcan A (2007) Problemli internet kullanımı ölçeği’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7:387-416.
  • Chase-Lansdale PL, Cherlin AJ, Kiernan KE (1995) The long-term effects of parental divorce on the mental health of young adults: a developmental perspective. Child Dev, 66:1614-34.
  • Chen B, Sun J, Feng Y (2020) How have COVID-19 isolation policies affected young people’s mental health? Evidence from Chinese college students. Front Psychol, 11:1529.
  • Coenen M, Cabello M, Umlauf S, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Anczewska M Tourunen J et al. (2016) Psychosocial difficulties from the perspective of persons with neuropsychiatric disorders. Disabil Rehabil, 12:1134–1145
  • Cunningham S, Hudson CC, Harkness K (2021) Social media and depression symptoms: a meta-analysis. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol, 49:241-253.
  • Dagher M, Farchakh Y, Barbar S, Haddad C, Akel M, Hallit S et al. (2021) Association between problematic social media use and memory performance in a sample of Lebanese adults: the mediating effect of anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia. Head Face Med, 17:2-12.
  • Fathiyah K, Widyastuti T, Setiawati FA, Al E (2021) Improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic through online psychoeducation. Psychological Research and Intervention, 3:72–79.
  • Fernandes B, Biswas UN, Mansukhani RT, Vallejo A, Essau CA (2020) The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on internet use and escapism in adolescents. Revista de Psicología Clínica con Ninos ˜ y Adolescentes, 7:59–65.
  • Griffiths MD (2007) Gambling addiction in the UK. In Breakthrough Britain: Ending the Costs of Social Breakdown (Ed K Gyngell):393-426. London, Social Justice Policy Group.
  • Griffiths MD, Kuss DJ, Demetrovics Z (2014) Social networking addiction: an overview of preliminary findings. In Behavioral addictions: criteria. Evidence, and treatment (Eds KP Rosenberg. LC Feder): 119–141. London, Academic Press.
  • Griffiths MD, Kuss DJ (2017) Adolescent social media addiction (revisited). Education and Health, 35:49–52.
  • Heffer T, Good M, Daly O, MacDonell E, Willoughby T (2019) The longitudinal association between social-media use and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults: An empirical reply to Twenge et al. Clin Psychol Sci, 7:462-470.
  • Hinze V, Ford T, Evans R, Gjelsvik B, Crane C (2022) Exploring the relationship between pain and self-harm thoughts and behaviors in young people using network analysis. Psychol Med, 52:3560-3569.
  • Hudson W (1996) Multidimensional Adolescent Assessment Scale (MAAS). Tempe, AZ, WALMYR.
  • Karakose T, Yirci R, Papadakis S (2022) Examining the associations between COVID-19-related psychological distress. social media addiction. COVID-19-related burnout. and depression among school principals and teachers through structural equation modeling. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19:1951.
  • Kuss DJ, Griffiths MD (2012) Internet gaming addiction: A systematic review of empirical research. Int J Ment Health Addict, 10:278–296.
  • Kuss DJ, Griffiths MD (2017) Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14:311.
  • Lenhart A (2015) Teens Social Media and Technology Overview 2015. Washington DC, Pew Research Center.
  • Lindström M, Rosvall M (2016) Parental separation in childhood and self-reported psychological health: A population-based study. Psychiatry Res, 246:783-788.
  • Luo T, Chen W, Liao Y (2021) Social media use in China before and during COVID-19: Preliminary results from an online retrospective survey. J Psychiatr Res, 140:35-38.
  • Mastrotheodoros S, Canário C, Cristina GM, Merkas M, Keijsers L (2020) Family functioning and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems: Disentangling between and within-family associations. J Youth Adolesc, 49:804-817.
  • Mathiesen SG, Cash SJ, Walter WH (2002) The multidimensional adolescent assessment scale: A validation study. Res Soc Work Pract, 12:9-28.
  • McKone KMP, Woody ML, Ladouceur CD, Silk JS (2021) Mother-daughter mutual arousal escalation and emotion regulation in adolescence. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol, 49:615-628.
  • Nesi J, Burke TA, Extein J, Kudinova AY, Fox KA, Hunt J et al. (2021) Social media use. sleep. and psychopathology in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents. J Psychiatr Res, 144:296-303.
  • Obeid S, Al Karaki G, Haddad C, Sacre H, Soufia M, Hallit R et al (2021) Association between parental divorce and mental health outcomes among Lebanese adolescents: Results of a national study. BMC Pediatr, 21:455.
  • O’Day EB, Heimberg RG (2021) Social media use. social anxiety. and loneliness: A systematic review. Comput Hum Behav Rep, 3:100070.
  • Ohannessian CM, Fagle T, Salafia C (2021) Social media use and internalizing symptoms during early adolescence: The role of co-rumination. J Affect Disord, 280:85-88.
  • O'Hara KL, Rhodes CA, Wolchik SA, Irvın NS, Jenn YT (2021) Longitudinal effects of post divorce ınterparental conflict on children's mental health problems through fear of abandonment: Does parenting quality play a buffering role? Child Dev, 92:1476-1493.
  • Özgenel M, Canpolat Ö, Ekşi H (2019) Ergenler için sosyal medya bağımlılığı ölçeği (ESMBÖ): geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Addicta: the Turkish Journal on Addictions, 6:631-664.
  • Özmete E, Koğar H (2015) Çok Boyutlu Ergen Değerlendirme Ölçeği (ÇBEDÖ): Türkçe’ye uyarlama çalışması. 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum Eğitim Bilimleri ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4:39-58.
  • Ryan T, Chester A, Reece J, Xenos R (2014) The uses and abuses of Facebook: A review of Facebook addiction. J Behav Addict, 3:133–148.
  • Smahel D, Wright MF, Cernikova M (2015) The impact of digital media on health: children's perspectives. Int J Public Health, 60:131-137.
  • Statista (2020) Social Media Usage Worldwide. New York, NY, Statista. .
  • Sujarwoto, Saputri RAM, Yumarn T (2023) Social media addiction and mental health among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Int J Ment Health Addict, 21:96-110.
  • Tromholt M (2016) The Facebook experiment: Quitting Facebook leads to higher levels of well-being. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 19:661-666.
  • Wang F, Lu J, Lin L, Cai J, Xu J, Zhou X (2021) Impact of parental divorce versus separation due to migration on mental health and self-injury of Chinese children: A cross sectional survey. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 15:2-11.
  • WHO (2019). International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics11th edition (ICD-11). Geneva, World Health Organizarion.
  • Wu M, Xu W, Yao Y, Zhang L, Guo L, Fan J (2020) Mental health status of students’ parents during COVID-19 pandemic and its influence factors. Gen Psychiatr, 33: e100250..
  • Yang SC, Tung CJ (2007) Comparison of ınternet addicts and non-addicts in Taiwanese high school. Comput Human Behav, 23:79-96.

Ergenlerde Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığı Riski ile Bireysel-Sosyal Sorunların İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 10, 29.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, ergenlerde sosyal medya bağımlılığı riski ile bireysel ve sosyal sorunların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Çalışma Ekim 2020 – Ekim 2021 tarihleri arasında 1007 öğrenci ile kesitsel ve ilişkisel olarak yapılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak Katılımcı Bilgi Formu (KBF), Ergenler İçin Sosyal Medya Bağımlılık Ölçeği (ESMBÖ) ve Çok Boyutlu Ergen Derecelendirme Ölçeği (ÇBEDÖ) kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmada ergenlerde sosyal medya bağımlılığı riski ile bireysel-sosyal sorunlar arasında herhangi bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. Ancak ergenlerin sosyal medya bağımlılık puanlarının sosyal medya kullanım süresine ve kullanım sıklığına göre farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra ergenlerin depresyon, okul ve aile sorunları, kafa karışıklığı ve rahatsız edici düşüncelerin sosyal medya kullanım süreleri ile ilişkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Sonuçlara göre sosyal medya kullanım süresi ile kullanım sıklığı ergenlerin sosyal medya bağımlılık puanlarını ve aynı zamanda psikolojik durumlarını etkilemektedir.


  • Alonzo R, Hussain J, Stranges S, Anderson K (2020) Interplay between social media use. sleep quality. and mental health in youth: A systematic review. Sleep Med Rev, 56:101414.
  • APA (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:, 5nd ed. DSM-5. Washington DC. American Psychiatric Association.
  • Andreassen CS, Pallesen S (2014) Social network site addiction: an overview. Curr Pharm Des, 20:4053–61.
  • Bányai F, Zsila A, Király O, Maraz A, Elekes Z, Griffiths MD (2017) Problematic social media use: results from a large-scale nationally representative adolescent sample. PLoS One, 12:e0169839.
  • Beeres DT, Andersson F, Vossen HGM, Galanti MR (2020) Social media and mental health among early adolescents in sweden: a longitudinal study with 2-year follow-up (KUPOL Study). J Adolesc Health, 68:953-960.
  • Ceyhan E, Ceyhan AA, Gürcan A (2007) Problemli internet kullanımı ölçeği’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7:387-416.
  • Chase-Lansdale PL, Cherlin AJ, Kiernan KE (1995) The long-term effects of parental divorce on the mental health of young adults: a developmental perspective. Child Dev, 66:1614-34.
  • Chen B, Sun J, Feng Y (2020) How have COVID-19 isolation policies affected young people’s mental health? Evidence from Chinese college students. Front Psychol, 11:1529.
  • Coenen M, Cabello M, Umlauf S, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Anczewska M Tourunen J et al. (2016) Psychosocial difficulties from the perspective of persons with neuropsychiatric disorders. Disabil Rehabil, 12:1134–1145
  • Cunningham S, Hudson CC, Harkness K (2021) Social media and depression symptoms: a meta-analysis. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol, 49:241-253.
  • Dagher M, Farchakh Y, Barbar S, Haddad C, Akel M, Hallit S et al. (2021) Association between problematic social media use and memory performance in a sample of Lebanese adults: the mediating effect of anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia. Head Face Med, 17:2-12.
  • Fathiyah K, Widyastuti T, Setiawati FA, Al E (2021) Improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic through online psychoeducation. Psychological Research and Intervention, 3:72–79.
  • Fernandes B, Biswas UN, Mansukhani RT, Vallejo A, Essau CA (2020) The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on internet use and escapism in adolescents. Revista de Psicología Clínica con Ninos ˜ y Adolescentes, 7:59–65.
  • Griffiths MD (2007) Gambling addiction in the UK. In Breakthrough Britain: Ending the Costs of Social Breakdown (Ed K Gyngell):393-426. London, Social Justice Policy Group.
  • Griffiths MD, Kuss DJ, Demetrovics Z (2014) Social networking addiction: an overview of preliminary findings. In Behavioral addictions: criteria. Evidence, and treatment (Eds KP Rosenberg. LC Feder): 119–141. London, Academic Press.
  • Griffiths MD, Kuss DJ (2017) Adolescent social media addiction (revisited). Education and Health, 35:49–52.
  • Heffer T, Good M, Daly O, MacDonell E, Willoughby T (2019) The longitudinal association between social-media use and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults: An empirical reply to Twenge et al. Clin Psychol Sci, 7:462-470.
  • Hinze V, Ford T, Evans R, Gjelsvik B, Crane C (2022) Exploring the relationship between pain and self-harm thoughts and behaviors in young people using network analysis. Psychol Med, 52:3560-3569.
  • Hudson W (1996) Multidimensional Adolescent Assessment Scale (MAAS). Tempe, AZ, WALMYR.
  • Karakose T, Yirci R, Papadakis S (2022) Examining the associations between COVID-19-related psychological distress. social media addiction. COVID-19-related burnout. and depression among school principals and teachers through structural equation modeling. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19:1951.
  • Kuss DJ, Griffiths MD (2012) Internet gaming addiction: A systematic review of empirical research. Int J Ment Health Addict, 10:278–296.
  • Kuss DJ, Griffiths MD (2017) Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14:311.
  • Lenhart A (2015) Teens Social Media and Technology Overview 2015. Washington DC, Pew Research Center.
  • Lindström M, Rosvall M (2016) Parental separation in childhood and self-reported psychological health: A population-based study. Psychiatry Res, 246:783-788.
  • Luo T, Chen W, Liao Y (2021) Social media use in China before and during COVID-19: Preliminary results from an online retrospective survey. J Psychiatr Res, 140:35-38.
  • Mastrotheodoros S, Canário C, Cristina GM, Merkas M, Keijsers L (2020) Family functioning and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems: Disentangling between and within-family associations. J Youth Adolesc, 49:804-817.
  • Mathiesen SG, Cash SJ, Walter WH (2002) The multidimensional adolescent assessment scale: A validation study. Res Soc Work Pract, 12:9-28.
  • McKone KMP, Woody ML, Ladouceur CD, Silk JS (2021) Mother-daughter mutual arousal escalation and emotion regulation in adolescence. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol, 49:615-628.
  • Nesi J, Burke TA, Extein J, Kudinova AY, Fox KA, Hunt J et al. (2021) Social media use. sleep. and psychopathology in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents. J Psychiatr Res, 144:296-303.
  • Obeid S, Al Karaki G, Haddad C, Sacre H, Soufia M, Hallit R et al (2021) Association between parental divorce and mental health outcomes among Lebanese adolescents: Results of a national study. BMC Pediatr, 21:455.
  • O’Day EB, Heimberg RG (2021) Social media use. social anxiety. and loneliness: A systematic review. Comput Hum Behav Rep, 3:100070.
  • Ohannessian CM, Fagle T, Salafia C (2021) Social media use and internalizing symptoms during early adolescence: The role of co-rumination. J Affect Disord, 280:85-88.
  • O'Hara KL, Rhodes CA, Wolchik SA, Irvın NS, Jenn YT (2021) Longitudinal effects of post divorce ınterparental conflict on children's mental health problems through fear of abandonment: Does parenting quality play a buffering role? Child Dev, 92:1476-1493.
  • Özgenel M, Canpolat Ö, Ekşi H (2019) Ergenler için sosyal medya bağımlılığı ölçeği (ESMBÖ): geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Addicta: the Turkish Journal on Addictions, 6:631-664.
  • Özmete E, Koğar H (2015) Çok Boyutlu Ergen Değerlendirme Ölçeği (ÇBEDÖ): Türkçe’ye uyarlama çalışması. 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum Eğitim Bilimleri ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4:39-58.
  • Ryan T, Chester A, Reece J, Xenos R (2014) The uses and abuses of Facebook: A review of Facebook addiction. J Behav Addict, 3:133–148.
  • Smahel D, Wright MF, Cernikova M (2015) The impact of digital media on health: children's perspectives. Int J Public Health, 60:131-137.
  • Statista (2020) Social Media Usage Worldwide. New York, NY, Statista. .
  • Sujarwoto, Saputri RAM, Yumarn T (2023) Social media addiction and mental health among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Int J Ment Health Addict, 21:96-110.
  • Tromholt M (2016) The Facebook experiment: Quitting Facebook leads to higher levels of well-being. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 19:661-666.
  • Wang F, Lu J, Lin L, Cai J, Xu J, Zhou X (2021) Impact of parental divorce versus separation due to migration on mental health and self-injury of Chinese children: A cross sectional survey. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 15:2-11.
  • WHO (2019). International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics11th edition (ICD-11). Geneva, World Health Organizarion.
  • Wu M, Xu W, Yao Y, Zhang L, Guo L, Fan J (2020) Mental health status of students’ parents during COVID-19 pandemic and its influence factors. Gen Psychiatr, 33: e100250..
  • Yang SC, Tung CJ (2007) Comparison of ınternet addicts and non-addicts in Taiwanese high school. Comput Human Behav, 23:79-96.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ruh Sağlığı Hemşireliği
Bölüm Araştırma

Damla Duman 0000-0003-0769-1441

Nazan Turan 0000-0001-9251-7282

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Kasım 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Duman D, Turan N. Investigation of the Risk of Social Media Addiction and Individual-Social Problems in Adolescents. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Aralık 2024;16(Supplement 1):1-10. doi:10.18863/pgy.1360779

Creative Commons Lisansı
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.