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Self Psychology and Mood Disorder

Yıl 2025, , 61 - 68, 31.03.2025


The self is the state of feeling and experiencing the existence of the subject called “me”. The self is a fragmented self in the newborn. The first part is called the “demonstrative/grandiose self”. When appropriately mirrored and supported by the caregiver, it provides vitality and self-esteem, in other words, a sense of existence. The second part, in which the object of the self is projected, is called the 'idealized parental image'. When the idealized parental image is properly developed in the relationship between the self and the self-object, it provides a balance in tension, the ability to wait/defer and impulse control. While the psychology of the self was initially associated with the concept of narcissism, it has subsequently been used to explain depression. Our findings suggest that self-pathology and mood disorders overlap electrophysiologically. This calls for further investigation of the structural etiology of mood disorder, in other words, whether psychopathology of the self is a predisposing trait for mood disorder.


  • Arieti S, Bemporad JR (1980) The psychological organisation of depression. Am J Psychiatry, 137:1360-1365.
  • Bai Y, Nakao T, Xu J, Qin P, Chaves P, Heinzel A et al. (2016) Resting state glutamate predicts elevated pre-stimulus alpha during self-relatedness: A combined EEG-MRS study on "rest-self overlap". Soc Neurosci, 11:249-263.
  • Baker HS, Baker MN (1987) Heinz Kohut’s self psychology: An overview. Am J Psychiatry, 144:1-9.
  • Chambers RA, Wallingford SC (2017) On mourning and recovery: Integrating stages of grief and change toward a neuroscience-based model of attachment. Psychodyn Psychiatry, 45:451-473.
  • Demirer RM, Kesebir S (2021) The entropy of chaotic transitions of EEG phase growth in bipolar disorder with lithium carbonate. Sci Rep, 11:11888.
  • Güven S, Kesebir S, Demirer RM, Bilici M. (2015) Electroencephalography spectral power density in first-episode mania: A comparative study with subsequent remission period. Noro Psikiyatr Ars, 52:194-197.
  • Karova ZY, Kesebir S (2021) Is there a relationship between self and mood ? Bipolar Disord 23:68.
  • Kohut H (1971) Analysis of the Self. Madison, CT, International Universities Press.
  • Kohut H (1988) Restoration of the Self. Madison, CT, International Universities Press.
  • Kohut H, Wolf ES (1978) The disorders of the self and their treatment: An outline. Int J Psychoanal, 59:413-426.
  • Kesebir S, Gülpek D, Noyan A (2002) Özkıyım girişimlerinin doğası. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 3:88-96.
  • Kesebir S (2011) Heinz Kohut ve kendilik psikolojisi. In Psikanalitik Psikoterapiler (Ed. AA Köşkdere):161-163. Ankara, Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları.
  • Kesebir S, Kavzoğlu SÖ, Üstündağ MF (2011) Bağlanma ve psikopatoloji. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 3:321-342.
  • Kesebir S, Gündoğar D, Küçüksubaşı Y, Tatlıdil Yaylacı E (2013a) The relation between affective temperament and resilience in depression: a controlled study. J Affect Disord, 148:352-356.
  • Kesebir S, İnanç L, Yıldırım G (2013b) Bipolar bozukluk tip I ile tip II'nin depresyon atakları arasındaki farklılıklar. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 5:290-298.
  • Kesebir S (2014) Metabolic syndrome and childhood trauma: Also comorbidity and complication in mood disorder. World J Clin Cases, 2:332-337.
  • Kesebir S, Ünübol B, Tatlıdil Yaylacı E, Gündoğar D, Ünübol H (2015) Impact of childhood trauma and affective temperament on resilience in bipolar disorder. Int J Bipolar Disord, 3:3.
  • Kesebir S, Yosmaoğlu A (2018) QEEG in affective disorder: about to be a biomarker, endophenothype and predictor of treatment response. Heliyon, 4:e00741
  • Kesebir S, Demirer RM, Tarhan N (2019) CFC delta-beta is related with mixed features and response to treatment in bipolar II depression. Heliyon, 5:e01898.
  • Kesebir S, Yosmaoğlu A (2020) QEEG- spectral power density of brain regions in predicting risk, resistance and resilience for bipolar disorder: A comparison of first degree relatives and unrelated healthy subjects. Heliyon, 6:e04100.
  • Kesebir S, Yosmaoglu A, Tarhan N (2022) A dimensional approach to affective disorder: The relations between Scl-90 subdimensions and QEEG parameters. Front Psychiatry, 15:e651008.
  • Kesebir S, Demirer RM (2023) Reclassification of mood disorders with comorbid medikal diseases based on Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen/ SRB entropy measures. Med Research Arch 11:e4881
  • Kesebir S (2024) Two new biomarkers and Mood Disorders: Bipolar Self, Bipolar EEG. Med Res Arch 12:e5071.
  • Keskin K, Eker MÇ, Gönül AS, Northoff G (2023) Abnormal global signal topography of self modulates emotion dysregulation in major depressive disorder. Transl Psychiatry, 13:107.
  • Kozma R, Puljic M, Freeman WJ (2014) Thermodynamic model of criticality in the cortex based on EEG/ECoG data. Crit. Neural Syst, 10:e1002.
  • Luyten P (2017) Personality, psychopathology, and health through the lens of interpersonal relatedness and self-definition. J Am Psychoanal Assoc, 65:473-489.
  • Northoff G, Sibille E (2014) Cortical GABA neurons and self-focus in depression: a model linking cellular, biochemical and neural network findings. Mol Psychiatry, 19:959.
  • Qin P, Northoff G (2011) How is our self related to midline regions and the default-mode network? Neuroimage, 57:1221-1233.
  • Tsuda, I (2015) Chaotic itinerancy and its roles in cognitive neurodynamics. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 10:e1016.
  • Widakowich C (2015) The manic depressive disease: Psychodynamics aspects and affective syntony. Vortex, 26:28-33.

Kendilik Psikolojisi ve Duygudurum Bozukluğu

Yıl 2025, , 61 - 68, 31.03.2025


Kendilik, ‘’ben’’ adı verilen öznenin varoluşunu hissetme ve yaşantılama halidir. Kendilik yenidoğanda parçalı bir kendiliktir. Birinci parça ‘’göstermeci/büyüklenmeci kendilik adını alır. Bakımveren tarafından uygun olarak aynalanıp desteklendiğinde canlılık ve özsaygı, başka bir deyişle varoluş duygusunu yaşatır. Kendilik nesnesinin yansıtıldığı ikinci parça ‘idealize edilmiş ebeveyn imgesi’’ adını alır. İdealize edilmiş ebeveyn imgesi, kendilik ve kendilik nesnesi arasındaki ilişkide gerektiği gibi geliştiğinde, gerilimde bir denge, bekleyebilme/erteleyebilme ve dürtü denetimi sağlar. Kendilik psikolojisi başlangıçta narsisizm kavramı ile ilişkilendirildiyse de sonrasında depresyonu açıklamak üzere ele alınmıştır. Bulgularımıza göre, kendilik patolojisi ve duygudurum bozukluğu elektrofizyolojik olarak örtüşmektedir. Bu durum, duygudurum bozukluğunun yapısal etiyolojisinin, başka bir deyişle kendilik psikopatolojisinin duygudurum bozukluğu için bir yatkınlık göstergesi olup olmadığının daha fazla incelenmesini gerektirmektedir.


  • Arieti S, Bemporad JR (1980) The psychological organisation of depression. Am J Psychiatry, 137:1360-1365.
  • Bai Y, Nakao T, Xu J, Qin P, Chaves P, Heinzel A et al. (2016) Resting state glutamate predicts elevated pre-stimulus alpha during self-relatedness: A combined EEG-MRS study on "rest-self overlap". Soc Neurosci, 11:249-263.
  • Baker HS, Baker MN (1987) Heinz Kohut’s self psychology: An overview. Am J Psychiatry, 144:1-9.
  • Chambers RA, Wallingford SC (2017) On mourning and recovery: Integrating stages of grief and change toward a neuroscience-based model of attachment. Psychodyn Psychiatry, 45:451-473.
  • Demirer RM, Kesebir S (2021) The entropy of chaotic transitions of EEG phase growth in bipolar disorder with lithium carbonate. Sci Rep, 11:11888.
  • Güven S, Kesebir S, Demirer RM, Bilici M. (2015) Electroencephalography spectral power density in first-episode mania: A comparative study with subsequent remission period. Noro Psikiyatr Ars, 52:194-197.
  • Karova ZY, Kesebir S (2021) Is there a relationship between self and mood ? Bipolar Disord 23:68.
  • Kohut H (1971) Analysis of the Self. Madison, CT, International Universities Press.
  • Kohut H (1988) Restoration of the Self. Madison, CT, International Universities Press.
  • Kohut H, Wolf ES (1978) The disorders of the self and their treatment: An outline. Int J Psychoanal, 59:413-426.
  • Kesebir S, Gülpek D, Noyan A (2002) Özkıyım girişimlerinin doğası. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 3:88-96.
  • Kesebir S (2011) Heinz Kohut ve kendilik psikolojisi. In Psikanalitik Psikoterapiler (Ed. AA Köşkdere):161-163. Ankara, Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları.
  • Kesebir S, Kavzoğlu SÖ, Üstündağ MF (2011) Bağlanma ve psikopatoloji. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 3:321-342.
  • Kesebir S, Gündoğar D, Küçüksubaşı Y, Tatlıdil Yaylacı E (2013a) The relation between affective temperament and resilience in depression: a controlled study. J Affect Disord, 148:352-356.
  • Kesebir S, İnanç L, Yıldırım G (2013b) Bipolar bozukluk tip I ile tip II'nin depresyon atakları arasındaki farklılıklar. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 5:290-298.
  • Kesebir S (2014) Metabolic syndrome and childhood trauma: Also comorbidity and complication in mood disorder. World J Clin Cases, 2:332-337.
  • Kesebir S, Ünübol B, Tatlıdil Yaylacı E, Gündoğar D, Ünübol H (2015) Impact of childhood trauma and affective temperament on resilience in bipolar disorder. Int J Bipolar Disord, 3:3.
  • Kesebir S, Yosmaoğlu A (2018) QEEG in affective disorder: about to be a biomarker, endophenothype and predictor of treatment response. Heliyon, 4:e00741
  • Kesebir S, Demirer RM, Tarhan N (2019) CFC delta-beta is related with mixed features and response to treatment in bipolar II depression. Heliyon, 5:e01898.
  • Kesebir S, Yosmaoğlu A (2020) QEEG- spectral power density of brain regions in predicting risk, resistance and resilience for bipolar disorder: A comparison of first degree relatives and unrelated healthy subjects. Heliyon, 6:e04100.
  • Kesebir S, Yosmaoglu A, Tarhan N (2022) A dimensional approach to affective disorder: The relations between Scl-90 subdimensions and QEEG parameters. Front Psychiatry, 15:e651008.
  • Kesebir S, Demirer RM (2023) Reclassification of mood disorders with comorbid medikal diseases based on Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen/ SRB entropy measures. Med Research Arch 11:e4881
  • Kesebir S (2024) Two new biomarkers and Mood Disorders: Bipolar Self, Bipolar EEG. Med Res Arch 12:e5071.
  • Keskin K, Eker MÇ, Gönül AS, Northoff G (2023) Abnormal global signal topography of self modulates emotion dysregulation in major depressive disorder. Transl Psychiatry, 13:107.
  • Kozma R, Puljic M, Freeman WJ (2014) Thermodynamic model of criticality in the cortex based on EEG/ECoG data. Crit. Neural Syst, 10:e1002.
  • Luyten P (2017) Personality, psychopathology, and health through the lens of interpersonal relatedness and self-definition. J Am Psychoanal Assoc, 65:473-489.
  • Northoff G, Sibille E (2014) Cortical GABA neurons and self-focus in depression: a model linking cellular, biochemical and neural network findings. Mol Psychiatry, 19:959.
  • Qin P, Northoff G (2011) How is our self related to midline regions and the default-mode network? Neuroimage, 57:1221-1233.
  • Tsuda, I (2015) Chaotic itinerancy and its roles in cognitive neurodynamics. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 10:e1016.
  • Widakowich C (2015) The manic depressive disease: Psychodynamics aspects and affective syntony. Vortex, 26:28-33.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikiyatri
Bölüm Derleme

Sermin Kesebir 0000-0003-1492-8283

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

AMA Kesebir S. Self Psychology and Mood Disorder. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Mart 2025;17(1):61-68. doi:10.18863/pgy.1429071

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