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Becoming Adult from the Perspective of Psychological Health

Yıl 2017, , 263 - 283, 30.09.2017


In the transition from adolescence to adulthood, individuals are expected to undertake a variety of role transitions. The adult roles and their contents have begun to change for both genders as a part of social, economic and cultural changes in the world. As women began to join to the work force more, men’s involvement in family life and childcare increased. Although having multiple roles causes conflict between the roles for both genders nowadays, being married and having children still seem to be related to better psychological health for today’s early adults. However, these positive effects of marriage disappear in conflicting and unhappy marriages; and these marriages, on the contrary, damage the health of individuals. In addition to the content, the timing of the roles is also related to the psychological health of individuals. As adults who undertake the roles early have a disadvantaged position in terms of psychological health, marital and family relations, on the other hand, adults who undertake these roles on-time and lately have better psychological health and life conditions. The aim of this review is to assess the effects of undertaking adult roles and its timing on individuals’ psychological health in today’s societies.


  • Aasheim V, Waldenström U, Hjelmstedt A, Rasmussen S, Pettersson H, Schytt E (2012) Associations between advanced maternal age and psychological distress in primiparous women, from early pregnancy to 18 months postpartum. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 119: 1108–1116.
  • Akça H, Ela M (2012) Türkiye’de eğitim, doğurganlık ve işsizlik ilişkisinin analizi. Maliye Dergisi, 163:223-242.
  • Amin S, Al-Bassusi NH (2004) Education, wage work, and marriage: perspectives of Egyptian working women. J Marriage Fam, 66:1287-1299.
  • Amuedo-Dorantes C, Kimmel J (2005) The motherhood wage gap for women in the United States: the importance of college and fertility delay. Rev Econ Househ, 3:17-48.
  • Andersen AN, Hansen KD, Andersen PK, Smith GD (2004) Advanced paternal age and risk of fetal death: a cohort study. Am J Epidemiol, 160:1214–1222.
  • Arı S (2012) Anne bebek bağlanması ile doğum sonu depresyon arasındaki ilişki (Yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Arnett JJ (2000) Emerging adulthood: a theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. Am Psychol, 55:469-480.
  • Arnett JJ (2001) Conceptions of the transition to adulthood: Perspectives from adolescence through midlife. J Adult Dev, 8:133-143.
  • Astolfi P, De Pasquale A, Zonta LA (2004) Late paternity and stillbirth risk. Hum Reprod, 19:2497–2501.
  • Astolfi P, De Pasquale A, Zonta LA (2005) Late childbearing and its impact on adverse pregnancy outcome:stillbirth, preterm delivery and low birth weight. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 53:97-105.
  • Atak H, Tatlı CE, Çokamay G, Büyükpabuşcu H, Çok F (2016) Yetişkinliğe geçiş: Türkiye’de demografik ölçütler bağlamında kuramsal bir gözden geçirme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 8:204-227.
  • Aycan Z, Eskin M (2005) Relative contributions of childcare, spousal support, and organizational support in reducing work–family conflict for men and women: the case of Turkey. Sex Roles, 53:453-471.
  • Aydemir E (2011) Evlilik mi Evcilik mi? Erken ve Zorla Evlilikler Çocuk Gelinler. Ankara, Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu.
  • Bagner DM, Pettit JW, Lewinsohn PM, Seeley JR, Jaccard J (2013) Disentangling the temporal relationship between parental depressive symptoms and early child behavior problems: a transactional framework, J Clin Child Adolesc, 42:78-90.
  • Balasch J, Gratacos E (2012) Delayed childbearing: effects on fertility and the outcome of pregnancy. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 24:187–193.
  • Beck CT (2001) Predictors of postpartum depression an update. Nurs Res, 50:275-285.
  • Beckman LJ, Houser BB (1982) The consequences of childlessness on the social-psychological well-being of older women. J Gerontol, 37:243-250.
  • Beets MW, Foley JT (2008) Association of father involvement and neighborhood quality with kindergartners' physical activity: a multilevel structural equation model. Am J Health Promot, 22:195-203.
  • Bell S, Lee C (2006) Does timing and sequencing of transitions to adulthood make a difference? stress, smoking, and physical activity among young Australian women, Int J Behav Med, 13:265-274.
  • Belsky J (1993) Etiology of child maltreatment: a developmental-ecological analysis. Psychol Bull, 114:413-434.
  • Benzies K, Tough S, Tofflemire K, Frick C, Faber A, Newburn-Cook C (2006) Factors influencing women’s decisions about timing of motherhood. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35:625–633.
  • Berlin LJ, Brady-Smith C, Brooks-Gunn J (2002) Links between childbearing age and observed maternal behaviors with 14-month-olds in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. Infant Ment Health J, 23:104-129.
  • Beutel M, Kupfer J, Kirchmeyer P, Kehde S, Kohn M, Schroeder-Printzen I et al (1999) Treatment-related stresses and depression in couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment by IVF or ICSI. Andrologia, 31:27-35.
  • Bianchi SM, Milkie MA (2010) Work and family research in the first decade of the 21st century. J Marriage Fam, 72:705-725.
  • Billari FC, Goisis A, Liefbroer AC, Settersten RA, Aassve A, Hagestad G et al (2011) Social age deadlines for the childbearing of women and men. Hum Reprod, 26:616–622.
  • Bishop AJ, Martin P (2007) The indirect influence of educational attainment on loneliness among unmarried older adults. Educ Gerontol, 33:897–917.
  • Bisschop MI, Kriegsman DM, Beekman AT, Deeg DJ (2004) Chronic diseases and depression:the modifying role of psychosocial resources. Soc Sci Med, 59:721–733.
  • Blackburn ML, Bloom DE, Neumark D (1993) Fertility timing, wages, and human capital. J Popul Econ, 6:1-30.
  • Bornstein MH, Putnick DL (2007) Chronological age, cognitions, and practices in European American mothers: a multivariate study of parenting. Dev Psychol, 43:850-864.
  • Bouchard G, Lachance-Grzela M, Goguen A (2008) Timing of the transition to motherhood and union quality: the moderator role of union length. Pers Relationsh, 15:71-80.
  • Boyd D, Bee H (2015) Lifespan Development, 7th edition. UK, Pearson.
  • Bram S (1984) Voluntarily childless women: traditional or nontraditional? Sex Roles, 10:195-206.
  • Brand JE, Davis D (2011) The impact of college education on fertility: evidence for heterogeneous effects. Demography, 48:863-887.
  • Bulanda RE, Lippmann S (2012) The timing of childbirth and family-to-work conflict. Sociol Focus, 45:185-202.
  • Bumpass LL, Martin TC, Sweet JA (1991) The impact of family background and early marital factors on marital disruption. J Fam Issues, 12:22-42.
  • Cairney J, Boyle M, Offord DR, Racine Y (2003) Stress, social support and depression in single and married mothers. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 38 :442–449.
  • Carlson D (2011) Explaining the curvilinear relationship between age at first birth and depression among women. Soc Sci Med, 72:494-503.
  • Casad BJ, Marcus-Newhall A, Nakawaki B, Kasabian AS, LeMaster J (2012) Younger age at first childbirth predicts mothers’ lower economic and psychological well-being later in life. J Fam Econ Issues, 33:421-435.

Psikolojik Sağlık Açısından Yetişkin Olma

Yıl 2017, , 263 - 283, 30.09.2017


Ergenlik döneminden yetişkinliğe geçişte bireylerin, çeşitli rol dönüşümlerini gerçekleştirmeleri beklenmektedir. Her iki cinsiyet için de yetişkin rollerinin içeriği ve zamanlaması, dünyadaki sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel değişimlerin bir parçası olarak önemli ölçüde değişmeye başlamıştır. Kadınlar daha fazla oranda iş gücüne katılım gösterirken; erkekler de daha fazla oranda aile yaşamı ve çocuk bakımında yer almaya başlamışlardır. Artık çoklu rollere sahip olma her iki cinsiyetin de roller arasında çatışma yaşamasına neden olmakla birlikte; günümüz genç yetişkinleri için halen evli ve çocuk sahibi olma daha iyi psikolojik sağlıkla ilişkili gözükmektedir. Ancak çatışmalı ve mutsuz evliliklerde, evliliğin sağladığı olumlu etkiler ortadan kalkmakta; tam tersine bireyin sağlığı üzerinde bozucu bir rol oynamaktadır. Rollerin içeriğinin yanı sıra zamanlaması da bireylerin psikolojik sağlığı ile ilişkilidir. Rolleri erken üstlenen bireyler, psikolojik sağlık, eş ve aile ilişkileri açısından daha dezavantajlı bir konuma sahipken; rolleri zamanında ve geç üstlenen bireyler, daha iyi psikolojik sağlık ve yaşam koşullarına sahiplerdir. Bu gözden geçirme yazısının amacı, günümüz toplumlarında yetişkin rollerini üstlenme ve yetişkin rollerindeki zamanlamanın, bireyin psikolojik sağlığına etkilerinin değerlendirilmesidir. 


  • Aasheim V, Waldenström U, Hjelmstedt A, Rasmussen S, Pettersson H, Schytt E (2012) Associations between advanced maternal age and psychological distress in primiparous women, from early pregnancy to 18 months postpartum. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 119: 1108–1116.
  • Akça H, Ela M (2012) Türkiye’de eğitim, doğurganlık ve işsizlik ilişkisinin analizi. Maliye Dergisi, 163:223-242.
  • Amin S, Al-Bassusi NH (2004) Education, wage work, and marriage: perspectives of Egyptian working women. J Marriage Fam, 66:1287-1299.
  • Amuedo-Dorantes C, Kimmel J (2005) The motherhood wage gap for women in the United States: the importance of college and fertility delay. Rev Econ Househ, 3:17-48.
  • Andersen AN, Hansen KD, Andersen PK, Smith GD (2004) Advanced paternal age and risk of fetal death: a cohort study. Am J Epidemiol, 160:1214–1222.
  • Arı S (2012) Anne bebek bağlanması ile doğum sonu depresyon arasındaki ilişki (Yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Arnett JJ (2000) Emerging adulthood: a theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. Am Psychol, 55:469-480.
  • Arnett JJ (2001) Conceptions of the transition to adulthood: Perspectives from adolescence through midlife. J Adult Dev, 8:133-143.
  • Astolfi P, De Pasquale A, Zonta LA (2004) Late paternity and stillbirth risk. Hum Reprod, 19:2497–2501.
  • Astolfi P, De Pasquale A, Zonta LA (2005) Late childbearing and its impact on adverse pregnancy outcome:stillbirth, preterm delivery and low birth weight. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 53:97-105.
  • Atak H, Tatlı CE, Çokamay G, Büyükpabuşcu H, Çok F (2016) Yetişkinliğe geçiş: Türkiye’de demografik ölçütler bağlamında kuramsal bir gözden geçirme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 8:204-227.
  • Aycan Z, Eskin M (2005) Relative contributions of childcare, spousal support, and organizational support in reducing work–family conflict for men and women: the case of Turkey. Sex Roles, 53:453-471.
  • Aydemir E (2011) Evlilik mi Evcilik mi? Erken ve Zorla Evlilikler Çocuk Gelinler. Ankara, Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu.
  • Bagner DM, Pettit JW, Lewinsohn PM, Seeley JR, Jaccard J (2013) Disentangling the temporal relationship between parental depressive symptoms and early child behavior problems: a transactional framework, J Clin Child Adolesc, 42:78-90.
  • Balasch J, Gratacos E (2012) Delayed childbearing: effects on fertility and the outcome of pregnancy. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 24:187–193.
  • Beck CT (2001) Predictors of postpartum depression an update. Nurs Res, 50:275-285.
  • Beckman LJ, Houser BB (1982) The consequences of childlessness on the social-psychological well-being of older women. J Gerontol, 37:243-250.
  • Beets MW, Foley JT (2008) Association of father involvement and neighborhood quality with kindergartners' physical activity: a multilevel structural equation model. Am J Health Promot, 22:195-203.
  • Bell S, Lee C (2006) Does timing and sequencing of transitions to adulthood make a difference? stress, smoking, and physical activity among young Australian women, Int J Behav Med, 13:265-274.
  • Belsky J (1993) Etiology of child maltreatment: a developmental-ecological analysis. Psychol Bull, 114:413-434.
  • Benzies K, Tough S, Tofflemire K, Frick C, Faber A, Newburn-Cook C (2006) Factors influencing women’s decisions about timing of motherhood. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 35:625–633.
  • Berlin LJ, Brady-Smith C, Brooks-Gunn J (2002) Links between childbearing age and observed maternal behaviors with 14-month-olds in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. Infant Ment Health J, 23:104-129.
  • Beutel M, Kupfer J, Kirchmeyer P, Kehde S, Kohn M, Schroeder-Printzen I et al (1999) Treatment-related stresses and depression in couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment by IVF or ICSI. Andrologia, 31:27-35.
  • Bianchi SM, Milkie MA (2010) Work and family research in the first decade of the 21st century. J Marriage Fam, 72:705-725.
  • Billari FC, Goisis A, Liefbroer AC, Settersten RA, Aassve A, Hagestad G et al (2011) Social age deadlines for the childbearing of women and men. Hum Reprod, 26:616–622.
  • Bishop AJ, Martin P (2007) The indirect influence of educational attainment on loneliness among unmarried older adults. Educ Gerontol, 33:897–917.
  • Bisschop MI, Kriegsman DM, Beekman AT, Deeg DJ (2004) Chronic diseases and depression:the modifying role of psychosocial resources. Soc Sci Med, 59:721–733.
  • Blackburn ML, Bloom DE, Neumark D (1993) Fertility timing, wages, and human capital. J Popul Econ, 6:1-30.
  • Bornstein MH, Putnick DL (2007) Chronological age, cognitions, and practices in European American mothers: a multivariate study of parenting. Dev Psychol, 43:850-864.
  • Bouchard G, Lachance-Grzela M, Goguen A (2008) Timing of the transition to motherhood and union quality: the moderator role of union length. Pers Relationsh, 15:71-80.
  • Boyd D, Bee H (2015) Lifespan Development, 7th edition. UK, Pearson.
  • Bram S (1984) Voluntarily childless women: traditional or nontraditional? Sex Roles, 10:195-206.
  • Brand JE, Davis D (2011) The impact of college education on fertility: evidence for heterogeneous effects. Demography, 48:863-887.
  • Bulanda RE, Lippmann S (2012) The timing of childbirth and family-to-work conflict. Sociol Focus, 45:185-202.
  • Bumpass LL, Martin TC, Sweet JA (1991) The impact of family background and early marital factors on marital disruption. J Fam Issues, 12:22-42.
  • Cairney J, Boyle M, Offord DR, Racine Y (2003) Stress, social support and depression in single and married mothers. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 38 :442–449.
  • Carlson D (2011) Explaining the curvilinear relationship between age at first birth and depression among women. Soc Sci Med, 72:494-503.
  • Casad BJ, Marcus-Newhall A, Nakawaki B, Kasabian AS, LeMaster J (2012) Younger age at first childbirth predicts mothers’ lower economic and psychological well-being later in life. J Fam Econ Issues, 33:421-435.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Nilay Pekel Uludağlı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

AMA Pekel Uludağlı N. Psikolojik Sağlık Açısından Yetişkin Olma. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2017;9(3):263-283. doi:10.18863/pgy.285949

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