Şükran: Ruh Sağlığı Alanında Güncel Bir Kavram
Yıl 2018,
, 1 - 18, 31.03.2018
Ferhat Kardaş
İlhan Yalçın
Pozitif psikoloji yaklaşımıyla birlikte ruh sağlığı alanında bireylerin pozitif duygularına ve güçlü yanlarına olan vurgu artmaya başlamıştır. Pozitif psikoloji yaklaşımıyla birlikte pozitif duyguların danışanların iyilik hallerine katkı sunma potansiyellerine dikkat çekilmekte ve bu çerçevede yapılan çeşitli çalışmalar, pozitif bir duygu olarak şükran duymanın danışanların ruh sağlığını iyileştirmede kullanılan araçlardan biri haline geldiğini göstermektedir. Bu gözden geçirme çalışmasında, çeşitli alanlarda oldukça eski ancak psikoloji alanında güncel bir konu olan şükran kavramı çeşitli boyutlarıyla ele alınmakta ve bu çerçevede uygulayıcı ve araştırmacılar için bazı öneriler sunulmaktadır.
- Adler MG, Fagley NS (2005) Appreciation: Individual differences in finding value and meaning as a unique predictor of subjective well-being. J Pers, 73:79-114.
- Akın A, Yüksel R (2011) Validation of the gratitude questionnaire in Turkish. 32th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Jully18-20, Munster, Germany.
- Algoe SB (2012) Find, remind, and bind: the functions of gratitude in everyday relationships. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 6:455–469.
- Ayten A (2014) Erdeme Dönüş: Psikoloji ve Mutluluk Yolu. İstanbul, İz Yayıncılık.
Chan DW (2013) Subjective well-being of Hong Kong Chinese teachers: the contribution of gratitude, forgiveness, and the orientations to happiness. Teach Teach Educ, 3:22-30.
- Davis DE, Choe E, Meyers J, Wade N, Varjas K, Gifford A et al .(2016) Thankful for the little things: a meta-analysis of gratitude interventions. Couns Psychol, 63:20–31.
- Dumas JE, Johnson M, Lynch AM (2002) Likableness, familiarity, and frequency of 844 person-descriptive words. Pers Individ Dif, 32:523-531.
- Emmons RA (2004) The psychology of gratitude: an introduction. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):3–16. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Emmons RA (2007) Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Emmons RA (2009) Gratitude. In The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology (Eds SJ Lopez): 442-447. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Emmons RA, McCullough ME (2003) Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. J Pers Soc Psychol, 84:377–389.
- Emmons RA, Shelton CM (2002) Gratitude and the science of positive psychology. In Handbook of Positive Psychology (Eds CR Snyder, SJ Lopez):459–471. New York, Oxford University Press.
- Eryılmaz A (2014) Üniversite öğrencileri için geliştirilen öznel iyi oluşu artırma programının etkililiğinin incelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (31):111-128.
- Fredrickson BL, (2001) The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: the broaden-and build theory of positive emotions. Am Psychol, 56:218-226.
- Fredrickson BL, (2004) Gratitude, like other positive emotions, broadens and builds. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):145-166 New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Fredrickson BL, Mancuso RA, Branigan C, Tugade MM (2000) The undoing effect of positive emotions. Motiv Emot, 24:237-258.
- Fredrickson BL, Tugade MM, Waugh CC, Larkin GR (2003) What good are positive emotions in crises? a prospective study of resilience and emotions following the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. J Pers Soc Psychol, 84:365–376.
- Froh J, Bono G, Emmons RA (2010) Being grateful is beyond good manners: Gratitude and motivation to contribute to society among early adolescents. Motiv Emot, 34:144-157.
- Froh J, Bono G, Fan J, Emmons RA, Henderson K, Harris C et al. (2014) Nice thinking! An educational intervention that teaches children to think gratefully. School Psych Rev, 43:132-152.
- Froh J, Sefick WJ, Emmons RA (2008) Counting blessings in early adolescents: an experimental study of gratitude and subjective well-being. J Soc Psychol, 46:213-233.
- Froh J, Yurkewicz C, Kashdan T (2009) Gratitude and subjective well-being in early adolescence: examining gender differences. J Adolesc, 32:633-650.
- Grant A, Gino F (2010) A little thanks goes a long way: explaining why gratitude expressions motivate prosocial behavior. J Pers Soc Psychol, 98:946-955.
- Kerr SL, O’Donovan A, Pepping CA (2015) Can gratitude and kindness interventions enhance well-being in a clinical sample? J Happiness Stud, 16:17–36.
- Lambert NM, Graham SM, Fincham FD (2009) A prototype analysis of gratitude: varieties of gratitude experiences. Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 35:1193–1207.
- Lin CC (2015) Gratitude and depression in young adults: the mediating role of self-esteem and well-being. Pers Individ Dif, 87:30–34.
- Lyubomirsky S (2008) The how of happiness: a scientific approach to getting life you want. New York, Penguin Press.
- Lyubomirsky S, Layous K (2013) How do simple positive activities increase well-being? Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 22:57–62.
- Lyubomirsky S, Sheldon KM, Schkade D (2005) Pursuing happiness: the architecture of sustainable change. Rev Gen Psychol, 9:111–131.
- McCullough ME, Emmons RA, Tsang J (2002) The grateful disposition: a conceptual and empirical topography. J Pers Soc Psychol, 82:112-127.
- McCullough ME, Kilpatrick SD, Emmons RA, Larson DB (2001) Is gratitude a moral affect? Psychol Bull, 127:249-266.
- McCullough ME, Tsang J (2004) Parent of the virtues? the prosocial contours of gratitude. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):123-141. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Nelson C (2009) Appreciating gratitude: can gratitude be used as a psychological intervention to improve individual well-being? Counselling Psychology Review, 24(3):38-50.
- Nelson SK, Lyubomirsky S (2016) Gratitude. In Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2nd ed, (Eds HS, Friedman):277-280. Waltham, MA, Academic Press.
- Oğuz Duran, N (2015) Minnettarlık. In Eğitimde Pozitif Psikoloji Uygulamaları (Eds BE Tekinalp, ŞI Terzi):359-383. Ankara, Pegem Akademi.
- Oğuz Duran N, Tan Ş (2013) Minnettarlık ve yaşam amaçları yazma çalışmalarının öznel iyi oluşa etkisi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(40):154-166.
- Roberts RC (2004) The blessings of gratitude. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):58–78. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Seligman MEP (1999) Positive social science. J Posit Behav Interv, 1:181-182.
- Seligman MEP, Csikszentmihalyi M (2000) Positive psychology: an introduction. Am Psychol, 55:5-14.
- Seligman MEP, Steen T, Park N, Peterson C (2005) Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. Am Psychol, 60:410-421.
- Sheldon KM, Lyubomirsky S (2006) How to increase and sustain positive emotion: the effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves. J Posit Psychol, 1:73–82.
- Steindl-Rast D (2004) Gratitude as thankfulness and as gratefulness. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):282-289. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Sun P, Jiang H, Chu M, Qian F (2014) Gratitude and school well-being among Chinese university students: Interpersonal relationships and social support as mediators. Soc Behav Pers, 42:1689-1698.
- Tsang J (2006) Gratitude and prosocial behaviour: an experimental test of gratitude. Cogn Emot, 20:138-148.
- Young ME, Hutchinson TS (2012) The rediscovery of gratitude: implications for counseling practice. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 51:99-113.
- Yüksel A, Duran NO (2012) Turkish adaptation of the Gratitude Questionnaire. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 46:199-216.
- Washizu N, Naito T (2015) The emotions sumanai, gratitude, and indebtedness, and their relations to interpersonal orientation and psychological well-being among Japanese university students. Int Perspect Psychol, 4:209-222.
- Watkins PC, Woodward K, Stone T, Kolts RL (2003) Gratitude and happiness: Development of a measure of gratitude, and relationships wıth subjective well-being. Soc Behav Pers, 31:431-452.
- Watkins PC (2008). Gratitude and subjective well-being. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):167–192. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Wood AM, Froh JJ, Geraghty AWA (2010) Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clin Psychol Rev, 30:890–905.
- Wood AM, Joseph S, Linley, RA (2007). Coping style as a psychological resource of grateful people. J Soc Clin Psychol, 26:1108-1125.
- Wood AM, Maltby J, Stewart N, Joseph S (2008a) Conceptualizing gratitude and appreciation as a unitary personality trait. Pers Individ Dif, 44:619-630.
- Wood AM, Maltby J, Gillett R, Linley PA, Joseph S (2008b) The role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression: two longitudinal studies. J Res Pers, 42: 854–871.
Gratitude: A Current Issue in Mental Health
Yıl 2018,
, 1 - 18, 31.03.2018
Ferhat Kardaş
İlhan Yalçın
There has been an increase in the emphasis on the positive feelings and strengths of individuals in the mental health by the emergence of positive psychology approach. Positive psychology approach points to the potential of positive emotions contributing to clients' well-being, and various studies in this framework show that gratitude as a positive feeling has become one of the tools used to improve clients’ mental health. In this review study, the concept of gratitude, which is quite old in various fields but is a current topic in the field of psychology, is handled in various dimensions and some suggestions are given for practitioners and researchers in this framework.
- Adler MG, Fagley NS (2005) Appreciation: Individual differences in finding value and meaning as a unique predictor of subjective well-being. J Pers, 73:79-114.
- Akın A, Yüksel R (2011) Validation of the gratitude questionnaire in Turkish. 32th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Jully18-20, Munster, Germany.
- Algoe SB (2012) Find, remind, and bind: the functions of gratitude in everyday relationships. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 6:455–469.
- Ayten A (2014) Erdeme Dönüş: Psikoloji ve Mutluluk Yolu. İstanbul, İz Yayıncılık.
Chan DW (2013) Subjective well-being of Hong Kong Chinese teachers: the contribution of gratitude, forgiveness, and the orientations to happiness. Teach Teach Educ, 3:22-30.
- Davis DE, Choe E, Meyers J, Wade N, Varjas K, Gifford A et al .(2016) Thankful for the little things: a meta-analysis of gratitude interventions. Couns Psychol, 63:20–31.
- Dumas JE, Johnson M, Lynch AM (2002) Likableness, familiarity, and frequency of 844 person-descriptive words. Pers Individ Dif, 32:523-531.
- Emmons RA (2004) The psychology of gratitude: an introduction. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):3–16. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Emmons RA (2007) Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Emmons RA (2009) Gratitude. In The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology (Eds SJ Lopez): 442-447. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Emmons RA, McCullough ME (2003) Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. J Pers Soc Psychol, 84:377–389.
- Emmons RA, Shelton CM (2002) Gratitude and the science of positive psychology. In Handbook of Positive Psychology (Eds CR Snyder, SJ Lopez):459–471. New York, Oxford University Press.
- Eryılmaz A (2014) Üniversite öğrencileri için geliştirilen öznel iyi oluşu artırma programının etkililiğinin incelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (31):111-128.
- Fredrickson BL, (2001) The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: the broaden-and build theory of positive emotions. Am Psychol, 56:218-226.
- Fredrickson BL, (2004) Gratitude, like other positive emotions, broadens and builds. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):145-166 New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Fredrickson BL, Mancuso RA, Branigan C, Tugade MM (2000) The undoing effect of positive emotions. Motiv Emot, 24:237-258.
- Fredrickson BL, Tugade MM, Waugh CC, Larkin GR (2003) What good are positive emotions in crises? a prospective study of resilience and emotions following the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. J Pers Soc Psychol, 84:365–376.
- Froh J, Bono G, Emmons RA (2010) Being grateful is beyond good manners: Gratitude and motivation to contribute to society among early adolescents. Motiv Emot, 34:144-157.
- Froh J, Bono G, Fan J, Emmons RA, Henderson K, Harris C et al. (2014) Nice thinking! An educational intervention that teaches children to think gratefully. School Psych Rev, 43:132-152.
- Froh J, Sefick WJ, Emmons RA (2008) Counting blessings in early adolescents: an experimental study of gratitude and subjective well-being. J Soc Psychol, 46:213-233.
- Froh J, Yurkewicz C, Kashdan T (2009) Gratitude and subjective well-being in early adolescence: examining gender differences. J Adolesc, 32:633-650.
- Grant A, Gino F (2010) A little thanks goes a long way: explaining why gratitude expressions motivate prosocial behavior. J Pers Soc Psychol, 98:946-955.
- Kerr SL, O’Donovan A, Pepping CA (2015) Can gratitude and kindness interventions enhance well-being in a clinical sample? J Happiness Stud, 16:17–36.
- Lambert NM, Graham SM, Fincham FD (2009) A prototype analysis of gratitude: varieties of gratitude experiences. Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 35:1193–1207.
- Lin CC (2015) Gratitude and depression in young adults: the mediating role of self-esteem and well-being. Pers Individ Dif, 87:30–34.
- Lyubomirsky S (2008) The how of happiness: a scientific approach to getting life you want. New York, Penguin Press.
- Lyubomirsky S, Layous K (2013) How do simple positive activities increase well-being? Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 22:57–62.
- Lyubomirsky S, Sheldon KM, Schkade D (2005) Pursuing happiness: the architecture of sustainable change. Rev Gen Psychol, 9:111–131.
- McCullough ME, Emmons RA, Tsang J (2002) The grateful disposition: a conceptual and empirical topography. J Pers Soc Psychol, 82:112-127.
- McCullough ME, Kilpatrick SD, Emmons RA, Larson DB (2001) Is gratitude a moral affect? Psychol Bull, 127:249-266.
- McCullough ME, Tsang J (2004) Parent of the virtues? the prosocial contours of gratitude. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):123-141. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Nelson C (2009) Appreciating gratitude: can gratitude be used as a psychological intervention to improve individual well-being? Counselling Psychology Review, 24(3):38-50.
- Nelson SK, Lyubomirsky S (2016) Gratitude. In Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2nd ed, (Eds HS, Friedman):277-280. Waltham, MA, Academic Press.
- Oğuz Duran, N (2015) Minnettarlık. In Eğitimde Pozitif Psikoloji Uygulamaları (Eds BE Tekinalp, ŞI Terzi):359-383. Ankara, Pegem Akademi.
- Oğuz Duran N, Tan Ş (2013) Minnettarlık ve yaşam amaçları yazma çalışmalarının öznel iyi oluşa etkisi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(40):154-166.
- Roberts RC (2004) The blessings of gratitude. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):58–78. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Seligman MEP (1999) Positive social science. J Posit Behav Interv, 1:181-182.
- Seligman MEP, Csikszentmihalyi M (2000) Positive psychology: an introduction. Am Psychol, 55:5-14.
- Seligman MEP, Steen T, Park N, Peterson C (2005) Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. Am Psychol, 60:410-421.
- Sheldon KM, Lyubomirsky S (2006) How to increase and sustain positive emotion: the effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves. J Posit Psychol, 1:73–82.
- Steindl-Rast D (2004) Gratitude as thankfulness and as gratefulness. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):282-289. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Sun P, Jiang H, Chu M, Qian F (2014) Gratitude and school well-being among Chinese university students: Interpersonal relationships and social support as mediators. Soc Behav Pers, 42:1689-1698.
- Tsang J (2006) Gratitude and prosocial behaviour: an experimental test of gratitude. Cogn Emot, 20:138-148.
- Young ME, Hutchinson TS (2012) The rediscovery of gratitude: implications for counseling practice. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 51:99-113.
- Yüksel A, Duran NO (2012) Turkish adaptation of the Gratitude Questionnaire. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 46:199-216.
- Washizu N, Naito T (2015) The emotions sumanai, gratitude, and indebtedness, and their relations to interpersonal orientation and psychological well-being among Japanese university students. Int Perspect Psychol, 4:209-222.
- Watkins PC, Woodward K, Stone T, Kolts RL (2003) Gratitude and happiness: Development of a measure of gratitude, and relationships wıth subjective well-being. Soc Behav Pers, 31:431-452.
- Watkins PC (2008). Gratitude and subjective well-being. In The Psychology of Gratitude (Eds RA Emmons, ME McCullough):167–192. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
- Wood AM, Froh JJ, Geraghty AWA (2010) Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clin Psychol Rev, 30:890–905.
- Wood AM, Joseph S, Linley, RA (2007). Coping style as a psychological resource of grateful people. J Soc Clin Psychol, 26:1108-1125.
- Wood AM, Maltby J, Stewart N, Joseph S (2008a) Conceptualizing gratitude and appreciation as a unitary personality trait. Pers Individ Dif, 44:619-630.
- Wood AM, Maltby J, Gillett R, Linley PA, Joseph S (2008b) The role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression: two longitudinal studies. J Res Pers, 42: 854–871.