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Çalışma Yaşamından Okula: Okul Tükenmişliğine Yönelik Kuramsal Yaklaşımlar

Yıl 2019, , 80 - 99, 31.03.2019


İlk zamanlar çalışma yaşamı bağlamında ele alınan tükenmişlik kavramı, daha sonra okul ortamına uyarlanarak incelenmeye başlanmıştır. Fiziksel ve duygusal olarak enerjinin bitmesi, yapılan işe karşı ilgisiz olma ve kişisel başarı duygusunda azalma biçiminde tanımlanan tükenmişlik benzer biçimde okul tükenmişliğinin de tanımlanmasında kullanılmıştır. Son yıllarda okul bağlamında ele alınan bu kavramın, öğrencilerde depresyon, okula devamsızlık yapma, okulla bağ kurmama ve okul terki ile sonuçlandığı rapor edilmektedir. Alanyazın incelendiğinde okul tükenmişliği kavramını kuramsal anlamda ele alınan yaklaşımların daha çok, kaynakların korunması kuramı, talepler-kaynaklar modeli, sosyal bilişsel kuram, varoluşçu bakış açısı ve gelişimsel süreç modeli olduğu görülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı adı geçen kuramların okul tükenmişliğine yönelik açıklamalarına yer vermek ve bu kuramlara dayalı olarak ruh sağlığı alanına ve gelecekteki araştırmacılara öneriler sunmaktır.


  • Alarcon GM, Edwards JM, Menke LE (2011) Student burnout and engagement: a test of the conservation of resources theory. J Psychol, 145:211-227.
  • Antonovsky A (1987) Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well. San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass.
  • Bakker AB, Demerouti E (2007) The job demands-resources model: state of the art. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22:309-328.
  • Bakker AB, Demerouti E (2008) Towards a model of work engagement. Career Development International, 13:209-223.
  • Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Verbeke W (2004) Using the job demands‐resources model to predict burnout and performance. HRMAGAZINE, 43(1):83-104.
  • Bandura A (1977) Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev, 84:191–215.
  • Bandura A (1982) Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. Am Psychol, 37:122–147.
  • Bandura A (1997) Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York, Freeman.
  • Barnett MD, Flores J (2016) Narcissus, exhausted: Self-compassion mediates the relationship between narcissism and school burnout. Pers Individ Dif, 97:102-108.
  • Bask M, Salmela-Aro K (2013) Burned out to drop out: Exploring the relationship between school burnout and school dropout. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28:511–528.
  • Caprara GV, Vecchione M, Alessandri G, Gerbino M, Barbaranelli C (2011) The contribution of personality traits and self‐efficacy beliefs to academic achievement: a longitudinal study. Br J Educ Psychol, 81:78-96.
  • Cherniss C (1992) Long-term consequences of burnout: an exploratory study. J Organ Behav, 13(1): 1-11.
  • Clarkson P (1992) Burnout: typical racket systems of professional helpers. Transactional Analysis Journal, 22:153–158.
  • Cohen W, Wills TA (1985) Stress, social support and the buffering hypothesis. Psychol Bull, 98:310–357.
  • Cooper AN, Seibert GS, May RW, Fitzgerald MC, Fincham FD (2017) School burnout and intimate partner violence: the role of self-control. J Individ Differ, 112:18-25.
  • Covington M (2000) Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement: an integrative review. Annu Rev Psychol, 5:171−200.
  • De Jonge J, Schaufeli WB (1998) Job characteristics and employee well-being: a test of Warr's Vitamin Model in health care workers using structural equation modelling. J Organ Behav, 19:387-407.
  • De Rijk AE, Blanc PML, Schaufeli WB, Jonge J (1998) Active coping and need for control as moderators of the job demand–control model: effects on burnout. J Occup Organ Psychol, 71:1-18.
  • Deary IJ, Watson R, Hogston R (2003) A longitudinal cohort study of burnout and attrition in nursing students. J Adv Nurs, 43:71-81.
  • Demerouti E, Bakker AB, Nachreiner F, Schaufeli WB (2001) The job demands-resources model of burnout. J Appl Psychol, 86:499-512.
  • Eccles JS, Midgley C, Wigfield A, Buchanan CM, Reuman D, Flanagan C et al. (1993) Development during adolescence: the impact of stage-environment fit on young adolescents' experiences in schools and in families. Am Psychol, 48:90-101.
  • Fimian M, Cross A (1986) Stress and burnout amoung preadolescent and early adolescent gifted students: a preliminary investigation. J Early Adolesc, 6: 247−267.
  • Frankl V (2013) İnsanın Anlam Arayışı (Çev. S Budak). İstanbul, Okuyanus Yayınları.
  • Freudenberger HJ (1974) Staff burn-out. J Soc Issues, 30:159-165.
  • Frydenberg E, Lewis R (2004) Adolescents least able to cope: How do they respond to their stresses? Br J Guid Counc, 32:25−37.
  • Golembiewski R, Boudreau R, Goto K, Murai T (1993) Transnational perspectives on job burnout: Replication of phase model results among Japanese respondents. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 1:7−27.
  • Golembiewski R, Munzenrider R, Carter D (1983) Phases of progressive burnout and their work site covariants: critical issues in OD research and praxis. J Appl Behav Sci, 19:461−481.
  • Grandey AA, Cropanzano R (1999) The conservation of resources model applied to work–family conflict and strain. J Vocat Behav, 54(2): 350-370.
  • Gutman LM, Eccles JS (2007) Stage-environment fit during adolescence: trajectories of family relations and adolescent outcomes. Dev Psychol, 43:522-537.
  • Hobfoll SE (1989) Conservation of resources: a new attempt at conceptualizing stress. Am Psychol, 44:513–524.
  • Hobfoll SE, Shirom A (2001) Conservation of Resources: Applications to stress and management in the workplace. In Handbook of Organizational Behavior (Ed R Golembiewski):57-80. New York, Marcel Dekker.
  • Hobfoll SE, Stokes JP (1988) The process and mechanism of social support. In The Handbook of Research in Personal Relationships (Ed SW Duck):497–517. London, Wiley.
  • Hockey GRJ (1993) Cognitive energetical cognitive mechanisms in the management of work demands and psychological health. In Attention: Selection, Awareness and Control (Eds A Baddley and L Weiskrantz):328-345. Oxford, England, Clarendon Press.
  • Jacobs SR, Dodd D (2003) Student burnout as a function of personality, social support, and workload. J Coll Stud Dev, 44:291-303.
  • Kiuru N, Aunola K, Nurmi J, Leskinen E, Salmela-Aro K (2008) Peer group influence and selection in adolescents' school burnout. Merrill Palmer Q, 54:23–55.
  • Kremer-Hayon L, Kurtz H (1985) The relation of personal and environmental variables to teacher burnout. Teach Teach Educ,1:243-249.
  • Lee RT, Ashforth BE (1996) A meta-analytic examination of the correlates of the three dimensions of job burnout. J Appl Psychol, 81:123-133.
  • Leiter M (1989) Conceptual implications of two models of burnout: A response to Golembiewski. Group and Organizational Studies, 14:15−22.
  • Leiter MP (1990) The impact of family resources, control coping, and skill utilization on the development of burnout: A longitudinal study. Human Relations, 43:1067-1083.
  • Leiter, MP (1991) Coping patterns as predictors of burnout: The function of control and escapist coping patterns. J Organ Behav, 12:123-144.
  • Leiter M, Maslach C (1988) The impact of interpersonal environment on burnout and organizational commitment. J Organ Behav, 9: 297−308.
  • Luo Y, Wang Z, Zhang H, Chen A, Quan S (2016) The effect of perfectionism on school burnout among adolescence: the mediator of self-esteem and coping style. Pers Individ Dif, 88:202-208.
  • Malanowski JR, Wood PH (1984) Burnout and self-actualization in public school teachers. J Psychol, 117:23-26.
  • Manzano-García G, Ayala-Calvo JC.(2013) New Perspectives: Towards an integration of the concept "burnout" and its explanatory models. Annals of Psychology, 29:800-809.
  • Maslach C, Jackson SE (1985) The role of sex and family variables in burnout. Sex Roles, 12:837-851.
  • Maslach C, Leiter MP (1997) The Truth about Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do about İt? San Francisco, Jossey Bass.
  • Maslach C, Schaufeli W, Leiter P (2001) Job burnout: new directions in research and intervention. Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 12:189−192.
  • Maslach J, Jackson SE (1986) Maslach Burnout Inventory, 2nd edition. Palo Alto, CA, Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • May RW, Seibert GS, Sanchez-Gonzalez MA, Fincham FD (2018) School burnout and heart rate variability: risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension in young adult females. Stress, 21:211-216.
  • Noh H, Shin H, Lee SM (2013) Developmental process of academic burnout among Korean middle school students. Learn Individ Differ, 28:82-89.
  • Nurmi JE (2012) Foundational issues in investigating development as interindividual variation. In Handbook of Developmental Research Methods (Eds B Laursen, T Little, N Card):231-246. New York, Guilford.
  • Nurmi JE (2013) Modeling developmental processes in psychology. Perspect Sci, 21:181-195.
  • Parker PD, Salmela-Aro K (2011) Developmental processes in school burnout: a comparison of major developmental models. Learn Individ Differ, 21:244-248.
  • Pines AM (1993) Burnout: an existential perspective. In Professional burnout (Eds W Schaufeli, C Maslach, T Marek):33-51. Philadelphia, Taylor & Francis.
  • Pines AM (2000) Nurses’ burnout: an existential psychodynamic perspective. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv, 38(2):23-31.
  • Pines AM (2002) Teacher burnout: a psychodynamic existential perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 8:121–140.
  • Pines AM, Keinan G (2005) Stress and burnout: the significant difference. Pers Individ Dif, 39:625-635.
  • Pines A, Aronson E (1988) Career Burnout: Causes and Cures. New York, Free Press.
  • Pines A, Aronson E, Kafry D (1981) Burnout: From Tedium to Personal Growth. New York, Free Press.
  • Salanova M, Schaufeli WB, Martinez I, Breso E (2010) How obstacles and facilitators predict academic performance: The mediating role of study burnout and engagement. Anxiety Stress Coping, 23:53–70.
  • Salmela-Aro K (2017) Dark and bright sides of thriving–school burnout and engagement in the Finnish context. Eur J Dev Psychol, 14:337-349.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Upadyaya K (2014) School burnout and engagement in the context of demands–resources model. Br J Educ Psychol, 84:137-151.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Tynkkynen L (2012) Gendered pathways in school burnout among adolescents. J Adolesc, 35:929-939.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Kiuru N, Nurmi J (2008) The role of educational track in adolescents' school burnout: a longitudinal study. Br J Educ Psychol, 78: 663–689.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Kiuru N, Leskinen E, Nurmi J (2009) School Burnout Inventory (SBI): reliability and validity. Eur J Psychol Assess, 25:48−57.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Savolainen H, Holopainen L (2009) Depressive symptoms and school burnout during adolescence: evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal studies. J Youth Adolesc, 38:1316-1327.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Upadyaya K, Hakkarainen K, Lonka K, Alho K (2016) The dark side of internet use: two longitudinal studies of excessive internet use, depressive symptoms, school burnout and engagement among Finnish early and late adolescents. J Youth Adolesc, 46:343-357.
  • Schaufeli W, Enzmann D (1998) The burnout companion to study and practice: a critical analysis. London, Taylor & Francis.
  • Schaufeli WB, Bakker AB (2004) Job demands, job resources, and their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi-sample study. J Organ Behav, 25:293–315.
  • Schaufeli WB, Martinez IM, Pinto AM, Salanova M, Bakker AB (2002) Burnout and engagement in university students: a cross national study. J Cross Cult Psychol, 33:464-481.
  • Schaufeli WB, Salanova M, Gonzalez-Roma V, Bakker AB (2002) The measurement of engagement and burnout: a two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach. J Happiness Stud, 3:71–92.
  • Schwarzer R, Greenglass E (1999) Teacher burnout from a social-cognitive perspective: a theoretical position paper. In Understanding and Preventing Teacher Burnout: A Sourcebook of İnternational Research and Practice (Eds R Vandenberghe, M Hubermann):238–246). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Schwarzer R, Hallum S (2008) Perceived teacher self‐efficacy as a predictor of job stress and burnout: mediation analyses. Appl Psychol, 57:152-171.
  • Seibert GS, Bauer KN, May RW, Fincham FD (2017) Emotion regulation and academic underperformance: the role of school burnout. Learn Individ Differ, 60:1-9.
  • Silvar B (2001) The syndrome of burnout, self-image, and anxiety with grammar school students. Horizons of Psychology, 10:21–32.
  • Skaalvik EM, Skaalvik S (2007) Dimensions of teacher self-efficacy and relations with strain factors, perceived collective teacher efficacy, and teacher burnout. J Educ Psychol, 99:611–625.
  • Sorkkila M, Aunola K, Ryba TV (2017a) A person-oriented approach to sport and school burnout in adolescent student-athletes: The role of individual and parental expectations. Psychol Sport Exerc, 28:58-67.
  • Sorkkila M, Ryba TV, Aunola K, Selänne H, Salmela-Aro K (2017b) Sport burnout inventory—Dual career form for student-athletes: Assessing validity and reliability in a Finnish sample of adolescent athletes. J Sport Health Sci, doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2017.10.006.
  • Tang FC, Li RH, Huang SL (2016) The association between job-related psychosocial factors and prolonged fatigue among industrial employees in Taiwan. PloS One, 11:e0150429.
  • Taris T, Le Blanc P, Schaufeli W, Schreurs P (2005) Are there causal relationships between the dimensions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory? a review and two longitudinal tests. Work Stress, 19:238−255.
  • Vasalampi K, Salmela-Aro K, Nurmi JE (2010) Education-related goal appraisals and self-esteem during the transition to secondary education: a longitudinal study. Int J Behav Dev, 34:481-490.
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  • Xanthopoulou D, Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Schaufeli WB (2009) Reciprocal relationships between job resources, personal resources, and work engagement. J Vocat Behav, 74:235-244.
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From Work Life to School: Theoretical Approaches for School Burnout

Yıl 2019, , 80 - 99, 31.03.2019


The concept of burnout, which was dealt within the context of working life in the beginning, has begun to be examined by adapting it to the school environment. Burnout, defined as a decline of energy physically, emotionally and in the feelings of achievement of the work that is being done as well as a decline in the sense of personal achievement, is used similarly to describe school burnout. In recent years, it has been reported that this concept, addressed within the context of school, results in depres-sion, absenteeism, lack of connection with school and dropout. When the literature is examined, it is seen that the approaches to the concept of school burnout in the theoretical sense are mostly conserva-tion of resources theory, demands-resources model, social cognitive theory, existential perspective and developmental process model. The aim of this research to include explanations of the aforementioned theories on school burnout and based on these theories to present suggestions to the field of mental health and future researchers.


  • Alarcon GM, Edwards JM, Menke LE (2011) Student burnout and engagement: a test of the conservation of resources theory. J Psychol, 145:211-227.
  • Antonovsky A (1987) Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well. San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass.
  • Bakker AB, Demerouti E (2007) The job demands-resources model: state of the art. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22:309-328.
  • Bakker AB, Demerouti E (2008) Towards a model of work engagement. Career Development International, 13:209-223.
  • Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Verbeke W (2004) Using the job demands‐resources model to predict burnout and performance. HRMAGAZINE, 43(1):83-104.
  • Bandura A (1977) Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev, 84:191–215.
  • Bandura A (1982) Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. Am Psychol, 37:122–147.
  • Bandura A (1997) Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York, Freeman.
  • Barnett MD, Flores J (2016) Narcissus, exhausted: Self-compassion mediates the relationship between narcissism and school burnout. Pers Individ Dif, 97:102-108.
  • Bask M, Salmela-Aro K (2013) Burned out to drop out: Exploring the relationship between school burnout and school dropout. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28:511–528.
  • Caprara GV, Vecchione M, Alessandri G, Gerbino M, Barbaranelli C (2011) The contribution of personality traits and self‐efficacy beliefs to academic achievement: a longitudinal study. Br J Educ Psychol, 81:78-96.
  • Cherniss C (1992) Long-term consequences of burnout: an exploratory study. J Organ Behav, 13(1): 1-11.
  • Clarkson P (1992) Burnout: typical racket systems of professional helpers. Transactional Analysis Journal, 22:153–158.
  • Cohen W, Wills TA (1985) Stress, social support and the buffering hypothesis. Psychol Bull, 98:310–357.
  • Cooper AN, Seibert GS, May RW, Fitzgerald MC, Fincham FD (2017) School burnout and intimate partner violence: the role of self-control. J Individ Differ, 112:18-25.
  • Covington M (2000) Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement: an integrative review. Annu Rev Psychol, 5:171−200.
  • De Jonge J, Schaufeli WB (1998) Job characteristics and employee well-being: a test of Warr's Vitamin Model in health care workers using structural equation modelling. J Organ Behav, 19:387-407.
  • De Rijk AE, Blanc PML, Schaufeli WB, Jonge J (1998) Active coping and need for control as moderators of the job demand–control model: effects on burnout. J Occup Organ Psychol, 71:1-18.
  • Deary IJ, Watson R, Hogston R (2003) A longitudinal cohort study of burnout and attrition in nursing students. J Adv Nurs, 43:71-81.
  • Demerouti E, Bakker AB, Nachreiner F, Schaufeli WB (2001) The job demands-resources model of burnout. J Appl Psychol, 86:499-512.
  • Eccles JS, Midgley C, Wigfield A, Buchanan CM, Reuman D, Flanagan C et al. (1993) Development during adolescence: the impact of stage-environment fit on young adolescents' experiences in schools and in families. Am Psychol, 48:90-101.
  • Fimian M, Cross A (1986) Stress and burnout amoung preadolescent and early adolescent gifted students: a preliminary investigation. J Early Adolesc, 6: 247−267.
  • Frankl V (2013) İnsanın Anlam Arayışı (Çev. S Budak). İstanbul, Okuyanus Yayınları.
  • Freudenberger HJ (1974) Staff burn-out. J Soc Issues, 30:159-165.
  • Frydenberg E, Lewis R (2004) Adolescents least able to cope: How do they respond to their stresses? Br J Guid Counc, 32:25−37.
  • Golembiewski R, Boudreau R, Goto K, Murai T (1993) Transnational perspectives on job burnout: Replication of phase model results among Japanese respondents. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 1:7−27.
  • Golembiewski R, Munzenrider R, Carter D (1983) Phases of progressive burnout and their work site covariants: critical issues in OD research and praxis. J Appl Behav Sci, 19:461−481.
  • Grandey AA, Cropanzano R (1999) The conservation of resources model applied to work–family conflict and strain. J Vocat Behav, 54(2): 350-370.
  • Gutman LM, Eccles JS (2007) Stage-environment fit during adolescence: trajectories of family relations and adolescent outcomes. Dev Psychol, 43:522-537.
  • Hobfoll SE (1989) Conservation of resources: a new attempt at conceptualizing stress. Am Psychol, 44:513–524.
  • Hobfoll SE, Shirom A (2001) Conservation of Resources: Applications to stress and management in the workplace. In Handbook of Organizational Behavior (Ed R Golembiewski):57-80. New York, Marcel Dekker.
  • Hobfoll SE, Stokes JP (1988) The process and mechanism of social support. In The Handbook of Research in Personal Relationships (Ed SW Duck):497–517. London, Wiley.
  • Hockey GRJ (1993) Cognitive energetical cognitive mechanisms in the management of work demands and psychological health. In Attention: Selection, Awareness and Control (Eds A Baddley and L Weiskrantz):328-345. Oxford, England, Clarendon Press.
  • Jacobs SR, Dodd D (2003) Student burnout as a function of personality, social support, and workload. J Coll Stud Dev, 44:291-303.
  • Kiuru N, Aunola K, Nurmi J, Leskinen E, Salmela-Aro K (2008) Peer group influence and selection in adolescents' school burnout. Merrill Palmer Q, 54:23–55.
  • Kremer-Hayon L, Kurtz H (1985) The relation of personal and environmental variables to teacher burnout. Teach Teach Educ,1:243-249.
  • Lee RT, Ashforth BE (1996) A meta-analytic examination of the correlates of the three dimensions of job burnout. J Appl Psychol, 81:123-133.
  • Leiter M (1989) Conceptual implications of two models of burnout: A response to Golembiewski. Group and Organizational Studies, 14:15−22.
  • Leiter MP (1990) The impact of family resources, control coping, and skill utilization on the development of burnout: A longitudinal study. Human Relations, 43:1067-1083.
  • Leiter, MP (1991) Coping patterns as predictors of burnout: The function of control and escapist coping patterns. J Organ Behav, 12:123-144.
  • Leiter M, Maslach C (1988) The impact of interpersonal environment on burnout and organizational commitment. J Organ Behav, 9: 297−308.
  • Luo Y, Wang Z, Zhang H, Chen A, Quan S (2016) The effect of perfectionism on school burnout among adolescence: the mediator of self-esteem and coping style. Pers Individ Dif, 88:202-208.
  • Malanowski JR, Wood PH (1984) Burnout and self-actualization in public school teachers. J Psychol, 117:23-26.
  • Manzano-García G, Ayala-Calvo JC.(2013) New Perspectives: Towards an integration of the concept "burnout" and its explanatory models. Annals of Psychology, 29:800-809.
  • Maslach C, Jackson SE (1985) The role of sex and family variables in burnout. Sex Roles, 12:837-851.
  • Maslach C, Leiter MP (1997) The Truth about Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do about İt? San Francisco, Jossey Bass.
  • Maslach C, Schaufeli W, Leiter P (2001) Job burnout: new directions in research and intervention. Curr Dir Psychol Sci, 12:189−192.
  • Maslach J, Jackson SE (1986) Maslach Burnout Inventory, 2nd edition. Palo Alto, CA, Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • May RW, Seibert GS, Sanchez-Gonzalez MA, Fincham FD (2018) School burnout and heart rate variability: risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension in young adult females. Stress, 21:211-216.
  • Noh H, Shin H, Lee SM (2013) Developmental process of academic burnout among Korean middle school students. Learn Individ Differ, 28:82-89.
  • Nurmi JE (2012) Foundational issues in investigating development as interindividual variation. In Handbook of Developmental Research Methods (Eds B Laursen, T Little, N Card):231-246. New York, Guilford.
  • Nurmi JE (2013) Modeling developmental processes in psychology. Perspect Sci, 21:181-195.
  • Parker PD, Salmela-Aro K (2011) Developmental processes in school burnout: a comparison of major developmental models. Learn Individ Differ, 21:244-248.
  • Pines AM (1993) Burnout: an existential perspective. In Professional burnout (Eds W Schaufeli, C Maslach, T Marek):33-51. Philadelphia, Taylor & Francis.
  • Pines AM (2000) Nurses’ burnout: an existential psychodynamic perspective. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv, 38(2):23-31.
  • Pines AM (2002) Teacher burnout: a psychodynamic existential perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 8:121–140.
  • Pines AM, Keinan G (2005) Stress and burnout: the significant difference. Pers Individ Dif, 39:625-635.
  • Pines A, Aronson E (1988) Career Burnout: Causes and Cures. New York, Free Press.
  • Pines A, Aronson E, Kafry D (1981) Burnout: From Tedium to Personal Growth. New York, Free Press.
  • Salanova M, Schaufeli WB, Martinez I, Breso E (2010) How obstacles and facilitators predict academic performance: The mediating role of study burnout and engagement. Anxiety Stress Coping, 23:53–70.
  • Salmela-Aro K (2017) Dark and bright sides of thriving–school burnout and engagement in the Finnish context. Eur J Dev Psychol, 14:337-349.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Upadyaya K (2014) School burnout and engagement in the context of demands–resources model. Br J Educ Psychol, 84:137-151.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Tynkkynen L (2012) Gendered pathways in school burnout among adolescents. J Adolesc, 35:929-939.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Kiuru N, Nurmi J (2008) The role of educational track in adolescents' school burnout: a longitudinal study. Br J Educ Psychol, 78: 663–689.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Kiuru N, Leskinen E, Nurmi J (2009) School Burnout Inventory (SBI): reliability and validity. Eur J Psychol Assess, 25:48−57.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Savolainen H, Holopainen L (2009) Depressive symptoms and school burnout during adolescence: evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal studies. J Youth Adolesc, 38:1316-1327.
  • Salmela-Aro K, Upadyaya K, Hakkarainen K, Lonka K, Alho K (2016) The dark side of internet use: two longitudinal studies of excessive internet use, depressive symptoms, school burnout and engagement among Finnish early and late adolescents. J Youth Adolesc, 46:343-357.
  • Schaufeli W, Enzmann D (1998) The burnout companion to study and practice: a critical analysis. London, Taylor & Francis.
  • Schaufeli WB, Bakker AB (2004) Job demands, job resources, and their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi-sample study. J Organ Behav, 25:293–315.
  • Schaufeli WB, Martinez IM, Pinto AM, Salanova M, Bakker AB (2002) Burnout and engagement in university students: a cross national study. J Cross Cult Psychol, 33:464-481.
  • Schaufeli WB, Salanova M, Gonzalez-Roma V, Bakker AB (2002) The measurement of engagement and burnout: a two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach. J Happiness Stud, 3:71–92.
  • Schwarzer R, Greenglass E (1999) Teacher burnout from a social-cognitive perspective: a theoretical position paper. In Understanding and Preventing Teacher Burnout: A Sourcebook of İnternational Research and Practice (Eds R Vandenberghe, M Hubermann):238–246). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Schwarzer R, Hallum S (2008) Perceived teacher self‐efficacy as a predictor of job stress and burnout: mediation analyses. Appl Psychol, 57:152-171.
  • Seibert GS, Bauer KN, May RW, Fincham FD (2017) Emotion regulation and academic underperformance: the role of school burnout. Learn Individ Differ, 60:1-9.
  • Silvar B (2001) The syndrome of burnout, self-image, and anxiety with grammar school students. Horizons of Psychology, 10:21–32.
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Toplam 89 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Zekeriya Çam 0000-0002-2965-2390

Selahiddin Öğülmüş 0000-0002-8737-5141

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2019
Kabul Tarihi 20 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

AMA Çam Z, Öğülmüş S. Çalışma Yaşamından Okula: Okul Tükenmişliğine Yönelik Kuramsal Yaklaşımlar. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Mart 2019;11(1):80-99. doi:10.18863/pgy.392556

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