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The Relationship of Adult Attachment Theory and Affect Regulation Strategies to Depression

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 240 - 255, 01.09.2009


According to the attachment theory which is also known as an affect regulation theory, internal working models that are constituted by the interaction between primary care giver and infant in the early period of life. These working models plays an important role how the infant gives a meaning to the world and himself/ herself and it determines the individual's personality development and by the way the probable psychopathologies that can be observed in the future like depression. In relation with this, many of the empirical studies in the adult literature states on how internal models and cognitive representations have an influence on emotional reactions. According to various studies, reporting different attachment styles and individuals who has probably different internal models, differs in each others' emotional reactions and how they behave according to these reactions. In view of attachment literature, individual makes a decision in terms of making affect regulation for maintaining proximity seeking and this process evokes the activation of secondary attachment strategies which are named as hyper and deactivating strategies. From the framework of this review, the relationship between major depression and adult attachment styles, affect regulation strategies is examined. Firstly, Bowlby's attachment theory is mentioned shortly and adult attachment styles are introduced. Secondly, affect regulation strategies, which are thought to be related with major depression as a mood disorder are identified and finally, the empirical research findings relevant to the topic are represented.


  • Meredith PJ, Strong J, Feeney JA. Adult attachment variables predict depression before and after treatment for chronic pain. Eur J Pain 2007; 11: 164-170.
  • Fraley RC, Shaver PR. Adult romantic attachment: Theoretical developments, emerging controversies and unanswered questions. Rev Gen Psychol 2000; 4: 132-154.
  • Bowlby J. Attachment and Loss, Vol. II. Seperation, anxiety and anger, Australia, Pimlico. 1998.
  • Diehl M, Elnick AB, Bourbeau LS, Labouvie-Vief G. Adult attachment styles: Their relations to family context and personality. J Pers Soc Psychol 1998; 74: 1656- 1669.
  • Pietromonaco PR, Barrett LF. The internal working models concept: What do we really know about the self relation to others? Rev Gen Psychol 2000; 4: 155-173.
  • Bahadır Ș. Romantik ilișkilerde bağlanma stilleri, çatıșma çözme stratejileri ve olumsuz duygudurumu düzenleme arasındaki ilișki (Doktora Tezi). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi; 2006.
  • Tolan Ö. Üniversite örencilerinde kaygı belirtileri ve bağlanma biçimleri ile kișilerarası șemalar arasındaki ilișkiler (Uzmanlık Tezi). Ankara: Hacettepe Üni- versitesi; 2002.
  • Shaver PR, Mikulincer M. Attachment in later years: A commentary. Attach Hum Dev 2004; 6: 451-464.
  • Main M. Introduction to the special section on attachment and psychopathology: 2. overview of the field of attachment. J Consult Clin Psy- chol 1996; 64: 237- 243.
  • Van IJzendoorn MI. Adult attachment representations, parental responsiveness and infant attachment: A meta- analysis on the predictive validity of the adult attachment interview. Psychol Bull 1995; 117: 387- 403.
  • Hazan C, Shaver P. Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. J Pers Soc Psychol 1987, 52: 511-524.
  • Cooper ML, Shaver PR, Collins NLAttachment styles, emotion regulation and adjustment in adoloescence. J Pers Soc Psychol 1998; 74: 1380-1397.
  • Bartholomew K, Horowitz LM. Attachment styles among young adults : A test of a four- category model. J Pers Soc Psychol 1991; 61: 226-244.
  • Sümer N, Güngör D. Yetișkin bağlanma ölçeklerinin Türk örneklemi üzerinde psikometrik değerlendirmesi ve kültürlerarası bir karșılaștırma. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1999; 14: 71- 106.
  • Baumeister RF, Vohs KD. Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory and Applications, New York, The Guilford Press. 2004.
  • Carnelley KB, Pietromonaco PR, Jaffe K. Depression, working models of others and relationship functioning. J Pers Soc Psychol 1994; 66: 127-140.
  • Mikulincer M, Shaver PR, Pereg D. Attachment theory and affect regulation: The dynamics, development, and cognitive consequences of attachment related strategies. Motiv Emot 2003; 27: 77- 102.
  • Fredrickson BL. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Am Psychol 2001; 56: 218- 226.
  • Waters HS, Rodrigues LM, Ridgeway D. Cognitive underpinnings of narrative attachment assessment. J Exp Child Psychol 1998; 71: 211-234.
  • Lazarus RS, Folkman S. Stress, Appraisal and Coping. New York Springer,1984.
  • Epstein S, Meier P. Constructive thinking: A broad coping variable with specific components. J Pers Soc Psychol 1989, 57: 332-350.
  • Bowlby J. Attachment and Loss, Vol. I. Attachment, Australia, Pimlico. 1997.
  • Collins NL, Read SJ. Adult attachment, working models and relationship quality in dating couples. J Pers Soc Psychol 1990; 58: 644-663.
  • Shaver PR, Schahner DA, Mikulincer M. Attachment style, excessive reassurence seeking, relationship processes and depression. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2005; 31: 343-359.
  • Mikulincer M, Shaver PR. Attachment theory and emotions in close relationships: Exploring the attachment-related dynamics of emotional reactions to relational events. Pers Relatsh 2005; 12: 149-168.
  • Mikulincer M. Adult attachment style and affect regulation: Strategic variations in self-appraisals. J Pers Soc Psychol 1998; 28: 420- 435.
  • Bowlby J. A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory. London, Routledge. 1988.
  • Doron G, Kyrios M. Obsessive compulsive disorder: A review of possible specific internal represantations within a broader cognitive theory. Clin Psy- chol Rev 2005; 25: 415- 432.
  • Pacchierotti C, Bossini L, Castrogiovanni A, Pieraccini F, Sorece I, Castrogiovanni P. Attachment and panic disorder. Psychopathology 2002; 35: 347-354.
  • Ruiter CD, Van Ijzendoorn MH. Agoraphobia and anxious-ambivalent attachment: An integrative review. J Anxiety Disord 1992; 6: 365-381.
  • Tasca GA, Kowal J, Balfour L, Ritchie K, Virley B, Bissada H. An attachment insecurity model of negative affect among women seeking treatment for an eating disorder. Eat Behav 2006; 7: 252-257.
  • Reis S, Grenyer BFS. Fearful attachment, working alliance and treatment response for individuals with major depression. Clin Psychol Psychother 2004;11: 414-424.
  • Cole-Dekte H, Kobak R. Attachment process in eating disorder and depression. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996; 64: 282-290.
  • Murphy B, Bates GW. Adult attachment style and vulnerability to depression. Pers Individ Dif 1997; 22: 835-844.
  • Sloman L, Gilbert P, Hasey G. Evolved mechanism in depression: The role and the interaction of attachment and social rank in depression. J Affect Disord 2003; 74: 107-121.
  • Wei M, Mallinckrodt B, Larson LM, Zakalik RA. Adult attachment, depressive symptoms, and validation from self versus others. J Couns Psychol 2005; 52: 368-377.
  • Strodl E, Noller P. The relationship of adult attachment dimensions to depression and agoraphobia. Pers Relatsh 2003; 10: 171-185.
  • Ciechanowski P, Sullivan M, Jensen M, Romano J, Summers H. The relationship of attachment style to depression, catastrophizing and health care utilization in patients with chronic pain. Pain 2003; 104: 627-637.
  • Bretherton I. The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Dev Psychol 1992; 28: 759-775.
  • Fraley RC. Attachment stability from infancy to adulthood: Meta-analysis and dynamic modeling of developmental mechanisms. Pers Soc Psychol Rev 2002; 6: 123-151.
  • Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklașımlar – Current Approaches in Psychiatry
  • eISSN 1309-0674 • ISSN 1309-0658 • •

Yetişkin Bağlanma Kuramı ve Duygulanım Düzenleme Stratejilerinin Depresyonla İlişkisi

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 240 - 255, 01.09.2009


Bir duygulanım düzenleme kuramı olarak da kabul edilen bağlanma kuramına göre, erken dönemdeki temel bakım veren ve bebek arasındaki etkileşim yoluyla oluşan içsel çalışan modeller, kişinin kendini ve dünyayı nasıl anlamlandıracağı üzerinde etkili olmakta ve dolayısıyla bireyin kişilik gelişimi ve bu doğrultuda ileride gelişebilecek depresyon gibi olası psikopatolojiler üzerinde bir belirleyiciliğe sahip olmaktadır. Bununla bağlantılı olarak yetişkin literatüründeki çoğu görgül çalışma, içsel modellerin ve bilişsel temsillerin duygusal tepkileri nasıl etkilediği sorusu üzerinde durmaktadır. Değişik çalışma sonuçlarına göre, farklı bağlanma biçimleri rapor eden ve muhtemelen altta yatan farklı içsel modellere sahip olan bireyler, duygusal tepkisellikleri ve bu duygular doğrultusunda ne yaptıkları konusunda birbirlerinden farklılaşmaktadırlar. Bağlanma literatürüne göre kişi, duygulanım düzenlemesi yapabilmek için yakınlık arayışını sürdürüp sürdürmemesi gerektiğine karar verir ve bu durum aşırı harekete geçirici stratejiler ve hareketsiz hale getirici stratejiler olarak adlandırılan ikincil bağlanma stratejilerinin aktive olmasına yol açar. Bu gözden geçirme makalesi çerçevesinde, yetişkin bağlanma biçimleri ve duygulanım düzenleme stratejilerinin majör depresyonla olan ilişkisine yer verilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle Bowlby'nin bağlanma kuramına kısaca değinilmekte ve yetişkin bağlanma biçimleri tanıtılmaktadır. Ardından, bir duygudurum bozukluğu olan majör depresyon ile ilişkili olduğu düşünülen duygulanım düzenleme stratejilerine yer verilmekte ve son olarak konuyla ilişkili olan görgül araştırma bulguları sunulmaktadır.


  • Meredith PJ, Strong J, Feeney JA. Adult attachment variables predict depression before and after treatment for chronic pain. Eur J Pain 2007; 11: 164-170.
  • Fraley RC, Shaver PR. Adult romantic attachment: Theoretical developments, emerging controversies and unanswered questions. Rev Gen Psychol 2000; 4: 132-154.
  • Bowlby J. Attachment and Loss, Vol. II. Seperation, anxiety and anger, Australia, Pimlico. 1998.
  • Diehl M, Elnick AB, Bourbeau LS, Labouvie-Vief G. Adult attachment styles: Their relations to family context and personality. J Pers Soc Psychol 1998; 74: 1656- 1669.
  • Pietromonaco PR, Barrett LF. The internal working models concept: What do we really know about the self relation to others? Rev Gen Psychol 2000; 4: 155-173.
  • Bahadır Ș. Romantik ilișkilerde bağlanma stilleri, çatıșma çözme stratejileri ve olumsuz duygudurumu düzenleme arasındaki ilișki (Doktora Tezi). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi; 2006.
  • Tolan Ö. Üniversite örencilerinde kaygı belirtileri ve bağlanma biçimleri ile kișilerarası șemalar arasındaki ilișkiler (Uzmanlık Tezi). Ankara: Hacettepe Üni- versitesi; 2002.
  • Shaver PR, Mikulincer M. Attachment in later years: A commentary. Attach Hum Dev 2004; 6: 451-464.
  • Main M. Introduction to the special section on attachment and psychopathology: 2. overview of the field of attachment. J Consult Clin Psy- chol 1996; 64: 237- 243.
  • Van IJzendoorn MI. Adult attachment representations, parental responsiveness and infant attachment: A meta- analysis on the predictive validity of the adult attachment interview. Psychol Bull 1995; 117: 387- 403.
  • Hazan C, Shaver P. Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. J Pers Soc Psychol 1987, 52: 511-524.
  • Cooper ML, Shaver PR, Collins NLAttachment styles, emotion regulation and adjustment in adoloescence. J Pers Soc Psychol 1998; 74: 1380-1397.
  • Bartholomew K, Horowitz LM. Attachment styles among young adults : A test of a four- category model. J Pers Soc Psychol 1991; 61: 226-244.
  • Sümer N, Güngör D. Yetișkin bağlanma ölçeklerinin Türk örneklemi üzerinde psikometrik değerlendirmesi ve kültürlerarası bir karșılaștırma. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1999; 14: 71- 106.
  • Baumeister RF, Vohs KD. Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory and Applications, New York, The Guilford Press. 2004.
  • Carnelley KB, Pietromonaco PR, Jaffe K. Depression, working models of others and relationship functioning. J Pers Soc Psychol 1994; 66: 127-140.
  • Mikulincer M, Shaver PR, Pereg D. Attachment theory and affect regulation: The dynamics, development, and cognitive consequences of attachment related strategies. Motiv Emot 2003; 27: 77- 102.
  • Fredrickson BL. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Am Psychol 2001; 56: 218- 226.
  • Waters HS, Rodrigues LM, Ridgeway D. Cognitive underpinnings of narrative attachment assessment. J Exp Child Psychol 1998; 71: 211-234.
  • Lazarus RS, Folkman S. Stress, Appraisal and Coping. New York Springer,1984.
  • Epstein S, Meier P. Constructive thinking: A broad coping variable with specific components. J Pers Soc Psychol 1989, 57: 332-350.
  • Bowlby J. Attachment and Loss, Vol. I. Attachment, Australia, Pimlico. 1997.
  • Collins NL, Read SJ. Adult attachment, working models and relationship quality in dating couples. J Pers Soc Psychol 1990; 58: 644-663.
  • Shaver PR, Schahner DA, Mikulincer M. Attachment style, excessive reassurence seeking, relationship processes and depression. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2005; 31: 343-359.
  • Mikulincer M, Shaver PR. Attachment theory and emotions in close relationships: Exploring the attachment-related dynamics of emotional reactions to relational events. Pers Relatsh 2005; 12: 149-168.
  • Mikulincer M. Adult attachment style and affect regulation: Strategic variations in self-appraisals. J Pers Soc Psychol 1998; 28: 420- 435.
  • Bowlby J. A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory. London, Routledge. 1988.
  • Doron G, Kyrios M. Obsessive compulsive disorder: A review of possible specific internal represantations within a broader cognitive theory. Clin Psy- chol Rev 2005; 25: 415- 432.
  • Pacchierotti C, Bossini L, Castrogiovanni A, Pieraccini F, Sorece I, Castrogiovanni P. Attachment and panic disorder. Psychopathology 2002; 35: 347-354.
  • Ruiter CD, Van Ijzendoorn MH. Agoraphobia and anxious-ambivalent attachment: An integrative review. J Anxiety Disord 1992; 6: 365-381.
  • Tasca GA, Kowal J, Balfour L, Ritchie K, Virley B, Bissada H. An attachment insecurity model of negative affect among women seeking treatment for an eating disorder. Eat Behav 2006; 7: 252-257.
  • Reis S, Grenyer BFS. Fearful attachment, working alliance and treatment response for individuals with major depression. Clin Psychol Psychother 2004;11: 414-424.
  • Cole-Dekte H, Kobak R. Attachment process in eating disorder and depression. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996; 64: 282-290.
  • Murphy B, Bates GW. Adult attachment style and vulnerability to depression. Pers Individ Dif 1997; 22: 835-844.
  • Sloman L, Gilbert P, Hasey G. Evolved mechanism in depression: The role and the interaction of attachment and social rank in depression. J Affect Disord 2003; 74: 107-121.
  • Wei M, Mallinckrodt B, Larson LM, Zakalik RA. Adult attachment, depressive symptoms, and validation from self versus others. J Couns Psychol 2005; 52: 368-377.
  • Strodl E, Noller P. The relationship of adult attachment dimensions to depression and agoraphobia. Pers Relatsh 2003; 10: 171-185.
  • Ciechanowski P, Sullivan M, Jensen M, Romano J, Summers H. The relationship of attachment style to depression, catastrophizing and health care utilization in patients with chronic pain. Pain 2003; 104: 627-637.
  • Bretherton I. The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Dev Psychol 1992; 28: 759-775.
  • Fraley RC. Attachment stability from infancy to adulthood: Meta-analysis and dynamic modeling of developmental mechanisms. Pers Soc Psychol Rev 2002; 6: 123-151.
  • Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklașımlar – Current Approaches in Psychiatry
  • eISSN 1309-0674 • ISSN 1309-0658 • •
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Manolya Çalışır Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Çalışır M. Yetişkin Bağlanma Kuramı ve Duygulanım Düzenleme Stratejilerinin Depresyonla İlişkisi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2009;1(3):240-255.

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.