Neuropsychological Basis of Self Development
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 255 - 264, 12.07.2015
Mehmet Ceylan
Alper Evrensel
Barış Ünsalver
Gökçe Cömert
There are a connection between the face recognition, the social relationship and the development of self. There must be a reason that people recognize faces through an important and complex module like the language functions. People know each other, recognize their friends and enemies and make friends through their faces. These show its fundamental role in the world. Like the integrity builds by collective self in inner world, integrity is established through face outside worlds. Researches and comments about the center of self in the brain are made based on neurological disorders like prosopagnosia. Especially some investigations about the evoked potentials will provide us a scientific basic for this subject. This paper addresses the relationship between facial recognition and self-development in terms of neuropsychologic aspects.
- Agroskin D, Klackl J, Jonas E (2014) The self-liking brain: a VBM study on the structural substrate of self-esteem. Plos One 9:e86430.
- Casey BJ (2004) Developmental Psychobiology. Arlington, American Psychiatric Publishing
- Ceylan TM (2012) Ortak Benlik, Nörofelsefi Temellendirme. Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul
- Ceylan TM (2013) Nesne Benliği, Psikofelsefi Bütünleştirme. Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul
- Cloninger CR (2009) Evolution of human brain functions: the functional structure of human consciousness. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 43:994-1006.
- De Haan M, Pascalis O, Johnson MH (2002) Specialization of neural mechanisms underlying face recognition in human infants. J Cogn Neurosci, 14:199-209.
- Elgar R, Campbell R (2001) The development of face identification skills what lies behind the face module? Infant Child Dev, 10:25-30.
- Farah MJ, Wilson KD, Drain HM, Tanaka JR (1995) The inverted face inversion effect in prosopagnosia: evidence for mandatory face-specific perceptual mechanisms. Vision Res, 35:2089-2093.
- Farah MJ, Rabinowitz C, Quinn GE, Liu GT (2000) Early commitment of neural substrates for face recognition. Cogn Neuropsychol, 17:117-123.
- Field TM, Woodson R, Greenberg R, Cohen D (1982) Discrimination and imitation of facial expression by neonates. Science, 218:179-181.
- Langdell T (1978) Recognition of faces: an approach to the study of autism. Br J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 19:255-268.
- Le Grand R, Mondloch CJ, Maurer D, Brent HP (2001) Neuroperception: early visual experience and face processing. Nature, 410:890.
- Marcus DJ, Nelson CA (2001) Neural bases and development of face recognition in autism. CNS Spectr, 6:36-59.
- Morton J, Johnson MH (1991) CONSPEC and CONLERN: a two process theory of infant face recognition. Psychol Rev, 98:164-181.
- Pascalis O, Bachevalier J (1998) Face recognition in primates: a cross-species study. Behav Processes, 43:87-96.
- Pascalis O, de Haan M, Nelson CA (2002) Is face processing species-specific during the first year of life? Science, 296:1321-1323.
Benlik Gelişiminin Nöropsikolojik Temelleri
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 255 - 264, 12.07.2015
Mehmet Ceylan
Alper Evrensel
Barış Ünsalver
Gökçe Cömert
Yüz tanıma, sosyal ilişki ve benlik gelişimi arasında bir bağlantı vardır. İnsanın yüz tanımayı dil işlevinde olduğu gibi önemli ve karmaşık bir dizge üzerinden gerçekleştirmesinin bir nedeni olmalıdır. İnsanların birbirilerini yüzlerinden tanımaları, dostu düşmanı yüz üzerinden ayırmaları, bütün dostluklarını yüz üzerinden kurmaları onun dış dünyada insan için ne kadar temel bir rol oynadığını ortaya koyar. Ortak benliğin iç dünyada kurduğu bütünlüğün benzeri dış dünyada yüz üzerinden kurulmaktadır. Prosopagnozi gibi nörolojik bozukluklardan yola çıkarak benliğin beyindeki merkezine ilişkin araştırmalar ve yorumlar yapılmaktadır. Özellikle uyarılmış potansiyellerle yapılmış çalışmalar bu konuda önemli bir altyapı sağlayacak gibi durmaktadır. Bu yazıda yüz tanıma ile benlik gelişimi arasındaki ilişkiye nöropsikolojik açıdan değinmek amaçlanmıştır.
- Agroskin D, Klackl J, Jonas E (2014) The self-liking brain: a VBM study on the structural substrate of self-esteem. Plos One 9:e86430.
- Casey BJ (2004) Developmental Psychobiology. Arlington, American Psychiatric Publishing
- Ceylan TM (2012) Ortak Benlik, Nörofelsefi Temellendirme. Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul
- Ceylan TM (2013) Nesne Benliği, Psikofelsefi Bütünleştirme. Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul
- Cloninger CR (2009) Evolution of human brain functions: the functional structure of human consciousness. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 43:994-1006.
- De Haan M, Pascalis O, Johnson MH (2002) Specialization of neural mechanisms underlying face recognition in human infants. J Cogn Neurosci, 14:199-209.
- Elgar R, Campbell R (2001) The development of face identification skills what lies behind the face module? Infant Child Dev, 10:25-30.
- Farah MJ, Wilson KD, Drain HM, Tanaka JR (1995) The inverted face inversion effect in prosopagnosia: evidence for mandatory face-specific perceptual mechanisms. Vision Res, 35:2089-2093.
- Farah MJ, Rabinowitz C, Quinn GE, Liu GT (2000) Early commitment of neural substrates for face recognition. Cogn Neuropsychol, 17:117-123.
- Field TM, Woodson R, Greenberg R, Cohen D (1982) Discrimination and imitation of facial expression by neonates. Science, 218:179-181.
- Langdell T (1978) Recognition of faces: an approach to the study of autism. Br J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 19:255-268.
- Le Grand R, Mondloch CJ, Maurer D, Brent HP (2001) Neuroperception: early visual experience and face processing. Nature, 410:890.
- Marcus DJ, Nelson CA (2001) Neural bases and development of face recognition in autism. CNS Spectr, 6:36-59.
- Morton J, Johnson MH (1991) CONSPEC and CONLERN: a two process theory of infant face recognition. Psychol Rev, 98:164-181.
- Pascalis O, Bachevalier J (1998) Face recognition in primates: a cross-species study. Behav Processes, 43:87-96.
- Pascalis O, de Haan M, Nelson CA (2002) Is face processing species-specific during the first year of life? Science, 296:1321-1323.