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Salutogenic Model in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 284 - 300, 30.09.2017


Increasing number of people who live with mental health problems for many years in the community brings into focus the need for recovery within a coping and mental health promotion perspective. The value of the salutogenic theory is that it emphasizes promoting coping and health. This article aims to illustrate how Antonovsky’s salutogenic theory and its central concept of sense of coherence and discusses how mental health nurses can use the theories in their praxis.


  • Antonovsky A (1987) Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass .
  • Antonovsky A (1991) Meine odyssee als stressforscher. In Rationierung der Medizin. Hamburg, Argument-Sonderband.
  • Antonovsky A (1997) Salutogenese: Zur Entmystifizierung der Gesundheit. Tübingen, DGVT.
  • Bahar Z, Açıl D (2014) Sağlığı geliştirme modeli: kavramdaş yapı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 7:59-67.
  • Bengel J, Strittmatter R, Willmann H (1998) Was erhält Menschen gesund? Antonovskys Modell der Salutogenese – Diskussionstand und Stellenwert. Köln, Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BzgA).
  • Bengel J, Strittmatter R, Willmann H (2001) Was erhält Menschen gesund? Antonovskys Modell der Salutogenese. Diskussionsstand und Stellenwert. Eine Expertise von Jürgen Bengel, Regine Strittmacher und Hildegard Willmann im Auftrag der BzgA. Köln, Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BzgA).
  • Blattner B (2007) Das model salutogenez. eine leitorientierung für die berufliche praxis. Prä Gesundheits, 2:67-73.
  • Çenesiz E, Atak N (2007) Türkiye'de sağlık inanç modeli ile yapılmış araştırmaların değerlendirilmesi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 6:427-434.
  • Edwards S (2006) Physical exercise and psychological well-being. S Afr J Psychol, 36:357-373.
  • Egger JW (2005) Das biopsychosoziale krankheitsmodell: grundzüge eines wissenschaftlich begründeten ganzheitlichen Verständnisses von Krankheit. Psychologische Medizin, 16(2):3-12.
  • Eriksson A, Lindström B (2006) Antonovsky’s sense of coherence scale and the relation with health: a systematic review. J Epidemiol Community Health, 60:376–381.
  • Eriksson M, Lindström B, Lilja J (2007) A sense of coherence and health: salutogenesis in a societal context: Aland, a special case? J Epidemiol Community Health, 61:684-688.
  • Fäh T (2000) Verbessert psychotherapie die moral? ınwiefern können grundlegende gesundheitsrelevante lebensbewältigungseinstellungen durch psychologische Interventionen erworben bzw. verbessert werden? In Salutogenese und Kohärenzgefühl. Grundlagen, Empirie und Praxis eines Gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Konzepts (Ed H Wydler, P Kolip, T Abel):149-160. Weinheim München, Beltz Juventa.
  • Faltermaier T (1994) Gesundheitsbewußtsein und Gesundheitshandeln. Über den Umgang mit Gesundheit im Alltag. Weinheim, Beltz.
  • Faltermaier T (2009) Die salutogenese als forschungsprogramm und praxisperspektive. anmerkungen zu stand, problemen und entwicklungschancen. In Salutogenese und Kohärenzgefühl. Grundlagen, Empirie und Praxis eines Gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Konzepts (Eds H Wydler, P Kolip, T Abel): 185-196. Weinheim München, Beltz Juventa.
  • Forsberg KA, Bjorkman T, Sandman PO, Sandlund M (2010) Influence of a lifestyle intervention among persons with a psychiatric disability: a cluster randomised controlled trail on symptoms, quality of life and sense of coherence. J Clin Nurs, 19:1519-1528.
  • Franke A (1997) Zum Stand der konzeptionellen und empirischen Entwicklung des Salutogenesekonzeptes. In Salutogenese. Zur Entmystifizierung der Gesundheit (Ed A Antonovsky):169-190. Tübingen, Dgvt.
  • Glazinski R (2007) Social-medical significance of the concept of salutogenesis in neurology and psychiatry. Gesundheitswesen, 69:134-136.
  • Güner P, Pehlivan T (2016) Psikiyatri hemşireliğinin kuramsal çerçevesi-I. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 7:50-54.
  • Hauser J (2004) Vom Sinn des Leidens: Die Bedeutung systemtheoretischer existenzphilosophischer und religiös spiritueller Anschauungsweisen für die therapeutische Praxis. Würzburg, Könighausen und Neumann.
  • Hsiao CY, Tsai YF (2015) Factors of caregivers burden and family functioning among Taiwanese family caregivers living with schizophrenia. J Clin Nurs, 24:1546-1556.
  • Johnson BS (1997) Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Adaptation and Growth, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott.
  • Koptagel İlal G (1997) Sağlık oluşumu (salutogenez) ve tutarlılık duygusu. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 8:183-189.
  • Köppel M (2010) Salutogenese und Soziale Arbeit. Lage, Jacobs Verlag.
  • Langeland E, Wahl AK, Kristoffersen K, Hanestad BR (2007) Promoting coping: salutogenesis among people with mental health problems. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 28:275-295.
  • Lenhardt U, Rosenbrock R (2004) Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in Betrieben und Behörden. In Lehrbuch Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (Eds K Hurrelmann, T Klotz, J Haisch):293-303. Bern, Huber.
  • Lorenz R (2005) Salutogenese. Grundwissen für Psychologen, Mediziner, Gesundheits und Pflegewissenschaftler. München, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.
  • Miyata C, Arai H, Suga S (2015) Characteristics of the nurse manager’s recognition behavior and its relation to sense of coherence of staff nurses in Japan. Collegian, 22:9-17.
  • Mizuno E, Iwasaki M, Sakai I, Kamizawa N (2012) Sense of coherence and quality of life in family caregivers of persons with schizophrenia living in the community. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 26:295-306.
  • Nguyen-Michel ST, Unger JB, Hamilton J, Spruijt-Metz D (2006) Associations between physical activity and perceived stress/hassles in colege students. Stress Health, 23:331-341.
  • Pektekin Ç (1992) Psikiyatri Hemşireliği. Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Pender NJ (1987) Health Promotion in Nursing Practice, 3rd edition. Connecticut, Appleton & Lange.
  • Sandell R, Blomberg J, Lazar A, Schubert J, Carlsson J, Broberg J (1999) As time goes by: long-term outcomes of psychoanalysis and long-term psychotherapy. Forum der Psychoanalyse, 15:327–347.
  • Scherler RH, Lajunen TA (1997) Comparison of Finnish and Turkish university students on the short form of the sense of coherence scale. Fifth Congress of European Psychology , 6-11 July 1997, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Schulte D (1998) Psychische gesundheit, psychische krankheit, psychische storung. In Lehrbuch Klinische Psychologie Psychotherapie (Eds U Baumann, M Perrez): 231-240. Bern, Huber.
  • Shor V, Grinstein-Cohen O, Reinshtein J, Liberman O, Delbar V (2015) Health-related quality of life and sense of coherence among partners of women with breast cancer in Israel. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 19:18-22.
  • Singer RN, Hausenblas HA, Janelle CM (2001) Handbook of Sports Psychology, 2nd edition. New York, Wiley.
  • Surtees P, Wainwright N, Luben R et al (2003) Sense of coherence and mortality in men and women in the EPIC-Norfolk United Kingdom prospective cohort study. Am J Epidemiol, 158:1202–1209.
  • Tan KK Vehiläinen-Julkunen K, Chan SW (2014) Integrative review: salutogenesis and health in older people over 65 years old. J Adv Nurs, 70:497-510.
  • Tanığ Y (1996) Psikiyatri hemşireliğinin uluslararası boyutlarda incelenmesi (Doktora tezi). İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Topkaya Ö (2016) Sosyal politika bağlamında dünyada sağlık politikalarının tarihsel gelişimi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2:707-722.
  • Tsuno YS, Yamazaki Y(2012) Relationships among sense of coherence, resources, and mental health in urban and rural residents in Japan. BMC Public Health, 12:1107.
  • Ward M, Schulz M, Bruland D, Lohr M (2014) A systematic of Antonovsky’s sense of coherence scale and its use in studies among nurses: implications for psychiatric and mental nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 5(2):61-71.
  • Wermke M (2006) Duden: Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung. Berlin, Dudenverlag.

Ruh Sağlığı ve Psikiyatri Hemşireliğinde Salutogenez Modeli

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 284 - 300, 30.09.2017


Toplumda yaşayan ruhsal sorunlu bireylerde artış ruh sağlığının yükseltilmesi ve ruhsal bozukluklarla mücadele konularına odaklanılmasına neden olunmuştur. Sağlığı yükseltme ve başa çıkma mekanizmalarına vurgu yapması salutogenez model olarak değerli kılar. Bu makale de Antonovsky`nin salutogenez ve teorinin ana kavramı olan bütünlük (tutarlılık) duygusunu açıklamayı ve teorinin ruh sağlığı ve psikiyatri hemşireliğine uygulanabilirliğini tartışılması amaçlanmıştır.


  • Antonovsky A (1987) Unraveling the Mystery of Health: How People Manage Stress and Stay Well. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass .
  • Antonovsky A (1991) Meine odyssee als stressforscher. In Rationierung der Medizin. Hamburg, Argument-Sonderband.
  • Antonovsky A (1997) Salutogenese: Zur Entmystifizierung der Gesundheit. Tübingen, DGVT.
  • Bahar Z, Açıl D (2014) Sağlığı geliştirme modeli: kavramdaş yapı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 7:59-67.
  • Bengel J, Strittmatter R, Willmann H (1998) Was erhält Menschen gesund? Antonovskys Modell der Salutogenese – Diskussionstand und Stellenwert. Köln, Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BzgA).
  • Bengel J, Strittmatter R, Willmann H (2001) Was erhält Menschen gesund? Antonovskys Modell der Salutogenese. Diskussionsstand und Stellenwert. Eine Expertise von Jürgen Bengel, Regine Strittmacher und Hildegard Willmann im Auftrag der BzgA. Köln, Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BzgA).
  • Blattner B (2007) Das model salutogenez. eine leitorientierung für die berufliche praxis. Prä Gesundheits, 2:67-73.
  • Çenesiz E, Atak N (2007) Türkiye'de sağlık inanç modeli ile yapılmış araştırmaların değerlendirilmesi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 6:427-434.
  • Edwards S (2006) Physical exercise and psychological well-being. S Afr J Psychol, 36:357-373.
  • Egger JW (2005) Das biopsychosoziale krankheitsmodell: grundzüge eines wissenschaftlich begründeten ganzheitlichen Verständnisses von Krankheit. Psychologische Medizin, 16(2):3-12.
  • Eriksson A, Lindström B (2006) Antonovsky’s sense of coherence scale and the relation with health: a systematic review. J Epidemiol Community Health, 60:376–381.
  • Eriksson M, Lindström B, Lilja J (2007) A sense of coherence and health: salutogenesis in a societal context: Aland, a special case? J Epidemiol Community Health, 61:684-688.
  • Fäh T (2000) Verbessert psychotherapie die moral? ınwiefern können grundlegende gesundheitsrelevante lebensbewältigungseinstellungen durch psychologische Interventionen erworben bzw. verbessert werden? In Salutogenese und Kohärenzgefühl. Grundlagen, Empirie und Praxis eines Gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Konzepts (Ed H Wydler, P Kolip, T Abel):149-160. Weinheim München, Beltz Juventa.
  • Faltermaier T (1994) Gesundheitsbewußtsein und Gesundheitshandeln. Über den Umgang mit Gesundheit im Alltag. Weinheim, Beltz.
  • Faltermaier T (2009) Die salutogenese als forschungsprogramm und praxisperspektive. anmerkungen zu stand, problemen und entwicklungschancen. In Salutogenese und Kohärenzgefühl. Grundlagen, Empirie und Praxis eines Gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Konzepts (Eds H Wydler, P Kolip, T Abel): 185-196. Weinheim München, Beltz Juventa.
  • Forsberg KA, Bjorkman T, Sandman PO, Sandlund M (2010) Influence of a lifestyle intervention among persons with a psychiatric disability: a cluster randomised controlled trail on symptoms, quality of life and sense of coherence. J Clin Nurs, 19:1519-1528.
  • Franke A (1997) Zum Stand der konzeptionellen und empirischen Entwicklung des Salutogenesekonzeptes. In Salutogenese. Zur Entmystifizierung der Gesundheit (Ed A Antonovsky):169-190. Tübingen, Dgvt.
  • Glazinski R (2007) Social-medical significance of the concept of salutogenesis in neurology and psychiatry. Gesundheitswesen, 69:134-136.
  • Güner P, Pehlivan T (2016) Psikiyatri hemşireliğinin kuramsal çerçevesi-I. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 7:50-54.
  • Hauser J (2004) Vom Sinn des Leidens: Die Bedeutung systemtheoretischer existenzphilosophischer und religiös spiritueller Anschauungsweisen für die therapeutische Praxis. Würzburg, Könighausen und Neumann.
  • Hsiao CY, Tsai YF (2015) Factors of caregivers burden and family functioning among Taiwanese family caregivers living with schizophrenia. J Clin Nurs, 24:1546-1556.
  • Johnson BS (1997) Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Adaptation and Growth, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott.
  • Koptagel İlal G (1997) Sağlık oluşumu (salutogenez) ve tutarlılık duygusu. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 8:183-189.
  • Köppel M (2010) Salutogenese und Soziale Arbeit. Lage, Jacobs Verlag.
  • Langeland E, Wahl AK, Kristoffersen K, Hanestad BR (2007) Promoting coping: salutogenesis among people with mental health problems. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 28:275-295.
  • Lenhardt U, Rosenbrock R (2004) Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in Betrieben und Behörden. In Lehrbuch Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (Eds K Hurrelmann, T Klotz, J Haisch):293-303. Bern, Huber.
  • Lorenz R (2005) Salutogenese. Grundwissen für Psychologen, Mediziner, Gesundheits und Pflegewissenschaftler. München, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.
  • Miyata C, Arai H, Suga S (2015) Characteristics of the nurse manager’s recognition behavior and its relation to sense of coherence of staff nurses in Japan. Collegian, 22:9-17.
  • Mizuno E, Iwasaki M, Sakai I, Kamizawa N (2012) Sense of coherence and quality of life in family caregivers of persons with schizophrenia living in the community. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 26:295-306.
  • Nguyen-Michel ST, Unger JB, Hamilton J, Spruijt-Metz D (2006) Associations between physical activity and perceived stress/hassles in colege students. Stress Health, 23:331-341.
  • Pektekin Ç (1992) Psikiyatri Hemşireliği. Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Pender NJ (1987) Health Promotion in Nursing Practice, 3rd edition. Connecticut, Appleton & Lange.
  • Sandell R, Blomberg J, Lazar A, Schubert J, Carlsson J, Broberg J (1999) As time goes by: long-term outcomes of psychoanalysis and long-term psychotherapy. Forum der Psychoanalyse, 15:327–347.
  • Scherler RH, Lajunen TA (1997) Comparison of Finnish and Turkish university students on the short form of the sense of coherence scale. Fifth Congress of European Psychology , 6-11 July 1997, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Schulte D (1998) Psychische gesundheit, psychische krankheit, psychische storung. In Lehrbuch Klinische Psychologie Psychotherapie (Eds U Baumann, M Perrez): 231-240. Bern, Huber.
  • Shor V, Grinstein-Cohen O, Reinshtein J, Liberman O, Delbar V (2015) Health-related quality of life and sense of coherence among partners of women with breast cancer in Israel. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 19:18-22.
  • Singer RN, Hausenblas HA, Janelle CM (2001) Handbook of Sports Psychology, 2nd edition. New York, Wiley.
  • Surtees P, Wainwright N, Luben R et al (2003) Sense of coherence and mortality in men and women in the EPIC-Norfolk United Kingdom prospective cohort study. Am J Epidemiol, 158:1202–1209.
  • Tan KK Vehiläinen-Julkunen K, Chan SW (2014) Integrative review: salutogenesis and health in older people over 65 years old. J Adv Nurs, 70:497-510.
  • Tanığ Y (1996) Psikiyatri hemşireliğinin uluslararası boyutlarda incelenmesi (Doktora tezi). İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Topkaya Ö (2016) Sosyal politika bağlamında dünyada sağlık politikalarının tarihsel gelişimi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2:707-722.
  • Tsuno YS, Yamazaki Y(2012) Relationships among sense of coherence, resources, and mental health in urban and rural residents in Japan. BMC Public Health, 12:1107.
  • Ward M, Schulz M, Bruland D, Lohr M (2014) A systematic of Antonovsky’s sense of coherence scale and its use in studies among nurses: implications for psychiatric and mental nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 5(2):61-71.
  • Wermke M (2006) Duden: Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung. Berlin, Dudenverlag.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Beyhan Bag

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Bag B. Ruh Sağlığı ve Psikiyatri Hemşireliğinde Salutogenez Modeli. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Eylül 2017;9(3):284-300. doi:10.18863/pgy.286487

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