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Fear of Missing Out (FoMO): A Current Review

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 74 - 85, 31.03.2022


Recently, the fact that the majority of communication and interaction between people is carried out through the internet and mobile devices and the widespread use of social media has brought new disadvantages as well as certain advantages to people’s lives. In the literature, a type of anxiety called Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), referred as Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu (GKK) in Turkish, is an important concept underlying many of these disadvantages. In order to understand this type of anxiety well, to take preventive steps and to carry out correct intervention studies, its theoretical framework should be put forward well. In this context, the purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive theoretical study on the subject, to draw attention to the fact that FoMO has a significant negative effect especially in the education, social, economic and psychological lives of young people and young adults, and to form a basic perspective on the importance of knowing this concept, its causes, symptoms, negative effects and how to tackle it in dealing with this problem. In this study, which was presented by making a literature review, the results of national and international studies on the subject were compiled. Fear of Missing Out can be defined as the constant desire to follow the exciting and glorious lives of others through the internet and a state of constant anxiety about it. Understanding the reasons as well as the consequences of this fear is important at this point. As a result of the study, there are suggestions on what should be done for understanding the subject well and the steps to be taken.


  • Al-Furaih SAA, Al-Awidi HM (2021) Fear of missing out (FoMO) among undergraduate students in relation to attention distraction and learning disengagement in lectures. Educ Inf Technol, 26, 2355–2373.
  • Argan M, Argan MT, Gamze İ (2018). I wish i were! anatomy of a fomsumer. Journal of Internet Applications and Management, 9(1), 43-57.
  • Aydin D, Selvi Y, Kandeger A, Boysan M (2019) The relationship of consumers’ compulsive buying behavior with biological rhythm, impulsivity, and fear of missing out. Biological Rhythm Research, 2019; 26:1–9.
  • Barker, E. (2016). This is the best way to overcome fear of missing out. Time Magazine.
  • Bisping J (2018) FOMO, no-mo: how to get over the fear of missing out. (14 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Blum A (2016) FOMO, bad for our society. (12 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı)
  • Busch, B. (2016). Fomo, stress and sleeplessness: are smartphones bad for students. The Guardian.
  • Cambridge Dictionary (2020) (12 Kasım 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Cohen, C. (2013). FoMO: Do you have fear of missing out. The Telegraph, 16.
  • Carlisle KL, Carlisle RM, Polychronopoulos GB, Goodman-Scott E, Kirk-Jenkins A (2016) Exploring internet addiction as a process addiction. J. Ment. HealthCouns, 38:170–182.
  • Çınar ÇY, Mutlu E (2019) İnternet bağımlılığının benlik saygısı, dikkat, gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu, yaşam doyumu ve kişilik özellikleri ile ilişkisi. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 20:133-142.
  • Dou F, Li Q, Li X, Wang, M (2021) Impact of perceived social support on fear of missing of out (FoMO): A moderated mediation model. Curr Psychol.: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues. Advance online publication.
  • Dossey L (2014) FOMO, digital dementia, and our dangerous experiment. explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 2014; 2(10):69-73.
  • Erciş A, Deligoz K, Mutlu M (2021) Öğrencilerin fomo ve plansız satın alma davranışları üzerine bir uygulama . Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi , 35 (1) , 219-243 .
  • Eriş B (2014) Acaba çocuğunuz ve siz “fomo” mağduru musunuz? http://www. (12 Mart 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Ertürk Y (2012) Gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu (FOMO) http://www.hurriyetaile. com/yazarlar/yildiz-dilek-erturk/gelismeleri-kacirma-korkusu-fomo_2633.html (14 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Fioravanti G, Casale S, Bocci Benucci S, Prostamo A, Falone A, Ricca V, et al (2021) Fear of missing out and social networking sites use and abuse: A meta-analysis, Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106839.
  • Franchina V, Vanden Abeele M, van Rooij A, Lo Coco G, De Marez L (2018) Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among flemish adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2319.
  • Gottberg K (2017) Simple living–a cure for fomo. (15 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Görür, B (2019). Ergenlerin bağlanma stilleri ve sosyal kaygıları ile akıllı telefon bağımlılığı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi (Uzmanlık tezi). Gaziantep, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi.
  • Gürsoy Atar Ö, Gürsoy Ulusoy Ş (2020) Sosyal medyada ördek sendromu: instagram üzerinden bir değerlendirme . İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 19 (39) , 925-951 .
  • Hayran C, Anik L (2021) Well-being and fear of missing out (fomo) on digital content in the time of covıd-19: a correlational analysis among university students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18: 1-13.
  • Hendriksen E (2016) How to overcome FOMO. blog/how-be-yourself/201608/how overcome-fomo, (23 Nisan 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Hodkinson C (2019). ‘Fear of missing out’(fomo) marketing appeals: A conceptual model. Journal of Marketing Communications, 25(1), 65-88.
  • Holte AJ, Ferraro FR (2020) Anxious, bored, and (maybe) missingout: Evaluation of anxiety attachment, boredom proneness, and fear of missing out (FoMO). Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106465.
  • Hoşgör H, Koç Tütüncü S, Gündüz Hoşgör D, Tandoğan Ö (2017) Üniversite öğrencileri arasında sosyal medyadaki gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu yaygınlığının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. International Journal of Academic Value Studies. 3:213-223
  • JWTIntellegence Marketing Communications (2012) Fear of missing out. retrieved from JWTIntelligence. (24 Şubat 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Kacker P, Saurav S (2020) Correlation of missing out (fomo), anxıety and aggressıon of young adults. International Journal of Research – granthaalayah, May 2020, Vol 8:132-138.
  • Karadağ A, Akçinar B (2019) Üniversite öğrencilerinde sosyal medya bağımlılığı ve psikolojik semptomlar arasındaki ilişki. Bağımlılık Dergisi. 2019; 20(3): 154-166.
  • Kartol A, Peker A (2020) Ergenlerde sosyal ortamlarda gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu (fomo) yordayıcılarının incelenmesi. OPUS– Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15:454-474.
  • Kim J, Lee Y, Kim ML (2020) Investigating ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) as an extrinsic motive affecting sport event consumer’s behavioral intention and FOMO driven consumption’s influence on intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and consumer satisfaction. PLoS One 2020; 15:e0243744.
  • Kaloeti DVS, Kurnia SA, Tahamata VM (2021) Validation and psychometric properties of the ındonesian version of the fear of missing out scale in adolescents. Psicol. Refl. Crít. 34, 15.
  • Kim J, Lee Y, Kim ML (2020) Investigating ‘fear of missing out’ (fomo) as an extrinsic motive affecting sport event consumer’s behavioral intention and fomo driven consumption’s influence on intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and consumer satisfaction. PLoS One 2020; 15:e0243744.
  • Lee S, McDonough I, Mendoza, J, Brasfield M, Enam T, Reynolds C et all (2020) Cellphone addiction explains how cellphones impair learning for lecture materials. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1-13.
  • Luna K (2014). Why we really experience fomo. Huffington Post, 4.
  • Mccoy M (2016) 3 steps for getting rid of fomo. (24 Şubat 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Mcginnis P (2017) 7 symptoms of fomo you need to treat now. (3 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Metin B, Pehlivan R, Tarhan N (2017) Realiability and validity of Uskudar fear of missing out scale. JNBS.; 4(2): 43-46.
  • Metz J (2019). Fomo and regret for non-doings. Social Theory and Practice, 451-470.
  • Milyavskaya M, Saffran M, Hope N, Koestner R (2018) Fear of missingout: prevalence, dynamics, and consequences of experiencing FOMO. MotivEmot 42:725–737.
  • Modzelewski P (2020). Fomo (fear of missing out)–an educational and behavioral problem in times of new communication forms. Konteksty Pedagogiczne, 14(1), 215-232.
  • O’Connell C (2020) How FOMO (Fear of MissingOut), the smartphone, and social media may be affecting universitystudents in the Middle East. N. Am. J. Psychol. 22:83-102
  • Oxford Dictionary (2018) (2 Mart 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Paker M (2019) FOMO’ya yakalanan kişinin tedavi edilmesi gerekiyor. (15 Kasım 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Przybylski A K, Murayama K, DeHaan CR, Gladwell V (2013) Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 29:1841-1848.
  • Qutishat M, Sharour LA (2019) Relationship between fear of missing out and academic performance among omani university students: a descriptive correlation study. Oman Medical Journal, 34(5), 404-411. doi: 10.5001/omj.2019.75
  • Riordan BC, Flett JA, Cody LM, Conner TS, Scarf D (2019) The fear of missingout (fomo) and event-specific drinking: the relationship between fomo and alcohol use, harm, and breath alcohol concentration during orientation weekCurr. Psychol, 1–11.
  • Rozgonjukab D, Sindermanna C, Elhaic JD, Montaga C (2020a) Fear of missing out (fomo) and social media’s impact on daily-life and productivity at work: do whatsapp, facebook, ınstagram, and snapchat use disorders mediate that association?, Addictive Behaviors, Volume 110:106487.
  • Rozgonjuk D, Sindermann C , Elhai JD, Montaga C (2020b) Individual differences in fear of missing out (Fomo): age, gender, and the big five personality trait domains, facets, and items. Personality and Individual Differences.171,110546
  • Russell A (2020). The effects of depressive symptoms on social media use mediated by fomo (Master's thesis). Richmond, University of Richmond.
  • Sapadin L (2015) Fear of missing out! (4 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Sarıca Keçeci H, Kahya Özyirmidokuz E , Özbakır L (2021) Dijital bağımlılık ve fomo, kişilik faktörleri ve mutluluk ile ilişkisi: üniversite öğrencileri ile bir uygulama. Bağımlılık Dergisi. 2021; 22(4): 379-394.
  • Servidio R (2021). Fear of missing out and self-esteem as mediators of the relationship between maximization and problematic smartphone use. Current Psychology, 1-11.
  • Santos ILS, Pimentel CE, Mariano TE (2021). Cyberstalking scale: development and relations with gender, fomo and social media engagement. Current psychology, 1-9.
  • Sokol R (2016) Here are 8 ways to shut down your fomo. /advice/relationships/fear-of-missing-out (1 Mayıs 2018’de ulaşıldı).
  • Tandon A, Dhir A , Talwar S, Kaur P, Mäntymäki M (2021) Dark consequences of social media-induced fear of missing out (FoMO): Social media stalking, comparisons, and fatigue, technological forecasting and social change, Volume 171, 2021, 120931.
  • Tarhan N (2021) Sosyal Medya Psikolojisi (birinci baskı). İstanbul, Der Yayınları.
  • Tekayak HV, Akpınar E (2017) Tıp alanında yeni bir dönem: dijital çağda doğan yeni hastalıklar, Euras J Fam Med 2017; 6:93-100.
  • Tomczyk Ł, Selmanagic-Lizde E (2018) Fear of missing out (FOMO) among youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina Scale and selected mechanisms. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 541–549.
  • Urban Dictionary (2006) (2 Haziran 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Vitelli R (2016) The Fomo health factor, health-factor (5 Aralık 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Wang L, Qiu J, Yan S, Liu W (2021) Does mobile social media undermine our romantic relationships? the ınfluence of fear of missing out (fomo) on young people’ romantic relationship. Research Square; 2021.
  • Wearesocial (2020) Digital in 2020. Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Wiesner L (2017). Fighting fomo: a study on implications for solving the phenomenon of the fear of missing out (Master's thesis). Enschede, University of Twente.
  • Wu CH, Chen SC (2015) Understanding the relationships of critical factors to Facebook educational usage intention. Internet Res. 25:262–278.
  • Yang H, Liu B, Fang J (2021). Stress and problematic smartphone use severity: smartphone use frequency and fear of missing out as mediators. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 594.
  • Yıldız K, Kurnaz D, Kırık AM (2020) Nomofobi, netlessfobi ve gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu: Sporcu genç yetişkinler üzerine bir araştırma. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18:321-338.
  • Yuan G, Elhai JD, Hall BJ (2020) The influence of depressive symptoms and fear of missing out on severity of problematic smartphone use and Internet gaming disorder among Chinese young adults: A three-wave mediation model, Addictive Behaviors, Volume 112, 106648.

Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu (FoMO): Güncel Bir Derleme

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 74 - 85, 31.03.2022


Son zamanlarda, insanlar arası iletişim ve etkileşimin büyük çoğunluğunun internet ve mobil cihazlar aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilmesi ve yaygın sosyal medya kullanımı, insanlara belli avantajlar sağlamanın yanı sıra yeni olumsuzluklar da katmaktadır. Alan yazında Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) olarak adlandırılan, Türkçeye Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu (GKK) olarak geçen kaygı türü, bu olumsuzlukların birçoğunun altında yer alan önemli bir kavramdır. Bu kaygı türünün iyi anlaşılması, önleyici adımların atılması ve doğru müdahale çalışmalarının yapılması açısından, kuramsal çerçevesinin iyi şekilde ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmanın amacı, konu üzerine kapsamlı bir kuramsal çalışma ortaya koymak, GKK'nin özellikle gençler ve genç yetişkinlerin eğitim, sosyal, ekonomik ve psikolojik hayatlarında önemli bir olumsuzluğa sahip olduğuna dikkat çekmek ve bu kavramın ne olduğunun, nedenlerinin, belirtilerinin, olumsuz etkilerinin ve nasıl mücadele edileceğinin bilinmesinin bu sorunla baş etmedeki önemi üzerine temel bir bakış açısı oluşturmaktır. Literatür taraması yapılarak ortaya konan bu çalışmada, konu üzerine yapılan ulusal ve uluslararası çalışmaların sonuçları derlenmiştir. Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu, başkalarının sahip olduğu heyecanlı ve görkemli hayatlarına yönelik internet aracılığıyla sürekli takip etme isteği ve buna yönelik sürekli endişe hali olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu korkunun sonuçları kadar nedenlerinin de anlaşılması, bu noktada önem arz etmektedir. Çalışma sonucunda, konunun iyi anlaşılması ve bu kapsamda atılacak adımlara yönelik neler yapılmasına dair öneriler yer almaktadır.


  • Al-Furaih SAA, Al-Awidi HM (2021) Fear of missing out (FoMO) among undergraduate students in relation to attention distraction and learning disengagement in lectures. Educ Inf Technol, 26, 2355–2373.
  • Argan M, Argan MT, Gamze İ (2018). I wish i were! anatomy of a fomsumer. Journal of Internet Applications and Management, 9(1), 43-57.
  • Aydin D, Selvi Y, Kandeger A, Boysan M (2019) The relationship of consumers’ compulsive buying behavior with biological rhythm, impulsivity, and fear of missing out. Biological Rhythm Research, 2019; 26:1–9.
  • Barker, E. (2016). This is the best way to overcome fear of missing out. Time Magazine.
  • Bisping J (2018) FOMO, no-mo: how to get over the fear of missing out. (14 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Blum A (2016) FOMO, bad for our society. (12 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı)
  • Busch, B. (2016). Fomo, stress and sleeplessness: are smartphones bad for students. The Guardian.
  • Cambridge Dictionary (2020) (12 Kasım 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Cohen, C. (2013). FoMO: Do you have fear of missing out. The Telegraph, 16.
  • Carlisle KL, Carlisle RM, Polychronopoulos GB, Goodman-Scott E, Kirk-Jenkins A (2016) Exploring internet addiction as a process addiction. J. Ment. HealthCouns, 38:170–182.
  • Çınar ÇY, Mutlu E (2019) İnternet bağımlılığının benlik saygısı, dikkat, gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu, yaşam doyumu ve kişilik özellikleri ile ilişkisi. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 20:133-142.
  • Dou F, Li Q, Li X, Wang, M (2021) Impact of perceived social support on fear of missing of out (FoMO): A moderated mediation model. Curr Psychol.: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues. Advance online publication.
  • Dossey L (2014) FOMO, digital dementia, and our dangerous experiment. explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 2014; 2(10):69-73.
  • Erciş A, Deligoz K, Mutlu M (2021) Öğrencilerin fomo ve plansız satın alma davranışları üzerine bir uygulama . Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi , 35 (1) , 219-243 .
  • Eriş B (2014) Acaba çocuğunuz ve siz “fomo” mağduru musunuz? http://www. (12 Mart 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Ertürk Y (2012) Gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu (FOMO) http://www.hurriyetaile. com/yazarlar/yildiz-dilek-erturk/gelismeleri-kacirma-korkusu-fomo_2633.html (14 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Fioravanti G, Casale S, Bocci Benucci S, Prostamo A, Falone A, Ricca V, et al (2021) Fear of missing out and social networking sites use and abuse: A meta-analysis, Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106839.
  • Franchina V, Vanden Abeele M, van Rooij A, Lo Coco G, De Marez L (2018) Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among flemish adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2319.
  • Gottberg K (2017) Simple living–a cure for fomo. (15 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Görür, B (2019). Ergenlerin bağlanma stilleri ve sosyal kaygıları ile akıllı telefon bağımlılığı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi (Uzmanlık tezi). Gaziantep, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi.
  • Gürsoy Atar Ö, Gürsoy Ulusoy Ş (2020) Sosyal medyada ördek sendromu: instagram üzerinden bir değerlendirme . İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 19 (39) , 925-951 .
  • Hayran C, Anik L (2021) Well-being and fear of missing out (fomo) on digital content in the time of covıd-19: a correlational analysis among university students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18: 1-13.
  • Hendriksen E (2016) How to overcome FOMO. blog/how-be-yourself/201608/how overcome-fomo, (23 Nisan 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Hodkinson C (2019). ‘Fear of missing out’(fomo) marketing appeals: A conceptual model. Journal of Marketing Communications, 25(1), 65-88.
  • Holte AJ, Ferraro FR (2020) Anxious, bored, and (maybe) missingout: Evaluation of anxiety attachment, boredom proneness, and fear of missing out (FoMO). Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106465.
  • Hoşgör H, Koç Tütüncü S, Gündüz Hoşgör D, Tandoğan Ö (2017) Üniversite öğrencileri arasında sosyal medyadaki gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu yaygınlığının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. International Journal of Academic Value Studies. 3:213-223
  • JWTIntellegence Marketing Communications (2012) Fear of missing out. retrieved from JWTIntelligence. (24 Şubat 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Kacker P, Saurav S (2020) Correlation of missing out (fomo), anxıety and aggressıon of young adults. International Journal of Research – granthaalayah, May 2020, Vol 8:132-138.
  • Karadağ A, Akçinar B (2019) Üniversite öğrencilerinde sosyal medya bağımlılığı ve psikolojik semptomlar arasındaki ilişki. Bağımlılık Dergisi. 2019; 20(3): 154-166.
  • Kartol A, Peker A (2020) Ergenlerde sosyal ortamlarda gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu (fomo) yordayıcılarının incelenmesi. OPUS– Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15:454-474.
  • Kim J, Lee Y, Kim ML (2020) Investigating ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) as an extrinsic motive affecting sport event consumer’s behavioral intention and FOMO driven consumption’s influence on intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and consumer satisfaction. PLoS One 2020; 15:e0243744.
  • Kaloeti DVS, Kurnia SA, Tahamata VM (2021) Validation and psychometric properties of the ındonesian version of the fear of missing out scale in adolescents. Psicol. Refl. Crít. 34, 15.
  • Kim J, Lee Y, Kim ML (2020) Investigating ‘fear of missing out’ (fomo) as an extrinsic motive affecting sport event consumer’s behavioral intention and fomo driven consumption’s influence on intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and consumer satisfaction. PLoS One 2020; 15:e0243744.
  • Lee S, McDonough I, Mendoza, J, Brasfield M, Enam T, Reynolds C et all (2020) Cellphone addiction explains how cellphones impair learning for lecture materials. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1-13.
  • Luna K (2014). Why we really experience fomo. Huffington Post, 4.
  • Mccoy M (2016) 3 steps for getting rid of fomo. (24 Şubat 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Mcginnis P (2017) 7 symptoms of fomo you need to treat now. (3 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Metin B, Pehlivan R, Tarhan N (2017) Realiability and validity of Uskudar fear of missing out scale. JNBS.; 4(2): 43-46.
  • Metz J (2019). Fomo and regret for non-doings. Social Theory and Practice, 451-470.
  • Milyavskaya M, Saffran M, Hope N, Koestner R (2018) Fear of missingout: prevalence, dynamics, and consequences of experiencing FOMO. MotivEmot 42:725–737.
  • Modzelewski P (2020). Fomo (fear of missing out)–an educational and behavioral problem in times of new communication forms. Konteksty Pedagogiczne, 14(1), 215-232.
  • O’Connell C (2020) How FOMO (Fear of MissingOut), the smartphone, and social media may be affecting universitystudents in the Middle East. N. Am. J. Psychol. 22:83-102
  • Oxford Dictionary (2018) (2 Mart 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Paker M (2019) FOMO’ya yakalanan kişinin tedavi edilmesi gerekiyor. (15 Kasım 2020’de ulaşıldı).
  • Przybylski A K, Murayama K, DeHaan CR, Gladwell V (2013) Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 29:1841-1848.
  • Qutishat M, Sharour LA (2019) Relationship between fear of missing out and academic performance among omani university students: a descriptive correlation study. Oman Medical Journal, 34(5), 404-411. doi: 10.5001/omj.2019.75
  • Riordan BC, Flett JA, Cody LM, Conner TS, Scarf D (2019) The fear of missingout (fomo) and event-specific drinking: the relationship between fomo and alcohol use, harm, and breath alcohol concentration during orientation weekCurr. Psychol, 1–11.
  • Rozgonjukab D, Sindermanna C, Elhaic JD, Montaga C (2020a) Fear of missing out (fomo) and social media’s impact on daily-life and productivity at work: do whatsapp, facebook, ınstagram, and snapchat use disorders mediate that association?, Addictive Behaviors, Volume 110:106487.
  • Rozgonjuk D, Sindermann C , Elhai JD, Montaga C (2020b) Individual differences in fear of missing out (Fomo): age, gender, and the big five personality trait domains, facets, and items. Personality and Individual Differences.171,110546
  • Russell A (2020). The effects of depressive symptoms on social media use mediated by fomo (Master's thesis). Richmond, University of Richmond.
  • Sapadin L (2015) Fear of missing out! (4 Nisan 2021’de ulaşıldı).
  • Sarıca Keçeci H, Kahya Özyirmidokuz E , Özbakır L (2021) Dijital bağımlılık ve fomo, kişilik faktörleri ve mutluluk ile ilişkisi: üniversite öğrencileri ile bir uygulama. Bağımlılık Dergisi. 2021; 22(4): 379-394.
  • Servidio R (2021). Fear of missing out and self-esteem as mediators of the relationship between maximization and problematic smartphone use. Current Psychology, 1-11.
  • Santos ILS, Pimentel CE, Mariano TE (2021). Cyberstalking scale: development and relations with gender, fomo and social media engagement. Current psychology, 1-9.
  • Sokol R (2016) Here are 8 ways to shut down your fomo. /advice/relationships/fear-of-missing-out (1 Mayıs 2018’de ulaşıldı).
  • Tandon A, Dhir A , Talwar S, Kaur P, Mäntymäki M (2021) Dark consequences of social media-induced fear of missing out (FoMO): Social media stalking, comparisons, and fatigue, technological forecasting and social change, Volume 171, 2021, 120931.
  • Tarhan N (2021) Sosyal Medya Psikolojisi (birinci baskı). İstanbul, Der Yayınları.
  • Tekayak HV, Akpınar E (2017) Tıp alanında yeni bir dönem: dijital çağda doğan yeni hastalıklar, Euras J Fam Med 2017; 6:93-100.
  • Tomczyk Ł, Selmanagic-Lizde E (2018) Fear of missing out (FOMO) among youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina Scale and selected mechanisms. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 541–549.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Derleme

Fuat Tanhan 0000-0002-1990-4988

Halil İbrahim Özok 0000-0002-6427-6335

Volkan Tayiz 0000-0003-2736-3322

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Tanhan F, Özok Hİ, Tayiz V. Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu (FoMO): Güncel Bir Derleme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Mart 2022;14(1):74-85. doi:10.18863/pgy.942431

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