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Kanıta Dayalı Bireysel Psikoloji Uygulaması: Örüntü Odaklı Adleryan Terapi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 258 - 270, 30.06.2024


Bireysel Psikolojiye dayanan Örüntü Odaklı Adleryan Terapi, ruh sağlığı tedavisinde kanıta dayalı bir yaklaşımı temsil etmektedir. Bu makale, terapinin tanımını, tarihsel gelişimini, terapötik seanslarda yer alan belirli süreçleri ve vaka kavramsallaştırmasının nasıl ele alındığını incelemektedir. Bu terapinin merkezinde, uyumsuz davranışsal ve bilişsel örüntüleri daha sağlıklı, uyumlu olanlara dönüştürme hedefi yer almaktadır. Yapılandırılmış yaklaşım, öncelikle örüntü değiştirme stratejisine odaklanan 10 seanslık bir süreci kapsar. Hasta Sağlık Anketi-9, Sonuç Değerlendirme Ölçeği ve Oturum Değerlendirme Ölçeği gibi araçlar, bu danışmanlık seanslarında önemli bir rol oynayarak ölçülebilir sonuçlar ve geri bildirim sağlar. Örüntü Odaklı Adleryan Terapi, ruh sağlığı alanında önemli bir etki yaratmaya başlamış olsa da Türkiye'deki yaygınlığı henüz artmaktadır. Terapinin sağlam kanıtlara dayanması ve pratik uygulanabilirliği, onu sadece Türkiye'de değil, tüm dünyada ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi için değerli bir yöntem haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışma, Örüntü Odaklı Adleryan Terapi'ye ışık tutarak, dünya çapında ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinde daha geniş çapta uygulanmasına ve etkili bir şekilde kullanılmasına yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Akçabozan NB, Hatipoğlu Sümer Z (2016) Adler yaklaşımında aile danışmanlığı. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 6:87-101.
  • ACA (2005) American Counseling Association Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association.
  • APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice (2006) Evidence-based practice in psychology. Am Psychol, 61:271-285.
  • Belangee S (2019) Adlerian psychology in the era of evidence-based practice: a reflection from a clinician in private practice. J Individ Psychol, 75:205-209.
  • Bitter J R (2018) Sperry's “achieving evidence-based status for Adlerian therapy: why it is needed and how to accomplish it: a response. J Individ Psychol, 74:287-295.
  • Carlson J, Watts RE, Maniacci M (2006) Adlerian Therapy: Theory and Practice.Washington DC, American Psychological Association.
  • Carroll KM, Nuro KF (2002) One size can not fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development. Clin Psychol, 9:396-406.
  • Corey G (2012) Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 9th ed. Boston, MA, Brooks/Cole, Cengage learning.
  • Division 12 of the American Psychological Association (2016) Research supported psychological treatments. ical-treatments/ (Accessed 15.04.2023).
  • Duncan BL, Miller SD, Sparks JA, Claud DA, Reynolds LR, Brown J et al.(2003) The session rating scale: preliminary psychometric properties of a “working” alliance measure. J Brief Ther, 3:3-12.
  • Evans C (2021) Trauma-informed Adlerian play therapy: a case study. J Individ Psychol, 77:362-373.
  • John K (2018) Sperry's “achieving evidence-based status for Adlerian therapy: why it is needed and how to accomplish it”. J Individ Psychol, 74:296-301.
  • Glenn K (2015) Can you relate? Couns Today, 58:48–52.
  • Kardaş F, Yalçın İ (2016) Kanıta dayalı uygulamalar ve psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik alanına yansımaları. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 6:13-24.
  • Kim E, Seo J, Paik H, Sohn S (2020) The effectiveness of Adlerian therapy for Hwa-Byung in middle-aged South Korean women. Couns Psychol, 48:1082-1108.
  • Leak GK (2006) Development and validation of a revised measure of Adlerian social interest. Soc Behav Pers, 34:443-450.
  • Lilienfeld SO, Ritschel LA, Lynn SJ, Cautin RL, Latzman RD (2013) Why many clinical psychologists are resistant to evidence-based practice: root causes and constructive remedies. Clin Psychol Rev, 33:883–900.
  • Manaster G, Corsini R (1982) Individual Psychology: Theory and Practice. Itasca, IL, Fe Peacock.
  • Miller SD, Duncan BL (2000) The Outcome Rating Scale. Chicago, IL, Author.
  • Miller W, Rollnick S (2002) Motivational Interviewing, 2nd ed. New York, Guilford.
  • Mosak HH (2013) Interrupting a depression: The Pushbutton Technique. In Techniques in Adlerian Psychology (Eds Jon Carlson, Steven Slavik):267-272. New York, Taylor & Francis.
  • Norcross JC, Pfund RA, Prochaska JO (2013) Psychotherapy in 2022: a Delphi poll on its future. Prof Psychol Res Pr, 44:363-370.
  • Ollendick TH (2014) Advances toward evidence-based practice: where to from here? Behav Ther, 45: 51-55.
  • Peluso PR (2018) Adlerian evidence-based practice research: a response to Sperry (2018). J Individ Psychol, 74:265-271.
  • Rasmussen PR, Howell RH (2018) Why achieving evidence-based status is needed: a response to Sperry. J Individ Psychol, 74:272-275.
  • Sari YE, Kokoglu B, Balcioglu H, Bilge U, Colak E, Unluoglu I (2016) Turkish reliability of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Biomed Res (Aligarh), 27:460–462
  • Sharf R S (2015) Theories of Psychotherapy Counseling: Concepts and Cases, 6th ed. Canada, Cengage Learning.
  • Sperry J, Sperry L (2018) Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Professional Counseling Practice. New York, Routledge.
  • Sperry L (2006) Psychological Treatment of Chronic Illness: The Biopsychosocial Therapy Approach. New York, American Psychological Association.
  • Sperry L (2016a) Pattern-focused psychotherapy. In Mental Health and Mental Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Conditions, Treatments, and Well-being (Ed. L Sperry):816–818.Santa Barbara, Greenwood.
  • Sperry L (2016b) Educating the next generation of psychotherapists: considering the future of theory and practice in Adlerian. psychotherapy. J Individ Psychol, 72:4-11.
  • Sperry L (2017) Similarities between cognitive behavior therapy and Adlerian psychotherapy: assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment. J Individ Psychol, 73:110-123.
  • Sperry L (2018a) Achieving evidence-based status for Adlerian therapy: why it is needed and how to accomplish it. J Individ Psychol, 74:247-263.
  • Sperry L (2018b) More evidence for evidence-based Adlerian therapy: responding to the responders. J Individ Psychol, 74:302-308.
  • Sperry L (2022) Adlerian case conceptualization and therapy: the pattern-focused approach. J Individ Psychol, 78:465-478.
  • Sperry L, Binensztok V (2018) Adlerian pattern-focused therapy: a treatment manual. J Individ Psychol, 74:309-348.
  • Sperry L, Binensztok V (2019) Learning and Practicing Adlerian Therapy. San Diego, CA, Cognella.
  • Sperry L, Brill P, Howard K, Grissom G (1996) Treatment Outcomes in Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Interventions. New York, Routledge
  • Sperry L, Sperry J (2020) Case Conceptualization: Mastering This Competency with Ease and Confidence. 2nd ed. New York, Routledge.
  • Travis S (2018) Why individual psychology needs to gain evidence-based status. J Individ Psychol, 74:281-286.
  • Wampold B (1997) Methodological problems in identifying efficacious psychotherapies. Psychother Res, 7:21-43.
  • Watkins CE, Guarnaccia C (1999) The Scientific Study of Adlerian Theory. In Interventions and Strategies in Counseling and Psychotherapy (Eds. R Watts, J Carlson):207–230. New York, Taylor & Francis.
  • Watts RE (2018) Adlerian therapy and the need for outcome efficacy research. J Individ Psychol, 74:277-280.
  • Watts RE (2000) Entering the new millennium: is individual psychology still relevant? J Individ Psychol, 56:21-30.
  • Watts RE, Peluso PR, Lewis TF (2005) Expanding the acting as if technique: an Adlerian/constructive integration. J Individ Psychol, 61:380-387.

Evidence-Based Individual Psychology Practice: Adlerian Pattern Focused Therapy

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 258 - 270, 30.06.2024


Adlerian Pattern-Focused Therapy is an evidence-based practice based on Individual Psychology. This paper explores the therapy's definition, historical development, the specific processes involved in the therapeutic sessions, and how case conceptualization is approached. Central to this therapy is its goal to transform maladaptive behavioral and cognitive patterns into healthier, adaptive ones. The structured approach encompasses a series of 10 sessions, focusing primarily on the strategy of pattern replacement. Tools like the Patient Health Questionnaire–9, Outcome Rating Scale, and Session Rating Scale play a pivotal role in these counseling sessions, providing measurable outcomes and feedback. While Adlerian Pattern-Focused Therapy has gained notable traction in contemporary mental health discourse, its widespread adoption remains limited within Türkiye. Nevertheless, its evidence-based foundation and pragmatic application render it a promising avenue for enhancing mental health services, not only in Türkiye but also across global contexts. By providing information about this therapy, this study may contribute to its implementation and execution within the scope of mental health services.


  • Akçabozan NB, Hatipoğlu Sümer Z (2016) Adler yaklaşımında aile danışmanlığı. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 6:87-101.
  • ACA (2005) American Counseling Association Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association.
  • APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice (2006) Evidence-based practice in psychology. Am Psychol, 61:271-285.
  • Belangee S (2019) Adlerian psychology in the era of evidence-based practice: a reflection from a clinician in private practice. J Individ Psychol, 75:205-209.
  • Bitter J R (2018) Sperry's “achieving evidence-based status for Adlerian therapy: why it is needed and how to accomplish it: a response. J Individ Psychol, 74:287-295.
  • Carlson J, Watts RE, Maniacci M (2006) Adlerian Therapy: Theory and Practice.Washington DC, American Psychological Association.
  • Carroll KM, Nuro KF (2002) One size can not fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development. Clin Psychol, 9:396-406.
  • Corey G (2012) Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 9th ed. Boston, MA, Brooks/Cole, Cengage learning.
  • Division 12 of the American Psychological Association (2016) Research supported psychological treatments. ical-treatments/ (Accessed 15.04.2023).
  • Duncan BL, Miller SD, Sparks JA, Claud DA, Reynolds LR, Brown J et al.(2003) The session rating scale: preliminary psychometric properties of a “working” alliance measure. J Brief Ther, 3:3-12.
  • Evans C (2021) Trauma-informed Adlerian play therapy: a case study. J Individ Psychol, 77:362-373.
  • John K (2018) Sperry's “achieving evidence-based status for Adlerian therapy: why it is needed and how to accomplish it”. J Individ Psychol, 74:296-301.
  • Glenn K (2015) Can you relate? Couns Today, 58:48–52.
  • Kardaş F, Yalçın İ (2016) Kanıta dayalı uygulamalar ve psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik alanına yansımaları. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 6:13-24.
  • Kim E, Seo J, Paik H, Sohn S (2020) The effectiveness of Adlerian therapy for Hwa-Byung in middle-aged South Korean women. Couns Psychol, 48:1082-1108.
  • Leak GK (2006) Development and validation of a revised measure of Adlerian social interest. Soc Behav Pers, 34:443-450.
  • Lilienfeld SO, Ritschel LA, Lynn SJ, Cautin RL, Latzman RD (2013) Why many clinical psychologists are resistant to evidence-based practice: root causes and constructive remedies. Clin Psychol Rev, 33:883–900.
  • Manaster G, Corsini R (1982) Individual Psychology: Theory and Practice. Itasca, IL, Fe Peacock.
  • Miller SD, Duncan BL (2000) The Outcome Rating Scale. Chicago, IL, Author.
  • Miller W, Rollnick S (2002) Motivational Interviewing, 2nd ed. New York, Guilford.
  • Mosak HH (2013) Interrupting a depression: The Pushbutton Technique. In Techniques in Adlerian Psychology (Eds Jon Carlson, Steven Slavik):267-272. New York, Taylor & Francis.
  • Norcross JC, Pfund RA, Prochaska JO (2013) Psychotherapy in 2022: a Delphi poll on its future. Prof Psychol Res Pr, 44:363-370.
  • Ollendick TH (2014) Advances toward evidence-based practice: where to from here? Behav Ther, 45: 51-55.
  • Peluso PR (2018) Adlerian evidence-based practice research: a response to Sperry (2018). J Individ Psychol, 74:265-271.
  • Rasmussen PR, Howell RH (2018) Why achieving evidence-based status is needed: a response to Sperry. J Individ Psychol, 74:272-275.
  • Sari YE, Kokoglu B, Balcioglu H, Bilge U, Colak E, Unluoglu I (2016) Turkish reliability of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Biomed Res (Aligarh), 27:460–462
  • Sharf R S (2015) Theories of Psychotherapy Counseling: Concepts and Cases, 6th ed. Canada, Cengage Learning.
  • Sperry J, Sperry L (2018) Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Professional Counseling Practice. New York, Routledge.
  • Sperry L (2006) Psychological Treatment of Chronic Illness: The Biopsychosocial Therapy Approach. New York, American Psychological Association.
  • Sperry L (2016a) Pattern-focused psychotherapy. In Mental Health and Mental Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Conditions, Treatments, and Well-being (Ed. L Sperry):816–818.Santa Barbara, Greenwood.
  • Sperry L (2016b) Educating the next generation of psychotherapists: considering the future of theory and practice in Adlerian. psychotherapy. J Individ Psychol, 72:4-11.
  • Sperry L (2017) Similarities between cognitive behavior therapy and Adlerian psychotherapy: assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment. J Individ Psychol, 73:110-123.
  • Sperry L (2018a) Achieving evidence-based status for Adlerian therapy: why it is needed and how to accomplish it. J Individ Psychol, 74:247-263.
  • Sperry L (2018b) More evidence for evidence-based Adlerian therapy: responding to the responders. J Individ Psychol, 74:302-308.
  • Sperry L (2022) Adlerian case conceptualization and therapy: the pattern-focused approach. J Individ Psychol, 78:465-478.
  • Sperry L, Binensztok V (2018) Adlerian pattern-focused therapy: a treatment manual. J Individ Psychol, 74:309-348.
  • Sperry L, Binensztok V (2019) Learning and Practicing Adlerian Therapy. San Diego, CA, Cognella.
  • Sperry L, Brill P, Howard K, Grissom G (1996) Treatment Outcomes in Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Interventions. New York, Routledge
  • Sperry L, Sperry J (2020) Case Conceptualization: Mastering This Competency with Ease and Confidence. 2nd ed. New York, Routledge.
  • Travis S (2018) Why individual psychology needs to gain evidence-based status. J Individ Psychol, 74:281-286.
  • Wampold B (1997) Methodological problems in identifying efficacious psychotherapies. Psychother Res, 7:21-43.
  • Watkins CE, Guarnaccia C (1999) The Scientific Study of Adlerian Theory. In Interventions and Strategies in Counseling and Psychotherapy (Eds. R Watts, J Carlson):207–230. New York, Taylor & Francis.
  • Watts RE (2018) Adlerian therapy and the need for outcome efficacy research. J Individ Psychol, 74:277-280.
  • Watts RE (2000) Entering the new millennium: is individual psychology still relevant? J Individ Psychol, 56:21-30.
  • Watts RE, Peluso PR, Lewis TF (2005) Expanding the acting as if technique: an Adlerian/constructive integration. J Individ Psychol, 61:380-387.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikiyatri, Psikoloji
Bölüm Derleme

Ümre Kaynak 0000-0002-4999-9594

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 1 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

AMA Kaynak Ü. Evidence-Based Individual Psychology Practice: Adlerian Pattern Focused Therapy. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Haziran 2024;16(2):258-270. doi:10.18863/pgy.1301197

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.