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İstasyonsuz Bisiklet Paylaşım Sistemlerinin Yükselişi ve Düşüşü Üzerine

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 668 - 689, 29.12.2021


Tüketicilerin mal ve hizmetlere geçici olarak erişimine internet tabanlı platformlarla imkân sağlayan paylaşım ekonomisi uygulamaları oldukça yaygınlaşmıştır. 2010’lu yıllarda Çin’de icat edilen, herhangi bir istasyona bağlı kalmaksızın kullanılabilir bisiklet paylaşım sistemleri çok kısa bir süre içerisinde uluslararası pazarlara yayılmıştır. Bu harika icat Çin'in dört büyük yeni icadından biri olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Telefona indirilen bir uygulama sayesinde bisikletlerin kilidi açılıyor, yolculuğun bittiği yerde de yine uygulama üzerinden kilitlenip bırakılıyordu. Uygun park yeri arama çabası ve çalınma endişesi elimine edilmişti. Sistem istasyon gerektirmediği için hem yerel idarelerden izin alınması hem de istasyonlar için önemli yatırımlar yapılması gerekmiyordu. İstasyonsuz bisikletler toplu taşıma noktasından sonraki mesafelerde ulaşım sorununa pratik bir çözüm getirdikleri için, aslında çoğu metropolün en büyük ulaşım sorununu çözüme kavuşturmuşlardı.
Ancak bu harika fikrin uygulaması sıkıntısız değildi. Üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken ciddi problemler vardı. Bisikletler özensiz park ediliyordu. Vandallara karşı bir koruma sağlanmamıştı, tahrip edilen bisikletlerin toplanması ve tamir edilmesi gerekiyordu. Pazara girişin kolaylığı, aşırı sayıda bisiklete neden olmuştu, firma hakkında duyulan en küçük olumsuzluk kullanıcıların bir anda üyelik iptali ve depozitoları geri istenmesine yol açıyordu. Marka sadakati oluşturabilecek bir farklılık ortaya konulamamıştı ve ikame ürün fazlaydı. Olumsuz yönler ağır bastı bisikletleri çalışır halde tutabilmek, vandallıkla mücadele edebilme, kullanıcıların duyarlı park etmemesi gibi nedenlerle birkaç yıl içinde dünyanın en büyüğü haline gelen Ofo ve Mobike pazardan çekilmek zorunda kalmıştır.
Haberlerden hareketle istasyonsuz bisiklet paylaşımının serencamını ele alan bu çalışmanın amacı, paylaşım ekonomisi kapsamında ortaya çıkabilecek girişimler için bir vaka çalışması ortaya koymaktır.


  • Bajracharya, L Mulya, T., Purbasari A., and Hwang, M (2018) “A Study on Cost-Effective and Eco-friendly Bicycle Sharing System for Developing Countries”, K. J. Kim and N. Baek (eds.), Information Science and Applications 2018, K. J. Kim and N. Baek (eds.), Information Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 514.
  • Belk, R. (2014). “You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online”. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.
  • Belton, P. (2018), “How cheap dockless hire bikes are flooding the world”, BBC, 15 May.
  • Bork, H. (2019) “How short-sighted vision turned a Chinese success story into a cautionary tale”, Think: Act Magazine, August 8.
  • Böcker, L., & Meelen, T. (2017). “Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analysing motivations for intended sharing economy participation”. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 28-39.
  • Brown, R. (2018). “Watch Vandals in bizarre attack on a Cambridge Ofo hire bike”. Cambridge News, April 19.
  • Campbell, C. (2018), “The Trouble with Sharing: China's Bike Fever Has Reached Saturation Point,” Time, April 2, 2018,
  • Chang, S., Song, R., He, S., & Qiu, G. (2018). “Innovative bike-sharing in China: Solving faulty bike- sharing recycling problem”. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, 1–10.
  • Chen, Z., Lierop, D. V., & Ettema, D., (2020). “Dockless bike- sharing systems: what are the implications?”. Transport Reviews, 40(3), 333-353, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2019.1710306
  • Cohen, B., & Kietzmann, J. (2014). “Ride on! Mobility business models for the sharing economy”. Organization & Environment, 27(3), 279-296.
  • Davis, L. S. (2014). “Rolling along the last mile: Bike-sharing programs blossom nationwide”. Planning, 80(5), 10–16.
  • DeMaio. (2009). “Bike-sharing: History, impacts, models of provision, and future”. Journal of Public Transportation, 12(4), 3.
  • Dobush, G. (2018), “Shared bikes take over Berlin”, Handelseblatt, 06.05.
  • ECNS Wire (2018), “More than 20 of 77 bike-sharing startups closed in China”, ECNS Wire. February 11.
  • Faghih-Imani, A., Eluru, N., El-Geneidy, A. M., Rabbat, M., & Haq, U. (2014). “How land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal”. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 306–314.
  • Ffrench, A. (2019) “Dockless bike firm Ofo could abandon Oxford due to financial difficulties”, Oxford Mail, 15 January.
  • Govindarajan, V., & Trimble, C. (2013). Beyond the idea: How to execute innovation in any organization. St. Martin's Press.
  • Griffith, E., (2018) “Rivalry among established Chinese companies and US startups has intensified into a trash-talking land grab involving electric scooters and electric bikes”), Wired, February 15.
  • Johnson, I. (2018). “Mobike goes up in flames- and the cycle hire firms is NOT happy about it”. Chroniclelive, September 3.
  • Karl, (2018). “From Mobike to No Bike As Dockless Cycle Operator Rides Off Into the Sunset”, Salford Media, September 5, Edited, 9 October 2019.
  • Keown C. (2018), “Oxford dockless bike firms set to flood the city with more bikes”, 5 February.
  • Kim, H., & Cho, Y. (2018). Analysis of the bicycle-sharing economy: Strategic issues for sustainable development of society. The Journal of Distribution Science, 16(7), 5-16.
  • Kişi, N.(2018), “Paylaşım Ekonomisinin Ulaşım Sektörüne Yansımaları: Uber Örneği”. Uluslararası Yönetim ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5, (10),
  • Kollewe, J. & McIntyre, N. (2019), “Ofo cycle hire firm pulls out of London”, Thursday, 10 January 2019.
  • Lindsay, K. (2018). “Mobike dramatically reduces size of cycling zone in Newcastle and Gateshead”, 21 September.
  • Ma, Y., Rong, K., Mangalagiu, D., Thornton, T. F., & Zhu, D. (2018). “Co-evolution between urban sustainability and business ecosystem innovation: Evidence from the sharing mobility sector in Shanghai”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 942-953.
  • Mair, J., & Reischauer, G. (2017). “Capturing the dynamics of the sharing economy: Institutional research on the plural forms and practices of sharing economy organizations”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 125, 11-20.
  • Manzi, G., & Saibene, G. (2018). “Are they telling the truth? Revealing hidden traits of satisfaction with a public bike-sharing service”. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 12(4), 253-270.
  • Marangoz, M., Bayrakdaroğlu, F., & Aydın, A. E. (2017). “Tüketimde Alternatif Bir Yaklaşım Olarak Paylaşım Ekonomisi: Ortak Kullanım Ağlarının İçerik Analizi ile İncelenmesi”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (Pazarlama Kongresi Özel sayısı), 134-148.
  • Massey, J. (2017). “Yellow army! Dockless bike share company Ofo to launch in Norwich”. Eastern Daily Press, October 30.
  • Mi, Z., & Coffman, D. M. (2019). “The sharing economy promotes sustainable societies”. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-3.
  • Midgley, P. (2011). “Bicycle-sharing schemes: enhancing sustainable mobility in urban areas”. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 8, 1-12.
  • Nielsen, B. (1993). “The Bicycle in Denmark: Present Use and Future Potential”. Ministry of Transport.
  • Ngo, H. (2021), “Why some bike shares work and others don't”, BBC, 13th January
  • Pidd, H. (2018), “Mobike pulls out of Manchester citing thefts and vandalism” The Guardian Wednesday 5 September.
  • Pucher, J., & Buehler, R. (2008). “Cycling for everyone: Lessons from Europe, transportation research record”. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2074, 58-65.
  • Re, L.L., (2018), “Dockless Bike-Sharing is Reshaping Cities – But We’re Not Sure How Yet”. TheCityFix, February 8.
  • Rendaje, M. (2021)., (15.11.2021).
  • Salmon, F. (2018), Bring On the Bikocalypse wired, 02.01.2018
  • Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012). “Research methods for business students” (6. utg.). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Shaheen, S. A., Guzman, S., & Zhang, H. (2010). “Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: past, present, and future”. Transportation Research Record, 2143(1), 159-167.
  • Shaheen, S., Chan, N., 2016. “Mobility and the sharing economy: potential to facilitate the first- and last-mile public transit connections”. Built Environ. 42 (4), 573–588.
  • Shaheen, S., Cohen, A. P., & Martin, E. W. (2013). “Public bikesharing in North America: Early operator understanding and emerging trends”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2387, 83–92. doi:10.3141/2387-10
  • Shead, S. (2017). “A Chinese bike-sharing startup is launching in the UK after raising $600 million”. Business Insider, Jun 16,
  • Shi, J. G., Si, H., Wu, G., Su, Y., & Lan, J. (2018). “Critical factors to achieve dockless bike-sharing sustainability in China: A stakeholder-oriented network perspective”. Sustainability, 10(6), 2090.
  • Statista, (2020) “Value of the sharing economy worldwide in 2014 and 2025” ( (E.T. 13.11.2021)
  • Supriyo, Ghosh. 2017. “Dynamic Repositioning to Reduce Lost Demand in Bicycle Sharing System”. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 58: 387–430.
  • S.D. Parkes, Marsden, G., Shaheen, S.A. &. Cohen A.,P. (2013). “Understanding the diffusion of public bike sharing systems: evidence from Europe and North America”. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 94–103
  • Talbot, D. (2019,). “4 problems with dockless bike schemes, and how to solve them”, Joyride, February 1,
  • Tan, X. & Dafei, Y. (2018) “Bike-sharing data and cities: lessons from China's experience”, January 17,’s-experience#.Wmm1qwGA-D0.twitter
  • Taylor, A. (2018). “China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles”, March 22,
  • Taylor, A. (2018). “Bike Share Oversupply In China: Huge Piles Of Abandoned And Broken Bicycles”, The Atlantic, March 22, e.t.29.09.2021
  • The Conversation (2019), “E-scooters, bikes and urban mobility: lessons from the streets of Paris”, The Conversation, November 21.
  • Velocitta (2021), “Better use of bicycle share system” (, e.t. 13.10.2021
  • Wilmington Bike Share Feasibility Study Ch.3 Risks and Benefits of Bike Share, development/bike-wilmington/bike-share-feasibility-study, Spring 2016.
  • Yin, J., Qian, L., & Shen, J. (2019). “From value co-creation to value co-destruction? The case of dockless bike sharing in China”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 71, 169-185.
  • Yu D., & Shang L., (2017), “Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Share Economy: Taking Sharing Bicycle as an Example”, 2nd International Conference on Modern Economic Development and Environment Protection (ICMED 2017), ISBN: 978-1-60595-518-6.
  • Zhao, J., Wang, J., & Deng, W. (2015). “Exploring bikesharing travel time and trip chain by gender and day of the week”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 58, 251–264.
  • Zhao, N., Zhang, X., Banks, M. S. & Xiong, M. (2018). “Bicycle Sharing in China: Past, Present, And Future”. Association for Information Systems Conference, Spring 3-23-2018. Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Zhou, Z., & Zhang, Z. J., (2019). “Customer satisfaction of bicycle sharing: studying perceived service quality with SEM model”. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 22:5, 437-448, DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2018.1513468 İnternet Kaynakları
  • 16.11.2021
  • 16.11.2021 Videolar

On the Rise and Fall of Dockless Bike Sharing Systems

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 668 - 689, 29.12.2021


The sharing economy, which allows consumers to temporarily access goods and services through internet-based platforms, has become widespread. Invented in China in 2010s, dockless bike sharing systems quickly spread to international markets. The dockless bike sharing innovation has been described as one of China's four great new inventions. Using an app, bikes are unlocked, and when the journey ends, they are parked then locked via the app. The effort to look for a convenient parking space and the worry of being stolen are eliminated. Since the entire system do not need a dock, any permission from city administration is not needed. In addition, dockless systems are cheaper than station based systems since investments are not required to establish and operate a station. Dockless bikes solve the biggest transportation problem of most metropolises, as they provide a practical solution from public transport to final departures. However, this great idea is not without problems in execution but there are some serious problems to consider. In practice, bicycles were not parked precisely. There was no protection against vandals, destroyed bikes had to be collected and repaired. The ease of entry to the market caused an excessive number of bicycles, the slightest negativity heard about the company caused the users to cancel the membership and demand their deposit back. There is no way to differentiate brands that could create brand loyalty, and there were too many substitutes. The negative aspects outweighed the fact that Ofo and Mobike, which became the biggest in the world in a few years, had to withdraw.
Based on the news, this study, which deals with the venture of dockless bike sharing, aiming to present a case for the initiatives that may launch within the scope of the sharing economy.


  • Bajracharya, L Mulya, T., Purbasari A., and Hwang, M (2018) “A Study on Cost-Effective and Eco-friendly Bicycle Sharing System for Developing Countries”, K. J. Kim and N. Baek (eds.), Information Science and Applications 2018, K. J. Kim and N. Baek (eds.), Information Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 514.
  • Belk, R. (2014). “You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online”. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.
  • Belton, P. (2018), “How cheap dockless hire bikes are flooding the world”, BBC, 15 May.
  • Bork, H. (2019) “How short-sighted vision turned a Chinese success story into a cautionary tale”, Think: Act Magazine, August 8.
  • Böcker, L., & Meelen, T. (2017). “Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analysing motivations for intended sharing economy participation”. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 28-39.
  • Brown, R. (2018). “Watch Vandals in bizarre attack on a Cambridge Ofo hire bike”. Cambridge News, April 19.
  • Campbell, C. (2018), “The Trouble with Sharing: China's Bike Fever Has Reached Saturation Point,” Time, April 2, 2018,
  • Chang, S., Song, R., He, S., & Qiu, G. (2018). “Innovative bike-sharing in China: Solving faulty bike- sharing recycling problem”. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, 1–10.
  • Chen, Z., Lierop, D. V., & Ettema, D., (2020). “Dockless bike- sharing systems: what are the implications?”. Transport Reviews, 40(3), 333-353, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2019.1710306
  • Cohen, B., & Kietzmann, J. (2014). “Ride on! Mobility business models for the sharing economy”. Organization & Environment, 27(3), 279-296.
  • Davis, L. S. (2014). “Rolling along the last mile: Bike-sharing programs blossom nationwide”. Planning, 80(5), 10–16.
  • DeMaio. (2009). “Bike-sharing: History, impacts, models of provision, and future”. Journal of Public Transportation, 12(4), 3.
  • Dobush, G. (2018), “Shared bikes take over Berlin”, Handelseblatt, 06.05.
  • ECNS Wire (2018), “More than 20 of 77 bike-sharing startups closed in China”, ECNS Wire. February 11.
  • Faghih-Imani, A., Eluru, N., El-Geneidy, A. M., Rabbat, M., & Haq, U. (2014). “How land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal”. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 306–314.
  • Ffrench, A. (2019) “Dockless bike firm Ofo could abandon Oxford due to financial difficulties”, Oxford Mail, 15 January.
  • Govindarajan, V., & Trimble, C. (2013). Beyond the idea: How to execute innovation in any organization. St. Martin's Press.
  • Griffith, E., (2018) “Rivalry among established Chinese companies and US startups has intensified into a trash-talking land grab involving electric scooters and electric bikes”), Wired, February 15.
  • Johnson, I. (2018). “Mobike goes up in flames- and the cycle hire firms is NOT happy about it”. Chroniclelive, September 3.
  • Karl, (2018). “From Mobike to No Bike As Dockless Cycle Operator Rides Off Into the Sunset”, Salford Media, September 5, Edited, 9 October 2019.
  • Keown C. (2018), “Oxford dockless bike firms set to flood the city with more bikes”, 5 February.
  • Kim, H., & Cho, Y. (2018). Analysis of the bicycle-sharing economy: Strategic issues for sustainable development of society. The Journal of Distribution Science, 16(7), 5-16.
  • Kişi, N.(2018), “Paylaşım Ekonomisinin Ulaşım Sektörüne Yansımaları: Uber Örneği”. Uluslararası Yönetim ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5, (10),
  • Kollewe, J. & McIntyre, N. (2019), “Ofo cycle hire firm pulls out of London”, Thursday, 10 January 2019.
  • Lindsay, K. (2018). “Mobike dramatically reduces size of cycling zone in Newcastle and Gateshead”, 21 September.
  • Ma, Y., Rong, K., Mangalagiu, D., Thornton, T. F., & Zhu, D. (2018). “Co-evolution between urban sustainability and business ecosystem innovation: Evidence from the sharing mobility sector in Shanghai”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 942-953.
  • Mair, J., & Reischauer, G. (2017). “Capturing the dynamics of the sharing economy: Institutional research on the plural forms and practices of sharing economy organizations”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 125, 11-20.
  • Manzi, G., & Saibene, G. (2018). “Are they telling the truth? Revealing hidden traits of satisfaction with a public bike-sharing service”. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 12(4), 253-270.
  • Marangoz, M., Bayrakdaroğlu, F., & Aydın, A. E. (2017). “Tüketimde Alternatif Bir Yaklaşım Olarak Paylaşım Ekonomisi: Ortak Kullanım Ağlarının İçerik Analizi ile İncelenmesi”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (Pazarlama Kongresi Özel sayısı), 134-148.
  • Massey, J. (2017). “Yellow army! Dockless bike share company Ofo to launch in Norwich”. Eastern Daily Press, October 30.
  • Mi, Z., & Coffman, D. M. (2019). “The sharing economy promotes sustainable societies”. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-3.
  • Midgley, P. (2011). “Bicycle-sharing schemes: enhancing sustainable mobility in urban areas”. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 8, 1-12.
  • Nielsen, B. (1993). “The Bicycle in Denmark: Present Use and Future Potential”. Ministry of Transport.
  • Ngo, H. (2021), “Why some bike shares work and others don't”, BBC, 13th January
  • Pidd, H. (2018), “Mobike pulls out of Manchester citing thefts and vandalism” The Guardian Wednesday 5 September.
  • Pucher, J., & Buehler, R. (2008). “Cycling for everyone: Lessons from Europe, transportation research record”. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2074, 58-65.
  • Re, L.L., (2018), “Dockless Bike-Sharing is Reshaping Cities – But We’re Not Sure How Yet”. TheCityFix, February 8.
  • Rendaje, M. (2021)., (15.11.2021).
  • Salmon, F. (2018), Bring On the Bikocalypse wired, 02.01.2018
  • Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012). “Research methods for business students” (6. utg.). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Shaheen, S. A., Guzman, S., & Zhang, H. (2010). “Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: past, present, and future”. Transportation Research Record, 2143(1), 159-167.
  • Shaheen, S., Chan, N., 2016. “Mobility and the sharing economy: potential to facilitate the first- and last-mile public transit connections”. Built Environ. 42 (4), 573–588.
  • Shaheen, S., Cohen, A. P., & Martin, E. W. (2013). “Public bikesharing in North America: Early operator understanding and emerging trends”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2387, 83–92. doi:10.3141/2387-10
  • Shead, S. (2017). “A Chinese bike-sharing startup is launching in the UK after raising $600 million”. Business Insider, Jun 16,
  • Shi, J. G., Si, H., Wu, G., Su, Y., & Lan, J. (2018). “Critical factors to achieve dockless bike-sharing sustainability in China: A stakeholder-oriented network perspective”. Sustainability, 10(6), 2090.
  • Statista, (2020) “Value of the sharing economy worldwide in 2014 and 2025” ( (E.T. 13.11.2021)
  • Supriyo, Ghosh. 2017. “Dynamic Repositioning to Reduce Lost Demand in Bicycle Sharing System”. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 58: 387–430.
  • S.D. Parkes, Marsden, G., Shaheen, S.A. &. Cohen A.,P. (2013). “Understanding the diffusion of public bike sharing systems: evidence from Europe and North America”. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 94–103
  • Talbot, D. (2019,). “4 problems with dockless bike schemes, and how to solve them”, Joyride, February 1,
  • Tan, X. & Dafei, Y. (2018) “Bike-sharing data and cities: lessons from China's experience”, January 17,’s-experience#.Wmm1qwGA-D0.twitter
  • Taylor, A. (2018). “China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles”, March 22,
  • Taylor, A. (2018). “Bike Share Oversupply In China: Huge Piles Of Abandoned And Broken Bicycles”, The Atlantic, March 22, e.t.29.09.2021
  • The Conversation (2019), “E-scooters, bikes and urban mobility: lessons from the streets of Paris”, The Conversation, November 21.
  • Velocitta (2021), “Better use of bicycle share system” (, e.t. 13.10.2021
  • Wilmington Bike Share Feasibility Study Ch.3 Risks and Benefits of Bike Share, development/bike-wilmington/bike-share-feasibility-study, Spring 2016.
  • Yin, J., Qian, L., & Shen, J. (2019). “From value co-creation to value co-destruction? The case of dockless bike sharing in China”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 71, 169-185.
  • Yu D., & Shang L., (2017), “Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Share Economy: Taking Sharing Bicycle as an Example”, 2nd International Conference on Modern Economic Development and Environment Protection (ICMED 2017), ISBN: 978-1-60595-518-6.
  • Zhao, J., Wang, J., & Deng, W. (2015). “Exploring bikesharing travel time and trip chain by gender and day of the week”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 58, 251–264.
  • Zhao, N., Zhang, X., Banks, M. S. & Xiong, M. (2018). “Bicycle Sharing in China: Past, Present, And Future”. Association for Information Systems Conference, Spring 3-23-2018. Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Zhou, Z., & Zhang, Z. J., (2019). “Customer satisfaction of bicycle sharing: studying perceived service quality with SEM model”. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 22:5, 437-448, DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2018.1513468 İnternet Kaynakları
  • 16.11.2021
  • 16.11.2021 Videolar
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Finans
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Nazan Madak 0000-0003-1036-8442

Ahmet Bardakcı 0000-0003-1391-6432

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Madak, N., & Bardakcı, A. (2021). İstasyonsuz Bisiklet Paylaşım Sistemlerinin Yükselişi ve Düşüşü Üzerine. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 668-689.

Cited By

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