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The hidden treasure at the bottom of the pyramid: A review about reverse innovation

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 70 - 91, 31.12.2019


Multinational companies have disregarded poor nations
believing some misassumptions. They couln’t disengage the idea that poor
countries were not attractive as required. The successful outcomes of two
projects initiated by General Electric Health division in India and China took
attention of Prof. Vijay Govindarajan. These cases seem to be conflicting with well
known International Product Life Cycle theory even referring the reverse. This
article aims to introduce the concept of reverse innovation with real cases to
our students.


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  • Barbosa, H.(2015). “Reverse Innovation: When Developing Countries Have The Answers”, 2015-03-15 e.t., 26.02.2019
  • Bardakcı, A ve Akıncı, M, (2014). “Türkiye’de Ürün Markalamada Yabancı Dil Kullanımı: Sebepler ve Sonuçlar”, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, c 6(1), Haziran, ss.1-26
  • Büyük, Ö ve Gümüştekin, G. (2017). “Reverse Innovation: Can Innovation Flow From Turkey to Developed Countries?”, International Journal of Tourism, Economic and Business Sciences, Vol.1, No.1, ss.9-19
  • Cavusgil, S.T., Riesenberger, J., & Knight, G. (2016). International Business: The New Realities, Global Edition, Harlow, UK
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  • Christensen, C.M., Michael R., and McDonald. R.(2015),"What Is Disruptive Innovation?" Harvard Business Review 93, no. 12, December, pp. 44–53.
  • Christiensen C.(2019). “Co-creating with Rural Consumers Helps Achieve Inclusive Growth “
  • Corsi, S. & Zedtwitz, M.V.(2016). “Reverse Innovation: A New World Order for Global Innovation?”, The European Business Review, November - December ss.73-77
  • Dalen, J.E. & Alpert, J.S. (2019). “Medical Tourists: Incoming and Outgoing”, The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 1, January, Commentary, ss.9-10 Department for Work and Pensions, (2016). “The Households Below Average Income“, to-201415
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  • Hadengue, M., Marcellis-Warin N ve Warin, T.(2017). "Reverse innovation: a systematic literature review", International JoNurnal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 12 Issue: 2, pp.142-182, doi: 10.1108/IJoEM-12-2015-0272
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  • Hossain, M.(2017). Massing the Frugal Innovation Phenomenon, Technology in Society, V.51, November, 199-208,
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  • Prahalad, C.K ve Hart, L.S. (2002). The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”, Strategy+Business n. 26, First Quarter
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  • Sarıkaya, M., & Kök, S. B. (2018) “Küresel İnovasyonun Yeni Dinamiği: Ters İnovasyon”, editörler içinde Nart, S ve Yıldırım YT (editörler) Current Debates In Management & Organızatıon V.29 ss.11-26
  • Secours Catholique, (2019), e.t. 20.10.2019
  • Shan, J. & Khan, M.A. (2014), “Reverse innovation: A new paradigm of innovation Evidence from Chinese markets” BioTechnology An Indian Journal V10(15) ss: 8401-8409 Suri, M. (2019). “India wants to make medical tourism a $9 billion industry by 2020”, February 15,
  • Vanham, P.(2017). “Innovation flows from emerging to the developed World”, World Economic Forum, May 25, Financial Times, e.t. 29/07/2019,
  • Vernon, R. (1966). “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”,The Quarterly Journal of Economics, v80(2), May, , ss. 190-207
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  • Zmuda, N. (2011). “Marketers Are Increasingly Creating Products in the Developing World and Importing Those Ideas Into More Mature Markets”, June 13, AdAge,

Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 70 - 91, 31.12.2019


Çokuluslu şirketler
yıllarca fakir ülkeleri farklı hatalı varsayımlara bağlı olarak ihmal ettiler.
Fakirler ülkelerin yeterince cazip olmadığı görüşünden kurtulamadılar. 2000’li
yıllarda özellikle General Elektrik (GE) Sağlık bölümünün Hindistan’da ve
Çin’de başlattığı projelerin çıktıları Prof. Vijay Govindarajan’ın dikkatini
çekti. Bu örnekler Uluslararası Mamul Hayat Eğrisi teorisi ile çelişiyor hatta
aksini işaret ediyordu. Bu makale özellikle öğrencilerin kavramla tanışmalarına
yardımcı olmak için ters inovasyon kuramını literatürdeki örneklerle ele


  • Aravind, (2019a).
  • Aravind, (2019b).
  • Aravind, (2019c).
  • Aurolab, (2019).
  • Barbosa, H.(2015). “Reverse Innovation: When Developing Countries Have The Answers”, 2015-03-15 e.t., 26.02.2019
  • Bardakcı, A ve Akıncı, M, (2014). “Türkiye’de Ürün Markalamada Yabancı Dil Kullanımı: Sebepler ve Sonuçlar”, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, c 6(1), Haziran, ss.1-26
  • Büyük, Ö ve Gümüştekin, G. (2017). “Reverse Innovation: Can Innovation Flow From Turkey to Developed Countries?”, International Journal of Tourism, Economic and Business Sciences, Vol.1, No.1, ss.9-19
  • Cavusgil, S.T., Riesenberger, J., & Knight, G. (2016). International Business: The New Realities, Global Edition, Harlow, UK
  • Christensen, C.M. Ojomo, E. Ve Dillon, K.(2019), “Sınır Pazarlarını Fethetmek”, Harvard Business Review Türkiye, Ocak
  • Christensen, C.M., Michael R., and McDonald. R.(2015),"What Is Disruptive Innovation?" Harvard Business Review 93, no. 12, December, pp. 44–53.
  • Christiensen C.(2019). “Co-creating with Rural Consumers Helps Achieve Inclusive Growth “
  • Corsi, S. & Zedtwitz, M.V.(2016). “Reverse Innovation: A New World Order for Global Innovation?”, The European Business Review, November - December ss.73-77
  • Dalen, J.E. & Alpert, J.S. (2019). “Medical Tourists: Incoming and Outgoing”, The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 1, January, Commentary, ss.9-10 Department for Work and Pensions, (2016). “The Households Below Average Income“, to-201415
  • Dünya Bankası (2019b). ve Report_Name=CountryProfile&Id=b450fd57&tbar=y&dd=y&inf=n&zm=n&country=TUR
  • Dünya Bankası, (2018a). nearly-half-the-world-lives-on-less-than-550-a-day
  • Dünya Bankası, (2018b). Piercing together the powerty puzzle 2018 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank https://openknowledge.
  • Forbes, (2019). Central%20Asia
  • GE, (2011). “Market-Relevant Design: Making ECGs Available Across India”, September 30,
  • Govindarajan, V., & Ramamurti, R. (2011), Reverse innovation, emerging markets, and global strategy. Global Strategy Journal, 1: 191-205. doi:10.1002/gsj.23
  • Govindarajan, V., & Trimble, C. (2013). Ters İnovasyon: Evden Uzakta Yarat Heryerde Kazan. Moda Ofset Basım Yayın
  • Grameen, (2019).
  • Hadengue, M., Marcellis-Warin N ve Warin, T.(2017). "Reverse innovation: a systematic literature review", International JoNurnal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 12 Issue: 2, pp.142-182, doi: 10.1108/IJoEM-12-2015-0272
  • Hart, S., & C. K. Prahalad (2002). “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”, Strategy + Business, first quarter 2002.
  • Health City Cayman Islands (2019). “Welcome to Health City Cayman Islands”,
  • Hossain, M. (2017). “Mapping the Frugal Innovation Phenomenon, Technology in Society”, V.51, November, 199-208,
  • Hossain, M.(2017). Massing the Frugal Innovation Phenomenon, Technology in Society, V.51, November, 199-208,
  • Immelt, J.R., Govindarajan, V., & Trimble, C.(2009), “How GE Is Disrupting Itself”, Harvard Business Review, October
  • McCloud K. (2010). “Kevin McCloud on his trip to India”, The Telegraph,
  • McCloud K. (2010a). Slumming it,
  • Narayana Health (2019).
  • Ohmae, K.(1986). "Becoming A Triad Power: The New Global Corporation", International Marketing Review, Vol. 3 No. 3, ss. 7-20.
  • Prahalad, C.K ve Hart, L.S. (2002). The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”, Strategy+Business n. 26, First Quarter
  • Prahalad, C.K: ve Hammond, A. (2002), “Serving the World’s Poor, Profitabl” september 2002 harvard business review
  • Radjou N (2014). _face_of_extreme_limits
  • Radjou, N. (2015).
  • Radjou, N. (2017).
  • Radjou, N. (2019). e.t. 25.10.2019
  • Radojević, N. (2013). “Reverse Innovation and the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Proposition: New Clothes for Old Fallacies?” 3rd Annual Conference Atlas/AFMI, July 8-9, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Sarıkaya, M., & Kök, S. B. (2018) “Küresel İnovasyonun Yeni Dinamiği: Ters İnovasyon”, editörler içinde Nart, S ve Yıldırım YT (editörler) Current Debates In Management & Organızatıon V.29 ss.11-26
  • Secours Catholique, (2019), e.t. 20.10.2019
  • Shan, J. & Khan, M.A. (2014), “Reverse innovation: A new paradigm of innovation Evidence from Chinese markets” BioTechnology An Indian Journal V10(15) ss: 8401-8409 Suri, M. (2019). “India wants to make medical tourism a $9 billion industry by 2020”, February 15,
  • Vanham, P.(2017). “Innovation flows from emerging to the developed World”, World Economic Forum, May 25, Financial Times, e.t. 29/07/2019,
  • Vernon, R. (1966). “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”,The Quarterly Journal of Economics, v80(2), May, , ss. 190-207
  • WIPO Magazine, (2013).“Chotukool: Keeping things cool with frugal innovation”, December,
  • Wikipedia (2019b). Muhammed Yunus
  • Wikipedia, (2019a). “Poverty in the United States " wiki/Poverty_in_the_United_States#cite_note-1
  • Wikipedia, (2019c). Grameen Bank 25/09/2019
  • Wikipedia, (2019d). Diffusion of innovations,, e.t. 25/11/2019
  • World Remit, (2019).
  • Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2014). “Organising for reverse innovation in Western MNCs: the role of frugal product innovation capabilities”, International Journal of Technology Management, 64(2-4), 255-275.
  • Zmuda, N. (2011). “Marketers Are Increasingly Creating Products in the Developing World and Importing Those Ideas Into More Mature Markets”, June 13, AdAge,
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ahmet Bardakcı

Şeyda Gürkaynak Gürbüzer Bu kişi benim

Bahar Akyıldız Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bardakcı, A., Gürkaynak Gürbüzer, Ş., & Akyıldız, B. (2019). Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, 6(2), 70-91.
AMA Bardakcı A, Gürkaynak Gürbüzer Ş, Akyıldız B. Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama. pjess. Aralık 2019;6(2):70-91. doi:10.34232/pjess.639253
Chicago Bardakcı, Ahmet, Şeyda Gürkaynak Gürbüzer, ve Bahar Akyıldız. “Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 6, sy. 2 (Aralık 2019): 70-91.
EndNote Bardakcı A, Gürkaynak Gürbüzer Ş, Akyıldız B (01 Aralık 2019) Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 6 2 70–91.
IEEE A. Bardakcı, Ş. Gürkaynak Gürbüzer, ve B. Akyıldız, “Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama”, pjess, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 70–91, 2019, doi: 10.34232/pjess.639253.
ISNAD Bardakcı, Ahmet vd. “Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 6/2 (Aralık 2019), 70-91.
JAMA Bardakcı A, Gürkaynak Gürbüzer Ş, Akyıldız B. Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama. pjess. 2019;6:70–91.
MLA Bardakcı, Ahmet vd. “Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, c. 6, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 70-91, doi:10.34232/pjess.639253.
Vancouver Bardakcı A, Gürkaynak Gürbüzer Ş, Akyıldız B. Piramidin Tabanında Saklı Hazine Ters İnovasyon Hakkında Bir Tarama. pjess. 2019;6(2):70-91.


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