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TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 753 - 757, 01.09.2018


TlSe kristallerinin ısıl buharlaştırılması ile 900 Å kalınlığında hazırlanmış TlSe ince filminin kapasitans (C) ve dielektrik kayıp

faktörü (tan δ) omik özellik gösteren Al elektrotlar kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Hazırlanan TlSe ince filmlerin dielektrik sabiti ( ε'),

dielektrik modülün gerçek (M') ve sanal kısımları (M'') ile dalgalı iletkenliği (σac) , 100 Hz-106 Hz frekans ve 213-393 K sıcaklık

aralığında hesaplanmıştır. Cole-Cole eşitliği kullanılarak  yapıdaki  rahatlama  zamanları  belirlenmiştir.  TlSe   ince   filmlerinin

dielektrik  parametrelerinin  artan  frekansla  azaldığı  ve  artan  sıcaklıkla  arttığı  bulunmuştur.  Bu davranış yapıda birden fazla

kutuplanma mekanizmasının varlığıyla açıklanabilir. AC iletkenliğin,ωs ilişkisini ( s <1 olmak üzere) sağladığı belirlendi.Yapıda

iki  farklı  iletkenlik  mekanizması  belirlenmiştir.  Bunlar, düşük frekanslarda küçük polaron tünellemesi ve yüksek frekanslarda

klasik hoplama mekanizmalarıdır


  • [1] J.A.Ketelaar, W.H.t’Hart, M.Moerel and D.Polder, “The crystal dtructure of TlSe thallous and hallosic selenide”. Z.Kristallogr A, 101: 396-404, (1939).
  • [2] G.Orudzhev, V. Jafarova, S. Schorr, K.Mimura , K.Wakita, Y. Shim , F.Hashimzade , “Phonon Spectra of Chain TlSe and TlInSe2: Density Functional Theory Based Study”. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(10): 8193-8199 , (2008).
  • [3] N.Mamedov, K.Wakita, G. Orudzhev, Y.Shim, K.Mimura, S.Schorr, N.Yamamoto, “Debye temperatures and Grueneisen parameters of chain TlSe and TlInSe2”. In Physica status solidi. C, Conferences and critical reviews, 6: 997-1000 , (2009).
  • [4] D.I. Ismailov, E.S.Alekperov, F.I. Aliev , “Preparation of single-crystal TlSe films”. Inorganic materials, 8(1): 1-2 (2002).
  • [5] I.E. Barchij, E.Y.Peresh, N.J. Haborets, V.V.Tzigika “The TlSe-TlBr-TlI quasi-ternary system”. Journal of alloys and compounds, 358(1): 93-97, (2003).
  • [6] F.M. Seyidov, E.M.Kerimova, N.Z. Gasanov “Phase diagram of the TlSe-SmSe system and transport properties of TlSmX2 (X= S, Se, Te)crystals” Inorganic Materials, 46(12): 1299-1303, (2010).
  • [7] F.M. Seyidov, E.M.Kerimova, N.Z. Gasanov “Phase diagram of the TlSe-SmSe system and transport properties of TlSmX2 (X= S, Se, Te) crystals”. Inorganic Materials, 46(12): 1299-1303, (2010).
  • [8] Ș. Ellialtıoğlu, E. Mete, R. Shaltaf, K. Allakhverdiev, F. Gashimzade, M. Nizametdinova and G. Orudzhev, “Electronic structure of the chainlike compound TlSe” Phys. Rev. B, 70: 195118-1 – 195118-6, (2004).
  • [9] G.D.Guseinov, G.B.Abdullayev, S.M.Bidzinova, F.M.Seidov ,M.Z.Ismailov, A.M.Pashayev, “On new analogs of TlSe-type semiconductor compounds” Phys. Lett. A, 33: 421-422, (1970).
  • [10] M. Isik, N.M. Gasanly , “Dielectric functions and interband critical points of anisotropic chain structured TlSe single crystals”. Journal of Applied Physics, 112: 083526-1 – 083526-4, (2012).
  • [11] M.J. Mangalam, K.N.Rao, N.Ranganajan, M.I.A. Siddiqi and C.V.Suryanarayana, “Studies on thin polycrystalline layers of thallium selenide” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 8: 1258-1261, (1969)
  • [12] R.Sardarly, A.Sardarli, F.Salmaov, N.Aliyeva, S.Gahramanova, M.Yusifov,” Phase Transition in TlS,TlSe and TlInS2 crystals caused by nanoscale Defects”. Proceeding of the International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Toronto, Canada- Agust 23-25 (2017) Doi:10.11159/tan17.116.
  • [13] A.Ozel, D. Deger, S.Celik, S.Yakut, B. Karabak, S Akyüz, K.Ulutas, K, “Dielectric and Raman spectroscopy of TlSe thin films”. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 527: 72-77 (2017)
  • [14] S. Karthik, A. Claude, I. Manimaran and A. oiyamozhi, “Crystal Growth of Napthalene (C10 H8) crystals using bridgemann-stockbarger technique” Archives of Physics Research, 3(4): 309-314, ( 2012).
  • [15] B.Barış, “Ac conductivity and dielectric spectroscopy studies on tin oxide thin films formed by spray deposition technique”. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 438: 53-59, (2014).
  • [16] T. S.Velayutham, B.K.Ng, W.C.Gan, W.A. Majid, R.Hashim, N.I. Zahid, J. Chaiprapa, J. “Phase sensitive molecular dynamics of self-assembly glycolipid thin films: A dielectric spectroscopy investigation”. The Journal of chemical physics, 141(8): 613-622, (2014)
  • [17] A.Kumar, N.M. Murari, R.S. Katiyar, “Investigation of dielectric and electrical behavior in Pb (Fe0. 66W0. 33) 0.50 Ti0. 50O3 thin films by impedance spectroscopy”. Journal of Alloys and ompounds, 469(1- 2): 433-440, (2009).
  • [18] A.G.Monteduro, Z. Ameer, M. Martino, A.P. Caricato, V.Tasco, I.C. Lekshmi, G. Maruccio, “Dielectric investigation of high-k yttrium copper titanate thin films”. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(5): 1080 1087, (2016).
  • [19] N.Tuğluoğlu, S. Karadeniz, B.Barış, “Electrical modulus and dielectric spectroscopy behavior of spin coated perylene-monoimide semiconductor films” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 27: 891-898 (2014).
  • [20] T.Larbi, B. Ouni, A. Boukhachem, K. Boubaker, M. Amlouk, “Investigation of structural, optical, electrical and dielectric properties of catalytic sprayed hausmannite thin film”. Materials Research Bulletin, 60 457-466, (2014).
  • [21] G.Yellaiah, T. Shekharam, K. Hadasa, M. Nagabhushanam, “Low temperature DC conductivity, impedance spectroscopy and dielectric properties of Na doped Cd0. 8Zn0. 2S semiconductor compounds”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 609: 192-200, (2014).
  • [22] Mokni, A. Kahouli, F. Jomni, J.L. Garden, E. Andre, A. Sylvestre, “Dielectric Investigation of Parylene D Thin Films: Relaxation and Conduction Mechanisms”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(35): 9210-9217, (2015).
  • [23] A.Ghosh, “Transport properties of vanadium germanate glassy semiconductors”. Physical Review B, 42(9): 5665-5676, (1990).

Alternative Conductivity of TlSe Thin Film

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 753 - 757, 01.09.2018


Capacitance (C) and dielectric loss factor (tan δ) of TlSe thin
film with thickness of 900 Å, measured via thermal evaporation of
TlSe crystals, have been measured using ohmic Al electrodes.  Dielectric constant (ε'), 
dielectric loss (εr'') ,
reel part and imaginary part of 
dielectric modulus and ac conducticity
of the TlSe thin films have been calculated  in the frequency range 100 Hz-106
Hz and within the temperature interval 213-393 K. Relaxation times in
structure were derived by using Cole-Cole relation. The dielectric parameters
of TlSe thin film are found to decrease with increasing frequency and
increase with increasing temperature. This behavior can be explained as the
multicomponent polarization
in the structure. The ac conductivity obeys the ωs law with s (s<1).
different conductivity mechanisms were determined in the structure. These are
small polaron tunnels of the mechanism at low frequencies and classic hopping
mechanism at high frequencies.


  • [1] J.A.Ketelaar, W.H.t’Hart, M.Moerel and D.Polder, “The crystal dtructure of TlSe thallous and hallosic selenide”. Z.Kristallogr A, 101: 396-404, (1939).
  • [2] G.Orudzhev, V. Jafarova, S. Schorr, K.Mimura , K.Wakita, Y. Shim , F.Hashimzade , “Phonon Spectra of Chain TlSe and TlInSe2: Density Functional Theory Based Study”. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(10): 8193-8199 , (2008).
  • [3] N.Mamedov, K.Wakita, G. Orudzhev, Y.Shim, K.Mimura, S.Schorr, N.Yamamoto, “Debye temperatures and Grueneisen parameters of chain TlSe and TlInSe2”. In Physica status solidi. C, Conferences and critical reviews, 6: 997-1000 , (2009).
  • [4] D.I. Ismailov, E.S.Alekperov, F.I. Aliev , “Preparation of single-crystal TlSe films”. Inorganic materials, 8(1): 1-2 (2002).
  • [5] I.E. Barchij, E.Y.Peresh, N.J. Haborets, V.V.Tzigika “The TlSe-TlBr-TlI quasi-ternary system”. Journal of alloys and compounds, 358(1): 93-97, (2003).
  • [6] F.M. Seyidov, E.M.Kerimova, N.Z. Gasanov “Phase diagram of the TlSe-SmSe system and transport properties of TlSmX2 (X= S, Se, Te)crystals” Inorganic Materials, 46(12): 1299-1303, (2010).
  • [7] F.M. Seyidov, E.M.Kerimova, N.Z. Gasanov “Phase diagram of the TlSe-SmSe system and transport properties of TlSmX2 (X= S, Se, Te) crystals”. Inorganic Materials, 46(12): 1299-1303, (2010).
  • [8] Ș. Ellialtıoğlu, E. Mete, R. Shaltaf, K. Allakhverdiev, F. Gashimzade, M. Nizametdinova and G. Orudzhev, “Electronic structure of the chainlike compound TlSe” Phys. Rev. B, 70: 195118-1 – 195118-6, (2004).
  • [9] G.D.Guseinov, G.B.Abdullayev, S.M.Bidzinova, F.M.Seidov ,M.Z.Ismailov, A.M.Pashayev, “On new analogs of TlSe-type semiconductor compounds” Phys. Lett. A, 33: 421-422, (1970).
  • [10] M. Isik, N.M. Gasanly , “Dielectric functions and interband critical points of anisotropic chain structured TlSe single crystals”. Journal of Applied Physics, 112: 083526-1 – 083526-4, (2012).
  • [11] M.J. Mangalam, K.N.Rao, N.Ranganajan, M.I.A. Siddiqi and C.V.Suryanarayana, “Studies on thin polycrystalline layers of thallium selenide” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 8: 1258-1261, (1969)
  • [12] R.Sardarly, A.Sardarli, F.Salmaov, N.Aliyeva, S.Gahramanova, M.Yusifov,” Phase Transition in TlS,TlSe and TlInS2 crystals caused by nanoscale Defects”. Proceeding of the International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Toronto, Canada- Agust 23-25 (2017) Doi:10.11159/tan17.116.
  • [13] A.Ozel, D. Deger, S.Celik, S.Yakut, B. Karabak, S Akyüz, K.Ulutas, K, “Dielectric and Raman spectroscopy of TlSe thin films”. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 527: 72-77 (2017)
  • [14] S. Karthik, A. Claude, I. Manimaran and A. oiyamozhi, “Crystal Growth of Napthalene (C10 H8) crystals using bridgemann-stockbarger technique” Archives of Physics Research, 3(4): 309-314, ( 2012).
  • [15] B.Barış, “Ac conductivity and dielectric spectroscopy studies on tin oxide thin films formed by spray deposition technique”. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 438: 53-59, (2014).
  • [16] T. S.Velayutham, B.K.Ng, W.C.Gan, W.A. Majid, R.Hashim, N.I. Zahid, J. Chaiprapa, J. “Phase sensitive molecular dynamics of self-assembly glycolipid thin films: A dielectric spectroscopy investigation”. The Journal of chemical physics, 141(8): 613-622, (2014)
  • [17] A.Kumar, N.M. Murari, R.S. Katiyar, “Investigation of dielectric and electrical behavior in Pb (Fe0. 66W0. 33) 0.50 Ti0. 50O3 thin films by impedance spectroscopy”. Journal of Alloys and ompounds, 469(1- 2): 433-440, (2009).
  • [18] A.G.Monteduro, Z. Ameer, M. Martino, A.P. Caricato, V.Tasco, I.C. Lekshmi, G. Maruccio, “Dielectric investigation of high-k yttrium copper titanate thin films”. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(5): 1080 1087, (2016).
  • [19] N.Tuğluoğlu, S. Karadeniz, B.Barış, “Electrical modulus and dielectric spectroscopy behavior of spin coated perylene-monoimide semiconductor films” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 27: 891-898 (2014).
  • [20] T.Larbi, B. Ouni, A. Boukhachem, K. Boubaker, M. Amlouk, “Investigation of structural, optical, electrical and dielectric properties of catalytic sprayed hausmannite thin film”. Materials Research Bulletin, 60 457-466, (2014).
  • [21] G.Yellaiah, T. Shekharam, K. Hadasa, M. Nagabhushanam, “Low temperature DC conductivity, impedance spectroscopy and dielectric properties of Na doped Cd0. 8Zn0. 2S semiconductor compounds”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 609: 192-200, (2014).
  • [22] Mokni, A. Kahouli, F. Jomni, J.L. Garden, E. Andre, A. Sylvestre, “Dielectric Investigation of Parylene D Thin Films: Relaxation and Conduction Mechanisms”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(35): 9210-9217, (2015).
  • [23] A.Ghosh, “Transport properties of vanadium germanate glassy semiconductors”. Physical Review B, 42(9): 5665-5676, (1990).
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kemal Ulutas

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ulutas, K. (2018). TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği. Politeknik Dergisi, 21(3), 753-757.
AMA Ulutas K. TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği. Politeknik Dergisi. Eylül 2018;21(3):753-757. doi:10.2339/politeknik.417769
Chicago Ulutas, Kemal. “TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği”. Politeknik Dergisi 21, sy. 3 (Eylül 2018): 753-57.
EndNote Ulutas K (01 Eylül 2018) TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği. Politeknik Dergisi 21 3 753–757.
IEEE K. Ulutas, “TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği”, Politeknik Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 3, ss. 753–757, 2018, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.417769.
ISNAD Ulutas, Kemal. “TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği”. Politeknik Dergisi 21/3 (Eylül 2018), 753-757.
JAMA Ulutas K. TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği. Politeknik Dergisi. 2018;21:753–757.
MLA Ulutas, Kemal. “TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği”. Politeknik Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 753-7, doi:10.2339/politeknik.417769.
Vancouver Ulutas K. TlSe İnce Filminin Dalgalı İletkenliği. Politeknik Dergisi. 2018;21(3):753-7.
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