Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System and Adapting On the Vehicles
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 941 - 950, 01.12.2018
Nilgün Anar
Pınar Bayram
More challenging controls are being carried out every
day and limitations are brought to reduce the negative effects of the exhaust
gases generated by the number of vehicles that is increasing in parallel with
world population on the environment and human health. Because of this reason,
automotive companies need to develop new technologies to reduce harmful gas
emissions. In this research, negative effects of harmful exhaust gases on human
health and environment, new technologies and studies that automotive
manufacturers are performing to reduce these emissions have been discussed.
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) method which is the most advanced
technology applied to limit the amount of harmful nitrogen oxides in diesel
vehicles has been analyzed, required conditions for minimizing the amount of
nitrogen oxide and the chemical reactions are explained. Also the advantages
and disadvantages of the method compared to other technologies have been
examined and criticalities in adaptation on the vehicles have been discussed.
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- [6] Johnson T. V., “Review of Vehicular Emissions Trends”, SAE International Journals, DOI:10.4271/2015-01-0993 (2015)
- [7] Schnitzler J., “Particulate Matter and NOx Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems”, FEV Motorentechnik GmbH
- [8] Jabłońska M., Chmielarz L., “Nitrogen Oxides Removal By SCR Process – State Of The Art”, Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów UJ Nauki Ścisłe, Nr 7 (2/2013) (2013).
- [9] Tasic T., Pogorevc P., Brajlih T., “Gasoline and LPG Exhaust Emissions Comparison. Advances in Production Engineering & Management”, APEM Journal, 87-94 (2011).
- [10] Posada F., Chambliss S., Blumberg K., “Costs of Emission Reduction Technologies for Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles”, International Council on Clean Transportation (2016).
- [11] Balland J., Parmentier M., Schmitt J., “Control of a Combined SCR on Filter and Under-Floor SCR System for Low Emission Passenger Cars”, SAE International Journals (2014).
- [12] Trautwein W. P., “AdBlue as a Reducing Agent for the Decrease of NOx Emissions From Diesel Engines of Commercial Vehicles”, DGMK Research Report 616-2 Part 2: Laboratory and Field Testing of AdBlue AdBlue Logistics (2003).
- [13] Nieuwstadt M. V., Upadhyay D., “Control of Urea SCR Systems for US Diesel Applications”, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 66: 655-665, (2011).
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- [15] Balogh R. M., Ionel I., Stepan D., Rabl H. P., Pfaffinger A., “NOx Reduction Using Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System – α Variation Test”, TERMOTEHNICA (2011).
- [16] Tulasiram N. V., Logachander G., “Performance of a Urea SCR System Combined With Variable Injection Timings of a Diesel Engine to Reduce NOx Emissions”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653 (2016).
- [17] Hesser M., Luders H., Henning R. B., “SCR Technology for NOx Reduction: Series Experience and State of Development”, DEER Conference (2005).
- [18] Nahavandi M., “Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Of No By Ammonia Over V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst In A Catalytic Filter Medium And Honeycomb Reactor: A Kinetic Modeling Study”, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 04, pp. 875 - 893, (2015).
- [19] “Katalitik Konvertör Nedir? Arızası Nasıl Anlaşılır?”
- [20] “Emission standards”
- [21] “Diesel EGR - Diesel Exhaust Gas Recirculation Systems”
- [22] “What is Selective Catalytic Reduction?”
- [23] Sinzenich H., Wehler K., Muller R., “Selective Catalytic Reduction: Exhaust aftertreatment for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions”, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH (2014).
- [24] “Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)”,
- [25] “AdBlue”,
- [26] “AdBlue For Diesel Cars”
- [27] “Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet”, United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-452/F-03-032
- [28] “AB Emisyon Yönetmelikleri”,
- [29] “AdBlue”,
- [30] “Motorlu Araçlar Teknolojisi Egzoz Emisyon Kontrolü”, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Ankara (2011).
- [31] “How Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Works”,
- [32] “Automotive Exhaust Chemicals: Disease Causing”,
- [33] “Motor Vehicle Emission Controls: Fuel Types”,
- [34] “Cummins Tier 4 Technology Overview”,
- [35] “Delphi Selective Catalytic Reduction Dosing System”, Delphi Powertrain Systems,
- [36] “Dosing Components for SCR Systems”, HILITE International
- [37] “Emission Control Technologies for Diesel-Powered Vehicles”, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association
- [38] Maritati M, “EURO VI Technologies & Strategies”,
- [39] Dorenkamp R., “LNT or Urea SCR Technology: Which is the right technology for TIER 2 BIN 5 passenger vehicles?”, 12th Diesel Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Research (DEER) Conference, Detroit, Michigan (2006).
- [40] “Lower NOx Heavy Duty Diesel Engines”, California Environmental Protection Agency Technology Assessment Sacramento, California (2014).
- [41] Carpenter K. A., “NOx Emissions Solutions For Gas Turbines”, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation
- [42] Shah A. N., Ge Y. S., Jiang L., Liu Z. H., “Performance evaluation of a urea-water selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for controlling the exhaust emissions from a diesel engine”, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci. 33: 259 – 271. TUBITAK DOI:10.3906/muh-0907-63 (2009).
- [43] “Selective Catalytic Reduction and Exhaust Gas Recirculation Systems Optimization”, Clean Diesel Technologies Inc.
- [44] “Selective Catalytic Reduction System”,
- [45] “Technology to Reduce Emissions in Large Engines”,
- [46] “Worldwide Emissions Standards Passenger Cars Light Duty” Delphi Powertrain Systems,
Seçici Katalitik İndirgeme (SCR) Sistemi Ve Araçlara Adaptasyonu
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 941 - 950, 01.12.2018
Nilgün Anar
Pınar Bayram
Günümüzde artan dünya nüfusu ve
bununla paralel olarak artış gösteren taşıt sayısının oluşturduğu egzoz
gazlarının çevreye ve insan sağlığına olumsuz etkilerini en aza indirebilmek
için her geçen gün daha sıkı denetimler yapılmakta ve sınırlandırmalar
getirilmektedir. Bu kapsamda otomobil üreticilerinin yeni teknolojiler
geliştirerek zararlı gaz salınımlarını azaltmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada
zararlı egzoz gazı salınımlarının insan sağlığı ve çevre üzerindeki negatif
etkilerinden bahsedilmiş, otomotiv üreticilerinin bu salınımların azaltılması
için yapmakta olduğu çalışmalar ve uygulanan teknolojiler incelenmiştir. Dizel
araçlarda açığa çıkan zararlı azot oksit miktarını sınırlandırmak için
uygulanan en yeni ve gelişmiş teknoloji olan SCR (Selective Catalytic
Reduction) olarak adlandırılan seçici katalitik indirgeme metodu analiz
edilmiş, azot oksit miktarının minimize edilmesi için gerçekli olan şartlar ve
sonucunda oluşan kimyasal reaksiyon ile ilgili bilgi verilmiştir. Ayrıca
yöntemin diğer teknolojilere göre avantaj ve dezavantajları incelenirken,
araçlara uygulanmasındaki kritiklikler ele alınmıştır.
- [1] İlkılıç C., Behçet R., Aydın S., Aydın H., “Dizel Motorlarında Azot Oksitlerin Oluşumu ve Kontrol Yöntemleri”, 5. Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (IATS’09), (2009).
- [2] Sher E., “Handbook of Air Pollution From Internal Combustion Engines: Pollutant Formation and Control”, Academic Press, ISBN: 0-12-639855-0 (1998).
- [3] Uyumaz A., Boz F., Yılmaz E., Solmaz H., Polat S., “Taşıt Egzoz Emisyonlarını Azaltma Yöntemlerindeki Gelişmeler”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, Özel Sayı 1: 15-24, (2017).
- [4] Ayberk S., Çetin Ş., “Azot Oksit Emisyonları ve Çevresel Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi – İzmit, (2006).
- [5] Yadav S., “Air Pollution Control Device – Catalytic Converter”, (2013).
- [6] Johnson T. V., “Review of Vehicular Emissions Trends”, SAE International Journals, DOI:10.4271/2015-01-0993 (2015)
- [7] Schnitzler J., “Particulate Matter and NOx Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems”, FEV Motorentechnik GmbH
- [8] Jabłońska M., Chmielarz L., “Nitrogen Oxides Removal By SCR Process – State Of The Art”, Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów UJ Nauki Ścisłe, Nr 7 (2/2013) (2013).
- [9] Tasic T., Pogorevc P., Brajlih T., “Gasoline and LPG Exhaust Emissions Comparison. Advances in Production Engineering & Management”, APEM Journal, 87-94 (2011).
- [10] Posada F., Chambliss S., Blumberg K., “Costs of Emission Reduction Technologies for Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles”, International Council on Clean Transportation (2016).
- [11] Balland J., Parmentier M., Schmitt J., “Control of a Combined SCR on Filter and Under-Floor SCR System for Low Emission Passenger Cars”, SAE International Journals (2014).
- [12] Trautwein W. P., “AdBlue as a Reducing Agent for the Decrease of NOx Emissions From Diesel Engines of Commercial Vehicles”, DGMK Research Report 616-2 Part 2: Laboratory and Field Testing of AdBlue AdBlue Logistics (2003).
- [13] Nieuwstadt M. V., Upadhyay D., “Control of Urea SCR Systems for US Diesel Applications”, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 66: 655-665, (2011).
- [14] Czerwinski J., Zimmerli Y., Mayer A., D’urbano G., Zurcher D., “Emission Reduction with Diesel Particle Filter with SCR Coating (SDPF)”, Emiss. Control Sci. Technol. DOI 10.1007/s40825-015-0018-7 (2015).
- [15] Balogh R. M., Ionel I., Stepan D., Rabl H. P., Pfaffinger A., “NOx Reduction Using Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System – α Variation Test”, TERMOTEHNICA (2011).
- [16] Tulasiram N. V., Logachander G., “Performance of a Urea SCR System Combined With Variable Injection Timings of a Diesel Engine to Reduce NOx Emissions”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653 (2016).
- [17] Hesser M., Luders H., Henning R. B., “SCR Technology for NOx Reduction: Series Experience and State of Development”, DEER Conference (2005).
- [18] Nahavandi M., “Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Of No By Ammonia Over V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst In A Catalytic Filter Medium And Honeycomb Reactor: A Kinetic Modeling Study”, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 04, pp. 875 - 893, (2015).
- [19] “Katalitik Konvertör Nedir? Arızası Nasıl Anlaşılır?”
- [20] “Emission standards”
- [21] “Diesel EGR - Diesel Exhaust Gas Recirculation Systems”
- [22] “What is Selective Catalytic Reduction?”
- [23] Sinzenich H., Wehler K., Muller R., “Selective Catalytic Reduction: Exhaust aftertreatment for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions”, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH (2014).
- [24] “Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)”,
- [25] “AdBlue”,
- [26] “AdBlue For Diesel Cars”
- [27] “Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet”, United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-452/F-03-032
- [28] “AB Emisyon Yönetmelikleri”,
- [29] “AdBlue”,
- [30] “Motorlu Araçlar Teknolojisi Egzoz Emisyon Kontrolü”, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Ankara (2011).
- [31] “How Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Works”,
- [32] “Automotive Exhaust Chemicals: Disease Causing”,
- [33] “Motor Vehicle Emission Controls: Fuel Types”,
- [34] “Cummins Tier 4 Technology Overview”,
- [35] “Delphi Selective Catalytic Reduction Dosing System”, Delphi Powertrain Systems,
- [36] “Dosing Components for SCR Systems”, HILITE International
- [37] “Emission Control Technologies for Diesel-Powered Vehicles”, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association
- [38] Maritati M, “EURO VI Technologies & Strategies”,
- [39] Dorenkamp R., “LNT or Urea SCR Technology: Which is the right technology for TIER 2 BIN 5 passenger vehicles?”, 12th Diesel Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Research (DEER) Conference, Detroit, Michigan (2006).
- [40] “Lower NOx Heavy Duty Diesel Engines”, California Environmental Protection Agency Technology Assessment Sacramento, California (2014).
- [41] Carpenter K. A., “NOx Emissions Solutions For Gas Turbines”, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation
- [42] Shah A. N., Ge Y. S., Jiang L., Liu Z. H., “Performance evaluation of a urea-water selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for controlling the exhaust emissions from a diesel engine”, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci. 33: 259 – 271. TUBITAK DOI:10.3906/muh-0907-63 (2009).
- [43] “Selective Catalytic Reduction and Exhaust Gas Recirculation Systems Optimization”, Clean Diesel Technologies Inc.
- [44] “Selective Catalytic Reduction System”,
- [45] “Technology to Reduce Emissions in Large Engines”,
- [46] “Worldwide Emissions Standards Passenger Cars Light Duty” Delphi Powertrain Systems,