Benzin İçin Oksijenli Yakıt Katkıları
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 831 - 840, 01.12.2018
Abülvahap Çakmak
Hakan Özcan
yanmalı motorlardan salınan zararlı egzoz gazlarını azaltmak, yakıtın vuruntu
direncini ve yenilenebilir yakıt kullanımını artırmak amacı ile benzine farklı
oranlarda değişik oksijenli yakıt katkı maddeleri eklenmektedir. Sunulan bu
çalışmada, geçmişte kullanılan yakıt katkıları ile günümüzde benzine eklenen
oksijenli yakıt katkıları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca gelecek yıllarda kullanımı
mümkün olan bazı oksijenli yakıt katkılarının üretim yöntemleri ve önemli
kimyasal-fiziksel yakıt özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir.
- [1] Yitao, S. H. E. N., SHUAI, S., Jianxin, W. A. N. G., and Jianhua, X. I. A. O., “Optimization of gasoline hydrocarbon compositions for reducing exhaust emissions”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(9): 1208-1213, (2009).
- [2] Beşergil, B., “Yakıtlar ve Yağlar”, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, (2009).
- [3] Safgönül, B., Ergeneman, M., Arslan, H. E. ve Soruşbay, C., “İçten Yanmalı Motorlar”, Birsen Yayınevi., (2013).
- [4] Nadim, F., Zack, P., Hoag, G. E., and Liu, S., “United States experience with gasoline additives”, Energy Policy, 29(1): 1-5, (2001).
- [5] Dabbagh, H. A., Ghobadi, F., Ehsani, M. R., and Moradmand, M., “The influence of ester additives on the properties of gasoline”, Fuel, 104: 216-223, (2013).
- [6]
- [7] Lincoln, K. J., “The secret history of lead: special report”, The Nation March, 20: 11-45, (2000).
- [8] Thomas, V. M., “The elimination of lead in gasoline”, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 20(1): 301-324, (1995).
- [9] Gidney, J. T., Twigg, M. V., & Kittelson, D. B., “Effect of organometallic fuel additives on nanoparticle emissions from a gasoline passenger car”, Environmental science & technology, 44(7): 2562-2569, (2010).
- [10] Demirbas, A., Balubaid, M. A., Basahel, A. M., Ahmad, W., and Sheikh, M. H., “Octane rating of gasoline and octane booster additives”, Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(11): 1190-1197, (2015).
- [11]
- [12]
- [13] Rodriguez-Anton, L. M., Hernandez-Campos, M., and Sanz-Pérez, F., “Experimental determination of some physical properties of gasoline, ethanol and ETBE blends”, Fuel, 112: 178-184, (2013).
- [14] Arteconi, A., Mazzarini, A., and Di Nicola, G., “Emissions from ethers and organic carbonate fuel additives: a review”, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 221(1-4): 405, (2011).
- [15] Awad, O. I., Mamat, R., Ali, O. M., Sidik, N. A. C., Yusaf, T., Kadirgama, K., and Kettner, M., “Alcohol and ether as alternative fuels in spark ignition engine: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2017).
- [16] Sharudin, H., Abdullah, N. R., Najafi, G., Mamat, R., and Masjuki, H. H., “Investigation of the effects of iso-butanol additives on spark ignition engine fuelled with methanol-gasoline blends”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 114: 593-600, (2017).
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- [18] Balki, M. K., Sayin, C., and Canakci, M., “The effect of different alcohol fuels on the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine”, Fuel, 115: 901-906, (2014).
- [19] Hsieh, W. D., Chen, R. H., Wu, T. L., and Lin, T. H., “Engine performance and pollutant emission of an SI engine using ethanol–gasoline blended fuels”, Atmospheric Environment, 36(3): 403-410, (2002).
- [20] Canakci, M., Ozsezen, A. N., Alptekin, E., and Eyidogan, M., “Impact of alcohol–gasoline fuel blends on the exhaust emission of an SI engine”, Renewable Energy, 52: 111-117, (2013).
- [21] Mužíková, Z., Pospíšil, M., and Šebor, G., “Volatility and phase stability of petrol blends with ethanol”, Fuel, 88(8): 1351-1356, (2009).
- [22] Surisetty, V. R., Dalai, A. K., and Kozinski, J., “Alcohols as alternative fuels: An overview”, Applied Catalysis A: General, 404(1): 1-11, (2011).
- [23] Manzetti, S., and Andersen, O., “A review of emission products from bioethanol and its blends with gasoline. Background for new guidelines for emission control”, Fuel, 140: 293-301, (2015).
- [24] Silva, N. R., and Sodré, J. R., “Cold start and drivability characteristics of ethanol-methyl-t-butyl ether blend fuelled vehicle”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 215(5): 645-649, (2001).
- [25] Da Silva, R., Cataluna, R., de Menezes, E. W., Samios, D., and Piatnicki, C. M. S., “Effect of additives on the antiknock properties and Reid vapor pressure of gasoline”, Fuel, 84(7): 951-959, (2005).
- [26] De Menezes, E. W., Cataluña, R., Samios, D., and Da Silva, R., “Addition of an azeotropic ETBE/ethanol mixture in eurosuper-type gasolines”, Fuel, 85(17): 2567-2577, (2005).
- [27] Lince, D. P., Wilson, L. R., and Carlson, G. A., “Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) contamination in private wells near gasoline stations in upstate New York”, Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 61(4): 484-488, (1998).
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- [31] Cataluña, R., da Silva, R., de Menezes, E. W., and Ivanov, R. B., “Specific consumption of liquid biofuels in gasoline fuelled engines”, Fuel, 87(15): 3362-3368, (2008).
- [32] Union, E. “Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC”, Official Journal of the European Union, 5, (2009).
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- [35] Wu, X., Daniel, R., Tian, G., Xu, H., Huang, Z., and Richardson, D., “Dual-injection: The flexible, bi-fuel concept for spark-ignition engines fuelled with various gasoline and biofuel blends”, Applied Energy, 88(7): 2305-2314, (2011).
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Oxygenated Fuel Additives to Gasoline
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 831 - 840, 01.12.2018
Abülvahap Çakmak
Hakan Özcan
In order to reduce harmful exhaust emissions emitted
from the internal combustion engines, increase the knock resistance of the fuel
and usage of renewable fuel, many different oxygenated additives are added to
base gasoline. In this present study, fuel additives used in the past and
oxygenated additives are used nowadays have been evaluated. Moreover,
oxygenates that likely used in the future, their production processes and some
important physical-chemical fuel properties have been assessed.
- [1] Yitao, S. H. E. N., SHUAI, S., Jianxin, W. A. N. G., and Jianhua, X. I. A. O., “Optimization of gasoline hydrocarbon compositions for reducing exhaust emissions”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(9): 1208-1213, (2009).
- [2] Beşergil, B., “Yakıtlar ve Yağlar”, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, (2009).
- [3] Safgönül, B., Ergeneman, M., Arslan, H. E. ve Soruşbay, C., “İçten Yanmalı Motorlar”, Birsen Yayınevi., (2013).
- [4] Nadim, F., Zack, P., Hoag, G. E., and Liu, S., “United States experience with gasoline additives”, Energy Policy, 29(1): 1-5, (2001).
- [5] Dabbagh, H. A., Ghobadi, F., Ehsani, M. R., and Moradmand, M., “The influence of ester additives on the properties of gasoline”, Fuel, 104: 216-223, (2013).
- [6]
- [7] Lincoln, K. J., “The secret history of lead: special report”, The Nation March, 20: 11-45, (2000).
- [8] Thomas, V. M., “The elimination of lead in gasoline”, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 20(1): 301-324, (1995).
- [9] Gidney, J. T., Twigg, M. V., & Kittelson, D. B., “Effect of organometallic fuel additives on nanoparticle emissions from a gasoline passenger car”, Environmental science & technology, 44(7): 2562-2569, (2010).
- [10] Demirbas, A., Balubaid, M. A., Basahel, A. M., Ahmad, W., and Sheikh, M. H., “Octane rating of gasoline and octane booster additives”, Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(11): 1190-1197, (2015).
- [11]
- [12]
- [13] Rodriguez-Anton, L. M., Hernandez-Campos, M., and Sanz-Pérez, F., “Experimental determination of some physical properties of gasoline, ethanol and ETBE blends”, Fuel, 112: 178-184, (2013).
- [14] Arteconi, A., Mazzarini, A., and Di Nicola, G., “Emissions from ethers and organic carbonate fuel additives: a review”, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 221(1-4): 405, (2011).
- [15] Awad, O. I., Mamat, R., Ali, O. M., Sidik, N. A. C., Yusaf, T., Kadirgama, K., and Kettner, M., “Alcohol and ether as alternative fuels in spark ignition engine: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2017).
- [16] Sharudin, H., Abdullah, N. R., Najafi, G., Mamat, R., and Masjuki, H. H., “Investigation of the effects of iso-butanol additives on spark ignition engine fuelled with methanol-gasoline blends”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 114: 593-600, (2017).
- [17] Sezer, I., and Bilgin, A., “Effects of methyl tert-butyl ether addition to base gasoline on the performance and CO emissions of a spark ignition engine”, Energy and Fuels, 22(2): 1341-1348, (2008).
- [18] Balki, M. K., Sayin, C., and Canakci, M., “The effect of different alcohol fuels on the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine”, Fuel, 115: 901-906, (2014).
- [19] Hsieh, W. D., Chen, R. H., Wu, T. L., and Lin, T. H., “Engine performance and pollutant emission of an SI engine using ethanol–gasoline blended fuels”, Atmospheric Environment, 36(3): 403-410, (2002).
- [20] Canakci, M., Ozsezen, A. N., Alptekin, E., and Eyidogan, M., “Impact of alcohol–gasoline fuel blends on the exhaust emission of an SI engine”, Renewable Energy, 52: 111-117, (2013).
- [21] Mužíková, Z., Pospíšil, M., and Šebor, G., “Volatility and phase stability of petrol blends with ethanol”, Fuel, 88(8): 1351-1356, (2009).
- [22] Surisetty, V. R., Dalai, A. K., and Kozinski, J., “Alcohols as alternative fuels: An overview”, Applied Catalysis A: General, 404(1): 1-11, (2011).
- [23] Manzetti, S., and Andersen, O., “A review of emission products from bioethanol and its blends with gasoline. Background for new guidelines for emission control”, Fuel, 140: 293-301, (2015).
- [24] Silva, N. R., and Sodré, J. R., “Cold start and drivability characteristics of ethanol-methyl-t-butyl ether blend fuelled vehicle”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 215(5): 645-649, (2001).
- [25] Da Silva, R., Cataluna, R., de Menezes, E. W., Samios, D., and Piatnicki, C. M. S., “Effect of additives on the antiknock properties and Reid vapor pressure of gasoline”, Fuel, 84(7): 951-959, (2005).
- [26] De Menezes, E. W., Cataluña, R., Samios, D., and Da Silva, R., “Addition of an azeotropic ETBE/ethanol mixture in eurosuper-type gasolines”, Fuel, 85(17): 2567-2577, (2005).
- [27] Lince, D. P., Wilson, L. R., and Carlson, G. A., “Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) contamination in private wells near gasoline stations in upstate New York”, Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 61(4): 484-488, (1998).
- [28] Ancillotti, F., and Fattore, V., “Oxygenate fuels: market expansion and catalytic aspect of synthesis”, Fuel Processing Technology, 57(3): 163-194, (1998).
- [29] De Menezes, E. W., and Cataluña, R., “Optimization of the ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether) production process”, Fuel Processing Technology, 89(11): 1148-1152, (2008).
- [30] Vauclair, C., Tarjus, H., and Schaetzel, P., “Permselective properties of PVA-PAA blended membrane used for dehydration of fusel oil by pervaporation”, Journal of Membrane Science, 125(2): 293-301, (1997).
- [31] Cataluña, R., da Silva, R., de Menezes, E. W., and Ivanov, R. B., “Specific consumption of liquid biofuels in gasoline fuelled engines”, Fuel, 87(15): 3362-3368, (2008).
- [32] Union, E. “Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC”, Official Journal of the European Union, 5, (2009).
- [33] www., “Fully Renewable ETBE”, (2017).
- [34] Shayan, S. B., Seyedpour, S. M., and Ommi, F., “Effect of oxygenates blending with gasoline to improve fuel properties”, Chinese journal of mechanical engineering, 25(4): 792-797, (2012).
- [35] Wu, X., Daniel, R., Tian, G., Xu, H., Huang, Z., and Richardson, D., “Dual-injection: The flexible, bi-fuel concept for spark-ignition engines fuelled with various gasoline and biofuel blends”, Applied Energy, 88(7): 2305-2314, (2011).
- [36]
- [37] Fogassy, G., Thegarid, N., Schuurman, Y., and Mirodatos, C., “From biomass to bio-gasoline by FCC co-processing: effect of feed composition and catalyst structure on product quality”, Energy and Environmental Science, 4(12): 5068-5076, (2011).
- [38] Timilsina, G. R., “Biofuels in the long-run global energy supply mix for transportation”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 372(2006): 20120323, (2014).
- [39] IEA, “Technology Roadmap: Biofuels for Transport”, International Energy Agency, (2011).
- [40] Bozkurt, Ö. D., Tunc, F. M., Bağlar, N., Celebi, S., Günbaş, İ. D., and Uzun, A., “Alternative fuel additives from glycerol by etherification with isobutene: Structure–performance relationships in solid catalysts”, Fuel Processing Technology, 138: 780-804, (2015).
- [41] Karinen, R. S., and Krause, A. O. I., “New biocomponents from glycerol, “Applied Catalysis A: General, 306: 128-133, (2006).
- [42] Beatrice, C., Di Blasio, G., Guido, C., Cannilla, C., Bonura, G., and Frusteri, F., “Mixture of glycerol ethers as diesel bio-derivable oxy-fuel: Impact on combustion and emissions of an automotive engine combustion system”, Applied Energy, 132: 236-247, (2014).
- [43] Fernando, S., Adhikari, S., Kota, K., and Bandi, R., “Glycerol based automotive fuels from future biorefineries”, Fuel, 86(17): 2806-2809, (2007).
- [44] Caetano, N. S., Loureiro, J. M., and Rodrigues, A. E., “MTBE synthesis catalysed by acid ion exchange resins: Kinetic studies and modeling of multiphase batch reactors”, Chemical engineering science, 49(24): 4589-4604, (1994).
- [45] Noureddini, H., Dailey, W. R., and Hunt, B. A., “Production of ethers of glycerol from crude glycerol-the by-product of biodlesel production”, Advances in Environmental Research, 2(2): 232 – 243, (1998).
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