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Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4, 1741 - 1751, 16.12.2022


In this study, due to the high contribution of the transportation sector to generate CO2 emissions, an evaluation for the best scenario of the replacement of petroleum derived fuels by renewable and sustainable alternatives was assessed with a multi collative approach suggesting the second-generation bioethanol as the most promising one. In this context, this paper focused on the practices over the past 23 years in the following four countries; Turkey, China, Sweden, and Brazil, with a comparative regression analysis between the CO2 emissions generated from the consumptions of total energy and biofuels. Accordingly, a curve-fitting and an estimation on the formation of CO2 emissions with the incrementing blends of gasoline by 3 to 100% of bioethanol was forecasted for 2020 to 2030. The outcomes of the comprehensive research indicated the international and national benefits of biofuel use, thus, promoting the potential integration of bioethanol in the Turkish transportation sector. 


  • [1] Dietsche K. and Kuhlgatz, D. “Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology,” in Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology, (2014), pp. 1–7.
  • [2] Miranda J. C. de C., Ponce G. H. S. F., Arellano-Garcia H., Maciel Filho R., and Wolf Maciel M. R., “Process design and evaluation of syngas-to-ethanol conversion plants,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 269, p. 122078, (2020).
  • [3] T. Nasterlack, H. von Blottnitz, and R. Wynberg, “Are biofuel concerns globally relevant? Prospects for a proposed pioneer bioethanol project in South Africa,” Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1–14, (2014).
  • [4] Liew W. H., Hassim M. H., and Ng D. K. S., “Review of evolution, technology and sustainability assessments of biofuel production,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 71, pp. 11–29, (2014).
  • [5] IEA, “Countries and Regions,” (2020).
  • [6] Darda S., Papalas T., and Zabaniotou A., “Biofuels journey in Europe: Currently the way to low carbon economy sustainability is still a challenge,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 208, pp. 575– 588, (2019).
  • [7] Alaswad A., Dassisti M., Prescott T., and Olabi A. G., “Technologies and developments of third generation biofuel production,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 51, pp. 1446–1460, (2015).
  • [8] Yildirim O., Songür R., Bayraktar E., Demir A., and Ozkaya B., “Recent advances in the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biofuel production,” International Journal of Global Warming, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 342–374, (2020).
  • [9] Sharma B., Larroche C., and Dussap C. G., “Comprehensive assessment of 2G bioethanol production,” Bioresource Technology, vol. 313, no. January, p. 123630, (2020).
  • [10] Tsita K. G., Kiartzis S. J., Ntavos N. K., and Pilavachi P. A., “Next generation biofuels derived from thermal and chemical conversion of the Greek transport sector,” Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 17, no. May 2019, p. 100387, (2020).
  • [11] Zhao J., Xu Y., Wang W., Griffin J., and Wang D., “Conversion of liquid hot water, acid and alkali pretreated industrial hemp biomasses to bioethanol,” Bioresource Technology, vol. 309, no. March, p. 123383, (2020).
  • [12] Reyes Valle C., Villanueva Perales A. L., Vidal-Barrero F., and Ollero P., “Integrated economic and life cycle assessment of thermochemical production of bioethanol to reduce production cost by exploiting excess of greenhouse gas savings,” Applied Energy, vol. 148, pp. 466–475, (2015).
  • [13] Jakstas T., “What does energy security mean?,” in Energy Transformation Towards Sustainability, (2019).
  • [14] Biresselioğlu M. E., Enerji Güvenliği Perspektifinden Türkiye’ye Bakış. (2015).
  • [15], Baumann F., “Energy Security as multidimensional concept,” (2018).
  • [16] Nigam P. S. and Singh A., “Production of liquid biofuels from renewable resources,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 52–68, 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.pecs.2010.01.003.
  • [17] statistics/annual-ethanol-production RenewableFuelsAssociation, “Annual Ethanol Production,” (2019).
  • [18] Gray R. S., “Agriculture, transportation, and the COVID-19 crisis,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 239–243, (2020).
  • [19] CleanEnergyWire, “Pandemic makes private cars more popular, public transport loses out – survey.,” (2020).
  • [20] CleanEnergyWire, “Public transport loses ground to private cars in pandemic – survey,” (2020).
  • [21] Tian X. et al., “A bibliometric analysis on trends and characters of carbon emissions from transport sector,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 59, no. December 2017, pp. 1–10, (2018).
  • [22] Özgül S., Koçar G., and Eryaşar A., “The progress, challenges, and opportunities of renewable energy cooperatives in Turkey,” Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 59, pp. 107–119, (2020).
  • [23] Statista, “Ethanol fuel production in Brazil from 2009 to 2019,” (2020).
  • [24] MATLAB, “Mathworks,” (2020).
  • [25] Kawamoto R. et al., “Estimation of CO2 Emissions of internal combustion engine vehicle and battery electric vehicle using LCA,” Sustainability (Switzerland), vol. 11, no. 9, (2019).
  • [26] Savaresi A., “The Paris agreement: A new beginning?,” Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, (2016).
  • [27] BP, “BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 68th Edition,” (2019).
  • [28] Monika, “China’s automobile population totals 250 million units by June 2019,” (2019).
  • [29] Zha J., Tan T., Fan R., Xu H., and Ma S., “How to reduce energy intensity to achieve sustainable development of China’s transport sector? A cross-regional comparison analysis,” Socio- Economic Planning Sciences, (2020).
  • [30] Statista, “Fuel ethanol production worldwide in 2019, by country,” (2020).
  • [31] Kim G., “Biofuels Annual, China Will Miss E10 by 2020 Goal by Wide Margin,” (2019).
  • [32] Fuels&Lubes, “China pulls the plug on ambitious fuel ethanol target,” (2020).
  • [33] WWF, “Brazil’s Sustainable Power Sector Vision 2020,” World Wide Fund for Nature, (2020).
  • [34] Luciana, “Oil in Brazil: Evolution of Exploration and Production,” (2018).
  • [35] Susmozas A. et al., “Process strategies for the transition of 1G to advanced bioethanol production,” Processes, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 1–45, (2020).
  • [36] Corrêa Da Silva R., De Marchi Neto I., and Silva Seifert S., “Electricity supply security and the future role of renewable energy sources in Brazil,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2016).
  • [37] ANFAVEA, “Sao Paulo and Brasilia Brazil: Brazilian Automotive Industry Association,” (2020).
  • [38] TransportPolicy, “Transport Policy Brazil: Fuels: Biofuels.,” (2020). was reinstated in June,produced from domestically-grown sugarcane
  • [39] Strambo C., Nilsson M., and Månsson A., “Coherent or inconsistent? Assessing energy security and climate policy interaction within the European Union,” Energy Research and Social Science, (2015).
  • [40] ICCT, “Advanced Biofuel Policies in Select Eu Member States: 2018 Update,” The International Council on Clean Transportation, (2018).
  • [41] TSKB, “Sector Overview. Energy.,” (2019).
  • [42] TÜİK, “Motorlu Kara Taşıt Sayısı,” (2020).
  • [43] TÜİK, “Trafiğe Kayıtlı Otomobillerin Yakıt Cinsine Göre Dağılımı,” (2020).
  • [44] PETDER, “2017 Sector Report,” (2017).
  • [45] Carbonbrief, “Paris 2015: Tracking country climate pledges,” (2015).
  • [46] EPDK, “Tebliğler,” (2014).
  • [47] SEKAB, “BioEthanol for Sustainable Transport: Results and recommendations from the European BEST project,” (2020).
  • [48] Lashinsky N., Schwartz A,, “How to Beat the High Cost of Gasoline. Forever!,” (2006).
  • [49] Hira A. and de Oliveira L. G., “No substitute for oil? How Brazil developed its ethanol industry,” Energy Policy, (2009).
  • [50] T. Jocelyn, “The Carbon Brief Profile: Turkey,” (2018).
  • [51] Lozano F. J. and Lozano R., “Assessing the potential sustainability benefits of agricultural residues: Biomass conversion to syngas for energy generation or to chemicals production,” Journal of Cleaner Production, (2018).
  • [52] Damay J., Boboescu I. Z., Duret X., Lalonde O., and Lavoie J. M., “A novel hybrid first and second generation hemicellulosic bioethanol production process through steam treatment of dried sorghum biomass,” Bioresource Technology, (2018).
  • [53] Gaurav N., Sivasankari S., Kiran G. S., Ninawe A., and Selvin J., “Utilization of bioresources for sustainable biofuels: A Review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2017).
  • [54] Alam F., Mobin S., and Chowdhury H., “Third generation biofuel from Algae,” (2015).
  • [55] Stephen J. L. and Periyasamy B., “Innovative developments in biofuels production from organic waste materials: A review,” Fuel. (2018).
  • [56] Adeniyi O. M., Azimov U., and Burluka A., “Algae biofuel: Current status and future applications,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2018).
  • [57] Karmee S. K., “Liquid biofuels from food waste: Current trends, prospect and limitation,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2016).
  • [58] M. Mirzajanzadeh et al., “A novel soluble nano-catalysts in diesel-biodiesel fuel blends to improve diesel engines performance and reduce exhaust emissions,” Fuel, (2015).
  • [59] D. Broom, “5 things to know about how coronavirus has hit global energy,” (2020).
  • [60] SBB, “Eleventh Development Plan,” (2019).
  • [61] Cortez L. A. B. and Baldassin R., “Policies Towards Bioethanol and Their Implications: Case Brazil,” in Global Bioethanol: Evolution, Risks, and Uncertainties, (2016).
  • [62] Mamadzhanov A., McCluskey J. J., and Li T., “Willingness to pay for a second-generation bioethanol: A case study of Korea,” Energy Policy, (2019).
  • [63] Månsson A., “Energy security in a decarbonised transport sector: A scenario based analysis of Sweden’s transport strategies,” Energy Strategy Reviews, (2016).
  • [64] Lindfeldt E. G., Saxe M., Magnusson M., and Mohseni F., “Strategies for a road transport system based on renewable resources - The case of an import-independent Sweden in 2025,” Applied Energy, (2010).
  • [65] Aktan S., “Dünya Covid-19 önlemleri sayesinde kendini temizliyor,” (2020).
  • [66] ResmiGazete, “Benzin türlerine etanol harmanlanmasi hakkinda tebliğde değişiklik yapilmasina ilişkin tebliğ,” Resmi Gazete (2017:30098), (2017).
  • [67] Güzel T. D. and Alp K., “Modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in Istanbul by 2050,” Atmospheric Pollution Research, no. August, pp. 0–1, (2020).
  • [68] Gheewala S. H., Damen B., and Shi X., “Biofuels: Economic, environmental and social benefits and costs for developing countries in Asia,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 497–511, (2013).
  • [69] GPP, “Retail energy price data,” Global Petrol Prices, (2020).
  • [70] Sprei F. and Wickelgren M., “Requirements for change in new car buying practices-observations from Sweden,” Energy Efficiency, (2011).
  • [71] TheSwedishParliament, “The Act on the Obligation to Supply Renewable Fuels – A follow-up report,” (2009).

CO2 Emisyonlarını Azaltmak Için Ulaşım Sektöründe Biyoyakıt Kullanımının Teşvik Edilmesi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4, 1741 - 1751, 16.12.2022


Bu çalışmada, ulaşım sektörünün CO2 emisyonu oluşumuna yüksek katkısı nedeniyle, petrol türevi yakıtların yenilenebilir ve sürdürülebilir alternatiflerle ikame edilmesinin en iyi senaryosuna yönelik bir değerlendirme, ikinci nesil biyoetanolün kullanımının önerildiği çoklu bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bu makale, belirtilen dört ülkede son 23 yıldaki uygulamalara odaklanmıştır; Türkiye, Çin, İsveç ve Brezilya. Toplam enerji ve biyoyakıt tüketiminden kaynaklanan CO2 emisyonları arasında karşılaştırmalı bir regresyon analizi ile İlgili ülkeler incelenmiştir. Buna göre, 2020 ila 2030 yılları için biyoetanolün %3 ila %100 oranında artan benzin karışımlarıyla CO2 emisyonlarının oluşumuna ilişkin bir eğri uydurma ve bir tahmin öngörülmüştür. Kapsamlı araştırmanın sonuçları biyoyakıt kullanımının uluslararası ve ulusal faydaları gösterilmiştir, böylece biyoetanolün Türk ulaşım sektörüne potansiyel entegrasyonunun teşvik edilmesi önerilmiştir.enerjili hava kollektörleri (GEHK) genellikle mahal ısıtma ve tarımsal ürünlerin kurutulmasında kullanılmaktadır. GEHK’nde yutucu plaka ve akışkan arasındaki ısı transferinin düşük olmasından dolayı ısıl verimleri düşüktür. Bu çalışmada ısıl verimin yükseltilmesine yönelik olarak yeni bir yutucu plaka geometrisi tasarlanmış ve imal edilmiştir. Konik yayların çapraz sıralı olarak monte edildiği yutucu plakalı ve karşılaştırma amaçlı düz yutucu plakalı kolektörlerden ibaret test düzeneği kurulmuştur. 


  • [1] Dietsche K. and Kuhlgatz, D. “Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology,” in Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology, (2014), pp. 1–7.
  • [2] Miranda J. C. de C., Ponce G. H. S. F., Arellano-Garcia H., Maciel Filho R., and Wolf Maciel M. R., “Process design and evaluation of syngas-to-ethanol conversion plants,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 269, p. 122078, (2020).
  • [3] T. Nasterlack, H. von Blottnitz, and R. Wynberg, “Are biofuel concerns globally relevant? Prospects for a proposed pioneer bioethanol project in South Africa,” Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1–14, (2014).
  • [4] Liew W. H., Hassim M. H., and Ng D. K. S., “Review of evolution, technology and sustainability assessments of biofuel production,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 71, pp. 11–29, (2014).
  • [5] IEA, “Countries and Regions,” (2020).
  • [6] Darda S., Papalas T., and Zabaniotou A., “Biofuels journey in Europe: Currently the way to low carbon economy sustainability is still a challenge,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 208, pp. 575– 588, (2019).
  • [7] Alaswad A., Dassisti M., Prescott T., and Olabi A. G., “Technologies and developments of third generation biofuel production,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 51, pp. 1446–1460, (2015).
  • [8] Yildirim O., Songür R., Bayraktar E., Demir A., and Ozkaya B., “Recent advances in the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biofuel production,” International Journal of Global Warming, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 342–374, (2020).
  • [9] Sharma B., Larroche C., and Dussap C. G., “Comprehensive assessment of 2G bioethanol production,” Bioresource Technology, vol. 313, no. January, p. 123630, (2020).
  • [10] Tsita K. G., Kiartzis S. J., Ntavos N. K., and Pilavachi P. A., “Next generation biofuels derived from thermal and chemical conversion of the Greek transport sector,” Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 17, no. May 2019, p. 100387, (2020).
  • [11] Zhao J., Xu Y., Wang W., Griffin J., and Wang D., “Conversion of liquid hot water, acid and alkali pretreated industrial hemp biomasses to bioethanol,” Bioresource Technology, vol. 309, no. March, p. 123383, (2020).
  • [12] Reyes Valle C., Villanueva Perales A. L., Vidal-Barrero F., and Ollero P., “Integrated economic and life cycle assessment of thermochemical production of bioethanol to reduce production cost by exploiting excess of greenhouse gas savings,” Applied Energy, vol. 148, pp. 466–475, (2015).
  • [13] Jakstas T., “What does energy security mean?,” in Energy Transformation Towards Sustainability, (2019).
  • [14] Biresselioğlu M. E., Enerji Güvenliği Perspektifinden Türkiye’ye Bakış. (2015).
  • [15], Baumann F., “Energy Security as multidimensional concept,” (2018).
  • [16] Nigam P. S. and Singh A., “Production of liquid biofuels from renewable resources,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 52–68, 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.pecs.2010.01.003.
  • [17] statistics/annual-ethanol-production RenewableFuelsAssociation, “Annual Ethanol Production,” (2019).
  • [18] Gray R. S., “Agriculture, transportation, and the COVID-19 crisis,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 239–243, (2020).
  • [19] CleanEnergyWire, “Pandemic makes private cars more popular, public transport loses out – survey.,” (2020).
  • [20] CleanEnergyWire, “Public transport loses ground to private cars in pandemic – survey,” (2020).
  • [21] Tian X. et al., “A bibliometric analysis on trends and characters of carbon emissions from transport sector,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 59, no. December 2017, pp. 1–10, (2018).
  • [22] Özgül S., Koçar G., and Eryaşar A., “The progress, challenges, and opportunities of renewable energy cooperatives in Turkey,” Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 59, pp. 107–119, (2020).
  • [23] Statista, “Ethanol fuel production in Brazil from 2009 to 2019,” (2020).
  • [24] MATLAB, “Mathworks,” (2020).
  • [25] Kawamoto R. et al., “Estimation of CO2 Emissions of internal combustion engine vehicle and battery electric vehicle using LCA,” Sustainability (Switzerland), vol. 11, no. 9, (2019).
  • [26] Savaresi A., “The Paris agreement: A new beginning?,” Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, (2016).
  • [27] BP, “BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 68th Edition,” (2019).
  • [28] Monika, “China’s automobile population totals 250 million units by June 2019,” (2019).
  • [29] Zha J., Tan T., Fan R., Xu H., and Ma S., “How to reduce energy intensity to achieve sustainable development of China’s transport sector? A cross-regional comparison analysis,” Socio- Economic Planning Sciences, (2020).
  • [30] Statista, “Fuel ethanol production worldwide in 2019, by country,” (2020).
  • [31] Kim G., “Biofuels Annual, China Will Miss E10 by 2020 Goal by Wide Margin,” (2019).
  • [32] Fuels&Lubes, “China pulls the plug on ambitious fuel ethanol target,” (2020).
  • [33] WWF, “Brazil’s Sustainable Power Sector Vision 2020,” World Wide Fund for Nature, (2020).
  • [34] Luciana, “Oil in Brazil: Evolution of Exploration and Production,” (2018).
  • [35] Susmozas A. et al., “Process strategies for the transition of 1G to advanced bioethanol production,” Processes, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 1–45, (2020).
  • [36] Corrêa Da Silva R., De Marchi Neto I., and Silva Seifert S., “Electricity supply security and the future role of renewable energy sources in Brazil,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2016).
  • [37] ANFAVEA, “Sao Paulo and Brasilia Brazil: Brazilian Automotive Industry Association,” (2020).
  • [38] TransportPolicy, “Transport Policy Brazil: Fuels: Biofuels.,” (2020). was reinstated in June,produced from domestically-grown sugarcane
  • [39] Strambo C., Nilsson M., and Månsson A., “Coherent or inconsistent? Assessing energy security and climate policy interaction within the European Union,” Energy Research and Social Science, (2015).
  • [40] ICCT, “Advanced Biofuel Policies in Select Eu Member States: 2018 Update,” The International Council on Clean Transportation, (2018).
  • [41] TSKB, “Sector Overview. Energy.,” (2019).
  • [42] TÜİK, “Motorlu Kara Taşıt Sayısı,” (2020).
  • [43] TÜİK, “Trafiğe Kayıtlı Otomobillerin Yakıt Cinsine Göre Dağılımı,” (2020).
  • [44] PETDER, “2017 Sector Report,” (2017).
  • [45] Carbonbrief, “Paris 2015: Tracking country climate pledges,” (2015).
  • [46] EPDK, “Tebliğler,” (2014).
  • [47] SEKAB, “BioEthanol for Sustainable Transport: Results and recommendations from the European BEST project,” (2020).
  • [48] Lashinsky N., Schwartz A,, “How to Beat the High Cost of Gasoline. Forever!,” (2006).
  • [49] Hira A. and de Oliveira L. G., “No substitute for oil? How Brazil developed its ethanol industry,” Energy Policy, (2009).
  • [50] T. Jocelyn, “The Carbon Brief Profile: Turkey,” (2018).
  • [51] Lozano F. J. and Lozano R., “Assessing the potential sustainability benefits of agricultural residues: Biomass conversion to syngas for energy generation or to chemicals production,” Journal of Cleaner Production, (2018).
  • [52] Damay J., Boboescu I. Z., Duret X., Lalonde O., and Lavoie J. M., “A novel hybrid first and second generation hemicellulosic bioethanol production process through steam treatment of dried sorghum biomass,” Bioresource Technology, (2018).
  • [53] Gaurav N., Sivasankari S., Kiran G. S., Ninawe A., and Selvin J., “Utilization of bioresources for sustainable biofuels: A Review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2017).
  • [54] Alam F., Mobin S., and Chowdhury H., “Third generation biofuel from Algae,” (2015).
  • [55] Stephen J. L. and Periyasamy B., “Innovative developments in biofuels production from organic waste materials: A review,” Fuel. (2018).
  • [56] Adeniyi O. M., Azimov U., and Burluka A., “Algae biofuel: Current status and future applications,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2018).
  • [57] Karmee S. K., “Liquid biofuels from food waste: Current trends, prospect and limitation,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (2016).
  • [58] M. Mirzajanzadeh et al., “A novel soluble nano-catalysts in diesel-biodiesel fuel blends to improve diesel engines performance and reduce exhaust emissions,” Fuel, (2015).
  • [59] D. Broom, “5 things to know about how coronavirus has hit global energy,” (2020).
  • [60] SBB, “Eleventh Development Plan,” (2019).
  • [61] Cortez L. A. B. and Baldassin R., “Policies Towards Bioethanol and Their Implications: Case Brazil,” in Global Bioethanol: Evolution, Risks, and Uncertainties, (2016).
  • [62] Mamadzhanov A., McCluskey J. J., and Li T., “Willingness to pay for a second-generation bioethanol: A case study of Korea,” Energy Policy, (2019).
  • [63] Månsson A., “Energy security in a decarbonised transport sector: A scenario based analysis of Sweden’s transport strategies,” Energy Strategy Reviews, (2016).
  • [64] Lindfeldt E. G., Saxe M., Magnusson M., and Mohseni F., “Strategies for a road transport system based on renewable resources - The case of an import-independent Sweden in 2025,” Applied Energy, (2010).
  • [65] Aktan S., “Dünya Covid-19 önlemleri sayesinde kendini temizliyor,” (2020).
  • [66] ResmiGazete, “Benzin türlerine etanol harmanlanmasi hakkinda tebliğde değişiklik yapilmasina ilişkin tebliğ,” Resmi Gazete (2017:30098), (2017).
  • [67] Güzel T. D. and Alp K., “Modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in Istanbul by 2050,” Atmospheric Pollution Research, no. August, pp. 0–1, (2020).
  • [68] Gheewala S. H., Damen B., and Shi X., “Biofuels: Economic, environmental and social benefits and costs for developing countries in Asia,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 497–511, (2013).
  • [69] GPP, “Retail energy price data,” Global Petrol Prices, (2020).
  • [70] Sprei F. and Wickelgren M., “Requirements for change in new car buying practices-observations from Sweden,” Energy Efficiency, (2011).
  • [71] TheSwedishParliament, “The Act on the Obligation to Supply Renewable Fuels – A follow-up report,” (2009).
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Utku Bozbay Bu kişi benim

Mine Güngörmüşler 0000-0002-0207-405X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozbay, U., & Güngörmüşler, M. (2022). Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis. Politeknik Dergisi, 25(4), 1741-1751.
AMA Bozbay U, Güngörmüşler M. Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis. Politeknik Dergisi. Aralık 2022;25(4):1741-1751. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1066167
Chicago Bozbay, Utku, ve Mine Güngörmüşler. “Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis”. Politeknik Dergisi 25, sy. 4 (Aralık 2022): 1741-51.
EndNote Bozbay U, Güngörmüşler M (01 Aralık 2022) Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis. Politeknik Dergisi 25 4 1741–1751.
IEEE U. Bozbay ve M. Güngörmüşler, “Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis”, Politeknik Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 4, ss. 1741–1751, 2022, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1066167.
ISNAD Bozbay, Utku - Güngörmüşler, Mine. “Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis”. Politeknik Dergisi 25/4 (Aralık 2022), 1741-1751.
JAMA Bozbay U, Güngörmüşler M. Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis. Politeknik Dergisi. 2022;25:1741–1751.
MLA Bozbay, Utku ve Mine Güngörmüşler. “Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis”. Politeknik Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 4, 2022, ss. 1741-5, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1066167.
Vancouver Bozbay U, Güngörmüşler M. Promoting Utilization of Biofuels in The Transportation Sector to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis. Politeknik Dergisi. 2022;25(4):1741-5.
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