Son yıllarda ısıtma sistemlerinde nanoakışkanlar, soğutma ve iklimlendirme sistemlerinde de nanoyağlayıcılar çalışma sıvısı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Isı transfer özelliklerin gelişiminde, bu süspansiyonlarda metal oksitlere ve karbon bazlı bileşiklere yoğun şekilde yer verilmektedir. Birden fazla nanopartikülün hibrit olarak birleştirilmesiyle elde edilen nanoyağlayıcılar sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO hibrit nanoyağlayıcısının yoğunluk, ısı kapasitesi, termal iletkenlik ve viskozite gibi termofiziksel özellikleri hesaplanmıştır ve karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Çalışmada hibrit yapı içerisinde katı parçacık olarak BaTiO3 ve SrTiO3 nanopartikülleri kullanılmıştır. Nanoyağlayıcı içerisindeki nanopartiküllerin termofiziksel özellikleri de incelenmiştir. Nanopartiküllerin, hibrit yapı içerisindeki karıştırma oranı 1:1 olarak katkılanmıştır. Ayrıca, 100 ml mineral yağ (MO) içerisindeki partükül kütle fraksiyonu %1.0 olarak belirlenmiştir. Tekli ve hibrit nanoyağlayıcıların termofiziksel özellikleri kıyaslandığında, soğutma sistemleri için hibrit yapıların performansının daha iyi olduğu görülmüştür.
[1] Sezer, N., Atieh, M. A., & Koç, M., “A comprehensive review on synthesis, stability, thermophysical properties, and characterization of nanofluids”, Powder Technology, 344, 404-431, (2019).
[2] Sözen, A., Gürü, M., Khanlari, A., & Çiftçi, E., “Experimental and numerical study on enhancement of heat transfer characteristics of a heat pipe utilizing aqueous clinoptilolite nanofluid”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 160, 114001, (2019).
[3] Apmann, K., Fulmer, R., Scherer, B., Good, S., Wohld, J., & Vafaei, S., “Nanofluid Heat Transfer: Enhancement of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Inside Microchannels”, Nanomaterials, 12(4): 615, (2022).
[4] Yılmaz Aydın, D., Çiftçi, E., Gürü, M., & Sözen, A., “The impacts of nanoparticle concentration and surfactant type on thermal performance of a thermosyphon heat pipe working with bauxite nanofluid”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 43(12): 1524-1548, (2021).
[5] Çiftçi, E., “Investigation of the thermophysical properties of AlN+ZnO/deionized water hybrid nanofluid”, International Journal of Energy Studies, 5(2): 57-69, (2020).
[6] Aljuwayhel, N. F., Ali, N., Ebrahim, S. A., & Bahman, A. M., “Experimental investigation of thermophysical properties, tribological properties and dispersion stability of nanodiamond-based nanolubricant for air conditioning systems”, International Journal of Refrigeration, 145, 325-337, (2023).
[7] Kamarulzaman, M. K., Hisham, S., Kadirgama, K., Ramasamy, D., Samykano, M., Saidur, R., & Yusaf, T., “Improving the thermophysical properties of hybrid nanocellulose-copper (II) oxide (CNC-CuO) as a lubricant additives: A novel nanolubricant for tribology application”, Fuel, 332, 126229, (2023).
[8] Bakhtiyar, N. K., Javadpour, R., Heris, S. Z., & Mohammadpourfard, M., “Improving the thermal characteristics of a cooling tower by replacing the operating fluid with functionalized and non-functionalized aqueous MWCNT nanofluids”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 39, 102422, (2022).
[9] Aydın, D. Y., Aydin, E., & Gürü, M., “The effects of particle mass fraction and static magnetic field on the thermal performance of NiFe2O4 nanofluid in a heat pipe”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 183, 107875, (2023).
[10] Tuncer, A. D., Khanlari, A., Sözen, A., Gürbüz, E. Y., & Variyenli, H. İ., “Upgrading the performance of shell and helically coiled heat exchangers with new flow path by using TiO2/water and CuO–TiO2/water nanofluids”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 183, 107831, (2023).
[11] Aytaç, I., CuO/su ve ZnO/su Nanoakışkanların Isı Borusu Performansına Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, 24(3): 963-971, (2021).
[12] Babu, R., Kandan, R., Jena, H., Kutty, K. G., & Nagarajan, K., “Calorimetric investigations on cubic BaTiO3 and Ba0. 9Nd0. 1TiO3 systems”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 506(2): 565-568, (2010).
[13] Xing, J., Radovic, M., & Muliana, A., “Thermal properties of BaTiO3/Ag composites at different temperatures”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 90, 287-301, (2016).
[14] Jacob, K. T., & Rajitha, G., “Thermodynamic properties of strontium titanates: Sr2TiO4, Sr3Ti2O7, Sr4Ti3O10, and SrTiO3”, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 43(1): 51-57, (2011).
[15] Chandel, Y. S., & Khare, P. S., “Lattice thermal conductivity of SrTiO3/TiO2 superlattice nanowires”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 618, (2015).
[16] Kuru, T., Yanalak, G., Sarilmaz, A., Aslan, E., Keles, A., Genc, M. T., ... & Ersoz, M., “Photodeposition of molybdenum sulfide on MTiO3 (M: Ba, Sr) perovskites for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 436, 114375, (2023).
[17] Akkaya, M., Sarilmaz, A., Balci, S., & Ozel, F., “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Refrigerating Performance for Hybrid Nanolubricants with Sepiolite Additives”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 37, 101576, (2023)
[18] Choi, T. J., Kim, D. J., Jang, S. P., Park, S., & Ko, S., “Effect of polyolester oil-based multiwalled carbon-nanotube nanolubricant on the coefficient of performance of refrigeration systems”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 192, 116941, (2021)
[19] Nadolny, Z., Dombek, G., Przybylek, P., & Przadka, D., “Thermal properties of mineral oil admixed with C 60 and TiO2 nanoparticles”, In 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) (pp. 538-541). IEEE, (2016, October).
[20] Pak, B.C., Cho, Y.I. “Hydrodynamic and heat transfer study of dispersed fluids with submicron metallic oxide particles”, Experimental Heat Transfer, 11(2): 151-170, (1998).
[22] O’Hanley, H., Buongiorno, J., McKrell,T., Hu, L.W. “Measurement and model validation of nanofluid specific heat capacity with differential scanning calorimetry”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 4: 181079, (2012).
[23] Maxwell, J. C. “A treatise on electricity and magnetism”, Clarendon Press, (1881).
The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants
In recent years, nanofluids have been used in heating systems and nanolubricants as working fluids in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. In the development of heat transfer properties, metal oxides and carbon-based compounds are mainly used in these suspensions. Often, nanolubricants are used, which are produced by combining several nanoparticles as a hybrid. In this context, the thermophysical properties of the hybrid nanolubricant BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO such as density, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and viscosity were calculated and compared. In the study, BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 nanoparticles were used as solid particles in the hybrid structure. The thermophysical properties of the nanoparticles in the nanolubricant were also investigated. The mixing ratio of the nanoparticles in the hybrid structure was 1:1, and the particle mass fraction in 100 ml of mineral oil (MO) was also set at 1.0%. When comparing the thermophysical properties of mono and hybrid nanolubricants, it was found that the performance of the hybrid structures was better for cooling systems.
[1] Sezer, N., Atieh, M. A., & Koç, M., “A comprehensive review on synthesis, stability, thermophysical properties, and characterization of nanofluids”, Powder Technology, 344, 404-431, (2019).
[2] Sözen, A., Gürü, M., Khanlari, A., & Çiftçi, E., “Experimental and numerical study on enhancement of heat transfer characteristics of a heat pipe utilizing aqueous clinoptilolite nanofluid”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 160, 114001, (2019).
[3] Apmann, K., Fulmer, R., Scherer, B., Good, S., Wohld, J., & Vafaei, S., “Nanofluid Heat Transfer: Enhancement of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Inside Microchannels”, Nanomaterials, 12(4): 615, (2022).
[4] Yılmaz Aydın, D., Çiftçi, E., Gürü, M., & Sözen, A., “The impacts of nanoparticle concentration and surfactant type on thermal performance of a thermosyphon heat pipe working with bauxite nanofluid”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 43(12): 1524-1548, (2021).
[5] Çiftçi, E., “Investigation of the thermophysical properties of AlN+ZnO/deionized water hybrid nanofluid”, International Journal of Energy Studies, 5(2): 57-69, (2020).
[6] Aljuwayhel, N. F., Ali, N., Ebrahim, S. A., & Bahman, A. M., “Experimental investigation of thermophysical properties, tribological properties and dispersion stability of nanodiamond-based nanolubricant for air conditioning systems”, International Journal of Refrigeration, 145, 325-337, (2023).
[7] Kamarulzaman, M. K., Hisham, S., Kadirgama, K., Ramasamy, D., Samykano, M., Saidur, R., & Yusaf, T., “Improving the thermophysical properties of hybrid nanocellulose-copper (II) oxide (CNC-CuO) as a lubricant additives: A novel nanolubricant for tribology application”, Fuel, 332, 126229, (2023).
[8] Bakhtiyar, N. K., Javadpour, R., Heris, S. Z., & Mohammadpourfard, M., “Improving the thermal characteristics of a cooling tower by replacing the operating fluid with functionalized and non-functionalized aqueous MWCNT nanofluids”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 39, 102422, (2022).
[9] Aydın, D. Y., Aydin, E., & Gürü, M., “The effects of particle mass fraction and static magnetic field on the thermal performance of NiFe2O4 nanofluid in a heat pipe”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 183, 107875, (2023).
[10] Tuncer, A. D., Khanlari, A., Sözen, A., Gürbüz, E. Y., & Variyenli, H. İ., “Upgrading the performance of shell and helically coiled heat exchangers with new flow path by using TiO2/water and CuO–TiO2/water nanofluids”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 183, 107831, (2023).
[11] Aytaç, I., CuO/su ve ZnO/su Nanoakışkanların Isı Borusu Performansına Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, 24(3): 963-971, (2021).
[12] Babu, R., Kandan, R., Jena, H., Kutty, K. G., & Nagarajan, K., “Calorimetric investigations on cubic BaTiO3 and Ba0. 9Nd0. 1TiO3 systems”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 506(2): 565-568, (2010).
[13] Xing, J., Radovic, M., & Muliana, A., “Thermal properties of BaTiO3/Ag composites at different temperatures”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 90, 287-301, (2016).
[14] Jacob, K. T., & Rajitha, G., “Thermodynamic properties of strontium titanates: Sr2TiO4, Sr3Ti2O7, Sr4Ti3O10, and SrTiO3”, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 43(1): 51-57, (2011).
[15] Chandel, Y. S., & Khare, P. S., “Lattice thermal conductivity of SrTiO3/TiO2 superlattice nanowires”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 618, (2015).
[16] Kuru, T., Yanalak, G., Sarilmaz, A., Aslan, E., Keles, A., Genc, M. T., ... & Ersoz, M., “Photodeposition of molybdenum sulfide on MTiO3 (M: Ba, Sr) perovskites for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 436, 114375, (2023).
[17] Akkaya, M., Sarilmaz, A., Balci, S., & Ozel, F., “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Refrigerating Performance for Hybrid Nanolubricants with Sepiolite Additives”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 37, 101576, (2023)
[18] Choi, T. J., Kim, D. J., Jang, S. P., Park, S., & Ko, S., “Effect of polyolester oil-based multiwalled carbon-nanotube nanolubricant on the coefficient of performance of refrigeration systems”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 192, 116941, (2021)
[19] Nadolny, Z., Dombek, G., Przybylek, P., & Przadka, D., “Thermal properties of mineral oil admixed with C 60 and TiO2 nanoparticles”, In 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) (pp. 538-541). IEEE, (2016, October).
[20] Pak, B.C., Cho, Y.I. “Hydrodynamic and heat transfer study of dispersed fluids with submicron metallic oxide particles”, Experimental Heat Transfer, 11(2): 151-170, (1998).
[22] O’Hanley, H., Buongiorno, J., McKrell,T., Hu, L.W. “Measurement and model validation of nanofluid specific heat capacity with differential scanning calorimetry”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 4: 181079, (2012).
[23] Maxwell, J. C. “A treatise on electricity and magnetism”, Clarendon Press, (1881).
Akkaya, M. (2023). The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants. Politeknik Dergisi, 26(1), 437-443.
Akkaya M. The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants. Politeknik Dergisi. Mart 2023;26(1):437-443. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1225173
Akkaya, Mustafa. “The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants”. Politeknik Dergisi 26, sy. 1 (Mart 2023): 437-43.
Akkaya M (01 Mart 2023) The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants. Politeknik Dergisi 26 1 437–443.
M. Akkaya, “The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants”, Politeknik Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, ss. 437–443, 2023, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1225173.
Akkaya, Mustafa. “The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants”. Politeknik Dergisi 26/1 (Mart 2023), 437-443.
Akkaya M. The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants. Politeknik Dergisi. 2023;26:437–443.
Akkaya, Mustafa. “The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants”. Politeknik Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 437-43, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1225173.
Akkaya M. The Probe of Thermophysical Properties for BaTiO3/SrTiO3@MO Hybrid Nanolubricants. Politeknik Dergisi. 2023;26(1):437-43.