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Uzay Lojistiği ve Risk: Uzay Araçları Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2025, ERKEN GÖRÜNÜM, 1 - 1


Uzayın bilinmezliği tarih boyunca merak uyandırmıştır. Uzayın sırlarının anlaşılabilmesi için gözlemlemek, ulaşmak (gitmek), araştırma yapmak ve geri dönmek uzay lojistiği unsurlarınca mümkün olmaktadır. Fakat sınırların olmadığı uzayda bilinmezlikler ve çeşitli riskler vardır. Araştırmanın amacı uzay lojistiğinin önemli bir unsuru olan uzay araçlarının karşılaştığı risklerin incelenmesidir. Araştırma ticari fırlatma faaliyetlerinde sıklıkla kullanılan Falcon 9 özelinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Havacılık ve Uzay alanında uzmanların katılımıyla elde edilen verilerin analizinde PLS-SEM yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın analizinde Smart PLS 4 programı kullanılmıştır. Bağımlı değişken process risks ile technical risks and environmental risks arasında anlamlı ve pozitif quality ile ise anlamlı ama negatif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Uzay lojistiği sürecinin en önemli süreçlerinden biri olan fırlatma ve taşıma faaliyetlerini etkileyen riskler kategorize edilip aralarındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Araştırmada kategorize edilen risklerin yanı sıra uzayın belirsizliklerinden dolayı önce görülmemiş riskler ile karşılaşılabilir. Uzay lojistiği hali hazırda dinamik ve gelişime açık bir alandır.


  • [1] Evans, William. "Logistics and supply chain management-a space operations enabler." SpaceOps 2006 Conference, (2006).
  • [2] Snead, James. "Architecting rapid growth in space logistics capabilities." 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, (2004).
  • [3] Shull, Sarah, et al. "The future of asset management for human space exploration: Supply classification and an integrated database." Space 2006. 7232, (2006).
  • [4] Cooper, Martha C., Douglas M. Lambert, and Janus D. Pagh. "Supply chain management: more than a new name for logistics." The international journal of logistics management 8:1 1-14, (1997).
  • [5] Bowersox, Donald J., et al. Supply chain logistics management, Mcgraw-hill, (2020).
  • [6] Baraniecka, Anna. "Space logistics-current status and perspectives." Transport Economics and Logistics 82: 67-78, (2019).
  • [7] Ishimatsu, Takuto, et al. "Generalized multicommodity network flow model for the earth–moon–mars logistics system." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 53:1, 25-38, (2016).
  • [8] Waters, Donald. Supply chain risk management: vulnerability and resilience in logistics. Kogan Page Publishers, (2011).
  • [9] Soylu, C., Uzay Keşif Lojistiği, (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir. (2018).
  • [10] NASA,, Access date:29.01.2024,(2024).
  • [11] Cracknell, Arthur P., and Costas A. Varotsos. "Editorial and cover: Fifty years after the first artificial satellite: from sputnik 1 to envisat." 2071-2072, (2007).
  • [12] LePage, Andrew J. "Sputnik 2: The First Animal in Orbit." Spaceviews 20 (1997).
  • [13] Hagen, John P. "The Viking and the Vanguard." Technology and Culture 4:4, 435-451, (1963).
  • [14] NASA,,of%20the%20International%20Geophysical%20Year, (2024), Access Date:30.01.2024
  • [15] Gagarin, Yuri. Soviet man in space. The Minerva Group, Inc., (2001).
  • [16] Zhang, Yaozhi, and Leran Wang. "Progress in space tourism studies: A systematic literature review." Tourism recreation research, 47:4 372-383, (2022).
  • [17] SpaceX, Access Date:15.01.2023, (2024).
  • [18] NASA,, Access Date:30.01.2024, (2024).
  • [19] Vaughan, Diane. "Theorizing disaster: Analogy, historical ethnography, and the Challenger accident." Ethnography, 5:3 315-347, (2004).
  • [20] Kauffman, James. "Lost in space: A critique of NASA's crisis communications in the Columbia disaster." Public Relations Review 31:2, 263-275, (2005).
  • [21] Wilkinson, Lydia. "Charting a course for effective scientific communication: Balancing accuracy and promotion around the Virgin Galactic crash." 2015 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC). IEEE, (2015).
  • [22] Reuters, Access Date: 14.03.2024, (2024).
  • [23] Galluzzi, Michael C. Interplanetary Supply Chain Risk Management. No. KSC-E-DAA-TN51809, (2018).
  • [24] Ustalı Koç, N., Tekin, M., Toraman, Y., and Merdivenci, F., "Küresel Risk Yönetim İndeksi Değerlendirmesi: Gri Tabanlı TOPSİS Yöntemi Uygulaması." Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2024).
  • [25] Shull, Mrs Sarah A., et al. "An integrated modeling tool for sustainable space exploration." 57th International Astronautical Congress, (2006).
  • [26] Cheng, Xing, Jifeng Guo, and Naigang Cui. "Space logistics development and future trend." 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. IEEE, (2009).
  • [27] NASA, Bryce and Space Technology. “SmallSat by the Numbers, 2023.” [Online] Accessed:September 28, 2023. Access Date:15.03.2024, (2024).
  • [28] Lee, G., Jordan, E., Shishko, R., de Weck, O., Armar, N., & Siddiqi, A. "SpaceNet: modeling and simulating space logistics." AIAA SPACE 2008 conference & exposition, (2008).
  • [29] Gralla, Erica L., and Olivier de Weck. "On-orbit assembly strategies for next-generation space exploration." 57th International Astronautical Congress, (2012).
  • [30] Kulu, Erik. "In-Space Economy in 2021–Statistical overview and classification of commercial entities." 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2021), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, (2021).
  • [31] Kulu, Erik. "In-Space Economy in 2023-Statistical Overview and Trends." 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2023), (2023).
  • [32] Access Date: 14.03.2024, (2024).
  • [33] Eugeni, M., Quercia, T., Bernabei, M., Boschetto, A., Costantino, F., Lampani, L., and Gaudenzi, P."An industry 4.0 approach to large scale production of satellite constellations. The case study of composite sandwich panel manufacturing." Acta Astronautica 192, 276-290, (2022).
  • [34] Starlink,, Access Date:28.12.2023, (2023).
  • [35] Seedhouse, Erik. "Falcon 9 and falcon heavy." SpaceX: Starship to Mars–The First 20 Years", Cham: Springer International Publishing, . 71-93. (2022).
  • [36] SpaceX, Access Date:15.01.2023, (2024).
  • [37] Choi, Tsan-Ming, Chun-Hung Chiu, and Hing-Kai Chan. "Risk management of logistics systems." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 90, 1-6, (2016).
  • [38] Manuj, Ila, and John T. Mentzer. "Global supply chain risk management." Journal of business logistics 29.1, 133-155, (2008).
  • [39] Chu, Chih-Yuan, Kijung Park, and Gül E. Kremer. "A global supply chain risk management framework: An application of text-mining to identify region-specific supply chain risks." Advanced Engineering Informatics 45, 101053, (2020).
  • [40] Panjehfouladgaran, Hamidreza, and Stanley Frederick WT Lim. "Reverse logistics risk management: identification, clustering and risk mitigation strategies." Management Decision 58:7 1449-1474, (2020).
  • [41] Ellegaard, Chris. "Supply risk management in a small company perspective." Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 13:6, 425-434, (2008).
  • [42] Yıldırım A, and Simsek H., "Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (11 baski: 1999-2018)." (1999).
  • [43] Kozak, M. Bilimsel araştırma: Tasarım, yazım ve yayım teknikleri, Detay Yayıncılık, (2014).
  • [44] Eastwood, Jonathan P. "The science of space weather." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 366:1884, 4489-4500, (2008).
  • [45] Baker, D. N., Erickson, P. J., Fennell, J. F., Foster, J. C., Jaynes, A. N., and Verronen, P. T. Space weather effects in the Earth’s radiation belts. Space Science Reviews, 214, 1-60, (2018).
  • [46] Rees, C. T., Ryden, K. A., Hands, A. D. P., & Clewer, B., Radiation risk assessment for varying space weather conditions for very high altitude'near space'tourism balloon flights. Journal of space safety engineering, 10:2, 197-207, (2023).
  • [47] Schaub, H., Jasper, L. E., Anderson, P. V., and McKnight, D. S."Cost and risk assessment for spacecraft operation decisions caused by the space debris environment." Acta Astronautica, 113 : 66-79. (2015).
  • [48] Altabbakh, H., Murray, S., Grantham, K., and Damle, S. "Variations in risk management models: a comparative study of the space shuttle challenger disasters." Engineering Management Journal 25:2 13-24, (2013).
  • [49] Somers, J. T., Scheuring, R., Granderson, B., Jones, J., Newby, N., and Gernhardt, M., "Defining NASA risk guidelines for capsule-based spacecraft occupant injuries resulting from launch, abort, and landing." NASA Technical Memorandum (2014).
  • [50] Seastrom, J. W., Peercy Jr, R. L., Johnson, G. W., Sotnikov, B. J., & Brukhanov, N., "Risk management in international manned space program operations." Acta Astronautica 54:4, 273-279, (2004).
  • [51] Fuchs, H., and J. W. Wohinz. "Risk management in logistics systems." Advances in Production Engineering & Management 4:4, 233-242, (2009).
  • [52] Merriam, S. B., Nitel Araştırma—Desen ve Uygulama İçin Bir Rehber (S. Turan, Çev.). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, (2018).
  • [53] Cockrell, J. J., Small Spacecraft Technology Program Guidebook for Technology Development Projects,, Access Date:31.07.2024, (2021).
  • [54] Kirov, B., K. Georgieva, and S. Asenovski. "Space weather and its effects on spacecraft charging." Fourteenth Workshop June, (2022).
  • [55] Schwenn, Rainer. "Space weather: The solar perspective." Living reviews in solar physics 3:1, 1-72. (2006).
  • [56] Liou, J. C., Hall, D. T., Krisko, P. H., & Opiela, J. N., "LEGEND–a three-dimensional LEO-to-GEO debris evolutionary model." Advances in Space Research 34:5 981-986, (2004).
  • [57] Fuentes, I. P., Bonetti, D., Letterio, F., de Miguel, G. V., Arnao, G. B., Palomo, P., and Kanzler, R., "Upgrade of ESA's debris risk assessment and mitigation analysis (DRAMA) tool: spacecraft entry survival analysis module." Acta Astronautica, 158, 148-160, (2019).
  • [58] Jones, Harry W. "NASA’s Understanding of Risk in Apollo and Shuttle." 2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, (2018).
  • [59] Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva, Artūras Aranskis, and Michail Litvinenko. "Consumer satisfaction with the quality of logistics services." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110, 330-340, (2014).
  • [60] Huma, S., Ahmed, W., Ikram, M., & Khawaja, M. I., "The effect of logistics service quality on customer loyalty: case of logistics service industry." South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 9:1, 43-61, (2020).
  • [61] Le, Duc Nha, Hong Thi Nguyen, and Phuc Hoang Truong. "Port logistics service quality and customer satisfaction: Empirical evidence from Vietnam." The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 36:2, 89-103, (2020).
  • [62] Hair, J. F., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M., and Ringle, C. M., "When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM." European business review 31:1, 2-24, (2019).
  • [63] Hair Jr, J. F., Howard, M. C., and Nitzl, C., "Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM using confirmatory composite analysis." Journal of business research, 109, 101-110, (2020).
  • [64] Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., and Sarstedt, M., PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19:2, 139-152. (2011).
  • [65] Tabachnick, Barbara G., Linda S. Fidell, and Jodie B. Ullman. Using multivariate statistics. Vol. 6. Boston, MA: pearson, (2013).
  • [66] Taherdoost, Hamed. "Development of an adoption model to assess user acceptance of e-service technology: E-Service Technology Acceptance Model." Behaviour & Information Technology 37:2, 173-197, (2018).
  • [67] Becker, J. M., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M., & Völckner, F., How collinearity affects mixture regression results. Marketing letters, 26, 643-659, (2015).
  • [68] Alnıpak, Serdar, and Yavuz Toraman. "Analysing the intention to use blockchain technology in payment transactions of Turkish maritime industry." Quality & Quantity, 58:3 2103-2123, (2024).
  • [69] Barmuta, Karine, Nina Rusakova, and Anastasia Malkhasyan. "Improving the method of analyzing risks of the company’s logistics processes." Transportation Research Procedia 63, 737-745, (2022).
  • [70] Huang, M., Tu, J., Chao, X., and Jin, D. Quality risk in logistics outsourcing: A fourth party logistics perspective. European Journal of Operational Research, 276:3, 855-879. (2019).

Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft

Yıl 2025, ERKEN GÖRÜNÜM, 1 - 1


The mysteries of space have aroused curiosity throughout history. To understand the secrets of space, it is possible to observe, reach (go), research, and return through the elements of space logistics. However, in space, where there are no boundaries, there are uncertainties and various risks. The purpose of the research is to examine the risks faced by space vehicles, an important element of space logistics. The research was conducted specifically on the Falcon 9, which is frequently used in commercial launch activities. The PLS-SEM method was used in the analysis of the data obtained with the participation of experts in the Aviation and Space field. Smart PLS 4 software was used in the analysis of the research. In the analysis of the research, a significant and positive relationship was found between the dependent variable process risks and technical risks and environmental risks, while a significant but negative relationship was found with quality. Risks affecting the launch and transportation activities, which are one of the most important processes of space logistics, were categorized, and their relationships were examined. In addition to the categorized risks in the research, due to the uncertainties of space, unprecedented risks can be encountered. Space logistics is currently a dynamic and open field for development.


  • [1] Evans, William. "Logistics and supply chain management-a space operations enabler." SpaceOps 2006 Conference, (2006).
  • [2] Snead, James. "Architecting rapid growth in space logistics capabilities." 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, (2004).
  • [3] Shull, Sarah, et al. "The future of asset management for human space exploration: Supply classification and an integrated database." Space 2006. 7232, (2006).
  • [4] Cooper, Martha C., Douglas M. Lambert, and Janus D. Pagh. "Supply chain management: more than a new name for logistics." The international journal of logistics management 8:1 1-14, (1997).
  • [5] Bowersox, Donald J., et al. Supply chain logistics management, Mcgraw-hill, (2020).
  • [6] Baraniecka, Anna. "Space logistics-current status and perspectives." Transport Economics and Logistics 82: 67-78, (2019).
  • [7] Ishimatsu, Takuto, et al. "Generalized multicommodity network flow model for the earth–moon–mars logistics system." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 53:1, 25-38, (2016).
  • [8] Waters, Donald. Supply chain risk management: vulnerability and resilience in logistics. Kogan Page Publishers, (2011).
  • [9] Soylu, C., Uzay Keşif Lojistiği, (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir. (2018).
  • [10] NASA,, Access date:29.01.2024,(2024).
  • [11] Cracknell, Arthur P., and Costas A. Varotsos. "Editorial and cover: Fifty years after the first artificial satellite: from sputnik 1 to envisat." 2071-2072, (2007).
  • [12] LePage, Andrew J. "Sputnik 2: The First Animal in Orbit." Spaceviews 20 (1997).
  • [13] Hagen, John P. "The Viking and the Vanguard." Technology and Culture 4:4, 435-451, (1963).
  • [14] NASA,,of%20the%20International%20Geophysical%20Year, (2024), Access Date:30.01.2024
  • [15] Gagarin, Yuri. Soviet man in space. The Minerva Group, Inc., (2001).
  • [16] Zhang, Yaozhi, and Leran Wang. "Progress in space tourism studies: A systematic literature review." Tourism recreation research, 47:4 372-383, (2022).
  • [17] SpaceX, Access Date:15.01.2023, (2024).
  • [18] NASA,, Access Date:30.01.2024, (2024).
  • [19] Vaughan, Diane. "Theorizing disaster: Analogy, historical ethnography, and the Challenger accident." Ethnography, 5:3 315-347, (2004).
  • [20] Kauffman, James. "Lost in space: A critique of NASA's crisis communications in the Columbia disaster." Public Relations Review 31:2, 263-275, (2005).
  • [21] Wilkinson, Lydia. "Charting a course for effective scientific communication: Balancing accuracy and promotion around the Virgin Galactic crash." 2015 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC). IEEE, (2015).
  • [22] Reuters, Access Date: 14.03.2024, (2024).
  • [23] Galluzzi, Michael C. Interplanetary Supply Chain Risk Management. No. KSC-E-DAA-TN51809, (2018).
  • [24] Ustalı Koç, N., Tekin, M., Toraman, Y., and Merdivenci, F., "Küresel Risk Yönetim İndeksi Değerlendirmesi: Gri Tabanlı TOPSİS Yöntemi Uygulaması." Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2024).
  • [25] Shull, Mrs Sarah A., et al. "An integrated modeling tool for sustainable space exploration." 57th International Astronautical Congress, (2006).
  • [26] Cheng, Xing, Jifeng Guo, and Naigang Cui. "Space logistics development and future trend." 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. IEEE, (2009).
  • [27] NASA, Bryce and Space Technology. “SmallSat by the Numbers, 2023.” [Online] Accessed:September 28, 2023. Access Date:15.03.2024, (2024).
  • [28] Lee, G., Jordan, E., Shishko, R., de Weck, O., Armar, N., & Siddiqi, A. "SpaceNet: modeling and simulating space logistics." AIAA SPACE 2008 conference & exposition, (2008).
  • [29] Gralla, Erica L., and Olivier de Weck. "On-orbit assembly strategies for next-generation space exploration." 57th International Astronautical Congress, (2012).
  • [30] Kulu, Erik. "In-Space Economy in 2021–Statistical overview and classification of commercial entities." 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2021), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, (2021).
  • [31] Kulu, Erik. "In-Space Economy in 2023-Statistical Overview and Trends." 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2023), (2023).
  • [32] Access Date: 14.03.2024, (2024).
  • [33] Eugeni, M., Quercia, T., Bernabei, M., Boschetto, A., Costantino, F., Lampani, L., and Gaudenzi, P."An industry 4.0 approach to large scale production of satellite constellations. The case study of composite sandwich panel manufacturing." Acta Astronautica 192, 276-290, (2022).
  • [34] Starlink,, Access Date:28.12.2023, (2023).
  • [35] Seedhouse, Erik. "Falcon 9 and falcon heavy." SpaceX: Starship to Mars–The First 20 Years", Cham: Springer International Publishing, . 71-93. (2022).
  • [36] SpaceX, Access Date:15.01.2023, (2024).
  • [37] Choi, Tsan-Ming, Chun-Hung Chiu, and Hing-Kai Chan. "Risk management of logistics systems." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 90, 1-6, (2016).
  • [38] Manuj, Ila, and John T. Mentzer. "Global supply chain risk management." Journal of business logistics 29.1, 133-155, (2008).
  • [39] Chu, Chih-Yuan, Kijung Park, and Gül E. Kremer. "A global supply chain risk management framework: An application of text-mining to identify region-specific supply chain risks." Advanced Engineering Informatics 45, 101053, (2020).
  • [40] Panjehfouladgaran, Hamidreza, and Stanley Frederick WT Lim. "Reverse logistics risk management: identification, clustering and risk mitigation strategies." Management Decision 58:7 1449-1474, (2020).
  • [41] Ellegaard, Chris. "Supply risk management in a small company perspective." Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 13:6, 425-434, (2008).
  • [42] Yıldırım A, and Simsek H., "Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (11 baski: 1999-2018)." (1999).
  • [43] Kozak, M. Bilimsel araştırma: Tasarım, yazım ve yayım teknikleri, Detay Yayıncılık, (2014).
  • [44] Eastwood, Jonathan P. "The science of space weather." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 366:1884, 4489-4500, (2008).
  • [45] Baker, D. N., Erickson, P. J., Fennell, J. F., Foster, J. C., Jaynes, A. N., and Verronen, P. T. Space weather effects in the Earth’s radiation belts. Space Science Reviews, 214, 1-60, (2018).
  • [46] Rees, C. T., Ryden, K. A., Hands, A. D. P., & Clewer, B., Radiation risk assessment for varying space weather conditions for very high altitude'near space'tourism balloon flights. Journal of space safety engineering, 10:2, 197-207, (2023).
  • [47] Schaub, H., Jasper, L. E., Anderson, P. V., and McKnight, D. S."Cost and risk assessment for spacecraft operation decisions caused by the space debris environment." Acta Astronautica, 113 : 66-79. (2015).
  • [48] Altabbakh, H., Murray, S., Grantham, K., and Damle, S. "Variations in risk management models: a comparative study of the space shuttle challenger disasters." Engineering Management Journal 25:2 13-24, (2013).
  • [49] Somers, J. T., Scheuring, R., Granderson, B., Jones, J., Newby, N., and Gernhardt, M., "Defining NASA risk guidelines for capsule-based spacecraft occupant injuries resulting from launch, abort, and landing." NASA Technical Memorandum (2014).
  • [50] Seastrom, J. W., Peercy Jr, R. L., Johnson, G. W., Sotnikov, B. J., & Brukhanov, N., "Risk management in international manned space program operations." Acta Astronautica 54:4, 273-279, (2004).
  • [51] Fuchs, H., and J. W. Wohinz. "Risk management in logistics systems." Advances in Production Engineering & Management 4:4, 233-242, (2009).
  • [52] Merriam, S. B., Nitel Araştırma—Desen ve Uygulama İçin Bir Rehber (S. Turan, Çev.). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, (2018).
  • [53] Cockrell, J. J., Small Spacecraft Technology Program Guidebook for Technology Development Projects,, Access Date:31.07.2024, (2021).
  • [54] Kirov, B., K. Georgieva, and S. Asenovski. "Space weather and its effects on spacecraft charging." Fourteenth Workshop June, (2022).
  • [55] Schwenn, Rainer. "Space weather: The solar perspective." Living reviews in solar physics 3:1, 1-72. (2006).
  • [56] Liou, J. C., Hall, D. T., Krisko, P. H., & Opiela, J. N., "LEGEND–a three-dimensional LEO-to-GEO debris evolutionary model." Advances in Space Research 34:5 981-986, (2004).
  • [57] Fuentes, I. P., Bonetti, D., Letterio, F., de Miguel, G. V., Arnao, G. B., Palomo, P., and Kanzler, R., "Upgrade of ESA's debris risk assessment and mitigation analysis (DRAMA) tool: spacecraft entry survival analysis module." Acta Astronautica, 158, 148-160, (2019).
  • [58] Jones, Harry W. "NASA’s Understanding of Risk in Apollo and Shuttle." 2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, (2018).
  • [59] Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva, Artūras Aranskis, and Michail Litvinenko. "Consumer satisfaction with the quality of logistics services." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110, 330-340, (2014).
  • [60] Huma, S., Ahmed, W., Ikram, M., & Khawaja, M. I., "The effect of logistics service quality on customer loyalty: case of logistics service industry." South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 9:1, 43-61, (2020).
  • [61] Le, Duc Nha, Hong Thi Nguyen, and Phuc Hoang Truong. "Port logistics service quality and customer satisfaction: Empirical evidence from Vietnam." The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 36:2, 89-103, (2020).
  • [62] Hair, J. F., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M., and Ringle, C. M., "When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM." European business review 31:1, 2-24, (2019).
  • [63] Hair Jr, J. F., Howard, M. C., and Nitzl, C., "Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM using confirmatory composite analysis." Journal of business research, 109, 101-110, (2020).
  • [64] Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., and Sarstedt, M., PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19:2, 139-152. (2011).
  • [65] Tabachnick, Barbara G., Linda S. Fidell, and Jodie B. Ullman. Using multivariate statistics. Vol. 6. Boston, MA: pearson, (2013).
  • [66] Taherdoost, Hamed. "Development of an adoption model to assess user acceptance of e-service technology: E-Service Technology Acceptance Model." Behaviour & Information Technology 37:2, 173-197, (2018).
  • [67] Becker, J. M., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M., & Völckner, F., How collinearity affects mixture regression results. Marketing letters, 26, 643-659, (2015).
  • [68] Alnıpak, Serdar, and Yavuz Toraman. "Analysing the intention to use blockchain technology in payment transactions of Turkish maritime industry." Quality & Quantity, 58:3 2103-2123, (2024).
  • [69] Barmuta, Karine, Nina Rusakova, and Anastasia Malkhasyan. "Improving the method of analyzing risks of the company’s logistics processes." Transportation Research Procedia 63, 737-745, (2022).
  • [70] Huang, M., Tu, J., Chao, X., and Jin, D. Quality risk in logistics outsourcing: A fourth party logistics perspective. European Journal of Operational Research, 276:3, 855-879. (2019).
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hava-Uzay Ulaşımı
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Yavuz Toraman 0000-0002-5196-1499

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 ERKEN GÖRÜNÜM

Kaynak Göster

APA Toraman, Y. (2024). Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft. Politeknik Dergisi1-1.
AMA Toraman Y. Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft. Politeknik Dergisi. Published online 01 Ağustos 2024:1-1. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1472919
Chicago Toraman, Yavuz. “Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft”. Politeknik Dergisi, Ağustos (Ağustos 2024), 1-1.
EndNote Toraman Y (01 Ağustos 2024) Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft. Politeknik Dergisi 1–1.
IEEE Y. Toraman, “Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft”, Politeknik Dergisi, ss. 1–1, Ağustos 2024, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1472919.
ISNAD Toraman, Yavuz. “Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft”. Politeknik Dergisi. Ağustos 2024. 1-1.
JAMA Toraman Y. Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024;:1–1.
MLA Toraman, Yavuz. “Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft”. Politeknik Dergisi, 2024, ss. 1-1, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1472919.
Vancouver Toraman Y. Space Logistics and Risks: A Study on Spacecraft. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024:1-.
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