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Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process

Yıl 2025, ERKEN GÖRÜNÜM, 1 - 1


Normally, a cutting tools are directly used by assembling on the CNC turning machines. The position of the tool is not controlled relative to the centre of the work piece. It is assumed that the cutting tools are manufactured in standard sizes. However, the cutting tool composed of many parts, such as insert, shim and holder, etc. These parts can be manufactured by many firms in universal tolerances. In this study, turning tests were carried out to investigate the effects of the height of the cutter’s tip from the machined work piece axis. AISI 304 stainless steel material was turned by using carbide inserts, negative rake angle, on a CNC lathe. The inserts were tested for three levels, such as, at the work piece axis (0 mm), above of the work piece axis (+0.5 mm) and below of the work piece axis (-0.5 mm). In the experiments, three different cutting speeds (100, 150, and 225 m/min), three different feed rates (0.15, 0.25 and 0.35 mm/rev), three different depths of cut (0.8, 1.3 and 2 mm) and two different insert radius (0.4 and 0.8 mm) were preferred for the cutting parameters. L36 model, which is an option in Taguchi method, were selected to perform the tests. Surface roughness, circularity and cylindricity on the machined surfaceses were controlled. The results were evaluated by Taguchi and ANOVA analyses. The results figured out that the height of the cutting tool affected the geometries of the machined surface. The rate of the effects is 1.37% on the surface roughness, 10.89% on the circularity deviation and 4.49% on the cylindricity deviation. The H:-0.5 lead to have a positive impact on surface roughness for increasing of the feed rate and the radius of the tip. Moreover, the H:-0.5 provided to decrease the cylindricity deviation while rising of the feed rate.


  • [1] Akkurt M. “Talaş Kaldırma Yöntemleri ve Takım Tezgahları”, Birsen, İstanbul, (2000).
  • [2] Sahin Y., “Talaş kaldırma presipleri”, Gazi, Ankara, (2003).
  • [3] Asal Ö, Dilipak H, Yalçinkaya A, Unal S. “Modeling With Anfis Of Surface Roughness Using Minimum Quantity Lubrication Technique In Milling Process”, International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 5(2): 162-170, (2021).
  • [4] Gokkaya H, Sur G, Dilipak H., “The Experimental Investigation Of The Effects Of Uncoated Cementit Carbide Insert And Cutting Parameters On Surface Roughness”, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(1): 59-64, (2006).
  • [5] Kayır Y, Aytürk A., “Investigation of Machinability Characteristics of AISI 316Ti Stainless Steel”, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1): 61-71, (2012).
  • [6] Degarmo E.P, Black J.T, Kohser A.R. “Materials and Processing in Manufacturing”, Macmilan Publishing Company, USA, (1988).
  • [7] Groover M. P., “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing”, New Jersey: Wiley, (1996).
  • [8] Demirer E, Kayir Y., “AISI304 Paslanmaz Çeliğin Tornalamasında Kesici Takım Yükseklik Ayarının Kesme Kuvvetlerine Etkisinin Taguchi Ve ANOVA Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Gazi Journal Of Engineering Sciences, 8(1): 74 - 88, (2022).
  • [9] Sourabh P, Bandyopadhyay PP, Paul S., “Minimisation of specific cutting energy and back force in turning of AISI 1060 steel”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 232(11): (2017).
  • [10] Sadredine A, Nouredine O., “Experimental study of the combined influence of the tool geometry parameters on the cutting forces and tool vibrations”, Int J Adv Manuf Technology, (2015).
  • [11] Lata S, Hitesh. A., “Design Insight for Substitution of Metal Shims with Reverse Engineered Element in Tool Post for Alignment of Tool-Work Center”, European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3(1):114-129, (2020).
  • [12] Jana D. R, Mandal T., “Mathematical Calculation of Effects on Tool Setting on Tool Cutting Angle”, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers, March. 19-21, (2008).
  • [13] Fang D, Lee N. J. A., “new tooling mechanism for CNC lathes”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41: 89-101, (2001).
  • [14] Bono M, Hibbard R. “A flexure-based tool holder for sub-µm positioning of a single point cutting tool on a four-axis lathe”, Precision Engineering, 31(2):169-176, (2007).
  • [15] Ma T., “A Height Adjustable Tool Holder”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 496(1): 873-876, (2014).
  • [16] Shaw, M. “Metal cutting principles. 2nd ed”, Oxford University Press, New York, (2005).
  • [17] Chanthana D, Tangjitsitcharoen S A. “Study of Relation between Roundness and Cutting Force in CNC Turning Process”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 799(800): 366-371, (2015).
  • [18] Wang M, Cheraghi S H, Masud A M. “Circularity error evaluation theory and algorithm”, Precision Engineering, 23(3): 164-176, (1999).
  • [19] Görög A. “Number of Points for Roundness Measurement - Measured Results Comparison”, Research Papers Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, 19(30): 19-24, (2011).
  • [20] Pınar A. M, Güllü A. “Examination of the Methods Used in Circularity Error Measurement”, Journal of Polytechnic, 10(2): 137-144, (2007).
  • [21] Mavi A. “Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters Affecting the Surface Form Properties in the Ductile Stainless Steels with Gray Relational Analysis Method”, Gazi University Journal Of Science Part C: Desıgn And Technology, 6(3): 634-643, (2018).
  • [22] Engineer Essentials LLC.; [accessed 10.02. 2023].
  • [23] Keencuteer Tools Store.; 2022 [accessed 25.06.2023].
  • [24] Demirer E. “The Effect Of Cutting Tool Height Setting On Geometric Tolerances, Surface Roughness And Cutting Forces In Turning AISI 304 Stainless Steel”, MSc Thesis, University of Gazi, Turkey, (2022).
  • [25] Korloy Cutting Tools Catalogue.; [accessed 05.01. 2022].
  • [26] Montgomery, D. C. “Design and Analysis of Experiments (Eight edition)”, New York: Wiley, (2013).
  • [27] Yurdakul, M., Güneş, S., İç, Y. T., “Improvement Of The Surface Quality In The Honing Process Usıng Taguchi Method”, Journal Of The Faculty Of Engineering And Architecture Of Gazi Unıversity, 31(2): 347-360, (2016).
  • [28] Asiltürk İ, Akkuş, H. “Determining the effect of cutting parameters on surface roughness in hard turning using the Taguchi method”, Measurement, 44(9): 1697-1704, (2011).
  • [29] Negrete C C., “Optimization of cutting parameters for minimizing energy consumption in turning of AISI 6061 T6 using Taguchi methodology and ANOVA”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 53(1): 1-9, (2013).
  • [30] Debnath S, Reddy M M, Yi Q S., “Influence of cutting fluid conditions and cutting parameters on surface roughness and tool wear in turning process using Taguchi method”, Measurement, 1(78): 111-119, (2015).
  • [31] Sayeed Ahmed G M., Quadri S H, Mohiuddin M S., “Optimization of feed and radial force in turning process by using Taguchi design approach”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4): 3277-3285, (2015).
  • [32] Günay M., “Optimization with Taguchi method of cutting parameters and tool noise radius in machining of AISI 316l Steel”, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 28(3): 437-444, (2013).
  • [33] Kayir Y, Aslan S, Aytürk, A., “Analyzing the effects of cutting tools geometry on the Ttrning of AISI 316Ti stainles steel witth Taguchi method”, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 28(2): 363-372, (2014).
  • [34] Rao V D, Mahaboob S R, Saqheed K Z., “Multi-objective optimization of cutting parameters in CNC turning of stainless steel 304 with TiAlN nano coated tool”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(1): 25789–25797, (2018).
  • [35] Kopac J, Bahor M, Mater J., “Interaction of the technological history of a workpiece material and the machining parameters on the desired quality of the surface roughness of a product”, Process. Tech. 92(93): 381–387, (1999).
  • [36] Faraway J J. “Practical Regression and Anova using R”, Bath: University of Bath, (2002).
  • [37] Kul S. “Interpretatıon of statistical results: What Is P value and confıdence interval?” Bulletin of Pleura-Plevra. 8(1): 11-13, (2014).
  • [38] Hadi Y A, Varghese S. and Ibrahim A A. “Effects Of Machining Parameters In Turnıng On Roundness Error Of Machined Components”, International Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology, 2(1): 55-68, (2009).
  • [39] Rico L, Naranjo A, Noriega S, et al. “Effect of cutting parameters on the roundness of cylindrical bars turned of 1018 steel”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Burgos, Spain, (2010).

Tornalama işleminde Kesici bağlama yüksekliğinin geometrik toleranslar için değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2025, ERKEN GÖRÜNÜM, 1 - 1


Normalde kesici takımlar doğrudan CNC torna tezgahlarına takılarak kullanılır. Takım ucunun konumu, iş parçasının merkezine göre kontrol edilmez. Çünkü, kesici takımların standart ölçülerde üretildiği varsayılmaktadır. Ancak, bir kesici takım, kesici uç, altlık, tutucu gibi birçok parçadan oluşmaktadır. Bu parçalar farklı firmalar tarafından üretilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada kesici uç yüksekliğinin işlenen iş parçası eksenine göre etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla tornalama testleri yapılmıştır. AISI 304 paslanmaz çelik malzeme CNC torna tezgahında negatif eğim açısına sahip karbür uçlar kullanılarak tornalanmıştır. Uçlar, iş parçası ekseninde (0 mm), iş parçası ekseninin üstünde (+0,5 mm) ve iş parçası ekseninin altında (-0,5 mm) olmak üzere üç seviyede test edilmiştir. Deneylerde üç farklı kesme hızı (100, 150 ve 225 m/dak), üç farklı ilerleme hızı (0.15, 0.25 ve 0.35 mm/dev), üç farklı kesme derinliği (0.8, 1.3 ve 2 mm) ve iki farklı kesici uç radyusları (0.4 ve 0,,.8 mm) tercih edilmiştir. Testlerin gerçekleştirilmesi için Taguchi yönteminde bir seçenek olan L36 modeli seçilmiştir. İşlenen yüzeylerde yüzey pürüzlülüğü, dairesellik ve silindiriklik kontrol edilmiştir. Sonuçlar Taguchi ve ANOVA analizleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar kesici takım yüksekliğinin işlenmiş yüzeyin geometrisini etkilediğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Etkilerin oranı yüzey pürüzlülüğünde %1.37, dairesellik sapması üzerinde %10.89 ve silindiriklik sapması üzerinde %4.49'dur. H:-0.5, ilerleme hızının ve kesici uç yarıçapının arttırılması durumunda yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca H:-0.5, ilerleme hızının arttırılması ile silindiriklik sapmasının azalmasını sağlamıştır.


  • [1] Akkurt M. “Talaş Kaldırma Yöntemleri ve Takım Tezgahları”, Birsen, İstanbul, (2000).
  • [2] Sahin Y., “Talaş kaldırma presipleri”, Gazi, Ankara, (2003).
  • [3] Asal Ö, Dilipak H, Yalçinkaya A, Unal S. “Modeling With Anfis Of Surface Roughness Using Minimum Quantity Lubrication Technique In Milling Process”, International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 5(2): 162-170, (2021).
  • [4] Gokkaya H, Sur G, Dilipak H., “The Experimental Investigation Of The Effects Of Uncoated Cementit Carbide Insert And Cutting Parameters On Surface Roughness”, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(1): 59-64, (2006).
  • [5] Kayır Y, Aytürk A., “Investigation of Machinability Characteristics of AISI 316Ti Stainless Steel”, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1): 61-71, (2012).
  • [6] Degarmo E.P, Black J.T, Kohser A.R. “Materials and Processing in Manufacturing”, Macmilan Publishing Company, USA, (1988).
  • [7] Groover M. P., “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing”, New Jersey: Wiley, (1996).
  • [8] Demirer E, Kayir Y., “AISI304 Paslanmaz Çeliğin Tornalamasında Kesici Takım Yükseklik Ayarının Kesme Kuvvetlerine Etkisinin Taguchi Ve ANOVA Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Gazi Journal Of Engineering Sciences, 8(1): 74 - 88, (2022).
  • [9] Sourabh P, Bandyopadhyay PP, Paul S., “Minimisation of specific cutting energy and back force in turning of AISI 1060 steel”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 232(11): (2017).
  • [10] Sadredine A, Nouredine O., “Experimental study of the combined influence of the tool geometry parameters on the cutting forces and tool vibrations”, Int J Adv Manuf Technology, (2015).
  • [11] Lata S, Hitesh. A., “Design Insight for Substitution of Metal Shims with Reverse Engineered Element in Tool Post for Alignment of Tool-Work Center”, European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3(1):114-129, (2020).
  • [12] Jana D. R, Mandal T., “Mathematical Calculation of Effects on Tool Setting on Tool Cutting Angle”, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers, March. 19-21, (2008).
  • [13] Fang D, Lee N. J. A., “new tooling mechanism for CNC lathes”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41: 89-101, (2001).
  • [14] Bono M, Hibbard R. “A flexure-based tool holder for sub-µm positioning of a single point cutting tool on a four-axis lathe”, Precision Engineering, 31(2):169-176, (2007).
  • [15] Ma T., “A Height Adjustable Tool Holder”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 496(1): 873-876, (2014).
  • [16] Shaw, M. “Metal cutting principles. 2nd ed”, Oxford University Press, New York, (2005).
  • [17] Chanthana D, Tangjitsitcharoen S A. “Study of Relation between Roundness and Cutting Force in CNC Turning Process”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 799(800): 366-371, (2015).
  • [18] Wang M, Cheraghi S H, Masud A M. “Circularity error evaluation theory and algorithm”, Precision Engineering, 23(3): 164-176, (1999).
  • [19] Görög A. “Number of Points for Roundness Measurement - Measured Results Comparison”, Research Papers Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, 19(30): 19-24, (2011).
  • [20] Pınar A. M, Güllü A. “Examination of the Methods Used in Circularity Error Measurement”, Journal of Polytechnic, 10(2): 137-144, (2007).
  • [21] Mavi A. “Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters Affecting the Surface Form Properties in the Ductile Stainless Steels with Gray Relational Analysis Method”, Gazi University Journal Of Science Part C: Desıgn And Technology, 6(3): 634-643, (2018).
  • [22] Engineer Essentials LLC.; [accessed 10.02. 2023].
  • [23] Keencuteer Tools Store.; 2022 [accessed 25.06.2023].
  • [24] Demirer E. “The Effect Of Cutting Tool Height Setting On Geometric Tolerances, Surface Roughness And Cutting Forces In Turning AISI 304 Stainless Steel”, MSc Thesis, University of Gazi, Turkey, (2022).
  • [25] Korloy Cutting Tools Catalogue.; [accessed 05.01. 2022].
  • [26] Montgomery, D. C. “Design and Analysis of Experiments (Eight edition)”, New York: Wiley, (2013).
  • [27] Yurdakul, M., Güneş, S., İç, Y. T., “Improvement Of The Surface Quality In The Honing Process Usıng Taguchi Method”, Journal Of The Faculty Of Engineering And Architecture Of Gazi Unıversity, 31(2): 347-360, (2016).
  • [28] Asiltürk İ, Akkuş, H. “Determining the effect of cutting parameters on surface roughness in hard turning using the Taguchi method”, Measurement, 44(9): 1697-1704, (2011).
  • [29] Negrete C C., “Optimization of cutting parameters for minimizing energy consumption in turning of AISI 6061 T6 using Taguchi methodology and ANOVA”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 53(1): 1-9, (2013).
  • [30] Debnath S, Reddy M M, Yi Q S., “Influence of cutting fluid conditions and cutting parameters on surface roughness and tool wear in turning process using Taguchi method”, Measurement, 1(78): 111-119, (2015).
  • [31] Sayeed Ahmed G M., Quadri S H, Mohiuddin M S., “Optimization of feed and radial force in turning process by using Taguchi design approach”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4): 3277-3285, (2015).
  • [32] Günay M., “Optimization with Taguchi method of cutting parameters and tool noise radius in machining of AISI 316l Steel”, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 28(3): 437-444, (2013).
  • [33] Kayir Y, Aslan S, Aytürk, A., “Analyzing the effects of cutting tools geometry on the Ttrning of AISI 316Ti stainles steel witth Taguchi method”, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 28(2): 363-372, (2014).
  • [34] Rao V D, Mahaboob S R, Saqheed K Z., “Multi-objective optimization of cutting parameters in CNC turning of stainless steel 304 with TiAlN nano coated tool”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(1): 25789–25797, (2018).
  • [35] Kopac J, Bahor M, Mater J., “Interaction of the technological history of a workpiece material and the machining parameters on the desired quality of the surface roughness of a product”, Process. Tech. 92(93): 381–387, (1999).
  • [36] Faraway J J. “Practical Regression and Anova using R”, Bath: University of Bath, (2002).
  • [37] Kul S. “Interpretatıon of statistical results: What Is P value and confıdence interval?” Bulletin of Pleura-Plevra. 8(1): 11-13, (2014).
  • [38] Hadi Y A, Varghese S. and Ibrahim A A. “Effects Of Machining Parameters In Turnıng On Roundness Error Of Machined Components”, International Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology, 2(1): 55-68, (2009).
  • [39] Rico L, Naranjo A, Noriega S, et al. “Effect of cutting parameters on the roundness of cylindrical bars turned of 1018 steel”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Burgos, Spain, (2010).
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İmalat Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Yunus Kayır 0000-0001-6793-7103

Ercan Demirer 0000-0001-5265-7854

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 8 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 ERKEN GÖRÜNÜM

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayır, Y., & Demirer, E. (2024). Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process. Politeknik Dergisi1-1.
AMA Kayır Y, Demirer E. Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process. Politeknik Dergisi. Published online 01 Ağustos 2024:1-1. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1490439
Chicago Kayır, Yunus, ve Ercan Demirer. “Evaluation of the Tool Height for Geometric Tolerances in Turning Process”. Politeknik Dergisi, Ağustos (Ağustos 2024), 1-1.
EndNote Kayır Y, Demirer E (01 Ağustos 2024) Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process. Politeknik Dergisi 1–1.
IEEE Y. Kayır ve E. Demirer, “Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process”, Politeknik Dergisi, ss. 1–1, Ağustos 2024, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1490439.
ISNAD Kayır, Yunus - Demirer, Ercan. “Evaluation of the Tool Height for Geometric Tolerances in Turning Process”. Politeknik Dergisi. Ağustos 2024. 1-1.
JAMA Kayır Y, Demirer E. Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024;:1–1.
MLA Kayır, Yunus ve Ercan Demirer. “Evaluation of the Tool Height for Geometric Tolerances in Turning Process”. Politeknik Dergisi, 2024, ss. 1-1, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1490439.
Vancouver Kayır Y, Demirer E. Evaluation of the tool height for geometric tolerances in turning process. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024:1-.
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